Systems, Inc.
General Description Features
Block Diagram
Video Genlock PLL
• Phase-detector/VCO circuit block
• Ideal for genlock system
• Reference clock range 25 kHz to 1 MHz for full
output clock range
• Input clocks down to 12kHz possible with restricted
output conditions (see Table 1)
• Output clock range 1.25 to 75MHz
• On-chip loop filter
• Single 5 volt power supply
• Low power CMOS technology
• Small 8-pin DIP or SOIC package
The AV9173-01 provides the analog circuit blocks required
for implementing a video genlock dot (pixel) clock
generator. It contains a phase detector, charge pump, loop
filter, and voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). By grouping
these critical analog blocks into one IC and utilizing
external digital functions, performance and design
flexibility are optimized as are development time and
system cost.
When used with an external clock divider, the AV9173-01
forms a Phase-Locked Loop configured as a frequency
synthesizer. The AV9173-01 is designed to accept video
horizontal synchronization (h-sync) pulses and produce a
video dot clock. A separated, negative-going sync input
reference pulse is required at pin 2 (IN).
The AV9173-01 is also suited for other clock recovery
applications in such areas as data communications.
ICS reserves the right to make changes in the device data identified in this
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version of all device data to verify that any information being relied upon by the
customer is current and accurate.
Pin Descriptions
Pin Configuration
8-Pin DIP or SOIC
Table 1: Allowable Input Frequency to Output Frequency (Outputs in MHz)
1 FBIN Inp ut Feedback Input
IN Inp ut Input for reference sync pulse
3 GND — Ground
4 FS0 Inp ut Frequency Select 0 input
5 OE Inp u t Output E nable
6 CLK1 Out put Clock Output 1
7 VDD — Power Supply (+5V)
8 CLK2 Out pu t Cloc k Output 2 (Divided-by-2 from Clock 1)
fIN (kHz)
OUT for FS = 0 (M Hz) fOUT for FS = 1 (MHz)
CL K1 Ou tp ut CL K2 O utp u t CL K1 O utp u t CL K2 O u tpu t
≤ fIN ≤ 14 kHz 44.0 to 75 22.0 to 37.5 11.0 to 18.75 5.5 to 9.375
< fIN ≤ 17 kHz 30.0 to 75 15.0 to 37.5 7.5 to 18.75 3.75 to 9.375
< fIN ≤ 30 kHz 25.0 to 75 12.5 to 37.5 6.25 to 18.75 3.125 to 9.375
< fIN ≤ 35 kHz 15.0 to 75
7.5 to 37.5 3.75 to 18.75 1.875 to 9. 375
< fIN ≤ 1000 kHz 10.0 to 75
5.0 to 37.5 2.5 to 18.75
1.25 to 9.375