ICRealtime ICIP-D3812SL5, ICIP-D2812SL5, ICIP-B2012VIR, ICIP-B2012VIR-B User Manual

Network Camera Web3.0 Operation Manual
Version 1.1.0 H
Table of Contents
1 Network Config ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Network Connection ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Log in .............................................................................................................................. 1
2 Live ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Encode Setup ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 System Menu ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Video Window Function Option .................................................................................. 7
2.4 Video Window Setup .................................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Image Adjustment ..................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Original Size ............................................................................................................. 9
2.4.3 Full Screen .............................................................................................................. 10
2.4.4 Width and Height Ratio .......................................................................................... 10
2.4.5 Fluency Adjustment ................................................................................................ 10
2.4.6 Rules Info ............................................................................................................... 10
2.4.7 Focus zoom ............................................................................................................. 10
2.4.8 Fisheye .................................................................................................................... 10
3 PTZ Control ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Scan .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Preset ............................................................................................................................ 16
3.3 Tour ............................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Pattern .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Assistant ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.6 Light Wiper ................................................................................................................... 18
4 Playback ..................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Playback ....................................................................................................................... 19
4.1.1 Function of Play ...................................................................................................... 20
4.1.2 Playback File .......................................................................................................... 20
4.1.3 Playback Cut ........................................................................................................... 23
4.1.4 Record Type ........................................................................................................... 23
4.1.5 Progress Bar ............................................................................................................ 23
4.1.6 Assistant Function .................................................................................................. 24
4.2 Picture Playback ......................................................................................................... 24
4.2.1 Play ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.2 Playback File .......................................................................................................... 25
4.2.3 Snapshot Type ........................................................................................................ 27
5 Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Camera ......................................................................................................................... 29
5.1.1 Conditions ............................................................................................................... 29
5.1.2 Zoom and Focus ........................................................................................................ 35
5.1.2 Video ...................................................................................................................... 36
5.1.3 Audio ...................................................................................................................... 45
5.2 Network ......................................................................................................................... 47
5.2.1 TCP/IP .................................................................................................................... 47
5.2.2 Connection .............................................................................................................. 48
5.2.3 PPPoE ..................................................................................................................... 51
5.2.4 DDNS ..................................................................................................................... 52
5.2.5 IP filter .................................................................................................................... 53
5.2.6 SMTP e-mail) ..................................................................................................... 54
5.2.7 UPnP ....................................................................................................................... 56
5.2.8 SNMP ..................................................................................................................... 57
5.2.9 Bonjour ................................................................................................................... 60
5.2.10 Multicast ................................................................................................................. 60
5.2.11 3G ........................................................................................................................... 61
5.2.12 WIFI ........................................................................................................................ 63
5.2.13 802.1x ..................................................................................................................... 66
5.2.14 QoS ......................................................................................................................... 67
5.3 Event ............................................................................................................................. 68
5.3.1 Video detect ............................................................................................................ 68
5.3.2 Audio Detect ........................................................................................................... 73
5.3.3 IVS Analyse ............................................................................................................ 74
5.3.4 Face Detect ............................................................................................................. 76
5.3.5 People Counting ..................................................................................................... 77
5.3.6 Heat Map ................................................................................................................ 78
5.3.7 Alarm ...................................................................................................................... 79
5.3.8 Abnormity ............................................................................................................... 83
5.4 Storage Management ................................................................................................. 86
5.4.1 Schedule .................................................................................................................. 86
5.4.2 Destination .............................................................................................................. 90
5.4.3 Record control ........................................................................................................ 92
5.5 System .......................................................................................................................... 93
5.5.1 General .................................................................................................................... 93
5.5.2 Account ................................................................................................................... 95
5.5.3 PTZ ......................................................................................................................... 99
5.5.4 Default .................................................................................................................. 100
5.5.5 Import/Export ....................................................................................................... 101
5.5.6 Remote control ........................................................................................................ 101
5.5.6 Auto Maintenance ................................................................................................. 102
5.5.7 Upgrade ................................................................................................................ 103
5.6 Information ................................................................................................................. 103
5.6.1 Version .................................................................................................................. 103
5.6.2 Log ........................................................................................................................ 104
5.6.3 Online User ........................................................................................................... 104
6 Alarm ......................................................................................................................................... 106
7 Log out ...................................................................................................................................... 108
Important The following functions are for reference only. Some series products may not support all the functions listed below.

1 Network Config

1.1 Network Connection

Network camera and PC c onnection mainly has two ways, see Figure 1- 1 and Figur e 1-2.
Figure 1- 1
Figure 1-2
Before you access networ k camera via the Internet, you need t o have its IP address. User can use quick config tool to search IP of the network camera. Please refer t o Q uick Configuration Tool man ual.

1.2 Log in

It needs to install WEB plu g-in when you use WEB client for t he first time, the exact operation steps are shown as follows: Open IE and input networ k camera address in the address bar. (The factory default IP address is DHCP mode).
After successful connection, the log in interface is shown as in Fig ur e 1-3; input your user name and password. Default factory usernam e is admin and password is admin.
Figure 1-3
The system will display “Modify Pas swo rd” prompt box for your first login, users need to modify the password and save it properly.
Figure 1-4
After successful login, you may see the interface s hown as in Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5
Click on “Please click here to download and install the pl ug-in”. The system pops up warning information to ask you whether run or save t his pl ug-in. See Figure 1-6.
Figure 1-6
You must either run or save the file to local and install it. Fol low t he following steps. Click on run, you will see Figure 1-7and Figur e 1-8.
Figure 1-7
Figure 1-8
When plug-in installation complet es , t he installation page closes aut omatically. The web-en d will refresh automatically, and then y ou can view video captured by the camera.
Figure 1-9
2 3 1

2 Live

After you logged in, you c an s ee t he live monitor window. See Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1
There are four sections:
Section 1: Encode setup bar Section 2: System menu Section 3: Window function option bar Section 4: Window adjust bar

2.1 Encode Setup

Note: Some series don’t suppor t triple code stream. The encode setup interfac e is shown as in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Streaming media protocol connection, under ma in stream config, monitor video or not. Generally for storage and monitor.
Streaming media protocol connection, under sub st r eam 1 insufficient, it substitute s ma in st r eam for monitoring.
Streaming media protocol connection, under sub st r eam 2 insufficient, it substitutes main stream for monitoring.
You can select stream media prot ocol from the dropdown l ist . There are three options: TCP/UDP/Multicast
It shows if there is any alarm outp ut , status description is as
Click on the button to force alarm to be on or off.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Parameter Function Main stream
Sub (Extra) stream 1
Sub (Extra) stream 2
config, monitor video or not. When networ k ba ndw idth is
config, monitor video or not . When network bandwidth is

2.2 System Menu

System menu is shown as in Figure 2-3. Please refer to chapter 2 Live, chapter 3 PTZ, ch apter 4 Playback, chapter 5 Setup, chapter 6 Alar m, chapter 7 Log out for detailed information.
Figure 2-3

2.3 Video Window Function Opti on

The interface is shown as below . See Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
SN Parameter Function 1
Alarm output
Red: means there is alarm output. Grey: means alarm is over.
When the video is in the or iginal status, click it you can
zoom in/out the video size.
Click on the button to snapshot, save picture to path in Ch
Click it, system can snap at 1f/s. All images are saved to path in Ch
Turn on or off audio when y ou ar e mo nitoring.
2 Zoom in
3 Snapshot
4 Triple snap 5 Record
6 Easy focus
select any zone to zoom in. I n t he non-original status, you can drag the zoom-in z one in specified range. Right click mouse to restore previous status.
Click it; you can use the midd le butt on of the mouse to
Click it, system can record. All images are saved to path in Ch
Click it, you can see there are two parameters on the preview videoAF Peak and AF Max.
AF Peak: It is to display the video definition during the focus process.
AF Max: It is the most suitable value for the video definition. The close the AF Peak and AF Ma x is, t he bet ter the focus
effect is.
9 Help Click it to open help file.
Audio output
Bidirectional talk
Click it to start or end bidirectional talk.

2.4 Video Window Setup

The interface is shown as in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5

2.4.1 Image Adjustment

See Figure 2-6 for image adjust ment.
Figure 2-6
Click this button to display/hide image control interfa ce. Cl ic k it to open p ict ur e setup interface. This interface is on the top right pane.
Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.
Parameter Function Video
It is to adjust monitor video brightness.
It is to adjust monitor video contrastness.
It is to adjust monitor video hue.
It is to adjust monitor video saturation.
Restore brightness, contrastness saturation and hue to system default setup.
Note: All the operations here apply
to WEB end only.
Please go to Setup-
>Camera->Conditions to adjust corresponding items.

2.4.2 Original Size

Click this button to go to original size. It is to display the actual size of the video strea m. I t depends on the resolution of the bit str eam.

2.4.3 Full Screen

Click it to go to full-screen mod e. Double click the mouse or click the Esc button to exit the full scr een.

2.4.4 Width and Height Ratio

Click it to restore original ratio or suitable window.

2.4.5 Fluency Adjustment

There are three levels of fluency for you to select (real-time, nor m al, f luent). The default is normal.

2.4.6 Rules Info

Click the button, preview i ma ge w i ll d isplay intelligent rules a ft er enabling; it is “enable” by default.

2.4.7 Focus zoom

Click this button and the focus z ooming interface appears on t he right of preview interface, as shown in Figure 2-7, click left mouse button to adjust focus zooming configuration. Note:
· The product series which support motorized zoom, synchronous focus and back foc us have this button.
· Auto-focus after zoom and focus adjustment.

2.4.8 Fisheye

Click the button, installation mode and display mode int er fa ce will show up on the right of the pr eview interface, see Figure 2-8, single click to switch different inst allation mode and display mode, default is enable. Note: Only supported by fisheye devices.
Figure 2-7
drag slider of lens and zoom focus after hardware zoom
Parameter Function
Adjust the focal length of the lens by clicking or long pressi ng “ + ” “ -”buttons. Step length is used to adjust the length of o ne st ep with one click.
Adjust the sharpness of the lens by clicking or long pressing“+ ” 、“-” buttons. Step length is used to adjust t he len gt h of one step with one click.
Click to adjust the image definition automatically. Note: Other lens operations are not all ow ed during the process of auto-focus.
Reset the lens to zero position to e li m inate the accumulativ e er r or of le ns. Note: Please reset when the image adjustment is not clear or operating zoom focus many
times. Synchronize the location of
In-ceiling Mount Wall Mount Ground Mount
Figure 2-8
It represents the display mode of the current image (default supports original
g to different
and the subbox in the expanded rectangular panorama support zoom and movement, for the expanded rectangular panorama
Two related 180° expanded rectangular pictures, two subwindows form 360° panorama anytime, which is also called “dual panorama”. Two expanded rectangular pictures both support left and right
linked by
Original image + 2 independent sub images, both the sub image and the subbox in the original image support zoom and movement. The original image also supports changing starting point by rotation (no such display mode for ground inst al lation).
Original image + 2 independent sub images, both the sub image and the subbox in the original image support zoom and movement. The original image also supports changing starting point by rotation
Original image + 4 independent sub images, both the sub image and the subbox in the original image support zoom and movement. The original image also supports changing starting point by rotation
360°expanded rectangular panorama +6 independent expanded rectangular panorama support zoom and
movement, for the expanded rectangular panorama also supports left and righ t starting point movement.
parameter Note
Installation Mode Three modes which are c eiling mount, wall mount and grou nd mount.
image mode), the display modes may be different accordin installation modes. It is shown as fo l lows:
Ceiling: 1P+1、2P1+21+31+41P+61+8
Display Mode
Wall: 1P、1P+3、1P+4、1P+8。 Ground: 1P+1、2P、1+3、1+4、1P+6、1+8。
Note: The default displays original image mode when swit ching installation mode.
It menas the original imag e w ithout de-warpping
360°expanded rectangular panorama + independent sub image, the sub image
also supports left and righ t starting point movement.
movement starting point, which are also
sub image, both the sub image and t he subbox in the
Original image + 8 independent sub images, both the
he original image support zoom and movement. The original image also supports changing starting point by rotation
expanded rectangular
panorama, which supports up and down movement
180° expanded rectangular panorama+3 independent sub images, both the sub images and the sub box in the expanded rectangular panorama support zoom and movement, expanded rectangular panorama supports up and down movement and changes vertical angle of view.
180° expanded rectangular panorama+4 independent sub images, both the sub images and the sub box in the expanded rectangular panorama support zoom and movement, expanded rectangular panorama
angle of view.
180° expanded rectangular panorama+8 independent sub images, both the sub images and the sub box in the expanded rectangular panorama support zoom and movement, expanded rectangular panorama
angle of view.
parameter Note
sub image and the subbox in t
From left to right 180°
and changes vertical ang l e of view.
supports up and down movement and changes vertical
supports up and down movement and changes vertical
PTZ supports eight directions: left/right/up/d own/upper left/upper
right/bottom left/bottom right.
It controls rotation speed. The longer the step length, the higher the speed. Step length control PTZ, zoom, focus and iris.
Use mouse to draw a box in monitoring video, PTZ will rotate and focus to

3 PTZ Control

Here you can view direction keys, speed, zoom, focus, iris, preset, tour, pan, scan, pattern, aux on, off and PTZ setup button. See Figure 3-1. Note: Before PTZ operation, please make sur e you have properly set PTZ proto col. (Please refer to Ch 5.5.3) . Currently only ICIP Pxxx series product ca n support PTZ function.
Parameter Note
PTZ direction
Quick Position
quickly positioning.
Figure 3-1
Figure 3-2
PTZ setting interface is shown as in Figure 3-3. Here you can set scan, preset , t our , pat tern, assistant function and light and wiper plus view coordinate.
Figure 3-3

3.1 Scan

Scan interface is shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4
Steps to scan are:
Step 1. Click on Set button, display icon. Step 2. Move v ia direct ion key to select left, click on S et Left to set left border of camera
Step 3. Move v ia direct ion key to select right, clic k on Set Right to set right border of camera. Step 4. Complete s can path setup.

3.2 Preset

Preset interface is shown in Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-5
Steps to preset are: Step 1. In preset box, in put pr eset value. Step 2. Click on Go to, camera rotates t o pr eset position. Step 3. Use direct ion key to rotate camera, and in pres et box input preset value. Step 4. Click on Add t o add a pr eset. Range of preset relates t o PT Z pr ot ocol.

3.3 Tour

Tour interface is shown in Fig ur e 3-6.
Figure 3-6
Steps to tour are: Step 1. In tour box, input t our pat h value. Step 2. Click on Add. Range of tour relates to PTZ pr ot oc ol. Step 3. In preset box, input preset value. Step 4. Click on Add as to add a preset in this tour. If clic k o n De l, it deletes this preset in tour. Note: You can add more than one preset here, or delete more than on e preset.

3.4 Pattern

Pattern interface is shown in Fi gure 3-7.
Figure 3-7
Steps to pattern are: Step 1. In pattern box input pattern value, click on Add. Step 2. Click on Start , to zoom, focus, iris or move. Step 3. Click on Stop to finish setup of one pattern.

3.5 Assistant

Assistant interface is sho w n in Figure 3-8.
Figure 3-8
Steps to assistant are: Step 1. In assistant box input assistant value. Step 2. Click on Aux On to turn on aux function.
Click on Aux off to turn off aux function.

3.6 Light Wiper

Light wiper interface is shown in Figure 3-9.
Figure 3-9
Steps to light wiper are:
Click on Enable to enable light wiper function. Click on Disable to disable light wiper function.
2 3 4
1 6 5

4 Playback

Web client playback supports video pl ayback and picture playback. Note: Before playback, user sha ll set storage management as in Ch 5.4.

4.1 Playback

The playback interface is shown as in Figure 4- 1.
Figure 4- 1
There are four sections:
Section 1: Function of play Section 2: Playback file Section 3: Play time cut Section 4: Record type Section 5: Progress bar Section 6: Assistant function
When you see this button, it means pause or not played record. Click on this
Play by
When this button displays, it means audio is silent. Click on this button to switch
Click this button and fisheye device can adjust display mode according to

4.1.1 Function of Play

The function of play is show n as in Figure 4- 2.
Parameter Function
Figure 4- 2
Stop Click this button to stop playing.
Slow Click on this button to play slow ly . Quick Click on this button to play quickly.
Volume Click on left mouse to adjust volume.
button, switch to normal play status.
Click on this button to go to next frame. Note: You shall pause record when y ou us e t hi s function.
back to normal.
different installation mod e during the process of play back.

4.1.2 Playback File

In calendar, blue date represent s data currently has video recor d or snapshot. See Figure 4-3.
Parameter Function
Figure 4-3
File Type
Data Source Default is S D card.
Step 1. Click on data in blue, time axis displays record fi le p r ogr es s bar in color. While, gr een r epr esents
normal record, yellow repr esent s motion detect record, r ed r epr esents alarm record, and blu e represents manual recor d.
Step 2. Click on certain time on progress bar, playback starts from this time. See
Select “dav”, as video playback. Select “jpg” as picture playback.
Figure 4- 4.
Figure 4- 4
Step 3. Clic k on file list Step 4. Double click on file in list, playback this fi le an d display file size, start time and end time.
See Figure 4-5.
, select date file will be displayed in list.
Parameter Function
Record Download Format
It means records within searched start time and end tim e on t he dat e.
There are two formats: dav , mp4.
Figure 4-5
Record type is “mp4”, click on download button and download file to path in
Parameter Function
Record type is “dav”, click on dow nl oad button to download file t o local.
Ch Note: System does not support dow nl oad and playback of MP4 file.
Click on back button to go to c alen dar int erface.

4.1.3 Playback Cut

Note: Playback cut function will aut omatically pause playing recor d as playback cut and play back cannot be at the same time. Step 1. Click on start time to cut on time axis. This ti me mu st be within progress bar range.
Step 2. Move mouse t o c ut ic on
finish cutting.
Step 3. Click on playback cut end time on time axis. This time must be within progress bar range.
Step 4. Move mouse t o c ut icon
finish cutting.
Step 5. Click on Save but ton to save file cut to path in Ch See Figure 4- 6.
. You will be ask to select start t ime. Clic k on c ur i con as
, you will be asked to select end t i me. Click on cut icon as
Figure 4- 6

4.1.4 Record Type

After checking record file type, only selected file w i ll be displayed in progress bar and file list. Users can also select the record type to be displayed via the dropdown box which is above the file list. See Figure 4- 7.
Figure 4- 7

4.1.5 Progress Bar

if is in original size, user can
zoom in any area, If it is not in its original size, click on mouse to
ck on this button, you can snapshot video under playback status.
Snapshot type bar
Parameter Function
Figure 4- 8
24 hours
2 hours
1 hour
30 min
Click on it, m eans video in past 24 hours.
Click on it, means video in past 2 hours.
Click on it, means video in past 1 hour.
Click on it, means video in past 30 min.

4.1.6 Assistant Function

Video playback assistant f unction is shown in Figure 4- 9.
Figure 4- 9
Parameter Function
Click on it, video in playback status
Zoom in
restore its original size.
Click on this button, you can scr oll to zoom in.
Cli Snapshot will be saved to path in Ch

4.2 Picture Playback

Web client picture playba ck interface has the following t hr ee f unctions:
Parameter Function
1 Play function bar 2 Playback file bar
See Figure 4-10.
Figure 4-10

4.2.1 Play

Figure 4-11
Default ico n is and it means pause or not p layed picture. Click on play but t on t o switch to
normal play status. Icon b ecome Click on it to pause.

4.2.2 Playback File

Figure 4-12
Step 1. Clic k on file list , select snapshot file of th e dat e. Step 2. Double click on file in list, to play this snapshot.
Parameter Function
It means all snapshot files within the start time and end ti me o f selected date.
+ 82 hidden pages