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oPlayer - Interactive MP3 Player - Quick staroPlayer - Interactive MP3 Player - Quick star
oPlayer - Interactive MP3 Player - Quick staroPlayer - Interactive MP3 Player - Quick star
oPlayer - Interactive MP3 Player - Quick star
t guidet guide
t guidet guide
t guide
MicroPlayer - Quick start guide
4 - Configuration file - config.txt
Some functions of the MicroPlayer can only be fully defined by a configuration file.
- Create the configuration text file using any text editor (Notepad, Wordpad...) - Format is #PARAMETER:xxx as follows
- Name the file: config.txt
- Copy config.txt into the SD card, at the root
Note: if the configuration file is not present at the root of the SD card, default factory settings will be applied.
If the line of a parameter is missing, the default value of this parameter will be used.
#ID:xxx Player IDENTIFICATION - xxx number between 001 and 127 -
Default 001allocated to player 001
#VOLUME:xx Setting of VOLUME - xx = any value between 00 and 31 -
Default value = 16
#BASS:xxx Setting of BASS - xxx = any value between -12 and +12 -
Default value = 00 no correction
#TREBLE:xxx Setting of TREBLE - xxx = any value between -12 and +12 -
Default value = 00 no correction
#POWER:x LOW POWER mode - x = value 0 or 1
0 = Mode without low power mode management -
Default mode
1 = Low power mode management
#RS_MONITORING:x RS232 serial link mode x = value 0, 1 or 2
0 = Mode «Daisy chain» -
Default mode
1 = Mode «Surveillance»
2 = Mode «Surveillance extended»
#AUTOPLAY:x Autoplay on powering on - x = value 0 or 1
0 = Mode «Autoplay» not activated
1 = Mode «Autoplay» activated -
Default mode
#BOOT:xxx Directory to be played on powering on - xxx any number between 000 and 999
Default value = 000
When using an Infrared remote control, keys of the handset can be associated to functions of the player, using the following
commands in the configuration file :
#IR_PLAY:xx Allocate key xx to function Play / xx = any value between 00 and 15
#IR_STOP:xx Allocate key xx to function Stop / xx = any value between 00 and 15
#IR_NEXT:xx Allocate key xx to function Next File / xx = any value between 00 and 15
#IR_PREV:xx Allocate key xx to function Previous File / xx = any value between 00 and 15
#IR_VOLUP:xx Allocate key xx to function Volume + / xx = any value between 00 and 15
#IR_VOLDN:xx Allocate key xx to function Volume - / xx = any value between 00 and 15
#IR_DIR:yyy:xx Allocate key xx to function Jump to directory yyy / yyy = value between 000 and 999 / xx = value between 00 and 15
Example of configuration file :
#ID:005 Player number 005
#POWER:1 Low power mode
#BOOT:012 Read directory 012 on powering on
#AUTOPLAY:1 Autoplay on - start reading on powering on
#RS_MONITORING:1 Serial link set in «surveillance» mode
#VOLUME:15 Volume level set at 15 on powering on
#BASS:+06 Bass reduction +06dB
#TREBLE:-03 Treble increase -03dB
#IR_PLAY:02 On the infrared remote press key 02 to Play
#IR_STOP:03 On the infrared remote press key 03 to Stop
#IR_NEXT:01 On the infrared remote press key 01 to play Next File
#IR_PREV:04 On the infrared remote press key 04 to play Previous File
#IR_VOLUP:10 On the infrared remote press key 10 to adjust Volume Up
#IR_VOLDN:11 On the infrared remote press key 11 to adjust Volume Down
#IR_DIR:145:06 On the infrared remote press key 06 to play directory 145