IBM Partner Pavilion 2.5 User Manual

Installation and Administration Guide
Under the copyright laws, neither the documentation nor the software may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Lotus Development Corporation, except in the manner described in the documentation.
© Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998 Lotus Development Corporation
55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Lotus, Lotus Notes, and SmartIcons are registered trademarks, and Notes, Domino, LearningSpace, and
LotusScript are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. OS/2 and AIX are trademarks of IBM Corporation. Digital images from PhotoDisc, Inc. are used with permission of PhotoDisc, Inc. PhotoDisc is a trademark of PhotoDisc, Inc.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
LearningSpace was developed by Lotus Institute.
Getting Started with Lotus LearningSpace
About this Guide ...............
1 Getting Started ................
What you need to perform installation
and course creation ..............
Supported hardware and
software requirements ...........
2 Installing the LearningSpace Files onto a Server
If you are upgrading from Release 2.0 to
Release 2.5 ...................
Shut down and restart the Notes
server process .................
Establishing access for the LearningSpace
Admin group ..................
3 Creating a Course with
LearningSpace Central
Adding the LearningSpace Central database
1About LearningSpace ..............
1Roles of LearningSpace participants .....
2About creating a LearningSpace course ...
4What’s on the LearningSpace CD? ......
5LearningSpace documentation .........
7Installing files on the server ............
icon to your Notes workspace .......
4 Upgrading a Course ............
Shut down and restart the
8Open Install.nsf from the CD ..........
11Update server document ............
11Assigning access to LearningSpace files ....
12 12Using more than one Central on a server ..
Domino server ................
Installing LearningSpace files
on the server ..................
Replacing the design of the
Multimedia Library ..............
13 14About creating a new course using Central ...
15Creating a new course ................
16New Course Options ...............
17CoursePack filename ...............
18Course Information ................
19Course Locations .................
20Schedule options .................
20CourseRoom options ...............
21MediaCenter option ...............
21Assessment Manager options .........
22Course Access ...................
24Additional options ................
25Course creation is complete! ..........
27Upgrading a Release 2.0 course ..........
28Replacing the design of Central ........
Automatically upgrading the
course databases ................
Creating new local replicas of the
upgraded course databases .........
Instructing students to recover their
private documents ..............
5 Administering a Course with LearningSpace Central
About using Central to
administer a course ..............
In the NOTES.INI file on the Domino
server .......................
Guidelines for setting instructor
access levels ..................
Assigning instructor and
administrator roles ..............
About open and closed
course environments .............
Creating an open or closed
course environment .............
Adding participants to the
Name & Address book ............
30 31Upgrading a Release 2.0 Design Library ..
33Deferred creation of course databases ......
35Adding database icons to your workspace ...
35Enabling Web browser access to courses ....
35In the Server Name & Address book .....
36Setting access levels to courses ...........
40Managing course enrollment ............
41Adding students to a course ..........
iv LearningSpace Installation and Administration Guide
Getting Started with Lotus LearningSpace
This chart presents roles and responsibilities for those creating, developing, teaching, and participating in LearningSpace™ courses.
Where to find information . . . ResponsibilitiesLearningSpace Role
Lotus Notes® Administrator
The Notes™ administrator is responsible for creating new LearningSpace courses and for managing the databases on your server, including student and instructor access.
The LearningSpace Installation and Configuration Guide provides information on creating courses and some aspects of administering courses. LearningSpace on-line Instructor Help contains more comprehensive information about administering courses and managing course enrollment. See below for information on accessing on-line Help.
See Lotus Notes® Release 4.5 or higher Help for additional information
Lotus Notes Application Developers (optional)
Courseware Development Team (designers and instructors)
Students/ Participants
A Notes application developer can modify aspects of the LearningSpace database design (for example, you can add the logo of your organization to the LearningSpace navigators).
The LearningSpace courseware development teams consists of:
Instructional designers Instructors and teaching assistants This team is responsible for
development and delivery of LearningSpace courses.
To participate in LearningSpace courses.
LearningSpace on-line Instructor Help provides all required information on how to customize LearningSpace courses.
See Lotus Notes Release 4.5 or higher Help for additional information
Documentation for developing and designing courses is contained in LearningSpace on-line Instructor Help. From anywhere in LearningSpace, click the Help button, then click the “Goto Instructor Help” button. The documents in Instructor Help are private to the courseware development team.
Documentation for students is contained in LearningSpace on-line Student Help.
From anywhere in LearningSpace, click the Help button to open a Help view containing detailed user information.
For more information about LearningSpace, contact either Lotus Development, your local Lotus Authorized Reseller, or visit us on the World Wide Web at

About this Guide

This guide describes the process for installing LearningSpace Release 2.5 and creating and administering LearningSpace courses. It has five chapters:
Chapter 1: Getting Started Chapter 2: Installing the LearningSpace Files onto a Server Chapter 3: Creating a Course with LearningSpace Central Chapter 4: Upgrading a Course Chapter 5: Administering a Course with LearningSpace Central
For information about designing or teaching a LearningSpace course, see on-line LearningSpace Instructor Help or the
LearningSpace Instructor Guide.
Follow the procedures described in Chapters 1 and 2 to install the LearningSpace Release 2.5 templates and databases.
Refer to Chapter 3 for information on how to begin to create LearningSpace courses using LearningSpace Central once you have installed the LearningSpace files onto a Notes server.
Chapter 4 covers how to upgrade a course created with an earlier release of LearningSpace.
Chapter 5 covers how to use LearningSpace Central to administer a course, manage enrollment, and set up remote users.
For a list of features of LearningSpace, use a Web browser to open the HTML file Features.htm on the LearningSpace CD.
For Release Notes, use a Web browser to open the HTML file Relnotes.htm on the LearningSpace CD.
Chapter 1 Getting Started
This chapter provides general information on LearningSpace and the installation and course creation processes.

About LearningSpace

LearningSpace is a Notes application that allows you to create, conduct, and administer courses. A LearningSpace course consists of five Notes databases. Together, they provide an interactive environment for teaching and taking courses.
LearningSpace Release 2.5 (R2.5) requires a Notes Domino 4.5x or 4.6x server. Compatibility with Domino allows courses to be accessible using Notes 4.5 or 4.6 clients and over the Internet using Web browsers.
LearningSpace comes with a database called LearningSpace Central. LearningSpace Central streamlines the process of creating and administering LearningSpace courses. You can use it to create a new course (Chapter 3) as well as to administer a course (Chapter 5).
Students and instructors can use Central to access courses. Central is the point through which students using Web browsers access courses. Instructors supply students with a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) identifying the location of Central on the Internet. From within Central, students then open the courses to which they have access and begin work.

Roles of LearningSpace participants

LearningSpace is designed to support a variety of roles for course creation, design, administration, delivery, and participation. In some environments, one or more of these roles may be performed by the same person. The roles are as follows:
Administrator – Creates new courses; administers the Notes server on which the courses are stored; adds and removes participants from the Access Control Lists of the course databases; performs various tasks related to managing or modifying a course.
Designer – Designs the content, flow, and appearance of the course. Instructor – Conducts the course; interacts with students. Student – Participates in the course.
Note The instructor frequently assumes the role of designer. This guide and LearningSpace Help assume that the role of instructor and designer are combined and refer to them both as “instructor.”

About creating a LearningSpace course

The core LearningSpace application comes in the form of five Notes template databases (.nsf). Creating a new LearningSpace course involves creating and configuring a set of databases from these templates. An instructor designs a new LearningSpace course using these databases to create the schedule, course materials, assignments, and so on.
LearningSpace also includes a database called LearningSpace Central which automates the course creation process and administration tools. The administration tools related to course creation are described in Chapter 5. For information about all the administration functions served by Central, see the LearningSpace Instructor Guide or on-line Instructor Help.
Note You can access Help from a course database by clicking the Help action button. Once Help opens, you can access Instructor Help by clicking the Go To Instructor Help button.
The course creation process configures four or five course databases using LearningSpace templates and the options you specify. Each course has at least four databases: Schedule, MediaCenter, CourseRoom, and Profiles. The fifth course database, the Assessment Manager, is only created if the course is designated as being graded.
Once a course has been created, the course instructor designs the structure and content of the course (schedule, assignments, reference materials, and student assessments). For information on designing a LearningSpace course, instructors should see the LearningSpace Instructor Guide or on-line Instructor Help.
Note The options you choose during course creation can be modified after the course databases have been created.

What you need to perform installation and course creation

To install and create courses, you have to meet the following requirements:
Must be a member of the LearningSpace Admin group in the server
Name & Address book. The LearningSpace Admin group is given Manager access and the required roles in the Access Control Lists for all the LearningSpace templates and databases.
2 LearningSpace Installation and Administration Guide
Set the LearningSpace Admin group to have “Create new databases”
permission on the server on which the LearningSpace files will be installed.
Set the LearningSpace Admin group to have “Create new replicas”
access to the servers on which replicas of the course databases will be created.
For more information about becoming a member of the LearningSpace Admin group in the Name & Address book, see “Assigning access to LearningSpace files” in Chapter 2.
A server administrator assigns “Create new database” and “Create new replicas” access in the Restrictions section of the server document in the Name & Address book. For more information, see the Notes Administrator’s Guide.
At minimum, the person creating a new LearningSpace course should also know:
The name of the course to be createdThe title to be given to the course databases (usually related to the
course name)
The name of the subdirectory where the course databases will be storedWhether the course will be graded The name of the course administrator (if not yourself) and the
designer/instructor so that you can give them appropriate access to begin designing the course

Supported hardware and software requirements

Either a Notes client or a Web browser can be used to access a LearningSpace course. The following is a list of the supported server and client platforms and software. For more information, see the Notes Administrator’s Guide for Domino 4.5x or 4.6x.
Domino server platforms
Microsoft NT (Intel, DEC Alpha); IBM OS/2™; IBM AIX™; IBM System 390™; Hewlett-Packard HP-UX; Sun Solaris™ (SPARC, Intel Edition)
Notes client platforms
Microsoft Windows 95 and NT; Macintosh OS (PowerPC and 68K); IBM OS/2 and IBM AIX
Domino server software versions
Domino 4.5 or higher
Chapter 1: Getting Started 3
Notes client software
Notes Release 4.51 or higher
Web browsers
Netscape Navigator 3.x, 4.x, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x Note Instructor and administrator tasks require that you access a course
using a Notes client rather than a Web browser.

What’s on the LearningSpace CD?

The LearningSpace CD contains the five LearningSpace template databases, a template for course packs, and a number of other Notes databases.
The names of the template databases are:
schedule.nsf – Schedule mcenter.nsf – MediaCenter croom.nsf – CourseRoom profiles.nsf – Profiles assess.nsf – Assessment Manager pack.nsf – CoursePack (used for packing a course into a single database for
distribution) The Notes databases included on the CD are: central.nsf – This is the LearningSpace Central database. For information
on creating a LearningSpace course using Central, see Chapter 3. For information on administering a course using Central, see Chapter 5 in this book, the LearningSpace Instructor Guide, or on-line Instructor Help.
weblib.nsf – The Multimedia Library database is a repository for all graphics and multimedia in the course utilized by Web browsers. For more information, see the LearningSpace Instructor Guide or on-line Instructor Help.
lscustsc.nsf – Schedule customization library lscustmc.nsf – MediaCenter customization library lscustcr.nsf – CourseRoom customization library lscustpr.nsf – Profiles customization library lscustas.nsf – Assessment Manager customization library lscustc.nsf – Central customization library
There is a customization library database for each LearningSpace database template. Experienced Notes designers can use the customization libraries to
4 LearningSpace Installation and Administration Guide
customize design aspects of LearningSpace databases. For information about using the customization library databases, see the LearningSpace on-line Instructor Help.
install.nsf and upgrade.nsf – These databases allow easy installation of the LearningSpace files. The Install database is used for initial installation of the LearningSpace files. The Upgrade database is used to upgrade existing LearningSpace 2.0 files to Release 2.5.
relnotes.htm – Lists the known problems and work-arounds in LearningSpace Release 2.5. This file is formatted in HTML and can be opened from any Web browser.
scrcam.txt – Instructions for installing the Lotus ScreenCam demo application. install.txt – A text file describing the process of preparing to install
LearningSpace from a UNIX Notes client.

LearningSpace documentation

In addition to this guide, LearningSpace includes the LearningSpace Student Guide, the LearningSpace Instructor Guide, on-line Help for both instructors
and students, and a quick-reference card for installing LearningSpace. The guides and on-line Help contain the same information, including information about using LearningSpace to design and conduct a course, as well as guidance for students taking a course.
On-line Help is available by clicking the Help action button in any LearningSpace course database. It includes a view accessible to both instructors and students called Student Help. The view called Instructor Help is accessible to instructors and administrators only. The How Do I? view option, in both Student and Instructor Help, lists Help documents by task.
The LearningSpace Student Guide and on-line Student Help include the following chapters/categories:
Introduction to LearningSpaceAccessing a CourseGetting Around in LearningSpaceStudent BasicsScheduleMediaCenterCourseRoomProfiles
Chapter 1: Getting Started 5
The LearningSpace Instructor Guide and on-line Instructor Help include the following chapters/categories:
LearningSpace Instructor GuideWorking with a courseThe LearningSpace Welcome pageDesigning a Course ScheduleAdding Course Materials to the MediaCenterCreating and Maintaining Participant ProfilesUsing the CourseRoomCreating and Modifying AssessmentsGradingChanging Course AttributesManaging Course EnrollmentAdministering a CourseCustomizing Course Database DesignWeb integration Course Design and Delivery Issues
6 LearningSpace Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 2 Installing the LearningSpace Files onto a Server
This chapter contains information on how to prepare your environment for LearningSpace and how to install LearningSpace files onto a server.

If you are upgrading from Release 2.0 to Release 2.5

If you are upgrading to LearningSpace Release 2.5, delete the Release 2.0 template files before installing the Release 2.5 templates on the server hard drive. The files you should delete from the server are:
Also, make backup copies of any customization databases you may have altered. Later, you can update the new customization databases with the changes you made.
For more information about upgrading Release 2.0 courses to Release 2.5, see Chapter 4.
Upgrad i ng fr o m Lear n in g Sp ac e Re le as e 1. 0: To upgrade from LearningSpace Release 1.0 to Release 2.5, you will have to upgrade to Release 2.0, then run the procedure for upgrading to Release 2.5. For information about upgrading from Release 1.0 to Release 2.0, call LearningSpace Support.

Installing files on the server

You install the LearningSpace files from a Notes server. The procedures in this section work for Notes servers running OS/2 or Windows NT.
Note for users installing from a UNIX Notes client: Before you can install the LearningSpace files using a UNIX Notes client, you must perform the procedure described in a text file called install.txt. The text file is included on your LearningSpace CD. After performing the procedure, continue with the steps in this chapter.

Shut down and restart the Notes server process

Before beginning the installation, shut down the Notes server process and restart it. Perform this step from the server, not from a workstation.
1. At the server console, type exit and press
The server shuts down.
2. Double-click the Notes Domino icon to restart the server.

Open Install.nsf from the CD

If you are upgrading from a previous release of LearningSpace, make sure you are a member of the LearningSpace Admin group in the server Name & Address book before performing this procedure
1. Place the LearningSpace CD in the drive. You can either:
If you’re using Windows, double-click the install.nsf file in Windows
Explorer. Then go to Step 2.
From the Notes client, choose File - Database - Open.
In the Filename field, enter d:\install.nsf where d: is the letter that
refers to your CD-ROM drive.
Click Open.
2. In the dialog box that asks where you want to install LearningSpace,
select Local if installing from the server console, or select the name of the server where you want to install LearningSpace.
8 LearningSpace Installation and Administration Guide
3. Enter the name of the LearningSpace Installation directory.
The LearningSpace Installation directory is the subdirectory of the Notes data directory where LearningSpace Central resides. All courses that are administered through Central and all related files reside in subdirectories of the LearningSpace Installation directory that you name.
If you will only be using one LearningSpace Central on this server, it is recommended that you name the Installation directory “lspace.” For more information about using multiple Centrals, see “Using more than one Central on a server” in this chapter.
4. The Install database copies the files from the CD into the Installation
directory. When you are done, the paths to the saved files should be as follows,
where installation-dir is the name you assigned to the LearningSpace Installation directory:
notes\data\installation-dir\template\schedule.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\template\mcenter.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\template\croom.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\template\profiles.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\template\assess.nsf
notes\data\installation-dir\template\pack.ntf notes\data\installation-dir\central.nsf
notes\data\installation-dir\lib\weblib.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\design\default\lscustsc.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\design\default\lscustmc.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\design\default\lscustcr.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\design\default\lscustpr.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\design\default\lscustas.nsf notes\data\installation-dir\design\default\lscustc.nsf
Chapter 2: Installing the LearningSpace Files onto a Server 9
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