Identifying Identifying Toxins Using an Extensive User Manual

The Institute of Legal Medicine at Humboldt University in Berlin,
Germany, initiated development of a spectra library to help clinical
and forensic toxicologists identify poisons as quickly as possible. The
library contains more than 1,600 UV spectra of compounds relevant to
pharmacology and toxicology. The spectra were measured at the
Forschungsgesellschaft für Lungen- und Thoraxerkrankungen (FILT) in
Berlin and tested with extracts of human serum, spiked full blood or
urine samples and samples taken during the investigation of many real
faster peak identification. Problem-oriented preselection of the match-
ing sublibrary allows identification of an analyte with a higher degree of
accuracy. Using this library and a diode-array detector software, ana-
lysts can compare the spectrum of an unknown peak with those in the
library in a very short time. With relatively simple sample preparation
methods, analysts can use this library to identify poisons and their
metabolites fast and confidently. The library also offers a link to a data-
base that gives each compound's nonproprietary name, CAS number,
effect or use, retention time and spectroscopic maxima, minima and
shoulders. An easy-to-use manual provides the same data, a printout of
each spectrum and the structural formula of each compound. All of this
makes the library a valuable tool in forensic, clinical and toxicological
Identifying Toxins Using an Extensive, Fast and Automated HPLC Spectral Library
Dr. Michael Rothe, Prof. Dr. Fritz Pragst, Andrea Kohn
Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Analysis
Agilent Technologies
Innovating the HP Way
Application Note
During the past decade, High Performance Liquid Chromato­graphy (HPLC) has become one of the most important analytical techniques in the chemical, bio­chemical and medical practice. HPLC is particularly effective for separating and identifying com­pounds used in pharmacology and toxicology. Applications include controlling environmental and food contamination and determin­ing the levels of active agents in medicinal drug candidates.
Almost all compounds of interest in the chemical and medical fields absorb light in the UV spectral region. Therefore, most HPLC analyses use UV-visible detectors. The introduction of the diode­array detector and the similarly­operating rapid-scan UV-visible detector opened another dimen­sion in UV detection. These detec­tors allow each chromatographic peak to be identified not only by retention time but also by its UV spectrum. The UV spectrum of a compound is very reproducible and its full shape is much more compound-specific than generally assumed.
A prerequisite for identifying com­pounds with diode-array detection is a library containing the UV spectra of as many compounds of interest as possible. Such a library is laborious to generate. And because many compounds are not available, creating a comprehen­sive library is often expensive and time-consuming. Most such libraries, therefore, remain very limited.
The Institute of Forensic Medicine at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, initiated development of a spectra library that contains more than 1,600 UV spectra rele­vant to pharmacology and toxicol­ogy, including a large variety of metabolites, which are particularly challenging to identify. The library was created because clinical and forensic toxicologists need to diagnose poisonings as quickly as possible. The large number and variety of potential poisons make diagnosis challenging, particularly when there is little information about the type and amount of poi­son ingested.
Spectra were measured and tested at the Forschungsgesellschaft für Lungen- und Thoraxerkrankungen (FILT) in Berlin and tested with human serum, spiked full blood or urine samples or samples taken during the investigation of real poisonings. The identification and correctness of the spectra were thoroughly controlled by multiple measurements and comparisons with the literature.
In addition to peak identification, this library is a valuable tool for designing optimal detection and quantification conditions for new analysis methods.
In addition to the spectra files, the library offers a link through each compound’s CAS number to a database that contains each com­pound’s nonproprietary name and CAS number, pharmacological or toxicological use or effect, relative retention time and UV spectro­scopic maxima, minima and shoul­ders. These data can be read by Microsoft Excel®, Microsoft Access®or Borland dBase®. The library also comes with an easy-to­use manual that includes a print­out of each spectrum and the structural formula together with instructions for the proper use of the library.
Furthermore, the user can quickly generate a new library extracted from the entire library with only the user’s spectra of interest. Relative retention times, based on internal standards, indicate the expected elution order, helping to overcome the well known difficul­ties of reproducibility even with the same type of column and the same mobile phase.
This application note summarizes the development of the toxicologi­cal library and provides examples of its use.
Selected compounds
The Institute's HPLC spectra library contains approximately 1,600 spectra that match a broad user range in pharmacological and toxicological analysis. All kinds of drugs were considered, with drugs that are most used included with­out question. A large number of metabolites were included, as available. Illegal drugs, such as opiates, cannabinoids, cocaine, amphetamins, commonly used hal­lucinogenes and other so-called designer drugs were also incorpo­rated into the library. Various drug manufacturers generously provid­ed the pure compounds.
Most herbicides, wood preserva­tives and pesticides became part of the library. Environmental tox­ins were restricted to a series of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and some phenols. Alcaloids such as strychnine, brucine and nicotine were included.
Nomenclature of the compounds applies international names, when available, or IUPAC nomenclature. Many of the compounds were used in their salt form for spectral analysis, that is, as hydrochloride or sodium salt. The identification code was generated with the first letter of the compound's name and a three-digit number. Caffeine, for example, became C042. Compounds analyzed using a different mobile phase have an additional "b" added to their names, such as A018b for Amiodarone.
Instrumentation and analytical conditions
Table 1 lists the instrumentation and conditions used in the devel­opment of the pharmaceutical and toxicology library. Certainly these analyses can be done on a Agilent 1100 Series HPLC system as well.
The library contains corrected rel­ative retention times calculated according to the general formula:
- dead time) /
- dead time)
Dead time (the time of an unre­tained peak) was determined by injection of histamin hydrochlorid, which showed no retention in the acidic mobile phase. The absolute retention time is stored under Acquisition in the data file.
Table 1 HPLC system configuration and conditions
HPLC system HP 1090 Series Liquid Chromatograph with
Agilent ChemStation
HPLC column Lichrosorb RP-8, 5.0 µm, 240 x 4.6 mm
Mobile phase A • 156 g (=200 ml) acetonitrile (UV grade)
• 340 g phosphate buffer, pH=2.3, made with 4.8 g H3PO4and
6.6 g KH2PO4in 1 L water, with pH control by glaselectrode. Retention times were calculated as 5- (4-Methylphenyl)-5-phenyl hydantoine (MPPH, code M000, RRT=1.000), as standard
Mobile phase B • 625 ml acetonitrile for a smaller number of • 375 ml phosphate buffer, pH 2.3 compounds having Retention times were calculated based upon retention times that p-Phenylbenzophenone (Code P191b, RRT=1.000) as standard exceeded 30 minutes (RRT>3 in mobile phase A)
Degassing Helium or vacuum
Column temperature 40 °C
Flow rate 1 ml/min
Injection volume 1 µg of each compound (10 µl of a solution of 0.1 mg/ml in the
mobile phase or acetonitrile)
Detector Diode-array detector
UV spectra Taken at the peak apex between 195 and 380 nm after background
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