Pin Descriptions
Pin number Pin nam e Type Descripti on
2 X1 Input 14.318 MHz c rystal input
3 X2 Output 14.318 MHz crystal output
4 PCICLK _F Output 3.3 V free running PCI clock output, will not be stopped by the P CI_STOP#
7 GNDPCI Power Ground for PCI c lock output s
8 VDDPCI Power 3. 3 V power for the PCI clock output s
12 PCICLK_E Out put Earl y PCICLK output, offset from ot her P CICLKs, stopped by PCI - STOP#
13 VDD48 Power 3. 3 V power for 48 MHz c locks
SEL 100_66#/
on power-on cont rol for t he frequency of clocks at the CPU & PCICLK output pins. If
logi c "0" is used the 66.6 MHz frequency i s select ed. If Logic "1" i s used, the 100
MHz f r equency is select ed. The PCI cloc k is mult iplexed to run at 33.3 MHz f or both
15 GND48 Power Ground for 48 MHz cl ocks
16 DIV4# Input
Ac tive low input , enables the CPUCLK and the P CICLK to run at 1/4 of the regular
17 PD# Input
As ynchronous act ive l ow i nput pin used to power down the device into a low power
state. The internal clocks are disabled and the VCO and the crystal are stopped. The
latency of the power down will not be greater than 3ms.
18 CPU_ST OP# Input
As ynchronous act ive l ow i nput pin used to stop the CPUCLK i n active low state, all
other clocks will continue to run. The CPUCLK will have a "Turnon " latency of at
least 3 CPU clock s.
19 VDDCOR Input 3.3 V power for the core
20 PCI-S TOP# Input
Sy nchronous acti ve low input used t o stop the PCICLK i n active low state. It wil l not
effect PCICLK_F or any other out puts.
21 GNDR/C Input Ground for REFCLK, Crystal & Core
22 GNDLCPU Power Ground for the CPU and Host clock outputs
25 VDDLCPU Power 2. 5 V power for the CP U and Host clock outputs
26 SPREAD# Output
power-on spread spectrum enable option. Acti ve low = spread spectrum c lock ing
enable. Act ive hi gh = spread s pectrum cloc king disable.
28 VDDR Input 3.3 V power for the REFCLK and crystal clock outputs
1,27 REF(0:1) Output 3.3V , 14. 318 MHz refer ence clock output.
23,24 CPUCLK (0:1) 0utput 2.5 V CPU and Host clock outputs
5,6,9,10, 11 PCICLK (1:4) Output 3.3 V PCI clock outputs, generating t iming requir em ents