Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Evaluation board for ADC1443D/53D series
18 April 2012
14 Feb 2013
2 June 2014
Initial version
Rebranding IDT
Update to support ADC1453D250 and ADC1159D250
ADC1443D DB,ADC1453D DB, ADC1159D DB, Evaluation board,
JESD204B ADC, Kintex-7, BSX0254.
This document describes how to setup the demonstration board
ADC1443D/53D DB with the Xilinx Kintex-7 KC705 development board.
The ADC1443D/53DWO Evaluation board is available in 4 versions:
ADC1443D125WO-DB; ADC1443D160WO-DB; ADC1453D250WO-DB, ADC1159D250WO-DB.
HMSC-FMC adaptor board is required to easily interoperate with Kintex-7 FMC connector.

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Fig 1. ADC1443D/53DxxxWO/DB overall presentation
1. Overview of the evaluation board ADC1443D/53DWO-DB

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Fig 2. Overall presentation of default switches and jumpers
2. Switch and Jumpers default state

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Fig 3. Analog and clock inputs
( optional, on
request when
ordering EVB)
3. Board goal and general description
The ADC1443D/53DxxxWO/DB board along with Xilinx KC705 development board are
aimed to provide a full and complete set to evaluate and demonstrate the
ADC1x43D/53D series, analog to digital converters, compliant with JESD204B JEDEC
serialization standard.
The ADCs
The board embeds 2 dual ADC devices with option for each ADC to receive a separate
external clock input.
Each ADC is dual channel and needs to be fed with single-ended input ( from SMA
Power supplies
The board embeds a 5V power supply connector.

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Fig 4. 5V DC power connector
Fig 5. Xilinx KC705 JTAG connector
Downloading the FPGA bit file
The FPGA code, in the form of a bit file, requires to be downloaded via the KC705
external JTAG connector.
To download the Kintex-7 bit file, ISE Design Suite 13.3 or later is required from Xilinx, or
at a minimum the Xilinx ChipeScope Pro 64-bit version tool.
The FPGA is responsible for de-serializing the serial stream coming From the ADC,
according to the JESD204B standard.

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Fig 6. USB-to-SPI interface
Fig 7. LEDs on KC705 board from FPGA
Since we have 2 dual ADC on the board, each with 2 lanes, the HSDC_SW_ADC_4.exe
application allows to configure the FPGA and to choose which channel, ADC, lanes we
want to acquire.
The FPGA is accessible via the same USB-to-SPI interface on the ADC board.
LED Information from the FPGA are available on the KC705 board
LED 7, when lighted, signals that the JESD204B link is operational.
LED5 and LED6 are toggling when FPGA receiver is getting a clock from ADC board.
Once the FPGA has decoded the Serial stream, It is stocked into a size variable internal
memory ( from 4K to 64k) and could be uploaded via SPI-to-USB to the
HSDC_SW_ADC_4.exe application and displayed as an FFT with all relevant information
An HSMC-to-FMC connector adapter makes it possible to connect the
ADC1443D/53DWO demo board to the Xilinx KC705 board. A FMC High Pin Count
(HPC) connector is required.

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Fig 8. HSMC-to-FMC connector adapter (HSMC side shown) for
connection to Xilinx KC705 board
Fig 9. USB-to-SPI interface
USB interface
The USB interface acts like a programming interface.
The main chip is an FTDI FT2232D that interface the USB Physical layer to the SPI
interface for the Two ADCs and the clock generator.
The Board comes with the HSDC_SW_ADC_4.exe application that controls all these
components via USB.

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Go to National Instruments web page http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/2087/lang/en
Run the application ‘LVRTE2010std.exe’
Further instructions on how to install and operate the software are detailed in next
4. Software and drivers install
4.1 Labview Runtime 2010 install

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Select ‘I accept the License

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Plug the USB cable in the demoboard USB connector
The wizard will help to install the USB Serial Converter A
Select ‘Install from a list or
specific location’
4.2 Demoboard - USB-SPI driver install

Integrated Device
Quick start ADC1443D/53D DB
Select ‘Search for the best
driver in these locations’
Select ‘Include this location
in the search’
Select the folder
Continue Anyway
(Windows XP only)
Select the file ‘ftdibus.sys’
in the folder