ICPDAS A-812PG Hardware User Manual

Hardware User’s Manual
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A-812PG Hardware Manual (Ver.1.2, Sep/2005, IPH-004-12) ----- 1
Tables of Contents
1. Introduction ___________________________________________________________4
1.1 General Description______________________________________________________ 4
1.2 Features _________________________________________________________________ 4
1.3 Specifications_____________________________________________________________ 5
1.3.1 Power Consumption : ___________________________________________________________ 5
1.3.2 Analog Inputs _________________________________________________________________ 5
1.3.3 A/D Converter_________________________________________________________________5
1.3.4 DA Converter _________________________________________________________________ 6
1.3.5 Digital I/O____________________________________________________________________6
1.3.6 Interrupt Channel ______________________________________________________________6
1.3.7 Programmable Timer/Counter_____________________________________________________7
1.3.8 Direct Memory Access Channel (DMA) ____________________________________________7
1.4 Applications______________________________________________________________ 8
1.5 Product Check List ________________________________________________________ 8
2 Hardware Configuration _________________________________________________9
2.1 Board Layout_____________________________________________________________ 9
2.2 I/O Base Address Setting __________________________________________________ 10
2.3 Jumper Setting __________________________________________________________ 11
2.3.1 JP3 : D/A Internal Reference Voltage Selection______________________________________11
2.3.2 JP1, JP2 : D/A Int/Ext Ref Voltage Selection ______________________________________12
2.3.3 JP8 : A/D Trigger Source Selection _______________________________________________12
2.3.4 JP5 : Interrupt Level Selection ___________________________________________________13
2.3.5 JP9 : User Timer/Counter Clock Input Selection _____________________________________14
2.3.6 JP6 : DMA DACK Selection, JP7 : DMA DRQ Selection _________________ 15
2.4 I/O Register Address______________________________________________________ 16
2.4.1 8254 Counter_________________________________________________________________17
2.4.2 A/D Input Buffer Register_______________________________________________________17
2.4.3 D/A Output Latch Register______________________________________________________ 18
2.4.4 D/I Input Buffer Register _______________________________________________________ 19
2.4.5 Clear Interrupt Request_________________________________________________________ 19
2.4.6 A/D Gain Control Register ______________________________________________________20
2.4.7 A/D Multiplex Control Register __________________________________________________ 21
2.4.8 A/D Mode Control Register _____________________________________________________21
2.4.8 A/D Software Trigger Control Register ____________________________________________23
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2.4.9 D/O Output Latch Register______________________________________________________ 24
2.5 Digital I/O ______________________________________________________________ 25
2.6 8254 Timer/Counter ______________________________________________________ 26
2.7 A/D Conversion__________________________________________________________ 27
2.7.1 A/D conversion flow___________________________________________________________ 28
2.7.2 A/D Conversion Trigger Modes __________________________________________________29
2.7.3 A/D Transfer Modes ___________________________________________________________29
2.7.4 Using software trigger and polling transfer _________________________________________30
2.8 D/A Conversion__________________________________________________________ 31
2.9 Analog Input Signal Connection ____________________________________________ 32
2.10 Pin Assignment___________________________________________________________ 33
2.11 Daughter Board __________________________________________________________ 34
2.11.1 DN-20 for Analog input / output_________________________________________________34
2.11.2 DB-16P for Digital input_______________________________________________________34
2.11.3 DB-16R for Digital output _____________________________________________________34
3. Calibration___________________________________________________________35
3.1 Calibration VR Description ________________________________________________ 36
3.2 D/A Calibration Steps_____________________________________________________ 37
3.3 A/D Calibration Steps_____________________________________________________ 37
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1. Introduction
1.1 General Description
The A-812PG is a high performance, multifunction analog, digital I/O board for the PC AT compatible computer. The A-812PG provides low gain (1, 2, 4, 8, 16). The A-812PG contains a 12-bit ADC with up to 16 single-ended analog inputs. The maximum sample rate of A/D converter is about 62.5K sample/sec. There are two 12-bits DAC with voltage outputs, 16 channels of TTL-compatible digital input, 16 channels of TTL-compatible digital output and one 16-bit counter/timer channel for timing input and output.
1.2 Features
The maximum sample rate of A/D converter is about 62.5 K sample/sec Software selectable input ranges PC AT compatible ISA bus A/D trigger mode : software trigger , pacer trigger, external trigger 16 single-ended input signals Programmable low gain : 1,2,4,8,16 2 channel 12-bit D/A voltage output 16 digital input /16 digital output (TTL compatible) Interrupt handling 1 channel general purpose programmable 16 bits timer/counter
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1.3 Specifications
1.3.1 Power Consumption :
+5V @960 mA maximum, A-812PG Operating temperature : -20°C ~ 60°C
1.3.2 Analog Inputs
Channels : 16 single-ended Input range : (software programmable)
A-812PG:bipolar : ±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V, ±1.25V, ±0.625V, ±0.3125V
(input range : ±10V or ±0.3125V by Jumper JP4 selected )
Input current : 250 nA max (125 nA typical ) at 25 deg. On chip sample and hold Over voltage : continuous single channel to
Input impedance : 10 Ω // 6pF
1.3.3 A/D Converter
Type : successive approximation , Burr Brown ADS 774
or SIPEX-SP774B ( equivalent)
Conversion time : 8 microsec. Accuracy : +/- 1 bit Resolution : 12 bits
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1.3.4 DA Converter
Channels : 2 independent Type : 12 bit multiplying , Analog device AD-7541 Linearity : +/- 1/2 bit Output range : 0~5V or 0~10V jumper selected , may be used with other AC or
DC reference input Maximum output limit +/- 10V
Output drive : +/- 5mA Settling time : 0.6 microseconds to 0.01% for full scale step
1.3.5 Digital I/O
Output port : 16 bits, TTL compatible Input port : 16 bits, TTL compatible
1.3.6 Interrupt Channel
Level : 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,14,15, jumper selectable Enable : Via control register
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1.3.7 Programmable Timer/Counter
Type : 82C54 -8 programmable timer/counter Counters: The counter1 and counter2 are cascaded as a 32 bits pacer timer.
The counter0 is used as user timer/counter. The software driver use counter0 to implement a machine independent timer.
Clock input frequency : DC to 10 MHz Pacer output : 0.00047Hz to 0.5MHz Input, gate : TTL compatible Internal Clock : 2M Hz
1.3.8 Direct Memory Access Channel (DMA)
Level : CH1 or CH3, jumper selectable Enable : via DMA bit of control register Termination : by interrupt on T/C Transfer rate : 100K conversions/sec.(DOS Software manual, sec. 4.11)
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1.4 Applications
Signal analysis FFT & frequency analysis Transient analysis Production test Process control Vibration analysis Energy management Industrial and lab. measurement and control
1.5 Product Check List
In addition to this manual, the package includes the following items:
A-812PG multifunction card A-812PG utility diskette A-812PG DOS software manual
Attention !
If any of these items is missing or damaged, contact the dealer who
provides you this product. Save the shipping materials and carton in
case you want to ship or store the product in the future.
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2. Hardware Configuration
2.1 Board Layout
BB ADS-774
VR 1 2 3 4 5
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2.2 I/O Base Address Setting
The A-812PG occupies 16 consecutive locations in I/O address space. The base address is set by DIP switch SW1. The default address is 0x220.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4`
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4
200-20F OFF ON ON ON ON ON 210-21F OFF ON ON ON ON OFF 220-22F() OFF ON ON ON OFF ON 230-23F OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF : : : : : : : 300-30F OFF OFF ON ON ON ON : : : : : : : 3F0-3FF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF
() : default base address is 0x220
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The PC I/O port mapping is given below.
ADDRESS Device ADDRESS DEVICE 000-1FF PC reserved 320-32F XT Hard Disk 200-20F Game/control 378-37F Parallel Printer 210-21F XT Expansion Unit 380-38F SDLC 238-23F Bus Mouse/Alt. Bus Mouse 3A0-3AF SDLC 278-27F Parallel Printer 3B0-3BF MDA/Parallel Printer 2B0-2DF EGA 3C0-3CF EGA 2E0-2E7 AT GPIB 3D0-3DF CGA 2E8-2EF Serial Port 3E8-3EF Serial Port 2F8-2FF Serial Port 3F0-3F7 Floppy Disk 300-31F Prototype Card 3F8-3FF Serial Port
2.3 Jumper Setting
2.3.1 JP3 : D/A Internal Reference Voltage
Reference Voltage
Reference Voltage
Select ( 5V) : D/A voltage output = 0 to 5V (both channel) Select ( 10V) : D/A voltage output = 0 to 10V (both channel)
JP3 is validate only if JP1/JP2 select D/A internal reference voltage
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2.3.2 JP1, JP2 : D/A Int/Ext Ref Voltage Selection
If JP1/2 select internal reference, then JP3 select 5V/ 10V internal reference voltage. If JP1/2 select external reference, then ExtRef1, CN2 pin 17, is the external reference voltage for DA channel 1. and ExtRef2, CN2 pin 19, is the external reference voltage for DA Channel 2. If user provides AC +/- 10V external reference voltage, the D/A output voltage may be AC -/+ 10V
2.3.3 JP8 : A/D Trigger Source Selection
Ch 1 = INT Ch 2 = INT (default)
Ch 1 =EXT (ExtRef1) Ch 2 =EXT (ExtRef2)
Ch 1 = INT Ch 2 =EXT (ExtRef2)
Ch 1 =EXT (ExtRef1) Ch 2 = INT
Internal Trigger (default)
External Trigger
The A-812PG supports two trigger type, internal trigger and external trigger. The external trigger comes from ExtTrg, CN3 pin 1. There are two types of internal trigger, software trigger and pacer trigger.
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