Identiv SDI011 1000 User Manual

Dual interface (contactless and contact) stationary reader
SCM Microsystems
Reference Manual – version 1.01
Reference manual
SDI011 Dual Interface (Contactless and Contact)
Stationary Reader
© SCM Microsystems
Oskar-Messter-Strasse, 13
85737 Ismaning
Phone +49 89 9595 5000 Fax +49 89 9595 5555
Description of change
Initial Version
Add FCC warning Typo corrections
Document history
Contact information­interface-readers.html
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Table of Contents
1. Legal information ................................................................................................................... 9
1.1. Disclaimers ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.2. FCC ................................................................................................................................ 9
1.2.1. Section 15.21 Information to user ........................................................................... 9
1.2.2. Section 15.105 (b) ................................................................................................... 9
1.3. Licenses ......................................................................................................................... 9
1.4. Trademarks .................................................................................................................. 10
2. Introduction to the manual ................................................................................................... 11
2.1. Objective of the manual ............................................................................................... 11
2.2. Target audience ........................................................................................................... 11
2.3. Product version corresponding to the manual ............................................................. 11
2.4. Definition of various terms and acronyms .................................................................... 12
2.5. References ................................................................................................................... 13
2.6. Conventions ................................................................................................................. 14
3. General information about SDI011 ...................................................................................... 15
3.1. SDI011 key benefits ..................................................................................................... 15
3.2. SDI011 key features ..................................................................................................... 15
3.3. SDI011 ordering information ........................................................................................ 16
3.4. SDI011 customization options ...................................................................................... 16
3.5. Contactless communication principles and SDI011 usage recommendations ............ 17
3.5.1. Power supply......................................................................................................... 17
3.5.2. Data exchange ...................................................................................................... 17
3.5.3. Recommendations ................................................................................................ 18
3.6. Applications .................................................................................................................. 19
3.6.1. General ................................................................................................................. 19
3.6.2. Applications provided by SCM Microsystems ....................................................... 19
4. SDI011 characteristics ........................................................................................................ 20
4.1. SDI011 high level architecture ..................................................................................... 20
4.1.1. Block diagram ....................................................................................................... 20
4.1.2. Software architecture ............................................................................................ 21
4.2. Quick reference data .................................................................................................... 22
4.2.1. SDI011 dimensions ............................................................................................... 22
4.2.2. LED behavior ........................................................................................................ 23
4.2.3. Other data ............................................................................................................. 24
5. Software modules ................................................................................................................ 26
5.1. Installation .................................................................................................................... 26
5.2. Utilities .......................................................................................................................... 26
5.3. Driver ............................................................................................................................ 26
5.3.1. SDI011 listing ........................................................................................................ 26
5.3.2. Supported operating systems ............................................................................... 27
5.3.3. PC/SC 2.0 compliant ATR for contactless interface ............................................. 27
5.4. Firmware ...................................................................................................................... 30
5.4.1. CCID transport protocol ........................................................................................ 30
5.4.2. Automatic PPS for the contactless interface ......................................................... 31
6. Commands description ........................................................................................................ 32
6.1. Generic APDU .............................................................................................................. 32
6.1.1. Get UID Command ............................................................................................... 32
6.1.2. Escape command APDU ...................................................................................... 34
6.2. Set of APDU for contactless storage user tokens ........................................................ 35
6.2.1. STORAGE_CARD_CMDS_READ_BINARY ........................................................ 35
6.2.2. STORAGE_CARD_CMDS_WRITE_BINARY ...................................................... 37
6.2.3. STORAGE_CARD_CMDS_LOAD_KEYS ............................................................ 39
6.2.4. STORAGE_CARD_CMDS_AUTHENTICATE ...................................................... 40
6.2.5. STORAGE_CARD_CMDS_VALUE_BLOCK ....................................................... 42
6.3. Set of APDU for ISO/IEC14443-4 user tokens ............................................................ 43
6.3.1. T=CL Command .................................................................................................... 43
6.3.2. T=CL user command ............................................................................................ 44
6.4. Set of APDU defined by SCM Microsystems ............................................................... 45
6.4.1. MIFARE DESFire Commands .............................................................................. 45
6.5. Escape commands for the contactless interface ......................................................... 46
6.5.1. Sending escape commands to SDI011 ................................................................ 46
6.5.2. Escape command codes ....................................................................................... 46
6.5.3. READER_GETCARDINFO ................................................................................... 47
6.5.4. READER_LED_CONTROL_BY_FW .................................................................... 48
6.5.5. READER_LEDCONTROL .................................................................................... 48
6.5.6. READER_CNTLESS_GET_MFRC_REV ............................................................. 48
6.5.7. READER_CNTLESS_GET_ATS_ATQB .............................................................. 49
6.5.8. READER_CNTLESS_GET_TYPE ....................................................................... 49
6.5.9. READER_CNTLESS_SET_TYPE ........................................................................ 49
6.5.10. READER_CNTLESS_RF_SWITCH ..................................................................... 50
6.5.11. READER_CNTLESS_RAW_CFG ........................................................................ 50
6.5.12. READER_CNTLESS_RAW_XMIT_EX ................................................................ 51
6.5.13. READER_ CNTLESS_DISABLE_PPS ................................................................. 52
6.5.14. READER_SWITCH_RF_ON_OFF ....................................................................... 52
6.5.15. READER_CNTLESS_848KBPS ........................................................................... 53
6.5.16. READER_CNTLESS_BAUDRATE ....................................................................... 54
6.5.17. READER_CNTLESS_FORCE_BAUDRATE_PCSC_REV2 ................................ 55
6.6. Escape commands for the contact interface ................................................................ 56
6.6.1. Sending escape commands to SDI011 ................................................................ 56
6.6.2. Escape command codes ....................................................................................... 56
6.6.3. READER_SETMODE ........................................................................................... 56
6.6.4. READER_GETMODE ........................................................................................... 57
6.6.5. READER_APDU_TRANSFER.............................................................................. 57
6.6.6. READER_SWITCH_SPEED ................................................................................. 58
6.6.7. READER_SWITCH_PROTOCOL......................................................................... 58
6.6.8. READER_DISABLE_PPS ..................................................................................... 59
6.6.9. READER_GETIFDTYPE ...................................................................................... 59
6.6.10. READER_GETINFO_EXTENDED ....................................................................... 60
7. Annexes ............................................................................................................................... 61
7.1. Annex A – Status words table ...................................................................................... 61
7.2. Annex B – Sample code using escape commands through Escape IOCTL ............... 62
7.3. Annex C - SCM Proprietary CLA bytes ........................................................................ 67
7.4. Annex D – Mechanical drawings .................................................................................. 68
7.4.1. Top Casing ............................................................................................................ 68
7.4.2. Bottom Casing ...................................................................................................... 69
7.4.3. Stand ..................................................................................................................... 70
1. Legal information

1.1. Disclaimers

The content published in this document is believed to be accurate. SCM Microsystems does not, however, provide any representation or warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of its content and regarding the consequences of the use of information contained herein. If this
document has the status ―Draft‖, its content is still under internal review and yet to be formally
validated. SCM Microsystems reserves the right to change the content of this document without prior
notice. The content of this document supersedes the content of previous versions of the same document. The document may contain application descriptions and/or source code examples, which are for illustrative purposes only. SCM Microsystems gives no representation or warranty that such descriptions or examples are suitable for the application that the reader may want to use them for.
Should you notice problems with the provided documentation, please provide your feedback to
1.2. FCC
1.2.1. Section 15.21 Information to user
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment
1.2.2. Section 15.105 (b)
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

1.3. Licenses

If the document contains source code examples, they are provided for illustrative purposes only and subject to the following restrictions:
You MAY at your own risk use or modify the source code provided in the document
in applications you may develop. You MAY distribute those applications ONLY in form of compiled applications.
You MAY NOT copy or distribute parts of or the entire source code without prior
written consent from SCM Microsystems.
You MAY NOT combine or distribute the source code provided with Open Source
Software or with software developed using Open Source Software in a manner that subjects the source code or any portion thereof to any license obligations of such Open Source Software.
If the document contains technical drawings related to SCM Microsystems products, they are provided for documentation purposes only. SCM Microsystems does not grant you any license to its designs.

1.4. Trademarks

MIFARE is a registered trademark of NXP Semiconductors BV. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows Contact Driver
Windows Contactless Driver
5.20 MAC driver
LINUX Driver
2. Introduction to the manual

2.1. Objective of the manual

This manual provides an overview of the hardware and software features of the SDI011 dual interface (contactless and contact) reader, hereafter referred to as ―SDI011‖.
This manual describes in details interfaces and supported commands available for developers using SDI011 in their applications.

2.2. Target audience

This document describes the technical implementation of SDI011. The manual targets software developers. It assumes knowledge about 13.56 MHz contactless
technologies like ISO/IEC 14443 and commonly used engineering terms. Should you have questions, you may send them to .

2.3. Product version corresponding to the manual

Application Protocol Data Unit
Answer to Reset, defined in ISO7816
Answer to select, defined in ISO/IEC 14443
Group of 8 bits
Chip Card Interface Device
Card Identifier
Device Firmware Upgrade
Divider receive: used to determine the baud rate between the reader to the card
Divider send: used to determine the baud rate between the card to the reader
Light emitting diode
The ISO14443 Type A with extensions for security (NXP)
Not applicable
Node Address
Group of 4 bits. 1 digit of the hexadecimal representation of a byte. Example: 0xA3 is represented in binary as (10100011)b. The least significant nibble is 0x3 or (0011)b and the most significant nibble is 0xA or (1010)b
Proximity Coupling Device
Personal Computer/Smart Card: software interface to communicate between a PC and a smart card
Proximity Integrated Chip Card
Product ID
Distance coverage till ~10 cm.
Pseudo unique PICC identifier
Reserved for future use
Radio Frequency
Smart card reader controller ASIC from SCM Microsystems
Universal Serial Bus
Vendor ID
Binary notation of a number x, y, z 0,1
The byte value YY is represented in hexadecimal

2.4. Definition of various terms and acronyms

Doc ref in the manual
ISO/IEC 7816­3
Identification cards Integrated circuit
cards Part 3: Cards with contacts Electrical interface and transmission protocols
ISO/IEC 7816­4
Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts Part 4: Interindustry commands for interchange ISO/IEC 7816-4: 1995 (E)
Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity
cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision
ISO/IEC 14443-4
Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 4: Transmission protocol ISO/IEC 14443­4:2001(E)
Interoperability Specification for ICCs and Personal Computer Systems v2.01
PC/SC Workgroup
Specification for Integrated Circuit(s) Cards Interface Devices 1.1
Universal Serial Bus Specification 2.0

2.5. References

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11B0 B1 B2 B3
Least significant nibbleMost significant nibble
1 Byte = 8 bits = 2 nibbles
Bit number 0Bit number 5
String of 12 bytes
Byte number 11Byte number 2

2.6. Conventions

Bits are represented by lower case ‗b‘ where followed by a numbering digit. Bytes are represented by upper case ‗B‘ where followed by a numbering digit.
163 decimal number is represented
in hexadecimal as 0xA3 in binary as (10100011)b
The least significant nibble of 0xA3 is
0x3 in hexadecimal (0011)b in binary
The most significant nibble of =xA3 is
0xA in hexadecimal (1010)b in binary
3. General information about SDI011

3.1. SDI011 key benefits

With its combination of a modern slim design and its state of the art feature set, SDI011 is the perfect desktop reader choice for environments where both contact and contactless smart card support is required. Such environments may be corporate where physical and logical access control is implemented.
As for all SCM Microsystems products, SDI011 is designed to offer best in class interoperability with various formats of tokens: cards, dongles, watches or NFC mobile phones.
Its infield upgradeable firmware makes SDI011 a secure and future-proof investment providing both flexibility and fast time to market for new applications as well as minimum risk linked to contactless technology standards evolution.

3.2. SDI011 key features

13.56MHz contactless reader:
o ISO14443 type A & B, o MIFARE
ISO7816 compliant contact smart card reader PC/SC v2.0 compliant In field upgradeable firmware Unique serial number which enables that SDI011 can be plugged into any USB slot
on a PC without having to re-install the driver.
Part number
Contactless SDK
Contact SDK

3.3. SDI011 ordering information

3.4. SDI011 customization options

Upon request, SCM can customize:
The color of the casing The logo The product label The USB strings
Terms and conditions apply, please contact your local SCM representative or send an email to

3.5. Contactless communication principles and SDI011 usage recommendations

SDI011 is a dual interface reader capable of reading both contact smart cards and contactless user tokens. The following paragraph focuses on a few specifics of the contactless communication to outline usage recommendations in order to ensure best user experience.
SDI011 is a contactless reader1 designed to communicate with user tokens.
User tokens2 are made of a contactless integrated circuit card connected to an antenna
User tokens can take several form factors:
Credit card sized smart card Key fob NFC mobile phone etc…
Communication between SDI011 and user tokens uses magnetic field inductive coupling.
The magnetic field generated by SDI011 has a carrier frequency of 13.56MHz.
3.5.1. Power supply
When the user token is put in the magnetic field of the reader, its antenna couples with the reader and an induction current appears in the antenna thus providing power to the integrated circuit. The generated current is proportional to the magnetic flux going through the antenna of the user token.
3.5.2. Data exchange
The carrier frequency of the magnetic field is used as a fundamental clock signal for the communication between the reader and the card. It is also used as a fundamental clock input for the integrated circuit microprocessor to function.
To send data to the user token the reader modulates the amplitude of the field. There are several amplitude modulation and data encoding rules defined in ISO/IEC 14443. The reader should refer to the standard for further details.
To answer to the reader, the integrated circuit card of the user token modulates its way of loading (impedance) the field generated by the reader. Here also further details can be found in ISO/IEC 14443.
In the ISO/IEC 14443 standard, the reader is called the proximity coupling device (PCD)
In the ISO/IEC 14443 standard, the user token is called proximity integrated chip card (PICC)
It is recommended for proper communication to avoid putting SDI011 in close proximity of conductive materials.
It is recommended to present only one user credential at a time in front of SDI011.
It may happen that SDI011 is not capable of communicating with extremely large or extremely small antennas.
In order to optimize the coupling between the reader and the user token, it is recommended to put both antennas as parallel as possible
In order to optimize transaction speed between the reader and the card it is recommended to place the user token as close as possible to the reader. This will increase the amount of energy supplied to the user credential which will then be able to use its microprocessor at higher speeds
3.5.3. Recommendations
The communication between the reader and the user token is sensitive to the presence of material or objects interfering with the magnetic field generated by the reader.
The presence of conductive materials like metal in the vicinity of the reader and the user token can severely degrade the communication and even make it impossible. The magnetic field of
the reader generates Eddy or Foucault‘s currents in the conductive materials; the field is
literally absorbed by that kind of material.
The presence of multiple user tokens in the field also interferes with the communication. When several user tokens are in the field of the reader, load of the field increases which implies that less energy is available for each of them and that the system is detuned. For this reason, SCM Microsystems has implemented in its driver only 1 slot by default. This means that in the event several user tokens are in the field of the SDI011, only one will be active. It is possible using INF configuration to enable up to 4 slots – i.e. to activate up to 4 user tokens nevertheless depending on the power consumption of the user tokens communication cannot be guaranteed.
Please note that multiple contactless slots feature is supported but is kept disabled by default.
The SDI011 driver on configuration allows the presence and use of several PICCs (maximum 4) at the same time. The driver can support multiple logical connections and present each of them as a slot logical device to the Resource Manager and higher components. Also the simultaneous working of multiple Contactless cards is not guaranteed and depends on the antenna size and the power requirements of the card.
The communication between the reader and the user token is sensitive to the geometry of the system {reader, user token}. Parameters like the geometry and specially the relative size of the reader and user token antennas directly influence the inductive coupling and therefore the communication.
SDI011 was primarily designed and optimized to function with user credentials of various technologies having the size of a credit card.
Application logic + User
personal data for given
set of applications
USB link
PC/SC interface
RF link (13.56MHz) ISO14443 interface
Application logic
Interface device

3.6. Applications

3.6.1. General
SDI011 is a transparent reader designed to interface a personal computer host supporting PC/SC interface with 13.56MHz user tokens like public transport cards, contactless banking cards, electronic identification documents – e.g. e-passports, e-ID cards, driving licenses etc.
Those user tokens can have several form factors like credit cards, key fobs, NFC mobile phones or USB dongles like SCT3511 that SCM Microsystems markets.
SDI011 itself handles the communication protocol but not the application related to the token. The application-specific logic has to be implemented by software developers on the host.
3.6.2. Applications provided by SCM Microsystems
SCM Microsystems does not provide payment or transport applications. SCM Microsystems provides a few applications for development and evaluation purposes that
can function with SDI011. There are many tools provided; here are two of them:
The NFC forum tag reader/writer is a standalone application that enables the user to
read and write NFC forum compliant records into NFC forum compatible tags. It is an easy to use tool to configure rapidly NFC forum tag demonstrations. Note: SDI011 supports NFC forum tag type 2 and 4, only.
Smart card commander version 1.1 provides NFC forum record parsing functionality
of NDEF records in XML format as well as scripting functionality which can be very useful for developers to develop and debug their applications. This tool can be used for both the contact and the contactless interfaces of SDI011.
Device controller
STC2 ASIC (SCM) with
embedded flash
RF front-end
EMC filter +
Matching circuitry
text text text
To host
ISO7816 contact
smart card interface
4. SDI011 characteristics

4.1. SDI011 high level architecture

4.1.1. Block diagram
The link between SDI011 and the host to which it is connected is the USB interface providing both the power and the communication channel.
SDI011 has a device controller which is SCM‘s STCII ASIC. This ASIC has several interfaces available. In SDI011 implementation 3 peripherals are connected to the device controller:
LED for reader status indication A contact smart card interface An RF front-end that handles the RF communication
The ASIC embeds flash memory. The flash is programmed during the manufacturing of SDI011 devices. This flash contains the firmware developed by SCM Microsystems to handle all the ISO7816 contact protocol, the RF communication protocols and the PC/SC communication protocol with the host. The flash can be upgraded once the device is deployed in the field, hence enabling firmware upgrades to add and potentially patch features.
The RF front-end ensures the coding/decoding/framing modulation/demodulation required for the RF communication. It is controlled by the device controller through registers.
The matching circuitry provides the transmission and receiver paths adaptation for the antenna to function properly.
4.1.2. Software architecture
Applications can interface with the driver directly through the PC/SC interface.
The SDI011 driver implements PC/SC v2.0 API towards upper layers and uses SCM firmware commands encapsulated in CCID-like protocol for the contactless slot and full CCID for the contact slot.
The SDI011 contactless driver handles all the contactless-related intelligence – i.e. ISO/IEC 14443 and the SDI011 firmware handles the raw transport of data to and from the contactless cards.
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