IDEN I1000 PLUS User guide

Digital Multi-Service Internet-ready Phone
i1000 plus Phone User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................1
Welcome to Nextel® .......................................................................... 1
Customer Care................................................................................... 3
Ordering Information .......................................................................... 4
Driving Safety Tips............................................................................. 4
Getting Started ..........................................................................7
Phone Features ............................................................... 8
Batteries............................................................................................. 9
Turning Your
Enabling Security............................................................................. 12
Receiving Over-the-Air Programming .............................................. 12
Your Nextel Phone Status................................................................ 13
Display Icons.................................................................................... 14
Modes and Menus ........................................................................... 15
Quick Guideto
Creating, Editing and
Using Stored Lists ..................................................................21
Phone Programming........................................................................ 22
Storing Names and Numbers ....................................................22
Pause Digit Entry ....................................................................... 24
Editing Stored List Entries .........................................................25
Address Book................................................................................... 26
iDEN Organizer................................................................................ 27
Phone On/Off............................................. 11
Phone Functions..................................... 17
Phone Mode ...........................................................................29
Digital Cellular.................................................................................. 29
Making Phone Calls ...................................................................30
Direct Dial .......................................................................... 30
Making Phone Calls from the Stored List.............................. 30
Last Number Redial .............................................................. 32
Emergency Calling................................................................ 32
Special Dialing Codes........................................................... 33
Hands-Free Speakerphone................................................... 33
Mute ...................................................................................... 34
Placing International Phone Calls .............................................. 35
Plus Dialing........................................................................... 35
Country-to-Country (Using Plus Dialing)............................... 35
Country-to-Country (Using Direct Dial) . ................................ 36
Within-Country ...................................................................... 36
Receiving a Phone Call .............................................................36
Missed Call Indicator............................................................. 37
Retrieving a List of Missed Calls........................................... 37
Last 10 Numbers Received/Sent Calls List ............................... 37
Quickstore of Phone Numbers.............................................. 38
Reviewing/Storing/Dialing Received Calls............................ 38
Reviewing/Storing/Dialing Sent Calls.................................... 38
Ending aPhone Call ..................................................................39
Standard Features .....................................................................39
Call Hold ............................................................................... 40
Call Forwarding..................................................................... 40
Call Waiting........................................................................... 43
Three-Way Calling ................................................................ 44
Additional Phone Services ......................................................... 45
Alternate Line Service........................................................... 45
Call Restrictions.................................................................... 47
Caller ID ................................................................................ 47
Nextel 411............................................................................. 48
Nextel Voice Mail Service ................................................................ 50
Setting Up Your Voice Mail Box ................................................. 50
Receiving Voice Mail Messages ................................................51
Using Voice Mail ........................................................................ 52
Advanced Voice Mail Features ..................................................58
Voice Mail Tree .......................................................................... 68
Table of Contents
Messaging Services......................................................................... 69
Nextel Two-Way Messaging ...................................................... 69
Text and Numeric Messaging ....................................................70
Using YourPhone as a Modem....................................................... 74
Private/Group Mode ...............................................................75
Nextel Direct Connect®..................................................................... 75
Displaying Your Private ID............................................................... 76
Using the Private/Group Speaker .................................................... 76
Placing Private Calls........................................................................ 77
Receiving Private Calls.................................................................... 78
Quickstore of Private IDs ................................................................. 79
Sending a Call Alert......................................................................... 79
Receiving/Responding to a Call Alert............................................... 80
Call Alert Queuing............................................................................ 80
Group Call........................................................................................ 81
Group-Silent Programming.............................................................. 84
Net Mode .................................................................................87
Wireless Web Navigation Keys........................................................ 88
Starting the Microbrowser................................................................ 88
Customizing thei1000
Changing the Display Language...................................................... 91
Setting the Time and Date Format................................................... 92
Backlight Timer ................................................................................ 93
Keypad Silence ................................................................................ 94
Setting t he Ringer Volume .............................................................. 94
Selecting a Ring Style...................................................................... 95
Setting t he VibraCall
Selecting a Call Alert Style............................................................... 98
Programming Menu.......................................................................... 98
Phone ........................................91
Alert Feature ................................................. 95
Accessories ..........................................................................105
Batteries......................................................................................... 105
Travel Chargers............................................................................. 108
Other Important Information ................................................111
Nextel Customer Care.................................................................... 111
Understanding Status Messages................................................... 112
Nextel Terms and Conditions of Service . ....................................... 115
Safety and General Information..................................................... 122
Limited Warranty Motorola Communication Products.................... 131
Patent and Trademark Information................................................ 139
Index ......................................................................................141
Be sure to read “Nextel Terms and Conditions
of Service” on pag e 115 and “Safet y and General Information” on page 122 before
using your i1000plus phone.


Welcome to Nextel
Thank you for choosing Nextel as your wireless communications provider. Your i1000plus phone enables you to enjoy clear connections through Nextel’s All Digital National Network. In addition, with Nextel Worldwide
internationally in select cities using other iDEN
Service, you can use your i1000plus phone to roam
This guide contains all the information you need to take full advantage of your Nextel service and i1000plus phone, including:
Quick Guide to i1000plus Phone Functions—Enables experienced digital cellularphone and two-way radio users to getstarted right away!
Digital Cellular Calling—Digital Cellular Calling includes features such as Call Hold, Call Forwarding, Call Waiting,and Three-Way Calling. Find out more about placing calls inthis section.
International Roaming—Enables you to make phone calls, check Voice mail, and more while traveling in selected cities internationally.
AdditionalPhone Services—Includes Alternate Line Service, Call Restrictions, Caller ID, and Nextel 411. Find out more in this section.
Voice Mail—Takesmessages24hoursadayand includes Message Forwarding,AutomaticPlayback and more. Read more aboutVoice Mail in thissection.
Page 17
Page 29
Page 35
Page 45
Page 50
Text and NumericMessaging—Lets you receive numeric messages and important,short messages right over the phone.Learn more about Messaging in this section.
Page 70
Dial-Up Service—Dial-Up capability without landline
Page 74
access. Also see theNextel Online Dial-Up Service
User’s Guide.
Nextel Direct Connect
An innovative feature for
Page 75 communicating instantly with one or moreco-workers at a fraction of thecost of cellular. Read more about Nextel Direct Connect in thissection.
Nextel Wireless Web—Stayconnected to the critical
Page 88 information you need tomake businessdecisions and get business done. Also see theNextelWireless Web User’s
Programming—You can customize your i1000plus
Page 98 phone and makeit behave the way you want it to.Learn how in this section.
Other Nextel Advantages—Inaddition to all ofthe previouslymentioned benefits,there’s more... Nextel features also include the following:
The guaranteed All-Digital Nextel National Network
No roaming fees while travelingthroughout the U.S.
One-second call rounding after t he first minute
Flat-rate l ong distance pricing to anywhere in the continental U.S.
No landline connection charges
NOTE: Are you an experienced digital cellular phone and two-way
radio user? Turn to the Getting Started section beginning on page 7. This section might be all you need to get started.

Customer Care

Customer Care
For domestic customer care issues including billing issues, general service needs, or to order additional services, contact Nextel Customer Care.
Visit foravarietyofCustomerCareservices:
Browsefor information on phones, coverage, rates and other
Nextel services. View and download user’s guides, try out our interactive virtual product and service demos, find answers to frequently asked questions, order accessories, locate service and repair centers, upgrade phone software, send a message and more.
For self-service on your Nextel account, click on My Account to
view your account, pay your bill, add phones to youraccount, reset your Voice Mail password, add WirelessWebservicesand more.
For online assistance, click on Contac t Us to send us an email
request. Our representativesare committed to assisting you. Every effortwill be made to address yourquestions or concerns within 24 hours. Contact us toadd Wireless Web and other services, change
rate plans, inquireon your bill and more. Or, call us at 1-800-639-6111 or dial 611 from your Nextel phone. To complement the i1000plus phone and Nextel Worldwide Service,
Nextel has also launched International Roaming Customer Care support. When traveling outside of the U.S.and Canada, call +1 (201) 531-5202 for your CustomerCare Service needs. This Customer Care number will be toll-free from your Nextel handset both domestically and i nternationally.
Internationaland domestic coverage, rates and other informationare also available at

Ordering Information

NextelBusiness NetworksSMallow you to communicate with individuals
outside as well as inside your company. These Networks link Nextel
customers in similar industries or geographies. So, if you need to reach a client, vendor, or contractor instantly, work smarter by joining the Nextel Business Networks. Call1-888-NEXTEL2(1-888-639-8352).
Various a ccessories are available for use with youri1000plus phone, including a Hands-Free Car Kit, Carry Holster, Audio Adapter, and Vehicle Battery Charger. To order accessories or an accessories catalog, go to or call Nextel Nextday
Accessories at 1-800-914-
3240. You can also contact your Nextel Authorized Sales
Representative or stop by any Nextel Store. For information on retail store locations, go to
Contact Nextel Customer Care to order any ofthe service sdiscussed in this guide, including Nextel Wireless Web, Dire ctConnect, Additional Phone Services, Voice Mail, Nextel Mobile Messagingand much more!
For information on Direct Protect
Insurance protectionfor your
Nextel phone and more, c all 1-888-352-9182 or contact your Nextel Authorized Representative.
Visitus atnextel.comto learn moreabout Nextel products andservices!

Driving Safety Tips

NOTE: Safety is the most important call you will ever make. For safety
1. Get to kno w your wireless phone and its features suchas speed dial and redial. Carefully read your instruction m anual and learn
to take advantage of valuable features most phones offer, including automatic redial and memory. Also, w ork to memorize the phone keypad so you can use the speed dial function without taking your attention off the road.
2. When available, use a hands free device. A numberof hands
free wireless phone accessories are readily available today.
and legal reasons (in many countries), do not use your phone while driving.
Check and follow the local laws regarding the use of mobile phones while driving.
Driving Safety Tips
Whether you choose an installed mounted device for your wireless phone or a speaker phone accessory, take advantage of these devices if available to you.
3. Posi ti o n your wireless phone within easy reach. Make sure you place your w ireless phone within easy reach and where you can grab it without taking your eyes from the road. If you get an incoming call at an inconvenient time, if possible, let your voice mail answer it for you.
4. Suspend conversations during hazardous driving conditions or situations. Let the person you are spea king with know you are driving; if necessary, suspend the call in heavy tr affic or hazardous weather conditions. Rain, sleet, s now and ice can be hazardous, but s o is heavy traffic. A s a driver, your first responsibility is to pay attention to the road.
5. Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving. If you are r ead ing an address book or busin ess card, or writing a “to do” list while driving a car, you are not watching where you are going. It's common sense. Don't get caught in a dangerous situation because you are reading o r writing and not paying attention to the road or nearby vehicles.
6. Dial sensibly and assess the traffic. Ifpossible, place calls when
you are not moving or before pullin g into traffic. Try to plan your calls before you begin your trip or attempt to coincide your calls with times you may be stopped at a s top sign, red light or otherwise stationary. But if yo u need to dial while driving, follow this simple tip — dial only a few numbers, check the road and your mirrors, then continue.
7. D o not engage in stressful or emotio nal conve rsations that may be distractin g. Stressful or emotional conversations and driving do not mix — they are distracting and even dangerous when you are behind the wheel of a car. Make people you are talking with aware you are driving and if necessary, suspend conversations which have the potential to divert your attention from the road.
8. Use your wireless phone t o call for h elp. Your wireless phone is
one of the gre at est tools you can own to protect yourself and your
family in dangerous situations — with your phone at your side, help is only three nu mbers away. Dial 9-1-1 or other local emergency number in the case of fire, traffic accident, roa d hazard or medical emergency. Reme m ber, it is a free call on your wireless phone.
9. Use your wireless phone to help others in emergencies. Your wireless phone provides you a perfect opportunity to be a “Good Samaritan” in your commu nity. If you see an auto accident, crime in progress or other serious emergency where lives are in danger, call 9-1-1 or other local emergency number, as you would want others to do for you.
10. Call roadside assistance or a special wireless non-emergency assistance number when necessary. Certain situations you encounter while driving may require attention but are not urgent enough to merit a call for emergency services. But you still can use your wirele ss phone to lend a hand. If you see a broken-down vehicle posing no serious hazard, a broken traffic signal, a minor traffic accident where no one appears injured or a vehicleyou know to be stolen, call roadside assistance or other spec ial non­emergency wireless numbers.
11. Use your phone's Internet capabilities before you drive. Wireless Internet services are not designed to be used while driving.

Getting Started

In thissection you will learn everything you need to beginusing your i1000plus phone . This section also includes a Quick Guide portion so experienced digital cellular phone and two-way radio users can get started right away.
About This Section
This section includes instructions for the following tasks:
i1000plus PhoneFeatures Page 8 Batteries:Attaching, Detaching, and Charging Page 9 Turning Your i1000plus Phone O n/ Off Page 11 Enabling Security Page 12 Receiving Over-the-Air Programming Page 12 Your Nextel Phone Status Page 13 Display Icons Page 14 Modes andMenus Page 15 Quick Guide to Using i1000plus Phone Functions Page 17
i10 00 plus Phone Features
Volume/List Control Buttons
Nextel Direct Connect® Push-To-Talk (PTT) Button
Alphanumeric Display
Option Keys
Closed Cover
Speaker and Microphone
Accessory and Data Cable Connector
Speaker/Back/ Home Button
Alphanumeric Display
Next Word/International Plus Dialing Key
Back Key/Pause Dialing
Status Light LED
On/Off Button
Send/End Key
Speaker and Microphone
Cover Open
Menu Key
Scroll Key
Mode Key
Home Key
NOTE: The display backlight is activated by pressing any key or


Your i1000plus phone c omes with a Lithium Ion battery and charger. After attaching the battery, you must charge it before you use it for the first time. See “Charging Lithium Ion Batteries” on page 105 to learn the appropriate c harging timesfor your phone’s battery. After the initial charging, the battery can be charged more quickly.
Remove the battery from the protective case provided in the original packaging. Whenthe batte ry is not attachedto the phone, store it in this case.
Attaching the Battery
Insert the top of the battery intothe top of the battery area (locatedon
Standard Battery 900 mAh
the backof the phone) as shown in the picture.
Press down on the battery until you hear a c lick.
Detaching the Battery
If the phone is turned on, press f until the message Powering Off displays.
Press the latch on the battery cover upward and pull thebattery outward and away from the phone.
Slim Battery 500 mAh
Charging the Battery
NOTE: Before you use the battery for the first time, charge it for at
NOTE: The battery can be charged with the phone either turned on or
leastthree hours. Afterthe initialcharging, the batterycan be charged more quickly.
off. For best results, charge it with the phone turned off.
Make sure your i1000plus phone is facing you. Withthe logoontheaccessory
connector facing you, plug the
Accessory Connector (Connect to i1000plus phone)
accessory connector into the bot­tom of the i1000plus phone.
(Plug into AC outlet)
Flip open the prongs and plug the charger into an A C outlet.
To disconnect the Travel Charger, squeeze the side tabs of the accessory connector and pull out.
Turning Your i1000plus Phone On/Off
Battery Charging Status
The batte ry strength indic ator icon, found on your phone’s display screen, shows the charge amount remaining in the battery.
Charge Strength
Icon Flashes
Low Battery
Icon Displays
0-30% 31-60% 61-90% 91-100%
Icon Displays
Icon Displays
Icon Displays
Fully Charged
A short, chirp-like sound indicates alow battery. T he icon flashes when you have 5 minutes of talk time remaining.
Turning Your i1000plus Phone On/Off
NOTE: To register for the first time on the Nextel National Network,
Phone On
If your display reads No Service or doesn’t changeto the PhoneReady screen when you turn on your phone, and you know you are in a Nextel
youmustturnonyouri1000plus phonein your local calling area.
For optimal signal strength, extend the antenna. Press a nd hold f. As yourphone connec ts to the Nextel Nationa l
Network, you will see a Welcome to Nextel message and a connecting message. When Phone Ready appears on the display, you are readytouseyouri1000plus phone!
a j
Phone Ready Nextel 10:25a 03/12
coverage area, contact Nextel Customer Care. For details on Nextel coverage areas, visit
Phone Off
Press a nd hold f until you see the message Powering Off.
Push in the antenna.

Enabling Secur ity

You must enable security the first time you poweron your phone or within 20 days of first activation ofyour phone.
Turn your phone on.
Press m until you see Net Ready.
Press P under Ok. A series of screens displays.
You are prompted to enable security. Press P under Yes.If you subscribe to a Nextel Online displays.
Press m to return to Phone, Private or Group mode.
ServicePlan, your home page

Receiving Over-th e- A ir Programm i ng

If you have been set up to receive over-the-air programming (OARSS), you will receive your Private ID and Talkgroup lists for Direct Connect use, your Personal Telephone Number and the Nextel Custom er Care number via a Net Mail message.

Your Nextel Phone Status

In order to receive your programming, you must have enabled security (see EnablingSecurityon page 12). Within 24 hours of enabling security,you will receive a Net Mail message containing your lists. Follow the instructions to accept your phone programming:
You will receive a Net M ail alert with the message New Net Mail – Receive Programming.
Press P under Nowor View”.
You are prompted to accept changes to your phones lists. Press
P under OK”.
A confirmation screen displays. Press P under OK”.
Press m to return to Phone, Private,orGroup mode.
Your Nextel Phone Status
Your i1000plus phone has a Status Light indicator. The Status Light shows you the status of your connection (see i1000plus Phone Featureson page 8).
Status Light
Nextel Phone Stat us
Flashing Red Signing on to the ne tworkPlease Wait. Solid Red No serviceor out of coveragearea. Ifyou are in
a coverage area, keep your phone on and it will attempt to connect every two minutes. If you cannot connec t after 15 minutes or more, contactNextel Customer Care.
Status Light
Nextel Phone Stat us
Flashing Green
In service/Ready to use.
NOTE: Nextel Direct Connect calls are only
available in your home calling area.
Solid Green In use.

Display Icons

After you turn on your phone, the following icons may appear on the display:
a Signal Strength Indicator: Shows the signal
b Battery Strength Indicator: Shows the remaining
g Voice Mail Indicator: When flashing, indica tes that
c New Message Mail Flashing Indicator: Indicates
strength. Six bars indicate the strongest signal. Calls and messages cannot be sent or received when there is no signal.
charge in your battery.
you have new, unheard messages. Otherwise, indicates that you have messages in your Voice Mail box.
that you have incoming message mail.
u Unread Message Mail Indicator: Indicates thatyou
have unread message mail.

Modes and Menus

j i
z CallForward Indicator: Indicates that incoming
p Private/GroupSpeaker Indicator: Indicates that
,./ More Information Indicator : Indicates that there is
d Disk Icon: Indicates that you have subscribed to
VibraCall®Alert Indicator: Indicates that the
Vibrate All option is turned on. Your i1000plus phone will vibrate inste ad of emitting ring tones.
Active Line Indi cator: Indicates the active phone line (1 or 2).
phone calls for a spec ified line have been forwarded (1, 2, or both).
thePrivate/Groupspeakeris off. You willhearNextel Direct Connect calls through the earpiece.
more text to read above and/or below the current screen.
Nextel Wireless Web services. Arrows indicate when data is being transferred.
SecureData C onnectionIcon: Indicates that your data information is encrypted during transmission.
Modes and Menus
When you first turn on your phone,the display defaultsto Phone mode. However, your i1000plus phone operates in four different modes. To switch between modes:
Withthe cover closed, pressP under Mode.
Open the cover and press
The table below provides more details about the four modes:
What theDisplay
Phone Mode To make digital
Private Mode To make private
Group Mode To make group
Net Mode To access Nextel
a j
Phone Ready Nextel 10:25a 03/12
a j
Prvt Ready Bob Smith 10:25a 03/12
a j
Group Ready Talkgrp 1 10:25a 03/12
a j
Net Ready Nextel 10:25a 03/12
cellular phone calls.
digital two-way radio calls using Nextel Direct Connect.
digital two-way radio calls using Nextel Direct Connect.
Wireless Web services.
Quick Guide to i 1000plus Phone Funct ions
If the word Ready does not appear after the mode name in the display, thatmode iseitherunavailableor it hasnot been activated. Once amode is activated, there arevarious menu options within each modethat allow you toaccess different functions. To switch between menu options follow the steps below:
To use menu options:
With the cover closed, the menu options change as you press the
option keys (l or o).
With the cover open:
Press n.
Press the option key (O) under the desired menu option.
NOTE: Throughout this guide,Owill be used to represent the
option keys, whether used with the coveropen or closed.
Quick Guide toi1000
Phone Functions
Now that you understand different modes, heresaquickwaytoget started using them. This Quick Guide highlights some of the most commonly used functions in Phone,Private, Group ,andNet modes. These func tions are described in m ore detail in later sections.
Phone Mode
You must be in Phone mode to perform the following functions:
a j
Phone Ready Nextel 10:25a 03/12
Function Action
Programming Your Own Phone Number
DisplayingYour Phone Number
Making a Phone Call
Ending a Phone Call
Last Number Redial
Receiving a Phone Call
Press *# 1 then P unde r Ok.After you program your phone number, this option will read Edit.
Enter your phone number and press P under Storethen P under Exit.
NOTE: Your phone number is automati-
cally programmed when you receive your first call.
Using the keypad, enter the phone
number andpress
Cover Open: Press
e or clos e the cover.
Cover Closed: Press P under End”. Press e.
Cover Closed: Openthecoverorpress
P under “Spkr”.
Cover Open: Press
e, * , #,orany
key (0 through 9).
Quick Guide to i 1000plus Phone Funct ions
Private Mode*
You must be in Private mode to perform private digital two-way radio func tions. Press
m to s witch
from Phone to P rivate mode.
Function Action
a j
Prvt Ready 1234 10:25a 03/12
Sending a Private Call (cover open)
From the Prvt Ready screen, your most recently used Nextel Direct Connect call displays.To call another number, enter the Private ID.
To place t he call,pressand hold the Nextel DirectConnect Push-To-Talk button. Wait for the chirp, then speak into the microphone.
To listen, release the Nextel Direct Connect Push-To-Talk button.
* This featureis only available in yourhome market area.
Group Mode*
You must be in Group mode to perform group digital two-way radio functions. Press
m to switch from
Private to Group mode.
Function Action
a j
Group Ready Talkgrp 1 10:25a 03/12
Sending a Group Call (cover open)
From the Group Readyscreen, yourmost recently used Talkgroup displays. To scroll other Talkgroups, press
To place a call to a Talkgroup, press and hold the Nextel Direct Connect P ush-To­Talk button. Wait for the chirp, then speak into the microphone.
To listen, release the Nextel Direct Connect Push-To-Talk button.
* This featureis only available in yourhome market area.
Net Mode*
See “Net Mode” on page 87.
* This featureis only avail able in the continental United States.
Creating, Editing and
A stored list is made up of names, phone numbers, Private IDs and Speed Dial numbers. Storedlists are convenient because you do not need to remember names and numbers. Instead, you simply scroll through your stored list, press abutton and the number isdialed for you.
You can create and edit your lists using any of the following methods:
Phoneusing the programming functions
Web/Phoneusing Address Book
Computer/Phone—using Nextel’siDENOrganizer
About This Section
This section includes instructions for the following tasks:
Phone Programming
Storing Names and Numbers
Pause Digit Entry
Editing Stored List Entries
Address Book Page 26 iDEN Organizer Page 27
Page 22 Page 22 Page 24 Page 25

Phone Programming

NOTE: Youmay want to read
Plus Dialingon page 35
Using Pause Digit Entry and Plus Dialing will enable you to create stored lists that will save time when placing calls.

Storing Names and Numbers

This programming function allows you to store up to 100 names, phone numbers and Private ID numbers. Your i1000plus phone will automatically assign the next available Speed Dial number, which you can change. Once you have stored an individual, you can call them by scrolling through the list and finding their na me, using the Speed Dial number or using Nextel Direct Connect (see Nextel Dir ect Connect on page 75). And, whenever the person calls you, your phone will display their name if you entered their 10-digit phone number. The displayholds 12 phone number characters. If thephone num ber exceeds 12 characters, you can press characters. To return to the start of the number, press Numbr.
You can store up to 100 names, phone numbers and Private IDs using the following steps:
Press *#20.
The message: 20=Phone / Prvt List displays. Press P under Ok.Another message will display with the remaining number of slots available. The phone will then display the Enter Name screen.
Pause Digit Entryonpage 24
beforeyou create a stored list.
P under Moreto see the remaining
P under
Phone Programming
Enter the name of the individual you want to store. Notice,each key has a number and several letters. To select
different letters on a key, quickly pressthe key until the desired letter displays. Forexample, to enter the letter Y you mustpress
9 3timesquickly.
USER TIP: You can press and hold # to change the case of the
NOTE: Press the left side ofs to backspace or delete a letter.
Enter Phone Number displays. Enter the area code and phone
letter you just enteredlower to uppercase and upper to lowercase. The default style is uppercase
s to inse rt a space.
number. Remember to add plus and pause entries if desired. See Pause
Digit Entryon page 24 and Plus Dialingon page 35.
P under Store.
The name and Spd# = displays. The system automatically assigns a Speed Dial number which you can change by entering a new number.
P under Store.
Enter PrvtID displays. Enterthe Direct Connect Private ID.
P underStore.If you do not wishto s tore a Private ID,
O under Skip.
Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add additional names/numbers.
Press O under Exitwhen you have finished.

Pause Digit Entry

When storing a number, you can program your phone so that it will not only dial a number, but also pause and enter another series of numbers such as a personal identification number (PIN) or password. This feature is particularly useful for automated services such as voice mail and banking systems.
Example: Lets say you have a company voice mail account that you frequently check while traveling. And, to access that account you must do the following:
Dial your work number
Press # while the voice mail greeting is being played
Enter your PIN to access your messages.
You can program your i1000plus phone to enter allof the above information for you by separating each entry with a pause. The stored data would look like this: 17035551234P#P1234. The firsteleven digits representthe number that must be dialed to access your voice mail. The P represents a 3 second pause. The # interrupts your greeting. The second P represents another 3 second pause. The last four digits represent your PIN.
To create a three-second pause, follow the steps below:
Press andhold * for two seconds. The pause s ymbol (P) will
appear on the display screen.
NOTE: Youcan enter up to 20 numbers/characters in a single entry,
NOTE: You can program your phone to pause for more than 3 sec-
stored or dialed.
onds. Performing the above step twice will program two pauses and cause your phone to wait 6 seconds before enter­ing the next set of numbers.
+ 120 hidden pages