*Maximum 8(eight) isolated AC or DC outputs per unit. Add UPG suffix to designate upgrade kits
Hinged 2nd Level
Installation Instructions
1. Unit provides Class 2 power limited outputs. Please follow National Electrical Code and all applicable local regulations
when installing this unit.
2. Secure cabinet in the desired location.
3. All white flying leads have to be connected to Neutral 115 VAC.
4. All Black Flying leads have to be connected to Line 115 VAC.
5. Secure green lead to earth ground.
6. Connect desired devices to outputs marked 1A-2A, 1B-2B, e.t.c. Terminals with the same letter have the same
polarity. Take this into consideration when connecting polarity sensitive equipment.
7. Please refer to the part number of your unit to find total power available. DO NOT EXCEED.
8. In case of blown fuse, remove power, and make sure there is no overload condition. Replace fuse with one of the
same rating and reapply power. To disconnect power temporarily pull off quick disconnect terminals from the board.
Reconnect in the same manner when done.
9. For PTC protected outputs: In case of failure disconnect power for at least 1 minute to allow PTC reset.
10. Enclosure dimensions: 12”H x 12”W