Industrial Control Communications, Inc. reserves the right to make changes and
improvements to its products without providing notice.
Industrial Control Communications, Inc. shall not be liable for technical or
editorial omissions or mistakes in this manual, nor shall it be liable for incidental
or consequential damages resulting from the use of information contained in this
DEVICES OR SYSTEMS. Life-support devices or systems are devices or
systems intended to sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly
used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling and user's
manual, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury.
No complex software or hardware system is perfect. Bugs may always be
present in a system of any size. In order t o prev ent danger t o l if e or property, it is
the responsibility of the system designer to incorporate redundant protective
mechanisms appropriate to the risk involved.
This user’s manual may not cover all of the variations of interface applications,
nor may it provide information on every possible contingency concerning
installation, programming, operation, or maintenance.
The contents of this user’s manual shall not become a part of or modify any prior
agreement, commitment, or relationship between the customer and Industrial
Control Communications, Inc. The sales contract contains t he entire obligation of
Industrial Control Communications, Inc. The warranty contained in the contract
between the parties is the sole warranty of Industrial Control Communications,
Inc., and any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or
modify the existing warranty.
Any electrical or mechanical modificat ions to this equipment without prior written
consent of Industrial Control Communications, Inc. will void all warranties and
may void any UL/cUL listing or other safety certifications. Unauthorized
modifications may also result in equipment damage or personal injury.
•Please use the interface only when the ambient temperature of the
Operating Environment
Installation and Wiring
Usage Precautions
environment into which the unit is installed is within the following
specified temperature limits:
Congratulations on your purchase of the ICC ETH-1000 Multiprotocol Ethernet
Communications Gateway. This gateway allows information to be transferred
seamlessly between various industrial Ethernet networks and one of several RS485-based networks. In addition to the supported fieldbus protocols, the gateway
hosts a USB interface for configuring the gateway via a PC.
Before using the gateway, please familiarize yourself with the product and be
sure to thoroughly read the instructions and precautions contained in this
manual. In addition, please make sure that this instruction manual is delivered to
the end user of the gateway, and keep this instruction manual in a safe place for
future reference or unit inspection.
For the latest information, support software and firmware releases, please visit
Before continuing, please take a moment to ensure that you have received all
materials shipped with your kit. These items are:
• ETH-1000 Gateway in plastic housing
• Doc um ent at ion CD-ROM
• DIN rail adapter w it h two pre-mounted screws
• Four black rubber feet
• USB cable
Note that different gateway firmware versions may provide varying levels of
support for the various protocols. For optimal performance, always ensure that
you are using the latest version of the ICC Configuration Studio and included
This manual will primarily be concerned with the gateway’s hardware
specifications, installation, wiring, configuration and operational characteristics.
To maximize the abilities of your new gateway, a working familiarity with this
manual will be required. This manual has been prepared for the gateway
installer, user, and maintenance personnel. With this in mind, use this manual to
develop a system familiarity before attempting to install or operate the gateway.
• 300
• 2400
• 4800
• 38400
• 57600
Supporte d P rotocols
The gateway provides support for a variety of Ethernet and RS-485 based
fieldbus protocols. Refer to section 11 and section 12 for detailed information on
each specific supported driver.
Supporte d Ba ud Rates
The gateway supports the following baud rates on the RS-485 port:
• 600
• 1200
Note that not all protocols support every baud rate listed above. Refer to section
11 for more information.
As new firmware becomes available, the gateway can be upgraded in the field by
the end-user. Refer to section 8.1 for more information.
USB Inter f a c e
The gateway can be connected to a PC via a USB mini type-B cable. This
simultaneously supplies power while providing the ability to configure the
gateway, monitor data, and update firmware on the device using the ICC
Configuration Studio. Refer to section 8.1 for more information.
USB Virtual COM Port Int e rface
The gateway can be configured to enumerate as a USB virtual COM port,
allowing a PC to directly communicate to the gateway using any supported serial
protocol, tunnel through the gateway to communicate on the connected RS-485
bus, or capture network traffic on the RS-485 port without impacting
communications. Refer to section 8.2.2 for more information.
Power over Ethernet (PoE) Enabled
The gateway can be externally powered according to the PoE specification (IEEE
802.3af). Refer to section 5.2 for more information.
Alarm Eva luation wit h E m a il Notification
The gateway can autonomously monitor any database address and send emails
to up to four recipients when a certain condition is detected. Alarm conditions
have both value and time constraints, and can be configured to retrigger at a
fixed interval as long as the alarm condition continues to be satisfied. Twenty
individually-configurable alarms are available. Refer to section 8.4.1 for more
• 9600
• 19200
• 76800
• 115200
Embedded Web Server
The gateway supports real-time web browser-based interaction via an Adobe®
Flash Player plug-in. This includes support for configuration, database
interaction, and a dashboard GUI with multiple panels, each of which can be
configured to display data in a variety of meter/graph/gauge formats. Refer to
section 10 for more information.
User-Configur a ble Networ k Timeouts
The gateway can be configured to perform a specific set of actions when network
communications are lost. This allows each address in the database to have its
own unique “fail-safe” condition in the event of network interruption (support for
this feature varies depending on the protocol). Refer to section 8.4.2 f or more
PLC-Style Da t a ba s e Manipu la t ion Operations
A variety of database logic operations are included which provide PLC-style
manipulation of database values. Categories such as logical, arithmetic and
filtering operations allow for autonomous control over value modification and data
movement within the database. High-level signal conditioning is also realizable
via the construction of compound formulas derived from the elemental building
block operations provided. Refer to section 8.4.3 for more information.
Flexible Mounting Ca pabilit ie s
The gateway includes all hardware for desktop, panel/wall and DIN-rail mounting
capabilities. Refer to section 6.1 for more information.
3. Gateway Concepts
The ETH-1000 is a member of the Millennium Series communication gateways.
Members of this family are designed to provide a uniform interface, configuration
and application experience. This commonality reduces the user’s learning curve,
reducing commissioning time while simplifying support. All Millennium Series
gateways are configured using the ICC Configuration Studio. The ETH-1000
provides simultaneous support for many different communication protocols,
allowing complex interchanges of data between otherwise incompatible
The heart of the Millennium Series concept is its internal database. The database
is a 4 KB, byte-wise addressable data array. This provides a total size of 4096
bytes for the entire database, referred to as DB
The database allows data to be routed from any supported network to any other
supported network. Data may be stored into the database in either big-endian
style (meaning that if a 16-bit or 32-bit value is stored in the database, the most
significant byte will start at the lowest address) or little-endian style (meaning that
if a 16-bit or 32-bit value is stored in the database, the least significant byte will
start at the lowest address).
The other fundamental aspect of the Millennium Series is the concept of a
configurable “service object”. A service object is used for any master/client
protocol to describe what service (read or write) is to be requested on the
network. The gateway will cycle through the defined service objects in a roundrobin fashion; however, the gateway does implement a “write first” approach.
This means that the gateway will perform any outstanding write services before
resuming its round-robin, read request cycle.
Additionally, the database and service objects provide the added benefit of “data
mirroring”, whereby current copies of data values (populated by a service object)
are maintained locally within the gateway itself. This greatly reduces the requestto-response latency times on the various networks, as requests (read or write)
can be entirely serviced locally, thereby eliminating the time required to execute
a secondary transaction on a different network.
In order to facilitate the free scaling and conversion of native data values, a userconfigurable “multiplier” and “data type” exist for some network configurations. All
network values are scaled by a multiplier prior to being stored into the database
or after being retrieved from the database. The data type is used to determine
how many bytes are allocated for the value in the database, whether the value
should be treated as signed or unsigned, and whether the value should be
interpreted as an integer or a floating point number upon retrieval from the
A typical use of the multiplier feature is to preserve the fractional components of
a network value for insertion into the database. For example, if the floating-point
value “3.19” is read by the gateway from a remote BACnet device, then we could
use a multiplier value of 0.01 to preserve all of the significant digits of this value:
the network representation (3.19) will be divided by the multiplier value (0.01) to
in the protocol driver manuals.
obtain a resultant value of 319, which will then be inserted into the database.
Similarly, when a value in the database corresponding to a specific service object
is changed (which therefore requires that this updated value be written to the
associated remote device on the network), the service object’s multiplier value
will first be multiplied by the database value in order to obtain the resultant
network value. For example, if 3000 is written to the database at a location
corresponding to a certain service object on the other port, and that service
object’s multiplier value is 0.1, then the database value (3000) will be multiplied
by the multiplier value (0.1) to obtain the resultant network value of 300.0, which
will then be written to the network as a native floating point value.
An appropriate data type should be selected based on the range of the network
data values. For example, if the value of an Analog Output on a remote BACnet
device can vary from –500 to 500, a 16-bit signed data type should be used. If
the value can only vary from 0 to 150, for example, an 8-bit unsigned data type
may be used. Care must be taken so that a signed data type is selected if
network data values can be negative. For example, if 0xFF is written to the
database at a location corresponding to a service object with an 8-bit unsigned
data type, the resultant network value will be 255
However, if 0xFF is written to the database at a location corresponding to a
service object with an 8-bit signed data type, the resultant network value will be
(again, assuming a multiplier of 1). It is also important to select a data type
large enough to represent the network data values. For example, if a value of
257 is read by the gateway from a remote device and the data type
corresponding to that service object is 8-bit unsigned, the value that actually will
be stored is 1 (assuming a multiplier of 1). This is because the maximum value
that can be stored in 8-bits is 255. Any value higher than this therefore results in
The Millennium Series gateways also provide a powerful data-monitoring feature
that allows the user to view and edit the database in real time, as well as view the
status of ser vice objects via the ICC Configuration Studio’s Database panel when
connected via USB to a PC. The ability to interact with the database is also
available via the embedded web server.
When properly configured, the gateway will become essentially “transparent” on
the networks, and the various network devices can engage in seamless dialogs
with each other.
(assuming a multiplier of 1).
4. Precautions and Specifications
Rotating shafts and electrical equipment can be hazardous.
Installation, operation, and maintenance of the gateway shall be
performed by Qualified Pe rsonnel only.
Qualified Personnel shall be:
•Familiar with the construction and function of the gateway, the
equipment being driven, and the hazards involved.
•Trained and authorized to safely clear faults, ground and tag
circuits, energize and de-energize circuits in accordance with
established safety practices.
•Trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in
accordance with established safety practices.
Installation of the gateway should conform to all applicable
Nationa l E le c t rical Code (NEC) Requirements For Electrical
Installations, all regulations of the Occupational Safe t y a nd
Health Admin ist ra tio n, and any other applicable national,
regional, or industry codes and standards.
DO NOT install, operate, perform maintenance, or dispose of this
equipment until you have read and understood all of the following
product warnings and user directions. Failure to do so may result in
equipment damage, operator injury, or death.
4.1 Installation Precautions
•Avoid installation in areas where vibration, heat, humidity, dust,
metal particles, or high levels of electrical noise (EMI) are
•Do not install the gateway where it may be exposed to
flammable chemicals or gasses, water, solvents, or other fluids.
•Where applicable, always ground the gateway to prevent
electrical shock to personnel and to help reduce electrical noise.
Note: Conduit is not an acceptable ground.
•Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed
equipment ratings.
4.2 Maintenance Precautions
•Do Not attempt to disassemble, modify, or repair the gateway.
Contact your ICC sales representative for repair or service
•If the gateway should emit smoke or an unusual odor or sound,
turn the power off immediately.
•The system should be inspected periodically for damaged or
improperly functioning parts, cleanliness, and to determine that
all connectors are tightened securely.
4.3 Inspection
Upon receipt, perform the following checks:
• Inspect the unit for shipping damage.
• Chec k for loos e, broken, damaged or missing parts.
Report any discrepancies to your ICC sales representative.
4.4 Maintenance and Inspection Procedure
Preventive maintenance and inspection is required to maintain the gateway in its
optimal condition, and to ensure a long operational lifetime. Depending on usage
and operating conditions, perform a periodic inspection once every three to six
Inspection Points
•Chec k that there are no defects in any attached wire terminal crimp points.
Visually check that the crimp points are not scarred by overheating.
• V is ually check all wiring and cables for damage. Replace as necessary.
• Clean of f any accumulated dust and dirt.
• If us e of the interface is discontinued for extended periods of time, apply
power at least once every two years and confirm that the unit still functions
•Do not perf orm hi-pot tests on the interface, as they may damage the unit.
Please pay close attention to all periodic inspection points and maintain a good
operating environment.
Indoors, less than 1000m above sea level, do not
4.5 Storage
•S t ore t he device in a well-ventilated location (in its shipping carton, if
•A v oid storage l ocations with extreme temperatures, high humidity, dust, or
metal particles.
4.6 Warranty
This gateway is covered under warranty by ICC, Inc. for a period of 12 months
from the date of installation, but not to exceed 18 months from the date of
shipment from the factory. For further warranty or service information, please
contact Industrial Control Communications, Inc. or your local distributor.
4.7 Disposal
•Contact the local or state environmental agency in your area for details on
the proper disposal of electrical components and packaging.
•Do not dis pose of the unit via incineration.
4.8Environmental Specifications
Item Specification
Operating Environment
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Relative Humidity
Grounding Non-isolated, referenced to power ground
Cooling Method Self-cooled
This device is lead-free / RoHS-compliant.
expose to direct sunlight or corrosive / explosive
-10 ∼ +60°C (+14 ∼ +140°F)
-40 ∼ +85°C (-40 ∼ +185°F)
20% ∼ 90% (without condensation)
{0.6G} or less (10 ∼ 55Hz)
Gateway Overview (Front)
RS-485 TX
Shielded RJ45
Ethernet jack
USB connector
Ethernet activity
LED (green)
Ethernet link LED
Module Status (MS) and
Network St atus (NS) LEDs
MAC ID (on bottom)
Chassis GND
RS-485 terminals
Power termi nal s
Gateway Overview (Back)
5.Gateway Overview
and RX LEDs
5.1 Power Supply Electrical Interface
When the gateway is not plugged into a PC via the USB cable, it must be
powered by an external power source or via Power over Ethernet (PoE: refer to
section 5.2). When using an external power source connected to the gateway’s
power and ground terminals, ensure that the power supply adheres to the
following specifications:
Voltage rating ........................ 7 - 24VDC
Minimum Current rating.......... 150m A (@24VDC)
•ICC offers an optional 120VAC/12V DC power supply (ICC part number
10755) that can be used to power the gateway from a standard wall outlet.
•The power supply must be connected to the gateway’s terminal block at
terminals TB:5 (POWER) and TB:6 (GND) as highlighted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Terminal Block P ow e r Supply Connections
5.2Ethernet Port
The gateway supports an IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet port.
The Ethernet port accepts standard CAT5-type 8-conductor unshielded twistedpair (UTP) patch cables. The single Ethernet port supports multiple simultaneous
protocols. The port is set for auto-negotiation to automatically select the network
speed and duplex.
5.3 Power over Ethernet (PoE)
The gateway supports the IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet (PoE) standard as
a mode A or mode B powered device (PD). In mode A, the Ethernet jack pins 12 (pair #2 in T568B wiring) form one side of the DC supply and pins 3-6 (pair #3
in T568B) form the other side. These are the same two pairs used for data
transmission in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX, allowing the provision of both power
and data over only two pairs in such networks.
In mode B, the Ethernet jack pins 4-5 (pair #1 in both T568A and T568B cabling
standards) form one side of the DC supply and pins 7-8 (pair #4 in both T568A
and T568B) provide the return; these are the "spare" pairs in 10BASE-T and
100BASE-TX. Mode B power transmission, therefore, requires the use of a full
4-pair Ethernet cable.
The gateway enumerates itself as a power level class 0 device (12.95W max.
indicated consumption). T h e use of PoE endspan (“PoE switch”) or midspan
(“power injector”) power sourcing equipment (PSE) provides for the ability to
power the gateway without the necessity of connecting a dedicated power supply
to the power supply terminal block.
5.4 RS-485 Port Electrical Interface
In order to ensure appropriate network conditions (signal voltage levels, etc.)
when using the gateway’s RS-485 port, some knowledge of the network interface
circuitry is required. Refer to Figure 2 for a simplified network schematic of the
RS-485 interface circuitry. The port has 4 terminals for four-wire communication.
For two-wire communication, connect a jumper wire between TB:1 (A / RXD+)
and TB:3 (Y / TXD+) and a wire between TB:2 (B / RXD-) and TB:4 (Z / TXD-).
Figure 2: RS-485 Interface Circuitry Schematic
Figure 3 highlights the terminals on the gateway’s terminal block that are specific
to RS-485 connections.
Figure 3: Termina l Bloc k RS -485 C onnections
6. Installation
The gateway’s installation procedure will vary slightly depending on the mounting
method used. Before mounting the gateway, install the 4 black rubber feet
(Figure 4) onto the bottom of the enclosure.
Figure 4: R ubber Feet
6.1Mounting the Gateway
The gateway may be mounted on a panel, a wall or a DIN rail. In all cases, the
gateway is mounted using the two keyhole-shaped screw holes on the bottom of
the enclosure. A DIN rail adapter with two pre-mounted screws is provided for
mounting the gateway on a DIN rail. The user must choose the appropriate
hardware for mounting the gateway on a panel or wall. When choosing screws
for panel or wall mounting, ensure the head size matches the keyhole screw
holes on the back of the enclosure. The following describes the method for the
two mounting options.
6.1.1 Panel / Wall Mounting
To mount the gateway on a panel or wall, drill two holes 25mm apart vertically.
Screw two screws into the holes and mount the gateway on the screws.
Figure 5: Pa nel / Wa ll Mounting Dia gram
6.1.2 DIN Rail Mounting
The DIN rail adapter (Figure 6) can clip onto 35mm and G-type rails. To mount
the gateway to a DIN rail, clip the DIN rail adapter onto the DIN rail and mount
the gateway on the screws (the screws should already be seated into the adapter
at the proper height). Refer to Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9.
Figure 6: D IN Rail Adapte r
Figure 8: U nit w it h Attached
DIN Rail Ada pt e r
Figure 7: D IN Rail Adapte r Attachment
Figure 9: Ex a m ple Insta lla tion
6.2 Wiring Connections
Note that in order to power the unit, a power supply must also be installed. Refer
to sections 5.1 and 5.2 for more information.
1. Mount the unit via the desired method (refer to section 6.1).
2. Connect the various networks to their respective plugs/terminal blocks.
Ensure that any wires are fully seated into their respective terminal blocks,
and route the network cables such that they are located well away from any
electrical noise sources, such as adjustable-speed drive input power or
motor wiring. Also take care to route all cables away f rom any sharp edges
or positions where they may be pinched.
3. Take a moment to verify that the gateway and all network cables have
sufficient clearance from electrical noise sources such as drives, motors, or
power-carrying electrical wiring.
4. If not using PoE, connect an external power supply to the gateway’s RS-485
terminal block on the terminals labeled POWER and GND. Pay particular
attention to the proper polarity.
6.3 Grounding
Grounding is of particular importance for reliable, stable operation.
Communication system characteristics may vary from system to system,
depending on the system environment and grounding method used.
The gateway has one logic ground located on the RS-485 terminal block, which
serves as the ground reference for both power and RS-485 communication
Note that there is a single chassis ground terminal adjacent to the RS-485
terminal block. This chassis ground terminal is NOT internally connected to the
“GND” terminal on the RS-485 terminal block. Do not make any logic grounding
connections to the chassis ground terminal.
Please be sure to consider the following general points for making proper ground
Grounding method c he c kpoints
1. Make all ground connections such that no ground current flows through the
case or heatsink of a connected electrical device.
2. Do not connect the gateway’s GND terminal to a power ground or any other
potential noise-producing ground connection (such as an adjustable-speed
drive’s “E” terminal).
3. Do not make connections to unstable grounds (paint-coated screw heads,
grounds that are subjected to inductive noise, etc.)
A fatal error has occurred. The number of sequential
the error code.
No power / no IP address / no PROFINET IO
Gateway has an IP address and one or more
have been established with a client
Gateway has an IP address but no EtherNet/IP
connections have been established with a client
7. LED Indicators
The gateway contains several different LED indicators, each of which conveys
important information about the status of the unit and connected networks. These
LEDs and their functions are summarized here.
7.1 Module/Network Status
The gateway has two dichromatic, stacked LEDs to indicate the status of the
module (MS) and the status of the Ethernet/IP network server driver (NS). On
startup, the LEDs blink a startup sequence: green-red-green-red. Always confirm
this sequence upon powering the gateway to ensure the device is functioning
properly. Refer to Table 1 and Table 2 for further details.
Table 1: Module Status LED
LED State Indication
Off No power
Green Gateway has power and is functioning normally
Flashing Green The gateway has established a USB connection
Flashing Red
Alternating Red/Green Startup sequence
Table 2: EtherNet/IP Network Status LED
LED State Indication
Flashing Green
Red Critical link failure / duplicate IP address
Flashing Red One or more EtherNet/IP connection s ti me d -out
Alternating Red/Green Startup sequence
blinks (followed by 2 seconds of OFF time) indicates
EtherNet/IP or PROFINE T IO server connections
7.2 RS-485 Network Status
The gateway has one red and one green LED to indicate the status of the RS485 network.
Green (TX) LED ..... Lights when the gateway is transmitting data on the RS-485
Red (RX) LED........ Lights when the gateway is receiving data on the RS-485
port. Note that this does not indicate the validity of the data
with respect to a particular protocol: only that data exists and
is being detected. Also note that if a 2-wire RS-485 network
is in use, that the gateway’s RX LED will light in conjunction
with the TX LED (as transmitting devices on 2-wire RS-485
networks also receive their own transmissions).
7.3 Ethernet Status
The Ethernet jack contains two embedded LEDs which indicate the status of the
Ethernet physical layer
Amber LED ............ Et herne t link: lit whenever a viable Ethernet network is
connected to the port. The LED must be lit for any Ethernet
communication to occur.
Green LED ............ Et he rnet Activity: blinks briefly when Ethernet packets are
sent or received. The LED may appear solid green if there is
a large amount of network traffic.
8. Configuration Concepts
8.1 ICC Configuration Studio
The gateway can be configured by a PC via a USB mini type-B cable. This
connection provides power to the device, so there is no need for any ext ernal
power supply while the gateway is attached to the PC.
The gateway is configured by the ICC Configuration Studio PC application, and
this section will provide only a brief introduction to the configuration concepts. For
more detailed information on how to install and use the Configuration Studio,
refer to the separately-available training resources.
Offline Device Configuration
A device can be added to the Project panel for offline configuration by first
selecting the Offline Dev ic e s list heading and then:
• Double-c lic king on it in the Availa ble De vices panel.
• Right-clicking on it in the Available Devices panel a nd c hoos ing Add from
the context-sensitive menu.
•Hi tting the <ENTER> key on the keyboard when the device is selected in the AvailableDevices panel.
•Dragging it from the Available Devic e s panel into the Project panel.
The device will then be added to the list of Offline Devic es. A valid offline
configuration can be downloaded to a compatible online device at any time.
Online Device Configurati on
All connected devices are automatically loaded and added to the list of Online
Devices. When a device is disconnected, its configuration is moved to the list o f
Offline Devices.
Removing an Offline Device from a Project
An offline device can be removed from a project by:
•Selecting the device in the Project panel and dragging it. A trash can icon
will appear at the bottom of the Project panel, and dragging the device to
the trash will then delete it from the project.
•Hit t ing t he <DELETE> key on the keyboard when the device is selected in
the Project panel.
•Right-clicking on the device in the Project panel and choos in g Remove from
the context-sensitive menu.
•Selecting Remove Selected Item from the Edit menu when the device is
•Clic king on the Remove button in the toolbar when the device is selected.
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