IDS merlin magic Instruction Manual

IDS - merlin electronic Franz-Zell-Straße 6 Tel.: ++49 (0) 81 52 / 9184 48 e-mail: D 82211 Herrsching Fax: ++49 (0) 81 52 / 91 84 59 Internet:
Base Station - Series magic
Instruction manual
Fix the base station in a central position at a minimum height of 2.5m. Avoid metallic surfaces in the surroundings. Make sure that there is RF on all places of the serving area and beyond that. (see also instruction manual of hand held)
The base station magic serves as interconnection between the hand helds and the cash register. It can communicate with up to 16 hand helds.
Indication lights - connections
Power supply 8,5 V DC, max. 500 mA. Please use the power supply enclosed in the delivery only.
Serial interface - connection to the cash register. A standard 1:1 cable can be used.
Indicates data transmission to a hand held device.
Indicates data transmission via serial interface.
Log signal - indicates if there is communication to another RF module.