A command is assigned to each event. By default, the standalone input and the xxx combination on the other
inputs trigger the playback of the folders 001 and xxx, respectively. The setup menu allows to change these
commands. With the VP330 and up to 8 combinations (001, 002, 004, 008, 016, 032, 064, 128), the triggering
devices can be directly connected to the inputs. Beyond, a circuit based on diodes can be used to obtain up to 255
combinations (e.g.: the board ID-AL Ext15In providing up to 15 combinations).
4 Connection of the Output Contacts
The VP330 offers 8 outputs with MOSFET switches (up to 500 mA per output) to operate power relays, motor
controllers, lights, players, and various devices. The states of the output contacts can be controlled by the
[RESxxxxxxxx] (applied at Start of playback) and [REExxxxxxxx] (applied at End of playback) folder and file tags.
xxxxxxxx represents the activation states of the 8 outputs, from the 8th to the 1st: a 0 opens the contact, a 1 closes it,
and a # keeps its last state. E.g., if 001[RES00001000][REE00000000] is the name of the folder 001, then the
4th contact is closed and all the other contacts are opened when the playback of this folder starts, and all the
contacts are opened when the playback of this folder ends.
5 First Startup
• Make sure that the player is off (mains adapter unplugged).
• Connect the video and audio outputs to the installation according to the needs.
• Connect the input and output contacts according to the needs. See the chapters Connection of the Input
Contacts and Connection of the Output Contacts.
• Connect the Ethernet network and the RS-232 serial link if needed.
• Insert the prepared storage device. See the chapter Preparation of the Storage Device.
• Turn the player on by plugging the mains adapter.
• Use the setup menu to configure the player. See the chapter On-Screen User Interface.
• The player is operational.
6 On-Screen User Interface
The on-screen information and menu, the clickable knob, and the infrared remote control are aimed at viewing the
player state, configuring it, and controlling the playback. The following controls are available:
Control Remote Control Key or Front Panel Control Description
Control the playback.
Custom ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ Send a configurable order.
Volume VOL + VOL -
Clickable knob Change the volume.
Standby and wake up POWER Set the player to standby or wake it up.
Configuration MENU ESC OK Use the on-screen setup menu to configure the player.
7 Scheduler
The player can be programmed thanks to the Scheduler, according to a timetable provided on the storage device. It
manages the playback thanks to folder playback, stop and resume commands.
• The timetable is stored in a scheduler.tm2 file, to generate with the Scheduler software.
• Once the scheduler.tm2 file has been created, it must be placed in the SYSTEM folder of the storage
device as explained in the chapter Preparation of the Storage Device.
© 2018, Waves System - 7 impasse de La Ville en Bois, 44830 Bouaye, France - Phone: +33 (0)2 40 78 22 44 - info@wsystem.com