ICT PSY1 Quick Start Manual

PSY1 Stem Psychrometer
Quick Start Guide
Version 4.4 29/10/2014
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
Quick Start Guide................................................................................................ 3
PSY1 Start Up Check List................................................................................... 4
System Requirements........................................................................................... 5
Hardware................................................................................................................ 5
Software................................................................................................................. 5
Screen Resolution................................................................................................... 5
Power Requirements and Charging the PSY1 Internal Battery...................... 6
Connecting a Power Supply to the Instrument...................................................... 7
Connecting Power Directly via Solar Panel...........................................................8
Connecting Power via External 12V Battery or the ICT CH24.............................9
Connecting Power via External 12V Battery and Solar Panel ............................ 10
Sharing an External 12V Battery and Solar Panel via Daisy Chaining.................11
Clean the Psychrometer Chamber.....................................................................12
Install the PSY1 Software & USB Driver......................................................... 13
Turn the Instrument On.....................................................................................13
Connect to the Instrument via USB Cable........................................................14
Set the Measurement Protocols.......................................................................... 25
Calibrate the Psychrometer................................................................................. 26
Install the Sensor.................................................................................................. 27
Set the Logging Interval...................................................................................... 28
Download Data .................................................................................................... 28
Analyse Data......................................................................................................... 29
Contact Details........................................................................................back cover
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
Set Date & Time and Power Management ........................................................24
Instrument Information ......................................................................................23
MCC RF Connection Software Procedure Step 2:..........................................22
MCC RF Connection Software Procedure Step 1:...........................................20
Alternatively: if you are using a MCC1 Wireless Radio Modem...................19
Connecting the Wireless Hardware via a USB Cable.......................................19
USB Connection Software Procedure Step 3:..................................................18
USB Connection Software Procedure Step 2:..................................................17
USB Connection Software Procedure Step 1:..................................................16
Connect via USB Cable.......................................................................................15
Quick Start Guide
NOTE: This manual should be used in conjunction with the instructional videos
provided by ICT International to compliment each section of operation. These videos are located on the ICT YouTube site:
WARNING – The Thermocouples of the Stem Psychrometer Chamber are made from very fine wire only 25 µm in diameter. NOTE: Human hair is on average 100 µm thick. You will require a dissection microscope with a 20X magnification objective setting to view the thermocouples. You cannot see them or manipulate their position with the naked eye. Thermocouples are easily broken if handled incorrectly by unprepared operators. Please WATCH the video Adjusting the Thermocouples : https://www.youtube.com/watch?
before removing the chamber’s calibration lid.
Photo: 25 µm Chromel/Constantan thermocouples viewed under a dissection microscope at 20X magnification.
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
Freight: TBA
If you break the microscopic 25 micron psychrometer thermocouples it will cost:
Replacement Thermocouples: $220 Labour: $120 / hour Packing & Handling: AU $45
PSY1 Start Up Check List
Please Read, Understand and Complete this checklist before unpacking the PSY1
Have you read the manual?
Have you watched the videos?
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
If you are unsure about anything regarding your
Psychrometer contact ICT International before use.
email: sales@ictinternational.com.au phone: +61 2 6772 6770
System Requirements
The ICT Instrument software does not require a powerful computer. Minimum Recommended System Specifications: Intel Atom 1.66 GHz and 1GB RAM or higher.
Screen Resolution:
The ICT Instrument software is written to a fixed screen resolution of 857 x 660 (it does not Auto Resize) and works best on current model laptops that have a screen size of 11.6” or larger and a default screen resolution of 1366 x 768 (the vertical height of 768 being most important otherwise you can't see the bottom of the software window).
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
The ICT Instrument software is compatible with the following Windows Operating Systems: a. b. c. d. Windows Virtual OS run from a Mac computer
Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 and 8.1
Power Requirements and Charging the PSY1 Internal Battery
The PSY1 is a self contained instrument that incorporates a lithium polymer battery. Before using the instrument, this battery MUST be charged. To choose from a range of charging options see : Connecting a Power Supply to the Instrument (pages 7 to 11).
The unique power-bus plug design was developed by ICT International to simplify the electrical wiring process. It minimises the need for custom tools in thefield, requiringonlythattheoutercablesheathbestrippedbacktoexpose thecopper wire. See section: Connecting a Power Supply to the Instrument (page7)Noothertoolsarerequiredwithallnecessarycomponentsfully incorporated into the instrument design. Retaining straps ensure that the power-bus plugs do not separate from the instrument when removed from the power-bus during wiring preparation and connection of external power.
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
The PSY1 can be charged from a range of external voltages via the Bus Plugs, however there are limits. For the PSY1 to correctly charge, the external power supply must be within a voltage range of 8Volts DC to 30Volts DC at all times. If the voltage falls below 8Volts DC the logger will automatically stop using the supply to charge the internal battery. 30Volts DC is a predetermined maximum voltage that the PSY1 can handle. Supply voltages that exceed this level are not recommended and may cause accidental triggering of the protection circuitry. Triggering this circuit may result in semi-permanent disabling of the external power which will require the PSY1 to be sent back to ICT for repair.
see pages 8 - 11
Remove both ICT bus plugs from one end of the logger
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
Connecting a Power Supply to the Instrument
Individual Power Supply Connections
Connecting Power Directly via Solar Panel
Solar Panel
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil,
plant & environmental monitoring.
External 12V Battery
Connecting Power via External 12V Battery or the ICT CH24
ICT International
Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
12V Battery alone does
not guarantee
continuous operation
or charging of the PSY1
CH24 Power Supply
is a 24V DC output
charger that trickle
charges the internal
lithium polymer battery
of the ICT Instruments
+ 21 hidden pages