See VentTermination
Shieldingin VentSection.
_1 14' *8" Min.
InletPipe _ I] 20' Max.
(not usedon _ in same
SinglePipe _ I,,,JI,, atmospheric zone
model) _ '_'
Vent Pip MUST bq
support_ 4orizonte
Coupling on inside
and outside of wall
to restrain vent pipe
Increase minimum from 8" to 18" for cold climates (sustained temperatures
below 0°F). 25-23-33a
Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could
result in death or personal injury.
Do NOT operate furnace in a corrosive atmosphere
containing chlorine, fluorine or any other damaging
chemicals, which could shorten furnace life.
Refer to 3. Combustion & Ventilation Air section,
Contaminated Combustion Air for combustion air
evaluation and remedy.
If furnace is a replacement, it is usually best to install the fur-
nace where the old one was. Choose the location or evalu-
ate the existing location based upon the minimum clearance
and furnace dimensions (Figure 3).
Failure to protect against the risk of freezing may
result in property damage.
Special precautions MUST be made if installing
furnace in an area which may drop below freezing.
This can cause improper operation or damage to
equipment. If furnace environment has the potential
of freezing, the drain trap and drainline must be
protected. The use of electric heat tape or RV
antifreeze is recommended for these installations.
(See "Condensate Trap Freeze Protection Section")
Do NOT operate furnace in a corrosive atmosphere
containing chlorine, fluorine or any other damaging
chemicals. Refer to Combustion & Ventilation Air section,
Contaminated Combustion Air.
Installation Requirements
1. Install furnace level.
44001 102102
2. This furnace is NOT to be used for temporary heat of buildings
or structures under construction.
3. Install the vent pipes as short as practical. (See Gas Vent
Installation section).
4. Do NOT install furnace directly on carpeting, tile or other com-
bustible material other than wood flooring.
5. Maintain clearance for fire safety and servicing. A front clear-
ance of 30" is minimum for access to the burner, controls and
filter. See clearance requirements in Figure 3.
6. Use a raised base if the floor is damp or wet at times.
7. Residential garage installations require:
• Burners and ignition sources installed at least 18" (457 ram)
above the floor.
Furnace must be located or physically protected from pos-
sible damage by a vehicle.
If the furnace is to be suspended from the floor joists in a base-
ment or a crawl space or the rafters in an attic, it is necessary
to use steel pipe straps or an angle iron frame to attach the
furnace. These straps should be attached to the furnace with
sheet metal screws and to the rafters or joists with bolts. The
preferred method is to use an angle iron frame bolted to the
rafters or joists.
Local codes may require a drain pan under the entire furnace
and condensate trap when the furnace is installed in attic ap-
This furnace may be used for construction heat provided that all
the following conditions are met:
The furnace is permanently installed with all electrical wir-
ing, piping, venting and ducting installed according to these
installation instructions. A return air duct is provided, sealed
to the furnace casing, and terminated outside the space
containing the furnace. This prevents a negative pressure
condition as created by the circulating air blower, causing a
flame rollout and/or drawing combustion products into the
• The furnace is controlled by a thermostat. It may not be "hot
wired" to provide heat continuously to the structure without
thermostatic control.
Clean outside air is provided for combustion. This is to mini-
mize the corrosive effects of adhesives, sealers and other
construction materials. It also prevents the entrainment of
drywall dust into combustion air, which can cause fouling
and plugging of furnace components.
The temperature of the return air to the furnace is main-
tained between 55 ° F (13 ° C) and 80 ° F (27 ° C), with no eve-
ning setback or shutdown. The use of the furnace while the
structure is under construction is deemed to be intermittent
operation per our installation instructions.
The air temperature rise is within the rated rise range on the
furnace rating plate, and the firing rate has been set to the
rating plate value.
The filters used to clean the circulating air during the
construction process must be either changed or thoroughly
cleaned prior to occupancy.
The furnace, ductwork and filters are cleaned as necessary
to remove drywall dust and construction debris from all
HVAC system components after construction is completed.
After construction is complete, verify furnace operating con-
ditions including ignition, input rate, temperature rise and
venting, accordinq to these instructions.