Quick start ADC1453D,
ADC1159D evaluation board
ADC1453D, ADC1159D, ADC1453DxxxW1-DB, evaluation board, ADC,
Converter, JESD204B, BSX0254.
This document describes how to use the evaluation board for the dual
channel analog-to-digital converters ADC1453D and ADC1159D with
JESD204B output interface.

Integrated Device Technology
Quick start ADC1453D, ADC1159D evaluation board
Fig 1. Evaluation board overall presentation
(bottom layer /
1. Overview of the evaluation board:

Integrated Device Technology
Quick start ADC1453D, ADC1159D evaluation board
Fig 2. Overall presentation of default switchs and jumpers
2. Switch and Jumpers default state

Integrated Device Technology
Quick start ADC1453D, ADC1159D evaluation board
Fig 3. Typical test configuration
Signal generator (SMA100A) +
filter (1% bandpass)
Signal generator (SMA100A) +
filter (1% bandpass)
Press PB2 and PB3
for FPGA reset
The leds 6 and 7 must
be synchronized
3. Typical test configuration:

Integrated Device Technology
Quick start ADC1453D, ADC1159D evaluation board
© IDT 2012. All rights reserved.
1. Select the
ADC1443D product
To quit the interface,
please click ‘quit’
4. Select the number
of points for FFT
3. Enter the sampling
7. ‘GREEN’ when
USB is ready
8. ‘GREEN’ when
Acquisition is
5. Enter the input
frequency. The
coherent frequency will
be automatically
2. Select ‘Coherent’ for
optimized FFT processing.
Otherwise select ‘Not
4. ADC acquisition tool
4.1 Software start-up
To install the software, please refer to appendix A ‘Software and drivers install’.
Run the application “HSDC_SW_ADC_4.exe”. This application will allow:
the user to control features through the SPI;
as well as performing any online data acquisition to evaluate the performances.
4.2 Start-up screen