IDS LCD Digital Keypad, IDS 816, IDS 1224, IDS 1632 User Manual

IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009
IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009
IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009
IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009
2. Arming the Control Panel...............................................................................8
2.1 Away Arming...........................................................................................................8
2.1.1 How to Away Arm...................................................................................................8
2.1.2 Quick Away Arm – Shortcut Key.............................................................................8
2.2 Stay Arming.............................................................................................................9
2.2.1 How to Stay Arm.....................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Quick Stay Arm – Shortcut Key..............................................................................9
2.3 How to Stay Arm and Go........................................................................................10
2.4 Key-switch or Remote Arming................................................................................10
2.5 Auto Arming............................................................................................................10
3. Disarming the Control Panel..........................................................................10
3.1 How to Disarm with a User Code...........................................................................10
3.2 How to Disarm using a key-switch or Remote.......................................................11
4. Bypassing Zones............................................................................................11
4.1 How to Bypass a Zone...........................................................................................11
4.2 How to Un-bypass a Zone.....................................................................................12
5. Emergency Alarms.........................................................................................12
5.1 Fire Alarms.............................................................................................................12
5.2 Panic Alarms..........................................................................................................12
5.3 Medical Alarms......................................................................................................13
5.4 Duress Alarms.......................................................................................................13
6. Alarm Memory................................................................................................13
7. Zone Options..................................................................................................13
7.1 Changing a Zone Name.........................................................................................13
8. User Codes......................................................................................................14
8.1 Adding, Deleting and Editing User Codes.............................................................15
8.2 How to Enter the User Program Mode...................................................................15
8.3 Explanation of Programmable Options..................................................................16
8.3.1 Option 0 – Add a New User Code.........................................................................16
8.3.2 Option 1 – Edit a User Name.................................................................................16
8.3.3 Option 2 – Edit a Selected User Code...................................................................17
8.3.4 Option 3 – View a User Code Slot Number............................................................18
8.3.5 Option 4 – User Code Properties...........................................................................18 Explanation of User Code Properties – Master Code............................................19 Duress Code..........................................................................................................19 Maids Code...........................................................................................................19 Global Arm/Disarm.................................................................................................19 Group Arm..............................................................................................................20 Group Disarm.........................................................................................................20 Report User Open/Close........................................................................................20 User Phone in Access............................................................................................20 Report User Access...............................................................................................20 Enable Anti-Pass Back for User.............................................................................20
IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009 Fire Code................................................................................................................21
8.3.6 Option 5 – Assign User Code to Partitions.............................................................21
8.3.7 Option 6 – Assign User Code to Doors..................................................................21
8.3.8 Option 7 – Assign User Code to Schedule.............................................................22
8.3.9 Option 8 – Adding User Remotes...........................................................................22
8.3.10 Option 9 – Delete User Code (Code Known).........................................................23
8.3.11 Option 10 – Delete a User Code (Slot Known).......................................................23
8.3.12 Option 11 – Viewing a User Code...........................................................................23
8.3.13 Option 12 – Add User Slot......................................................................................24
9. Stay Zones.......................................................................................................24
9.1 How to Select a Stay Profile...................................................................................24
9.2 How to Program Stay Zones..................................................................................24
9.3 How to Cancel Stay Zones.....................................................................................25
10. Buzz Zones......................................................................................................25
10.1 How to Program Buzz Zones..................................................................................25
10.2 How to Cancel Buzz Zones....................................................................................26
11. Chime Zones...................................................................................................26
11.1 How to Program Chime Zones...............................................................................26
11.2 How to Cancel Chime Zones..................................................................................27
12. Viewing Trouble Conditions...........................................................................27
13. Changing a Partition.......................................................................................28
14. Remote Telephone Access............................................................................28
15. Output Control via a Keypad..........................................................................30
IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009
Table 1 Alarm Panel Zones.........................................................................................13
Table 2 Alarm Panel Features.....................................................................................14
Table 3 User Programming Options...........................................................................15
Table 4 User Code Properties.....................................................................................19
Table 5 Trouble Conditions.........................................................................................27
Table 6 Remote Telephone Operation.......................................................................29
IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009
1. Introduction to the IDS LCD Digital Keypad
Your installer has selected one of the finest alarm systems available for your installation and has custom programmed the system features to meet your specific requirements. The elegant and user friendly LCD Keypad will allow you easy access to your security system's functions and information at the touch of a button. The 32 character screen will display menus and messages to guide you through the system's operation. Since you will communicate your instructions to your system through the keypad, please read this manual carefully, and have your installer explain basic system operation.
2. Arming the Control Panel
2.1 Away Arming
2.1.1 How to Away Arm
[#] + [USER CODE] (Leave via Entry/Exit Zone)
1. Ensure that the LCD display reads 'Ready to Arm' alongside the partition number being armed. If
not, check that all protected doors and windows are closed and that all movement has ceased in areas covered by motion detectors. If necessary, bypass any required zones and close the front door.
2. Press the [#] key.
3. Enter a valid [USER CODE]. If an incorrect code is entered, the keypad buzzer will beep three
times. In the event of an error press, the [#] key and re-enter the code.
4. The ARM indicator will come on and the keypad buzzer will sound for the duration of the exit
delay. The LCD screen will read 'Exit Delay' alongside the partition number which is being armed. Any bypassed zones will be displayed on the LCD display as solid text. Any violated zones will be displayed on the LCD display as flashing text. To scroll through zones which have been bypassed or violated use the [PANIC] and [MED] keys.
5. Leave only via a designated exit route. The panel will away arm at the end of the exit delay.
6. Once the panel has armed the LCD display will read 'Armed' alongside the partition that has
been armed.
2.1.2 Quick Away Arm - Shortcut Key
(Hold down the [1] key until the keypad buzzer sounds)
If this function is enabled, it is possible to AWAY arm by simply holding down the [1] key. The LCD display will read 'Exit delay' alongside the partition number being armed. The keypad buzzer sounds and the arming process begins.
IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009
If the partition is already STAY armed, this key will initialize AWAY arming. It is therefore possible to change directly from STAY armed to AWAY armed.
2.2 Stay Arming
Stay arming allows the user to monitor selected perimeter zones and bypass interior zones. The user can remain on the premises with access to designated areas during the STAY ARM cycle. Any zone which may be violated accidentally should be programmed as a buzz zone. When violated, a buzz zone will cause the keypad buzzer to sound for thirty seconds before sounding the siren. Entering a valid user code before the siren sounds, prevents an alarm condition from being registered and will silence the keypad buzzer and prevent the siren from sounding.
To provide greater flexibility the panel caters for the programming of two different STAY PROFILES. Each STAY PROFILE contains a unique combination of STAY, BUZZ and ALARM zones which cater for a particular STAY ARM requirement. The profile number is now indicated at the end of the top line after the armed partition on the LCD Keypad when the panel is stay armed.
PROFILE 1 might be used when the family goes to bed in the evening. In this profile, some interior zones may be programmed as alarm zones or buzz zones, whereas PROFILE 2 is utilised while watching television when all interior zones would be bypassed. (See 9.1 How to Select a Stay Profile.)
2.2.1 How to Stay Arm
[#] + [USER CODE] (Do not leave premises)
1. Select the required STAY PROFILE. (See Section 8.1)
2. Ensure that the LCD display reads 'Ready to arm' alongside the partition number being armed. If
not, check that all protected doors and windows are closed and that all movement has ceased in the areas covered by motion detectors.
3. Press the [#] key.
4. Enter a valid [USER CODE]. If an incorrect code is entered, the keypad will give an error beep. In
the event of an error press the [#] key and re-enter the [USER CODE].
5. DO NOT violate the Entry/Exit zone (normally the front door). If the Entry/Exit zone is violated the
system will arm in the AWAY mode.
6. The LCD Keypad will read 'Exit Delay', the ARM indicator will come on and the keypad buzzer will
sound for the duration of the exit delay.
7. When the panel arms, any STAY zones will be automatically bypassed. These are displayed on
the LCD Display as solid text. Any violated zones will be displayed on the LCD Display as flashing text. To scroll through zones which have been bypassed or violated use the [PANIC] and [MED] keys.
8. Ensure that you enter only those areas that are bypassed.
2.2.2 Quick Stay Arm - Shortcut Key
(Hold down the [5] key for 2 seconds until the keypad buzzer sounds)
It is possible to STAY arm by holding down the [5] key until the keypad buzzer sounds. The panel will immediately arm into the stay mode without any exit delay. Holding the [5] key again will toggle between the 2 stay profiles.
IDS LCD Keypad User Manual 700-292-01C Issued March 2009
The LCD display will read 'Partial Arm' and will indicate any zones which have been bypassed. One is able to scroll through the list of bypassed, as well as violated, zones by using the [PANIC] and [MED] keys.
2.3 How to Stay Arm and Go
(Hold down the [6] key for two seconds until the keypad buzzer sounds)
This is a single key arm function, which allows the user to STAY arm and leave the premises.
If a partition is already stay armed, holding down the [6] key initiates an exit delay, thus allowing the user to leave the premises without disarming. At the end of the exit delay, the partition will re-arm in the same stay profile it was armed in before the [6] key was held down.
1. Make sure all zones are clear. Hold down the [6] key until the keypad buzzer sounds. The LCD
screen display will read 'Exit Delay' alongside the partition number being armed. Any zones that have been bypassed will be displayed on the LCD Display as solid text. Any zones that are violated will be displayed on the LCD Display as flashing text. Use the [PANIC] and [MED] keys to scroll through zones which have been bypassed or violated. The keypad buzzer will sound for the duration of the exit delay. Only leave via a designated exit route.
2. At the end of the exit delay, the ARM indicator will come on and the display will read 'Stay Arm'.
All stay zones will be bypassed.
2.4 Key-Switch or Remote Arming (If fitted)
1. Ensure that the LCD display reads 'Ready to arm' before leaving.
2. Leave and close the door (remembering to lock!)
3. Activate the remote or the key-switch. A remote can be used to Stay Arm or Away Arm.
4. The alarm will arm in the away mode.
If a remote control is used it is advisable to have the siren toot on arm function enabled. This provides verification that the system has armed.
2.5 Auto Arming
The panel may be programmed to arm automatically at a preprogrammed time. Should the premises be occupied at the time of auto arming, a valid [USER CODE] entered during the pre-arm delay will terminate the arming sequence. The pre-arm delay is signalled by an exit beep.
3. Disarming the Control Panel
3.1 How to Disarm with a User Code
[#] + [USER CODE]
To disarm the system, enter [#] followed by a valid [USER CODE].
1. Enter the premises through a designated entry route. Entering via any other route will cause an
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