IDEXX SediVue Quick Start Guide

SediVue* Bacteria Confirmation Kit
Quick Reference Guide
Bacteria can be difficult to differentiate from cellular or crystalline debris. The proprietary reagents in the SediVue* Bacteria Confirmation Kit are designed to chemically dissolve blood cells and crystals that interfere with the identification of bacteria so that you can more confidently confirm the absence or presence of bacteria in a patient’s urine sample.
Storage and handling requirements
• Store opened and unopened kits at room temperature.
How to confirm your bacteria result with the kit
1. Select the patient from In-House Results on the IDEXX VetLab* Station Home screen and then tap Add Test.
2. Tap the SediVue Dx icon.
3. Tap Confirm Bacteria.
4. Tap Append Results.
5. Using the SediVue* pipette and a new pipette tip, aspirate 165 µL of well-mixed urine and dispense it into a new
sample tube (provided in the kit).
Note: For best results, use uncentrifuged urine within 2 hours of collection.
6. Add 1 drop of Reagent 1 (red) to the same tube.
7. Cap the tube and invert it 5 times to mix.
8. Add 1 drop of Reagent 2 (blue) to the same tube.
9. Cap the tube and invert it 5 times to mix.
10. Aspirate 165 µL of the prepared sample and inject it into a cartridge in the pipetting window on the analyser.
11. Press the Start button on the front of the SediVue Dx* Urine Sediment Analyser.
Interpreting results
Results for cocci and rods will be reported as either “None detected”
or “Present.”
In rare instances, results will be suppressed and the following
message will appear on the report: “The SediVue Bacteria
Confirmation Kit did not dissolve enough non-bacterial sediment and/ or debris.” This could occur when the sample is overly crowded with
elements and bacteria cannot be easily identified. Additionally, some elements, such as sperm and epithelial cells, may not be dissolved fully by the reagents and could impact results. Review the images to determine if further action is needed. If results are inconclusive, do one of the following:
Perform an air-dried, stained cytological preparation (“dry prep”).
Perform a urine culture.
Frequently asked questions
Question Answer
You should use the kit if:
You receive a bacteria result of “Suspect presence” and the corresponding When should I use the SediVue Bacteria Confirmation Kit?
images do not provide conclusive evidence of the absence or presence of bacteria.
You receive a bacteria result that does not align with the corresponding
images and/or your expectations.
How does the bacteria confirmation kit help to clarify my bacteria results?
How do I interpret my results obtained after using the bacteria confirmation kit?
I received a message stating the kit didn’t dissolve enough nonbacterial sediment. What do I do?
Why do I need to wear PPE while using the kit?
Why am I still seeing cells and/or other material in my images after running the bacteria confirmation kit?
The reagents in the kit dissolve crystalline and cellular material, allowing better visibility to the absence or presence of bacteria.
Your results will report rods and cocci as either “None detected” or “Present.” As always, be sure to use the corresponding images along with results to make the most informed decision.
This message indicates that the images are not clear enough to confidently identify the absence or presence of bacteria. To resolve, review the images to determine if further action is needed and/or do one of the following:
Perform an air-dried cytological preparation (“dry prep”).
Perform a urine culture.
The bacteria confirmation kit reagents could cause skin and eye irritation. We recommend wearing PPE as a precaution.
While it is possible to see some remaining elements (such as epithelial cells which don’t dissolve as well as others or crystalline, cellular, or amorphous material), results and/or images will not be impacted in most cases. If these elements are interfering with the quality of the results and/or images, do one of the following:
Perform an air-dried cytological preparation (“dry prep”).
Perform a urine culture.
If this issue persists, confirm that you’re following the steps as outlined on the front of this document—adding the reagents in the improper order, or not at all, will impact results.
Can I run the bacteria confirmation kit without an initial patient run?
Will I be charged for running the bacteria confirmation kit?
Why doesn't bacteria dissolve with the bacteria confirmation kit reagents?
Which species are supported for use with the bacteria confirmation kit?
© 2020 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. • 06-0038602-00 *SediVue, SediVue Dx, and IDEXX VetLab are trademarks or registered trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
You can run the bacteria confirmation kit without an initial SediVue Dx patient run; however, you will be invoiced, important elements may dissolve in the sample, and only bacteria results will be reported.
You will not be invoiced for running the bacteria confirmation kit as long as it’s run as part of a complete urine sediment analysis.
Bacteria have an outer layer that prevents penetration by the reagents, thereby maintaining their integrity.
The bacteria confirmation kit is intended for use with canine and feline urine.