Table of Contents
Q1: Could you please confirm that GW-7472 works with SLC-500 (SLC5/05) without any problems? ............. 3
Q2: In some case, the byte order of the AI/AO word data in the communication is reversed, i.e. low
byte is MSB and high byte is LSB. Is there a byte swapping function? ............................................................................. 3
Q3:How to make a Class1 connection with the GW-7472 Utility Diagnostic window? .......................................... 4
Q4:Why did the pop-up message “FW Version Error” be shown after I run the new version Utility? ............. 5
Q5:How to connect to the Allen-Bradley PLC? ..................................................................................................................... 7
Q6:How to check the connections between the GW-7472 and the Modbus devices? .......................................... 9
Q7: How can I check the wire connections? .......................................................................................................................... 10
Q8 : How to set up the GW-7472 for Modbus TCP? ............................................................................................................ 11
Q9 : How to set up GW-7472 in RSLogix 5000 MSG ladder element? ......................................................................... 12
Q10: What is the difference between Utility V2.2.0 and the older version? ............................................................. 17
Q11: How should I do when the impedance matching problem occured? .................................................................. 18
Q12: I can not find my GW-7472 when I click Network Scan button? ........................................................................... 18
Q13: I don’t want to establish the Modbus connection before I connect to GW-7472 with EtheNet/IP.
What should I do? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Q14 : We make a wrong setting in the GW-7472, how do I set the GW-7472 to factory default? ...................... 19
Q15: When I update the firmware, the update status is always 0%. What should I do? ........................................ 19
Q16: How to know the version of GW-7472 modules hardware ? .................................................................................. 19
Q17: : How to find the compatible FW for GW-7472 modules? ....................................................................................... 19
Q18: How to merge the GW-7472 data which is larger than 1 byte with Allen-Bradley RSLogix5000
tool? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Q19: If the GW-7472 can’t be scanned by the Utility, how to configure or make test to the GW-7472? ......... 20