IBM Z10 EC User Manual

IBM System z10 Enterprise Class (z10 EC) Reference Guide
April 2009
Table of Contents
IBM System z10 EnterpriseClass (z10 EC) Overview page 3 z/Architecture page 6 z10 EC page 11 z10 EC Design and Technology page 14 z10 EC Model page 15 z10 EC Performance page 17 z10 EC I/O Subsystem page 18 z10 EC Channels and I/O Connectivity page 19 HiperSockets page 32 Security page 34 Cryptography page 34 On Demand Capabilities page 39 Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) page 43 Availability Functions page 44 Environmental Enhancements page 47 Parallel Sysplex Cluster Technology page 48 HMC System Support page 57 Implementation Services for Parallel Sysplex Fiber Quick Connect for FICON LX Environments page 60 z10 EC Physical Characteristics page 60 z10 EC Confi guration Detail page 61 Coupling Facility – CF Level of Support page 64 Statement of Direction page 65 Publications page 66
page 59
IBM System z10 Enterprise Class (z10 EC) Overview
The IBM System z10™ Enterprise Class (z10™ EC) server is
designed to meet the challenges of today’s business world
and to be the cornerstone of an evolutionary new model for
effi cient IT delivery called the Dynamic Infrastructure
. This
model helps reset the economics of IT and can dramati-
cally improve operational effi ciency, security, and respon-
siveness – to help keep a business competitive.
The z10 EC
, with its advanced combination of reliability,
availability, serviceability, security, scalability, and virtual-
ization, delivers the technology that can help defi ne this
framework for the future. The z10 EC delivers improvements
to performance, capacity, and memory which can help
enterprises grow their existing business while providing a
cost-effective infrastructure for large-scale consolidation.
The October 2008 announcements extend the z10 EC
leadership with improved access to data and the network;
tighter security with longer Personal Account Numbers for
stronger protection of data; enhancements for improved
performance when connecting to the network; increased
fl exibility in defi ning your options to handle backup require-
ments; and enhanced time accuracy to an external time
Any successful business needs to be able to deliver timely,
integrated information to business leaders, support per-
sonnel, and customers on a 24x7 basis. This means that
access to data needs to be fast, secure, and dependable.
Enhancements made to z/Architecture
and the FICON®
interface architecture with the High Performance FICON
for System z (zHPF) are optimized for online transaction
processing (OLTP) workloads. The FICON Express4 and
FICON Express2 features support the native FICON proto-
col and the zHPF protocol.
The System z10 was introduced with a new connectivity
option for LANs – Open Systems Adapter-Express3 (OSA-
Express3). The OSA-Express3 features provide improved
performance by reducing latency at the TCP/IP application.
Direct access to the memory allows packets to fl ow directly
from the memory to the LAN without fi rmware intervention in
the adapter.
An IT system needs to be available and protected every
The z10 EC offers availability enhancements which
faster service time for CF Duplexing, updates to
Server Time
Protocol (STP) for enhanced time accuracy to
an External Time Source, and support for heterogeneous
platforms in an enterprise to track to the same time source.
Security enhancements to the Crypto Express2 feature
support for 13-, 14-, 15-, 16-, 17-, 18-, and 19-digit
Account Numbers for stronger protection of data.
The z10 EC has a new architectural approach for temporary
offerings that have the potential to change the thinking
about on demand capacity. The z10 EC can have one or
more fl exible confi guration defi nitions that can be available
to solve multiple temporary situations and multiple capacity
confi gurations that can be active at once. This means that
On/Off Capacity on Demand (CoD) can be active and up to
seven other offerings can be active simultaneously. Tokens
are available that can be purchased for On/Off CoD either
before or after execution.
Updates to the z10 EC are designed to help improve IT
today, outline a compelling case for the future running on
System z, and lock in the z10 EC as the cornerstone in your
Dynamic Infrastructure by delivering superior business and
IT services with agility and speed.
Just-in-time deployment of IT resources
Infrastructures must be more fl exible to changing capacity
requirements and provide users with just-in-time deploy-
ment of resources. Having the 16 GB dedicated HSA on
the z10 EC means that some preplanning confi guration
changes and associated outages may be avoided. IBM
Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD) provides a perma-
nent increase in processing capacity that can be initiated
by the customer.
IBM On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD) provides
temporary capacity needed for short-term spikes in capac-
ity or for testing new applications. Capacity Backup
Upgrade (CBU) can help provide reserved emergency
backup capacity for all processor confi gurations.
An additional temporary capacity offering on the z10 EC is
Capacity for Planned Events (CPE), a variation on CBU. If
unallocated capacity is available in a server, it will allow the
maximum capacity available to be used for planned events
such as planned maintenance in a data center.
By having fl exible and dynamic confi guration defi nitions,
when capacity is needed, activation of any portion of an
offering can be done (for example activation of just two
CBUs out of a defi nition that has four CBUs is accept-
able). And if the defi nition doesn’t have enough resources
defi ned, an order can easily be processed to increase the
capacity (so if four CBUs aren’t enough it can be redefi ned
to be six CBUs) as long as enough server infrastructure is
available to meet maximum needs.
With the z10 EC, it is now possible to add permanent
capacity while a temporary capacity is currently activated,
without having to return fi rst to the original confi guration.
The activation of On/Off CoD on z10 EC can be simplifi ed
or automated by using z/OS Capacity Provisioning (avail-
able with z/OS
1.9 and above). This capability enables the
monitoring of multiple systems based on Capacity Provi-
sioning and Workload Manager (WLM) defi nitions. When
the defi ned conditions are met, z/OS can suggest capacity
changes for manual activation from a z/OS console, or the
system can add or remove temporary capacity automati-
cally and without operator intervention.
Specialty engines offer an attractive alternative
The z10 EC continues the long history of providing inte-
grated technologies to optimize a variety of workloads. The
use of specialty engines can help users expand the use
of the mainframe for new workloads, while helping to lower
the cost of ownership. The IBM System z
specialty engines
can run independently or complement each other. For
example, the zAAP and zIIP processors enable you to pur-
chase additional processing capacity exclusively for spe-
cifi c workloads, without affecting the MSU rating of the IBM
System z model designation. This means that adding a
specialty engine will not cause increased charges for IBM
System z software running on general purpose processors
in the server.
All activations can be done without having to interact with
IBM—when it is determined that capacity is required, no
passwords or phone connections are necessary. As long
as the total z10 EC can support the maximums that are
defi ned, then they can be made available.
In order of introduction:
The Internal Coupling Facility (ICF) processor was intro-
duced to help cut the cost of Coupling Facility functions
by reducing the need for an external Coupling Facility.
IBM System z Parallel Sysplex
technology allows for
greater scalability and availability by coupling mainframes
together. Using Parallel Sysplex clustering, System z serv-
ers are designed for up to 99.999% availability.
The Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) processor offers sup-
port for Linux
and brings a wealth of available applications
that can be run in a real or virtual environment on the z10
EC. An example is the z/VSE
strategy which supports
integration between the IFL, z/VSE and Linux on System z
to help customers integrate timely production of z/VSE data
into new Linux applications, such as data warehouse envi-
ronments built upon a DB2
data server. To consolidate dis-
tributed servers onto System z, the IFL with Linux and the
System z virtualization technologies fulfi ll the qualifi cations
for business-critical workloads as well as for infrastructure
workloads. For customers interested to use a z10 EC only
for Linux workload, the z10 EC can be confi gured as a
server with IFLs only.
Available on System z since 2004, the System z10 Applica-
tion Assist Processor (zAAP) is designed to help enable
strategic integration of new application technologies
such as Java
technology-based Web applications and
XML-based data interchange services with core business
database environments. This helps provide a more cost-
effective, specialized z/OS application Java execution envi-
ronment. Workloads eligible for the zAAP (with z/OS V1.8)
include all Java processed via the IBM Solution Developers
Kit (SDK) and XML processed locally via z/OS XML System
System z10 Integrated Information Processor (
zIIP) is
designed to support select data and transaction process-
ing and network workloads and thereby make the consoli-
dation of these workloads on to the System z platform more
cost effective. Workloads eligible for the zIIP (with z/OS
V1.7 or later) include remote connectivity to DB2 to help
support these workloads: Business Intelligence (BI), Enter-
prise Relationship Management (ERP), Customer Relation-
ship Management (CRM) and Extensible Markup Language
(XML) applications. In addition to supporting remote
connectivity to DB2 (via DRDA
over TCP/IP) the zIIP also
supports DB2 long running parallel queries—a workload
integral to Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
solutions. The zIIP (with z/OS V1.8) also supports IPSec
processing, making the zIIP an IPSec encryption engine
helpful in creating highly secure connections in an enter-
prise. In addition, zIIP (with z/OS V1.10) supports select
z/OS Global Mirror (formerly called Extended Remote
Copy, XRC) disk copy service functions. z/OS V1.10 also
introduces zIIP-Assisted HiperSockets
for large messages
(available on System z10 servers only).
The new capability provided with z/VM®-Mode partitions
increases fl exibility and simplifi es systems management by
allowing z/VM 5.4 to manage guests to operate Linux on
System z on IFLs, to operate z/VSE and z/OS on CPs,
to offl oad z/OS system software overhead, such as DB2
workloads on zIIPs, and to offer an economical Java exe-
cution environment under z/OS on zAAPs, all in the same
Numerical computing on the chip
Integrated on the z10 EC processor unit is a Hardware
Decimal Floating Point unit to accelerate decimal fl oating
point transactions. This function is designed to markedly
improve performance for decimal fl oating point operations
which offer increased precision compared to binary fl oating
point operations. This is expected to be particularly useful
for the calculations involved in many fi nancial transactions.
Decimal calculations are often used in fi nancial applica-
tions and those done using other fl oating point facilities
have typically been performed by software through the
use of libraries. With a hardware decimal fl oating point
unit, some of these calculations may be done directly and
Liberating your assets with System z
Enterprises have millions of dollars worth of mainframe
assets and core business applications that support the
heart of the business. The convergence of service oriented
architecture (SOA) and mainframe technologies can help
liberate these core business assets by making it easier
to enrich, modernize, extend and reuse them well beyond
their original scope of design. The z10 EC, along with the
inherent strengths and capabilities of a z/OS environment,
provides an excellent platform for being an enterprise hub.
Innovative System z software solutions from WebSphere
, Rational® and Lotus® strengthen the fl exibility of
doing SOA.
Evolving for your business
The z10 EC is the next step in the evolution of the System
z mainframe, fulfi lling our promise to deliver technol-
ogy improvements in areas that the mainframe excels
in—energy effi ciency, scalability, virtualization, security and
availability. The redesigned processor chip helps the z10
EC make high performance compute-intensive processing
a reality. Flexibility and control over capacity gives IT the
upper edge over planned or unforeseen demands. And
new technologies can benefi t from the inherit strengths of
the mainframe. This evolving technology delivers a compel-
ling case for the future to run on System z.
The z10 EC continues the line of upward compatible main-
frame processors and retains application compatibility
since 1964. The z10 EC supports all z/Architecture-compli-
ant Operating Systems. The heart of the processor unit is
the Enterprise Quad Core z10 Processor Unit chip which
is specifi cally designed and optimized for mainframe sys-
tems. New features enhance enterprise data serving per-
formance as well as CPU-intensive workloads.
The z10 EC, like its predecessors, supports 24-, 31-, and
64-bit addressing, as well as multiple arithmetic formats.
High-performance logical partitioning via Processor
Resource/Systems Manager
(PR/SM™) is achieved by
industry-leading virtualization support provided by z/VM.
z10 EC Architecture
Rich CISC Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
• 894 instructions (668 implemented entirely in hardware)
• Multiple address spaces robust inter-process security
• Multiple arithmetic formats
Architectural extensions for z10 EC
• 50+ instructions added to z10 EC to improve compiled
code effi ciency
• Enablement for software/hardware cache optimization
• Support for 1 MB page frames
• Full hardware support for Hardware Decimal Floating-
point Unit (HDFU)
z/Architecture operating system support
Delivering the technologies required to address today’s IT
challenges also takes much more than just a server; it
requires all of the system elements to be working together.
IBM system z10 operating systems and servers are
designed with a collaborative approach to exploit each
other’s strengths.
The z10 EC is also able to exploit numerous operating sys-
tems concurrently on a single server, these include z/OS,
z/VM, z/VSE, z/TPF, TPF and Linux for System z. These
operating systems are designed to support existing appli-
cation investments without anticipated change and help
you realize the benefi ts of the z10 EC. System z10 – the
new business equation.
August 5, 2008, IBM announced z/OS V1.10. This release
of the z/OS operating system builds on leadership capa-
bilities, enhances time-tested technologies, and leverages
deep synergies with the IBM System z10 and IBM System
family of products. z/OS V1.10 supports new
capabilities designed to provide:
• Storage scalability. Extended Address Volumes (EAVs)
enable you to defi ne volumes as large as 223 GB to
relieve storage constraints and help you simplify storage
management by providing the ability to manage fewer,
large volumes as opposed to many small volumes.
• Application and data serving scalability. Up to 64
engines, up to 1.5 TB per server with up to 1.0 TB of
real memory per LPAR, and support for large (1 MB)
pages on the System z10 can help provide scale and
performance for your critical workloads.
• Intelligent and optimized dispatching of workloads. Hip-
erDispatch can help provide increased scalability and
performance of higher n-way z10 EC systems by improv-
ing the way workload is dispatched within the server.
• Low-cost, high-availability disk solution. The Basic
capability (enabled by TotalStorage® Pro-
ductivity Center for Replication Basic Edition for System
z) provides a low-cost, single-site, high-availability disk
solution which allows the confi guration of disk replication
services using an intuitive browser-based graphical user
interface (GUI) served from z/OS.
• Improved total cost of ownership. zIIP-Assisted
HiperSockets for Large Messages, IBM Scalable
Architecture for Financial Reporting
enabled for zIIP (a
service offering of IBM Global Business Services), zIIP-
Assisted z/OS Global Mirror (XRC), and additional z/OS
XML System Services exploitation of zIIP and zAAP help
make these workloads more attractive on System z.
• Improved management of temporary processor capac-
ity. A Capacity Provisioning Manager, which is avail-
able on z/OS V1.10, and available on z/OS V1.9 with
PTFs, can monitor z/OS systems on z10 EC servers.
Activation and deactivation of temporary capacity can
be suggested or performed automatically based on
user-defi ned schedules and workload criteria. RMF
equivalent function is required to use the Capacity Provi-
sioning Manager.
• Improved network security. z/OS Communications Server
introduces new defensive fi ltering capability. Defensive
fi lters are evaluated ahead of confi gured IP fi lters, and
can be created dynamically, which can provide added
protection and minimal disruption of services in the
event of an attack.
• z/OS V1.10 also supports RSA key, ISO Format-3 PIN
block, 13-Digit through 19-Digit PANdata, secure key
AES, and SHA algorithms.
• Improved productivity. z/OS V1.10 provides improve-
ments in or new capabilities for: simplifying diagnosis
and problem determination; expanded Health Check
Services; network and security management; automatic
dump and re-IPL capability; as well as overall z/OS, I/O
confi guration, sysplex, and storage operations
With z/OS 1.9, IBM delivers functionality that continues to
solidify System z leadership as the premier data server.
z/OS 1.9 offers enhancements in the areas of security, net-
working, scalability, availability, application development,
integration, and improved economics with more exploita-
tion for specialty engines. A foundational element of the
platform — the z/OS tight interaction with the System z
hardware and its high level of system integrity.
With z/OS 1.9, IBM introduces:
• A revised and expanded Statement of z/OS System
• Large Page Support (1 MB)
• Capacity Provisioning
• Support for up to 64 engines in a single image (on z10
EC model only)
• Simplifi ed and centralized policy-based networking
• Expanded IBM Health Checker
• Simplifi ed RACF
• Hardware Decimal Floating Point
• Parallel Sysplex support for Infi niband
Coupling Links
• NTP Support for STP
• HiperSockets Multiple Write Facility
• OSA-Express3 support
• Advancements in ease of use for both new and existing
IT professionals coming to z/OS
• Support for zIIP-Assisted IPSec, System Data Mover
(SDM) offl oad to zIIP, and support for eligible portions of
DB2 9 XML parsing workloads to be offl oaded to zAAP
• Expanded options for AT-TLS and System SSL network
• Improved creation and management of digital certifi -
cates with RACF, SAF, and z/OS PKI Services
• Additional centralized ICSF encryption key management
functions for applications
• Improved availability with Parallel Sysplex and Coupling
Facility improvement
• Enhanced application development and integration with
new System REXX
System Services commands
facility, Metal C facility, and z/OS
• Enhanced Workload Manager in managing discretionary
work and zIIP and zAAP workloads
Commitment to system integrity
First issued in 1973, IBM’s MVS
ment and subsequent statements for OS/390
System Integrity State-
and z/OS
stand as a symbol of IBM’s confi dence and commitment to
the z/OS operating system. Today, IBM reaffi rms its com-
mitment to z/OS system integrity.
IBM’s commitment includes designs and development
practices intended to prevent unauthorized application
programs, subsystems, and users from bypassing z/OS
security—that is, to prevent them from gaining access,
circumventing, disabling, altering, or obtaining control of
key z/OS system processes and resources unless allowed
by the installation. Specifi cally, z/OS “System Integrity” is
defi ned as the inability of any program not authorized by
a mechanism under the installation’s control to circumvent
or disable store or fetch protection, access a resource pro-
tected by the z/OS Security Server (RACF), or obtain con-
trol in an authorized state; that is, in supervisor state, with
a protection key less than eight (8), or Authorized Program
Facility (APF) authorized. In the event that an IBM System
Integrity problem is reported, IBM will always take action to
resolve it.
IBM’s long-term commitment to System Integrity is unique
in the industry, and forms the basis of the z/OS industry
leadership in system security. z/OS is designed to help you
protect your system, data, transactions, and applications
from accidental or malicious modifi cation. This is one of
the many reasons System z remains the industry’s premier
data server for mission-critical workloads.
z/VM V5.4 is designed to extend its System z virtualization
technology leadership by exploiting more capabilities of
System z servers including:
SSL server now operates in a CMS environment, instead of
requiring a Linux distribution, thus allowing encryption ser-
vices to be deployed more quickly and helping to simplify
installation, service, and release-to-release migration.
• Greater fl exibility, with support for the new z/VM-mode
logical partitions, allowing all System z processor-types
(CPs, IFLs, zIIPs, zAAPs, and ICFs) to be defi ned in the
same z/VM LPAR for use by various guest operating sys-
• Capability to install Linux on System z as well as z/VM
from the HMC on a System z10 that eliminates the need
for any external network setup or a physical connection
between an LPAR and the HMC
• Enhanced physical connectivity by exploiting all OSA-
Express3 ports, helping service the network and reduc-
ing the number of required resources.
• Dynamic memory upgrade support that allows real
memory to be added to a running z/VM system. With z/VM
V5.4, memory can be added non-disruptively to individual
guests that support the dynamic memory reconfi guration
architecture. Systems can now be confi gured to reduce
the need to re-IPL z/VM. Processors, channels, OSA
adapters, and now memory can be dynamically added to
both the z/VM system itself and to individual guests.
The operation and management of virtual machines
has been enhanced with new systems management
APIs, improvements to the algorithm for distributing a
guest’s CPU share among virtual processors, and usability
enhancements for managing a virtual network.
Security capabilities of z/VM V5.4 provide an upgraded
LDAP server at the functional level of the z/OS V1.10 IBM
Directory Server for z/OS and enhancements to the
RACF Security Server to create LDAP change log entries
in response to updates to RACF group and user profi les,
including user passwords and password phrases. The z/VM
The z/VM hypervisor is designed to help clients extend the
business value of mainframe technology across the enter-
prise by integrating applications and data while providing
exceptional levels of availability, security, and operational
ease. z/VM virtualization technology is designed to provide
the capability for clients to run hundreds to thousands of
Linux servers in a single mainframe, together with other
System z operating systems such as z/OS, or as a large-
scale Linux-only enterprise-server solution. z/VM V5.4 can
also help to improve productivity by hosting non-Linux
workloads such as z/OS, z/VSE, and z/TPF.
August 5, 2008, IBM announced z/VM 5.4. Enhancements
in z/VM 5.4 include:
• Increased fl exibility with support for new z/VM-mode
logical partitions
• Dynamic addition of memory to an active z/VM LPAR
by exploiting System z dynamic storage-reconfi guration
• Enhanced physical connectivity by exploiting all OSA-
Express3 ports
• Capability to install Linux on System z from the HMC
without requiring an external network connection
• Enhancements for scalability and constraint relief
• Operation of the SSL server in a CMS environment
• Systems management enhancements for Linux and
other virtual images
For the most current information on z/VM, refer to the z/VM
Web site at
z/VSE 4.1, the latest advance in the ongoing evolution of
VSE, is designed to help address needs of VSE clients
with growing core VSE workloads and/or those who wish
to exploit Linux on System z for new, Web-based business
solutions and infrastructure simplifi cation.
z/VSE 4.1 is designed to support:
• z/Architecture mode only
• 64-bit real addressing and up to 8 GB of processor
• System z encryption technology including CPACF, con-
fi gurable Crypto Express2, and TS1120 encrypting tape
• Midrange Workload License Charge (MWLC) pricing,
including full-capacity and sub-capacity options.
IBM has previewed z/VSE 4.2. When available, z/VSE 4.2
is designed help address the needs of VSE clients with
growing core VSE workloads. z/VSE V4.2 is designed to
z/TPF is a 64-bit operating system that allows you to move
legacy applications into an open development environ-
ment, leveraging large scale memory spaces for increased
speed, diagnostics and functionality. The open develop-
ment environment allows access to commodity skills and
enhanced access to open code libraries, both of which can
be used to lower development costs. Large memory spaces
can be used to increase both system and application effi -
ciency as I/Os or memory management can be eliminated.
z/TPF is designed to support:
• 64-bit mode
• Linux development environment (GCC and HLASM for Linux)
• 32 processors/cluster
• Up to 84* engines/processor
• 40,000 modules
• Workload License Charge
• More than 255 VSE tasks to help clients grow their CICS workloads and to ease migration from CS/VSE to CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA
• Up to 32 GB of processor storage
• Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool running “natively”
• Encryption Facility for z/VSE as an optional priced fea­ture
• IBM System Storage TS3400 Tape Library (via the TS1120 Controller)
• IBM System Storage TS7740 Virtualization Engine
Release 1.3
z/VSE V4.2 plans to continue the focus on hybrid solu-
tions exploiting z/VSE and Linux on System z, service-ori-
ented architecture (SOA), and security. It is the preferred
replacement for z/VSE V4.1, z/VSE V3, or VSE/ESA. It is
designed to protect and leverage existing VSE information
Linux on System z
The System z10 EC supports the following Linux on
System z distributions (most recent service levels):
• Novell SUSE SLES 9
• Novell SUSE SLES 10
• Red Hat RHEL 4
• Red Hat RHEL 5
z10 EC
Operating System ESA/390 z/Architecture (31-bit) (64-bit)
z/OS V1R8, 9 and 10 No Yes
z/OS V1R7
with BM Lifecycle
Extension for z/OS V1.7 No Yes
Linux on System z
, Red Hat
RHEL 4, & Novell SUSE SLES 9 Yes Yes
Linux on System z
, Red Hat
RHEL 5, & Novell SUSE SLES 10 No Yes
z/VM V5R2
z/VSE V3R1
z/VSE V4R1
, 3
and 4 No* Yes
and 2
Yes No
No Yes
z/TPF V1R1 No Yes
TPF V4R1 (ESA mode only) Yes No
1. z/OS V1.7 support on the z10 BC™ requires the Lifecycle Extension for z/OS V1.7, 5637-A01. The Lifecycle Extension for z/OS R1.7 + zIIP Web Deliverable required for z10 to enable HiperDispatch on z10 (does not require a zIIP). z/OS V1.7 support was withdrawn September 30, 2008. The Lifecycle Extension for z/OS V1.7 (5637-A01) makes fee-based cor­rective service for z/OS V1.7 available through September 2009. With this Lifecycle Extension, z/OS V1.7 supports the z10 BC server. Certain functions and features of the z10 BC server require later releases of z/OS. For a complete list of software support, see the PSP buckets and the Software Requirements section of the System z10 BC announcement letter, dated October 21, 2008.
2. Compatibility Support for listed releases. Compatibility support allows OS to IPL and operate on z10 BC
3. Requires Compatibility Support which allows z/VM to IPL and operate on the z10 providing IBM System z9 Guests. *z/VM supports 31-bit and 64-bit guests
4. z/VSE V3 operates in 31-bit mode only. It does not implement z/ Architecture, and specifi cally does not implement 64-bit mode capabili­ties. z/VSE is designed to exploit select features of IBM System z10, System z9, and IBM eServer
5. z/VSE V4 is designed to exploit 64-bit real memory addressing, but will not support 64-bit virtual memory addressing
Note: Refer to the z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE subsets of the 2098DEVICE Preventive Planning (PSP) bucket prior to installing a z10 BC
functionality for the base OS and
zSeries® hardware.
Everyday the IT system needs to be available to users
– customers that need access to the company Web site,
line of business personnel that need access to the system,
application development that is constantly keeping the
environment current, and the IT staff that is operating and
maintaining the environment. If applications are not consis-
tently available, the business can suffer.
The z10 EC continues our commitment to deliver improve-
ments in hardware Reliability, Availability and Serviceability
(RAS) with every new System z server. They include micro-
code driver enhancements, dynamic segment sparing for
memory as well as the fi xed HSA. The z10 EC is a server
that can help keep applications up and running in the
event of planned or unplanned disruptions to the system.
IBM System z servers stand alone against competition and
have stood the test of time with our business resiliency
solutions. Our coupling solutions with Parallel Sysplex tech-
nology allows for greater scalability and availability. The
Infi niBand Coupling Links on the z10 EC provides a high
speed solution to the 10 meter limitation of ICB-4 since they
will be available in lengths up to 150 meters.
What the z10 EC provides over its predecessors are
improvements in the processor granularity offerings, more
options for specialty engines, security enhancements,
additional high availability characteristics, Concurrent
Driver Upgrade (CDU) improvements, enhanced network-
ing and on demand offerings. The z10 EC provides our
IBM customers an option for continued growth, continuity,
and upgradeability.
The IBM System z10 EC builds upon the structure
introduced on the IBM System z9 EC – scalability and
z/Architecture. The System z10 EC expands upon a key
attribute of the platform – availability – to help ensure a
resilient infrastructure designed to satisfy the demands
of your business. With the potential for increased perfor-
mance and capacity, you have an opportunity to continue
to consolidate diverse applications on a single platform.
The z10 EC is designed to provide up 1.7 times the total
system capacity than the z9 EC, and has up to triple the
available memory. The maximum number of Processor
Units (PUs) has grown from 54 to 64, and memory has
increased from 128 GB per book and 512 GB per system
to 384 GB per book and 1.5 TB per system.
The z10 EC will continue to use the Cargo cage for its I/O,
supporting up to 960 Channels on the Model E12 (64 I/O
features) and up to 1,024 (84 I/O features) on the Models
E26, E40, E56 and E64.
HiperDispatch helps provide increased scalability and per-
formance of higher n-way and multi-book z10 EC systems
by improving the way workload is dispatched across the
server. HiperDispatch accomplishes this by recognizing
the physical processor where the work was started and
then dispatching subsequent work to the same physical
processor. This intelligent dispatching helps reduce the
movement of cache and data and is designed to improve
CPU time and performance. HiperDispatch is available
only with new z10 EC PR/SM and z/OS functions.
Processor Units (cores) defi ned as Internal Coupling
Facilities (ICFs), Integrated Facility for Linux (IFLs), System
z10 Application Assist Processor (zAAPs) and System
z10 Integrated Information Processor (zIIPs) are no longer
grouped together in one pool as on the z990, but are
grouped together in their own pool, where they can be
managed separately. The separation signifi cantly simpli-
fi es capacity planning and management for LPAR and can
have an effect on weight management since CP weights
and zAAP and zIIP weights can now be managed sepa-
rately. Capacity BackUp (CBU) features are available for
IFLs, ICFs, zAAPs and zIIPs.
For LAN connectivity, z10 EC provides a OSA-Express3
2-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) Long Reach feature along
with the OSA-Express3 Gigabit Ethernet SX and LX with
four ports per features. The z10 EC continues to support
OSA-Express2 1000BASE-T and GbE Ethernet features,
and supports IP version 6 (IPv6) on HiperSockets. OSA-
Express2 OSN (OSA for NCP) is also available on System
z10 EC to support the Channel Data Link Control (CDLC)
protocol, providing direct access from the host operating
system images to the Communication Controller for Linux
on the z10 EC, z10 BC, z9 EC and z9 (CCL) using OSA-
Express3 or OSA-Express2 to help eliminate the require-
ment for external hardware for communications.
Additional channel and networking improvements include
support for Layer 2 and Layer 3 traffi c, FCP management
facility for z/VM and Linux for System z, FCP security
improvements, and Linux support for HiperSockets IPv6.
STP enhancements include the additional support for NTP
clients and STP over Infi niBand links.
Like the System z9 EC, the z10 EC offers a confi gurable
Crypto Express2 feature, with PCI-X adapters that can
be individually confi gured as a secure coprocessor or
an accelerator for SSL, the TKE workstation with optional
Smart Card Reader, and provides the following CP Assist
for Cryptographic Function (CPACF):
• DES, TDES, AES-128, AES-192, AES-256
• SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
• Pseudo Random Number Generation (PRNG)
z10 EC is designed to deliver the industry leading Reli-
ability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS) custom-
ers expect from System z servers. RAS is designed to
reduce all sources of outages by reducing unscheduled,
scheduled and planned outages. Planned outages are
further designed to be reduced by reducing preplanning
z10 EC preplanning improvements are designed to avoid
planned outages and include:
• Flexible Customer Initiated Upgrades
• Enhanced Driver Maintenance
– Multiple “from” sync point support
• Reduce Pre-planning to avoid Power-On-Reset
– 16 GB for HSA
– Dynamic I/O enabled by default
– Add Logical Channel Subsystems (LCSS)
– Change LCSS Subchannel Sets
– Add/delete Logical partitions
• Designed to eliminate a logical partition deactivate/
– Dynamic Change to Logical Processor Defi nition –
z/VM 5.3
– Dynamic Change to Logical Cryptographic Coproces-
sor Defi nition – z/OS ICSF
Additionally, several service enhancements have also
been designed to avoid scheduled outages and include
concurrent fi rmware fi xes, concurrent driver upgrades,
concurrent parts replacement, and concurrent hardware
upgrades. Exclusive to the z10 EC is the ability to hot swap
ICB-4 and Infi niBand hub cards.
Enterprises with IBM System z9 EC and IBM z990 may
upgrade to any z10 Enterprise Class model. Model
upgrades within the z10 EC are concurrent with the excep-
tion of the E64, which is disruptive. If you desire a con-
solidation platform for your mainframe and Linux capable
applications, you can add capacity and even expand you
current application workloads in a cost-effective manner. If
your traditional and new applications are growing, you may
fi nd the z10 EC a good fi t with its base qualities of service
and its specialty processors designed for assisting with
new workloads. Value is leveraged with improved hardware
price/performance and System z10 EC software pricing
The z10 EC processor introduces IBM System z10
Enterprise Class with Quad Core technology, advanced
pipeline design and enhanced performance on CPU inten-
sive workloads. The z10 EC is specifi cally designed and
optimized for full z/Architecture compatibility. New features
enhance enterprise data serving performance, industry
leading virtualization capabilities, energy effi ciency at
system and data center levels. The z10 EC is designed
to further extend and integrate key platform characteris-
tics such as dynamic fl exible partitioning and resource
management in mixed and unpredictable workload envi-
ronments, providing scalability, high availability and Quali-
ties of Service (QoS) to emerging applications such as
WebSphere, Java and Linux.
With the logical partition (LPAR) group capacity limit on
z10 EC, z10 BC, z9 EC and z9 BC, you can now specify
LPAR group capacity limits allowing you to defi ne each
LPAR with its own capacity and one or more groups of
LPARs on a server. This is designed to allow z/OS to
manage the groups in such a way that the sum of the
LPARs’ CPU utilization within a group will not exceed the
group’s defi ned capacity. Each LPAR in a group can still
optionally continue to defi ne an individual LPAR capacity
The z10 EC has fi ve models with a total of 100 capacity
settings available as new build systems and as upgrades
from the z9 EC and z990.
The fi ve z10 EC models are designed with a multi-book
system structure that provides up to 64 Processor Units
(PUs) that can be characterized as either Central Proces-
sors (CPs), IFLs, ICFs, zAAPs or zIIPs.
Some of the signifi cant enhancements in the z10 EC that
help bring improved performance, availability and function
to the platform have been identifi ed. The following sections
highlight the functions and features of the z10 EC.
z10 EC Design and Technology
The System z10 EC is designed to provide balanced
system performance. From processor storage to the
system’s I/O and network channels, end-to-end bandwidth
is provided and designed to deliver data where and when
it is needed.
The processor subsystem is comprised of one to four
books connected via a point-to-point SMP network. The
change to a point-to-point connectivity eliminates the need
for the jumper book, as had been used on the System z9
and z990 systems. The z10 EC design provides growth
paths up to a 64 engine system where each of the 64
PUs has full access to all system resources, specifi cally
memory and I/O.
Each book is comprised of a Multi-Chip Module (MCM),
memory cards and I/O fanout cards. The MCMs, which
measure approximately 96 x 96 millimeters, contain the
Processor Unit (PU) chips, the “SCD” and “SCC” chips of
z990 and z9 have been replaced by a single “SC” chip
which includes both the L2 cache and the SMP fabric
(“storage controller”) functions. There are two SC chips
on each MCM, each of which is connected to all fi ve CP
chips on that MCM. The MCM contain 103 glass ceramic
layers to provide interconnection between the chips and
the off-module environment. Four models (E12, E26, E40
and E56) have 17 PUs per book, and the high capacity
z10 EC Model E64 has one 17 PU book and three 20 PU
books. Each PU measures 21.973 mm x 21.1658 mm and
has an L1 cache divided into a 64 KB cache for instruc-
tions and a 128 KB cache for data. Each PU also has an
L1.5 cache. This cache is 3 MB in size. Each L1 cache
has a Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB) of 512 entries
associated with it. The PU, which uses a high-frequency
z/Architecture microprocessor core, is built on CMOS 11S
chip technology and has a cycle time of approximately
0.23 nanoseconds.
The design of the MCM technology on the z10 EC pro-
vides the fl exibility to confi gure the PUs for different uses;
there are two spares and up to 11 System Assist Proces-
sors (SAPs) standard per system. The remaining inactive
PUs on each installed MCM are available to be charac-
terized as either CPs, ICF processors for Coupling Facil-
ity applications, or IFLs for Linux applications and z/VM
hosting Linux as a guest, System z10 Application Assist
Processors (zAAPs), System z10 Integrated Information
Processors (zIIPs) or as optional SAPs and provide you
with tremendous fl exibility in establishing the best system
for running applications. Each model of the z10 EC must
always be ordered with at least one CP, IFL or ICF.
Each book can support from the 16 GB minimum memory,
up to 384 GB and up to 1.5 TB per system. 16 GB of
the total memory is delivered and reserved for the fi xed
Hardware Systems Area (HSA). There are up to 48 IFB
links per system at 6 GBps each.
The z10 EC supports a combination of Memory Bus
Adapter (MBA) and Host Channel Adapter (HCA) fanout
cards. New MBA fanout cards are used exclusively for
ICB-4. New ICB-4 cables are needed for z10 EC and are
only available on models E12, E26, E40 and E56. The E64
model may not have ICBs. The Infi niBand Multiplexer (IFB-
MP) card replaces the Self-Timed Interconnect Multiplexer
(STI-MP) card. There are two types of HCA fanout cards:
HCA2-C is copper and is always used to connect to I/O
(IFB-MP card) and the HCA2-O which is optical and used
for customer Infi niBand coupling.
Data transfers are direct between books via the level 2
cache chip in each MCM. Level 2 Cache is shared by all
PU chips on the MCM. PR/SM provides the ability to con-
fi gure and operate as many as 60 Logical Partitions which
may be assigned processors, memory and I/O resources
from any of the available books.
z10 EC Model
The z10 EC has been designed to offer high performance
and effi cient I/O structure. All z10 EC models ship with two
frames: an A-Frame and a Z-Frame, which together sup-
port the installation of up to three I/O cages. The z10 EC
will continue to use the Cargo cage for its I/O, supporting
up to 960 ESCON
and 256 FICON channels on the Model
E12 (64 I/O features) and up to 1,024 ESCON and 336
FICON channels (84 I/O features) on the Models E26, E40,
E56 and E64.
To increase the I/O device addressing capability, the I/O
subsystem provides support for multiple subchannels
sets (MSS), which are designed to allow improved device
connectivity for Parallel Access Volumes (PAVs). To sup-
port the highly scalable multi-book system design, the z10
EC I/O subsystem uses the Logical Channel Subsystem
(LCSS) which provides the capability to install up to 1024
CHPIDs across three I/O cages (256 per operating system
image). The Parallel Sysplex Coupling Link architecture
and technology continues to support high speed links pro-
viding effi cient transmission between the Coupling Facility
and z/OS systems. HiperSockets provides high-speed
capability to communicate among virtual servers and logi-
cal partitions. HiperSockets is now improved with the IP
version 6 (IPv6) support; this is based on high-speed TCP/
IP memory speed transfers and provides value in allowing
applications running in one partition to communicate with
applications running in another without dependency on
an external network. Industry standard and openness are
design objectives for I/O in System z10 EC.
The z10 EC has fi ve models offering between 1 to 64 pro-
cessor units (PUs), which can be confi gured to provide
a highly scalable solution designed to meet the needs
of both high transaction processing applications and On
Demand Business. Four models (E12, E26, E40 and E56)
have 17 PUs per book, and the high capacity z10 EC
Model E64 has one 17 PU book and three 20 PU books.
The PUs can be characterized as either CPs, IFLs, ICFs,
zAAPs or zIIPs. An easy-to-enable ability to “turn off” CPs
or IFLs is available on z10 EC, allowing you to purchase
capacity for future use with minimal or no impact on
software billing. An MES feature will enable the “turned
off” CPs or IFLs for use where you require the increased
capacity. There are a wide range of upgrade options avail-
able in getting to and within the z10 EC.
The z10 EC hardware model numbers (E12, E26, E40, E56
and E64) on their own do not indicate the number of PUs
which are being used as CPs. For software billing pur-
poses only, there will be a Capacity Identifi er associated
with the number of PUs that are characterized as CPs. This
number will be reported by the Store System Information
(STSI) instruction for software billing purposes only. There
is no affi nity between the hardware model and the number
of CPs. For example, it is possible to have a Model E26
which has 13 PUs characterized as CPs, so for software
billing purposes, the STSI instruction would report 713.
z10 EC model upgrades
There are full upgrades within the z10 EC models and
upgrades from any z9 EC or z990 to any z10 EC. Upgrade
of z10 EC Models E12, E26, E40 and E56 to the E64 is
disruptive. When upgrading to z10 EC Model E64, unlike
the z9 EC, the fi rst book is retained. There are no direct
upgrades from the z9 BC or IBM eServer zSeries 900
(z900), or previous generation IBM eServer zSeries.
z10 EC Base and Sub-capacity Offerings
IBM is increasing the number of sub-capacity engines on
the z10 EC. A total of 36 sub-capacity settings are avail-
able on any hardware model for 1-12 CPs. Models with 13
CPs or greater must be full capacity.
For the z10 EC models with 1-12 CPs, there are four
capacity settings per engine for central processors (CPs).
The entry point (Model 401) is approximately 23.69% of
a full speed CP (Model 701). All specialty engines con-
tinue to run at full speed. Sub-capacity processors have
availability of z10 EC features/functions and any-to-any
upgradeability is available within the sub-capacity matrix.
All CPs must be the same capacity setting size within one
z10 EC.
z10 EC Model Capacity Identifi ers:
• 700, 401 to 412, 501 to 512, 601 to 612 and 701 to 764
• Capacity setting 700 does not have any CP engines
• Nxx, where n = the capacity setting of the engine, and
xx = the number of PU characterized as CPs in the CEC
Once xx exceeds 12, then all CP engines are full capacity
The z10 EC has 36 additional capacity settings at the low end
• Available on ANY H/W Model for 1 to 12 CPs. Models with 13 CPs or greater have to be full capacity
• All CPs must be the same capacity within the z10 EC
• All specialty engines run at full capacity. The one for one entitle­ment to purchase one zAAP or one zIIP for each CP purchased is the same for CPs of any capacity.
• Only 12 CPs can have granular capacity, other PUs must be CBU or characterized as specialty engines
z10 EC Performance
The performance design of the z/Architecture can enable
the server to support a new standard of performance for
applications through expanding upon a balanced system
approach. As CMOS technology has been enhanced to
support not only additional processing power, but also
more PUs, the entire server is modifi ed to support the
increase in processing power. The I/O subsystem supports
a greater amount of bandwidth than previous generations
through internal changes, providing for larger and faster
volume of data movement into and out of the server. Sup-
port of larger amounts of data within the server required
improved management of storage confi gurations, made
available through integration of the operating system and
hardware support of 64-bit addressing. The combined bal-
anced system design allows for increases in performance
across a broad spectrum of work.
Large System Performance Reference
IBM’s Large Systems Performance Reference (LSPR)
method is designed to provide comprehensive z/Archi-
tecture processor capacity ratios for different confi gura-
tions of Central Processors (CPs) across a wide variety
of system control programs and workload environments.
For z10 EC, z/Architecture processor capacity identifi er is
defi ned with a (7XX) notation, where XX is the number of
installed CPs.
may experience will vary depending upon considerations
such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job
stream, the I/O confi guration, and the workload processed.
LSPR workloads have been updated to refl ect more
closely your current and growth workloads. The classifi ca-
tion Java Batch (CB-J) has been replaced with a new clas-
sifi cation for Java Batch called ODE-B. The remainder of
the LSPR workloads are the same as those used for the z9
EC LSPR. The typical LPAR confi guration table is used to
establish single-number-metrics such as MIPS and MSUs.
The z10 EC LSPR will rate all z/Architecture processors
running in LPAR mode, 64-bit mode, and assumes that
HiperDispatch is enabled.
For more detailed performance information, consult the
Large Systems Performance Reference (LSPR) available
at: http://www.
CPU Measurement Facility
The CPU Measurement Facility is a hardware facility which
consists of counters and samples. The facility provides a
means to collect run-time data for software performance
tuning. The detailed architecture information for this facility
can be found in the System z10 Library in Resource Link
Based on using an LSPR mixed workload, the perfor-
mance of the z10 EC (2097) 701 is expected to be up to
1.62 times that of the z9 EC (2094) 701.
The LSPR contains the Internal Throughput Rate Ratios
(ITRRs) for the z10 EC and the previous-generation
zSeries processor families based upon measurements
and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a con-
trolled environment. The actual throughput that any user
z10 EC I/O Subsystem
The z10 EC contains an I/O subsystem infrastructure
which uses an I/O cage that provides 28 I/O slots and
the ability to have one to three I/O cages delivering a
total of 84 I/O slots. ESCON, FICON Express4, FICON
Express2, FICON Express, OSA-Express3, OSA-Express2,
and Crypto Express2 features plug into the z10 EC I/O
cage along with any ISC-3s and Infi niBand Multiplexer
(IFB-MP) cards. All I/O features and their support cards
can be hot-plugged in the I/O cage. Installation of an I/O
cage remains a disruptive MES, so the Plan Ahead fea-
ture remains an important consideration when ordering a
z10 EC system. Each model ships with one I/O cage as
standard in the A-Frame (the A-Frame also contains the
Central Electronic Complex [CEC] cage where the books
reside) and any additional I/O cages are installed in the
Z-Frame. Each IFB-MP has a bandwidth up to 6 GigaBytes
per second (GB/sec) for I/O domains and MBA fanout
cards provide 2.0 GB/sec for ICB-4s.
The z10 EC continues to support all of the features
announced with the System z9 EC such as:
• Logical Channel Subsystems (LCSSs) and support for
up to 60 logical partitions
• Increased number of Subchannels (63.75k)
• Multiple Subchannel Sets (MSS)
• Redundant I/O Interconnect
• Physical Channel IDs (PCHIDs)
• System Initiated CHPID Reconfi guration
• Logical Channel SubSystem (LCSS) Spanning
system hardware administrator access to the information
from these many sources in one place. This will make it
much easier to manage I/O confi gurations, particularly
across multiple CPCs. The SIOA is a “view-only” tool. It
does not offer any options other than viewing options.
First the SIOA tool analyzes the current active IOCDS on
the SE. It extracts information about the defi ned channel,
partitions, link addresses and control units. Next the SIOA
tool asks the channels for their node ID information. The
FICON channels support remote node ID information, so
that is also collected from them. The data is then formatted
and displayed on fi ve screens:
1)PCHID Control Unit Screen – Shows PCHIDs, CSS.
CHPIDs and their control units
2)PCHID Partition Screen – Shows PCHIDS, CSS. CHPIDs
and what partitions they are in
3)Control Unit Screen – Shows the control units, their
PCHIDs and their link addresses in each of the CSS’s
4)Link Load Screen – Shows the Link address and the
PCHIDs that use it
5)Node ID Screen – Shows the Node ID data under the
The SIOA tool allows the user to sort on various columns
and export the data to a USB fl ash drive for later viewing.
System I/O Confi guration Analyzer
Today the information needed to manage a system’s I/O
confi guration has to be obtained from many separate
applications. The System’s I/O Confi guration Analyzer
(SIOA) tool is a SE/HMC-based tool that will allow the
z10 EC Channels and I/O Connectivity
ESCON Channels
The z10 EC supports up to 1,024 ESCON channels. The
high density ESCON feature has 16 ports, 15 of which can
be activated for customer use. One port is always reserved
as a spare which is activated in the event of a failure
of one of the other ports. For high availability the initial
order of ESCON features will deliver two 16-port ESCON
features and the active ports will be distributed across
those features.
Fibre Channel Connectivity
The on demand operating environment requires fast data
access, continuous data availability, and improved fl exibil-
ity, all with a lower cost of ownership. The four port FICON
Express4 and FICON Express2 features available on the
z9 EC continue to be supported on the System z10 EC.
Choose the FICON Express4 features that best meet
your business requirements.
To meet the demands of your Storage Area Network (SAN),
provide granularity, facilitate redundant paths, and satisfy
your infrastructure requirements, there are three features
from which to choose.
Feature FC # Infrastructure Ports per Feature
FICON Express4 10KM LX 3321
FICON Express4 4KM LX 3324
FICON Express4 SX 3322 Multimode fi ber 4
Single mode fi ber
Single mode fi ber
FICON Express4 Channels
The z10 EC supports up to 336 FICON Express4 channels,
each one operating at 1, 2 or 4 Gb/sec auto-negotiated.
The FICON Express4 features are available in long wave-
length (LX) and short wavelength (SX). For customers
exploiting LX, there are two options available for unre-
peated distances of up to 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) or up
to 10 kilometers (6.2 miles). Both LX features use 9 micron
single mode fi ber optic cables. The SX feature uses 50
or 62.5 micron multimode fi ber optic cables. Each FICON
Express4 feature has four independent channels (ports)
and can be confi gured to carry native FICON traffi c or Fibre
Channel (SCSI) traffi c. LX and SX cannot be intermixed on
a single feature. The receiving devices must correspond to
the appropriate LX or SX feature. The maximum number of
FICON Express4 features is 84 using three I/O cages.
FICON Express2 Channels
The z10 EC supports carrying forward up to 336 FICON
Express2 channels, each one operating at 1 or 2 Gb/sec
auto-negotiated. The FICON Express2 features are avail-
able in long wavelength (LX) using 9 micron single mode
fi ber optic cables and short wavelength (SX) using 50 and
62.5 micron multimode fi ber optic cables. Each FICON
Express2 feature has four independent channels (ports)
and each can be confi gured to carry native FICON traffi c
or Fibre Channel (SCSI) traffi c. LX and SX cannot be inter-
mixed on a single feature. The maximum number of FICON
Express2 features is 84, using three I/O cages.
Choose the features that best meet your granularity, fi ber
optic cabling, and unrepeated distance requirements.
FICON Express Channels
The z10 EC also supports carrying forward FICON Express
LX and SX channels from z9 EC and z990 (up to 120 chan-
nels) each channel operating at 1 or 2 Gb/sec auto-negoti-
ated. Each FICON Express feature has two independent
channels (ports).
The System z10 EC Model E12 is limited to 64 features
– any combination of FICON Express4, FICON Express2
and FICON Express LX and SX features.
The FICON Express4, FICON Express2 and FICON
Express feature conforms to the Fibre Connection (FICON)
architecture and the Fibre Channel (FC) architecture, pro-
viding connectivity between any combination of servers,
directors, switches, and devices in a Storage Area Network
(SAN). Each of the four independent channels (FICON
Express only supports two channels per feature) is capa-
ble of 1 Gigabit per second (Gb/sec), 2 Gb/sec, or 4
Gb/sec (only FICON Express4 supports 4 Gbps) depend-
ing upon the capability of the attached switch or device.
The link speed is auto-negotiated, point-to-point, and is
transparent to users and applications. Not all switches and
devices support 2 or 4 Gb/sec link data rates.
FICON Express4 and FICON Express2 Performance
Your enterprise may benefi t from FICON Express4 and
FICON Express2 with:
• Increased data transfer rates (bandwidth)
• Improved performance
• Increased number of start I/Os
• Reduced backup windows
• Channel aggregation to help reduce infrastructure costs
Continued Support of Spanned Channels and Logical Partitions
The FICON Express4 and FICON Express2, FICON and
FCP (CHPID types FC and FCP) channel types, can be
defi ned as a spanned channel and can be shared among
logical partitions within and across LCSSs.
Modes of Operation
There are two modes of operation supported by FICON
Express4 and FICON Express2 SX and LX. These modes
are confi gured on a channel-by-channel basis – each of
the four channels can be confi gured in either of two sup-
ported modes.
• Fibre Channel (CHPID type FC), which is native FICON
or FICON Channel-to-Channel (server-to-server)
• Fibre Channel Protocol (CHPID type FCP), which sup-
ports attachment to SCSI devices via Fibre Channel
switches or directors in z/VM, z/VSE, and Linux on
System z10 environments
Native FICON Channels
Native FICON channels and devices can help to reduce
bandwidth constraints and channel contention to enable
easier server consolidation, new application growth,
large business intelligence queries and exploitation of On
Demand Business.
For more information about FICON, visit the IBM Redbooks®
Web site at: search for
SG24-5444. There are also various FICON I/O Connectivity
information at:
Concurrent Update
The FICON Express4 SX and LX features may be added
to an existing z10 EC concurrently. This concurrent update
capability allows you to continue to run workloads through
other channels while the new FICON Express4 features are
being added. This applies to CHPID types FC and FCP.
The FICON Express4, FICON Express2 and FICON
Express channels support native FICON and FICON
Channel-to-Channel (CTC) traffi c for attachment to serv-
ers, disks, tapes, and printers that comply with the FICON
architecture. Native FICON is supported by all of the z10
EC operating systems. Native FICON and FICON CTC are
defi ned as CHPID type FC.
Because the FICON CTC function is included as part of
the native FICON (FC) mode of operation, FICON CTC is
not limited to intersystem connectivity (as is the case with
ESCON), but will support multiple device defi nitions.
FICON Support for Cascaded Directors
Native FICON (FC) channels support cascaded directors.
This support is for a single hop confi guration only. Two-
director cascading requires a single vendor high integrity
fabric. Directors must be from the same vendor since cas-
caded architecture implementations can be unique. This
type of cascaded support is important for disaster recov-
ery and business continuity solutions because it can help
provide high availability, extended distance connectivity,
and (particularly with the implementation of 2 Gb/sec Inter
Switch Links) has the potential for fi ber infrastructure cost
savings by reducing the number of channels for intercon-
necting the two sites.
FICON cascaded directors have the added value of high
integrity connectivity. Integrity features introduced within
the FICON Express channel and the FICON cascaded
switch fabric to aid in the detection and reporting of any
miscabling actions occurring within the fabric can prevent
data from being delivered to the wrong end point.
usage including install and IPL. Support for FCP devices
means that z10 EC servers are capable of attaching to
select FCP-attached SCSI devices and may access these
devices from Linux on z10 EC and z/VSE. This expanded
attachability means that enterprises have more choices
for new storage solutions, or may have the ability to use
existing storage devices, thus leveraging existing invest-
ments and lowering total cost of ownership for their Linux
The same FICON features used for native FICON chan-
nels can be defi ned to be used for Fibre Channel Protocol
(FCP) channels. FCP channels are defi ned as CHPID type
FCP. The 4 Gb/sec capability on the FICON Express4
channel means that 4 Gb/sec link data rates are available
for FCP channels as well.
FCP – increased performance for small block sizes
The Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) Licensed Internal
Code has been modifi ed to help provide increased I/O
operations per second for small block sizes. With FICON
Express4, there may be up to 57,000 I/O operations
per second (all reads, all writes, or a mix of reads and
writes), an 80% increase compared to System z9. These
results are achieved in a laboratory environment using
one channel confi gured as CHPID type FCP with no other
processing occurring and do not represent actual fi eld
measurements. A signifi cant increase in I/O operations per
second for small block sizes can also be expected with
FICON Express2.
FCP Channels
z10 EC supports FCP channels, switches and FCP/ SCSI
disks with full fabric connectivity under Linux on System
z and z/VM 5.2 (or later) for Linux as a guest under z/VM,
under z/VM 5.2 (or later), and under z/VSE 3.1 for system
This FCP performance improvement is transparent to
operating systems that support FCP, and applies to all
the FICON Express4 and FICON Express2 features when
confi gured as CHPID type FCP, communicating with SCSI
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