HDAVS Camera User’s Manual
Version 1.0.0

Table of Contents
1 General Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Features ......................................................................................................................... 1
2 Device Framework ..................................................................................................................... 2
3 Installation.................................................................................................................................... 7
4 Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 HAVR Settings ............................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Menu Operation .......................................................................................................... 12
Appendix Ⅰ Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 14

Thank you for purchasing our HDAVS camera!
This user’s manual is designed to be a reference tool for your sy st em.
Please read the following saf eguard and warnings carefully before you use this series product!
Please keep this user’s m anual well for future reference!
Important Safeguards and Warnings
1.Electrical safety
• All installation and operat i on her e s hould conform to your local e lect r i c al safety codes.
• The power shall conform to t he r equirement in the SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the
Limited power source is ra ted DC 12V or AC24V in the IEC60950-1. (Power supply requirement is
subject to the device label) .
• Please install easy-to-use device for pow er off before installing wiring, which is for emergent pow er
off when necessary.
• Please check if the power supply meets the require me nt s of working voltage of the cam er a before
operating the device (The material and length of the power supply cable will influence terminal
voltage value).
• Please prevent the line cor d from being trampled or presse d, es pecially the plug, power socket and
the junction from the device.
• Please don’t aim the devic e at strong light (such as lighting, sunlight and so on) to focus.
• Please transport, use an d st or e t he device within the range of allowed humidity and temperature.
• Please do not allow water and other liquid falling into t he cam er a in case that the internal
components are damaged.
• Please keep the sound vent ilation in case of heat accu mu lat io n.
• Heavy stress, violent vibration or water splash are not allowed during transportation, storage and
• Please pack the device with standard fact ory packaging or material wit h same quality when
transporting the device.
• It is recommended to use the device together with lightni ng pr ot ection device to enhance lightning
protection effect.
• It is recommended to GND the device to enhance device rel iab il ity.
• It is advised to use qualified v ideo tr ansmission cable to improve video quality. It is recom me nded
to use 75-3 coaxial cable or higher standard.
• Please use the standard accessories provided by manufacturer and mak e sure the device is
installed and fixed by prof es si onal engineers.
• Please prevent the device sur face from the radiation of laser beam when using laser be am device.

• Please do not provide two or more power supply modes for the device, otherwise it may cause
damage to the device.
• Please refer to the actual pr oduct for more details; t he m anual is just for reference.
• The manual will be regularly upgraded according t o the product update; the upgraded content will
be added in the manual without pr ior announcement.
• Please contact the customer service for the latest pr ocedure and supplementary documentation.
• The company is not liable for any loss caused by the operation which is not followed by the manual.
• Please refer to the compa ny’s final explanation if there is any doubt or dispute.

1 General Introduction
1.1 Overview
This series HDAVS camera conforms to the HDAVS standard. It supports video signal highspeed long distance transmission without any del ay. It can be controlled by the HAVR
conforming to the HDAVS.
1.2 Features
Adopt high performance CMOS ima ge sensor, megapixel de f inition.
Support coaxial transm iss ion of video, audio and co nt r ol si gnal.
For 720P series, support 75-3 coa xi al cable transmission without any loss. The distance is
over 800m. For 1080P series, support 75-3 co axial cable transmission without any loss.
The distance is over 500m.
High speed, long distance real-time transmission.
Support HDAVS HD video and analog video output.
Support 3D noise reductio n, excellent low illuminanc e per f ormance.
Support ICR switch to rea l ize surveillance both in the daytime and at night.
Support OSD menu adjustment parameters.
Support smart IR function.
Support WDR/DWDR function.
Support DC 12V power supply . ( Some models support DC 12V/AC 24V power supply).
Support IP67 compliance.
It can be applied to environments w hich requires high definitio n image, such as banking,
supermarket, teleco m, government, school, airport , fact or y, hotel, museum and etc.

2 Device Framework
See Figure 2-1 for the dimension of model A.
Figure 2-1
See Figure 2-2 for the structure components of model A.
Figure 2-2
See Figure 2-3 for the dimension of model B.
Figure 2-3
See Figure 2-4 for the structure components of model B.