Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information under “Notices” on page 143.
This edition applies to version 6, release 1, modification 0 of IBM z/VM, (product number 5741-A07) and to all
subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Overview of defining virtual machines for Linux . . 71
Steps for defining a master virtual machine for
Linux ................71
Steps for setting up LINMSTR’s disks.....75
Installing Linux in a virtual machine ......77
Overview of installing Linux in a virtual machine 77
Example of using FTP to get the Linux boot files 79
Example of punching Linux boot files to the
virtual machine reader..........80
Example of booting (IPL) the Linux boot files
from the virtual machine reader......81
(Optional) Steps for loading Linux automatically at
logon ................82
Steps for taking a snapshot of system performance 120
Using the CP Monitor and Performance Toolkit for
Overview of the CP Monitor and Performance
Toolkit for VM ............123
Configuring Performance Toolkit for VM . . . 124
Using monitoring to analyze performance and
capacity ..............133
Steps for using CP commands to improve
Chapter 12. Servicing z/VM.....137
z/VM service concepts ..........137
Chapter 8. Cloning Linux virtual
Steps for cloning a Linux virtual server .....83
Chapter 9. Setting up basic system
automation .............85
Starting and stopping virtual machines
automatically ..............85
Steps for automatically starting Linux virtual
servers and other virtual machines.....85
Steps for enabling Linux virtual servers to shut
down automatically..........87
Setting up the programmable operator .....88
Overview of the programmable operator. . . 88
Steps for setting up the routing table .....89
Steps for setting up the programmable operator92
Steps for automating Linux virtual consoles. . 93
Steps for testing your automation ......95
Chapter 10. Performing run-time tasks97
Overview of console types .........97
Real operation tasks...........98
Step for monitoring the logical operator console98
Step for restarting z/VM........100
Step for managing real devices......100
Step for managing users.........105
Virtual machine operation tasks .......107
Steps for using CP commands at the Linux
virtual console ............108
Archiving and backing up critical data .....112
Overview of archiving z/VM system data . . . 112
Archiving virtual server disks .......113
Chapter 11. Monitoring performance
and capacity ............117
Overview of performance monitoring .....117
Monitoring Linux virtual servers with
Performance Toolkit for VM.......118
Overview of the z/VM scheduler......118
Appendix. Example of using FTP to
install Linux from the hardware
management console ........139
Linking the HMC removable media to your z/VM
logical partition............139
FTPing to the HMC removable media .....140
Notices ..............143
Trademarks ..............145
Glossary .............147
Where to Get z/VM Information .......149
z/VM Base Library ...........149
Installation, Migration, and Service .....149
Planning and Administration .......149
Customization and Tuning ........149
Operation and Use..........149
Application Programming ........149
z/VM Facilities and Features ........150
Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem
Directory Maintenance Facility for z/VM . . . 150
Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility . . . 150
Performance Toolkit for VM.......151
RACF Security Server for z/VM ......151
Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem
Networking for z/VM .........151
Prerequisite Products ...........151
Device Support Facilities........151
Environmental Record Editing and Printing
Program ..............151
Additional Publications ..........151
Index ...............153
z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
About this document
This document describes how to configure and use z/VM®functions and facilities
for Linux®servers running on the IBM®System z®platform (hereafter referred to
as the mainframe). The document provides requirements and guidelines to
implement during z/VM installation, but primarily assumes you have installed
z/VM and are ready to deploy Linux in virtual machines.
Early sections acquaint you with z/VM and take you from the point after z/VM
installation to the point where you are ready to install your first Linux server. At
that point you must turn to the installation documentation provided by your Linux
distributor. Following the deployment of your first Linux server, you can replicate
or clone additional servers.
When you finish the early sections, you will have two or more Linux servers
running on z/VM with TCP/IP connections to the network. Subsequently, you can
turn to vendor-supplied documentation to install applications on Linux. Later
sections cover operations, administration, performance, and other day-to-day bare
Intended audience
This document is designed to help anyone who does system programming,
administration, or operation, but has limited knowledge of z/VM and wants to get
started deploying Linux servers on z/VM. Before you begin, you must:
v Understand mainframe hardware concepts, such as logical partitions (LPARs)
and I/O
v Know and have used the Linux operating system
v Know and have used TCP/IP.
The environment for your z/VM system environment is assumed to include:
v A mainframe with an OSA-Express device
v z/VM version 6 release 1
v Directory Maintenance Facility
v Performance Toolkit for VM
v If you do not have an external file server for the Linux code, you might need an
NFS or FTP server.
Conventions and terminology used in this document
This document is primarily a cookbook; that is, it provides instructions about how
to accomplish a task or goal. When required, background concepts are provided to
help you understand a key z/VM function or facility. Instructions and background
concepts are separated but linked together through cross-references, providing an
efficient path through the instructional material. At the beginning of each set of
instructions, you will see a Before you begin section, which explains what you
need to know or to do before you perform the task. Cross-references in the Beforeyou begin section take you to the necessary background concepts. Thus, if you
already know the necessary concepts, you do not need to read those background
topics and can simply follow the instructions.
Though the topics in this document are self-sufficient, you might want to explore a
function or facility in detail. Some topics end with a list of documents that you can
use to understand a function or facility in detail.
In general, new terms (in italics) are defined in the context they are introduced.
Sometimes the manual focuses on the virtual machine functions (the virtual
hardware) and other times the complete Linux server system (the virtual machine
and the Linux operating system as a whole). When focusing on the virtual machine
functions only, the term virtual machine or virtual machine for Linux is used. The
term Linux virtual server refers to the complete Linux system (virtual machine
hardware and the Linux operating system as a whole) running on z/VM.
Commands and statements that you must type are in bold while system responses
are in normal font.
Example: In the example, you would type “query processors”. The rest of the
example is the system response:
query processors
Variable information appears in bold italics, which means you must substitute
your own values for the variable.
Example: For the command, you would need to supply your own password for
the variable new_password.
dirm add linmstr like linux pw new_password
A vertical ellipsis
indicates system responses that have been removed for clarity.
Where to find more information
For z/VM terms used in this document, see z/VM: Glossary or use the z/VM HELP
Facility (for more information about glossary terms and the z/VM HELP Facility,
see “Glossary” on page 147).
For more information about related publications, see “Bibliography” on page 149.
Additional Publications
For white papers, IBM Redbooks®publications, and other useful information about
Linux on the mainframe, visit the z/VM resources for Linux on IBM System z Web
site at:
Publications you might be interested in are:
viz/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
v z/VM and Linux on IBM System z: The Virtualization Cookbook for SLES9, SG24-6695
v Security on z/VM, SG24-7471
Links to Other Online Documents
If you are viewing the Adobe®Portable Document Format (PDF) version of
this document, it might contain links to other documents. A link to another
document is based on the name of the requested PDF file. The name of the
PDF file for an IBM document is unique and identifies the edition. The links
provided in this document are for the editions (PDF names) that were current
when the PDF file for this document was generated. However, newer editions
of some documents (with different PDF names) might exist. A link from this
document to another document works only when both documents reside in
the same directory.
About this documentvii
viiiz/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
How to send your comments to IBM
We appreciate your input on this publication. Feel free to comment on the clarity,
accuracy, and completeness of the information or give us any other feedback that
you might have.
Use one of the following methods to send us your comments:
1. Send an e-mail to
2. Visit the z/VM reader's comments Web page at
3. Mail the comments to the following address:
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z/VM V6R1 Getting Started with Linux on System z
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If you have a technical problem
Do not use the feedback methods listed above. Instead, do one of the following:
v Contact your IBM service representative.
v Contact IBM technical support.
v Visit the z/VM support Web page at
v Visit the IBM mainframes support Web page at
This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes. Technical
changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to
the left of the changes. Some program updates might be provided through z/VM
service by program temporary fixes (PTFs) for authorized program analysis reports
(APARs), which also might be available for some prior releases.
SC24-6194-00, z/VM Version 6 Release 1
This edition supports the general availability of z/VM V6.1. Changes made are:
v A step was added to “Steps for copying the current USER DIRECT file” on page
This topic is a z/VM primer and covers general VM concepts, such as editing and
finding files, required to complete z/VM system tasks.
When you log onto z/VM, you have the functional equivalent of a real computer
and its associated devices at your fingertips. This functional equivalent of a
computing system is called a virtual machine. Virtual machines are not real, but do
work like real systems. Everyone in your entire organization can use z/VM to
share the resources of a single computer, while at the same time accessing the
system as if each is the only user.
Figure 1 shows a stylized representation of a real mainframe computing system.
Each real computing system has one or more central processing units (CPUs),
storage (memory), peripheral devices for input and output, such as disks, tapes,
printers, and displays, and the operator console. The operating system manages all
these resources to do work.
central storage
operating system
Figure 1. Representation of a mainframe computing system
z/VM virtualizes real computing resources so that each user appears to have a
complete mainframe computing system, as shown in Figure 2 on page 2. This
means each virtual machine can run its own operating system to manage its virtual
resources. It also means you can perform virtual machine tasks as if they were real
machine tasks: you can boot (perform an initial program load of) an operating
system, attach and detach devices, and manage the work of your virtual machine
operating system.
A virtual machine is directly associated with a z/VM user ID or logon identifier.
When you log onto z/VM, you have a virtual machine at your disposal and
control the virtual machine the way a system operator controls the real hardware.
Some user IDs (virtual machines) are given special privileges to control z/VM and
the real machine. For example, the OPERATOR has special privileges allowing
control of real machine resources. Another user, usually called MAINT, has special
privileges to change z/VM code, apply z/VM maintenance, and add new users.
Whether or not users have special privileges, they all perform their tasks through a
virtual machine. So, as shown in Figure 2, some virtual machines run Linux, while
others run other operating systems, such as the Conversational Monitor System
(CMS) (more about CMS in a moment).
The Control Program (CP) is the component of z/VM that manages the resources
of a single computer so that multiple computing systems (virtual machines) appear
to exist. Think of CP as a supervisor (or hypervisor) program running in a layer
between the hardware and virtual machines. When you are working in the CP
environment, you are provided with CPU (central processing unit) functions, input
and output devices, and storage. Through CP, each virtual machine can run its
own operating system, such as Linux, z/OS
, or z/VM itself.
Operating systems running in virtual machines are often called guests. Other terms
and phrases you might encounter are:
2z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
v Running first level: running directly on the hardware, which is what z/VM does.
v Running second level or running under VM or running on (top of) VM: running as a
During its time slice, a guest actually runs on the real machine. The hardware
microcode handles most guest program instructions and CP takes control only
when necessary, which maintains good performance.
The Conversational Monitor System (CMS) is the interactive component of z/VM.
CMS is a single-user operating system that runs in a virtual machine. Typically,
each directory entry (user definition) has a statement that loads the CMS operating
system at logon time (see “The user directory” on page 8). CMS is not only an
end-user interactive component, but a home for running system utilities and tasks,
such as TCP/IP and system management functions. At the z/VM level, systems
personnel use CMS to manage z/VM itself and guests. At the guest level, you can
use CMS to define resources for your virtual machine, so loading CMS is useful
even if you plan subsequently to load Linux into the same virtual machine.
Overview of the Control Program (CP)
CP acts as a hypervisor layer between the hardware and virtual machines. Each
virtual machine appears to have its own CPU, storage (memory), and devices. In
reality, these items can be
v Real. For example, you can dedicate a real network interface to a virtual
machine for its exclusive use.
v Shared. For example, the CPU is shared through time sharing and real storage is
shared as virtual storage. What appears as real storage to a guest is actually
virtual storage to CP.
v Simulated. For example, a virtual switch is a simulated LAN networking switch.
CP transparently maps virtual devices and resources to their real counterparts.
Topics in this section explain how CP manages computer resources for virtual
Central processing units (CPUs)
A virtual machine can have up to 64 virtual CPUs. If capable of running in
multiprocessor mode, your virtual machine operating system dispatches work on
its virtual CPUs as if it were running on real hardware. CP handles the dispatching
of work on your virtual CPUs to real CPUs.
Guideline: Never give a virtual machine more virtual CPUs than there are real
Usually virtual machines share all CPUs, but a real CPU can be dedicated to a
virtual machine, which means that the CPU is reserved for that virtual machine’s
exclusive use. This obviously has an impact on the performance of other virtual
machines in the system.
Mainframe storage is analogous to memory in a personal computer. CP commands
refer to memory as storage, so do not confuse the term “storage” with disk or tape
Chapter 1. About z/VM3
Each virtual machine has its own virtual storage. CP manages the residency of
virtual machine’s pages in real storage through paging. Pages that have not been
referenced can be moved out of real storage into either expanded storage or onto a
paging device. When a virtual machine requires a page no longer in real storage, a
page fault occurs and CP brings the missing page back into real storage.
CP has facilities that allow portions of real storage to be shared by many virtual
machines. Such portions are called shared segments. This sharing economizes on real
storage and requires less paging, thereby improving performance. For example, the
CMS nucleus is shared in real storage by all virtual machines that loaded CMS by
name; that is, every CMS virtual machine mapsa1MBsegment of virtual storage
to the same 1 MB of real storage.
DASD and minidisks
DASD, the mainframe term for disk drives, stands for “direct access storage
device” and is analogous to a hard disk drive on a personal computer. A single
real DASD is called a volume or real volume. Each volume has a label or volume serialnumber (volser) that identifies the volume to z/VM.
Of special importance is the way z/VM shares DASD. CP can logically partition
real DASD volumes into minidisks, which is analogous to dividing a personal
computer hard disk into multiple partitions. A minidisk has its own label, which is
distinct from the real DASD label. Each virtual machine can have one or more
minidisks and those minidisks are under control of the guest operating system. To
the guest, a minidisk appears as an entire DASD volume (though smaller) and the
guest runs channel programs as normal to do I/O. Behind the scenes, CP reorients
the channel programs: the guest perceives all minidisks as starting at cylinder 0,
but the real DASD volume has only one cylinder 0, so CP must modify the
cylinder offsets in the channel program to address DASD cylinders owned by the
Temporary minidisks
You can create a temporary minidisk from a special pool of real disks. The disk
lasts as long as the virtual machine is logged on. At logoff, the temporary minidisk
is deleted and the space returned to the available temporary disk pool.
Virtual disks in storage
Virtual disks in storage are similar to temporary minidisks, except the disks are
mapped to storage rather than the cylinders of real disks. Using virtual disks in
storage avoids the need for disk I/O. CP manages the virtual disk pages as part of
its real memory management.
Virtual readers, punches, and printers
These devices are not associated with real devices, but are implemented through
the spool file system. For more information, see “Overview of the CP spool file
system” on page 7.
The virtual machine console
The virtual machine console or virtual console is the primary interface to the virtual
machine. When you log on to a virtual machine from a local terminal or a remote
workstation, the virtual console is associated with the terminal session. From the
4z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
console, you can enter CP commands, such as loading (IPL) an operating system.
The virtual console is the device an operating system views as its system or
hardware console.
Note: The key assignments for your keyboard might differ from standard key
assignments. Some 3270 emulators allow you to remap the key assignments;
for example, the Clear function might be assigned to the ESC key on some
keyboards and the Pause/Break key on others. Consult your display
documentation for key mappings.
As you do work on your console, the lower right corner of the screen displays
various status notices. The notices tell you what is happening in the system at the
present time. If you forget what these notices mean, you can come back to this
section for reference.
This notice means that the Control Program (CP) is waiting for you to
enter a command.
This notice means that a virtual machine operating system, such as CMS, is
waiting for you to enter a command.
This notice means the virtual machine is working on something. For CMS,
this means CMS is ready for you to enter a command.
MORE ...
This notice means that there is more information than can fit on the
current screen. After a pause (which depends on the terminal settings for
your virtual machine), the next screen of information is displayed. To view
the next screen right away, press the Clear key. To hold this information on
the screen, press the Enter key, which changes MORE... to HOLDING.
This notice means the system is waiting for you to clear the screen before
showing you more information. The notice appears when the screen
displays MORE... and you press the Enter key. The notice can also appear
when another user sends you a message. To cancel the hold, press the
Clear key.
This notice means that the system is working on something and is too
busy to accept another command. Wait several seconds and issue your
command again.
Related information
For more information about virtual consoles, see “Using a Virtual Machine
Operator’s Console” in z/VM: Virtual Machine Operation.
CP commands
CP provides you with commands that allow you to view and manipulate your
virtual hardware (virtual CPUs, virtual storage, minidisks, and other devices). To
issue some CP commands, you need to be in a special privilege class assigned to
you in the user directory. Privilege classes are denoted by the letters A through Z,
the numbers 1 through 6, or the word ″Any.″ For the tasks explained in this
document, the user IDs you use have all the required privilege classes (like
superusers in Linux).
Chapter 1. About z/VM5
Related information
For more information about privilege classes, see “Privilege Classes” in z/VM: CP
Commands and Utilities Reference.
Examples of using the CP commands: QUERY displays information about your
virtual machine.
1. To display virtual CPUs, class G users can issue the QUERY VIRTUAL CPUS
query virtual cpus
CPU 00 ID FF05152120640000 (BASE)
The response tells you the virtual machine has one base virtual CPU whose
address is 00.
2. To display available storage (memory), class G users can issue the QUERY
STORAGE command:
query virtual storage
The response tells you the virtual machine has 512 megabytes of storage.
3. To display information about minidisks, class G users can issue the QUERY
5. To display the size of real storage, class B and E users can issue the QUERY
STORAGE command:
query storage
Note: QUERY VIRTUAL option displays information about the virtual machine.
The keyword “VIRTUAL” is optional for the class G user. For privileged
6z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
users (those with privilege classes other than G), using QUERY without the
keyword “VIRTUAL” displays information about the real machine. For
instance, QUERY VIRTUAL STORAGE displays the virtual storage size of
the virtual machine while QUERY STORAGE (class B and E) displays the
real machine storage size.
Related information
z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference, SC24-6175
Overview of the CP spool file system
In the early days of computing, input to the computer came from punched cards
loaded into a card reader. You used a key punch to record your program on
punched cards, then loaded the cards into a card reader, which interpreted your
cards and loaded your program into the computer. Output from the program was
written to a printer. z/VM preserves this bit of computing history through virtual
reader, punch, and printer devices, also called unit record devices. Unit record
devices provide a handy way to send files from one virtual device to another, to
other virtual machines, or to real devices (such as real printers). For instance, you
can think of a file being sent from one virtual machine to another as the virtual
equivalent of taking a card stack from one computer and loading the stack onto
another computer’s card reader.
Behind the manipulation of these files is a CP file system called the spool filesystem. CP manages spool files on one or more DASD volumes that act as
temporary storage areas. A spool file is a collection of data along with device
control instructions for processing on a unit record device. Spooling is the
processing of files created by or intended for virtual readers, punches, and printers.
Through CP and CMS commands, you can send spool files from one virtual device
to another, from your virtual machine to another, and to real devices.
By convention, each virtual machine has a virtual reader at virtual device number
00C, a virtual punch at virtual device number 00D, and a virtual printer at virtual
device number 00E. Your virtual reader is like the in-box of an e-mail system,
except more than just e-mail can be placed there. Through your virtual punch, you
can place a copy of an entire operating system into the system spool, then use the
CP IPL command to load and run that operating system in your virtual machine.
“Installing Linux in a virtual machine” on page 77 shows you how to use this
z/VM facility.
Some important commands that operate on spool files are:
v SPOOL. Use the CP SPOOL command to set control options for one or more of
your virtual spool devices. A handy way to keep a log of your system activity is
to spool your console (SPOOL CONSOLE *, meaning send the console log to
yourself), which keeps all your console activity in a spool file. When you close
your console (SPOOL CONSOLE STOP CLOSE), your console log is sent to you.
v QUERY READER ALL. This CP command lets you view information about spool
files in your virtual reader.
v RDRLIST. This CMS command displays information about your reader files in a
full-screen interactive display.
v RECEIVE. This CMS command moves a file from your reader onto a minidisk.
v PUNCH. This CMS command punches (copies) a CMS file to your virtual
Chapter 1. About z/VM7
Related information
For information about managing spool files for the entire z/VM system, start with
the summary topics on controlling spool files in z/VM: System Operation, SC24-6233:
v Control Spool Files in the Print Queue
v Control Spool Files in the Reader Queue
v Control Spool Files in the Punch Queue
For information about managing spool files for your virtual machine, see “Using
Spooled Devices to Print, Punch, and Read Information,” in z/VM: Virtual MachineOperation, SC24-6241.
For command help, see z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference, SC24-6175, and
z/VM: CMS Commands and Utilities Reference, SC24-6166.
For online help, type help on the CMS command line, then press the Enter key.
The user directory
The z/VM user directory (or user registry) describes the configuration and operating
characteristics of each virtual machine that can be created by CP. A z/VM user
directory exists in two forms: a source form that consists of one or more CMS files,
and an object form, compiled from the source, on a CP-formatted disk.
Each virtual machine has a directory entry. Here is a sample directory entry. The
callouts in reverse type next to each statement correspond to explanations that
follow the sample.
Note: In this document the user directory is modified by using the IBM Directory
Maintenance program, DirMaint
, which handles both source and object
forms of the user directory. Information about the directory entries is shown
for educational purposes only. Unless explicitly instructed to do so, do not
attempt to update the user directory source files manually.
4 CONSOLE 0009 3215
6 SPOOL 000C 3505 A
1. The USER statement begins a directory entry. The user ID for this virtual
machine is LINUXC. “MYPASS” is the user’s logon password. The virtual
machine has a default storage of 256 megabytes (“256M”), but you can redefine
storage up to a maximum of 1 gigabyte (“1G”). The second “G” means the
virtual machine user is a general class user and can control functions for this
virtual machine only.
2. The IPL statement indicates which operating system to load when you log on
to the virtual machine. The example shows that CMS will be loaded. Loading
CMS is handy because it allows you to make changes to the normal
8z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
environment as well as run some REXX™EXECs (script-like executable files) to
set up Linux. After changing the environment, you can load Linux into the
virtual machine.
3. The MACHINE statement describes the processor architecture of the virtual
machine. The maximum number of virtual CPUs that can be defined for this
virtual machine is four. The default is one.
4. The CONSOLE statement defines the operating console (virtual console) for the
virtual machine. CMS requires console type 3215. If supported by the operating
system, you can specify 3270 or issue the CP command TERMINAL CONSOLE
3270 in the PROFILE EXEC prior to loading the operating system.
5. The NICDEF statement defines this virtual machine’s attachment to a z/VM
virtual switch.
6. SPOOL statements define the unit record devices. By convention, device
number 000C is for the virtual reader (type 3505), device number 000D is for
the virtual punch (type 3525), and device number 000E is for the virtual printer
(type 1403).
7. LINK statements provide access to another virtual machine’s minidisks.
8. MDISK statements define minidisks owned by the virtual machine. The format
of the statement is:
MDISK devno type start_cyl extent vol_label access_mode
Is the virtual device number of the minidisk.
Is the disk type of the real disk; typically 3390.
Is the real disk starting location of the first cylinder of the minidisk.
Is the minidisk size in cylinders.
Is the volume label of the real disk.
Is the access mode. MR means the virtual machine has read/write access.
Related information
“Creating and Updating a User Directory,” in z/VM: CP Planning and
Administration, SC24-6178
Overview of the Conversational Monitor System (CMS)
Just as you can interact with Linux or UNIX®through a bash or Korn shell, you
can interact with z/VM through CMS. Like a shell, you can use CMS to edit files,
run EXECs (script-like executable files) or programs, modify the virtual machine
environment, or modify z/VM itself. CMS is to z/VM as a shell is to Linux or
Minidisks and the CMS access mode
CMS, like other operating systems running in a virtual machine, can access
minidisks to store and retrieve files. For CMS, each minidisk has an access mode
Chapter 1. About z/VM9
represented by an alphabetic letter that determines how CMS searches for files. In
Linux, path variables defining directories determine the search order for files. CMS
searches for files among minidisks based on the alphabetical order of the access
mode. First, CMS looks on the A minidisk, then the B minidisk, and so forth.
The 191 minidisk holds a special place in CMS. A 191 minidisk to a CMS user is
like the home file directory for a Linux user. CMS always tries to access a user’s
191 minidisk as access mode A. The CMS 191 minidisk is often called the “A-disk.”
To see your CMS minidisks and their access modes, use the QUERY ACCESSED
command. QUERY ACCESSED is similar to the df command in Linux. To access
minidisks that are not already in the CMS access order, use the ACCESS command.
Example of viewing and accessing CMS minidisks
1. To view your accessed CMS minidisks, type the QUERY ACCESSED command
The column under “Mode” shows the access mode for each minidisk. In the
example, there are three minidisks accessed as A, E, and S.
Notice that while in CMS all commands end with a “Ready;” prompt,
indicating that CMS is ready to do more work.
2. To assign an access mode, use the ACCESS command. Example: To access the
minidisk at virtual address 491 as B, type this command and press the Enter
access 491 b
DMSACP723I B (491) R/O
The response tells you minidisk 491 is accessed read only (R/O) as B.
3. If you assign a mode currently assigned to another minidisk, the new minidisk
replaces the current minidisk:
access 19d d
DMSACC724I 19D replaces D (200)
DMSACP723I D (19D) R/O
4. To remove a minidisk from an access mode, use the RELEASE command:
release b
10z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
CMS files
CMS files have a file name, file type, and file mode. File names and file types can be
up to 8 characters long. The file mode corresponds to the access mode of the
By convention, some file types have special meanings. For example, EXEC is the
file type for a file that contains executable statements, LISTING is the file type for
text files, and LISTPS is the file type for PostScript
To view and manipulate files, use the FILELIST command. FILELIST is similar to
the dir command in Linux.
Examples of using FILELIST
1. To view all the files on your A-disk, type this command and press the Enter
Result: You see something like this:
CHASTING FILELIST A0 V 169 Trunc=169 Size=253 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=0
CmdFilename Filetype Fm Format LreclRecordsBlocksDateTime
3. Use “/” and “=” to avoid extra typing when you enter a command in
FILELIST. The “/” means “this file” and “=” can be used to repeat a file name,
file type, or file mode.
Example: To copy a file called REXEC HELPTCPI from minidisk A to minidisk
D, type this command and press the Enter key (typing over the other columns
is OK):
Chapter 1. About z/VM11
CHASTING FILELIST A0 V 169 Trunc=169 Size=253 Line=1 Col=1 Alt=0
CmdFilename Filetype Fm Format LreclRecordsBlocksDateTime
The PROFILE EXEC is a special executable file analogous to the .profile (or
.bash_profile) in Linux and UNIX. Every time a CMS user logs on, CMS runs the
PROFILE EXEC residing on the 191 minidisk, file mode A. You can use the
PROFILE EXEC to set up your virtual machine environment; for instance, access
disks, set up special PF keys, or even load another operating system in your
virtual machine. In Chapter 7, “Creating your first Linux virtual machine and
installing Linux,” on page 71, you learn how to set up a PROFILE EXEC for your
Linux virtual servers.
There can be times when you do not want the PROFILE EXEC to execute when
you log on. For example, assume your PROFILE EXEC automatically loads Linux.
If you have just shut down Linux and want to start CMS, but prevent Linux from
being loaded again, you can prevent CMS from executing the PROFILE EXEC by
issuing access (noprof. When you IPL (load) CMS, you see an identifier line
displayed and CMS pauses with VM READ in the lower right corner of the
display. At that point you can issue access (noprof:
12z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
z/VM V6.1.02004-09-30 16:24
access (noprof
The Help system
z/VM provides online help through the CMS Help system. The HELP command is
like the man command in Linux. You can find full descriptions of z/VM commands
by using the HELP command. By issuing help, you can access the main help menu
for z/VM:
HELP TASKSTask Help Informationline 1 of 39
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2003
z/VM Help, main panel
This panel lists other Help panels that provide information about
various z/VM functions, topics, and tasks.
To view a Help panel, move the cursor to any character of the name
and press the ENTER key or the PF1 key.
HELPINFO - HELP Facility topics
MENUS- z/VM Help menus
TASKS- Basic z/VM tasks - good choice for beginners
COMMANDS - z/VM commands available to general users
CMS- CMS commands
CP- CP commands
QUERYSET - QUERY and SET commands and subcommands
TCPIP- TCP/IP commands
PF1= Help2= Top3= Quit4= Return5= Clocate6= ?
PF7= Backward 8= Forward 9= PFkeys 10=11=12= Cursor
Macro-read 1 File
To get quicker access to command information, you can issue the HELP command
with one of the keywords you see in the main menu. Example: For quick access to
the information about the CP IPL command, issue:
help cp ipl
Chapter 1. About z/VM
Examples of using the HELP command
1. To get help for all the CP commands, type this command and press the Enter
help cp menu
Result: You see a screen like this:
CP MENUMenu Help Informationline 1 of 32
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2003
Help for CP commands
To display a Help panel, move the cursor to any character
of the name and press the ENTER key or the PF1 key.
An asterisk (*) preceding the name indicates a MENU panel.
A colon (:) preceding the name indicates a TASK panel.
v For more advanced information, see z/VM: CMS User’s Guide, SC24-6173.
v For online help, type help on the CMS command line, then press the Enter key.
The CMS file editor XEDIT
CMS provides a file editor called XEDIT, which is a not only a full-screen editor,
but a powerful programming tool. XEDIT has functions similar to vi in Linux. This
topic introduces you to basic editing functions.
To enter an editing session, use the XEDIT command. Example: To create a new
file called MY FILE A, type this command and press the Enter key:
xedit my file a
Without any modifications, an editing screen looks like this.
MYFILEA1 F 80 Trunc=80 Size=0 Line=0 Col=1 Alt=0 1
Numbers in the figure explanations match the reverse type call-outs in the figure:
1. File identification line. The first line displays the file name, file type, file mode
and other file characteristics. “F 80” means the length of a line is fixed at 80
characters. “Trunc=80” means any characters beyond the 80-character length are
truncated. “Size=0” means there are no lines in this file. “Line=0” means the
current line is 0 (more about the current line in point 5 on page 16). “Col=1” is
the position of the column pointer (more about the column pointer in point 6
on page 16). “Alt=0” means the file has had no alterations.
2. Message line. XEDIT communicates with you by displaying messages on the
second and third lines.
3. File area. This part of the screen is available to display the file. You can make
changes to the file by moving the cursor under any line and typing over the
characters, or by using special keys to insert or delete characters. You can make
as many changes as you want on the displayed lines before pressing the Enter
key. When you press the Enter key, the changes are made to the copy of the file
that is kept in virtual storage. The SAVE or FILE subcommand permanently
records those changes on the copy of the file that resides on disk.
Chapter 1. About z/VM15
Because a file can be too long to fit on one screen, various subcommands scroll
the screen so you can move forward and backward in a file. Scrolling the
screen is like turning the pages of a book.
4. Prefix area. The prefix area is the five left-most columns on the screen, and it
displays five equal signs (=====). Each line in the file has a prefix area. You
can perform various editing tasks such as deleting a line by entering short
commands, called prefix subcommands, in the prefix area of a line.
5. Current line. The current line is the file line in the middle of the screen (above
the scale). It is highlighted, appearing brighter than the other file lines.
The current line is important because most subcommands perform their
functions starting with the current line. Naturally, the line that is current
changes during an editing session as you scroll the screen, move up and down,
and so forth. When the current line changes, the line pointer (not visible on the
screen) moves. Many XEDIT subcommands perform their functions starting
with the current line and move the line pointer when they are finished.
6. Scale. The scale appears under the current line to help you edit. It is like the
margin scale on a typewriter.
The vertical bar (|) in column one on the scale is the column pointer. Various
subcommands perform their functions within a line starting at the column
pointer, which you can move to different positions on the scale by using XEDIT
subcommands. The current column is the column under which the column
pointer is positioned.
7. Command line. The large arrow (====>) at the bottom of the screen points to
the command input area. One way you communicate with the editor is to enter
XEDIT subcommands on this line. You can type subcommands in uppercase or
lowercase or a combination of both, and many can be abbreviated. For
example, BOTTOM, Bottom, and b are all valid ways to type the BOTTOM
subcommand (which scrolls the file to the bottom).
8. Status area. The lower right corner displays the current status of your editing
session, for example, edit mode or input mode, and the number of files you are
editing. The status area in the figure shows you are editing one file.
Tip: If you want to explore XEDIT and its capabilities, type “help” at the XEDIT
command line, which opens the XEDIT help menu.
16z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z
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