ICSI ICS1893CF User Manual

Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Document Stage: Rev. F Release
3.3-V 10Base-T/100Base-TX Integrated PHYceiver
The ICS1893CF is a low-power, physical-layer device (PHY) that supports the ISO/IEC 10Base-T and 100Base-TX Carrier-Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Ethernet standards, ISO/IEC 8802-3.
The ICS1893CF is intended for MII, Node applications that require the Auto-MDIX feature that automatically corrects crossover errors in plant wiring.
The ICS1893CF incorporates Digital-Signal Processing (DSP) control in its Physical-Medium Dependent (PMD) sub layer. As a result, it can transmit and receive data on unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) category 5 cables with attenuation in excess of 24 dB at 100MHz. With this ICS-patented technology, the ICS1893CF can virtually eliminate errors from killer packets.
The ICS1893CF provides a Serial-Management Interface for exchanging command and status information with a Station-Management (STA) entity. The ICS1893CF Media-Dependent Interface (MDI) can be configured to provide either half- or full-duplex operation at data rates of 10 Mb/s or 100Mb/s.
The ICS1893CF is available in a 300-mil 48-lead SSOP package. The ICS1893CF shares the same proven performance circuitry with the ICS1893BF and is a pin-for-pin replacement of the 1893BF.
Applications: NIC cards, PC motherboards, switches,
routers, DSL and cable modems, game machines, printers, network connected appliances, and industrial equipment.
Supports category 5 cables with attenuation in excess of
24dB at 100 MHz.
Single-chip, fully integrated PHY provides PCS, PMA, PMD,
and AUTONEG sub layers functions of IEEE standard.
10Base-T and 100Base-TX IEEE 8802.3 compliant
Single 3.3V power supply
Highly configurable, supports:
– Media Independent Interface (MII) – Auto-Negotiation with Parallel detection – Node applications, managed or unmanaged – 10M or 100M full and half-duplex modes – Loopback mode for Diagnostic Functions – Auto-MDI/MDIX crossover correction
Low-power CMOS (typically 400 mW)
Power-Down mode typically 21mW
Clock and crystal supported
Fully integrated, DSP-based PMD includes:
– Adaptive equalization and baseline-wander correction – Transmit wave shaping and stream cipher scrambler – MLT-3 encoder and NRZ/NRZI encoder
Small footprint 48-pin 300 mil. SSOP package
Also available in small footprint 56-pin 8x8 MLF2 package
Available in Industrial Temp and Lead Free
ICS1893CF Block Diagram
10/100 MII
ICS1893CF, Rev. F, 03/01/07 Mar. 2007
• Framer
• CRS/COL Detection
• Parallel to Serial
Clock Power LEDs and PHY
IDT reserves the right to make changes in the device data identified in
• Clock Recovery
• Link Monitor
• Signal Detection
• Error Detection
this publication without further notice. IDT advises its customers to obtain the latest version of all device data to verify that any information being relied upon by the customer is current and accurate.
• Stream Cipher
• Adaptive Equalizer
• Baseline Wander Correction
and Status
Twi ste d-
Interface to
Modules and
Revision History
Initial preliminary release of this document, Rev A, dated July 10, 2006.
Rev B – remove all references to ICS1893CK; removed package drawing and ordering info.
Rev C – added CK package and ordering information back to datasheet; removed TOC.
Rev E – changed resistor values in table 9.3 and on Figure 9-1, “ICS1893CF 10TCSR and 100TCSR”.
Revision HistoryICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release
ICS1893CF, Rev. F, 03/01/07 Mar. 2007
Copyright © 2007, Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.
ICS1893CF Data Sheet Rev. F - Release

Chapter 1 Abbreviations and Acronyms

Chapter 1 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Table 1-1 lists and interprets the abbreviations and acronyms used throughout this data sheet.

Table 1-1. Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviation /
4B/5B 4-Bit / 5-Bit Encoding/Decoding
ANSI American National Standards Institute
CMOS complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
CW Command Override Write
DSP digital signal processing
ESD End-of-Stream Delimiter
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FLL frequency-locked loop
FLP Fast Link Pulse
IDL A ‘dead’ time on the link following a 10Base-T packet, not to be confused with idle
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ISO International Standards Organization
LH Latching High
LL Latching Low
LMX Latching Maximum
MAC Media Access Control
Max. maximum
Mbps Megabits per second
MDI Media Dependent Interface
MDIX Media Independent Interface Crossed
MF Management Frame
MII Media Independent Interface
Min. minimum
MLT-3 Multi-Level Transition Encoding (3 Levels)
N/A Not Applicable
NLP Normal Link Pulse
No. Number
NRZ Not Return to Zero
NRZI Not Return to Zero, Invert on one
ICS1893CF, Rev. F, 03/01/07 Mar. 2007
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All rights reserved.
Table 1-1. Abbreviations and Acronyms (Continued)
Chapter 1 Abbreviations and AcronymsICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release
Abbreviation /
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier
PCS Physical Coding sublayer
PHY physical-layer device
The ICS1893CF is a physical-layer device, also referred to as a ‘PHY’ or ‘PHYceiver’. (The ICS1890 is also a physical-layer device.)
PLL phase-locked loop
PMA Physical Medium Attachment
PMD Physical Medium Dependent
ppm parts per million
RO read only
R/W read/write
R/W0 read/write zero
SC self-clearing
SF Special Functions
SFD Start-of-Frame Delimiter
SI Stream Interface, Serial Interface, or Symbol Interface.
With reference to the MII/SI pin, the acronym ‘SI’ has multiple meanings.
Generically, SI means 'Stream Interface', and is documented as such in this data
However, when the MAC Interface is configured for:
– 10M operations, SI is an acronym for 'Serial Interface'. – 100M operations, SI is an acronym for 'Symbol Interface'.
SQE Signal Quality Error
SSD Start-of-Stream Delimiter
SSOP Small Shrink Outline Package
STA Station Management Entity
STP shielded twisted pair
TAF Technology Ability Field
TP-PMD Twisted-Pair Physical Layer Medium Dependent
Typ. typical
UTP unshielded twisted pair
ICS1893CF, Rev. F, 03/01/07 Mar. 2007
Copyright © 2007, Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.
ICS1893CF Data Sheet Rev. F - Release

Chapter 2 Conventions and Nomenclature

Chapter 2 Conventions and Nomenclature
Table 2-1 lists and explains the conventions and nomenclature used throughout this data sheet.

Table 2-1. Conventions and Nomenclature

Item Convention / Nomenclature
Code groups Within this table, see the item ‘Symbols’
Colon (:) Within this table, see these items:
Pin (or signal) names
A bit in a register is identified using the format ‘register.bit’. For example, bit
0.15 is bit 15 of register 0.
When a colon is used with bits, it indicates the range of bits. For example,
bits 1.15:11 are bits 15, 14, 13, 12, and 11 of register 1.
For a range of bits, the order is always from the most-significant bit to the
least-significant bit.
‘Pin (or signal) names’
As a default, all numbers use the decimal system (that is, base 10) unless
followed by a lowercase letter. A string of numbers followed by a lowercase letter: – A ‘b’ represents a binary (base 2) number
– An ‘h’ represents a hexadecimal (base 16) number – An ‘o’ represents an octal (base 8) number
All numerical references to registers use decimal notation (and not
All pin or signal names are provided in capital letters.
A pin name that includes a forward slash ‘/’ is a multi-function, configuration
pin. These pins provide the ability to select between two ICS1893CF functions. The name provided: – Before the ‘/’ indicates the pin name and function when the signal level
on the pin is logic zero.
– After the ‘/’ indicates the pin name and function when the signal level on
the pin is logic one. For example, the HW/SW pin selects between Hardware (HW) mode and Software (SW) mode. When the signal level on the HW/SW pin is logic:
– Zero, the ICS1893CF Hardware mode is selected. – One, the ICS1893CF Software mode is selected.
An ‘n’ appended to the end of a pin name or signal name (such as
RESETn) indicates an active-low operation.
When a colon is used with pin or signal names, it indicates a range. For
example, TXD[3:0] represents pins/signals TXD3, TXD2, TXD1, and TXD0.
When pin name abbreviations are spelled out, words in parentheses
indicate additional description that is not part of the pin name abbreviation.
A bit in a register is identified using the format ‘register.bit’. For example, bit
0.15 is bit 15 of register 0.
All numerical references to registers use decimal notation (and not
When register name abbreviations are spelled out, words in parentheses
indicate additional description that is not part of the register name abbreviation.
ICS1893CF, Rev. F, 03/01/07 Mar. 2007
Copyright © 2007, Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Table 2-1. Conventions and Nomenclature (Continued)
Item Convention / Nomenclature
Signal references When referring to signals, the terms:
– ‘FALSE’, ‘low’, or ‘zero’ represent signals that are logic zero. – ‘TRUE’, ‘high’, or ‘one’ represent signals that are logic one.
Chapter 9, “DC and AC Operating Conditions” defines the electrical
specifications for ‘logic zero’ and ‘logic one’ signals.
In this data sheet, code group names are referred to as ‘symbols’ and they
are shown between '/' (slashes). For example, the symbol /J/ represents the first half of the Start-of-Stream Delimiter (SSD1).
Symbol sequences are shown in succession. For example, /I/J/K/
represents an IDLE followed by the SSD.
Chapter 2 Conventions and NomenclatureICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release
Terms: ‘set’, ‘active’, ‘asserted’,
Terms: ‘cleared’, ‘de-asserted’, ‘inactive’
Terms: ‘twisted-pair receiver’
Terms: ‘twisted-pair transmitter’
The terms ‘set’, ‘active’, and ‘asserted’ are synonymous. They do not necessarily infer logic one. (For example, an active-low signal can be set to logic zero.)
The terms ‘cleared’, ‘inactive’, and ‘de-asserted’ are synonymous. They do not necessarily infer logic zero.
In reference to the ICS1893CF, the term ‘Twisted-Pair Receiver’ refers to the set of Twisted-Pair Receive output pins (TP_RXP and TP_RXN).
In reference to the ICS1893CF, the term ‘Twisted-Pair Transmitter’ refers to the set of Twisted-Pair Transmit output pins (TP_TXP and TP_TXN).
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ICS1893CF Data Sheet Rev. F - Release
Chapter 3 Overview of the ICS1893CF
The ICS1893CF is a stream processor. During data transmission, it accepts sequential nibbles from its MAC (Media Access Control) converts them into a serial bit stream, encodes them, and transmits them over the medium through an external isolation transformer. When receiving data, the ICS1893CF converts and decodes a serial bit stream (acquired from an isolation transformer that interfaces with the medium) into sequential nibbles. It subsequently presents these nibbles to its MAC Interface.
The ICS1893CF implements the OSI model’s physical layer, consisting of the following, as defined by the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard:
Physical Coding sublayer (PCS)
Physical Medium Attachment sublayer (PMA)
Physical Medium Dependent sublayer (PMD)
Auto-Negotiation sublayer
The ICS1893CF is transparent to the next layer of the OSI model, the link layer. The link layer has two sublayers: the Logical Link Control sublayer and the MAC sublayer. The ICS1893CF can interface directly to the MAC.
The ICS1893CF transmits framed packets acquired from its MAC Interface and receives encapsulated packets from another PHY, which it translates and presents to its MAC Interface.

Chapter 3 Overview of the ICS1893CF

Note: As per the ISO/IEC standard, the ICS1893CF does not affect, nor is it affected by, the underlying
structure of the MAC frame it is conveying.
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Copyright © 2007, Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.

3.1 100Base-TX Operation

During 100Base-TX data transmission, the ICS1893CF accepts packets from a MAC and inserts Start-of-Stream Delimiters (SSDs) and End-of-Stream Delimiters (ESDs) into the data stream. The ICS1893CF encapsulates each MAC frame, including the preamble, with an SSD and an ESD. As per the ISO/IEC Standard, the ICS1893CF replaces the first octet of each MAC preamble with an SSD and appends an ESD to the end of each MAC frame.
When receiving data from the medium, the ICS1893CF removes each SSD and replaces it with the pre-defined preamble pattern before presenting the nibbles to its MAC Interface. When the ICS1893CF encounters an ESD in the received data stream, signifying the end of the frame, it ends the presentation of nibbles to its MAC Interface. Therefore, the local MAC receives an unaltered copy of the transmitted frame sent by the remote MAC.
During periods when MAC frames are being neither transmitted nor received, the ICS1893CF signals and detects the IDLE condition on the Link Segment. In the 100Base-TX mode, the ICS1893CF transmit channel sends a continuous stream of scrambled ones to signify the IDLE condition. Similarly, the ICS1893CF receive channel continually monitors its data stream and looks for a pattern of scrambled ones. The results of this signaling and monitoring provide the ICS1893CF with the means to establish the integrity of the Link Segment between itself and its remote link partner and inform its Station Management Entity (STA) of the link status.
For 100M data transmission, the ICS1893CF MAC Interface is configured to provide a 100M Media Independent Interface (MII).
Chapter 3 Overview of the ICS1893CFICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release

3.2 10Base-T Operation

During 10Base-T data transmission, the ICS1893CF inserts only the IDL delimiter into the data stream. The ICS1893CF appends the IDL delimiter to the end of each MAC frame. However, since the 10Base-T preamble already has a Start-of-Frame delimiter (SFD), it is not required that the ICS1893CF insert an SSD-like delimiter.
When receiving data from the medium (such as a twisted-pair cable), the ICS1893CF uses the preamble to synchronize its receive clock. When the ICS1893CF receive clock establishes lock, it presents the preamble nibbles to its MAC Interface. The 10M MAC Interface uses the standard MII Interface.
In 10M operations, during periods when MAC frames are being neither transmitted nor received, the ICS1893CF signals and detects Normal Link Pulses. This action allows the integrity of the Link Segment with the remote link partner to be established and then reported to the ICS1893CF’s STA.
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ICS1893CF Data Sheet Rev. F - Release
Chapter 4 Operating Modes Overview
The ICS1893CF operating modes are typically controlled from software.
The ICS1893CF register bits are accessible through a standard MII (Media Independent Interface) Serial Management Port.
The ICS1893CF is configured to support the MAC Interface as a 10M MII or a 100M MII. The protocol on the Medium Dependent Interface (MDI) can be configured to support either 10M or 100M operations in either half-duplex or full-duplex modes.
The ICS1893CF is fully compliant with the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard, as it pertains to both 10Base-T and 100Base-TX operations. The feature-rich ICS1893CF allows easy migration from 10-Mbps to 100-Mbps operations as well as from systems that require support of both 10M and 100M links.
This chapter is an overview of the following ICS1893CF modes of operation:
Section 4.1, “Reset Operations”
Section 4.2, “Power-Down Operations”
Section 4.3, “Automatic Power-Saving Operations”
Section 4.4, “Auto-Negotiation Operations”
Section 4.5, “100Base-TX Operations”
Section 4.6, “10Base-T Operations”
Section 4.7, “Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex Operations”
Section 4.8, “Auto-MDI/MDIX Crossover”

Chapter 4 Operating Modes Overview

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Copyright © 2007, Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.

4.1 Reset Operations

This section first discusses reset operations in general and then specific ways in which the ICS1893CF can be configured for various reset options.

4.1.1 General Reset Operations

The following reset operations apply to all the specific ways in which the ICS1893CF can be reset, which are discussed in Section 4.1.2, “Specific Reset Operations”. Entering Reset

When the ICS1893CF enters a reset condition (either through hardware, power-on reset, or software), it does the following:
1. Isolates the MAC Interface input pins
2. Drives all MAC Interface output pins low
3. Tri-states the signals on its Twisted-Pair Transmit pins (TP_TXP and TP_TXN)
4. Initializes all its internal modules and state machines to their default states
5. Enters the power-down state
6. Initializes all internal latching low (LL), latching high (LH), and latching maximum (LMX) Management Register bits to their default values
Chapter 4 Operating Modes OverviewICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release Exiting Reset

When the ICS1893CF exits a reset condition, it does the following:
1. Exits the power-down state
2. Latches the Serial Management Port Address of the ICS1893CF into the Extended Control Register, bits 16.10:6. [See Section 7.11.3, “PHY Address (bits 16.10:6)”.]
3. Enables all its internal modules and state machines
4. Sets all Management Register bits to their default values
5. Enables the Twisted-Pair Transmit pins (TP_TXP and TP_TXN)
6. Resynchronizes both its Transmit and Receive Phase-Locked Loops, which provide its transmit clock (TXCLK) and receive clock (RXCLK)
7. Releases all MAC Interface pins, which takes a maximum of 640 ns after the reset condition is removed Hot Insertion

As with the ICS189X products, the ICS1893CF reset design supports ‘hot insertion’ of its MII. (That is, the ICS1893CF can connect its MAC Interface to a MAC while power is already applied to the MAC.)
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ICS1893CF Data Sheet Rev. F - Release

4.1.2 Specific Reset Operations

This section discusses the following specific ways that the ICS1893CF can be reset:
Hardware reset (using the RESETn pin)
Power-on reset (applying power to the ICS1893CF)
Software reset (using Control Register bit 0.15)
Note: At the completion of a reset (either hardware, power-on, or software), the ICS1893CF sets all
registers to their default values. Hardware Reset

Entering Hardware Reset
Holding the active-low RESETn pin low for a minimum of five REF_IN clock cycles initiates a hardware reset (that is, the ICS1893CF enters the reset state). During reset, the ICS1893CF executes the steps listed in Section, “Entering Reset”.
Exiting Hardware Reset
After the signal on the RESETn pin transitions from a low to a high state, the ICS1893CF completes in 640 ns (that is, in 16 REF_IN clocks) steps 1 through 5, listed in Section, “Exiting Reset”. After the first five steps are completed, the Serial Management Port is ready for normal operations, but this action does not signify the end of the reset cycle. The reset cycle completes when the transmit clock (TXCLK) and receive clock (RXCLK) are available, which is typically 53 ms after the RESETn pin goes high. [For details on this transition, see Section 9.5.16, “Reset: Hardware Reset and Power-Down”.]
Chapter 4 Operating Modes Overview
1. The MAC Interface is not available for use until the TXCLK and RXCLK are valid.
2. The Control Register bit 0.15 does not represent the status of a hardware reset. It is a self-clearing bit that is used to initiate a software reset. Power-On Reset

Entering Power-On Reset
When power is applied to the ICS1893CF, it waits until the potential between VDD and VSS achieves a minimum voltage before entering reset and executing the steps listed in Section, “Entering Reset”. After entering reset from a power-on condition, the ICS1893CF remains in reset for approximately 20 µs. (For details on this transition, see Section 9.5.15, “Reset: Power-On Reset”.)
Exiting Power-On Reset
The ICS1893CF automatically exits reset and performs the same steps as for a hardware reset. (See
Section, “Exiting Reset”.)
Note: The only difference between a hardware reset and a power-on reset is that during a power-on
reset, the ICS1893CF isolates its RESETn input pin. All other functionality is the same. As with a hardware reset, Control Register bit 0.15 does not represent the status of a power-on reset.
ICS1893CF, Rev. F, 03/01/07 Mar. 2007
Copyright © 2007, Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.
11 Software Reset

Entering Software Reset
Initiation of a software reset occurs when a management entity writes a logic one to Control Register bit
0.15. When this write occurs, the ICS1893CF enters the reset state for two REF_IN clock cycles.
Note: Entering a software reset is nearly identical to entering a hardware reset or a power-on reset,
except that during a software-initiated reset, the ICS1893CF does not enter the power-down state.
Exiting Software Reset
At the completion of a reset (either hardware, power-on, or software), the ICS1893CF sets all registers to their default values. This action automatically clears (that is, sets equal to logic zero) Control Register bit
0.15, the software reset bit. Therefore, for a software reset (only), bit 0.15 is a self-clearing bit that indicates
the completion of the reset process.
1. The RESETn pin is active low but Control Register bit 0.15 is active high.
2. Exiting a software reset is nearly identical to exiting a hardware reset or a power-on reset, except that upon exiting a software-initiated reset, the ICS1893CF does not re-latch its Serial Management Port Address into the Extended Control Register. [For information on the Serial Management Port Address, see Section 7.11.3, “PHY Address (bits 16.10:6)”.]
3. The Control Register bit 0.15 does not represent the status of a hardware reset. It is a self-clearing bit that is used to initiate a software reset. During a hardware or power-on reset, Control Register bit 0.15 does not get set to logic one. As a result, this bit 0.15 cannot be used to indicate the completion of the reset process for hardware or power-on resets.
Chapter 4 Operating Modes OverviewICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release

4.2 Power-Down Operations

The ICS1893CF enters the power-down state whenever either (1) the RESETn pin is low or (2) Control Register bit 0.11 (the Power-Down bit) is logic one. In the power-down state, the ICS1893CF disables all internal functions and drives all MAC Interface output pins to logic zero except for those that support the MII Serial Management Port. In addition, the ICS1893CF tri-states its Twisted-Pair Transmit pins (TP_TXP and TP_TXN) to achieve an additional reduction in power.
There is one significant difference between entering the power-down state by setting Control Register bit
0.11 as opposed to entering the power-down state during a reset. When the ICS1893CF enters the
power-down state:
By setting Control Register bit 0.11, the ICS1893CF maintains the value of all Management Register bits
except for the latching low (LL), latching high (LH), and latching maximum (LMX) status bits. Instead, these LL, LH, and LMX Management Register bits are re-initialized to their default values.
During a reset, the ICS1893CF sets all of its Management Register bits to their default values. It does not
maintain the state of any Management Register bit.
For more information on power-down operations, see the following:
Section 7.14, “Register 19: Extended Control Register 2”
Section 9.4, “DC Operating Characteristics”, which has tables that specify the ICS1893CF power
consumption while in the power-down state
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ICS1893CF Data Sheet Rev. F - Release

4.3 Automatic Power-Saving Operations

The ICS1893CF has power-saving features that automatically minimize its total power consumption while it is operating. Table 4-1 lists the ICS1893CF automatic power-saving features for the various modes.

Table 4-1. Automatic Power-Saving Features, 10Base-T and 100Base-TX Modes

Chapter 4 Operating Modes Overview
Disable Inter­nal Modules
STA Control of Automatic Power­Saving Features
In 10Base-T mode, the ICS1893CF disables all its internal 100Base-TX modules.
When an STA sets the state of the ICS1893CF Extended Control Register 2, bit 19.0 to logic:
Zero, the 100Base-TX modules always
remain enabled, even during 10Base-T operations.
10Base-T Mode 100Base-TX Mode
One, the ICS1893CF automatically
disables 100Base-TX modules while the ICS1893CF is operating in 10Base-T mode.

4.4 Auto-Negotiation Operations

The ICS1893CF has an Auto-Negotiation sublayer and provides a Control Register bit (bit 0.12) to determine whether its Auto-Negotiation sublayer is enabled or disabled.
When enabled, the ICS1893CF Auto-Negotiation sublayer exchanges technology capability data with its remote link partner and automatically selects the highest-performance operating mode it has in common with its remote link partner. For example, if the ICS1893CF supports 100Base-TX and 10Base-T modes – but its link partner supports 100Base-TX and 100Base-T4 modes – the two devices automatically select 100Base-TX as the highest-performance common operating mode. For details regarding initialization and control of the auto-negotiation process, see Section 6.2, “Functional Block: Auto-Negotiation”.
Mode for ICS1893CF
In 100Base-TX mode, the ICS1893CF disables all its internal 10Base-T modules.
When an STA sets the state of the ICS1893CF Extended Control Register 2, bit 19.1 to logic:
Zero, the 10Base-T modules always
remain enabled, even during 100Base-TX operations.
One, the ICS1893CF automatically
disables 10Base-T modules while the ICS1893CF is operating in 100Base-TX mode.
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4.5 100Base-TX Operations

The ICS1893CF 100Base-TX mode provides 100Base-TX physical layer (PHY) services as defined in the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard. In the 100Base-TX mode, the ICS1893CF is a 100M translator between a MAC and the physical transmission medium. As such, the ICS1893CF has two interfaces, both of which are fully configurable: one to the MAC and one to the Link Segment. In 100Base-TX mode, the ICS1893CF provides the following functions:
Data conversion from both parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel formats
Data encoding/decoding (4B/5B, NRZ/NRZI, and MLT-3)
Data scrambling/descrambling
Data transmission/reception over a twisted-pair medium
To accurately transmit and receive data, the ICS1893CF employs DSP-based wave shaping, adaptive equalization, and baseline wander correction. In addition, in 100Base-TX mode, the ICS1893CF provides a variety of control and status means to assist with Link Segment management. For more information on 100Base-TX, see Section 6.4, “Functional Block: 100Base-TX TP-PMD Operations”.

4.6 10Base-T Operations

The ICS1893CF 10Base-T mode provides 10Base-T physical layer (PHY) services as defined in the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard. In the 10Base-T mode, the ICS1893CF is a 10M translator between a MAC and the physical transmission medium. In 10Base-T mode, the ICS1893CF provides the following functions:
Data conversion from both parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel formats
Manchester data encoding/decoding
Data transmission/reception over a twisted-pair medium
Chapter 4 Operating Modes OverviewICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release

4.7 Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex Operations

The ICS1893CF supports half-duplex and full-duplex operations for both 10Base-T and 100Base-TX applications. Full-duplex operation allows simultaneous transmission and reception of data, which effectively doubles the Link Segment throughput to either 20 Mbps (for 10Base-T operations) or 200 Mbps (for 100Base-TX operations).
As per the ISO/IEC standard, full-duplex operations differ slightly from half-duplex operations. These differences are necessary, as during full-duplex operations a PHY actively uses both its transmit and receive data paths simultaneously.
In 10Base-T full-duplex operations, the ICS1893CF disables its loopback function (that is, it does not
automatically loop back data from its transmitter to its receiver) and disables its SQE Test function.
In both 10Base-T and 100Base-TX full-duplex operations, the ICS1893CF asserts its CRS signal only in
response to receive activity while its COL signal always remains inactive.
For more information on half-duplex and full-duplex operations, see the following sections:
Section 7.2, “Register 0: Control Register”
Section 7.2.8, “Duplex Mode (bit 0.8)”
Section 7.3, “Register 1: Status Register”
Section 7.6, “Register 4: Auto-Negotiation Register”
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Copyright © 2007, Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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4.8 Auto-MDI/MDIX Crossover (New)

The ICS1893CF includes the auto-MDI/MDIX crossover feature. In a typical CAT 5 Ethernet installation the transmit twisted pair signal pins of the RJ45 connector are crossed over in the CAT 5 wiring to the partners receive twisted pair signal pins and receive twisted pair to the partners transmit twisted pair. This is usually accomplished in the wiring plant. Hubs generally wire the RJ45 connector crossed to accomplish the crossover. Two types of CAT 5 cables (straight and crossed) are available to achieve the correct connection. The Auto-MDI/MDIX feature automatically corrects for miss-wired installations by automatically swapping transmit and receive signal pairs at the PHY when no link results. Auto-MDI/MDIX is automatic, but may be disabled for test purposes using the AMDIX_EN pin or by writing MDIO register 19 Bits 9:8 in the MDIO register. The Auto-MDI/MDIX function is independent of Auto-Negotiation and preceeds Auto-Negotiation when enabled.
Chapter 4 Operating Modes Overview
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Chapter 5 Interface Overviews
The ICS1893CF MAC Interface is fully configurable, thereby allowing it to accommodate many different applications.
This chapter includes overviews of the following MAC-to-PHY interfaces:
Section 5.1, “MII Data Interface”
Section 5.2, “Serial Management Interface”
Section 5.3, “Twisted-Pair Interface”
Section 5.4, “Clock Reference Interface”
Section 5.5, “Status Interface”

Chapter 5 Interface OverviewsICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release

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5.1 MII Data Interface

The ICS1893CF’s MAC Interface is the Media Independent Interface (MII) operating at either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps. The ICS1893CF MAC Interface is configured for the MII Data Interface mode, data is transferred between the PHY and the MAC as framed, 4-bit parallel nibbles. In addition, the interface also provides status and control signals to synchronize the transfers.
The ICS1893CF provides a full complement of the ISO/IEC-specified MII signals. Its MII has both a transmit and a receive data path to synchronously exchange 4 bits of data (that is, nibbles).
The ICS1893CF’s MII transmit data path includes the following:
– A data nibble, TXD[3:0] – A transmit data clock to synchronize transfers, TXCLK – A transmit enable signal, TXEN – The TXER pin is not available on the ICS1893CF
The ICS1893CF’s MII receive data path includes the following:
– A separate data nibble, RXD[3:0] – A receive data clock to synchronize transfers, RXCLK – A receive data valid signal, RXDV
Both the MII transmit clock and the MII receive clock are provided to the MAC/Reconciliation sublayer by the ICS1893CF (that is, the ICS1893CF sources the TXCLK and RXCLK signals to the MAC).
Clause 22 also defines as part of the MII a Carrier Sense signal (CRS) and a Collision Detect signal (COL). The ICS1893CF is fully compliant with these definitions and sources both of these signals to the MAC. When operating in:
Half-duplex mode, the ICS1893CF asserts the Carrier Sense signal when data is being either
transmitted or received. While operating in half-duplex mode, the ICS1893CF also asserts its Collision Detect signal to indicate that data is being received while a transmission is in progress.
Full-duplex mode, the ICS1893CF asserts the Carrier Sense signal only when receiving data and forces
the Collision Detect signal to remain inactive.
As mentioned in Section, “Hot Insertion”, the ICS1893CF design allows hot insertion of its MII. That is, it is possible to connect its MII to a MAC when power is already applied to the MAC. To support this functionality, the ICS1893CF isolates its MII signals and tri-states the signals on all Twisted-Pair Transmit pins (TP_TXP and TP_TXN) during a power-on reset. Upon completion of the reset process, the ICS1893CF enables its MII and enables its Twisted-Pair Transmit signals.
Chapter 5 Interface Overviews
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5.2 Serial Management Interface

The ICS1893CF provides an ISO/IEC compliant, two-wire Serial Management Interface as part of its MAC Interface. This Serial Management Interface is used to exchange control, status, and configuration information between a Station Management entity (STA) and the physical layer device (PHY), that is, the ICS1893CF.
The ISO/IEC standard also specifies a frame structure and protocol for this interface as well as a set of Management Registers that provide the STA with access to a PHY such as the ICS1893CF. A Serial Management Interface is comprised of two signals: a bi-directional data pin (MDIO) along with an associated input pin for a clock (MDC). The clock is used to synchronize all data transfers between the ICS1893CF and the STA.
In addition to the ISO/IEC defined registers, the ICS1893CF provides several extended status and control registers to provide more refined control of the MII and MDI interfaces. For example, the QuickPoll Detailed Status Register provides the ability to acquire the most-important status functions with a single MDIO read.
Note: In the ICS1893CF, the MDIO and MDC pins remain active for all the MAC Interface modes (that is,
10M MII, 100M MII, 100M Symbol, and 10M Serial).

5.3 Twisted-Pair Interface

For the twisted-pair interface, the ICS1893CF uses 1:1 ratio transformers for both transmit and receive.
Better operation results from using a split ground plane through the transformer. In this case:
The RJ-45 transformer windings must be on the chassis ground plane along with the Bob Smith
The ICS1893CF system ground plane must include the ICS1893CF-side transformer windings along
with the 49.9 resistors and the 100 nF capacitor.
The transformer provides the isolation with one set of windings on one ground plane and another set of
windings on the second ground plane.
Chapter 5 Interface OverviewsICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release

5.3.1 Twisted-Pair Transmitter

The twisted-pair transmitter driver uses an H-bridge configuration. IDT transformer requirements:
Turns Ratio 1:1
Chokes may be used on chip or cable side or both sides
No power connections to the transformer. Transformer power is supplied by the ICS1893CF
MIDCOM 7090-37 or equivalent symetrical magnetics are used
Figure 5-1 shows the design for the ICS1893CF twisted-pair interface.
Two 49.9 1% resistors are in series with a 100 nF capacitor to ground between them. These
components form a network that connects across both pairs of twisted pairs A and B.
Both twisted pairs A and B have an assigned plus and minus.
1. Keep all TX traces as short as possible.
2. When longer board twisted pair traces are used, 50-characteristic board trace impedance is desirable.
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Figure 5-1. ICS1893CF Twisted Pair *

System Ground Plane Chassis Ground Plane
TP_AP 12
Chapter 5 Interface Overviews
Separate Ground Plane
TP_AN 13
Ideally, for these traces Zo = 50Ω.
TP_BP 16
100 nF
100 nF
To RJ-45
To RJ-45
TP_BN 15
Ideally, for these traces Zo = 50Ω.
0.1 µF
Chassis GND
* For backward compatibility, refer to the the “1893C Alternate Schematic” application note.
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5.4 Clock Reference Interface

The REF_IN pin provides the ICS1893CF Clock Reference Interface. The ICS1893CF requires a single clock reference with a frequency of 25 MHz ±50 parts per million. This accuracy is necessary to meet the interface requirements of the ISO/IEEE 8802-3 standard, specifically clauses and The ICS1893CF supports two clock source configurations: a CMOS oscillator or a CMOS driver. The input to REF_IN is CMOS (10% to 90% VDD), not TTL. Alternately, a 25MHz crystal may be used. The Oscillator specifications are shown in Table 5.2.

Figure 5-2. Crystal or Oscillator Operation

Chapter 5 Interface OverviewsICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release
33 pF
33 pF
33 Ohm
25.000 MHz
10 pF
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Chapter 5 Interface Overviews
If a crystal is used as the clocking source, connect it to both the Ref_in (pin 47) and Ref_out (pin 46) pins of the ICS1893CF. A pair of bypass capacitors on either side of the crystal are connected to ground. The crystal is used in the parallel resonance or anti-resonance mode. The value of the load caps serve to adjust the final frequency of the crystal oscillation. Typical applications would use 33pF load caps. The exact value will be affected by the board routing capacitance on Ref_in and Ref_out pins. Smaller load capacitors raise the frequency of oscillation. Once the exact value of load capacitance is established it will be the same for all boards using the same specification crystal. The best way to measure the crystal frequency is to measure the frequency of TXCLK (pin 37) using a frequency counter with a 1 second gate time. Using the buffered output TXCLK prevents the crystal frequency from being affected by the measurement. The crystal specification is shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5-1. 25MHz Crystal Specification

Specifications Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Fundamental Frequency
F0 24.99875 25.00000 25.00125 MHz (tolerance is sum of freq., temp., stability and aging.)
Freq. Tolerance
F/f ± 50 ppm
Input Capacitance Cin 3 pF

Table 5-2. 25MHz Oscillator Specification

Specifications Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Output Frequency F0 24.99875 25.00000 25.00125 MHz
Freq. Stability (including aging)
Duty cycle CMOS level
F/f ± 50 ppm
Tw/T 35 65 % one-half VDD
VIH 2.79 Volts
VIL 0.33 Volts
Period Jitter Tjitter 500 pS
Input Capacitance CIN 3 pF
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5.5 Status Interface

The ICS1893CF provides five multi-function configuration pins that report the results of continual link monitoring by providing signals that are intended for driving LEDs. (For the pin numbers, see Table 8.6.)

Table 5-3. Pins for Monitoring the Data Link

Pin LED Driven by the Pin’s Output Signal
P0AC AC (Link Activity) LED
P1CL CL (Collisions) LED
P2LI LI (Link Integrity) LED
P3TD TD (Transmit Data) LED
P4RD RD (Receive Data) LED
1. During either a power-on reset or a hardware reset, each multi-function configuration pin is an input that is sampled when the ICS1893CF exits the reset state. After sampling is complete, these pins are output pins that can drive status LEDs.
2. A software reset does not affect the state of a multi-function configuration pin. During a software reset, all multi-function configuration pins are outputs.
3. Each multi-function configuration pin must be pulled either up or down with a resistor to establish the address of the ICS1893CF. LEDs may be placed in series with these resistors to provide a designated status indicator as described in Table 5-3. Use 1KΩ resistors.
Chapter 5 Interface OverviewsICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release
Caution: All pins listed in Table 5-3 must not float.
4. As outputs, the asserted state of a multi-function configuration pin is the inverse of the sense sampled during reset. This inversion provides a signal that can illuminate an LED during an asserted state. For example, if a multi-function configuration pin is pulled down to ground through an LED and a current-limiting resistor, then the sampled sense of the input is low. To illuminate this LED for the asserted state, the output is driven high.
5. Adding 10K resistors across the LEDs ensures the PHY address is fully defined during slow VDD power-ramp conditions.
6. PHY address 00 tri-states the MII interface. (Do not select PHY address 00 unless you want the MII tri-stated.)
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Figure 5-3 shows typical biasing and LED connections for the ICS1893CF.

Figure 5-3. ICS1893CF LED - PHY Interface

86 4 3 1
Chapter 5 Interface Overviews
This circuit decodes to PHY address = 1.
1. All LED pins must be set during reset.
2. Caution: PHY address 00 tri-states the MII interface. Don’t use PHY address 00.
3. For more reliable address capture during power-on reset, add a 10KΩ resistor across the LED.
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Chapter 6 Functional Blocks
This chapter discusses the following ICS1893CF functional blocks.
Section 6.1, “Functional Block: Media Independent Interface”
Section 6.2, “Functional Block: Auto-Negotiation”
Section 6.3, “Functional Block: 100Base-X PCS and PMA Sublayers”
Section 6.4, “Functional Block: 100Base-TX TP-PMD Operations”
Section 6.5, “Functional Block: 10Base-T Operations”
Section 6.6, “Functional Block: Management Interface”

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6.1 Functional Block: Media Independent Interface

All ICS1893CF MII interface signals are fully compliant with the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard. In addition, the ICS1893CF MIIs can support two data transfer rates: 25 MHz (for 100Base-TX operations) and 2.5 MHz (for 10Base-T operations).
The Media Independent Interface (MII) consists of two primary components:
1. An interface between a MAC (Media Access Control sublayer) and the PHY (that is, the ICS1893CF). This MAC-PHY part of the MII consists of three subcomponents:
a. A synchronous Transmit interface that includes the following signals:
(1) A data nibble, TXD[3:0] (2) A delimiter, TXEN (3) A clock, TXCLK
b. A synchronous Receive interface that includes the followings signals:
(1) A data nibble, RXD[3:0] (2) An error indicator, RXER (3) A delimiter, RXDV (4) A clock, RXCLK
c. A Media Status or Control interface that consists of a Carrier Sense signal (CRS) and a Collision
Detection signal (COL).
2. An interface between the PHY (the ICS1893CF) and an STA (Station Management entity). The STA-PHY part of the MII is a two-wire, Serial Management Interface that consists of the following:
a. A clock (MDC) b. A synchronous, bi-directional data signal (MDIO) that provides an STA with access to the
ICS1893CF Management Register set
Chapter 6 Functional Blocks
The ICS1893CF Management Register set (discussed in Chapter 7, “Management Register Set”) consists of the following:
Basic Management registers.
As defined in the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard, these registers include the following:
– Control Register (register 0), which handles basic device configuration – Status Register (register 1), which reports basic device capabilities and status
Extended Management registers.
As defined in the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard, the ICS1893CF supports Extended registers that provide access to the Organizationally Unique Identifier and all auto-negotiation functionality.
ICS (Vendor-Specific) Management registers.
The ICS1893CF provides vendor-specific registers for enhanced PHY operations. Among these is the QuickPoll Detailed Status Register that provides a comprehensive and consolidated set of real-time PHY information. Reading the QuickPoll register enables the MAC to obtain comprehensive status data with a single register access.
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6.2 Functional Block: Auto-Negotiation

The auto-negotiation logic of the ICS1893CF has the following main functions:
To determine the capabilities of the remote link partner, (that is, the device at the other end of the link
segment’s medium or cable)
To advertise the capabilities of the ICS1893CF to the remote link partner
To establish a protocol with the remote link partner using the highest-performance operating mode that
they have in common
The design of the ICS1893CF Auto-Negotiation sublayer supports both legacy 10Base-T connections as well as new connections that have multiple technology options for the link. For example, when the ICS1893CF has the auto-negotiation process enabled and it is operating with a 10Base-T remote link partner, the ICS1893CF monitors the link and automatically selects the 10Base-T operating mode – even though the remote link partner does not support auto-negotiation. This process, called parallel detection, is automatic and transparent to the remote link partner and allows the ICS1893CF to function seamlessly with existing legacy network structures without any management intervention.
(For an overview of the auto-negotiation process, see Section 4.4, “Auto-Negotiation Operations”.)

6.2.1 Auto-Negotiation General Process

The Auto-Negotiation sublayer uses a physical signaling technique that is transparent at the packet level and all higher protocol levels. This technique builds on the link pulse mechanism employed in 10Base-T operations and is fully compliant with clause 28 of the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard.
During the auto-negotiation process, both the ICS1893CF and its remote link partner use Fast Link Pulses (FLPs) to simultaneously ‘advertise’ (that is, exchange) information on their respective technology capabilities as follows:
1. For the auto-negotiation process to take place, both the ICS1893CF and its remote link partner must first both support and be enabled for Auto-Negotiation.
2. The ICS1893CF obtains the data for its FLP bursts from the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (Register 4).
3. Both the ICS1893CF and the remote link partner substitute Fast Link Pulse (FLP) bursts in place of the Normal Link Pulses (NLPs). In each FLP burst, the ICS1893CF transmits information on its technology capability through its Link Control Word, which includes link configuration and status data.
4. Similarly, the ICS1893CF places the Auto-Negotiation data received from its remote link partner's FLP bursts into the Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (Register 5).
5. After the ICS1893CF and its remote link partner exchange technology capability information, the ICS1893CF Auto-Negotiation sublayer contrasts the data in Registers 4 and 5 and automatically selects for the operating mode the highest-priority technology that both Register 4 and 5 have in common. (That is, both the ICS1893CF and its remote link partner use a predetermined priority list for selecting the operating mode, thereby ensuring that both sides of the link make the same selection.) As follows from Annex 28B of the ISO/IEC 8802-3 standard, the pre-determined technology priorities are listed from 1 (highest priority) to 5 (lowest priority):
(1) 100Base-TX full duplex
(2) 100Base-T4. (The ICS1893CF does not support this technology.)
(3) 100Base-TX (half duplex)
(4) 10Base-T full duplex
(5) 10Base-T (half duplex)
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6. To indicate that the auto-negotiation process is complete, the ICS1893CF sets bits 1.5 and 17.4 high to logic one. After successful completion of the auto-negotiation process, the ICS1893CF Auto-Negotiation sublayer performs the following steps:
a. It sets to logic one the Status Register’s Auto-Negotiation Complete bit (bit 1.5, which is also
available in the QuickPoll register as bit 17.4).
b. It enables the negotiated link technology (such as the 100Base Transmit modules and 100Base
Receive modules).
c. It disables the unused technologies to reduce the overall power consumption.

6.2.2 Auto-Negotiation: Parallel Detection

The ICS1893CF supports parallel detection. It is therefore compatible with networks that do not support the auto-negotiation process. When enabled, the Auto-Negotiation sublayer can detect legacy 10Base-T link partners as well as 100Base-TX link partners that do not have an auto-negotiation capability.
The Auto-Negotiation sublayer performs this parallel detection function when it does not get a response to its FLP bursts. In these situations, the Auto-Negotiation sublayer performs the following steps:
1. It sets the LP_AutoNeg_Able bit (bit 6.0) to logic zero, thereby identifying the remote link partner as not being capable of executing the auto-negotiation process.
2. It sets the bit in the Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Abilities Register that corresponds to the 'parallel detected' technology [for example, half-duplex, 10Base-T (bit 5.5) or half-duplex, 100Base-TX (bit
3. It sets the Status Register’s Auto-Negotiation Complete bit (bit 1.5) to logic one, indicating completion of the auto-negotiation process.
4. It enables the detected link technology and disables the unused technologies.
Chapter 6 Functional Blocks
A remote link partner that does not support the auto-negotiation process does not respond to the transmitted FLP bursts. The ICS1893CF detects this situation and responds according to the data it receives. The ICS1893CF can receive one of five potential responses to the FLP bursts it is transmitting: FLP bursts, 10Base-T link pulses (that is, Normal Link Pulses), scrambled 100Base IDLEs, nothing, or a combination of signal types.
A 10Base-T link partner transmits only Normal Link Pulses when idle. When the ICS1893CF receives Normal Link Pulses, it concludes that the remote link partner is a device that can use only 10Base-T technology. A 100Base-TX node without an Auto-Negotiation sublayer transmits 100M scrambled IDLE symbols in response to the FLP bursts. Upon receipt of the scrambled IDLEs, the ICS1893CF concludes that its remote link partner is a 100Base-TX node that does not support the auto-negotiation process. For both 10Base-T and 100Base-TX nodes without an Auto-Negotiation sublayer, the ICS1893CF clears bit 6.0 to logic zero, indicating that the link partner cannot perform the auto-negotiation process.
If the remote link partner responds to the FLP bursts with FLP bursts, then the link partner is a 100Base-TX node that can support the auto-negotiation process. In this case, the ICS1893CF sets to logic one the Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register’s Link Partner Auto-Negotiation Ability bit (bit 6.0).
If the Auto-Negotiation sublayer does not receive any signal when monitoring the receive channel, then the QuickPoll Detailed Status Register’s Signal Detect bit (bit 17.3) is set to logic one, indicating that no signal is present.
Another possibility is that the ICS1893CF senses that it is receiving multiple technology indications. In this situation, the ICS1893CF cannot determine which technology to enable. It informs the STA of this problem by setting to logic one the Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register’s Parallel Detection Fault bit (bit 6.4).
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6.2.3 Auto-Negotiation: Remote Fault Signaling

If the remote link partner detects a fault, the ICS1893CF reports the remotely detected fault to the STA by setting to logic one the Remote Fault Detected bit(s), 1.4, 5.13, 17.1, and 19.13. In general, the reception of a remote fault means that the remote link partner has a problem with the integrity of its receive channel.
Similarly, if the ICS1893CF detects a link fault, it transmits a remote fault-detected condition to its remote link partner. In this situation, the ICS1893CF sets to logic one the Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register’s Remote Fault Indication bit (bit 4.13).
For details, see Section 7.14.3, “Remote Fault (bit 19.13)” and Section 7.3.9, “Remote Fault (bit 1.4)”.

6.2.4 Auto-Negotiation: Reset and Restart

If enabled, execution of the ICS1893CF auto-negotiation process occurs at power-up and upon management request. There are two primary ways to begin the Auto-Negotiation state machine:
ICS1893CF reset
Auto-Negotiation Restart Auto-Negotiation Reset

During a reset, the ICS1893CF initializes its Auto-Negotiation sublayer modules to their default states. (That is, the Auto-Negotiation Arbitration State Machine and the Auto-Negotiation Progress Monitor reset to their idle states.) In addition, the Auto-Negotiation Progress Monitor status bits are all set to logic zero. This action occurs for any type of reset (hardware reset, software reset, or power-on reset).
Chapter 6 Functional BlocksICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release Auto-Negotiation Restart

As with a reset, during an Auto-Negotiation restart, the ICS1893CF initializes the Auto-Negotiation Arbitration State Machine and the Auto-Negotiation Progress Monitor modules to their default states. However, during an Auto-Negotiation Restart, the Auto-Negotiation Progress Monitor status bits maintain their current state. Only three events can alter the state of the Auto-Negotiation Progress Monitor status bits after a Restart: (1) an STA read operation, (2) a reset, or (3) the Auto-Negotiation Arbitration State Machine progressing to a higher state or value.
The Auto-Negotiation Progress Monitor Status bits change only if they are progressing to a state with a value greater than their current state (that is, a state with a higher logical value than that of their current state). For a detailed explanation of these bits and their operation, see Section 6.2.5, “Auto-Negotiation:
Progress Monitor”.
After the Auto-Negotiation Arbitration State Machine reaches its final state (which is Auto-Negotiation Complete), only an STA read of the QuickPoll Detailed Status Register or an ICS1893CF reset can alter these status bits.
Any of the following situations initiates a restart of the ICS1893CF Auto-Negotiation sublayer:
A link failure
In software mode:
– Writing a logic one to the Control Register’s Restart Auto-Negotiation bit (bit 0.9), which is a self-
clearing bit.
– Toggling the Control Register’s Auto-Negotiation Enable bit (bit 0.12) from a logic one to a logic zero,
and back to a logic one.
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6.2.5 Auto-Negotiation: Progress Monitor

Under typical circumstances, the Auto-Negotiation sublayer can establish a connection with the ICS1893CF’s remote link partner. However, some situations can prevent the auto-negotiation process from properly achieving this goal. For these situations, the ICS1893CF has an Auto-Negotiation Progress Monitor to provide detailed status information to its Station Management (STA) entity. With this status information, the STA can diagnose the failure mechanism and – in some situations – establish the link by correcting the problem.
When enabled, the auto-negotiation process typically requires less than 500 ms to execute, independent of the link partner's ability to perform the auto-negotiation process. Typically, an STA polls both the Auto-Negotiation Complete bit (bit 1.5) and the Link Status bit (bit 1.2) to determine when a link is successfully established, either through auto-negotiation or parallel detection. The STA can then poll the Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register and determine the highest-performance operating mode in common with the capabilities it is advertising.

6.3 Functional Block: 100Base-X PCS and PMA Sublayers

The ICS1893CF is fully compliant with clause 24 of the ISO/IEC specification, which defines the 100Base-X Physical Coding sublayer (PCS) and Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) sublayers.

6.3.1 PCS Sublayer

The ICS1893CF 100Base-X PCS sublayer provides two interfaces: one to a MAC and the other to the ICS1893CF PMA sublayer. An ICS1893’s PCS sublayer performs the transmit, receive, and control functions and consists of the following:
PCS Transmit sublayer, which provides the following:
– Parallel-to-serial conversion – 4B/5B encoding – Collision detection
PCS Receive sublayer, which provides the following:
– Serial-to-parallel conversion – 4B/5B encoding – Carrier detection – Code group framing
PCS control functions, which provide:
– Assertion of the CRS (carrier sense) signal – Assertion of the COL (collision detection) signal
Chapter 6 Functional Blocks

6.3.2 PMA Sublayer

The ICS1893CF 100Base-X PMA Sublayer consists of two interfaces: one to the Physical Coding sublayer and the other to the Physical Medium Dependent sublayer. Functionally, the PMA sublayer is responsible for the following:
Link Monitoring
Carrier Detection
NRZI encoding/decoding
Transmit Clock Synthesis
Receive Clock Recovery
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6.3.3 PCS/PMA Transmit Modules

Both the PCS and PMA sublayers have Transmit modules. PCS Transmit Module

The ICS1893CF PCS Transmit module accepts nibbles from the MAC Interface and converts the nibbles into 5-bit ‘code groups’ (referred to here as ‘symbols’). In addition, the PCS Transmit module performs a parallel-to-serial conversion on the symbols, and subsequently passes the resulting serial bit stream to the PMA sublayer.
The first 16 nibbles of each MAC Frame represent the Frame Preamble. The PCS replaces the first two nibbles of the Frame Preamble with the Start-of-Stream Delimiter (SSD), that is, the symbols /J/K/. After receipt of the last Frame nibble, detected when TX_EN = FALSE, the PCS appends to the end of the Frame an End-of-Stream Delimiter (ESD), that is, the symbols /T/R/. (The ICS1893CF PCS does not alter any other data included within the Frame.)
The PCS Transmit module also performs collision detection. In compliance with the ISO/IEC specification, when the transmission and reception of data occur simultaneously and the ICS1893CF is in:
Half-duplex mode, the ICS1893CF asserts the collision detection signal (COL).
Full-duplex mode, COL is always FALSE. PMA Transmit Module

The ICS1893CF PMA Transmit module accepts a serial bit stream from its PCS and converts the data into NRZI format. Subsequently, the PMA passes the NRZI bit stream to the Twisted-Pair Physical Medium Dependent (TP-PMD) sublayer.
The ICS1893CF PMA Transmit module uses a digital PLL to synthesize a transmit clock from the Clock Reference Interface.
Chapter 6 Functional BlocksICS1893CF Data Sheet - Release

6.3.4 PCS/PMA Receive Modules

Both the PCS and PMA sublayers have Receive modules. PCS Receive Module

The ICS1893CF PCS Receive module accepts both a serial bit stream and a clock signal from the PMA sublayer. The PCS Receive module converts the bit stream from a serial format to a parallel format and then processes the data to detect the presence of a carrier.
When a link is in the idle state, the PCS Receive module receives IDLE symbols. (All bits are logic one.) Upon receiving two non-contiguous zeros in the bit stream, the PCS Receive module examines the ensuing bits and attempts to locate the Start-of-Stream Delimiter (SSD), that is, the /J/K/ symbols.
Upon verification of a valid SSD, the PCS Receive module substitutes the first two standard nibbles of a Frame Preamble for the detected SSD. In addition, the PCS Receive module uses the SSD to begin framing the ensuing data into 5-bit code symbols. The final PCS Receive module performs 4B/5B decoding on the symbols and then synchronously passes the resulting nibbles to the MAC Interface.
The Receive state machine continues to accept PMA data, convert it from serial to parallel format, frame it, decode it, and pass it to the MAC Interface. During this time, the Receive state machine alternates between Receive and Data States. It continues this process until detecting one of the following:
An End-of-Stream Delimiter (ESD, that is, the /T/R/ symbols)
An error
A premature end (IDLEs)
ICS1893CF, Rev. F, 03/01/07 Mar. 2007
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