IDS Opera Duo User Manual

IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
Config.: Opera DUO-PRCS-OUT-MN
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
- PRO/010/M1 Rev 5 -
Rev. 1.0
Config.: Opera DUO-PRCS-OUT-MN
v. 1.0 – User
Pisa, February, 2014
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
This manual contains a complete description of the Opera Duo radar system, detailing the assembly procedure, the correct use of the data acquisition software, the field work procedure and the general operating procedures of the system.
Document Evolution
Reason of change
Rev. 1.0
First Edition
Document Change Record (Log)
Modification Description
SW Versions covered by this document
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
1. General.
i. The present Disclaimer applies to all products (the Products) designed, produced and distributed
by Ingegneria Dei Sistemi SpA - Georadar Division (IDS), its Subsidiaries, Affiliated and authorized Distributors. IDS reserves full ownership and intellectual property rights of any Information contained in this Disclaimer including Trade Marks and Graphics. No part of this Disclaimer may be used or reproduced in any forms without the prior written agreement of IDS.
ii. In the event that any provision of this Disclaimer may be invalid, unlawful or incapable of being
enforced by a rule of law, all other provisions shall, nonetheless, remain in full force and effect. Failure to either enforce or exercise any right, privilege, or legal remedy at any time, any provision contained in this Disclaimer, shall not be deemed a waiver of such provisions or right, remedy, or privilege.
iii. This Disclaimer shall be interpreted, governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the
laws of Italy. Buyer hereby consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of Pisa, Italy.
2. Initial Precautions for Setting-up and Use of the Products.
i. For setting-up and using the purchased Products, the Buyer shall consult the official
documentation provided by IDS for the Products (Reference Documentation) and carefully ascertain the compliance with national laws and requirements, which may limit or even forbid their use.
ii. For Products which operate by circulation in Public Areas/Roads, with or without moving traffic,
the Buyer/User shall verify the approval of local authority and/or site owner according to their specific procedures. IDS shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or injuries, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, resulting from unauthorized use of the Products in Public Areas/Roads.
iii. For Products which include specific Operational software with automatic data processing and
analysis Tools, the User shall be aware that the results provided by these Tools may be not error free. Any User who completely relies on the outcomes provided by these Tools only, does it at his own risk.
iv. In no event IDS shall be liable for special, direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, punitive or
consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, caused by the use of the Products, either separately or in combination with other products or relied upon the results provided by the above Tools.
3. Disclaimer for the Use of the Products.
i. The User shall follow the instructions provided by IDS in its official Reference Documentation
for the Product, in particular the User’s Technical Manual which contains all the specific steps and recommendations for a correct set-up and use of the Product.
ii. In no event IDS shall be liable for special, direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, punitive or
consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, caused by the lack or incomplete observance of the instructions and prescriptions for the use of the Products, either separately or in combination with other products, in particular for the following main aspects:
a. Use of IDS Products outside their limitation of use, without proper and adequate
scientific/technical knowledge or without specific training.
b. Use of results/outcomes of the measurements performed by the Product dealing with
safety aspects without using adequate control procedures and assessment by skilled personnel.
c. Opening of the Equipment (for HW Products) without express written authorization from
d. Unauthorized changes and additions to the Products. e. Use of the Products connected to suspected defective equipment or to equipment (mainly
PC) not having characteristics in compliance with the required IDS specifications or not expressly authorized by IDS.
f. Poor or faulty operation of the electrical and telecommunication networks not directly
managed by IDS or its delegates.
g. Poor or faulty operation of third party Software/Hardware connected with IDS
Rev. 1.0
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
h. Poor or faulty operation of the Products due to infection from Software Virus after their
i. Use of the Products which have encountered suspected manumissions, accidents,
electrostatic shocks, lightning, fire, earthquake, flooding or other natural disasters or unexpected events.
j. Use or storage of the Products outside the limits of the Operational Temperature Range
specified by IDS.
IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A. – GeoRadar Division
Via Enrica Calabresi, 24 – Loc. Montacchiello 56121 PISA - ITALY Tel: +39.050.312411 Fax: +39.050.3124205
Customer Care department: Tel.: +39.050.3124356
Sales & Marketing department: Tel.: +39.050.3124352
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
Warranty Conditions & Registration Form
A. Standard Warranty Conditions
1. IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A, (hereinafter referred to as IDS or Seller), warrants that its products shall be free from defects in material
and workmanship, for a period of 12 months from the delivery date duly registered and certified (“Effective Date”) in the “Warranty Registration Form” enclosed hereto. IDS shall repair or replace Products or parts thereof found faulty (the “Faulty Parts”) which are returned to IDS, and which, at IDS’s judgment, were defective or became defective during its normal use. The Seller’s obligations shall not apply to Faulty Parts that:
(a) The Buyer does not properly store, install, use, or maintain; (b) The Buyer modifies, or performs tests on, which are not approved in writing by the Seller; (c) The Buyer has subjected to any kind of misuse, detrimental exposure beyond its intended purpose or damaged in an accident or by
natural disaster or calamities.
(d) Are repaired by personnel other than IDS personnel; in which HW/SW accessories not supplied by IDS have been installed; are
integrated or connected to equipment different from the ones supplied by IDS (except the PC data Logger conform to IDS specifications);
(e) Whose operational software was not installed as per IDS instructions (see IDS User’s Guide for the Data Acquisition Software);
2. The Seller’s Products may include specific “Operational” software with automatic data processing and analysis tools (SW) supplied under a
License agreement (EULA). While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information/results provided by these tools, they must not be intended as a substitute for analysis by personnel; rather, they are intended as an advisor and the user must not completely rely on the results provided by them. Under no circumstances does IDS warrant that the SW will operate uninterrupted or error free. The SW is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. IDS warrants for a period of sixty (60) days from the Effective date that, under normal use, the SW support media will be free of defects in material and workmanship; in such case the provisions of above point a) apply
3. Any different warranty, granted by the Buyer to its retailers and clients, even as final consumers, pursuant to the European Union law in
force regarding the rights of the consumers, does not engage IDS in anyway.
4. The above mentioned warranty excludes any other remedies and it has to be considered the only and exclusive remedy foreseen for the Buyer
and its retailers and clients, with reference to IDS Products purchase, being, expressively understood that any kind of limitation and/or discharge of responsibility provided by the present warranty is referred to both (I) the responsibility as against any third parties, pursuant to the legislation regarding the producer responsibility and (II) the warranty provided by the law in force.
B. Warranty Procedure
1. To proceed in the application of warranty terms, the Buyer has to contact IDS Customer Care Office to get the clearance to return the Faulty
2. The Faulty Parts once received by IDS will be inspected to verify they are eligible for repair or replacement..
3. The Buyer is responsible for ensuring that the Faulty Parts are returned to IDS in suitable packing (it is recommended that the original
packing be saved for a better understand of the failure cause); IDS will not be obliged to repair or replace Faulty Parts damaged from abuse, misuse, negligence, accident loss or damage in transit.
4. The Shipping costs for Products returned during the warranty period, are as follows:
(f) From the Buyer Site to the Seller site shipping costs, as per Incoterms CIP, are borne by the Buyer (g) From the Seller Site to the Buyer site shipping cost, as per Incoterms CIP, are borne by the Seller
5. The warranty period on the repaired or replaced Faulty Parts is 6 (six) months or the unexpired portion of warranty on such Faulty Parts
whichever date comes later.
C. Limited Liability
1. The Seller’s sole obligation and liability under this Agreement shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the Product, or the refund of
the purchase price at the Seller’s sole option. This Article sets forth the sole and exclusive remedies for claims based upon defects or nonconformity of the Products, whether the claim is on contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise.
2. The cumulative liability of the Seller, including its subcontractors or suppliers, for any and all claims, including but not limited to claims
based on the Seller’s negligence of any degree, strict liability, breach of contract, warranty, reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the information provided by the SW, patents or otherwise, shall not exceed the sums cashed by IDS for the purchased Products, which give rise to the claim, and any such liability shall terminate upon the expiration of the warranty period.
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
Registration Form
(to be partially filled in by IDS, sent to Distributor/Customer and returned to IDS duly completed as indicated)
To be filled in by
References and dates
Distributor Purchase Order (if applicable)
IDS End Customer Purchase Order (if available)
Delivery Date certified by IDS
Effective Date certified for Warranty (*)
Distributor/End Customer
Distributor Name (if applicable)
End Customer Name and full address
End Customer Representative (Name, Phone, Fax, e-mail address)
End Customer
IDS seal and signature
Distributor seal and signature (if applicable)
End Customer seal and signature
List of Products purchased and test certificate to be filled in by IDS (if the lines are not enough, please use additional sheet)
System Summary
Test Certificate date and
reference to internal test
(*) In case the Customer/Distributor does not return the Warranty Registration Form duly filled in and signed to IDS the effective warranty date shall start 10 (ten) days after the delivery date as certified by IDS and written in the above form.
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
(**) By inserting a date in this field, IDS certifies that the item has been checked and calibrated as per IDS standard procedures and the item meets or exceeds all test specifications. The location of tests is Pisa – Italy.
Before cleaning any external parts of the apparatus, make sure that all cables have been disconnected, including the power supply cable. If a damp cloth is used, make sure it is not too wet, to avoid any damage to the electrical components of the equipment. Wait until the equipment is totally dry before reconnecting the cables.
The Opera Duo should be cleaned periodically using a damp cloth.
Do not use solvents or abrasive detergents. Do not apply liquid directly to the electrical contacts of the
various connectors. If a specific spray is used to clean the PC TFT monitor, make sure it is not flammable; in any case, do not spray it directly on the screen, instead, spray it onto the cleaning cloth.
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
Laptop Batteries (X2): Type: Li-ion Characteristics: 7.2 V 3.4 Ah Removal instructions:
1. Open the drawer with the symbol of the batteries;
2. Extract the battery pack pulling the tab.
Radar batteries: Manufacturer: FIAMM FG21202 / SAFT MP176065 Type: Rechargeable lead acid / rechargeable lithium-ion Characteristics: 12V & 12Ah / 15V & 6.8Ah Removal instructions:
1. Disconnect the battery from the instrument: a. pull the connector wings; b. separate the connectors;
2. Remove the battery from the cover (optional) opening the
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
The crossed out wheeled bin symbol shown on the equipment indicates that the product must be recycled separately from other waste at the end of its useful life.
Separate waste disposal of this product at the end of its useful life will be organised and managed by IDS. When you decide to dispose of the equipment, contact IDS and follow the system that IDS has set up to permit the separate collection of the apparatus at its life end.
Adequate separate collection for its subsequent recycling, treatment and environmental friendly disposal contribute towards avoiding any unnecessary effects on the environment and to health and favour the reuse or recycling of the materials that make up the equipment. Unauthorised disposal of this product as unsorted waste by its possessor will lead to an administrative penalty foreseen by national regulations.
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
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All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Application Field ........................................................................................................... 12
1.3 Trademarks .................................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Reference ....................................................................................................................... 12
1.4.1 Regulations ..................................................................................................................... 12
1.5 Acronyms and Definitions .............................................................................................. 15
1.5.1 Acronyms ....................................................................................................................... 15
1.5.2 Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 15
2. Overview................................................................................................................................. 16
2.1 Contents ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.2 Intended readership ....................................................................................................... 16
3. Opera Duo hardware description ........................................................................................ 17
3.1 Opera Duo main body ................................................................................................... 17
3.1.1 Antenna .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.2 Control unit .................................................................................................................... 18
3.1.3 Encoders ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.1.4 Handle ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.1.5 Wheels ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.1.6 Laptop support ............................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Laptop ............................................................................................................................ 21
3.3 Battery ........................................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Battery charger .............................................................................................................. 23
3.5 Spray support ................................................................................................................. 24
3.6 GPS support ................................................................................................................... 25
4. Assembly procedure .............................................................................................................. 26
4.1 Unfold the radar main body .......................................................................................... 26
4.2 Connect the laptop ......................................................................................................... 29
4.3 Insert the battery ............................................................................................................ 30
4.4 Mount the Spray support ............................................................................................... 31
4.5 Mount the GPS support ................................................................................................. 33
4.6 Encoder calibration ....................................................................................................... 34
FIG. 3.1 – DAD POWER BUTTON ............................................................................................................ 18
IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 User Manual
11 / 34
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
FIG. 3.2 – OPERA DUO HANDLE ............................................................................................................. 19
FIG. 3.3 – ETHERNET CABLE PLUG ON THE HANDLE ...................................................................... 19
FIG. 3.4 – TWO AND FOUR WHEELED VERSIONS OF THE OPERA DUO ........................................ 20
FIG. 3.5 – LAPTOP SUPPORT ................................................................................................................... 20
FIG. 3.6 – PANASONIC CF-H2 .................................................................................................................. 21
FIG. 3.7 – OPERA DUO BATTERY ........................................................................................................... 22
FIG. 3.8 – BATTERY CHARGER ............................................................................................................... 23
FIG. 3.9 – SPRAY SUPPORT ...................................................................................................................... 24
FIG. 3.10 – EXAMPLE OF VERTICAL SPRAY SPOT MARKER ........................................................... 24
FIG. 3.11 – SPRAY SUPPORT STORAGE BAG ....................................................................................... 25
FIG. 3.12 – GPS SUPPORT IN THE STORAGE BAG ............................................................................... 25
FIG. 4.1 – UNFOLD THE OPERA DUO .................................................................................................... 26
FIG. 4.3 – LAPTOP SUPPORT INCLINATION REGULATION .............................................................. 27
FIG. 4.4 – ANTENNA LOCKING LEVER FOR TWO WHEELED VERSION ........................................ 28
FIG. 4.5 – ANTENNA HEIGHT REGULATION ....................................................................................... 28
FIG. 4.6 – VELCRO STRIPS ON THE LAPTOP AND LAPTOP SUPPORT............................................ 29
FIG. 4.7 – ETHERNET CONNECTION...................................................................................................... 29
FIG. 4.8 – BATTERY COMPARTMENT ................................................................................................... 30
FIG. 4.9 – BATTERY CONNECTION ........................................................................................................ 30
FIG. 4.10 – SPRAY SUPPORT LOCKS ...................................................................................................... 31
FIG. 4.11 – SPRAY SUPPORT FIXING ..................................................................................................... 31
FIG. 4.12 – SPRAY SUPPORT CABLE CONNECTION ........................................................................... 32
FIG. 4.13 – SPRAY CAN INSERTION ....................................................................................................... 32
FIG. 4.14 – GPS SUPPORT UPPER PART INSERTION ........................................................................... 33
FIG. 4.15 – GPS SUPPORT LOWER PART FIXING ................................................................................ 33
+ 23 hidden pages