ICT Protege PRT-KLCD User Manual

Protege Alphanumeric LCD Keypad
User Manual
The specifications and descriptions of products and services contained in this manual were correct at the time of printing. Integrated Control Technology Limited reserves the right to change specifications or withdraw products without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced, photocopied, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic or mechanical), for any purpose, without the express written permission of Integrated Control Technology Limited. Designed and manufactured by Integrated Control Technology Limited. Protege® and the Protege® Logo are registered trademarks of Integrated Control Technology Limited. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright © Integrated Control Technology Limited 2003-2011. All rights reserved.
Publication Date: April 2011
PRT-KLCD Protege Alphanumeric LCD Keypad User Manual | April 2011 3
1 Introduction _______________________________________________________________ 5
1.1 Legend ........................................................................................................................... 5
Terminology ...................................................................................................................
2 Operation ________________________________________________________________ 8
2.1 Indicator Lights ..............................................................................................................
2.2 Visual Display ................................................................................................................
2.3 Audible Tone ................................................................................................................. 9
Keypad Function ......................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Text Entry .................................................................................................................... 10
2.6 Option Entry
................................................................................................................ 11
2.7 Text Search
................................................................................................................. 12
2.8 Menu Operation
........................................................................................................... 13
2.9 Offline Menu
Operation ............................................................................................... 14
2.10Logon To LC
D Keypad ................................................................................................ 15
2.11Alarm Memory ............................................................................................................. 15
2.12Trouble Display ............................................................................................................ 17
2.13General Trouble List
.................................................................................................... 18
2.14System Trouble List ..................................................................................................... 19
2.15Access Trouble List
..................................................................................................... 20
2.16Bypassed Zone List ..................................................................................................... 20
3 Arming/Disarming ________________________________________________________ 22
3.1 Exit Delay ....................................................................................................................
. 22
3.2 Disarming Areas
.......................................................................................................... 22
3.3 Regular Arming Areas .................................................................................................. 23
3.4 Stay Arming
................................................................................................................. 25
3.5 Force Arming
............................................................................................................... 26
3.6 Area 24hr Status .......................................................................................................... 27
3.7 Bypassing Zones ......................................................................................................... 28
4 Events __________________________________________________________________ 30
4.1 Viewing Events ............................................................................................................ 30
5 User Codes ______________________________________________________________ 31
5.1 Master Code ................................................................................................................ 31
5.2 Duress Code ................................................................................................................ 31
5.3 Programming User Code
s ........................................................................................... 31
6 Access Levels ____________________________________________________________ 38
6.1 Master Access Level ................................................................................................... 38
6.2 Programming Access Levels ....................................................................................... 38
7 Menu Groups ____________________________________________________________ 41
7.1 Master Menu
Group .................................................................................................... 41
7.2 Programming Menu Groups
........................................................................................ 41
8 Area Groups _____________________________________________________________ 46
8.1 All Areas Group ........................................................................................................... 46
8.2 Programming Area Grou
ps .......................................................................................... 46
9 Door Groups _____________________________________________________________ 48
9.1 All Doors Group ........................................................................................................... 48
9.2 Programming Door Groups
......................................................................................... 48
10 Floor Groups _____________________________________________________________ 50
10.1All Floors Group ........................................................................................................... 50
10.2Programming Floor Groups ......................................................................................... 50
11 Elevator Groups __________________________________________________________ 52
11.1All Elevators Group ...................................................................................................... 52
11.2Program Elevator Groups ............................................................................................ 52
12 Time Setting _____________________________________________________________ 54
12.1Setting the Date and Time
........................................................................................... 54
13 Schedules _______________________________________________________________ 55
13.1Programming Schedules ............................................................................................. 55
13.2View Schedule Status .................................................................................................. 56
14 Holidays _________________________________________________________________ 57
14.1Programming Holidays ................................................................................................ 57
15 Daylight Savings _________________________________________________________ 59
15.1Programming Daylight Savings ................................................................................... 59
16 Special Features _________________________________________________________ 60
16.1Offline Menu
Access ................................................................................................... 60
16.2Offline Door Unlock
..................................................................................................... 134H61
64H16.3Disable Audible Output ............................................................................................... 135H62
65H16.4Messages .................................................................................................................... 136H62
66H16.5Panic Alarm ................................................................................................................. 137H62
67H16.6Fire Alarm .................................................................................................................... 138H63
68H16.7Smoke Detector Reset ................................................................................................ 139H63
69H17 Warranty ________________________________________________________________ 140H64
PRT-KLCD Protege Alphanumeric LCD Keypad User Manual | April 2011 5
1 Introduction
Thank you for choosing the Protege Integrated Alarm and Access Control System. The Protege System will give you peace of mind by providing reliable security protection, building automation and access control for your premises.
The Protege System is an advanced technology security system specifically designed to enhance the functionality of security, building automation and access control by providing a complete integrated solution with local monitoring and offsite communication.
The elegant Protege LCD Keypad allows complete control of your security and access control system with a user friendly LCD display and 24 key ergonomic keypad.
All the actions performed in your system will be executed and displayed through the Protege keypad. Therefore, before using your Protege Integrated Alarm and Access Control System, we highly recommend you read this manual carefully and have your security professional or property manager explain basic system operation to you.
Optional management software
(Protege System Management Suite)
is available and is recommended to enhance your productivity when using the Protege System. For more information visit the Integrated Control Technology website (http://www.incontrol.co.nz) or ask your System Administrator.
1.1 Legend
Indicates a warning or advisory message
Indicates a tip, suggestion, or general note
[TEXT] Bold text enclosed in brackets is used to show key press information or menu shortcut sequences.
This Key Is Shown as
1.2 Terminology
To ensure that you manage your Protege System effectively please familiarise yourself with the following terms used throughout this manual.
Areas / Partitions
An area or partition is used to divide large systems in to manageable regions. For example a building may have a Warehouse Area, Administration Area and Production Area. An area operates like an individual alarm and is armed and disarmed independently.
Zone Inputs
Movement detectors, door contacts and other protection devices are connected to the system on zone inputs. A zone belongs to an area to protect the area and system from unauthorised entry. For example the reception movement sensor zone would be assigned to the Administration Area.
Trouble Zone Inputs
Trouble zones operate similar to zones however they are used to monitor the status and condition of the system. For example if the enclosure door on the main control device is opened it will open the Enclosure Tamper trouble zone.
PGM Programmable Outputs
PGM's or Programmable Outputs are used to control devices from the Protege System. A PGM can be used to activate lighting, activate a siren, turn on an indicator or unlock a door.
Automation Outputs
Automation Outputs are used to control devices that are required to be operated regularly by a user. For example outdoor lighting, irrigation or HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) systems can be connected to automation outputs.
When access control is enabled in a system, users are restricted access by programming the doors in a door group. To gain entry or exit from a door the user must present a card, key tag or access the door using alternative means (keypad control, remote or system management application).
LCD Keypads
LCD Keypads are used for all functions within the Protege System and are typically located near an entrance or door to allow areas within the system to be armed and disarmed.
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Card Readers
Card readers can be used to provide many functions within the Protege System. Primarily used to manage the access of users through doors, a card reader can also be used for time and attendance, area arming and disarming, elevator access control and car park management allowing the access control and alarm system to be seamlessly integrated. Ask your installation company or security professional for more information.
A user is a person or entity that uses the system to arm, disarm, access a door or use a function within the system.
Access Level
An access level is assigned to a user and defines the functions that the user has access to on a keypad, what areas they can arm or disarm, and the doors and elevators they can access.
Menu Group
A menu group is assigned to an access level and is used to restrict a users ability to access certain functions on the LCD Keypad.
Area Group
Area groups are assigned to an access level and are used to control the areas that a user can arm and disarm. An area group can be assigned for arming and disarming. Areas assigned in the disarm area group can also be armed by the user.
Door Group
Door groups are assigned to an access level and are used to control access through the doors within the door group.
Floor Group
Floor groups are assigned to an access level and are used to control access to floors in an elevator. You must also be assigned an elevator group.
Elevator Group
Elevator groups are assigned to an access level and are used to control access to a group of elevators. You must also be assigned a floor group to define the floors you are allowed to access.
2 Operation
The following section provides you with information on how to use the Protege LCD Keypad.
When the text [USER CODE] is shown this indicates that you are required to logon with your user code. The default Master Code to gain access to your system is [123456] followed by the [ENTER] key. This code MUST be changed.
Many of the features and options must be enabled by the installation company or security professional.
2.1 Indicator Lights
The Protege LCD keypad features three status indicator lights showing the condition of the Protege Security System.
Power / Trouble Indicator
When FLASHING, indicates that there is a trouble condition present. When ON, the system is powered and operating normally. If there is a complete power failure this indicator will be OFF.
Disarmed Indicator
Indicates when the system is disarmed. When ON, the system is disarmed, enter your user code to arm.
Armed / Alarm Indicator
When FLASHING the system is in alarm and you need to enter your user code to silence the alarm. When ON, the system is armed, enter your user code to disarm.
Indication of the system status and the operation of the indicators are programmable and may not function as above. Verify the operation with your installation company or security professional.
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2.2 Visual Display
The Protege LCD keypad features a rich 32 Character LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) showing customised messages. All messages are shown on the LCD display screen.
2.3 Audible Tone
When you press a key on the Protege LCD keypad a short audible tone is generated. Other tones are generated when certain functions are used, you should be familiar with the following audible tone outputs.
Confirmation Tone
When an operation is successfully completed on the keypad the keypad generates a series of four audible tones. The display will also show the success or failure of the operation.
Rejection Tone
When the system times out or when an operation is incorrectly entered on the keypad, it will generate a continuous audible tone for three seconds.
If required the audible key press tone can be silenced by pressing and holding the [CLEAR] key for 3 seconds. This option must be enabled by your security professional or system administrator.
10 PRT-KLCD Protege Alphanumeric LCD Keypad User Manual | April 2011
2.4 Keypad Function
The Protege LCD keypad incorporates a backlit silicone membrane keypad. The primary function that each key performs is shown below, in some cases these may vary based on the function or action being performed.
Key Function
0 - 9 Numerical keys from [0] to [9] are used to enter your User Code to logon to the Protege LCD
Keypad. When in a scroll display the [1] key scrolls the display up and the [3] key scrolls down. When
controlling devices the [1] key turns the device on, [2] key turns the device off and the [3] key will latch the device in the on state.
ARM The [ARM] key is used to start the arming process for an Area/Partition.
DISARM The [DISARM] key is used to silence alarms, disarm the Area/Partition and cancel an arming
MENU The [MENU] key is used to access the menu and can be followed by menu shortcut
selection key(s), the numerical key representing the menu item.
STAY ARMING The [STAY] key is used to start the stay arming (see page 25) process for an Area/Partition.
FORCE ARMING The [FORCE] key is used to force arm (see page 26) an Area/Partition.
MEMORY The [MEMORY] key provides a shortcut to the memory view menu from the area control
screen, to perform a text search action or a jump function from a programming list selection entry.
BYPASS The [BYPASS] key can be pressed when a zone is breached during an arming process to
bypass the displayed zone.
CLEAR The [CLEAR] key will log off the user currently logged on the keypad. When pressed while
not logged in the display will be refreshed.
ENTER The [ENTER] key is used to confirm an action on the keypad, acknowledge memory and
alarm information and move to the next programming screen.
FUNCTION The [FUNCTION] key can be programmed to unlock a door.
 
The arrow keys are used to scroll the menu, move the focus of a program window to the next screen and move the cursor when programming or editing values.
2.5 Text Entry
The Protege LCD keypad can be used to program text names for objects in the system (Users, Zones, Areas and Doors). To program the text value the numerical keys operate similar to the text entry on a telephone.
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Entering text data is done by pressing keys multiple times to show the character required. The display will change as the key is pressed.
For example, using the character key map shown, to enter the name
, you would press the [5] key once for
, move the cursor one location to the right using the [] key, press the [6] key seven times for o, and repeat the
procedure for the other characters in the text entry.
For more productive management of a Protege System ask your security professional about the Protege System Management Suite.
2.6 Option Entry
The Protege LCD keypad uses option programming entry when configuring a yes or no option setting. Option screens are shown with eight characters enclosed in '[' brackets.
Numerical Option Key Entry
If an option is enabled the corresponding number will be shown or when disabled a '*' will be shown in place of the option.
UN00010 Misc [*****6*8]
In the example shown option 6 and 8 are enabled. The example shows the miscellaneous options group when programming a user.
Detailed Text - Option Key Entry
In many cases options are not known by the numerical number alone. In this case the Protege System provides a text based entry system for options allowing the complete system to be programmed without the need for a reference manual.
UN00010 Misc [*****6*8]
In any option entry screen press the [STAY] key. The display will change and now show you the text description of the first option in the option entry location that you are programming.
1. Show greeting at user logon: N
In any option entry screen press the [STAY] key. The display will change and now show you the text description of the first option in the option entry location. Press the [1] key to toggle the option state ('Y' or 'N'). Use the [] and [] keys to scroll the options within the option entry. When the required options have been set press the [STAY] key and you will be returned to the option entry screen where the changes you have made will be applied. Press the [ENTER] key to save your changes and proceed to the next programming screen.
12 PRT-KLCD Protege Alphanumeric LCD Keypad User Manual | April 2011
2.7 Text Search
The Protege LCD User Station features a powerful text search function that allows you to find items that have been given text names.
In the following example the name for a user is searched for from the user selection screen when programming the user. If the text searching option is available for a record, pressing the memory button will open the search entry.
Select user to modify: UN00001
From the user selection screen press the [MEMORY] key to open the search screen. The display will then show the text search entry.
Search Details _
Use the keypad to enter the text data that you want to search for in the search details screen. In our example we want to find the user James Cook. To cancel the search press the [MEMORY] key to return to the screen were you selected the search.
[ENTER] To Find J
When you press the [5] key to get the 'J' in James, the display will change with the prompt telling you to press the [ENTER] key to find the text shown. Complete the entry to get the first three characters. You can enter up to the full 16 characters.
[È]Find Next
When you press the [ENTER] key the system will begin the search. If a record is found matching the text you have entered the record will be shown. The top line will prompt you to find the next record by pressing the [] key.
Press [FORCE] to jump to the item shown or press [DISARM] to clear the entry.
Jumping To Search Results
To use the information that is found by the search press the [FORCE] key to jump to the record.
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2.8 Menu Operation
The Protege LCD keypad uses a well defined menu structure. Shortcuts are provided to these menus without the need to scroll using the up and down arrow keys. Throughout this manual a keypad menu shortcut will be shown as [MENU,3,1]. To execute the shortcut press the [MENU] key and then the numerical keys [3] and [1] that follow.
The Protege LCD Keypad Menu is structured as detailed in the following sections. The installer menu [MENU,4] is omitted from this manual and should only be accessed by a professionally certified security installer.
Main Menu
The main menu contains all of the menus in the system. A user can only view menus that are assigned to the menu group in the programmed access level.
1. Area Control (Arming and Disarming Areas)
2. User (Programming Users)
3. Event Review (Reviewing Event Log Information)
4. Installer (Installer Only Access)
5. View (System View and Control)
6. Time (Set Time and Schedules)
7. Bypass (Bypass/Isolate Zone)
8. System (System Functions)
Area Control
To access the area control menu (by default you will be taken to the area control menu automatically when you logon to the LCD Keypad) press [MENU,1].
User (Sub Menu)
To access the user programming menu press [MENU,2]. The following user sub menus are available.
1. Add/Modify (Add/Modify Users)
2. Menu Groups (Menu Group Programming)
3. Door Groups (Door Group Programming)
4. Area Groups (Area Group Programming)
5. Access Level (Access Level Programming)
6. View Status (View Users Current Location)
Event Review (Sub Menu)
To access the event log review menu press [MENU,3]. The following event sub menus are available.
1. Review (Review System Events)
2. Hex Review (Installer Only Access)
3. Stats (Installer Only Access)
14 PRT-KLCD Protege Alphanumeric LCD Keypad User Manual | April 2011
View (Sub Menu)
To access the view menu press [MENU,5]. The following view sub menus are available.
1. Alarm Memory (View Alarm Memory)
2. Trouble View (View System Troubles)
3. Bypass List (Display All Bypassed Zones)
Time (Sub Menu)
To access the time menu press [MENU,6]. The following time sub menus are available.
1. Change Time (Set/Adjust Real Time Clock)
2. Schedules (Add/Modify Schedules)
3. Holidays (Add/Modify Holidays)
4. Daylight (Set Up Daylight Savings)
Bypass (Sub Menu)
To access the bypass menu press [MENU,7]. The following bypass sub menus are available.
1. Zone (Bypass Zone Inputs)
2. Trouble Zone (Installer Only Access)
System (Sub Menu)
To access the system menu press [MENU,8]. The following system sub menus are available.
1. Answer Call (Answer Incoming Remote Call)
2. Call Remote (Call Remote Upload Computer)
3. Test Report (Send Monitoring Test Report)
2.9 Offline Menu Operation
The Protege LCD User Station also provides an offline menu that allows quick access to certain menu functions while you are logged out. To view the Offline Menu press the [MENU] key.
Offline Menu
The offline menu contains four menus that are provided without the need to log in to the system.
1. Automation (Control Automation Points)
2. Trouble View (View Trouble Conditions)
3. Events (Review System Events)
4. System Info (View System Information)
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2.10 Logon To LCD Keypad
Before most operations a user MUST logon to the Protege System LCD Keypad.
Logon Procedure
To logon to the Protege LCD Keypad follow the procedures below.
Enter user code: ******
Enter your [USER CODE] then press the [ENTER] to logon to the Protege System LCD Keypad. Each key press will display a '*'. To restart the entry process press the [CLEAR] key.
Good Evening J Smith
If the correct code is entered you will be presented with a welcome screen greeting you with the time of day.
If the user is programmed to view alarm memory the alarm memory message will be shown to the user before they are automatically taken to the area control menu.
Warehouse is DISARMED
If enabled the display will then proceed to the area control menu [MENU,1] or to the main menu depending on the user configuration.
Log Off Procedure
The keypad will automatically log the user off after no key press for the programmed time or if the [CLEAR] key is pressed at any time while the user is logged on.
The welcome screen display, alarm memory display and other display options can be configured per user or per access level.
2.11 Alarm Memory
All zones that generate an alarm can optionally be stored in the event log and/or the alarm memory for the area that the alarm was activated.
Alarms in memory logon to view.
If an alarm has occurred on your system and the alarm memory display option is enabled the display will show the alarm memory screen.
16 PRT-KLCD Protege Alphanumeric LCD Keypad User Manual | April 2011
Viewing Alarm Memory
Enter your [USER CODE] to logon to the keypad.
Warehouse *Alarms In Mem*
Select the memory view menu item located in the view main menu [MENU,5,1]. Use the up [] and down [] keys to scroll the areas that can be viewed. If an area has alarms in memory the keypad will generate a rejection tone beep and the display will show the memory message.
Had alarm on Roller Door
To view the first item stored in the area memory press the [ENTER] key. The first alarm stored will be displayed and the screen will scroll the information.
in AREA Warehouse
The display will then show the area that the alarm occurred. If a tamper alarm occurs the first line will state that it was a 24HR alarm.
Press [ENTER] to acknowledge
If the user is programmed with the memory acknowledge option the [ENTER] key can be pressed to acknowledge the alarm and remove it from the list.
Press [È] to show next item
To view the next item stored in the area memory press the down [] key.
Press [MENU] to exit view mode
If viewing memory is completed the user can press the [MENU] key to exit view mode and return to the main menu where another action can be performed.
Clearing Alarm Memory
It is recommended to always take a note of the alarm memory before acknowledging the alarm or clearing the alarm memory. The alarm memory is cleared automatically next time you ARM your Protege system if the clear memory option is enabled for the area. Alternatively the alarm memory can be acknowledged by a user that has the acknowledge option programmed.
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Display Alarm Memory On Logon
The alarm memory can be displayed when you logon, this option is programmed per user or per access level based on the menu group assigned to the access level.
The Protege System features comprehensive event logging and full audit information. It is recommended to review the event log for alarm events or inform the security system administrator.
2.12 Trouble Display
The Protege Security System continually performs self diagnostics of system devices and monitors trouble conditions that can occur on your system.
System Trouble logon to view.
If a trouble condition is present in the system and trouble display option is enabled for the LCD Keypad the display will show the system trouble screen.
Trouble conditions are cleared automatically by the system. If required these can be programmed to require acknowledgement. It is recommended that you inform your property manager or security company immediately if a trouble condition occurs.
When a trouble condition occurs the Protege keypad can be programmed to generate an audible tone every 120 seconds. The trouble tone is cancelled when the trouble condition is viewed or the condition is returned to normal. Refer to the Disable Audible Output (see page 62) section to disable the keypad beep tone.
Viewing System Troubles
Enter your [USER CODE] to logon to the keypad.
*Battery* The system or a
Select the trouble view menu item located in the view menu [MENU,5,2]. This will take you to the trouble view menu. If a trouble condition exists the first trouble will be shown.
The trouble view menu can also be accessed from the offline menu (see page 14), this option must be enabled by your security professional.
component of it has a battery
The trouble message will scroll to show the full details of the trouble condition and action that should be taken.
problem. Call service tech.
18 PRT-KLCD Protege Alphanumeric LCD Keypad User Manual | April 2011
As shown in the example display the trouble message "
The system or a component of it has a battery problem.
Call service tech.
" is presented to the user.
Press [ENTER] to acknowledge
If troubles require acknowledgement the user can acknowledge the trouble by pressing the [ENTER] key.
Press [È] to show next item
To view the next trouble condition (if present) press the down [] key.
Press [MENU] to exit view mode
If viewing memory is completed the user can press the [MENU] key to exit view mode and return to the main menu were another action can be performed.
Trouble Groups
Trouble groups split the available troubles in to categories that can be viewed separately. When a trouble condition occurs in a trouble group the trouble group title will be shown in place of the trouble condition in the normal trouble display. Press the [ENTER] key to view the troubles within the group.
2.13 General Trouble List
General trouble conditions monitor the system devices and functions for trouble conditions that affect all aspects of the system.
AC Mains Failure
AC or Mains power that is supplying one of the devices in the system has been lost and that device is operating on standby battery power.
Low/Missing Battery
A battery is either low or damaged and is not able to provide adequate backup power to a device in the system.
Clock Inaccurate
The real time clock used to log event data is inaccurate. Set the time using the time menu.
The system has failed to send a reportable message to the security monitoring company. Inform the security monitoring company of the trouble condition.
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Telephone Line
The telephone line that is connected to the main system controller has been damaged.
Zone Fault
A zone that has been programmed with fault monitoring is in a compromised condition and needs to be serviced.
Fire Loop
The fire detection wiring or a fire detector has become faulty.
Fire Zones and Fire Loop trouble detection MUST be enabled by your security professional or installation company.
System Power
An electronic protection device used to limit current to external devices has tripped due to excessive loading on the circuit.
Siren/Bell Output
A siren or bell warning output is disconnected or excessive loading has caused the output to shutdown.
2.14 System Trouble List
System trouble conditions monitor the system devices that are used to connect the system to zones, readers and other ancillary equipment.
Module Tamper
A module enclosure has been opened and security is potentially compromised.
Module Communication
Communication with a module or device is momentarily interrupted or the device has been removed from the system.
Module Security
A module or device has attempted to register with the system when the system has the network security option enabled.
System Hardware
A hardware component has failed and needs to be serviced.
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2.15 Access Trouble List
Access control trouble conditions monitor user operation and access control devices within the system alerting the system manager when a user is attempting to compromise the system or a device is in an unauthorised state.
Forced Door
A door in the system has been forced open. A forced door occurs if entry or exit from the door results in the door being forced open. A forced door trouble condition may also occur when a door unlock emergency break glass has been activated.
Door Left Open
A door in the system has been left in the open state or has been held open beyond the programmed door open time.
Number Of Access Attempts
An unauthorised user has exceeded the number of times they can attempt to gain entry in to a door or the user has entered an excessive number of incorrect PIN numbers on a LCD Keypad.
User Denied Entry
An unauthorised user has attempted to gain entry through a door.
Unknown Card
A card that is not programmed in to the system has been presented to a card reader.
Card Reader Tamper
A card reader has been removed or damaged and has failed to report to the system.
2.16 Bypassed Zone List
The bypass list is accessed from the view sub menu [MENU,5,3] and will list all bypassed zones (see page 28) in the system.
Zone(s) bypassed logon to view.
The display will be shown when zones are bypassed in the system and the LCD Keypad is configured to display bypass messages.
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