D.2.1 Position Analyzer (PA) 51
D.2.2 Position Inspector (PI) 51
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Machine Tool Console
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1 Introduction
Welcome to the Machine Tool Console manual. IBS Precision Engineering offers a family of solutions
for quality control of machine tool geometrical accuracy. This family includes the four applications:
1. Position Inspector;
2. Position Analyzer;
3. Rotary Inspector;
4. Rotary Analyzer.
Users may apply up to four of these applications at any time on their machine tools. The Machine
Tool Console acts as a central portal for these applications providing the following key functions:
• Communication between the Trinity measuring head and the software application is
established by the Machine Tool Console;
• Selection of measuring heads (supervisor level only).
For the Position Inspector only the following is also managed through the Machine Tool Console:
• Definition of the following within a local database:
o Machines;
Tolerance levels;
• Vibration threshold levels.
Supervisor level only
Figure 1-1: Software overview
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INSPECTOR systems are typically used for production monitoring. Machine-integrated and
workshop robust, they provide rapid qualification of cutting position, rotary table characteristics or
spindle behaviour. Simple go/no-go testing supports machine management and reduces out-oftolerance products; data logging makes essential maintenance planning easy.
ANALYZER systems are typically for advanced users; such as machine tool builders, developers or
maintenance providers. They offer fully calibrated, in-depth measurement and feedback capability.
Machine acceptance, qualification, compensation, alignment and diagnostics are common
Brief description:
The Position Inspector combines the Trinity
probe with a set of separate master balls.
These master balls are mounted or even
fixed permanently to the machine’s table. The
position of these master balls is measured
periodically (i.e. each hour) and the
measured ball position is compared to the
initial ball position. In this way the long term
stability of a machine tool is monitored
throughout its entire working volume.
The Position Analyzer combines the Trinity
probe with a CMM calibrated ball beam. This
ball beam is mounted parallel to a linear
machine axis and the position of these balls
is measured according to ISO 230-2. By
comparing the measured ball positions with
the calibrated ball positions three error
motions of the linear axis are measured
simultaneously in about 5-10 minutes:
1. Linearity
2. Vertical straightness
3. Horizontal straightness
This application can be considered as 3
classic laser interferometer measurements
The Rotary Inspector uses the Trinity probe
in combination with a single master ball. The
displacement of the master ball is measured
while the machine executes a predefined cycle with at least one rotary axis active. This
application is of interest to check the
accuracy of five-axis machine tools with a
high degree of automation. Measurements
described in ISO 10791-6 are implemented
and used typically. A machine and
measurement type data base is used to
measure many machines with little effort.
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The Rotary Analyzer also combines the
Trinity probe with a single master ball but is
typically used by high level machine operator
and machine experts. Measurements can be
generated and analyzed with a high degree
of flexibility. Many options are implemented
to be able to measure any five-axis machine
tool. Often the pivot line of a rotary axis
requires correction which are calculated and
entered into the machine’s controller.
Squareness errors of a rotary axis for
example are determined with the Rotary
Analyzer only.
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2 Software Installation
System requirements:
Operating system : Windows 7, 32 & 64 bit; Windows 8.1, 64 bit
Memory : 4 GB or more
Hard disk : 180GB or more
USB ports : 1 free port for wireless network adapter.
The software comes in one single installer which installs all parts of the system sequentially. The
sequence consists of the following items:
2.1. The “Machine Tool Database”. This database contains all settings- and configuration
parameters used by the “Machine Tool Console” and all applications which, in turn, are
called by this Console. This database is explained in detail in appendix A.
2.2. The “Machine Tool Console”. This Console is used to select from available applications
listed in 2.3. It will also setup the wireless network.
2.3. Any of the following applications:
• Position Inspector;
• Rotary Inspector;
• Position Analyzer;
• Position Analyzer;
2.4. Installer for the “NetGear A6100” network adapter driver for USB. This network adapter
is used to communicate with the measuring head.
2.5. Batch file running a windows registry correction in case the software operates in a
windows ‘.local’ domain.
In the following sections the installation is described in detail.
Note: Make sure you have administrative rights to perform the software installation.
The installation of the ‘Trinity’ measuring head (Trinity) and its calibration must be performed after
the Machine Tool Console and its database are installed. The description of this installation is
described in section 2.4.
2.1 New installation or upgrade
When installed for the first time, the system will install the database in
“C:\IBSPrecisionEngineering\MachineToolDataBase”. The installer takes care of setting the read
and write permissions for all users in this location.
Upgrading the Machine Tool Console from all previous versions to version 2.1.0 has only
consequences for the location of the database. In the old configuration, the location of the
database is in “C:\Program Files (x86)\IBS Precision Engineering\MachineToolDataBase”. The
upgrade will not affect the existing database in any way. Both databases are identical. After the
upgrade has been performed, the system will still point to the database in the “old” location which
will function perfectly with respect to older datafiles.
2.2 Start of the installation
Running IBS_Start.exe on the application DVD which comes with the system starts the installation.
The following screen appears (Figure 2-1 shows the installer for the Rotary Analyzer):
Figure 2-1: Installation startup
Click “Next”; the following screen appears:
Figure 2-2: Ready to install
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Clicking “Install” will copy the contents of the DVD to a local directory: “C:\MT_Install_xx” (where
xx is an abbreviation of the application to be installed, for instance xx = PI = Position Inspector):
Figure 2-3: Copy DVD contents to a local directory
When copying the data to the local directory is finished, the installation of the complete package
will start in ‘silent’ mode, which means that all parts of the software will be installed without any
interaction of the user/operator.
The order of installation is:
1) Machine Tool Database
2) Machine Tool Console
3) Machine Tool Application (Position Inspector, Rotary Inspector, Position Analyzer or
Rotary Analyzer)
4) Windows driver NetGear A6100 USB Network Adapter.
5) Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader
6) Local network domain check
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2.3 Finalizing the installation
After installing all parts of the software, the final screen appears:
Figure 2-4: Finish installation with a system restart.
Select “Yes, restart the computer now” and click ‘Finish’ to finish the installation. After restart the
‘Machine Tool Console’ is ready for use.
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2.4 Installation of the ‘Trinity’ measuring head and its calibration
To install a new ‘Trinity’ measuring head (Trinity) and its calibration, the Machine Tool Console and
its database must be installed first.
Insert the DVD containing the Trinity calibration installer into the drive and run ‘Setup.bat’: this will
open a command prompt and the automatic installer. Both windows will disappear when the
installation of the new measuring head calibration is finished.
Figure 2-5 Installing new head calibration
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3 Getting started
3.1 System setup
To startup the wireless network and Trinity the following steps are required:
Step 1: Before using the white D-Link Access Point Adapter, check the switch on the top (located
in the red circle in Figure 3-1) is set to ‘Router AP’. Insert the Access Point Adapter into a
power socket. Wait until its LED turns from red to green (this can last half to one minute);
Figure 3-1: D-Link Access Point Adapter.
Step 2: Insert the NetGear A6100 USB Network Adapter in the laptop;
Figure 3-2 NetGear USB Network Adapter
install the appropriate driver associated with it and will assign a unique name to this adapter
(“Wireless Connection x”, where x is representing a number). It is required to rename the adapter
to a name without spaces. A correct name would be ‘TrinityAdapter’ or ‘TrinityAdapter1’.
Step 3: Switch on the measuring head;
Figure 3-3: Location of Trinity measuring head switch.
When the NetGear USB Network Adapter is connected for the first time Windows will
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Step 4: For convenience it is recommended to create a shortcut to the IBS_Console.exe
application on the desktop. The icon of the shortcut is shown in Figure 3-4.
Start the application from this shortcut.
Figure 3-4: Console startup icon.
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3.2 First startup of the application
At first startup of the application the following settings may have to be made:
• Set the absolute path to the machine tool database used by the Console and the
inspector/analyzer applications.
• Add the Console application as a rule to the windows firewall (even if this firewall is not
The above mentioned settings are stored in the Console application.
Below the issues are explained in detail:
3.2.1 Absolute path to the machine tool database
If the path to the machine tool database is not correct at start up the following screen appears:
Figure 3-5: Setup correct path to database.
The application searches for the five directories: Artefacts, Config, Machines, New and Probes,
which are contained in the database. To set the path to this database correctly, select
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The following file search window appears:
Figure 3-6: Finding the ‘Machine Tool Database’.
When the location of these five directories is found and selected , press ‘Current Folder’. This path
is updated into the system configuration.
3.2.2 Add the Console application as a rule to the windows firewall
When the Console application sets up a wireless connection, the following screen may pop up:
Figure 3-7: Adding the Console application to the windows firewall.
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Selecting ‘Allow access’ adds the application to the windows firewall and updates this information
in the windows configuration permanently.
At next startup of the ‘Machine Tool Console’ these issues do not appear again.
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4 Application
4.1 Startup
Each of the four Machine Tool applications can be individually purchased. Only those installed are
activated in the Machine Tool Console. From this control application a start screen displays a
matrix from which the activated application(s) can be selected:
• Position Inspector;
• Rotary Inspector;
• Position Analyzer;
• Rotary Analyzer.
The ‘Spindle’ applications are not described in this manual.
Figure 4-1: Machine Tool Console.
Each of these four applications, if available, can be selected from this Console. Each selection
opens the “Application Settings & Network Setup” program in order to make the necessary and/or
desired setup for the selected application to follow. This program controls the following features:
• Check whether the application is to be run “as administrator” in windows 7;
• Check whether the application is added to the windows firewall;
• Copy machines or edit existing machines;
• Copy measurement types or edit existing measurement types;
• Setup and connect to Trinity;
• Open the selected application (PI, RI, PA or RA);
• Exit without opening the selected application.
Each item is described in detail in the following sections.
All machine and measurement type settings for each application are held in a central database
which is controlled by the Console software. Here machines, measurement types, measuring
heads and network adapters are stored to be selected as desired.
The selections are saved in one windows configuration file: ‘ConsoleConfig.ini’. This file is read
from and written to by the Console software, and ONLY read by the selected application at start
A description of how to use the database is described in section 5; the layout of the database and
the connecting configuration file is described in appendix A.
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4.2 Application settings & network setup
When one of the four main applications is selected (by pressing the appropriate icon), the
“APPLICATION SETTINGS & NETWORK SETUP” program is started and appears with the
following screen (in this case the ‘Rotary Inspector’ is selected):
Figure 4-2 Start screen
The selection field and buttons on the lower right corner of the screen have the following functions:
Probe selection field Here, the probe to be used can be selected without the need of logging
in into the settings (see section 4.2.1).
CONNECT This will setup and start the wireless connection between the application
and the probe (see section 4.2.2).
SETTINGS After logging in into this section, the settings of the wireless connection
can be changed (see section 4.2.3):
1. Select network adapter
2. Select probe
3. Machines can be added, edited or removed from the local
4. Rotary Inspector only: local machines can be linked to machines
in a global database when using the “Rotary Inspector Data
CONTINUE When the wireless connection is established the selected application will
application will be shut down.
SYNCHRONIZE Rotary Inspector only: this button will only appear when the “Rotary
Inspector” is selected AND the Rotary Inspector Data Manager is in use.
Pressing this button will synchronize history data, settings and
measurement results in PDF format with linked machines in the global
database. The Rotary Inspector Data Manager functions are described
in section 6.
EXIT Exits this application returns control to the screen shown in Figure 4-1.
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4.2.1 The “Probe Selection” field
Figure 4-3 Select a probe
Another probe can be selected immediately from the pull down field without logging in into the
‘Settings’ section.
4.2.2 “CONNECT” button
Pressing the “CONNECT” button will show the settings popup screen prior to connection (Fig. 4-4):
Figure 4-4 Settings prior to connection
If the settings are correct, press “ACCEPT” and the network will be setup and the Trinity
connection will be established. See fig. 4-8.
The program automatically checks the status of the selected application and sets up the wireless
network. The progress of this automatic setup is monitored using seven LED’s which turn to green
(success) or red (fail):
The first two LED’s represent the check on the application for the following settings:
1. Setting of the “Run as administrator” option in windows;
2. Setting of the application to be allowed to run in the windows firewall.
The next five LED’s show the entire setup of the wireless network:
3. Load configuration settings of the wireless probe;
4. Setting the correct static IP address on the network adapter;
5. Load wireless network profile into windows;
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6. Connect computer through the access point to the wireless probe;
7. Check connection and start data streaming.
When all LED’s turn to green, the application and wireless network are setup correctly.
If any one of these actions fail, the corresponding LED turns red and the startup sequence is
aborted, asking the user to login (press ‘SETTINGS’) and correct the problem. A description of the
problem is displayed on screen.
If the settings are not correct, i.e. another network adapter and/or probe needs to be selected,
press “REJECT” and login into the settings section by pressing the “SETTINGS” button.
4.2.3 “SETTINGS” button
When another network adapter (NWA) needs to be selected, press “SETTINGS” to login into the
settings section and change the selection of the network adapter. The following login screen will
Figure 4-5 Login
After entering the password (see Appendix C) and ‘Enter’ on the keyboard or ‘OK’ on the screen,
the “SETTINGS” section appears which is divided into four blocks:
Figure 4-6 Settings screen
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In the block at the upper right corner the correct probe and wireless network adapter can be
selected. Note that two wireless network adapters are shown in the list.
Normally, the USB type network adapter (NetGear) which comes with the system is used for this
purpose. It is also possible to select the internal network adapter if one is available. For this
selection it is mandatory to login into the “SETTINGS” section.
Very important note when using the internal network adapter: this adapter is usually setup to work
with a company’s internal wireless network which issues IP-addresses automatically. This
application changes this setting to a fixed IP-address in a specific address range to work with the
‘Trinity’ system which will disconnect the internal network adapter from the company’s wireless
network. It is therefore NOT recommended to use the internal network adapter with the ‘Trinity’
After selecting the proper network adapter and/or probe, the “SETTINGS” section can be closed in
two ways using the buttons in the lower right block:
1. Pressing “RECONNECT”, which will immediately close the “SETTINGS” section and shows
the connection settings as shown in Figure 4-4 from where the connection can be set up.
2. Pressing “EXIT”, which will also close the “SETTINGS” section and will return control to the
previous screen (Figure 4-2).
Both left blocks on the “SETTINGS” section are database related and will be described in section
5: “Database”.
Pressing “ACCEPT” on the network settings popup screen shown in Figure 4-4; the wireless
network will be set up as described in section 4.2.2. Change the password
In this lower right block it is also possible to change the password used to enter the “SETTINGS”
section. Press the button “CHANGE PASSWORD”; the following screen appears:
Figure 4-7 Change password
This password is set initially during installation to “welcome”. It can be changed here by entering
“welcome” as the old password and the new password in the next two fields. The entries must be 7
characters wide.
Additional note: this password will also be used in the applications.
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4.2.4 “CONTINUE” button
When the wireless connection is set up properly, all LED’s on the starting screen will light up green
meaning that the wireless network is properly setup and functioning, see Figure 4-8:
Figure 4-8: Application Setting & Network Setup.
Pressing the “CONTINUE” button hides the Console program and starts the selected application.
This can be done in two modes:
1. All LED’s have turned green as described above: the selected application is started with full
functionality regarding the wireless Trinity system;
2. The setup procedure was aborted (one red LED): the selected application is started without
the functionality of Trinity. In this case only the analysis functionality of the selected
application (if any) is available.
4.2.5 “SYNCHRONIZE” button
This button only appears when the “Rotary Inspector” application is selected on the startup screen
shown in Fig. 4-1.
The function of this button is explained in section 6 where the use of the “Rotary Inspector Data
Manager” is described.
4.2.6 “EXIT” button
Pressing the “EXIT” button closes this program and returns control to the Console matrix (see
Figure 4-1) where another application can be selected or the Console can be terminated.
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4.3 NC code
With all four Machine Tool applications measurements can be performed for which an NC code is
required. The NC code descriptions can be found in the relevant user manual of each application.
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