IDEAL INDUSTRIES INC SignalTEK 10G User Guide [ml]

SignalTEK 10G
10G Ethernet Troubleshooter and Bandwidth Tester
User Manual
Proof of Performance
SignalTEK 10G
Guide d’utilisation
Guida utente
Manual de usuario
Guia do Usuario
Podręcznik użytkownika
IDEAL INDUSTRIES Networks Ltd. Stokenchurch House Oxford road Stokenchurch High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 3SX United Kingdom
© IDEAL INDUSTRIES Networks Ltd 2020
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Proof of Performance
Key Functions
Home Screen
Getting Started
Transmission Testing (Cable and Network)
Network, PoE and Wiremap Testing
Creating a Test Report
Creating a Job
Menu Tre e
The new SignalTEK 10G measures the maximum bandwidth of the network and data cabling up to 10 Gigabits per second. By simulating actual network trac users can test, troubleshoot and document network and data cable performance up to 10 Gigabit Ethernet standards.
SignalTEK 10G has Wi-Fi connectivity to connect seamlessly to the free AnyWARE Cloud test management software. AnyWARE Cloud oers pre-configuration, label printer connectivity and PDF report generation.
Key Functions
RJ45 Wiremap
Tes t P or t
Touch Screen
Home Button
Autotest Button (Press to start next test in sequence)
Tes t i n
Back button
High Voltage Warning
Disconnect cable immediately
Status Connection Blue when both units are paired
Power Button
Discarding errored frames
Tes t P or t
SFP Test
USB Type A USB Type C
Charging Port
LED Indicator
When power OFF
Flashing Green = Charging Solid G reen = Fully Charged
When power ON
White/Green flashing = Charging White/Red flashing = Low Batter y
Interface rate used
Proof of Performance
Home Screen
Test Count is the number of tests saved/ USB device status
Last Test Completed with Pass/Fail Status
Test Interface
Display and
Remote ports
JOBS menu
displays all jobs
stored on the
Stats, Online Help and Settings
Active job name, total number of tests and progress bar
Red = Fail Green = Pass Grey = Untested
Display and Remote Unit Interface and Information
SYNC to upload/ download tests to A nyWARE Cloud or export to USB drive
Click to view current test information
IDEAL AnyWARE CLOUD allows management of projects using the SignalTEK 10G
1. Who has the certifier
2. Date of last software update
3. When the results were last synchronized
Project Manager
Cable Manufacturer
Ideal Networks Technical Support
Field Technician on the jobsite
With IDEAL AnyWARE Cloud, you no longer have to download and install test management software to a PC. Create an account at Please use: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox.
Proof of Performance
Link SignalTEK 10G to your AnyWARE account. Select the Navigation menu:
Select "Device", add your SignalTEK 10G with
on the menu at the top right.
Enter the identifier of your SignalTEK 10G via the entry screen.
Please register your SignalTEK 10G to receive updated information at:
An account is required to download software and documentation.
Getting Started
Before you start using your SignalTEK 10G, follow the steps below to ensure you take advantage of all the features your SignalTEK 10G has to oer.
1. Press the power button on both units.
2. Fully charge the display and remote units using the power supply included
in your case.
3. Connect the display and remote units using the supplied ethernet cable.
4. Choose your language via
5. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired.
6. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via
RJ45 - Link Speed
7. Cable Qualification Test: Connect the display unit directly for cable
qualification test
8. Network Bandwidth Qualification Test: Connect the display unit and the
remote unit to the network (switches)
9. IP Network Test: Connect the display unit to the network and set the
IP address to Dynamic (DHCP) via
10. For optical interface involved test, make sure the SFP used with the tester
is matching the fiber and other SFP’s type and signal level within the Rx power range. MGK/15705x series SFP Kit (to be ordered separately) is recommended to assure the correct measurement results.
Settings - Set Language.
Settings - Pairing. The
Settings - Network -
Settings - Network - IPv4 - IP
Proof of Performance
Transmission - Cable Data Test
1. Connect a cable under test (Fibre duplex/simplex via SFP or Copper)
between display and remote units.
2. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via Settings - Pairing. The
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired.
3. Set link speed to Auto via
4. Click: ANALYZE - Cable Data - Settings - Expected line rate 10G and
frame size 1518 - Tick - Return to test page - press Test
5. Save the results
Settings - Network - RJ45 - Link Speed
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Transmission - Max Throughput Test
1. Connect both display and remote units to the network or cable under test
2. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired.
3. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via Settings - Network -
RJ45 - Link Speed
4. Select Test template on dierent frame size
5. Select Pass/Fail limit via a set of standard limit or custom limit and save
6. Run the Test and flip graphic results to tabular
7. Save the results
Settings - Pairing. The
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Proof of Performance
Transmission - Uptime Test
1. Connect both display and remote units to the network or cable under test
2. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired
3. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via Settings - Network - RJ45
- Link Speed
4. Set up bandwidth, frame size and test duration in Up Time Test
5. Use default frame loss count 0 as Pass/Fail limit and save all changed
6. Press Test key to run the test
7. Save the results
Settings - Pairing. The
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Transmission - Custom Data Test
1. Connect both display and remote units to the network or cable under test
2. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired
3. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via Settings - Network - RJ45
- Link Speed
4. Set up bandwidth, frame size and test duration in Custom Data settings
5. Use default frame loss count 0 as Pass/Fail limit and save all changed
6. Press Test key to run the test
7. Flip graphic presentation to detailed tabular results view
8. Save the results
Settings - Pairing. The
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Proof of Performance
Transmission - Web Data Test
1. Connect both display and remote units to the network or cable under test
2. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired
3. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via Settings - Network -
RJ45 - Link Speed
4. Set up No. of sessions, frame loss type & Limit and test duration in Web
Data settings
5. Press Te s t key to run the test
6. Packet loss and jitter/delay info will be presented
7. Save the results
Settings - Pairing. The
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2 3
Transmission - VoIP Data Test
1. Connect both display and remote units to the network or cable under test
2. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired
3. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via Settings - Network -
RJ45 - Link Speed
4. Set up number of calls, frame loss type & Limit and test duration in VoIP
Data settings
5. Press Te s t key to run the test
6. Packet loss and jitter/delay info will be presented
7. Save the results
Settings - Pairing. The
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Proof of Performance
Transmission - Video Data Test
1. Connect both display and remote units to the network or cable under test
2. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired
3. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via Settings - Network -
RJ45 - Link Speed
4. Set up No. of streams, definition, frame loss type & Limit and test duration
in Video Data settings
5. Press Test key to run the test
6. Packet loss and jitter/delay info will be presented
7. Save the results
Settings - Pairing. The
Transmission - CCTV Data Test
1. Connect both display and remote units to the network or cable under test
2. Pair the remote unit with the display unit via
status connection will light up blue once successfully paired
3. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via Settings - Network -
RJ45 - Link Speed
4. Set up No. of Cameras, Resolution, codec, frame loss type & Limit and test
duration in CCTV Data settings
5. Press Test key to run the test
6. Packet loss and jitter/delay info will be presented
7. Save the results
Settings - Pairing. The
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Proof of Performance
Network Test - PING4 and PING6
1. Connect the display unit to the network under test
2. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via
RJ45 - Link Speed
3. Set the IP address to Dynamic (DHCP) via Settings - Network - IPv4 - IP
4. After the unit link up and acquired IP address, the tester is ready to setup
5. Set up number of PING running, Pause time, packet size and Target URL
6. Press Test key to run the test
7. To check PING result detail, click the destination URL to have more
detailed info. Repeat procedure for PING 6 Test
8. Save the results
Settings - Network -
Network Test - Trace Route
1. Connect the display unit to the network under test
2. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via
RJ45 - Link Speed
3. Set the IP address to Dynamic (DHCP) via Settings - Network - IPv4 - IP
4. After the unit link up and acquired IP address, the tester is ready to setup
5. Set up the target of Trace Route URL, max hop, type and time out
6. Press Test key to run the test
7. Save the results
8. Repeat procedure for Trace Route 6 Test
Settings - Network -
2 3
Proof of Performance
Network Test - NetScan
1. Connect the display unit to the network under test
2. Set the link speed to Auto in the display unit via
RJ45 - Link Speed
3. Set the IP address to Dynamic (DHCP) via Settings - Network - IPv4 - IP
4. After the unit link up and acquired IP address, the tester is ready to setup
5. Press Te st key to run the test with list of network devices detected
6. Change the result presentation from IP address to MAC address
7. Save the results
8. IPv6 Netscan can be done in the same procedure
Settings - Network -
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4 5
PoE Test
1. Connect the display unit to the network or device under test
2. Set the unit IP address in DHCP via
3. Set link speed to Auto via Settings - Network - RJ45 - Link Speed
4. After the unit link up the tester is ready to setup
5. Set up the PoE standard if required
6. Press Test key to run the test
7. Step up the max value of the PoE load if required in the result page
8. Save the results
Settings - Network - IPv4
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4 5 6
Proof of Performance
Wiremap Test
1. Connect both display and remote units to the cable under test
2. Select Wiremap interface
3. Set the Wiremap test via ANALYZE
4. Set the cable type, Shield type, Display preference, Splitter and
crossover allowed then to save
5. Run Wiremap test and flip result page between graphics and tabular
6. Save the results
4 5 6
Creating a Test Report
1 2 3
4 5 6
Proof of Performance
Creating a Job
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4 5 6
7 8 9
Le nouveau SignalTEK 10G mesure la bande passante maximale d’un câblage réseau jusqu’à 10 Gigabits par seconde. En simulant du trafic réseau in-situ, les utilisateurs peuvent tester, résoudre et documenter les performances du réseau actifs et des câblages passifs, jusqu’à 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
SignalTEK 10G dispose d’une connectivité Wi-Fi pour se connecter au logiciel gratuit de gestion des tests AnyWARE Cloud, qui ore des possibilités de de pré-configuration, une connectivité aux imprimantes d’étiquettes et la génération de rapports PDF.
Principales fonctions
Entrée RJ45
Tests Câblage
Achage de
l’écran tactile
Boutons d’écran
Alarme de tension reçue trop forte :
Déconnecter immédiatement le câble
Etat de la connexion : Bleu
quand les deux unités sont appairées
RJ45 Tests
Interface fibre SFP/
USB Type A USB Type C
Entrée chargeur
Bouton de test automatique
(appuyer dessus pour lancer le test suivant de la séquence)
Test en cours
Indication de
Bouton Retour
Bouton Marche/
Annulation des trames erronées
Débit Ethernet utilisé
Proof of Performance
Voyant :
Quan d l’appareil est hors tension
Vert clignotant = Chargement en cours Vert fixe = Entièrement chargé Quan d l’appareil est sous tension Clignotant blanc/vert = Chargement en cours Clignotant blanc/rouge = Batterie
Ecran d’accueil
Nombre de tests sauvegardés / État
de la clé USB
Dernier test
eectué avec son
état de succès/
Sélection de
l’interface de test
Informations de
connexions du
boitier principal
et récepteur
Le dossier ici JOB
contient les tests
Statistiques, aide en ligne et paramètres
Nom du dossier actif - nombre total de tests - barre de progression :
Rouge = Echec Vert = Succès Gris = Non testé
Informations d’interfaces du boitier principal et récepteur
SYNC pour importer/ exporter les tests sur AnyWARE Cloud ou les copier sur la clé USB
Cliquer pour visualiser les informations du test en cours
IDEAL AnyWARE CLOUD permet de gérer les projets de tests SignalTEK 10G
1. Qui exploite le certificateur ?
2. Date de dernière mise à jour du logiciel ?
3. Date de heure de dernière synchronisation des résultats dans le Cloud ?
Project Manager
Cable Manufacturer
Ideal Networks Technical Support
Field Technician on the jobsite
Grâce à IDEAL AnyWARE Cloud, pas besoin de télécharger et installer un logiciel de gestion des tests sur ordinateur. Vous pouvez créer un compte sur le site ­puis utiliser un navigateur : Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge ou Mozilla Firefox.
Proof of Performance
Liez le SignalTEK 10G à votre compte AnyWARE Cloud. Dans le menu Navigation en haut à gauche :
Veuillez enregistrer également votre SignalTEK 10G pour recevoir des informations actualisées sur le site :
La création d’un compte sera requise pour télécharger les logiciels et documentations.
Sélectionnez “Appareils” - ajoutez votre SignalTEK 10G à l’aide du
Entrez le N° de série complet de votre SignalTEK 10G.
sur le menu en haut à droite.
Mise en route
Avant de commencer à utiliser votre SignalTEK 10G, suivez les étapes ci­dessous pour en exploiter au mieux toutes ses fonctionnalités.
1. Appuyez sur le bouton Marche/Arrêt sur les deux unités.
2. Chargez intégralement les batteries embarquées des deux boitiers, via
l’alimentation/chargeur fournie.
3. Connectez le boitier principal et le récepteur avec le cordon RJ45 livré
inséré sur le port de test Ethernet central.
4. Choisissez votre langue via
5. Appariez les deux boitiers via Paramètres - Appairage. L’état de
connexion s’allume en bleu lorsque l’appairage a réussi.
6. Définissez la vitesse de liaison sur “Auto” via Paramètres - Réseau - RJ45 -
Vitesse débits
7. Test de qualification de câblages : Connectez le boîtier principal et le
récepteur sur le lien passif
8. Test de qualification de bande passante réseau : Connectez le boîtier
principal et le récepteur sur le lien actifs avec des switchs brassés
9. Tests d’un réseau actif : Connectez le boitier principal sur le réseau et
définissez l’adresse IP sur en mode DHCP (dynamique) via Paramètres ­Réseau - IPv4 - Aectation IP
10. Pour les tests optiques, vérifiez que le module transceiver SFP inséré
correspond bien à la fibre à exploiter - qu’il est identique à celui sur l’autre boitier ou sur l’actif - et que les niveaux de puissances sont dans la gamme minimale/maxime des spécifications de réception. Nos transceivers sont des options : série MGK pour les SFP & pour les SFP+ voir notre site - ils sont recommandés pour obtenir des résultats de mesures optimums.
Settings - Set Language.
Proof of Performance
Transmission - Test de câblages de transmission de données
1. Connectez le lien à tester (en Fibre duplex/simplex - ou cuivre) entre les
deux boitiers de tests - sur l’interface fibre ou la RJ45 du centre pour tests réseaux.
2. Appariez les deux boitiers via Paramètres - Appairer L’état de connexion
s’allume en bleu lorsque les deux boitiers sont appairés
3. Définissez la vitesse de liaison en mode Auto via Paramètres - Réseau -
RJ45 - Vitesse de liaison débits
4. Cliquez sur : Analyser - Câble de transmission de données - Paramètres
- Débits de 10 Gb/s et taille de trame 1518 - Cocher - Revenir à la page
de test - sélectionner Test
5. Sauvegardez les résultats
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