Electric Water Heater Register Listings .............................. 49
Modbus Electric Water Heaters Register Properties .................49
Central Control Board Major State Denitions ..........................52
Energy Management System (EMS) Control ............................ 52
Fault Codes and Warnings ........................................................52
ICC PROGRAM INFORMATION ................................................. 53
New building construction and energy saving techniques have
driven the need for improved communications between appliances
and building environmental systems. There are several different
protocols that have developed for accomplishing this task
including BACnet and Modbus. Since appliances come with a
variety of controls, interfacing with the various protocols presents
different challenges.
Industrial Control Communications (ICC) has developed the
devices to act as a communication gateway allowing appliances
to communicate to the different building management protocols.
The ICC module translates the appliance codes and commands
into the appropriate protocol language giving the end user the
ability to monitor and control the appliance. The end user will be
able to adjust and monitor the equipment and obtain better levels
of efciency and cost savings.
The ICC module in this kit has been designed to seamlessly
integrate with the water heater controls. Once the unit is
connected to the control and to the energy management system,
the user will be able to operate the unit with the Building
Management system interface.
When installing the unit, ensure that all power is off before
opening any water heater enclosure. Failure to do so could result
in electrical shock and/or possible damage to the unit.
Do not install in areas of high temperature, in excess of 167° F.
Install in areas not subject to water or excess moisture.
Table 1. Parts Required
ItemEthernetSerial (RS-485)
ICC ModuleXX
Communication CableXX
Power AdapterXX
lists and instructions required to install and congure to your water
heater/boiler and BMS system.
Before plugging in the ICC Gateway, install the ICC Conguration
Studio from the USB key and run the program. Once running,
select File, Open Project and browse to the USB key and select
the conguration le whose name matches the gateway,
Because some USB hubs may not supply sufcient current to run
the Gateway, insure that the ICC Gateway is connected to the
power adaptor. Then connect the ICC Gateway using the USB
cable provided. Run the ICC Gateway Studio application from the
start menu.
Each conguration has default address and BACnet instance
settings that can be changed. For Mirius gateways, the default
Modbus address is 1 and the default BACnet address is 81. For
gas models the default BACnet Instance Number is 520081 and
for electric models the default instance number is 530081. For
Ethernet Gateways, the default setting is to acquire an IP address
automatically from the router (DHCP). If a static IP address is
desired this can also be set. To change these addresses and
communication settings, use the ICC Conguration Studio
application program. The latest version of this application program
can be downloaded from:
Before making any changes, it is recommended to save the
installed conguration project using the disk icon or File -> Save
Project As, then give it a name and select the folder, nally press
To change the Instance number and the Device Name, scroll
down and select the Device Object and replace the text in the
boxes in the upper right corner.
Wire Cutters
24 AWG Wire Stripper
2.5 mm Flat Blade Screw Driver
The module should be installed as close as practical to the water
heater control.
The ICC module uses a 120 Volt power adapter to supply 9 volts
DC for the unit. One 120 VAC outlet is required for each module
installed. The power adapter comes with a six foot length of wire.
If additional wire is needed, extra wire may be added, in
accordance with local ordinances for installation of low voltage
The ICC Gateway kit contains a USB key with the ICC
Conguration Studio program, all conguration les, parameter
Figure 1. Changing Instance Number and Device Name
For ETH-1000 (Ethernet interface) the IP settings, including
DHCP/Static, the IP address and authentication can be changed
by selecting Ethernet from the upper left hand window and
changing the text and drop down list selection similar to changing
the Instance number above.
For Mirius (RS-485 A interface for BACnet MS/TP or ModBus
RTU), the baud rate and other serial communication parameters
can be changed by scrolling down to and selecting RS-485 A -> ModBus RTU Slave.
Figure 2. Changing ModBus Parameters
The ModBus address can be changed by selecting Node under
the RS-485 A -> ModBus RTU item.
Likewise for BACnet, the baud rate and other serial
communication parameters can be changed by scrolling down to
and selecting RS-485 -> BACnet MS/TP Server. The BACnet
MAC Address can be changed by selecting Node under the
RS-485 A->BACnet MS/TP Server.
Warning: Do not change any other values other than these or the
gateway conguration may not function properly. In this
case, the le saved above can be reloaded to start over.
When changes are complete press the Download Conguration icon:
Figure 3. Changing BACnet Parameters
Figure 4. ICC ETH-1000 (Ethernet) Version
• Works with Cyclone (BTH, BTX-100, BTXL-100, DVE, DSE/
• Use the ICC Control to enable/disable the water heater.
• Change Temperature Set points and differentials.
• Two models with four different congurations to connect to
BACnet and Modbus.
• Ethernet and Serial RS-485 versions available.
• Two-wire or four-wire RS-485 versions available.
Table 2. ICC Versions
KitConnectionPart Number
MiriusSerial - RS485 (RTU/MS/TP)100316044
ETH-1000Ethernet - RJ-45100316045
Figure 5. ICC Merius Serial RS-485 Version
• Power can be supplied via the USB cable, as a 7-24 VDC
input on the main termainal block, or via IEEE 802.3af Power
over Ethernet (PoE on ETH-1000 only).
• Congure protocols, network characteristics, and client/server
object denitions.
• Graphically interact with the interal database in real-time via
the USB connection.
• Automatically discover and congure IP settings Ethernet
gateways connected to the current subnet.
• Update rmware.
Brown/White Wire*
Brown Wire*
Blue/White Wire*
From 9 VDC Power Adapter Cable
Figure 6 shows the standard conguration of the Ethernet modules.
The module has connections for 9 VDC power, three wire
connections for the communication cable, and a port for the
connection of the EMS system through Ethernet RJ-45 cable or
serial communications.
Figure 6. Standard Conguration for Ethernet Modules
Connecting of the power adapter and the boiler or water heater
communication cable to the module is accomplished on the same
end of the unit. Figure 7 is a close up of the connection terminal
and Figure 8 shows the appropriate connection to the strip using
the power adapter and communication cable.
The provided communication cable has two RJ-45 plugs.
Remove one with a wire cutter, then locate and strip the 3 wires
described below and strip 1/2 inch of insulation before connecting.
Figure 7. Connecting the Power Adapter
The connections in Figure 8 are the same regardless of the
appliance or the communication protocol.
At the opposite end of the module is the connection location for
the EMS LAN connection. The EMS uses an Ethernet connection
with an RJ-45 connector. Plug the cable into the RJ-45 receptacle.
When connecting the RS-485A connections, please note the
For 2-wire systems, jumper terminal A to Y. Also jumper B to Z.
Connect the RX/TX+ (plus) wire from your Building Management
System to terminal A/Y. Connect the RX/TX– (minus) wire from
your Building Management System to terminal B/Z.
*From Communication Cable
Figure 8. Connections from the Communications and Power Adapter Cables
RS 485
Black Wire
Black/White Wire†
For more information on connecting the ICC Gateway to your
Building Management System, please refer to the User Manual
provided on the enclosed USB key in the “Documents” folder. The
two applicable documents will be found in the Manuals.
Figure 9 shows the he standard conguration of the module. Port A
of the module has connections for 9 VDC power, three wire
connections for the communication (breakout) cable, for Serial
communications to the water heater/boiler.
Figure 10 is a close up of the connection terminal and Figure 11
shows the appropriate connection to the strip using the power
adapter and communication cable.
Figure 9. Mirius Unit with Communications Terminal
* From Communicaon Cable
Figure 10. Close-Up View of Connection Terminal
The provided communication cable has two RJ-45 plugs.
Remove one with a wire cutter, then locate and strip the 3 wires
described below and strip 1/2 inch of insulation before connecting.
Blue/White Wire*
Brown Wire*
Brown/White Wire*
†From 9VDC Power Adapter Cable
Figure 11. Mirius Wiring Schematic
The connections in Figure 11 are the same regardless of the
appliance or the communication protocol.
At the opposite end, Port B of the module is the connection
location for the EMS/BMS connection. See Figure 12. For
connections to the terminal use the labeling on the module as a
When connecting the RS-485A connections (BACnet or Modbus)
please note the following:
• Only 2-wire systems are supported
• Connect the RX/TX+ (plus) wire from your Building
Management System to terminal RX/D+. Connect the RX/
TX– (minus) wire from your Building Management System to
terminal TX/D-.
Black/White Wire†
Black Wire†
Figure 12. Mirius Port B Terminal
There are two types of displays to consider when installing the
ICC gateway modules to the water heaters, the older type with
membrane switches and the newer style with a touch screen. The
new touch screen style display does not need the provided
RJ-485 splitter and it can be discarded.
Follow the directions under general guidelines for connecting the
module to the Energy Management System and power. This
section will guide the installer on how to mount and connect the
module to the water heater. The control box and mounting location
on the water heater is on the top of the unit behind the display
module. See Figure 13.
Connection of the RJ-45 end of the communication cable to the
heater is required to plug into J13 of the control board inside the
“black controls box” (for newer models) requiring removal of two
screws holding the lid on. After plugging in the communications
cable, route the cable to the bottom side with the other cables and
put the lid back on with the two screws.
If the control board is in a “grey controls box” (for older model),
double check to make sure the display is not one with membrane
switches below and to the right of the display. If the display uses
membrane switches, please follow directions under the section
has a grey box and is a touch screen display (replacement of
original) then the communications cable must be plug inside the
box to J9 or J10. This will require removal of the two screws
holding the lid on. After plugging in the communications cable,
route the cable to the right side with the other cables and put the
lid back on with the two screws.
Figure 13. Controller Location (BTH or BTX models)
Removal of the top is not required, but it may be helpful to remove
the control box lid. Use a ladder to access the top of taller water
Next locate the upper temperature probe and exhaust switch.
Position the module between the two about 1 inch from the central
burner opening. For the 500 MBTUH Model this would be next to
the upper temperature probe.
Figure 14. Location of Exhaust Switch and Upper Temperature Probe
Connect the three wires from the end of the communication cable
to the module in Accordance with page 4. Once the unit is
installed and connected, the building management system can be
connected to the appropriate connection point on the module.
Figure 15. Clearance of ICC Unit from Central Burner Opening
Normally the commercial electric heaters have a display with
membrane switches, but may have had a replacement touch
screen or future models may one day include touch screens. If
this heater has membrane switches on the bottom and right of the
display, then see the section below COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC
Follow directions under general guidance for connecting module
to the Energy Management System and power. This section will
guide the installer on how to mount and connect the module to the
water heater.
The module should be located where it will not interfere with the
door or in a location that is acceptable to the customer. Care
should be exercised to avoid drilling the self-tapping screws into
electrical or sensitive components. Electrical power should be
disconnected before proceeding with ICC installation.
Using a flat blade screwdriver, loosen the screws holding the door
of the unit. See Figure B1. Swing the door to the open position
and locate the control board.
Figure 16. Opening the Control Board Compartment Door
Locate the module on the top of the door cabinet approximately 1
inch from the water heater jacket and on the centerline of the unit
(See Figure 17 and Figure 18).
Figure 17. ICC Location Relative to Water Heater Jacket
Figure 18. ICC Location Relative to Centerline
Remove the hole plug from the 0.875” knockout on the left corner
of the top panel. See Figure 19.
Plug the communications cable into D9 and run the three wire
connection up through the knockout and connect the three wires
to the module as shown on page 4. Once the unit is installed and
connected, the building management system can be connected to
the appropriate connection point on the module.
Figure 19. Location of Communications Wiring Knockout
Follow the directions under general guidelines for connecting the
module to the Energy Management System and power. This
section will guide the installer on how to mount and connect the
module to the water heater.
The control box and mounting location on the water heater is on
the top of the unit behind the display module. See Figure 20.
Figure 20. Locating the Control Box
Removal of the top is not required. Use a ladder to access the top
of taller water heaters. Locate the back of the display as shown in
Figure 21. Disconnect the RJ45 plug from the display and connect
the RJ45 plug from the split communication cord into the display
receptacle. Plug the display communication cord back into the
receptacle on the split communication cord as shown in Figure 22.
Plug the supplied wiring harness with the gateway controller into
the remaining open RJ45 port on the Split Communication cord.
Figure 21. Locating the Back of the Display
Figure 23. Locating Upper Temperature Probe and Exhaust Switch
Figure 24. Connecting the Communications Cable to the Module
Connect the three wires from the end of the communication cable
to the module in accordance with Figure 24. Once the unit is
installed and connected, the building management system can be
connected to the appropriate connection point on the module.
Follow directions in Device Congurations(page 6) for connecting the
module to the Energy Management System and power. This
section will guide the installer on how to mount and connect the
module to the water heater.
The module should be located where it will not interfere with the
door or in a location that is acceptable to the customer. Care
should be exercised to avoid drilling the self tapping screws into
electrical or sensitive components. Electrical power should be
disconnected before proceeding with ICC installation.
Using a flat blade screwdriver, loosen the screws holding the door
of the unit. See Figure 25.
Swing the door to the open position and locate the back of the
display module. See Figure 26.
Figure 22. Reconnecting the Communication cord to the Receptacle
Next locate the upper temperature probe and exhaust switch. See
Figure 23. Position the module between the two about 1 inch from
the central burner opening. See Figure 24. For the 500 MBTUH
model this would be next to the upper temperature probe.
Figure 25. Loosening the Screws to the Door of the Unit
Unplug the display communication cable from the display. Plug
the RJ45 plug from the split communication cable into the back of
the display. See Figure 27.
Plug the display cable into the split cable receptacle as shown in
Figure 28. Plug the supplied wiring harness with the gateway
controller into the remaining open RJ45 port on the Split
Communication cable (Not shown).
Locate the module on the top of the door cabinet approximately 1
inch from the water heater jacket and on the centerline of the unit
(See Figure 29 and Figure 30).
Figure 29. Locating the Module
Figure 26. Locating the Communications Cable on Back of the
Figure 27. Reconnecting RJ45 Plug from Split Communication Cable
Figure 30. Module Location Relative to Centerline
Remove the hole plug from the 0.875” knockout on the left corner
of the top panel. See Figure 31.
Run the three wire connection from the split cable up and through
the knockout and connect the three wires to the module as shown
on page 4. Once the unit is installed and connected, the building
management system can be connected to the appropriate
connection point on the module.
Figure 28. Connecting the Display Cable to Split Cable Receptacle
Figure 31. Knockout on Left Corner of Top Panel
Follow directions under general guidance for connecting module to the Energy Management System and power. This section will guide
the installer on how to mount and connect the module to the boiler.
Open the door on the low voltage wiring box on the back side of the heater to see the terminal strip where to connect the gateway to the
boiler as shown in Figure 32
Figure 32. Boiler Terminal Strip
Inside the cover of the box shows the wiring legend for the terminal strip (see Figure 33).
Figure 33. Terminal Strip Wiring Legend
Place the Gateway on top of the heater or conveniently nearby.
Locate a knock out on the right side of the low voltage box to run the communication cable through to the inside of the low voltage box.
The boiler does not have an RJ-45 connector as do the water heaters to connect Port A of the gateway, so the plug on the other end of
the communications cable must also be cut off with a wire cutter. Locate and strip the insulation ½ inch from the brown, brown/white
and blue/white wires. Connect the brown/white wire to COM2_A, the brown wire to COM2_B, and the blue/white wire to COM2_C.
Two versions of the ECC are available as follows:
BACnet / Gas Water Heaters
Product Model Number:
Product Version:
BACnet Protocol Revision:
The following sections describe the ECC communications characteristics available with each of the following types of water heaters:
• BACnet/Gas
• BACnet/Electric
• BACnet/Boilers
• ModBus/Gas
• ModBus/Electric
ICC Gateway (for use with XiTM and MXiTM Gas Water Heaters)
• 100316044 (Mirius for BACnet MT/TP)
• 100316045 (ETH-1000 for BACnet IP)
V3.000 (Mirius) or
V4.001 or greater (ETH-1000)
12 (135-2010)
Figure 34. Cyclone Xi Gas Water Heaters (Virtual BACnet device via ICC Gateway)
The Mirius is a multiprotocol RS-485 to RS-485 gateway. The ETH-1000 is an Ethernet to RS-485 multiprotocol gateway. These
products supports native BACnet, connecting directly to IP or the MS/TP LAN using baud rates of 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
76800, and 115200. As shipped the devices are congured as a BACnet Server.
All XI™ MXi™ controls provide communications via propriety protocol with the ICC Gateway. The Mirius supports BACnet MS/TP
communications and the ETH-1000 supports BACnet/IP to access data available at the display plus control of a limited number of