ICPDAS I-7550 User Manual

i-7550 PROFIBUS to RS-232/422/485 Converter User Manual (Version 1.60) PAGE:1
I-7550 PROFIBUS to RS-232/422/485 Converter
User's Manual
High Quality, Industrial Data Acquisition, and Control Products
i-7550 PROFIBUS to RS-232/422/485 Converter User Manual (Version 1.60) PAGE:2
All products manufactured by ICP DAS are under warranty regarding defective materials for a period of one year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser.
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List of Revision
Date Author Version Revision 2012/04/03 Raiden 1.60 Release
i-7550 PROFIBUS to RS-232/422/485 Converter User Manual (Version 1.60) PAGE:3
Table of Contents
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………... 4
1.1 Features…………………………………………………………. 4
1.2 Specification…………………………………………………….. 5
2. Hardware……………………………………………………………... 6
2.1 Block Diagram of the I-7550…………………………………… 6
2.2 Pin Assignment…………………………………………………. 6
2.3 Wiring and Jumper Setting Instructions………………………… 8
2.4 Setting the PROFIBUS Address……………………………... 14
2.5 LED status indicator…………………………………………… 15
3. Communication……………………………………………………... 17
3.1 Field of application……………………………………………. 17
3.2 Communication Sequence…………………………………….. 18
3.3 I-7550 in a RS232/422/485 network…………………………... 21
3.4 PROFIBUS I/O Data Area…………………………………… 22
3.5 Communication parameters…………………………………… 28
3.6 Diagnostic messages……………………………………………37
3.7 Establishing Connection with the I-7550……………………… 38
4. Data Exchange Example……………………………………………. 41
4.1 Configuration………………………………………………….. 41
4.2 Communication Testing………………………………………. 45
5. Troubleshooting…………………………………………………….. 53
6. Dimensions…………………………………………………………. 54
i-7550 PROFIBUS to RS-232/422/485 Converter User Manual (Version 1.60) PAGE:4
1. Introduction
PROFIBUS is a field bus communication system with a wide range of applications, particularly in the fields of factory and process automation. The I-7550 integrates devices with serial RS-232, RS-485 or RS-422 interfaces into a PROFIBUS DP network. Serial I/O devices, electronic scales, operator terminals, barcode readers and other automation devices can easily be connected to an existing PROFIBUS network.
Figure 1 shows an application example for the I-7550 module.
Figure 1: Application architecture of the I-7550 modules
1.1 Features
16-Bit Microprocessor inside with 80MHz
Siemens SPC3 PROFIBUS controller
Supports PROFIBUS DP-V0 slave
PROFIBUS transmission rate detect automatically
Max transmission speed up to 12M bps for PROFIBUS and 115.2K bps for
COM Port
COM Port driver has 100 KB QUEUE input buffer & 100 KB QUEUE output
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Max length of in/output data is 128 Bytes
Built-in self-tuner ASIC controller on RS-422/485 port
2500Vrms High Speed iCoupler Isolation Protection for PROFIBUS network
3000VDC Isolation Protection on the PROFIBUS side
Provide LED indicators
Built-in Watchdog
Mountable on DIN Rail
1.2 Specification
COM Port specs:
Serial port - RS-232/RS-422/RS-485
Serial port interface: 14-pin screw terminal block
Baud Rate1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200 bps
Data Format: 7/8 data bits, None/Odd/Even parity bit, 1 stop bit
PROFIBUS interface connector: D-sub 9-pin female
Baud Rate: 9.6K/19.2K/45.45K/93.75K/187.5K/500K/1.5M/3M/6M/ 12Mbps
Address Setting: 0~126 (set by DIP switch or EEPROM)
Power requirement:
Unregulated +10V ~ +30V DC
Power reverse protection, Over-Voltage brown-out protection
Power consumption 2.5W
Module specs:
Dimensions: 119mm X 72mm X 33mm
Operating temperature: -25 ~ 75 ºC
Storage temperature: -30 ~ 85 ºC
Humidity5 ~ 95%, non-condensing
LED Status Indicators (Table 1)
Table 1: LED status indicator
Shows the power state
COM Port state: transmit or receive data
Show error state
Show communication state of PROFIBUS
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2. Hardware
2.1 Block Diagram of the I-7550
Figure 2: Block diagram of the I-7550
2.2 Pin Assignment
Figure 3: Pin assignment of the I-7550
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Table 2: 14-pin screw terminal block
Pin Name Description
1 D+ Data+ of RS-485
2 D- Data- of RS-485
3 - N/A
4 TX+ Transmit Data+ of RS-422
5 TX- Transmit Data- of RS-422
6 RX+ Receive Data+ of RS-422
7 RX- Receive Data- of RS-422
8 - N/A
9 RX Receive Data of RS-232
10 TX Transmit Data of RS-232
11 GND GND of RS-232
12 - N/A
13 +VS V+ of Power Supply(+10 to +30VDC)
14 GND GND of Power Supply
Table 3: PROFIBUS DB9 Female Connector
Pin Name Description
1 - N/A
2 - N/A
3 B Non-inverting Bus Line
4 ISODE Isolated DE output for use in PROFIBUS
applications where the state of the isolated drive enable node needs to be monitored.
5 GND Power supply ground for the first node and the last
6 VP +5V Power Supply for the first node and the last
7 - N/A
8 A Inverting Bus Line
9 - N/A
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2.3 Wiring and Jumper Setting Instructions
The I-7550 module supports PROFIBUS to Serial Port communication. It is recommended to use only one serial port (RS232, RS485 or RS422) of the converter at the same time. The following section describes the necessary steps to be taken to connect one of the three COM port types to a serial device or serial network.
2.3.1 RS-232 Connection
The RS-232 port of the I-7550 has got three pins. The wiring of the RS-232
device with the RS232 port of the I-7550 is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: RS-232 wiring diagram
2.3.2 RS-422 Connection
The RS-422 wiring connection is shown in Figure 5.
The I-7550 converter is always a PROFIBUS slave but it can in a local RS-422 network either take the position of a master or that of a slave. Depending on whether the converter acts as a local master or as a slave and on the number of devices connected to the RS-422 network device the four jumpers provided by
the module has to be set according to Table 4. The jumpers set the pull high and pull down resistors for the RS-422 port (Figure 6, Figure 7).
RS-232 COM
RS-232 device
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Figure 5: RS-422 connection
Table 4: Jumper position for the RS-422 port
Pull high/low resistor Condition
The I-7550 is the master in RS-422
bus or
the number of devices connected to
the RS-422 bus is less than 10
The I-7550 is a slave in RS-422 bus
the number of devices connected to
the RS-422 bus exceeds 10
RS-422 device
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Figure 6: Configuration of pull high/low resistor for the RS-422 port
Figure 7: The positions of pull high/low resistors in I-7550 module
2.3.3 RS-485 Connection
The RS-485 wiring diagram is shown in Figure 8.
The I-7550 converter can only act in the PROFIBUS network as a slave. In a RS-
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485 network however it can either be a local master or slave. Before the module is connected to a RS-485 network it is important to know whether the module takes the place of a slave or master and how many devices are active on the RS­485 bus. The two jumpers (JP1 and JP2) have to be set according the bus
configuration (Table 5).
The jumpers set the pull high and pull down resistors for the RS-485 port (Figure 9).
Figure 8: RS-485 connection
Table 5: Jumper position for the RS-485 port
Pull high/low resistor Condition
The I-7550 is the master in RS-485
bus or
the number of devices connected
to the RS-485 bus is less than 10
The I-7550 is a slave in RS-485
bus or
the number of devices connected
to the RS-485 bus exceeds 10
RS-485 Por
RS-485 Device(s)
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Figure 9: Configuration of pull high/low resistor for the RS-485 port
2.3.4 PROFIBUS Connection
The PROFIBUS interface of the I-7550 is a DB9 female connector. The connector uses the standard PROFIBUS 9 pin assignment. It is recommended to use a standard PROFIBUS cable and connector (DB9 male). As with every serial bus the rate of safe data transmission in a PROFIBUS network decreases with
increasing distance between master and slave. Table 6 shows the transmission
rate and range for a cable with the following properties:
1. Impedance :135~165
2. Capacity : lower than 30 pF/m
3. Loop resistance : lower than 110/Km
4. Wire diameter : greater than 0.65mm
5. Core cross-section : greater than 0.34mm
Table 6: Transmission rate decreasing with increasing transmission distance
Transmission Rate(Kbps) Transmission Distance per Segment (meter)
9.6; 19.2; 93.75 1200
187.5 1000 500 400
1500 200
3000; 6000; 12000 100
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In order to minimize the reflection effect of signal transmission, both ends (first node and last node) of a PROFIBUS segment needs to be equipped with an
active terminal resistor as shown in Figure 10. A standard PROFIBUS connector
is usually already equipped with a terminal resistor. The user therefore only has to switch on the resistor of the devices stationed at the ends of a segment as
shown in Figure 11.
Figure 10: PROFIBUS connection
Figure 11: PROFIBUS connector
Terminator Switch
Terminator OFF
Terminator ON
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The number of stations in a PROFIBUS network is restricted to 126. According to the PROFIBUS specification up to 32 stations are allowed per segment. A repeater has to be used to link the bus segments.
2.4 Setting the PROFIBUS Address
The station address of I-7550 can be set by using either the dip switch or by writing it directly to the EEPROM. The dip switch covers a range from 0 to 255.
The valid address range of a PROFIBUS station spans from 0 to 126. Table 7
shows three examples of setting the station address by using the dip switch. The
dip switches are accessed by opening the modules housing, Figure 12. Table 8
explains which address will be used by the module after power on, if the dip switch address setting differs from the address stored in the EEPROM.
Table 7: Dip switch setting example
Station address
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
126 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Table 8: The Address setting of the I-7550
Dip Switch Setting Description
1. The address setting of the EEPROM is
2. The address can not be set by the PROFIBUS
configuration tool.
1. The address setting of the dip switch is
2. If the address in the EEPROM is 126, the
PROFIBUS configuration tool can set a new address and save it to the EEPROM.
255 1. Slave address in the EEPROM is set to 126.
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Figure 12: DIP switch
Each slave must have a unique valid address (1 to 125) in order to be able to communicate with the master. To change the address by using the configuration tool it is necessary to first set the address stored in the EEPROM to 126. This is done by setting the dip switch to 255 in the power off state. Switching the module on is forcing the module to change its address in the EEROM to 126. In the next step switch the module off and change the dip switch setting to any value from 126 to 254. This step is necessary in order to prevent the module to change its address in the EEPROM to 126 every time it is powered on. The configuration tool can now assign the slave a new address.
2.5 LED status indicator
The I-7550 provides three LEDs to indicate the statuses of the I-7550 module.
The position of LEDs and descriptions are shown in Table 9 and Figure 13.
Table 9: LED status description
LED Name Status Description
Power supply is ok. COM Port is transmitting or receiving data.
Power supply is ok. The firmware has loaded.
off Power supply has failed.
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LED Name Status Description
flash Error! I-7550 has diagnostic message.
Connection error between PROFIBUS master and
slave or
PROFIBUS system has not been configured
Normal operation PROFIBUS system has been configured correctly
Data exchange mode Normal operation.
off I-7550 module is not in a data exchange mode.
Figure 13: LED position
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3. Communication
3.1 Field of application
A master station can be a PLC, PC or any other smart device. The system can be
a mono-master system (Figure 14) or a multi-master system (Figure 15). The I-
7550 enables the integration of single serial devices such as I/O devices, electronic scales, operator terminals, barcode readers and other automation devices which has a RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 interface into a PROFIBUS DP network.
Figure 14: Mono-master system
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