Ibp WELL TENS User Manual

Electrical nerve stimulator
Instructions for use
1. How will these instructions help you? ....................... 26
2. Background information ............................................
2.1 What is pain? ............................................................
4. Your safety is important to us ...................................
4.1 For what range of use is the Well TENS suitable? ...
4.2 For what range of use is the Well TENS
unsuitable? ...............................................................
4.3 For what areas of application is the Well TENS
suitable? ...................................................................27
4.4 For what areas of application is the Well TENS
unsuitable? ...............................................................28
4.5 Other points to consider ............................................
5. How to protect the Well TENS ..................................
6. Unpacking and checking the goods as supplied .......
7. Inserting the battery ..................................................
8. The controls and displays on the Well TENS ...........
9. Carrying out treatment ..............................................
9.1 What you need to take into account when
carrying out treatment ...............................................
9.2 Where should you not attach the
self-adhesive electrodes? ......................................... 34
9.3 Where can you attach the self-adhesive
electrodes? ............................................................... 34
9.4 How to carry out treatment .......................................
10. Setting up the Well TENS .........................................
10.1 Setting the operating parameters .............................
10.2 Pre-setting the duration of treatment ........................
10.3 Re-setting the timer ..................................................
11. Cleaning and caring for your Well TENS ..................
11.1 Cleaning ....................................................................
11.2 Changing the self-adhesive electrodes .....................
11.3 Changing the battery ................................................
11.4 Storing your Well TENS ............................................
12. What to do if there’s a problem .................................
13. Re-ordering accessories ...........................................
14. Service and Warranty ...............................................
14.1 Service Department ..................................................
14.2 Warranty and indemnity ............................................
15. Waste disposal and care of the environment ............
16. Technical data ...........................................................
17. What do the labels on the Well TENS mean? ..........
18. Examples of treatment using TENS ..........................
18.1 Neck, shoulder and arm pain, headaches
28 29 30 31 32 34
35 37 37 38 38 39 39 39
caused by a problem in the cervical spine ................ 44
18.2 Neck and shoulder pain ............................................
18.3 Pain in the elbow ......................................................
18.4 Pain in the region of the lumbar spine ......................
18.5 Pain in the knee ........................................................
18.6 Pain in the hip ...........................................................
18.7 Pain in the ankle ....................................................... 45
39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 42 43 44
44 44 45 45 45
1. How will these instructions help you?
This symbol warns you about possible damage to your health.
This symbol draws your attention to possible damage to your appliance.
This symbol draws your attention to particularly useful information about using your appliance.
The important parts of your appliance are marked with numbers.
Using these part numbers, you can safely identify the displays and controls whose significance and use we explain in this manual.
2. Background information
2.1 What is pain? Acute pain (protective pain) is a natural warning system which draws our
attention to the fact that something is wrong with our bodies. Acute pain helps us to recognise the early onset of disease and to treat it.
Chronic pain is not a natural condition. It occurs as the result of a fault in the affected nerve cells and no longer functions as a warning.
Chronic pain is persistent, recurrent pain that lasts for longer than 3 – 6 months. Chronic pain occurs irrespective of its original cause – the original cause either no longer exists or can no longer be remedied.
2.2 What is TENS? TENS, Transcutaneous (delivered via the skin) Electrical Nerve Stimulation,
is a valuable method in the treatment of pain. TENS blocks the transmission of pain signals to the brain. The patient is no longer aware of the pain or is less aware of it.
3. The Well TENS
The Well TENS produces electrical pulses: you can adjust the intensity, rate (frequency) and amplitude of these pulses to suit your own particular treatment requirements.
Self-adhesive electrodes are stuck onto the skin and conduct the electrical pulses into the nervous system in the area being treated. These stimulations are not painful. You will only feel a gentle prickling or vibration on the skin. The Well TENS has two independently controllable output channels and offers you a choice of three TENS operational modes.
Particular advantages of the Well TENS:
■ Easy to use at home or away
■ Freedom to move whilst using the appliance
■ Always available
■ No known side effects when used as intended.
4. Your safety is important to us
Please read these instructions carefully before using your Well TENS for the first time. They cover all you need to know in order to operate your Well TENS safely and avoid damage.
This instruction manual is an important part of your purchase. Keep it safe – until you either pass on your Well TENS with these instructions to a new owner or finally dispose of the appliance.
4.1 For what range of use is the Well TENS suitable?
► We recommend that you consult your doctor or physiotherapist
before using the Well TENS.
► Your doctor or therapist will help you decide on your course of
treatment and to monitor its progress.
► The Well TENS is only intended for external use on human
► The Well TENS may only be used as described in this
instruction manual.
4.2 For what range of use is the Well TENS unsuitable?
Danger of sparking and explosion!
The Well TENS does not have AP/APG protection. Do not place the Well TENS near highly inflammable materials, highly inflammable gases or explosives.
Electromagnetic radiation!
The Well TENS can interfere with electronic monitoring equipment such as ECG monitors and ECG alarms. Do not place the Well TENS near machines of this type.
4.3 For what areas of application is the Well TENS suitable?
► The Well TENS is only suitable for the treatment of chronic pain
which has been diagnosed as such without doubt.
► Treatment with the Well TENS has no effect on non-specific pain
such as non-specific headaches.
4.4 For what areas of application is the Well TENS unsuitable?
► Treatments with the Well TENS are of a purely symptomatic
nature. They cannot bring about any healing.
Do not use the Well TENS
if the patient suffers from allergic skin reactions. Self-adhesive electrodes may lead to irritation of the skin.
if the patient suffers from heart problems, in particular cardiac dysrhythmia. The stimulation current may lead to ventricular fibrillation and in the worst case scenario to cardiac arrest.
if the patient has a heart pacemaker, other electronic implants or metallic implants. The stimulation current may interfere with the function of the implant.
if the patient suffers from convulsive disorders. In the worst case scenario the stimulation current may cause convulsive seizures.
if the patient is pregnant. In the worst case scenario the stimulation current may cause premature contractions.
during menstruation. In the worst case scenario the stimulation current may increase the amount of bleeding and cause or aggravate cramps.
on areas of the skin in which the patient no longer has any sensation of pain. Self-adhesive electrodes may lead to irritation of the skin and burns.
if the patient suffers from systemic diseases (i.e. those affecting the whole body).
4.5 Other points to consider
► Do not use the Well TENS or its accessories if they are
damaged. The stimulation current can cause pain and burning.
► Do not leave the Well TENS within reach of children. Children
may swallow small parts and choke on them.
► Do not use the Well TENS while driving or operating machinery.
The operation of the Well TENS could distract you from your work and lead to an accident.
► Any inadvertent change in the set-up of the Well TENS could
frighten you by causing unpleasant skin reactions or sudden muscular contractions. Do not use the Well TENS if a sudden fright could cause you to injure yourself in any way.
► Only use the Well TENS with accessories that are recommended
by ibp. See the section on Ordering accessories.
Fire hazard!
Do not short-circuit the battery.
Explosion hazard, fire hazard!
Do not attempt to recharge a non-rechargeable battery. The battery may leak or explode and cause a fire.
Danger of poisoning and choking!
Children can swallow batteries. Keep the batteries away from children.
5. How to protect the Well TENS
► The electronics of the Well TENS are affected by humidity and
moisture. Do not hold the Well TENS under running water, do not dip it into water or other liquids and do not carry it when swimming or in a sauna.
► The Well TENS is sensitive to heat.
Do not expose the Well TENS to direct sunlight and do not place the Well TENS on a hot surface.
zur Nervenstimulierung
Electrical nerve stimulator
Neurostimulateur électrique
Elektrostimulator voor
het stimuleren van zenuwen
Aparato de corriente
de excitación para la
estimulación de nervios
Instruction manual
Mode demploi
Manual de instrucciones
: WL-2103A
innovative business promotion gmbh
6. Unpacking and checking the goods as supplied
Storage case
Well TENS appliance
4 self-adhesive electrodes on protective film
1 re-sealable bag for storing the self-adhesive electrodes
2 electrical cables
9 V battery
Instruction manual
1. Open the storage case.
Keep the storage case so that you can put the Well TENS away safely in
it after each treatment.
2. Check that all the parts have been supplied.
3. Check the delivered goods for any possible damage during shipment.
If any part of the delivered goods is damaged, please contact our Service
Department (see Service and Warranty).
7. Inserting the battery
Battery compartment
Ribbon pull to aid
removal of battery
Positive pole Negative pole
1. Unpack the battery.
2. Open the battery compartment: Using your thumb, push the faceplate down as far as it will go and remove it.
3. Insert the battery:
The ribbon pull must lie under the battery.
● Place the battery above the battery
compartment with the connections on the right side of the battery compartment.
● Then press the battery down carefully
until it snaps into place.
The battery can only be pressed into place if the positive
pole is lined up with the pole marked (+) and the negative pole with the pole marked (-).
4. Close the battery compartment:
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