ICST ICS9147F-06 Datasheet

Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.
Frequency Generator & Integrated Buffers for PENTIUM
General Description Features
The ICS9147-06 generates all clocks required for high speed RISC or CISC microprocessor systems such as Intel PentiumPro. Two different reference frequency multiplying factors are externally selectable with smooth frequency transitions. Glitch-free Stop clock control is provided for CPU and BUS clocks. Complete chip low current mode is achieved with the Power Down# pin.
High drive BUS outputs typically provide greater than 1 V/ ns slew rate into 30pF loads. CPU outputs typically provide better than 1V/ns slew rate into 20pF loads while
maintaining outputs typically provide better than 0.5V/ns slew rates. Separate buffer supply pins VDDL allow for nominal 3.3V voltage or reduced voltage swing (from 2.9 to 2.5V) for CPU (1:4) and IOAPIC outputs.
5% duty cycle. The REF and IOAPIC clock
Block Diagram
Generates five processor, eight bus, four 14.31818 MHz,
two 48 MHz clocks for USB support and one 24 MHz
clock.  CPU to BUS clock skew 1 to 4ns (CPU early)  Synchronous clocks skew matched to 250ps window on
CPU and 500ps window on BUS.  Selectable multiplying ratios  Glitch free stop clock controls CPUEN and BUSEN  3.0V  3.7V supply range, 2.5V to VDD supply range for
CPU (1:4) clocks and IOAPIC clock.  48-pin SSOP package
Pin Configuration
9147- 06 RevA 5/29/97P
48-Pin SSOP
Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation
ICS reserves the right to make changes in the device data identified in this publication without further notice. ICS advises its customers to obtain the latest version of all device data to verify that any information being relied upon by the customer is current and accurate.
11100Tristate Tristate Tristate Tristate Tristate
11101603014.31818 24 48
1111066.633.314.31818 24 48 11111REF/2REF/4REFREF/4REF/2 1 1 0 X X LOW Running 14.31818 24 48 1 0 1 X X Running LOW 14.31818 24 48 0XXXXLOWLOWLOWLOWLOW
CPU (1:4)
Pin Descriptions
1, 2, 47 REF1, REF2, REF3 OUT 14.318 MHz reference clo ck out puts.
3, 10, 18, 24, 30, 32,
37, 43, 44
4X1 IN 5 X2 OUT Crystal out put, has inter nal crystal load capacitor
8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14,
16, 17 26, 27 FS (0:1) IN Select pin for enablin g CPU a nd BUS clock f requenci es.*
7, 15, 21, 25, 34, 48 VDD3 PWR Core and Buf fer output clock power supply.
22, 23 48M (1:2) OUT 48 MHz clock output
28 PD# I N
29 CP U EN IN 36 CPUH OU T 3.3 (VDD3 dependent) CPU c lock output
38, 39, 41, 42 CPU (1:4) OUT
40, 46 VDDL P WR
33 24M OUT 24 MHz clock output
GND PWR Ground.
Crystal input, has internal crystal load capacitor, and feedback resistor from X2. Nominally 14.31818MHz.
BUS (1:8) OUT BUS clock out puts, ope rates synchronously at CP U/2.
Device power down input, stops outputs low and shuts off crystal oscillator and PLLs when low.* Output enable for all CPU cloc ks, a l ogic low will Stop low all CPU clocks.*
CPU clock out put c locks, ope rates at VDDL s upply voltage (with IOAPIC), e ither nominal 3.3V VDD or reduced voltage 2.9 t o 2.5V. Output enable for all BUS clock, a logic low will stop Low all Bus clocks.* IOAPIC clock output. ( 14.318 MHz), operates at VDDL supply voltage with CPU (1: 4), eithe r nomin al 3.3V VDD o r reduced vo ltage
2.9 to 2.5V. Power supply for CPU and IOAPIC block buffers, operates at nominal
3.3V VDD or reduced volt age 2.9 to 2.5V.
* Has internal pull-up to V
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