IDT CPS-16, CPS-12, CPS-8 User Manual

IDT CPS-16/12/8
Central Packet Switch
User Manual
Revision 1.5
July 10, 2012
Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (“IDT”) reserves the right to make changes to its products or specifications at any time, without notice, in order to improve design or perfor­mance. IDT does not assume responsibility for use of any circuitry described herein other than the circuitry embodied in an IDT product. Disclosure of the information herein does not convey a license or any other right, by implication or otherwise, in any patent, trademark, or other intellectual property right of IDT. IDT products may contain errata which can affect product performance to a minor or immaterial degree. Current characterized errata will be made available upon request. Items identified herein as “reserved” or “undefined” are reserved for future definition. IDT does not assume responsibility for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from the future definition of such items. IDT products have not been designed, tested, or manufactured for use in, and thus are not warranted for, applications where the failure, malfunction, or any inaccuracy in the application carries a risk of death, serious bodily injury, or damage to tangible property. Code examples provided herein by IDT are for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon for developing applications. Any use of such code examples shall be at the user's sole risk.
Copyright © 2012 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The IDT logo is registered to Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IDT and CPS are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc.


1 Device Overview.......................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Device Description.......................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Key Features................................................................................................................1-2
1.3 Additional Resources...................................................................................................1-2
1.4 Block Diagram..............................................................................................................1-3
1.5 Application Example: The Wireless Basestation..........................................................1-4
1.6 Functional Overview ....................................................................................................1-5
1.7 Functional Differences with PPS-Gen2 (80KSW0001) ................................................ 1-5
2 sRIO Ports ................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 sRIO Port Definition .....................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Trace Function.............................................................................................................2-3
2.3 Packet Filtering ............................................................................................................2-7
2.4 Software Assisted Error Recovery ...............................................................................2-7
3 Switch Description ....................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Conceptual Functionality..............................................................................................3-1
3.2 Switching Block and Elements.....................................................................................3-1
3.3 Switch Description .......................................................................................................3-2
3.4 Switching Scheduler and Priorities ..............................................................................3-3
3.5 Flow Control and Congestion Management.................................................................3-5
4 I2C Interface .............................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Master/Slave Configuration..........................................................................................4-1
4.3 Temporary Master Mode..............................................................................................4-1
4.4 Slave Mode..................................................................................................................4-7
5 Error Management....................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Error Management Functional Architecture ................................................................5-1
6 JTAG & Boundary Scan............................................................................................................6-1
6.1 JTAG and AC Extest Compliance................................................................................6-1
6.2 Test Instructions ...........................................................................................................6-1
6.3 Device ID Register.......................................................................................................6-2
6.4 Initialization and Reset.................................................................................................6-2
6.5 Configuration Register Access.....................................................................................6-2
6.6 Boundary Scan ............................................................................................................6-3
7 Reference Clock .......................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Reference Clock Specification .....................................................................................7-1
7.2 PLL...............................................................................................................................7-1
8 Programming the Device..........................................................................................................8-1
8.1 Device Access .............................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Route Tables ................................................................................................................8-3
8.3 Device Programming ...................................................................................................8-9
8.4 Example of Programming ..........................................................................................8-12
8.5 Optional API Calls......................................................................................................8-13
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IDT Table of Contents
9 Reset & Initialization.................................................................................................................9-1
9.1 Registers...................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Initialization Steps........................................................................................................9-2
9.3 Initialization of RIO Ports .............................................................................................9-2
9.4 RIO System Bring Up...................................................................................................9-2
9.5 Serdes Initialization......................................................................................................9-2
10 Registers ...............................................................................................................................10-1
10.1 RapidIO Compliance..................................................................................................10-1
10.2 Register Type Field Definitions..................................................................................10-1
10.3 Address Map..............................................................................................................10-2
10.4 Rapid IO Registers.....................................................................................................10-8
10.5 RIO extended feature registeR ................................................................................10-19
10.6 IDT Specific sRIO Extended Feature Set ................................................................10-24
10.7 Routing Table Registers ........................................................................................... 10-25
10.8 Trace Registers........................................................................................................10-26
10.9 Global Configuration Registers................................................................................ 10-31
10.10 Multicast Registers...................................................................................................10-38
10.11 Switching Port Registers.......................................................................................... 10-40
10.12 Error Registers......................................................................................................... 10-47
10.13 QUAD Control Registers..........................................................................................10-52
11 References ............................................................................................................................11-1
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Figure 1.1 Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................1-3
Figure 1.2 CPS Interconnect..............................................................................................................1-4
Figure 1.3 Application Overview ........................................................................................................1-4
Figure 2.1 Trace Matching Criteria ....................................................................................................2-4
Figure 2.2 Illustration of the Trace Function within a Given Port .......................................................2-5
Figure 3.1 CPS Switch Core Block Diagram......................................................................................3-1
Figure 3.2 Input Buffer Diagram.........................................................................................................3-2
Figure 4.1 Bit Transfer on the I2C Bus ..............................................................................................4-8
Figure 4.2 START and STOP Signaling ............................................................................................4-8
Figure 4.3 Data Transfer.................................................................................................................... 4-9
Figure 4.4 Acknowledgment ..............................................................................................................4-9
Figure 4.5 Master Addressing a Slave with a 7-bit Address (Transfer Direction is Not Changed) ....4-9
Figure 4.6 Master Reads a Slave Immediately After the First Byte ...................................................4-9
Figure 4.7 Combined Format...........................................................................................................4-10
Figure 4.8 Master Addresses a Slave-Receiver with 10-bit Address...............................................4-10
Figure 4.9 Master Addresses a Slave Transmitter with 10-bit Address...........................................4-10
Figure 4.10 Combined Format: Master Addresses a Slave with 10-bit Address ...............................4-10
Figure 4.11 Combined Format: Master Transmits Data to Two Slaves, Both with 10-bit Address....4-11
Figure 4.12 Write Protocol with 10-bit Slave Address (ADS is 1) ......................................................4-12
Figure 4.13 Read Protocol with 10-bit Slave Address (ADS is 1)......................................................4-12
Figure 4.14 Write Protocol with 7-bit Slave Address (ADS is 0) ........................................................4-12
Figure 4.15 Read Protocol with 7-bit Slave Address (ADS is 0)........................................................4-13
Figure 5.1 Functional View of Error Management Block....................................................................5-1
Figure 6.1 JTAG Write Access...........................................................................................................6-3
Figure 6.2 JTAG Read Access ..........................................................................................................6-3
Figure 7.1 Reference Clock Representative Circuit........................................................................... 7-1
Figure 7.2 Internal PLL Clock Generator ...........................................................................................7-2
Figure 8.1 Route Table Lookup Diagram...........................................................................................8-3
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Table 2.1 Port Numbering.................................................................................................................. 2-1
Table 2.2 Port Configuration Examples............................................................................................. 2-2
Table 4.1 EEPROM Register Address Map....................................................................................... 4-3
Table 4.2 Register Map Example ...................................................................................................... 4-5
Table 4.3 EEPROM Format Example................................................................................................ 4-6
Table 4.4 I2C Address Pins............................................................................................................... 4-7
Table 5.1 Error Sources and Codes .................................................................................................. 5-1
Table 5.2 I2C Errors and Codes -- Group Number 0x1..................................................................... 5-2
Table 5.3 JTAG Errors and Codes -- Group Number 0x2.................................................................. 5-3
Table 5.4 Maintenance Handler Errors and Codes -- Group Number 0x3 ........................................ 5-4
Table 5.5 Configuration Errors and Codes -- Group Number 0x5 ..................................................... 5-5
Table 5.6 RIO SERDES Errors and Codes -- Group Number 0x6 .................................................... 5-6
Table 5.7 RIO Link Layer Errors and Codes -- Group Number 0x7................................................... 5-6
Table 5.8 RIO Link Protocol Errors and Codes -- Group Number 0x8 .............................................. 5-7
Table 5.9 RIO Logical and Transport Errors and Codes -- Group Number 0x9................................. 5-8
Table 5.10 Port Write Payload Definition............................................................................................5-11
Table 5.11 Maintenance Packet Format.............................................................................................5-11
Table 6.1 Test Instructions................................................................................................................. 6-1
Table 6.2 Configuration Registers ..................................................................................................... 6-2
Table 8.1 RIO Defined Maintenance Packet with CPS as Destination.............................................. 8-1
Table 8.2 RIO Defined Maintenance Response Packet generated by CPS...................................... 8-2
Table 8.3 Port Configuration.............................................................................................................. 8-4
Table 8.4 Multicast Mask Register References for Multicast Mask Port CSR Usage........................ 8-6
Table 8.5 Region Select .................................................................................................................... 8-7
Table 8.6 Port Number References................................................................................................... 8-7
Table 8.7 Multicast Mask References................................................................................................ 8-8
Table 9.1 Port Configuration at Power Up.........................................................................................9-1
Table 9.2 Default Speed Settings with SPD0 and SPD1................................................................... 9-2
Table 10.1 Register Types ................................................................................................................. 10-1
Table 10.2 CPS Memory Map ........................................................................................................... 10-2
Table 10.3 DEV_IDENT_CAR 0x000000.......................................................................................... 10-8
Table 10.4 DEV_INF_CAR 0x000004 ............................................................................................... 10-8
Table 10.5 ASSY_IDENT_CAR 0x000008........................................................................................ 10-9
Table 10.6 ASSY_INF_CAR 0x00000C ............................................................................................ 10-9
Table 10.7 PROC_ELEM_FEAT_CAR 0x000010 ........................................................................... 10-10
Table 10.8 SWITCH_PORT_INF_CAR 0x000014 ...........................................................................10-11
Table 10.9 SRC_OPS_CAR 0x000018 ........................................................................................... 10-12
Table 10.10 SW_MCAST_SUP_CAR 0x000030............................................................................... 10-13
Table 10.11 SW_RTE_TBL_LIM_CAR 0x000034............................................................................. 10-14
Table 10.12 SW_MULT_INF_CAR 0x000038 ................................................................................... 10-14
Table 10.13 HOST_BASE_DEV_ID_LOCK_CSR 0x000068............................................................ 10-14
Table 10.14 COMPONENT_TAG_CSR 0x00006C ........................................................................... 10-15
Table 10.15 STD_RTE_CONF_DESTID_SEL_CSR 0x000070........................................................ 10-15
Table 10.16 STD_RTE_CONF_PORT_SEL_CSR 0x000074........................................................... 10-16
Table 10.17 STD_RTE_DEFAULT_PORT 0x000078........................................................................ 10-16
Table 10.18 MCAST_MASK_PORT 0x000080 ................................................................................. 10-17
Table 10.19 MCAST_ASSOC_SEL_CSR 0x000084 ........................................................................ 10-17
Table 10.20 MCAST_ASSOC_OP_CSR 0x000088.......................................................................... 10-18
Table 10.21 PORT_MAINT_BLOCK_HEAD 0x000100..................................................................... 10-18
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IDT List of Tables
Table 10.22 PORT_LINK_TO_CTRL_CSR 0x000120...................................................................... 10-18
Table 10.23 PORT_GEN_CTRL_CSR 0x00013C............................................................................. 10-19
Table 10.24 RIO Extended Register Map.......................................................................................... 10-19
Table 10.25 PORT_0_LINK_MAINT_REQ_CSR 0x000140 ............................................................. 10-20
Table 10.26 PORT_0_LINK_MAINT_RESP_CSR 0x000144 ........................................................... 10-20
Table 10.27 PORT_0_LOCAL_ACKID_CSR 0x000148.................................................................... 10-21
Table 10.28 PORT_0_ERR_STAT_CSR 0x000158.......................................................................... 10-22
Table 10.29 PORT_0_CTRL_CSR 0x00015C .................................................................................. 10-22
Table 10.30 LOCAL_RTE_CONF_DESTID_SEL_CSR 0x010070................................................... 10-24
Table 10.31 Routing Table Register .................................................................................................. 10-25
Table 10.32 Route Table Register 0xE00000-0xE1F7FC.................................................................. 10-25
Table 10.33 Trace Register Map ....................................................................................................... 10-26
Table 10.34 Port_0_Trace_Value_1_Block_0 0xE40000 .................................................................. 10-27
Table 10.35 Port_0_Trace_Value_1_Block_1 0xE40004 .................................................................. 10-27
Table 10.37 Port_0_Trace_Value_1_Block_3 0xE4000C.................................................................. 10-28
Table 10.36 Port_0_Trace_Value_1_Block_2 0xE40008 .................................................................. 10-28
Table 10.39 Port_0_Mask_Value_1_Block_0 0xE40014................................................................... 10-29
Table 10.38 Port_0_Trace_Value_1_Block_4 0xE40010 .................................................................. 10-29
Table 10.41 Port_0_MASK_Value_1_Block_2 0xE4001C ................................................................ 10-30
Table 10.42 Port_0_Mask_Value_1_Block_3 0xE40020................................................................... 10-30
Table 10.40 Port_0_MASK_Value_1_Block_1 0xE40018 ................................................................. 10-30
Table 10.44 CPS_CONTROL 0xF2000C.......................................................................................... 10-31
Table 10.43 Port_0_Mask_Value_1_Block_4 0xE40024................................................................... 10-31
Table 10.45 CONF_MOD_ERR_REPORT_ENABLE 0xF20014 ...................................................... 10-32
Table 10.46 AUXPORT_ERR_REPORT_ENABLE 0xF20018.......................................................... 10-33
Table 10.47 MAINT_ERR_REPORT_ENABLE 0xF2001C ............................................................... 10-33
Table 10.48 RIO_DOMAIN 0xF20020............................................................................................... 10-33
Table 10.49 RIO_PORT_WRITE_INFO 0xF20024........................................................................... 10-34
Table 10.50 RIO_PORT_WRITE_SRCID 0xF20028......................................................................... 10-34
Table 10.51 RIO_ASSY_IDENT_CAR 0xF2002C............................................................................. 10-35
Table 10.52 RIO_ASSY_INF_CAR 0xF20030 .................................................................................. 10-35
Table 10.53 PPS_SOFT_RESET 0xF20040..................................................................................... 10-35
Table 10.54 I2C_MASTER_CTRL 0xF20050.................................................................................... 10-36
Table 10.55 I2C_MASTER_STAT_CTRL 0xF20054......................................................................... 10-37
Table 10.56 MULTICAST Register Map ............................................................................................ 10-38
Table 10.57 MULTICAST0 0xF30000................................................................................................ 10-39
Table 10.58 Switching Port Register Map ......................................................................................... 10-40
Table 10.59 PORT_0_BUF_SIZE 0xF40000..................................................................................... 10-41
Table 10.60 PORT_0_OPS 0xF40004.............................................................................................. 10-41
Table 10.61 PORT_0_ERR_REPORT_ENABLE 0xF40008............................................................. 10-43
Table 10.62 PORT_0_SWITCH_BUF_STATUS 0xF4000C .............................................................. 10-44
Table 10.63 PORT_0_ACK_CNTR 0xF40010 .................................................................................. 10-44
Table 10.64 PORT_0_NACK_CNTR 0xF40014................................................................................ 10-45
Table 10.65 PORT_0_SW_PKT_CNTR 0xF4001C .......................................................................... 10-45
Table 10.66 PORT_0_TRACE_MATCH_CNTR_1 0xF40020 ........................................................... 10-45
Table 10.67 PORT_0_TRACE_MATCH_CNTR_2 0xF40024 ........................................................... 10-45
Table 10.68 PORT_0_TRACE_MATCH_CNTR_3 0xF40028 ........................................................... 10-46
Table 10.69 PORT_0_TRACE_MATCH_CNTR_4 0xF4002C .......................................................... 10-46
Table 10.70 PORT_0_FILTER_MATCH_CNTR_1 0xF40030........................................................... 10-46
Table 10.71 PORT_0_FILTER_MATCH_CNTR_2 0xF40034........................................................... 10-46
Table 10.72 PORT_0_FILTER_MATCH_CNTR_3 0xF40038........................................................... 10-47
Table 10.73 PORT_0_FILTER_MATCH_CNTR_4 0xF4003C........................................................... 10-47
Table 10.74 ERR_CAP_REG 0xFD0000 .......................................................................................... 10-47
Table 10.75 ERR_LOG_RD 0xFD0004............................................................................................. 10-48
Table 10.76 SPECIAL_ERR Register Map........................................................................................ 10-48
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IDT List of Tables
Table 10.77 SPECIAL_ERR_0 0xFD0008 ........................................................................................ 10-48
Table 10.78 ERR_FLAG 0xFD0028.................................................................................................. 10-50
Table 10.79 ERR_COUNTER 0xFD002C......................................................................................... 10-50
Table 10.80 ERR_RESET 0xFD0030................................................................................................ 10-51
Table 10.81 QUAD_CTRL Control Register Map.............................................................................. 10-52
Table 10.82 QUAD_0_CTRL 0xFF0000............................................................................................ 10-52
Table 10.83 QUAD_0_ERR_REPORT_EN 0xFF0004...................................................................... 10-54
Table 10.84 QUAD_CTRL_BROADCAST 0xFFF000....................................................................... 10-54
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About This Manual

This user reference manual includes hardware and software information for the CPS family products. It applies to CPS-16, CPS-12, and CPS-8. The only deference is port number, device ID and register map file. The pinout is covered in each individual datasheet. All the description through out the user manual is default as CPS-16. The register file of CPS-12 and CPS-8 is a subset of CPS-16, the registers associated with invalid port/quad are treated as reserved.
DEVICE ID: CPS-16 device ID is 0x35B, CPS-12 device ID is 0x35D, CPS-8 device ID is 0x35C.
PORT/QUAD NUMBER: CPS-16 has 4 QUAD provides up to 16 ports. CPS-12 has 3 QUAD pro­vides up to 12 ports. CPS-8 has 2 QUAD provides up to 8 ports.
Content Summary
Chapter 1, “CPS Device Overview,” provides a complete introduction to the capabilities of the CPS. It includes the major difference from PPS device.
Chapter 2, “Serial RapidIO Ports,” covers the device’s Serial RapidIO ports. These ports are RapidIO specification 1.3 compliant. Also covers IDT specific features such as tracing and filtering.
Chapter 3, “CPS Switch Description,” covers the switch core behavior and flow control mechanism.
Chapter 4, “I
C Bus Interface,” describes the standard I2C bus interface implemented on the CPS.
Chapter 5, “Error Management,” explains the CPSs Error Management block. This block is responsible
for receiving, filtering, logging, counting, and responding to error reports from all of the functional blocks within the device.
Chapter 6, “JTAG & Boundary Scan,” describes the CPS JTAG interface and code.
Chapter 7, “Reference Clock,” describes the reference clock requirement, system clock and SerDes clock
Chapter 8, “Programming the CPS,” provides the basic configure steps and rules.
Chapter 9, “CPS Reset & Initialization” provides reset and init steps.
Chapter 10, “Registers” provides the full memory map and complete listing of the CPS-16 registers,
register type, register fields, and their respective addresses. CPS-8 is a subset of CPS-16.
Chapter 11, “References,” provides a list of all associated specifications referred to in this manual.
Documentation Conventions and Definitions
Throughout this manual the following conventions and terms are used:
To define the active polarity of a signal, signal names with and without overbars will be used. Signal names with overbars are considered negative polarity or “active low” and are thus enabled when a low voltage is applied.
To define buses, the most significant bit (MSB) will be on the left and least significant bit (LSB) will be on the right. No leading zeros will be included.
To represent numerical values, either decimal, binary, or hexadecimal formats will be used. The binary format is as follows: 0bDDD, where “D” represents either 0 or 1; the hexadecimal format is as follows: 0xDD, where “D” represents the hexadecimal digit(s); otherwise, it is decimal.
Unless otherwise denoted, a byte will refer to an 8-bit quantity. A word will refer to a 32-bit quantity, and a double word will refer to an 8 Byte (64-bit) quantity. This is in accordance with RapidIO con-
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IDT About This Manual
0 1 2 3
bit 0bit 31
Address of Bytes within Words: Big Endian
3 2 1 0
bit 0bit 31
Address of Bytes within Words: Little Endian
A bit is set when its value is 0b1. A bit is cleared when its value is 0b0.
The compressed notation ABC[x|y|z]D refers to ABCxD, ABCyD, and ABCzD.
The compressed notation ABC[x..y]D refers to ABCxD, ABC(x+1)D, ABC(x+2)D,... ABCyD.
In double words, bit 63 is always the most significant bit and bit 0 is the least significant bit. In words, bit 31 is always the most significant bit and bit 0 is the least significant bit. In bytes, bit 7 is always the most significant bit and bit 0 is the least significant bit.
This device follows the Big endian convention. The ordering of bytes within words is referred to as either “big endian” or “little endian.” Big endian systems label byte zero as the most significant (left­most) byte of a word. Little endian systems label byte zero as the least significant (rightmost) byte of a word.
Figure 1 Example of Byte Ordering for “Big Endian” or “Little Endian” System Definition
A read-only: register, bit, or field is one which can be read but not modified
A sticky bit is a bit that remains set after being set by hardware until a zero is written to it. Writing a one to a sticky has no effect on its value.
A zero field in a register, denoted as “0” in register figures, must be written with a value of zero and returns a value of zero when read.
Revision History
July 10, 2012: Revision 1.5. Removed the confidential statements from the document’s footers.
January 19, 2011: Revision 1.4. Fixed a number of minor errors, updated I2C Interface, and added notes to Packet Filtering and Multicast Packets
May 21, 2009: Revision 1.3. Fixed a number of minor errors.
January 19, 2009: Revision 1.2.
1. Add more detail about the Ack Counter and Nack Counter
2. Add basic device Programming example
3. Add detail explanation about the multicast respond
4. Add explanation about the multicast with responds
5. Add EPROM format example.
June 9, 2008: Revision 1.1.
Corrected switch chapter text around number of retries allowed for CRC error, as well as multicast delaying discussion. Fixed /IRQ polarity in Error Handling chapter. Other editorial changes.
September 7, 2007: Initial release. Revision 1.0.
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Chapter 1
Device Overview


The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of the capabilities of the CPS device.


The CPS device functionality is optimized for line card and backplane switching. Its primary function is to switch data plane and control plane data packets via Serial Rapid IO (SRIO) between a set of devices that reside on the same line card. In addition, it supports the ability to bridge communications between multiple on-board (or local) devices and a set of external line cards by providing long run Rapid IO backplane inter­connects. In this manner, for example, the device can serve as a switch between a set of RF cards and a set of Rapid IO based DSPs in a wireless basestation.
The CPS device supports packet switching from up to 16 ports which are comprised of 16 SRIO Lanes. The encoded data rate for each of the lanes are configurable to either 1.25 Gbps, 2.5 Gbps, or 3.125 Gbps. The device supports lane grouping such that both 1x and 4x operation, as defined in the applicable RIO specifi­cations. In addition, the device supports lane grouping in an “enhanced” mode such that a group of 4 Lanes can be configured as four individual non-redundant 1x ports.
The CPS device supports the reception of SRIO maintenance packets (type 8) which are directed to it (i.e. hop count of 0) in support of requirements defined for a RIO switch in the applicable version 1.3 Rapid IO specifications. The CPS device supports the ability to properly process and forward received maintenance packets with a hop count >0 as defined in the Rapid IO specifications. With the exception of maintenance packets, received packets are transmitted unmodified as defined in the 1.3 versions of the applicable Rapid IO specifications.
From a switching perspective the device functions statically. As such, all input to output port mappings are configurable through registers. Unless register configurations are changed, the input to output mappings remains static regardless of the received data (disregarding errors). The switching functionality does not dynamically “learn” which destinationIDs are tied to a given port by examining RIO header fields and dynamically updating internal routing tables.
The device supports priority levels 0 - 3 as defined in the revision 1.3 Rapid IO specifications.
The CPS device is programmable by RIO ports, I
C JTAG interface.
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IDT Device Overview


Interfaces - sRIO
– Up to 16/12/8 Serial RapidIO (sRIO) v1.3 full duplex lanes, supporting 4x-ports, 1x-ports, or combi-
nations thereof
Lane Rates selectable; 3.125Gbps, 2.5Gbps, or 1.25GbpsShort- or Long-haul reach for each Lane at all ratesBoth pre-emphasis and drive strengthSoftware assisted error recovery supports hot swap
Interfaces - I2C
– A single I
C interface either in master mode or slave mode
Hardware pin configurable addressPower up booting from external I
C memory device with error checking and reporting
Peak throughput 40Gbps (CPS-16), 30Gbps (CPS-12), and 20Gbps (CPS-8)Support cut-through modePer priority bufferingSupport 4 RIO prioritiesNon head of line blockingSupport Multicast control symbolSupport Broadcast10 Multicast maskPer port independent routing table
Packet Trace
– Each Port provides the ability to match the first 160 bits of any packet against up to four program-
mable values as comparison criteria to copy the packet to a programmable output trace port
Clock and reset
Single input reference clockGlobal hardware resetSoftware reset
Diagnostic packet counters
Power Dissipation
CPS-16 maximum power consumption is 3.2WCPS-12 maximum power consumption is 2.8WCPS-8 maximum power consumption is 2.4W
Full JTAG Boundary Scan Support (IEEE1149.1 & 1149.6)
– FCBGA 324-ball grid array, 19 mm x 19 mm, 1.0 mm ball pitch


In addition to this User’s Reference Manual, which explains the functionality of the CPS and how to use the device. There is the device’s datasheet which covers all electrical specifications, package pinouts, and ther­mal characteristics available on IDT’s secure access site. Contact your local IDT sales representative to obtain your copy.
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IDT Device Overview
Quad 0 Logical
Lane 0
Lane 1
Lane 2
Lane 3
Quad 1
Lane 4
Lane 5
Lane 6
Lane 7
Quad 2 Logical
Lane 8
Lane 9
Lane 10
Lane 11
Quad 3 Logical
Lane 12
Lane 13
Lane 14
Lane 15


Figure 1.1 Block Diagram
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IDT Device Overview
I2C Interface
14 Signals
Drive Bias
12 K ohm
RIO Speed Select
Reset Signal
Te st
(or x8, x12)
(or x8, x12)
RF Element
RF Element
Serial RapidIO
Central Switch Board(s)
Baseband Board(s)
… N
Figure 1.2 CPS Interconnect


Central switch based wireless processing
Figure 1.3 Application Overview
In a macro wireless station, a switch-based raw data combination and distribution architecture is widely adopted. Switch based architecture provides high flexibility and high resource efficiency. The raw data from the Radio Unit is distributed to one or more processing cards by unicast or multicast. Aggregating raw data from processing cards to a buffer-less chain can be done by a fast non-blocking switch. It’s also suitable in
The CPS provides direct support for backplane connections using the serial RapidIO standard. The addition of an appropriate bridge (e.g., CPRI to sRIO) allows for further backplane flexibility, accommodating designs based on a wide range of standards such as CPRI, OBSAI, GbE, or PCIe.
processing card since more and more processing is moved from RNC to Node B in the emerging applica-
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IDT Device Overview


The user may program IDT’s CPS to direct incoming packet data with a given destination ID to a packet processor. Input packets are switched as defined by the transport layer of RIO specification. The CPS receives the packets from up to 16 unique ports, the received packets may be processed in three ways:
a. Multicast:If a Multicast ID is received, the CPS performs a multicast as defined by the device’s configurable RIO multicast mask registers.
b. Unicast: it is performed as specified in RIO.
c. Maintenance packets: As specified in sRIO


1.7.1 Enhanced Queue

It can bypass the congested head in the queue.

1.7.2 Port/Lane Count

The CPS family device provides 16/12/8 sRIO lanes which can be configured into up to 16/12/8 ports. The 80KSW0001 provides up to 12 ports

1.7.3 Bandwidth

CPS provides a 40/30/20 Gbps bandwidth.

1.7.4 PPSc Capability

The CPS family does not have PPSc

1.7.5 I2C Interface

The CPS I2C interface may work either in Master mode or Slave mode.

1.7.6 Broadcast and Broadcast Packet Filtering

The CPS support broadcast and broadcast filtering.

1.7.7 Multicast Control Symbol

The CPS can distribute multicast control symbol to all other port when a multicast control symbol is received. It enhances all out put port synchronization.

1.7.8 Software Assisted Error Recovery

The CPS can generate link request control symbol, reset control symbol and change the inbound and outbound AckID for hot swap applications.

1.7.9 Enhance Packet Tracking

Ability to track up to 8 packets from a given input port.

1.7.10 Support for Two Separate Port Rates for Each Quad

In the same enhanced quad, different lane may run at different speed.
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Revision 1.5 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Chapter 2
sRIO Ports



The CPS provides a total of 16/12/8 Serial RapidIO lanes which are configurable into combinations of 4x and 1x ports. Each lane supports both long- or short-haul serial transmission (as defined by version 1.3 of the Serial RIO specification).

2.1.1 Port Types

The CPS groups lanes in counts of 4 in a compatible implementation with that of the existing CPS device. A group of 4 lanes are defined as a “Quad”. The baseline device configuration provides 4 “enhanced” Quads.
An Enhanced Quad is capable of operation in “enhanced mode” or in “standard mode”. This mode configu­ration is selectable through the use Quad configuration registers. When configured in enhanced mode, the quad supports the ability for each of its four lanes to be used as individual 1x-ports (1 lane per port). When configured into standard mode, the quad is usable as a single 4x-port (4 sRIO lanes) or as a 1x port. When an enhanced quad’s lanes are being used as four individual 1x-ports, redundancy as defined by the sRIO specification is not provided.
An Enhanced Quad can be configured into either enhanced or standard mode using the mode select bit in the QUAD_CTRL register. In Standard Mode, 4x or 1x operation is governed by the Port_Width_Overide bit in the sRIO defined PORT_CTRL_CSR.
The complement of Standard and Enhanced Ports and Quads provided by the CPS is as shown in the following table. This table shows the maximum complement of 16 1x-ports.
Table 2.1 Port Numbering
Lane Quad Number Quad Mode
1 Enhanced 1
2 Enhanced 2
3 Enhanced 3
5 Enhanced 5
6 Enhanced 6
7 Enhanced 7
Enhanced 0
Enhanced 4
Enhanced 8
Port Number (1x Capacity)
4 by 1x
4 by 1x
9 Enhanced 9
10 Enhanced 10
11 Enhanced 11
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4 by 1x
IDT sRIO Ports
Table 2.1 Port Numbering
Lane Quad Number Quad Mode
13 Enhanced 13
Enhanced 12
Port Number (1x Capacity)
4 by 1x
14 Enhanced 14
15 Enhanced 15
The CPS supports lane to port assignments which are numbered from lane 0 to lane 15 in ordered fashion in groups of 4 to ports 0 through 15.
An Enhanced port is capable of either being mapped into 4 device ports (if it is configured as 4 1x types) or a single device port (if it is configured as one 4x-port or one 1x-port).
The table below is informational and shows examples of configurations with various 1x and 4x device port complements versus link usage.
Table 2.2 Port Configuration Examples
4x Ports 1x Ports Total Lanes Used Quad Configurations
4 0 16 1 by 4x (4 total)
3 1 16 1 by 4x (3 total)
1 by 1x (1 total)
3 4 16 1 by 4x (3 total)
4 by 1x (1 total)
2 8 16 2 by 4x (2 total)
4 by 1x (2 total)
1 12 16 1 by 4x (1 total)
4 by 1x (3 total)
1 3 16 1 by 4x (1 total)
1 by 1x (3 total)
0 16 16 4 by 1x (4 total)

2.1.2 Data Rates

Each CPS sRIO Link is capable of full functionality at configurable rates of 1.25 Gbps, 2.5 Gbps, and 3.125 Gbps as defined in the Serial RapidIO Specifications revision 1.3.

2.1.3 Lane Configuration

SRIO lane characteristics is configurable via a set of QUAD_n_CTRL registers. These characteristics include the following:
-- Data Rate
-- Transmitter Pre-emphasis
-- Drive Strength
For the CPS device, control of each of these parameters are separately configurable, such that the charac­teristics for lanes 0 and 1 can be different from those for land 2 and 3
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IDT sRIO Ports
In addition, these registers supports the ability to reset lanes in the quad and to force a reinitialization of lanes in the enhanced quad. The ability to control reset and initialization of lanes 0 and 1 versus lanes 2 and 3 through these registers are also provided.

2.1.4 Packet Forwarding Store and Forward
CPS supports a “Store and Forward” methodology for packet forwarding. This methodology consist of vali­dation of each received packet to the SRIO specifications (including a successful CRC verification) before the packet is forwarded via the output port referenced by the destination ID in the packet header. Cut Through
CPS supports “Cut Through” packet forwarding methodology. This methodology provides the ability to begin forwarding a packet via its referenced output port before it has been validated. Packets that have been found to be invalid after transmission has begun, is terminated with the SRIO STOMP control symbol which will be used in compliance with the rev 1.3 SRIO protocol standard. Assuming no starvation and no output port contention, the first byte in to first byte out latency for a maximum sized packet will be the same as that for a minimum sized packet.
Packet counters are implemented such that packets which are STOMPED are not included in the count. Note that Cut Through mode supports the use of the retransmit buffer for reliable transport as defined in the SRIO protocol specification.
If a Cut Through packet is being transmitted and the transmission becomes starved for data (part of the packet has been transmitted but the rest of the packet is not available for transmission) EOP control symbol will be transmitted within the packet (i.e within the boundary of the packet’s SOP and EOP) until the rest (or more) of the packet becomes available for transmission.
Cut Through is disabled at reset of the device. This mode is enabled globally via a maintenance write command to the CUT_THRU_ENABLE bit of the CPS_CONTROL register. If this bit is set, Cut Through forwarding methodology will be enabled for all CPS ports.
When Cut Through is enabled the devices’ output packet scheduler will consider a packet as available for transmission/forwarding as soon as enough of the packet (i.e. the destination ID has been received and decoded) to determine which port to use for transmission. The device does not use full packet reception as a criteria to determine when a packet is available for transmission.

2.1.5 Port Statistics (Packet Counter)

The CPS provides the ability to generate statistics at each port. Each port provides a 32-bit packet counter for each of the following data at that given port:
1) Ack Counter: Number of Packet-accepted control symbol has been sent; number of packet has been successfully received.
2) Nack Counter: Number of Packet-not-accepted control symbol and packet-retry control symbol sent. Note, during the initialization and re-initialization, it may cause some Nack count. User should clear the Nack count after port initialization.
3) Switch Counter: Number of packets successfully sent out
3) Trace Counter: Packets which have met port’s trace criteria (when enabled)
4) Filter Counter: Packets which have been filtered
All counters will reset to 0 when read, and will hold their maximum value (saturate) when it is reached.


Each port supports the ability to compare a configurable set of parameters in a given received packet against a set of configurable predefined values and, if a match occurs, routes the packet to a configurable output port. This function is defined as the “Trace” function.
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IDT sRIO Ports
Packet Data
Comparison Data
Comparison Mask
X = don’t care
The device supports the ability to route a packet which matches the “Trace Criteria” to the port referenced by the packet’s destination ID (including multicast references) as well as to the trace port.
Each port provides a unique trace circuit such that the user may enable trace on up to 16 simultaneous ports (4 for each of the 16 ports) as defined below.

2.2.1 Trace Criteria

The property of a given port matching a packet with a “Trace Criteria” refers to a successful comparison of the first 160 bits in a received packet to multiple pre-programmed values stored at that port. A successful match against a port’s Trace Criteria triggers a forwarding of the packet to the trace enabled output port.
Each port provides a set of four 160-bit comparison values which can be selectively applied to the first 160 bits of each packet that the port receives. Each port also provide a bit mask for each of the four program­mable 160 bit comparison values which define which of the first 160 bits of packet data are relevant to the comparison. A logical value of 1 in the comparison value mask indicate that the corresponding bits in the programmed value and the corresponding bit in the packet data is compared. A logical value of zero in the comparison value mask is used as a “don’t care”. A don’t care value results in an automatic match of the corresponding bits in the programmable value with the corresponding packet data bits. When all bits of the packet data match with a given corresponding bit in a given programmable value (after the value’s mask has been applied) the Trace criteria has been met and the packet is forwarded to the trace enabled output port. The packet trace is triggered by a logical “OR” of the comparison match results (packet data with the four programmable values) such that if at least one match occurs, packet forwarding to the trace-enabled port is performed.
The trace criteria is based on the “entire content” of the comparison value and its corresponding bit mask. This is true in the event that the bit count of the received packet is smaller than 160 bits. In this event, in order to match the trace criteria, the number of bits in the mask which are greater than the received packet data must be set to don’t cares as shown below.
Figure 2.1 Trace Matching Criteria
For clarification, if the user wants to trace a packet which is smaller than 160 bits, the number of mask bits between the packet size and 160 must be set to don’t care.
A packet which matches any of the four values are forwarded to the trace enabled output port as well as any other ports referenced by the packet’s destination ID.
The Trace Criteria architecture is illustrated in the diagram below.
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IDT sRIO Ports
RIO Packet Received
at Port n of 16
First 160 bits of packet
0 159
Programmable Comparison 0
Mask 0
Mask 1
Programmable Comparison 1
Mask 2
Mask 3
Programmable Comparison 2
Programmable Comparison 3
0 159
0 159
0 159
0 159
0 159
0 159
Figure 2.2 Illustration of the Trace Function within a Given Port
From an application perspective, the support for comparison over the first 160 bits of the packet is to ensure that the trace function can cover the worst case RapidIO header (including those using extended addressing) plus the first 32 bits of the payload. This implementation is totally flexible across the first 160 bits of the packet and ensures that the following parameters can be used as trace criteria: 1) the header’s ftype field (4 bits), 2) the header’s destination ID field (8 or 16 bits), 3) the header’s mbox field (up to 8 bits),
4) the first 32 bits of the packet payload (32 bits). Note that If the input port detects an error in the received packet it will not be routed to the trace port.

2.2.2 Trace Output Port Features

At any given time the device supports a single Trace-enabled output port. It can be dynamically defined which output port is enabled for the Trace function. All packets which match the Trace Criteria from all trace enabled inputs is routed to the same configured trace output port.
The device supports the ability for the port defined as the output trace port to be also part of a multicast group. At the same time it is also possible for the user to configure the trace output port to match the intended destination port of a packet.
The trace port needs to be disable first before changing to a new trace port.

2.2.3 Trace Routing Features

CPS routing function in support of the trace function is provided in two modes.
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IDT sRIO Ports Default Trace Routing Mode
In the default mode, the trace-enabled port accepts RapidIO traffic (referenced by the received packet’s destination ID field) as well as traffic which matches the trace criteria of all ports. Trace-triggered packets are treated by the trace-enabled output port in the same manner as it treats all other packets. Normal RapidIO priority and flow control rules apply. Optional Trace Routing Mode
In an optional mode, ONLY packets which have matched a port’s trace criteria are routed to the trace port. For switch path, a received packet which does not match the Trace criteria, but whose destination ID field references the Trace-enabled port is not forwarded to the trace port. If this packet has a destination ID that references a multicast operation that includes the trace port, the packet is forwarded to all ports except for the Trace-enabled port. However, packets from maintenance are still sent to the trace port even the packet does not match trace criteria. Trace-triggered packets are treated by the trace-enabled output port in the same manner as it treats all other packets. Normal RapidIO priority and flow control rules apply.
It is possible to configure the trace port into “trace only” mode and at the same time for the user to configure a port’s route table to allow packets to be routed to the trace port (including packets which do not match the trace criteria). With this configuration, packets received by a given port which are to be routed to the trace port (as defined by that port’s route table) will be dropped by the device if they do not match the trace criteria. No Route Conditions
Packets which meet the trace criteria are routed to the trace port even if the packet destination ID reference in the port’s route table indicates “no route”.

2.2.4 Trace Function Dynamic Programmability

By offering dynamic configurability, the CPS device provides the user with the ability to modify trace func­tion parameters without disabling the normal operation of the port’s functionality.
The user is able to:
1) dynamically enable/disable the Trace function on a per-input port basis
2) dynamically assign the trace output port to any single output port
3) dynamically change the packet trace comparison values of any port
4) dynamically enable/disable any/all trace comparison values of any port
5) dynamically change the comparison value masks at any port
6) change a comparison value or mask (same value) for all ports with a write to a single address

2.2.5 Test feature for Trace Function

Each port provides a set of counters which increment each time the given port receives a packet that matches the Trace criteria. Each port provides a counter for each of the four comparison values. These counters are accessible in the same manner that all other device counters are made accessible. All trace counters are 32-bits.

2.2.6 Flow Control with Trace Enabled

The CPS supports sRIO defined receiver flow control when Trace is enabled as well. If buffer contention exists at the trace port such that a received packet which matches a port’s trace criteria would have to be dropped (and therefore not be transmitted via the trace port) then the received packet is NACKed by the port. If this condition exists the packet is not transmitted by any port regardless of its buffer condition. For example, if the trace output port can’t receive additional packets because of buffer congestion, but there is buffer space to support the normal (non-trace) path through the device, then the packet must be NACKed and NOT transmitted via the normal route output port.
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IDT sRIO Ports

2.2.7 Errored Packets

The device does not trace packets with physical errors such as packet with CRC errors and packets that are longer than 276 bytes. The device traces packets with logical errors (ex. invalid type) as long as they match the trace criteria.

2.2.8 Trace Configuration

The Trace Function is enabled globally for the device with a write to the CPS_CONTROL register. When global trace is enabled the Trace Output Port defined in the CPS_CONTROL register will be enabled. The CPS_CONTROL register is used to control the mode of the Trace Output Port (Default or Trace only).
Each port supports an enable of each of its four trace criteria values in its respective PORT_n_OPS register. This will be independent such that a match on any given value does not depend on a match of any other value. The PORT_n_OPS register will also control whether or not a packet that matches a given port’s trace criteria will cause the device to generate a Port Write packet.

2.2.9 Cut Through with Trace

The device supports Cut Through when Trace is enabled (see section


Along with the ability to trace packets via comparisons against up to four comparison values, the CPS device supports the ability to filter packet based on comparisons against these same values. If this packet filtering is enabled, a successful comparison of the first 160 bits in a received packet to a port’s pre­programmed values will result in the packet being dropped or “filtered” by the device. Note that a successful comparison will also prevent a maintenance packet from being “accepted/processed” by the CPS device (in the event that a maintenance packet that met the filter criteria had a hop count of 0).
The device supports the ability for the packet filtering to be enabled/disable at each port individually for each unique comparison value at that port.
The device provides the ability to enable/disable packet trace and packet filtering simultaneously for each port individually for each unique comparison value at that port. If both packet filtering and packet trace are enabled and a match occurs between a received packet and a comparison value, then the packet will be dropped but will also be traced to the specified trace output port. If packet filtering is enabled but trace is not, then the packet will be filtered and not traced to the specified output trace port.
In the case where packet does not match the filter and TRACE_OUTPUT_PORT_MODE is set to a 1, the packet will not be routed to the destined port. IDT recommends to set the TRACE_OUTPUT_PORT_MODE to 0 when only packet filtering is enabled.
The device provides a counter at each port for each comparison value. The counter provides a continuous count of the number of packets that have been filtered at each port as a result of a successful match against each comparison value.


Each port supports the software assisted error recovery registers defined in the rev 1.3 revision of the SRIO specification. Specifically these registers include the Port n Link Maintenance CSRs, the Port n Link Mainte­nance Response CSRs, and the Port n Local ACKID CSRs. A set of each of these three registers are provided per port.

2.4.1 Usage Definition for Port n Link Maintenance CSRs

A write to these registers will force CPS to transmit a Link Request Symbol on the associated link. The command field in the transmitted symbol will be the contents of the command field written into this register. A read of this register will return the value of the command field in the register.
Support is provided for two command field values: 1) Reset (0b011), and 2) Input Status (0b100)
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IDT sRIO Ports

2.4.2 Link Maintenance CSR Reset Command field

A write to the Port n Maintenance CSR with the command field set to 0b011 (reset) the device will:
1) cease all current and pending transmissions (data and SRIO control symbols -- including multi­cast control symbols),
2) transmit 4 link request -- reset symbols in succession. After transmitting the link request -- reset symbols, the port will enter the output error state and wait for a corresponding link response.

2.4.3 Usage Definition for Port n Link Maintenance Response CSRs

The Port n Link Maintenance Response CSRs will be read only registers which contain the information contained in the most recently received link response by the specific port. When read, it will return the data.

2.4.4 Usage Definition for Port n Local ACK ID CSRs

This single bit field will be treated as write only. When this bit is written to a value of 1, CPS treats all previ­ously transmitted packet for which acks have not been received as having been properly received by the link partner. Acknowledgment processing for these packets will no longer be required. INBOUND_ACKID
CPS supports both reads from and writes to the INBOUND_ACKID parameter. If read, CPS will return the value of the expected ack ID of the next received packet.
A write of this parameter will set the expected ack ID for the next received packet to the value supplied with the write. If the port receiver state machine is in a stopped state it will return to the normal operational state after updating the expected ID value. If a packet is being received during this transition, it will be dropped without response. OUTBOUND ACKID
CPS supports both reads from and writes to the OUTBOUND_ACKID parameter. If read, CPS will refer to the value that the device will use for the next transmitted packet ack.
If written, the effect will be dependant upon whether or not there are outstanding ackIDs. If there are no outstanding ackIDs, the next transmitted packet will use the ackID written into this register. If there are outstanding ack IDs, the packets that have been previously transmitted (without the device having received an acknowledgement), will be retransmitted using ack IDs which start from the value written into this register. OUTSTANDING ACKID
CPS supports both reads from and writes to the OUTSTANDING_ACKID parameter. If read, this parameter will indicate the value of the next expected acknowledgement (control symbol ack ID field) from the port’s link partner. The effect of writing this parameter will depend upon the current state of the port’s outstanding ack ID status as follows:
1) If the port has no outstanding ack IDs the write will have no effect on the port. Because of the Outstanding AckID always reflects the ackID that the port expects to received next, so if the out­bound ID change, then the outstanding ID will be changed.
2) If the port has outstanding ack IDs and the written value is one of them, the port will accept all existing ack IDs with lower values. Which means the port will accept the existing packets with this written value ackID and following values. The write in this case will have no effect on the ack ID of the next packet to be transmitted.
3) If the port has outstanding ack IDs and the written value is not one of them an error will be recorded and the port will take no action.
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Revision 1.5 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Chapter 3
Switch Description



The CPS pseudo mesh architecture is a combination of full mesh and TDM. The architecture is intended to avoid numerous parallel data paths within the switch, as opposed to a centralized arbitration scheme. Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC) connections supports 10Gb/s of unidirectional data traffic. In systems where the QUAD_ENH modules are operating as a single port with a maximum data bandwidth of 10Gb/s then the PVCs connected to each quad is dedicated to supporting that port. In systems where the QUAD_ENH modules are operating as 4 independent ports each with a maximum 2.5Gb/s data bandwidth, the PVCs connected to that quad supports all 4 ports by granting bandwidth to each port in 32bit (word) portions. It is this time sharing concept that is the origin of many of the sub-modules that refer to time divi­sion multiplexing (TDM) in regard to PVC operation. This TDM method is strictly per PVC and is not func­tional as an overall switch-wide time division scheme. The packet ordering and sRIO protocol enforcement is handled in a distributed nature as well. The CPS switch core acts like a three stage switch composed of TDM, full mesh and TDM.


The block diagram of the figure below shows the topology of the CPS Switch architecture. The PVC acronym refers to the interconnections illustrated in the figure which may be considered as permanent
virtual channels. Inside each QUAD, TDM connects each port to PVC.
Figure 3.1 CPS Switch Core Block Diagram
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IDT Switch Description
28B pack et
2nd packet
28B pack et
2nd packet


The CPS device consists of three parts; the input buffers, the switching core, and the output buffers. Each of the three portions of the switch will be described in further details in the following sub-sections.

3.3.1 Input Buffers

There are separate buffer resources for maintenance packets and data packets. This effectively allows a separate maintenance path through the switch. With judicious use of priorities, user can guarantee minimum latency through the system for maintenance packets even when data packets are congesting at these same ports.
For data packet, there is buffer space with room for 7 max size packets (1960 Byte) for each of the ports on the device. The port buffer space can be allocated through registers to the four priority levels, and can be configured on a per port basis. There will always be allocated room for at least one full size packet for each priority level. The buffer space is allocated in units of 35 word (140 Byte), so 2 units are required for storing one full maximum sized packet. The default buffer setting is 4 max size packets for priority 0 and 1 max size packet for all other priority. The recommended allocation of buffer space is 3 maximum size packet for priority 0, 2 maximum sized packets for priority 1, and 1 maximum sized packet for priority 2 and 3, but this is subject to change by user. The input buffer simply provides a temporary storage for incoming packets and absorbs the burst.
For maintenance packet, the buffer size is 88Bytes per priority per port. Separate maintenance packet input buffer will avoid being blocked due to resource sharing.
For each priority of a specific port, the input buffers can keep track of up to 4 or 8 packets, giving that there is enough buffer space to hold them. The EXTENDED_PKT_RX_ENABLE bit in Port Operation register selects the number 4 or 8. See 3.3.3 Extended Packet Tracking.
When a packet arrives it will only be accepted into an input buffer if that buffer has room for at least one data word of 32 bits, for each additional data word of the packet if there is no more room in the buffer the packet will be aborted and a RETRY will be sent back out on the sRIO link. See Figure below.
Figure 3.2 Input Buffer Diagram

3.3.2 Extended Packet Tracking

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The extended packet tracking function allows input buffer keep track up to 8 packet per priority. (See register 0xF40004 bit 18). It is typically for small packet application. When the extended packet tracking function is enabled, the non-blocking within the priority function will be disabled automatically.
IDT Switch Description

3.3.3 Switch Core

The switch core acts like a three stage switch composed of TDM, Mesh and TDM. Full mesh PVC connects QUAD to QUAD, and QUAD to maintain block as well, TDM connect Ports to PVCs. QUAD to QUAD Full Mesh PVC
The PVC module is used to connect every quad to every other quad as well as all quads to the mainte­nance handler and the maintenance handler to all quads. It handles data transfer as well as control. The PVC module serves as a pipeline connection between nodes. It provides no other functionality beyond this and simply made up of registers for all incoming signals that then drive the outputs. It has all the advan­tages of full mesh. PORT to PVC TDM
Inside each QUAD, the PORTs are connected to PVC network in TDM manner. It is this time sharing concept that is the origin of many of the sub-modules that refer to time division multiplexing (TDM) in regard to PVC operation. This TDM method is strictly per PVC and is not functional as an overall switch-wide time division scheme.

3.3.4 Output Buffers

There are separate output buffer resources for maintenance packet and data packet. The output buffer provides a temporary storage for outgoing packets, it decouples the switching and transmitting. It achieves wire speed while transmitting different priority packets per sRIO specification.
For data packet path, the output buffer size is 448 bytes per priority per port. Each output buffer can track up to 3 packets, given that there is enough buffer space for them. The output buffer will only allow new packet in if it has free tracking resources and buffer space available for a full maximum sized packet.
For maintenance packet path, the buffer size is 88 bytes per priority per port. The separate maintenance packet buffer forms an independent data path.

3.3.5 Retransmit Buffers

There is 4-max-packet-size retransmit buffer for each priority for a given port. For a given port, there is totally 16 max-packet-size buffer. Each priority can keep track of up to 32 packets. Both data packet and maintenance packet share the same buffer. The retransmit buffer is enough to deal with normal response delay.


3.4.1 Input Buffer to Output Buffer

First arrive first served is the basic rule of moving data from input buffer to output buffer. For the same source port, strict-priority is applied. That means packets in the higher priority queue always is served first. For a given queue of given source port, it can bypass the destination-blocked packet to serve subsequent packets. Maintenance packets are always treated as higher priority than data packet.
For the same destination, same priority, different sources to this destination are done in a Round-Robin manner.
These rules apply to multicast and unicast. The difference is that the input buffer will not be released until the packet has been forwarded to all destinations in the multicast list. In another words, one blocked desti­nation port of the multicast list will not block the forwarding to other destination ports (multicast splitting), but it does hold the input buffer resource.
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IDT Switch Description

3.4.2 Output Buffer to Transmit Buffer and Transmit Buffer to Line Unicast Packets
If a tx port fails in an attempt to transmit a priority N packet (call it PA) due to CRC error, and there is a priority >N Packet (call it PB) available at the port’s retransmit buffer, then that higher priority packet PB must be the next one sent. Specifically, if tx port A transmits a packet of priority N (call it PA) but receives a “not accepted” response, then the next packet transmitted after receiving the response must be a packet of priority > N if one is available in the retransmit buffer. Since the “not accepted” result is due to CRC error, then the original packet PA will be retransmitted up to X times (See port operation register, bit 3-1, number of retransmissions). Before each of the X attempts, the retransmit buffer will be reviewed to verify that there are no priority > N packets available. If after X attempts the original packet PA is still not accepted, then PA will be discarded and transmission of the next packet in tx port A’s retransmit buffer will be attempted. If the “not accepted” cause by the traffic flow control such as the endpoint is busy or endpoint input buffer is full, then PA will remain in retransmit buffer and keep retransmit until PA pass through. The following is standard behavior:
1) The retransmit buffer must have room for at least one maximum size packet of each of the four priorities. If the highest priority packet in the retransmit buffer is priority N, then the retransmit buffer must reserve space sufficient to store at least S maximum size packets, where S = 3-N. The mini­mum size retransmit buffer that can meet this requirement is 4 times the maximum packet size.
2) If the highest priority packet in the retransmit buffer has priority N, and a packet of priority > N is being offered to the retransmit buffer by the switch's TXBUFs, then the retransmit buffer must accept the packet from the TXBUFs. This is true even if the tx port is blocked by a packet of priority N or less.
3) If TX/RX BUFs has lower priority packet A in buffer and continuously received higher priority packet which reach the port bandwidth, then the lower priority packet will continuously hold off until higher priority packet bandwidth drop below the port bandwidth. The same rule apples to all ports.
Also, the following behavior is standard:
1) Not blocking with the same priority. If rx port B receives a packet (call it PC) of priority M (where M <= N) targeted for tx port A, but port A cannot receive it due to the conflict resulting from PA described above, then PC will remain in the input buffer. All subsequent packets received at rx port B of priority M or higher targeted for other tx port will still switch over. For the subsequent packet with priority < M targeted for ANY tx port will delayed until packet PB can be forwarded to the switch. Multicast Packets
In general, multicast packets will be treated similarly to unicast packets. Specifically, if tx port A transmits a multicast packet of priority N (call it PA) but receives a “not accepted” response, then the next packet trans­mitted after receiving the response must be a packet (unicast OR multicast) of priority > N if one is available in the retransmit buffer. If the “not accepted” cause by the CRC error, then the original packet PA will be retransmitted up to X times (See port operation register, bit 3-1, number of retransmissions). Before each of the X attempts, the retransmitted buffer will be reviewed to verify that there are no priority > N packets avail­able. If after X attempts the original packet PA is still not accepted, then PA will be discarded and transmis­sion of the next packet in tx port A’s retransmit buffer will be attempted. If the “not accepted” cause by the traffic flow control such as the endpoint is busy or input buffer is full, then PA will remain in retransmit buffer and keep retransmit until PA pass through. The following is standard behavior:
1) The retransmit buffer must have room for at least one maximum size packet of each of the four priorities. If the highest priority packet in the retransmit buffer is priority N, then the retransmit buffer must reserve space sufficient to store at least S maximum size packets, where S = 3-N. The mini­mum size retransmit buffer that can meet this requirement is 4 times the maximum packet size. It is not necessary to distinguish between unicast and multicast packets in filling these buffers. They may be filled with 4 unicast packets, 4 multicast packets, or any combination of unicast and multi­cast packets.
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Revision 1.5 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
IDT Switch Description
2) If the highest priority packet in the retransmit buffer (unicast OR multicast) has priority N, and a unicast or multicast packet of priority > N is being offered to the retransmit buffer by the switch's txbuf, then the retransmit buffer must accept the packet from the TXBUFs.
Also, the following behavior is standard:
Multicast Split: If rx port B receives a packet (call it PC) of priority M (where M <= N) tar-
geted for tx port A, but port A cannot receive it due to the conflict resulting from PA described above, then PC will remain in the input buffer but it will continue multicast to other available tx port. All subsequent packets (multicast or unicast) received at rx port B with priority => M tar­geted for other tx port will still switch over. For the subsequent packet with priority < M targeted for ANY tx port will delayed until packet PB can be forwarded to the switch. PC will not remove from the input buffer until port A is available to receive new packet.
For multicast, sRIO specification is limited to request transactions that do not require responses, such as SWRITE transactions. So it is user’s responsibility to multicast non-response packet. The CPS will blindly forward packet based on the ID and routing table. If user multicast a trans­actions with responses, the CPS will not drop any response. All responses will forward to the sender base on the DestID. Re-Transmission MIMIC
The intent of RT-mimic was to allow for streaming data application where low-latency is preferable even at the cost of occasional packet loss. It is implemented by not storing packets in the retransmit buffer. In this way, if a retry was received because the link partner has a full input buffer or if a NAK was received because of a transmission error, then CPS would simple resent the next available packet instead of retransmitting the previous one. RT-mimic affects behavior on the output-port only and all packet traffic if it is enabled.


3.5.1 Flow Control Internal

Internally, self defined protocol coordinate each module. The flow control is always companioned with data in the anti-direction. Data is moving from input buffer to output buffer, flow control is send from output buffer to input buffer. Quick transportation and quick response minimize the buffer dimension.

3.5.2 Flow Control External

The CPS family SRIO port supports receiver based flow control. (See sRIO spec for detail information about receiver based flow control)
CPS-16/12/8 User Manual 3 - 5 July 10, 2012
Revision 1.5 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Chapter 4
I2C Interface

4I2C Interface

This chapter discusses the I2C capabilities of the CPS-16/12/8.

4.1 Overview

The I2C Interface is compliant with the I2C Specification as a slave device and as a temporary master. The
C port can be thought of primarily as a control plane access point for the CPS-16/12/8. An external device such as a host processor can use it to access the CPS-16/12/8’s registers. The port can also be used by the CPS-16/12/8 to load registers.
The use of the I RapidIO ports. There is no special safeguard on the I should assign the I

4.2 Master/Slave Configuration

C port is not targeted as a bridge to other external devices through the CPS-16/12/8’s
C address as per specification.
C address assignment inside the device. Users
The CPS-16/12/8 provides an external signal, MM, to configure the device in Master mode or Slave mode out of reset. When this signal is tied to V
(1.2V), it configures the device into temporary Master mode
after reset. If left floating, it will configure the device into Slave mode after reset.

4.3 Temporary Master Mode

The CPS-16/12/8 supports temporary Master mode to directly obtain its configuration from an external EEPROM using I registers from an external EEPROM. The CPS-16/12/8 will operate one burst read to download all data from EEPROM. I
The device supports configuration into temporary Master mode in two ways:
1. If an external Master mode signal is tied to V
2. If the Master mode signal is left floating the device will come out of reset in Slave mode, but can be
configured to transition to Master mode. This is done by setting I2C frequency, slave address, and checksum disable in I2C Master Control Register and I2C Master Status and Control Register.
C. As such, in Master mode the device can read/download, and optionally verify, its
C burst read start address 0xh00 (16bit address bit).
(1.2V), the device will come out of reset in Master mode.

4.3.1 Obtaining Configuration in Master Mode

If the Master mode signal, MM, is tied to VDD (1.2V), the CPS-16/12/8 will attempt to load its configuration registers after the device reset sequence has completed. The CPS-16/12/8 uses a 7-bit address of 1010[ID2][ID1][ID0] as the slave address of the device from which it will obtain its configuration. [ID2][ID1][ID0] are external signals to the device, and are the same three lower bits that would be used for the device’s I master, the device supports communication only with an external device that has a 7-bit address. 10-bit I addressing is not supported in this mode. The data includes a CRC value that the CPS-16/12/8 uses to compare against its own calculated value to determine the validity of the registers load. The registers are loaded from the EEPROM regardless of the value of the checksum, but a flag is set (I2C Master Status and Control Register.I2C_CHKSUM_FAIL) if the CRC fails.
C address when configured as a slave. When configured to come out of reset as an I2C
CPS-16/12/8 User Manual 4 - 1 July 10, 2012
Revision 1.5 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
IDT I2C Interface
When in this mode, the state of the external ADS signal is ignored. Once the CPS-16/12/8 completes its configuration sequence (successfully or unsuccessfully), it reverts to Slave mode (where the ADS signal becomes active).

4.3.2 Commanded Master Mode

The CPS-16/12/8 can be commanded into temporary Master mode using a maintenance write to the I2C Master Control Register and I2C Master Status Control Register. In this scenario, the device has come out of reset in Slave mode with the Master mode external signal left floating, or optionally tied to GND. Writing to START_I2C_EPROM_READ in the I2C Master Status Control Register causes the device to transition from Slave to temporary Master mode and read the EEPROM from the address specified in the EPROM_START_ADDR.
Commanded Master mode provides more configuration sequence flexibility. In this scenario the EEPROM slave address, and the EEPROM start address for the download, are both programmable. Whether or not a checksum comparison is performed to validate the download is also programmable. These configuration sequence options are established by writes to the I2C Master Control Register and I2C Master Status Control Register.
During (and after) the configuration sequence, the CPS-16/12/8 provides status information about the operation. This status includes whether or not any I finished, and whether or not the operation was successful. The ability to abort the operation using a maintenance write to the I2C Master Status Control Register is also provided.
When the device is in temporary Master mode, the state of the external ADS signal is ignored. Once the device completes its configuration sequence (successfully or unsuccessfully), it reverts to slave mode (where the ADS signal will become active).
C errors occurred, whether the operation is active or

4.3.3 Master Clock Frequency

While in the Master mode, the CPS-16/12/8 can be configured to supply a clock of either 100 kHz (Standard mode) or 400 kHz (Fast mode).

4.3.4 Register Map

The device’s register map is based on the concept of configuration blocks whose definition and accompanying data is located at specific places in the EEPROM address map. The definition of the register map is as follows:
1. Byte addresses 0x0000 and 0x0001 contain the version number to be used as an initial verification of the
registers (see Table 4.1). Each address must contain the value 0xAA, otherwise the EEPROM contents will not be loaded.
2. Byte addresses 0x0002 and 0x0003 define the number of configuration blocks that are in the register
map. This value is one less than the number of configuration blocks in the device. For one image, the value should be 0x00 for each address.
3. Byte address 0x0004 is the start of the first block. All blocks have the same format.
4. The first byte in the block encodes the lower 8 bits [7:0] of a 10-bit word defining the number of registers
represented in this block. A value of 0 = 1 register, 1 = 2 registers, and so on.
5. The first two bits in the second byte (bits 7 and 6) are the upper two bits of the number of registers loaded.
The lower 6 bits are the upper bits of the address (bits [21:16]).
6. Bytes 3 and 4 of the block encode the address to load the data that follows. The 22-bit address is the
24-bit device register address with the lower 2 bits dropped and assumed to be zero.
7. The remainder of the bytes of the block contain the data to be loaded into consecutive register addresses.
8. Subsequent blocks use the same format, number of registers, address, and data.
CPS-16/12/8 User Manual 4 - 2 July 10, 2012
Revision 1.5 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
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