ICST GSP90C65V, GSP90C65N, GSP90C65M, AV90C65V, AV90C65N Datasheet

Dual Volta ge Video/ Memory Clock Gener ator
The Integrated Circuit Systems ICS90C65 is a dual clock generator for VGA applications. It simultaneously generates two clocks. One clock is for the video memory, and the other is the vide o dot clock.
The ICS90C65 has been specifically designed to serve the por ta b le PC market with operation at ei ther 3.3 V o r 5V with a comprehe nsiv e power - savi ng shut -do wn mode .
This data sheet supplies sales order information, a functional overview, signal pin details, a block diagram, AC/DC charac­teristics, timing diagrams, and package mechanical information.
The Integrated Circuit Systems Video Graphics Array Clock Generator (ICS90C65) is capable of producing different out­put frequencies under firmware control. The video output frequency is derived from a 14.318 MHz system clock avail­able in IBM PC/XT/AT and Personal System/2 computers. It is designed to work with Western Digital Imaging Vi deo Graphics Array and 8514/A devices to optimize vi deo subsys­tem performance.
•• Specified for dual voltage operation (VDD=3.3V or 5V),
but operates c ont inu ously from 3.0V to 5.25 V
•• Designed t o be powe re d-do wn for e xten de d ba tter y life
•• Backwa rd c ompa ti bilit y to the ICS90 C64 a nd IC S90C6 3
•• Dual Clock generator for the IBM-compatible Western
Digital Imagin g Vide o Gra ph ics Arra y (VGA) LSI devices, an d 8514/A chip sets
•• Integral loop filter components, reduce cost and phase
jitt er
•• Generates fifteen video clock frequencies (including
25.175 and 28.322 MHz) derived from a 14.318 MHz system cloc k reference frequency
•• On-chip ge ne ra tion of ei ght mem ory clo ck fre que nc ie s
•• Video clo ck is s el ectab le amo ng t he 15 in te rnal ly gene r-
ated clocks and one external clock
•• CMOS technology
•• Available in 20-pi n PL CC, SOIC and DIP pa c kage s
Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc.
Note:ICS90C65N (DIP) pin-out is identical to ICS90C65M (SOIC) pin-out.
ICS90C 65
The video dot clock output may be one of 15 internally­gener at ed fr eq uen cies or one exte rn al inpu t. T he selec ti on of the video dot cloc k fre qu en cy is done through four inputs.
•• VSEL0
•• VSEL1
•• VSEL2
•• VSEL3
VSEL0 an d V SEL1 are lat c hed by the SEL EN signal. VS E L 2 and VSEL3 are used as direct inputs to the VCLK selection. Table 1-1 is the truth table for VCLK selection.
The input a nd tr uth ta ble ha ve be en desi gned to allow a dire ct connecti on t o one of th e ma ny Weste rn Digital Imagi ng V G A controlle rs or 851 4/A chip sets.
The MCL K output is one of eight intern ally-ge nerate d frequ en­cies as shown in Table 1-2. The various VCLK and MCLK frequen cies a re deri ved from the 14. 318 MHz in put fre quenc y .
The VCLKE and MCLKE input can tristate the VCLK and MCLK output s to fa cili ta t e boar d le ve l test ing.
ICS90C65 VGA Interface
The ICS90C65 has two system interfaces: System Bus and VGA Controll er, as well as othe r programm able in puts. Figure 1 shows how the Integrated Circuit Systems’s VGA Clock ICS90C65 is connected to a VGA controller. Western Digital Imaging VGA controllers normally have a status bit that indi­cates to the VGA cont roller that it is working with a cloc k chip. When working with a clock chip the VGA controller changes two of its clock inputs to outputs. They are theVCLK1/VCSLD/VCSEL and VCLK2/VCSEL/VCSELH outputs and they are used to select the required video frequency.
Figure 1
When the power-down capab ilit ies a re used, the co ntr ol sign al for
PWRDN is normally held in one of a group of latches. If
the power-down function is not to be used, PWRDN must be
tied to VDD, other wise the i nternal pull-do wn will p lace the chip
in the power-down mode.
14.318 MHz
pull-up at reset and PR15(5)=0
Inputs from VGA Controller
The VGA controll e r inp ut t o t he ICS90C65 is:
The ICS90C65 is programmed to generate different video clock frequ encies using t he inputs of VSEL 0, VSEL1, VSE L2, and VSEL3. The sig nals VSE L2 and VSEL 3 ma y be supplie d by the V GA c ontroll er as is the case in W estern Digital Imagin g VGA contr ollers. T he inputs VSEL0-1 ar e latched w ith the signal SELEN. The SELEN input should be an active low puls e. Thi s act ive l ow pu lse is gene rated in Western Digi tal Imagin g VG A co ntr oll ers during I/ O wri te s to in terna l regi st er 3C2h.
Note: Only VSEL 0 and VSEL1 are latched with signal SELEN.
Outputs to VGA Controller
The outputs from th e ICS90C65 to the VGA controller are:
MCLK and VCLK are the two clock outputs to the VGA controller.
User-Definable Inputs
The user de fi nable inputs are :
•• MSELO-2
EXTCLK is an additional input that may be internally routed to the VCLK o utput. This addi tional input is useful for supp ort­ing modes that require frequencies not provided by the ICS90C65 or for use during bo ar d test.
VCLKE and MCLKE a re the outpu t enable signals for VCL K and MCLK. When low the re sp e ct iv e o utp ut i s tri sta te d.
MSEL0-2 are the memory clock (M CLK) select lines. Ta­ble 1-2 shows how MCLK frequencie s are selected. All signals in this group ha ve internal pull-up resistors.
VSEL2 and VSEL3 are video clock (VCLK) select lines that can select add it ion al VCL K fre qu en ci es. Se e Table 1-1.
VSEL2 and VSE L3 have internal pull-ups. PWRDN can place the ICS90C65 in a power-down mode
which drops its suppl y current requirem ent below 1 microam p. When placed in this mode, the digital inputs may be either high or low or f loating withou t causing an inc rease in the ICS90C65 supply current .
PWRDN pin must be low (It has an internal pull-down.)
in order to place the device in its low power state. The output pins (VCLK and MCLK) are driven high by the ICS90C65 when it is in its low power state .
If CLKI is being driven by an external source, it may be driven low or high without a power penalty. If CLKI is at an interm e­diate vo lt ag e ( V
+0.5 < V
-0.5) , the re wi ll be a sm all
increase in supply current. If CLKI is driven at 14.318 MHz while the c hip is i n power -down, the ICS90C65 supp ly curre nt will incre ase to appr oxi mat el y 1.2 mA.
The SELEN (pin 6) may be used to guard against inadvertent frequency changes during power-down/powerup sequences. By holding the SELEN low du ring powe r -down and powe r-u p sequences, the ICS90C65 will retain the most recent video frequency selection.
Analog Filters
The an alog fi lters ar e integral to the ICS90C65 device. No external components are required. This feature reduces PC board space re quire me nts and com ponent costs. Pha se -jitt er is reduced as externally-generated noise cannot easily influence the phase -locked loo p filter .
System Bus Inputs
The system bus inputs are:
•• VSEL0
•• VSEL1
The ICS90C65 uses the system bus 14.318 MHz clock as a reference to generate all its frequencies for both video and memory clo cks. Data lines D2 and D3 are commonly used as inputs to VSEL0 and VSE L 1 for vi de o frequ en cy selec t ion .
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