a division of Systems West Inc.

Web Site http://www.icselect.com August 2009 Edition Rev x3
division of Systems West Inc.

Within 12 months of delivery, ICS Electronics will repair or replace this product,
bor is included). Return this product to ICS Electronics, or other designated repair
not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause inter-
50082-1, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interfer-
Certifi cate of Compliance reproduced in Figure 1-3.
VEE is a trademark of Agilent, Palo Alto, CA
LabView is a Trademark of National Instruments, Austin, TX
ICS and GPIB AnyWhere are trademarks of ICS Electronics, Pleasanton, CA
© 2009 ICS Electronics div of Systems West Inc.

Product Description, Specifi cations, IEEE-488 Interface, Ethernet
Shipment Verifi cation, Installation Guide, Confi guration Settings,
Introduction, Operation, GPIB Operation, Web Server Operation,
Block Diagram Description
Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Repair
Maintenance, Troubleshooting Guide, Selftest Error Codes,
Reseting Default Network Settings, Updating Firmware, and Repair
A1 IEEE-488.1, IEEE-488.2 and SCPI Descriptions
A3 ICS RPC Confi guration Commands

This section provides a description and specifi cations for ICS's Model N4865A
LAN Adapter is a hardware module that provides
The Model N4865A is designed to interface with and control Agilent DSO/
MSO7000 Series and DSO/MSO9000 Series oscilloscopes. The N4865A
has two ways to connect to an oscilloscope after power turn-on and selftest.
The user can specify an IP address for the oscilloscope and the N4865A will
N4865A will do an UDP broadcast and attempt to connect to the fi rst VXI-11.3
then ready to accept GPIB bus commands and device specifi c messages for its
The N4865A follows the IEEE-488.2 Message Exchange Protocol when
handling GPIB commands and device messages and should only be used with
IEEE-488.2 compatible GPIB Controllers. GPIB commands are converted to
VXI-11.3 equivalents and transmitted to the companion oscilloscope. Device

The N4865A can accept reverse channel Service Requests and will assert SRQ
The N4865A's operation and network settings are completely programmable
by commands from its Ethernet interface, eliminating the need to open the unit
to change or verify a function setting. The setup parameters can be changed
the N4865A to its default network settings at any time.
The N4865A and its companion oscilloscope can be placed anywhere on the
ICS's N4865A Interface is packaged in ICS's small metal Minibox™ case which
provides proven EMI/RFI protection and rack mounting capability. Rear panel
RJ-45 and GPIB connectors provide access to the network and GPIB bus. Front
panel LEDs provide visual network and GPIB bus status and diagnostic help

The following specifi cations apply to all N4865A models. Options for your
unit may be found by comparing the list below to those listed on the Ethernet
N4865A - X General Model Number

The N4865A's 488 Bus interface meets the IEEE STD 488.1-1987 standard
SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, PP0, DC0, RL0, DT0, C1 - C4 and C9
The N4865A's GPIB Bus drivers incorporate powerup/down protection to
prevent sending invalid data to the bus. GPIB fanout is up to 14 devices.
The N4865A's GPIB primary address is entered and saved in fl ash memory
Primary address range is 0 - 30. The default GPIB address is 4.
The N4865A follows the IEEE-488.2 Message Exchange Protocol when han-
All device data messages sent to the N4865A must be terminated with EOI
N4865A is addressed to talk, it sends a
Large Listen messages are handled by holding off the GPIB bus while a buffer
reading multiple talk buffers worth of data from the oscilloscope and outputting
them to the GPIB bus until a response packet is received from the oscilloscope
GPIB Listen buffer 1024 bytes (see Note 1)
GPIB Talk buffer 1024 bytes (see Note 1)
Note 1. Working buffer size may be smaller if the companion oscilloscope reports smaller maximum

When the N4865A is transistioned to the Listen Active State from the Talk
Active State, it discards any data in the GPIB talk buffer. Similarly, when the
N4865A is transistioned to the Talk Active State from the Listen Active State,
The following are short term data rates:
> 17 kbytes/second to the GPIB bus from 4865 memory.
> 20 kbytes/second from the GPIB bus to 4865 memory.
The following times are averages and vary depending upon what the 4865
Short device commands 18 milliseconds typical
*IDN? Queries 46 milliseconds typical
When the N4865A receives a Selected Device Clear or a Device Clear on the
RPC to the companion oscilloscope and
When the 4896 receives a Group Execute Trigger (GET) on the GPIB Bus, any
RPC to the companion oscilloscope.

When the N4865A receives a Reverse Channel Service Request, it sends a
RPC to the companion oscilloscope to obtain the Status Register
response and assert the GPIB SRQ signal. The SRQ signal is deasserted when
the N4865A is Serial Polled or when the N4865A learns that the companion
The N4865A periodically reads the companion oscilloscope's Status Byte
Register and use the response to update its Status Byte. The oscilloscope

The N4865A supports the Internet Protocol Suite, including the Transmission
IEEE-802.3 Compliant. 10 Mbs with 10BaseT, 100 Mbs with 100BaseT
The IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway values can be set to static values
The N4865A has the capability to accept an address from a DHCP Server. If
the N4865A is set to DHCP and does not receive a IP address, it defaults to a
The N4865A's MAC Address is saved internally and can be read with ICS's
VXI-11 Confi guration Utility or with a Web Browser. See Section 2.
The N4865A uses the ports listed in Table 1-1
Port Usage Protocols Notes

The N4865A's standard HTML pages conform to HTML version 4.01 or XHTML
User can redefi ne the other page names, page layouts or add additional pages.
The WebServer serves the stored pages after substituting values for the variable
placeholders. The standard N4865A pages are:
404.html 404 Error Page (required page)
Image fi les with .jpg or .gif extensions are served as graphics
The user can replace the standard HTML pages and image fi les with modifi ed
pages or add additional pages and images to the card. User is responsible for
XHTML version 1.0. Guidelines for modifying the pages, HTML fi les and the
Update Utility are described in Application Bulletin AB80-5.
File types supported .html, .gif and .jpg
Number of fi les 32 maximum
File size 63 kbytes maximum for all fi les
32 kbytes maximum for a single fi le
File name size 27 characters

The N4865A operates as a VXI-11 client and is fully compliant to the VXI-11
The N4865A's RPC protocol conforms to ONC RPC Version 2 per the VXI-11
The N4865A addresses its companion LAN oscilloscope as
If AutoFind is On, the N4865A does a UDP broadcast to the entire IP universe
to fi nd an VXI-11.3 compatible oscilloscope. The extent of the broadcast is
the fi rst VXI-11.3 compatible oscilloscope that replies. Connection capability
If AutoFind is Off, no UDP broadcast is issued and the N4865A will try to link
to an oscilloscope at the user designated ip address.

Function Choices Default Source (1)
IP Address Mode Static or Dynamic Dynamic E
Address to E
Net Mask to E
Auto Disconnect On or Off Off E
Notes: 1. E = Ethernet Interface as the confi guration port for Browsers or
for ICS's VXI-11 Confi guration Utility.
Address is factory set and is not user changeable.
The MAC Address can be read with the VXI-11 Confi guration Utility
4. Setting AutoFind ON causes the N4865A to ignore the Oscilloscope

The N4865A has eight front
panel LEDs that normally display the following
LAN - Indicates the unit is connected to an active Ethernet
oscilloscope or to the network.
ACT - Indicates activity over the Ethernet connection.
RDY - Blinks at a 1 Hz rate while doing an AutoFind of the
TALK - Indicates the unit is an active GPIB Talker.
LSTN - Indicates the unit is an active GPIB Listener.
ERR - Solid on when the N4865A runs into a problem that
prevents it from continuing.
When the N4865A is turned on, it performs an internal selftest which takes
If DHCP is selected, the N4865A will wait 15-20 seconds for a DHCP server
response before defaulting to its Auto IP address. It then starts looking for a
If the N4865A fi nds a selftest error, it blinks the error code on its front panel
LEDs. Refer to paragraph 5.4 for a description of the selftest errors and their

Figure 1-1 N4865A Outline Dimensions
18.92 cm
Side View
14.15 cm
End View
0.95 cm

(18.92 cm L x 14.15 cm W x 3.86 cm H)
Weight - 1.37 lbs. (.6 kg.)
Temperature - Operating -10 °C to +55 °C
Humidity - 0-90% RH without condensation
GPIB Connector with metric studs
2.45 mm plug, center positive
LAN Reset button on rear panel
Figure 1-2 N4865A Front Panel Indicators

EMI/RFI Meets limits for part 15, Class A of US FCC Docket 20780
CE Certifi cate of Compliance reproduced in Figure 1-3. The
N4865A uses the 8065 PCB assembly and 8065 Certifi cate.
UL/CSA/VDE AC Wall adapter has applicable UL/CSA/VDE
Figure 1-3 Certifi cate of Conformity

895011 Ethernet Crossover Cable
123170 Support CD-ROM with Model N4865A Instruction
120170 N4865A Instruction Manual
114210 Single Rack Mounting Kit
114211 Dual Rack Mounting Kit
104705 GPIB Cable, 0.5 meters long
104710 GPIB Cable, 1 meters long
104720 GPIB Cable, 2 meters long
104740 GPIB Cable, 4 meters long
895011 Ethernet Crossover Cable

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When unpacking, check the unit for signs of shipping damage (damaged box,
ICS Electronics or your local sales representative immediately. Also, call the
replaced without waiting for the claim against the carrier to be settled.
Take a moment to verify that the following items were included with your
(1) Model N4865A GPIB to LAN Adapter
(1) Ethernet Crossover Cable
(1) Support CD-ROM with Instruction Manual PDF
When shipped, the N4865A is confi gured to operate with a dynamic IP address
that will fall back to an IP address of if no DHCP server is found.
Refer to Table 1-2 for all N4865A factory settings.

The following steps should be used as a guide to setting up and using your
has an IP address in the range of 169.254.xxx.xxx it should successfully
If the oscilloscope has an IP address outside of the N4865A’s range, either
the N4865A or the oscilloscope needs to have its IP address changed. See
paragraphs 3.1.1 and 2.5.
to confi gure the N4865A’s network and/or GPIB settings as directed in
paragraph 2.5. If you are resetting the oscilloscope’s IP address, do not
to install the N4865A in the rack mounting kit. Mount the rack mount
4. After confi guration, the N4865A can be connected to its companion LAN
rear panel and to the oscilloscope’s RJ-45 connector. Use a GPIB Cable
to connect the N4865A to the GPIB Controller.
Figure 2-1 N4865A Direct Oscilloscope Connection

Static or Static lets the user set the N4865A’s IP Address, Net
DHCP Mask and Gateway IP values. DHCP enables the
N4865A to accept the IP values supplied by a DHCP
to IP address and Net Mask of
IP Address Any Sets the N4865A’s own IP address. Any valid IP
between and The default for
Net Mask Any for B range operation.
last octet. i.e.
On or Off Enables the N4865A’s socket layer to send the client a
no activity on the socket. If the client fails to reply,
the N4865A will close the socket, release any locks
not support Keep Alive messages. Factory setting is
0 to 30 Sets the GPIB address the N4865A uses for itself on
Address the GPIB bus. Values are 0 to 30. Recommended
values are 0 and 21. Factory setting is 4.
Instrument IP Any Sets the oscilloscope’s IP address. Not required if
AutoFind is On. If AutoFind is Off, the N4865A will
look for an oscilloscope at just this IP address. The
On or Off Enables the N4865A to ignore the Oscilloscope IP
N4865A will attempt to open channels and link to
the fi rst oscilloscope it fi nds. Enable AutoFind for
back-to-back connections only. Disable AutoFind
Note: Default values are listed in Table 1-2

This paragraph provides two methods to confi gure the N4865A for operation with
the companion oscilloscope. When shipped, N4865As are confi gured as listed
back-to-back connections or when connected through a hub or switch. If the
The Web Browser method uses a standard browser such as Firefox, Internet
Explorer or Netscape to view and change the N4865A’s current settings.
the supplied Ethernet Crossover Cable to connect the computer to the
unit as shown in Figure 2-2. This will eliminate any potential network
Figure 2-2 N4865A Connected to PC with a Crossover Cable

An alternate connection is to use a standard Ethernet Cable to connect the
4865 GPIB to LAN
Figure 2-3 N4865A Connected to the local hub
blinking which indicates that the N4865A is ready to communicate with
N4865A’s B range of 169.254.xxx.xxx range so it can communicate with
the unit. (To check, run ipconfi g in the Command Prompt box). If the
range, record the current settings and temporarily set the following network
Check ‘Use the following IP Address’
Click Okay twice to apply the new settings and close the open windows.
Minimize the Network Places window.
4. Open the browser and enter the N4865A’s default IP address of

your browser. Here you can read all of the information about the N4865A
6. If you want to change any of the settings, press the ‘Update Confi gura-
tion’ button. A Confi guration Page similar to the one shown in Figure 2-5
Figure 2-4 N4865A Welcome Page
Figure 2-5 N4865A Confi guration Page
Address settings as desired. If you

to the one shown in Figure 2-6 will appear in your browser.
Figure 2-6 N4865A Confi rmation Page
the unit’s fl ash memory. Press the ‘Reboot’ button to reboot the unit and
page will appear in your browser.
may have to change the PC’s Local Area Network settings if you selected
The RPC Confi guration method involves using selected RPC commands from
those listed in Appendix 3 to change the N4865A settings. Refer to Appendix

The N4865A has an internal header for driving external LEDs. The N4865A
provides 5 Vdc to power the external LEDs. User should provide current
pinouts are listed in Table 2-3
Figure 2-7 External LED Circuit

The N4865A has the following jumper positions. See Figure 2-8 on the next
W1 Default Restore. See paragraph 5.6 Open
W2 Option Jumper. Selects N4865A fi rmware Installed
W5 SRQ LED signal selection LAT
SRQ selects GPIB bus SRQ signal.
LAT selects N4865A processor output latch
W7 JTAG Loading Jumpers. For factory test use Open
Notes: Open jumpers may be parked on a single post.

Figure 2-8 N4865A Jumper Locations
LED Header
JTAG Header