I-7017(F)C, M-7017C Quick Start Guide
All products manufactured by ICP DAS are under warranty regarding defective materials for a period of one year from the date
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Packing List
Modbus Table (M-7017C only)
10129 ~
00129 ~
Over/under range status of channel 0
to 7 for 4 ~ 20mA or 0 ~ 20mA ranges
30001 ~
40001 ~
Analog input value of channel 0 to 7
Firmware version (low word)
Firmware version (high word)
Module address, valid range: 1 ~ 247
Bits 5:0
Baud rate, 0x03 ~ 0x0A
Bits 7:6
00: no parity, 1 stop bit
01: no parity, 2 stop bit
10: even parity, 1 stop bit
11: odd parity, 1 stop bit
Modbus response delay time in ms,
valid range: 0 ~ 30
Host watchdog timeout value, 0 ~
255, in 0.1s
Channel enable/disable, 00h ~ FFh
Host watchdog timeout count, write 0
to clear
Protocol, 0: DCON, 1: Modbus RTU
Filter setting, 0: 60Hz rejection, 1:
50Hz rejection
1: enable, 0: disable host watchdog
Modbus data format, 0: hex, 1:
Host watch dog timeout status, write
1 to clear host watch dog timeout
Reset status, 1: first read after
powered on, 0: not the first read after
powered on
Read module firmware version
Read all analog input data
Read analog input data of each channel (<=16 channel)
Read analog input data of each channel (>16 channel)
If you want to know the detail DCON protocol, please check it from CD or web
CD path: \\napdos\7000\manual\
Web: ftp://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/7000/manual/