Selected compounds
The Institute's HPLC spectra
library contains approximately
1,600 spectra that match a broad
user range in pharmacological and
toxicological analysis. All kinds of
drugs were considered, with drugs
that are most used included without question. A large number of
metabolites were included, as
available. Illegal drugs, such as
opiates, cannabinoids, cocaine,
amphetamins, commonly used hallucinogenes and other so-called
designer drugs were also incorporated into the library. Various drug
manufacturers generously provided the pure compounds.
Most herbicides, wood preservatives and pesticides became part
of the library. Environmental toxins were restricted to a series of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
polychlorinated biphenyls and
some phenols. Alcaloids such as
strychnine, brucine and nicotine
were included.
Nomenclature of the compounds
applies international names, when
available, or IUPAC nomenclature.
Many of the compounds were
used in their salt form for spectral
analysis, that is, as hydrochloride
or sodium salt. The identification
code was generated with the first
letter of the compound's name
and a three-digit number.
Caffeine, for example, became
C042. Compounds analyzed using
a different mobile phase have an
additional "b" added to their
names, such as A018b for
Instrumentation and analytical
Table 1 lists the instrumentation
and conditions used in the development of the pharmaceutical
and toxicology library. Certainly
these analyses can be done on a
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC system
as well.
The library contains corrected relative retention times calculated
according to the general formula:
- dead time) /
- dead time)
Dead time (the time of an unretained peak) was determined by
injection of histamin hydrochlorid,
which showed no retention in the
acidic mobile phase. The absolute
retention time is stored under
Acquisition in the data file.
Table 1
HPLC system configuration and conditions
HPLC system HP 1090 Series Liquid Chromatograph with
Agilent ChemStation
HPLC column Lichrosorb RP-8, 5.0 µm, 240 x 4.6 mm
Mobile phase A • 156 g (=200 ml) acetonitrile (UV grade)
• 340 g phosphate buffer, pH=2.3, made with 4.8 g H3PO4and
6.6 g KH2PO4in 1 L water, with pH control by glaselectrode.
Retention times were calculated as 5- (4-Methylphenyl)-5-phenyl
hydantoine (MPPH, code M000, RRT=1.000), as standard
Mobile phase B • 625 ml acetonitrile
for a smaller number of • 375 ml phosphate buffer, pH 2.3
compounds having Retention times were calculated based upon
retention times that p-Phenylbenzophenone (Code P191b, RRT=1.000) as standard
exceeded 30 minutes
(RRT>3 in mobile phase A)
Degassing Helium or vacuum
Column temperature 40 °C
Flow rate 1 ml/min
Injection volume 1 µg of each compound (10 µl of a solution of 0.1 mg/ml in the
mobile phase or acetonitrile)
Detector Diode-array detector
UV spectra Taken at the peak apex between 195 and 380 nm after background