I-7540D-MTCP Series FAQ
Q1、How do I get CAN message from Normal CAN field of I-7540D-MTCP through Modbus
TCP? (2020/12/02,Evan) ............................................................................................................ 2
Q2、How do I get CAN message from Specific CAN field of I-7540D-MTCP through Modbus
TCP? (2020/12/02,Evan) ............................................................................................................ 2
Q1、How do I get CAN message from Norma l CAN field of
I-7540D-MTCP through Modbus TCP?
A:First, connect to port 502 of I-7540D-MTCP. Then use function code 0x04 to read 7 or 9
words of the input register with address 0. If there are CAN messages in the buffer of Normal
CAN field, I-7540D-MTCP will return the message. Or it will return error code.
Q2、How do I get CAN message from Specific CAN field of
I-7540D-MTCP through Modbus TCP?
1. First, configure those CAN ID which you want to get in the Modbus page of the utility.
Run utility and turn to Modbus page. Then input CAN ID to the text box and press the
‘Add’ button to add the ID to the right list. Finally, press ‘Save’ button to save the CAN
ID of the list to I-7540D-MTCP.