ICPDAS i8094A, i-8094H Getting Started

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i8094A & i-8094H Getting Started
(Version 1.3)
PAC WinCon-8000 Series Controllers
(Applied to: i8094A & i8094H)
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CONTROL MODULE...........................................................7
1.1 i8094A/i8094H Introduction.....................................................................7
1.2 Hardware Specification.......................................... 8
1.2.1 Main Specification............................................ 8
1.2.2 Interpolation Function........................................ 8
1.2.3 Pulse Output.................................................. 8
1.2.4 Encoder Input................................................. 9
1.2.5 Position counter.............................................. 9
1.2.6 Auto-Homing................................................... 9
1.2.7 Servo Motor Input Signal ..................................... 10
1.2.8 Limit Switch Input Signal .................................... 10
1.2.9 Other Input Signals.......................................... 10
1.2.10 Emergency Stop Signal Input ................................. 10
1.2.11 General Output Signal....................................... 10
1.2.12 Integral Input Signal Filters ............................... 10
1.2.13 Software Limit.............................................. 10
1.2.14 Manual Pulse Generator ...................................... 11
1.2.15 Module status LED Indicators ................................ 11
1.2.16 Compare Trigger Output ...................................... 11
1.2.16 FRnet (i8094F only)......................................... 11
1.3 Environment.............................................................................................12
1.4 Ordering Information..............................................................................12
2 HARDWARE INSTALLATION......................................13
2.1 i8094A/i8094H Check Package & Installation......................................13
2.1.1 Check Package................................................ 13
2.1.2 i8094A/i8094H Installation ................................... 13
2.2 DN-8468GB Terminal Board..................................................................15
2.2.1 DN-8468GB Board Layout....................................... 15
2.2.2 Pin Assignment............................................... 16
2.2.3 Jumper and Switch Settings ................................... 22
2.3 Input/Output Connections......................................................................24
2.3.1 Pulse output signals......................................... 24
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2.3.2 Connection for Limit switch Signal ........................... 26
2.3.3 General Purpose DI Signals(nINPOS,nALARM) .................... 27
2.3.4 Encoder Signals.............................................. 28
2.3.5 External pulse signal........................................ 29
2.3.6 Emergency Stop Signal........................................ 30
2.3.7 External Pulse Input Signal (EXP+,EXP-) ...................... 31
2.3.8 Servo On/Off Output Signal (ENABLE) .......................... 32
2.3.9 Compare Trigger Output....................................... 32
2.4 Connection Example for Motor Driver .................................................33
3 I8094A/I8094H SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT...........34
3.1 Software development Overview............................................................34
3.1.1 Register Module.............................................. 35
3.2 Safety IO Setting (Troubleshooting for Motion not working).............35
3.2.2 Configure the Servo ALARM Signals ............................ 35
3.2.3 Configure the Limit Switch Signals(±EL) ...................... 36
3.2.4 Configure the Software Limit(±SEL) ........................... 36
3.3 Error Checking(GET_ERROR).............................................................36
3.5 Manual Pulse Generator Testing (Optional).........................................38
3.6 Home Search.............................................................................................40
3.6.1 Home Search Configuration .................................... 40
3.6.2 Running the Home Search ...................................... 41
3.7 Basic Motion.............................................................................................42
3.7.1 Speed Profile of the Motion Control .......................... 42
3.7.2 Basic Settings For Single Axis ............................... 44
3.7.3 Basic Motion of Single Axis .................................. 45
3.7.4 Basic Setting of Muti-Axes Interpolation ..................... 46
3.7.5 Basic Motion of Muti-Axes Interpolation ...................... 47
3.8 Advance Motion .......................................................................................48
3.9 Motion Synchronization Action..............................................................49
4.1 WinCon eVC++........................................................................................50
4.1 WinCon eVC++ Guideline ......................................................................50
4.1.1 Files you will need.......................................... 50
4.1.2 Create a new eVC++ Application Project ....................... 50
4.1.3 Add the Reference Path into eVC++ Application Project ........52
4.1.4 Start the eVC++ Sample....................................... 53
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4.2 WinCon Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003(VB.NETC#)..............55
4.3 I-8000 Turbo C++.....................................................................................55
5 MPTOOL : EZMAKE......................................................56
5.1 Start EzMake............................................................................................56
5.2 Specify the I-8094H to be used ...............................................................56
5.3 Operation Page.........................................................................................57
5.3.1 Tree Diagram................................................. 57
5.3.2 Main Menu.................................................... 58
5.3.3 Function & Parameter Editor .................................. 61
5.3.4 Function Library Groups Menu ................................. 62
5.3.5 Function Display Menu........................................ 62
5.3.6 Message & Status............................................. 63
5.4 Download files and programs execution................................................65
5.4.1 Download the file............................................ 65
5.4.2 Program execution............................................ 65
APPENDIX A .......................................................................66
A.1 Setup the Development Environment of I8094A/I8094H....................66
A.1.1 eVC ++ 4.0................................................... 66
A.2 Appearance and Dimension ...................................................................67
B.1 DN-8468M Daughter Board...................................................................68
B.1.1 Board Layout for DN-8468M .................................... 68
B.1.2 Signal Connections for DN-8468M .............................. 70
B.1.3 Jumper and Switch Settings ................................... 76
B.2 DN-8468P Daughter Board.....................................................................78
B.2.1 Board Layout for DN-8468P .................................... 78
B.2.2 Signal Connections for DN-8468P .............................. 79
B.2.3 Jumper and Switch Settings ................................... 84
B.3 DN-8486Y Daughter Board....................................................................86
B.3.1 Board Layout for DN-8468Y .................................... 86
B.3.2 Signal Connections for DN-8468Y .............................. 87
B.3.3 Jumper and Switch Settings ................................... 92
B.4 DN-8468D Daughter Board....................................................................94
B.4.1 Board Layout for DN-8468D .................................... 94
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B.4.2 Signal Connections for DN-8468D .............................. 95
B.4.3 Jumper and Switch Settings .................................. 103
B.5 DN-8468FB Daughter Board................................................................106
B.5.1 Board Layout for DN-8468FB .................................. 106
B.5.2 Signal Connections for DN-8468FB ............................ 107
B.5.3 Jumper and Switch Settings .................................. 115
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1 Introduction of i8094A/i8094H Motion Control Module
1.1 i8094A/i8094H Introduction
i8094A/i8094H is a motor motion control module with built-in CPU, DPRAM, FRAM and SRAM; it is integrated axis control module that support 4-axis stepper/servo motor motion control; the maximum output Pluse could reach 4M PPS, this module could be applied to ICP DAS WinCon-8000 controllers. I8094A/i8094H motor motion control module is good for motion control applications for general purposes; it provides a lot of motion control features that offers customers easy-to-use and intuitive solutions. These features include: 2/32~3-axes linear interpolation, 2-axes circular interpolation, T/S-curve acceleration/ deceleration, various synchronous actions, automatic homing, and many others.
In addition, i8094H equips with built-in ICP DAS’s unique FRnet distributed DI/DO control functions, it could connect externally to 128 DI and 128 DO control points; each with cycle time of 0.74ms. Moreover, when i8094A/i8094H performs functions above, it does not consume WinCon system resources. The CPU could monitor other status at the same time. It require very little system resources, therefore one WinCon-8000 could insert with a couple of
i8094A/i8094H modules, to perform control of multi-axis (4,8 ....) motion Control on the
same controller.
Besides, this module has a few built-in hardware like CPU, etc, therefore supports a series of macro programming functions. It provides customers multiple sets of macro programming functions, hence will reduce programming effort and enable programmers to develop programs more flexibly. ICP DAS also provides a wide range of demo programs and macro programming functions sets to eliminate programming tasks; making it a highly cost-effective motion control system designed platform.
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1.2 Hardware Specification
1.2.1 Main Specification
ASIC Chip MCX314As
CPU 80186
Number of controllable 4-Axes, Pulse output (stepping &
servo motor)
Up to 4M PPS pulse output 4 M PPS
1.2.2 Interpolation Function
2-axes & 3-axes linear interpolation
Interpolation range 2,147,483,646 ~ +2,147,483,646
Vectors speed of interpolation 1 PPS ~ 4M PPS
Precision of interpolation ± 0.5 LSB
Circular interpolation
Interpolation range 2,147,483,646 ~ +2,147,483,646
Vectors Speed of interpolation 1 PPS ~ 4M PPS
Relative interpolation function
Any 2-axes or 3-axes interpolation
Fixed vectors speed
Continuous interpolation
1.2.3 Pulse Output
Output speed range 1 PPS ~ 4 MPPS
Output precision ± 0.1%
Jerk range of S-curve 954 ~ 62.5 x 10^6 PPS/S^2
477 x 10^3 ~ 31.25 x 10^9 PPS/S^2
Acceleration/deceleration range 125 ~ 1 x 10^6 PPS/S
62.5×10^3 ~ 500 x 10^6 PPS/S
Speed precision 1 PPS ~ 500PPS( Depends on the
max. speed)
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Output numbers 0 ~ 4,294,967,295 / unlimited
Velocity profiles mode:
Fixed Symmetrical & Asymmetrical Trapezoidal velocity profile Symmetrical & Asymmetrical S-curve velocity profile
Acceleration & Deceleration mode
Auto By user define
Position & Speed change on the fly
Fixed pulse output by Trapezoidal and S-curve velocity profile
Pulse output option: CW/CCW, PULSE/DIR
Programmable logic level (Rising Edge/ Falling Edge)
1.2.4 Encoder Input
Encoder option: A/B phase, Up/Down
Programmable A/B phase mode: 1, 1/2, and 1/4 A/B phase
1.2.5 Position counter
Command counter range 2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647
Encoder counter range 2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647
Programmable ring counter
Programmable direction of counter
Using DI(IN3) to Clear feedback counter
Programmable read & write counter
1.2.6 Auto-Homing
Four Steps
Step 1 ( High-speed ”Near Home” searching) Step 2 ( Low-speed ”Home” searching) Step 3 ( Low-speed Index Z searching) Step 4 ( High-speed offset drive)
By software functions, each step enables user to configure actions and
directions, therefore, offers user more than 10 homing modes to choose from.
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1.2.7 Servo Motor Input Signal
IN2 options: In Position or Servo Ready signal
Input signal options: Enable/Disable and logical level.
1.2.8 Limit Switch Input Signal
Two-limit switch signal for each axis: +Limit, Limit
Programmable logic level
Programmable action mode( slow-down stop or immediately stop)
1.2.9 Other Input Signals
IN3 : could be used for other applications; for example: as a trigger of
synchronal control, etc.
1.2.10 Emergency Stop Signal Input
There is an Emergency stop signal for Each module.
1.2.11 General Output Signal
The Servo-on signal (nOUT1) can be used as servo-on control or general
purpose output signal for each axis.
1.2.12 Integral Input Signal Filters
The motion module is equipped with an integral type filter in the input step of
each input signal. User can be selected a filter time constant.
1.2.13 Software Limit
There are two software-limit for each axis: -SLimit & + SLimit ( Setting range :
2,147,483,646 ~ +2,147,483,646)
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1.2.14 Manual Pulse Generator
Fixed Pulse Driving Mode (CW/CCW pulse mode)
Continuous Pulse Driving Mode (CW/CCW pulse mode)
Manual pulsar mode(A/B phase pulse mode)
1.2.15 Module status LED Indicators
Red LED Æ Power Indicator (will turn on when power is on)
Orange LED Æ Servo Alarm Indicator
Ex: Misuibishi driver, No Alm: Orange LED will turn on.
Green LED Æ Running Motion Indicator ( will turn on when under Running
1.2.16 Compare Trigger Output
For X-axis and Y-axis only
Output mode: 5V TTL
1.2.16 FRnet (i8094F only)
DI Æ up to 128 connecting points
DO Æ up to 128 connecting points
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1.3 Environment
Operating Temp: -20 ~ + 75°C
Storage Temp: -30 ~ +85°C
Operating Humidity: 10 ~ 85%non-condensing
Storage Humidity: 5 ~ 90%non-condensing
I/O optically isolated 2500Vrms
External Power supply( Input): 24V DC (connect to terminal board)
1.4 Ordering Information
W-8x31-GM1 PAC controllers
i8094A/i8094H 4-axes motion control module
DN-8468GB i8094A/i8094H interface board
DN-8468DB i8094A/i8094H interface board
DN-8468MB i8094A/i8094H interface board
DN-8468PB i8094A/i8094H interface board
DN-8468YB i8094A/i8094H interface board
CA-SCSI15 68-pin SCSI-II cable, length: 1.5 m
CA-SCSI30 68-pin SCSI-II cable, length:3 m
CA-SCSI50 68-pin SCSI-II cable, length:5 m
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2.1 i8094A/i8094H Check Package & Installation
2.1.1 Check Package
i8094A/i8094H is a 4-axes stepping/servo motor control module; you will need a WinCON-8000 series PAC to serve as the controller. You will need:
W-8x31-GM1 PAC controller
You will also need the following items to implement installation of i8094A/i8094H modules:
i8094A/i8094H 4-axes motion control module
DN-8468 series i8094A/i8094H interface board
CA-SCSI15 68-pin SCSI-II cable, length: 1.5 m
2.1.2 i8094A/i8094H Installation
Before Installation
1. You will need a ICP DAS (W-8000series) PAC controller with I/O expansion slot
(currently we offer a variety of 3- or 7- slot)
2. Turn off the power.
Modules Installation & Wiring
1. Position the i8094/i8094F module over the I/O Expansion Slot, aligning the
module card with the groove at the side of the Expansion Slot.
2. Insert the module into the I/O Expansion Slot, glide the module card along the
groove; press down the module until it is completely seated on the Expansion
3. Secure the module by push down the “LOCK” latch.
4. Connect the i8094/i8094F with DN-8468G by a CA-SCSI15 cable, as the below
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2.2 DN-8468GB Terminal Board
2.2.1 DN-8468GB Board Layout
Fig. 2.0 DN-8468G Board layout
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2.2.2 Pin Assignment
68-pin SCSI II Pin Assignment (connector to connect modules and wiring terminal board)
Fig. 2.1 CON1 I/O connector pin assignment
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Table 2.1 DN-8468G I/O connector signal description (part 1)
Pin name Pin number Description
XECA 1 Encoder A-phase signal for X axis YECA 36 Encoder A-phase signal for Y axis ZECA 33 Encoder A-phase signal for Z axis UECA 68 Encoder A-phase signal for U axis XECB 2 Encoder B-Phase signal for X axis YECB 37 Encoder B-Phase signal for Y axis ZECB 32 Encoder B-Phase signal for Z axis
UECB 67 Encoder B-Phase signal for U axis XINPOS 3 In-position signal for X axis YINPOS 38 In-position signal for Y axis ZINPOS 31 In-position signal for Z axis UINPOS 66 In-position signal for U axis
XALARM 4 Alarm signal for X axis YALARM 39 Alarm signal for Y axis ZALARM 30 Alarm signal for Z axis UALARM 65 Alarm signal for U axis
XLMTP 5 Limit switch input signal (+) for X axis YLMTP 40 Limit switch input signal (+) for Y axis ZLMTP 29 Limit switch input signal (+) for Z axis
ULMTP 64 Limit switch input signal (+) for U axis XLMTM 6 Limit switch input signal (-) for X axis YLMTM 41 Limit switch input signal (-) for Y axis ZLMTM 28 Limit switch input signal (-) for Z axis ULMTM 63 Limit switch input signal (-) for U axis
XIN3 7 Input 3 signal for X axis YIN3 42 Input 3 signal for Y axis ZIN3 27 Input 3 signal for Z axis UIN3 62 Input 3 signal for U axis XIN2 8 Input 2 signal for X axis XIN2 43 Input 2 signal for Y axis XIN2 26 Input 2 signal for Z axis XIN2 61 Input 2 signal for U axis XIN1 9 Input 1 signal for X axis YIN1 44 Input 1 signal for Y axis ZIN1 25 Input 1 signal for Z axis UIN1 60 Input 1 signal for U axis XIN0 10 Input 0 signal for X axis YIN0 45 Input 0 signal for Y axis ZIN0 24 Input 0 signal for Z axis UIN0 59 Input 0 signal for U axis
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Table 2.2 DN-8468G I/O connector signal description (part 2)
Pin name Pin number Description
XEXPP 11 EXT pulsar input signal (+) for X axis YEXPP 46 EXT pulsar input signal (+) for Y axis ZEXPP 23 EXT pulsar input signal (+) for Z axis
UEXPP 58 EXT pulsar input signal (+) for U axis XEXPM 12 EXT pulsar input signal (-) for X axis YEXPM 47 EXT pulsar input signal (-) for Y axis ZEXPM 22 EXT pulsar input signal (-) for Z axis UEXPM 57 EXT pulsar input signal (-) for U axis
XDRIVE 13 Driver enable signal for X axis YDRIVE 48 Driver enable signal for Y axis ZDRIVE 21 Driver enable signal for Z axis UDRIVE 56 Driver enable signal for U axis
XPP 14 Driving pulsar signal (+) for X axis YPP 49 Driving pulsar signal (+) for Y axis ZPP 20 Driving pulsar signal (+) for Z axis
UPP 55 Driving pulsar signal (+) for U axis XPM 15 Driving pulsar signal (+) for X axis YPM 50 Driving pulsar signal (+) for Y axis ZPM 19 Driving pulsar signal (+) for Z axis UPM 54 Driving pulsar signal (+) for U axis
XOUT1 16 Output 1 signal for X axis YOUT1 48 Output 1 signal for Y axis ZOUT1 21 Output 1 signal for Z axis
UOUT1 56 Output 1 signal for U axis
EXPLSN1 17 EXT pulse input signal for interpolation
EMGN1 52 Emergency stop input signal
FrnetA 16 FRnet port A FrnetB 18 FRnet port B
XDCC 51 Deviation Counter Clear for X axis YDCC 53 Deviation Counter Clear for Y axis
GND 34 Ground VCC 35 External power (12~24V)
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CON2 ~ CON5 (AXIS XYZU I/O connector Wiring information)
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The connector CON6 is 16-pin connector for you to connect to the RDY & EMG signals,
external Pulse input, and FRnet connectors (i8094H only) of the motor drivers, enables to
connect with external DI/DO modules, etc.. FRnet(i8094HF)connectors could connect to
FRnet series IO modules, such as FR-2053, FR-2057, etc. For more information, please go
to website: http://www.icp das.com/products/Remote_IO/frnet/frnet_introduction.htm
TB2: External power supply input connector
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RJ1 ( I/O signals of the FRnet):
It is connector connect to FRnet – an 8-pin RJ45 connector. FRnet (i8094HF) connector could
connect to FRnet series IO modules such as FR-2053, FR-2057. For more information, please
refer to ICP DAS website:
Fig.2.5 Pin assignment for the 8-pin connector on the DN-8468G.
Table 2.6 I/O connector signal description.
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2.2.3 Jumper and Switch Settings
JP 7 provides control over the EMG-A signal of the CON6 connector. The
following diagram shows the jumper positions and its corresponding states.
Fig. 2.6 Jumper 7 setting
JP8/9, JP10/1 1, JP12/13, JP14/15: Jumper 8~15 are used to set the signal type of
the pulse output signals. The output signal type could be differential line driver
output (2-3 Pin short )or open collector output(1-2 Pin short).
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EMG SW: The EMG signals for motor axes
The emergency stop signal for each servo ampilfier can be selected from EMG SW. The
number 1, 2 , 3, 4 on EMG SW are denoted as axis X, Y, Z, U, respectively. Fig. 2.7 is the
default setting to connect the EMG singals to GND. The EMG signals from CN1 ~ CN4 will not
take effect. If the switch is disconnected as shown in Fig. 2.8, the emergency stop signals can
be controlled from EMG signals in CON6.
Fig. 2.7 EMG SW setting for normally GND (Default setting)
Fig. 2.8 EMG SW setting for user controlled signals.
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2.3 Input/Output Connections
2.3.1 Pulse output signals
Differential-Type pulse output circuit
Fig. 2.8 Differential-Type pulse output circuit
Open collector output
Fig. 2.9 open collector output
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Pulse Signal Wiring Example:
I8094A/I8094H pulse output signal could be sent out by CW/CCW mode or PULSE/DIR mode. The user could choose Differential-Type and Open-Collector Type byJP2 & JP3.
Fig. 2.10 Pulse Signal Wiring Example
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2.3.2 Connection for Limit switch Signal
Limit Switch Signal can be used to prevent over traveling appearance of the motion
system. User can set up the hardware limit switch to be normal open or normal close by the Function Library. The following figure shows the photo couplers that are used to keep out the sensor noise of the Limit Switch.
Fig. 2.11 Wiring sample
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2.3.3 General Purpose DI Signals(nINPOS,nALARM)
nINPOS is a digital input signal for servo driver in-Position control. User could
enable or disable this function by Function Library.
nALARM is a digital input signal for servo driver alarm signal. The output pulse will be
stopped when I8094A/I8094H receives this signal. User could enable or disable this
function by Function Library.
Fig. 2.12 Wiring sample
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2.3.4 Encoder Signals
The following diagram shows Differential-Type encoder signals. Connect the Phase A signal to A+ and A- pins and connect Phase B signal to B+ and B- pins. After the high speed photo coupler isolation, the isolated encoder signals are connected to motion IC of ASIC chip.
Fig. 2.13 Encoder signal connection
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2.3.5 External pulse signal
The following diagram shows an example for external pulse signal. After the high speed
photo coupler isolation, the isolated encoder signals are connected to motion IC of ASIC chip.
Fig. 2.14 wiring example for external pulse signal
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2.3.6 Emergency Stop Signal
The following diagram shows a wiring example for Emergency STOP signal. When received emergency stop signal, all axes will be stopped and the error flag will be set as
1. After the high speed photo coupler isolation, the isolated encoder signals are connected to motion IC of ASIC chip.
Fig. 2.15 Wiring example for emergency stop signal
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