ICP DAS IR-310-RM User Manual

User Manual
IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 1
All products manufactured by ICP DAS are under warranty regarding defective materials for a period of one year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser.
ICP DAS assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use of this product. ICP DAS reserves the right to change this manual at any time without notice. The information furnished by ICP DAS is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by ICP DAS for its use, or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use.
Copyright 2013-2020 by ICP DAS. All rights are reserved.
The names used for identification only may be registered trademarks
of their respective companies.
Document Revision
^ The first release
^ Modified the table in section 5.4 and 5.4.8.
^ Add toggle cmds 224~234 in sec. 2.1, 4.2.8, 5.4.19, 5.4.27 & Appendix A.
^ Modify the web links.
^ Modify the name of the power supply in the section 2.4.5.
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 2
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 APPLICATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2. HARDWARE ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 APPEARANCE ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 PIN ASSIGNMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.4 WIRE CONNECTION ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 RS-232 connection .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.2 RS-485 connection ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.4.3 Relay Terminal .................................................................................................................................. 11
2.4.4 IR Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.4.5 Power connection ............................................................................................................................. 11
2.5 WATCHDOG SETTING .................................................................................................................................. 12
2.6 JUMPER FOR FIRMWARE UPDATE................................................................................................................... 13
2.6.1 Update firmware mode ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.6.2 Normal Operation Mode ................................................................................................................... 14
2.7 LED INDICATORS ........................................................................................................................................ 15
2.8 DIP SWITCH .............................................................................................................................................. 16
3. CONFIGURATION AND CONTROL ON IR-310-RM ...................................................................................... 18
4. CONFIGURATION UTILITY ......................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 THE CONFIGURATION TOOL IR UTILITY (WITH IR-310-RM UTILITY) ................................................................... 19
4.2 IR-310-RM UTILITY ................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 Main Window of IR-310-RM Utility ................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 20
4.2.3 Relay Output Section ......................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.4 Communication Settings Section ...................................................................................................... 23
4.2.5 Sequential Action for Relays Section ................................................................................................. 23
4.2.6 Power on value and power failure memory section .......................................................................... 24
4.2.7 IR Sensor Selection section ................................................................................................................ 24
4.2.8 Emit IR Commands section ................................................................................................................ 25
4.2.9 Relay States Settings Corresponding to IR Cmds .............................................................................. 26
5. MODBUS COMMANDS FOR IR-310-RM ..................................................................................................... 28
5.1 FC01 (0X01) READ COILS ........................................................................................................................... 29
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 3
5.2 FC05 (0X05) WRITE SINGLE COIL ................................................................................................................. 30
5.3 FC15 (0X0F) WRITE MULTIPLE COILS ............................................................................................................ 31
5.4 FC100 (0X64) READ/WRITE MODULE SETTINGS ............................................................................................. 32
5.4.1 Sub-FC 00 (0x00): Read module name ................................................................................................... 33
5.4.2 Sub-FC 03 (0x03): Get the software Modbus address of the module. .................................................... 34
5.4.3 Sub-FC 04 (0x04): Set the software Modbus address of the module. ..................................................... 35
5.4.4 Sub-FC 05 (0x05) Read the communication settings .............................................................................. 36
5.4.5 Sub-FC 06 (0x06): Set the communication settings ................................................................................ 37
5.4.6 Sub-FC 07 (0x07): Read module response delay time............................................................................. 38
5.4.7 Sub-FC 08 (0x08): Set module response delay time ................................................................................ 39
5.4.8 Sub-FC 32 (0x20): Read the firmware version ........................................................................................ 40
5.4.9 Sub-FC 35 (0x23): Read Power-on value/Power failure memory mode ................................................. 41
5.4.10 Sub-FC 36 (0x24): Set Power-on value/Power failure memory mode .................................................. 42
5.4.11 Sub-FC 37 (0x25): Read the latency for power failure memory ............................................................ 43
5.4.12 Sub-FC 38 (0x26): Set the latency for power failure memory ............................................................... 44
5.4.13 Sub-FC 39 (0x27): Read the preset power-on values ............................................................................ 45
5.4.14 Sub-FC 40 (0x28): Set the preset power-on values ............................................................................... 46
5.4.15 Sub-FC 64 (0x40): Read the time interval of the sequential mode ....................................................... 47
5.4.16 Sub-FC 65 (0x41): Set the time interval in the sequential mode ........................................................... 48
5.4.17 Sub-FC 66 (0x42): Read the independent/interlocked mode ................................................................ 49
5.4.18 Sub-FC 67 (0x43): Set the independent/interlocked mode ................................................................... 50
5.4.19 Sub-FC 68 (0x44): Read IR-relay-states ................................................................................................ 51
5.4.20 Sub-FC 69 (0x45): Set IR-Relay-States .................................................................................................. 52
5.4.21 Sub-FC 70 (0x46): Read the source of IR sensor ................................................................................... 53
5.4.22 Sub-FC 71 (0x47): Set the source of IR sensor....................................................................................... 54
5.4.23 Sub-FC 72 (0x48): Read Non-sequential/Sequential mode ................................................................... 55
5.4.24 Sub-FC 74 (0x4A): Read relay pairs for interlocked mode .................................................................... 56
5.4.25 Sub-FC 75 (0x4B): Set relay pairs for interlocked mode ....................................................................... 57
5.4.26 Sub-FC 76 (0x4C): Read the DIP switch state ........................................................................................ 58
5.4.27 Sub-FC 90 (0x5A): Emit IR remote commands for the IR-310-RM ........................................................ 59
5.4.28 Sub-FC 91 (0x5B) Set Forward/Backward sequential action ................................................................ 60
6. TECHNICAL SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................ 61
APPENDIX A: BUILT-IN IR-RELAY-STATES ............................................................................................................ 62
APPENDIX B: INIT MODE .................................................................................................................................... 64
APPENDIX C: RACK AND WALL MOUNTING ....................................................................................................... 65
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 4
1. Introduction
IR-310-RM is a 10-channel high power relay module designed for the power switching control of the appliances. The relay module can switch up to 10 A loads. There are NO/NC contacts and protection circuit for each channel. The channels can be controlled independently or sequentially by serial communication with Modbus RTU protocol, as well as by wireless IR remote control. There are also maximum 5 interlocked relay pairs for interlocked switching. The application field can be manual/automatic power switch, timer switch, light scenario control and energy conservation etc.
Figure 1-1: The application architecture of IR-310-RM.
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 5
1.1 Features
10 channels high power relays: 10A x 4, 5A x 6
Supports IR commands (custom:64, built-in:32) for relay control.
NO and NC contacts for each channel.
Protection circuit for each channel.
Sequential relay control.
Supports maximum 5 sets of interlocked relay pairs (e.g. CW/CCW motor control).
RS-232 and RS-485 serial interface.
Supports Modbus/RTU protocol.
Modbus Network IDs: 1 ~ 15 (HW); 1 ~ 247 (SW).
[IR Utility]
IR utility is a configuration tool for the IR series modules of ICP DAS. IR-310-RM utility, as a part of the IR utility, has functions as follows:
Can get/set separate or all settings from/to IR-310-RM.
For relay test and relay states indication.
Command IR-310-RM to emit IR signals corresponding to relay states for an IR
learning remote.
1.2 Applications
e-Classroom service
Lighting Scenario Control
Home and Building Automation
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 6
2. Hardware
2.1 Specifications
Relay Output
Number of Outputs
Relay Types
Form C relay SPDT
Contact Rating
5A@220VAC for RL0, RL1 & RL6~RL9 (Operating temperature: 25°C ) 10A@220VAC for RL2 ~ RL5 (Operating temperature: 25°C )
Operating Time(Max.)
10 ms for RL0, RL1 & RL6 ~ RL9, 15 ms for RL2 ~ RL5
Release Time(Max.)
5 ms for RL0, RL1 & RL6 ~ RL9 10 ms for RL2 ~ RL5
Insulation Resistance
100 M Ohm min. at 500 VDC for RL0, RL1 & RL6~RL9 1000M Ohm min. at 500VDC for RL2~RL5
Dielectric Strength Open Contact
750VAC for RL0, RL1 & RL6~RL9 1000VAC for RL2 ~ RL5
Contact & Coil
1500VAC for RL0, RL1 & RL6~RL9 2500VAC for RL2 ~ RL5
Life TIme
Mechanical : 1 × 10^7 OPS Electrical : 1 × 10^5 OPS
Serial Interface
RS-232 (TxD, RxD, GND)
RS-485 (DATA+, DATA-)
Parity: None, Databits: 8, Stopbits: 1
Baud Rate
9600 ~ 115200 bps
Modbus/RTU (Slave)
Modbus Net ID
Hardware: 1 ~ 15; Software: 1 ~ 247
IR interface
IR input
Onboard IR receiver
3.5 mm audio jack for an IR receiver cable
IR Remote Commands
64 IR commands (#0~#63) corresponding to self-defined relay states. 32 IR commands (#192~#234) corresponding to built-in relay states.
LED Display
1 LED as power indication
10 LEDs as relay output indicators
Power Co nsu mptio n
6.5 W (m ax)
Operating Temperature
-25 to +75°C
Storage Temperature
-30 to 80°C
10 to 90%, non-condensing
Dimensions(W x H x D)
220 mm x 48 mm x 113 mm
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 7
2.2 Appearance
Figure 2-1: Front, top and rear view of IR-310-RM.
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 8
2.3 Pin assignments
Figure 2-2: Rear view
1. Relay output terminal
Table 2-1: Pin assignments of relays
Pin of Relay
Normally Open
Normally Closed
where # is the relay number (# = 0 ~ 9)
Figure 2-2
2. IR interface
IR Input: 3.5 mm audio jack for the IR receiver cable CA-IR-001. IR Output: 3.5 mm audio jack for the IR emitter cable CA-IR-SH2251-5.
3. Communication terminal
Table 2-2: Pin assignments of serial port
Serial port
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 9
2.4 Wire connection
2.4.1 RS-232 connection
The RS-232 pin assignment of IR-310-RM is depicted as figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4: RS-232 connection
The accompanied cable CA-0910 can be used for the RS-232 connection to the IR­310-RM. The RS-232 connection using CA-0910 is shown in Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-5: RS-232 connection cable (CA-0910)
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 10
Figure 2-6: The RS-232 connection using CA-0910
2.4.2 RS-485 connection
The RS-485 connection between IR-310-RM and RS-485 host device is shown in the figure 2-7.
Figure 2-7: RS-485 connection
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 11
2.4.3 Relay Terminal
Figure 2-8: Wire connection for relay output
2.4.4 IR Interface
Please use IR receiver cable CA-IR-001 for IR input jack and IR emitter cable CA-IR­SH2251-5 for IR output jack.
Figure 2-9.
2.4.5 Power connection
IR-310-RM only supports +12 VDC. There is a power supply UP0061D-12PA58G in the package for the DC power jack.
Figure 2-10: DC power jack for +12 VDC
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 12
2.5 Watchdog Setting
The watchdog is a timer to reset the hung system due to some fault conditions. The watchdog of the IR-310-RM can be enabled or disabled by JP1 as shown in Figure 2-
11. It is necessary to open the case to set JP1. The watchdog is enabled by default.
Figure 2-11: JP1setting for Hardware WDT
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 13
2.6 Jumper for Firmware Update
There is a jumper JP5 in the case of IR-310-RM for setting the operation mode (OP) or Firmware update mode (FW).
Figure 2-12: JP5 setting for Firmware Update
2.6.1 Update firmware mode
Set the JP5 to FW position and power cycle the IR-310-RM to enable the firmware update mode. At the same time the power LED blinks rapidly 4 times per second. In the FW mode, you have to use RS-232 port to update firmware by the Firmware Update Tool. Please click the menu of IR-310-RM utility [Tool] -> [Firmware Update Tool] to launch the firmware update tool. According to the following steps, you can finish the update firmware procedures in the Fig. 2-13.
(1) Select COM and COM Port (2) Click Browser to select the firmware file (ir310rm_v#_#_#.fw). (3) Click Firmware Update to start the update procedure.
Fig. 2-13: Update firmware Tool for IR-310-RM
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 14
1. Use RS-232 port to update firmware.
2. After updating firmware, remember to change the JP5 to the OP position and power cycle the IR-310-RM to run in the operation mode.
The firmware of IR-310-RM can be downloaded from:
Firmware_Update_Tool can be launched from the IR utility: IR-310-RM utility [Menu]=>[Tool]=>[Firmware Update Tool]
2.6.2 Normal Operation Mode
Set the JP5 to the OP in figure 2-11 and power cycle the IR-310-RM to enable the Normal Operation Mode.
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 15
2.7 LED Indicators
There are two kinds of LEDs for IR-310-RM to indicate several states.
(1) Power LED :
The PWR LED is ON to indicate the IR-310-RM is turned on.
Figure 2-14: Power LED
(2) Relay State LEDs
These 10 LEDs indicate the states of the 10 relays(RL) where:
Table 2-3 Relay LED and Contact Position
Relay State
Contact Position
Normally Open
Normally Closed
Figure 2-15: Relay States LEDs
(3) List of LED State
Table 2-4: The State List of LEDs for IR-310-RM
Power ON / Normal operation mode
Power OFF
Blinking 4 times/s
Firmware update mode
Blink 2 times/sec
Receiving an IR command
Blink 1 time
Emitting an IR command by the utility
RL0 ~ RL9
Contact in Normally Open
RL0 ~ RL9
Contact in Normally Closed
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 16
2.8 DIP Switch
There four states of the 2-pin dip switch which represent four modes for IR-310-RM as shown in table 2-5. To take effect the setting, please power cycle the module after set the dip switch.
Table 2-5: Four states of dip switch.
(1) Normal Mode
The mode except other three modes.
(2) Sequential mode
In this mode, the 10 relay can be switch forward to NO or backward to NC sequentially.
(3) Init mode
In this initialization mode, IR-310-RM always use the default communication settings.
Table 2-5 Default communication settings
Default value
Baud Rate
9600 bps
Modbus Net ID
(4) Emitting built-in IR commands mode (corresponding to built-in IR-Relay-States)
Built-in IR commands are the IR commands corresponding to the built-in 10 relay states (Refer to appendix A). In this mode, IR-310-RM will emit IR commands #192 ~ #203 sequentially from the IR output channel. The flowchart of this process is depicted in figure 2-16. Users can set the IR learning remote control in the learning mode to learn these IR commands for test as shown in figure 2-17.
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 17
Figure 2-16: The flowchart of emitting built-in IR commands
Figure 2-17: Use IR learning remote to learn IR commands.
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 18
3. Configuration and Control on IR-310 -RM
There are two ways to configure and control IR-310-RM. One is the easy IR-310-RM utility for test and settings and the other is the Modbus/RTU commands for the Modbus master.
Please refer to chapter 4 and 5 to learn the IR-310-RM utility and the Modbus commands.
IR-310-RM, IR Controlled 10-ch High Power Relay Module (Ver. 1.5, Oct/21/2020) 19
4.Configuration Utility
4.1 The configuration tool– IR Utility
Users can download the IR Utility from:
IR-310-RM Utility is a part of the IR Utility. Please select the IR-310-RM item in the Module combobox and click the Connect/Open Interface button to get the IR-310-RM utility.
Figure 4-1: The main window of IR Utility with the IR-310-RM selected.
The default communication settings of IR-310-RM are listed in table 4-1.
Table 4-1 Default communication settings
Default value
Baud Rate
9600 bps
Modbus Net ID
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