IBM TSO/E REXX User Manual

TSO/E REXX User’s Guide
TSO/E REXX User’s Guide
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Tables ............................xi
About This Book .......................xiii
Who Should Use This Book ....................xiii
How This Book Is Organized ....................xiii
Terminology .........................xiii
Purpose of Each Chapter ....................xiv
Examples ..........................xiv
Exercises ..........................xiv
Where to Find More Information ..................xiv
Accessing Licensed Books on the Web ...............xiv
Using LookAt to Look Up Message Explanations ...........xv
Part 1. Learning the REXX Language......................1
Chapter 1. Introduction ......................3
What is REXX? .........................3
Features of REXX ........................3
Ease of use .........................3
Free format .........................3
Convenient built-in functions ...................4
Debugging capabilities .....................4
Interpreted language ......................4
Extensive parsing capabilities ...................4
Components of REXX.......................4
The SAA Solution ........................4
Benefits of Using a Compiler ....................5
Improved Performance .....................5
Reduced System Load .....................5
Protection for Source Code and Programs ..............6
Improved Productivity and Quality .................6
Portability of Compiled Programs..................6
SAA Compliance Checking ....................6
Chapter 2. Writing and Running a REXX Exec .............7
Before You Begin ........................7
What is a REXX Exec? ......................8
Syntax of REXX Instructions ....................9
The Character Type of REXX Instructions ..............9
The Format of REXX Instructions .................10
Types of REXX Instructions ...................12
Execs Using Double-Byte Character Set Names ............14
Running an Exec ........................16
Running an Exec Explicitly ...................16
Running an Exec Implicitly ...................17
Interpreting Error Messages ....................19
Preventing Translation to Uppercase .................20
From Within an Exec......................20
As Input to an Exec ......................20
Passing Information to an Exec ...................21
Using Terminal Interaction ....................21
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2001 iii
Specifying Values when Invoking an Exec ..............22
Preventing Translation of Input to Uppercase .............23
Passing Arguments ......................24
Chapter 3. Using Variables and Expressions .............25
Using Variables.........................25
Variable Names .......................26
Variable Values........................27
Exercises - Identifying Valid Variable Names .............27
Using Expressions .......................28
Arithmetic Operators ......................28
Comparison Operators .....................30
Logical (Boolean) Operators ...................32
Concatenation Operators ....................34
Priority of Operators ......................35
Tracing Expressions with the TRACE Instruction ............37
Tracing Operations ......................37
Tracing Results........................38
Chapter 4. Controlling the Flow Within an Exec............41
Using Conditional Instructions ...................42
IF/THEN/ELSE Instructions ...................42
Nested IF/THEN/ELSE Instructions ................43
SELECT/WHEN/OTHERWISE/END Instruction ............44
Using Looping Instructions ....................47
Repetitive Loops .......................47
Conditional Loops .......................52
Combining Types of Loops ...................55
Nested DO Loops .......................55
Using Interrupt Instructions ....................56
EXIT Instruction .......................57
CALL/RETURN Instructions ...................57
SIGNAL Instruction ......................58
Chapter 5. Using Functions ...................61
What is a Function? .......................61
Example of a Function .....................62
Built-In Functions ........................63
Arithmetic Functions ......................63
Comparison Functions .....................63
Conversion Functions .....................64
Formatting Functions......................64
String Manipulating Functions ..................64
Miscellaneous Functions ....................65
Testing Input with Built-In Functions ................66
Chapter 6. Writing Subroutines and Functions ............69
What are Subroutines and Functions? ................69
When to Write Subroutines vs. Functions ...............70
Writing a Subroutine .......................70
Passing Information to a Subroutine ................72
Receiving Information from a Subroutine ..............75
Writing a Function ........................77
Passing Information to a Function .................79
Receiving Information from a Function ...............83
Summary of Subroutines and Functions................83
iv z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide
Chapter 7. Manipulating Data ...................85
Using Compound Variables and Stems ................85
What is a Compound Variable? ..................85
Using Stems .........................86
Parsing Data..........................87
Instructions that Parse .....................88
Ways of Parsing .......................89
Parsing Multiple Strings as Arguments ...............92
Part 2. Using REXX .............................95
Chapter 8. Entering Commands from an Exec ............97
Types of Commands .......................97
Issuing TSO/E Commands from an Exec ...............98
Using Quotations Marks in Commands ...............98
Using Variables in Commands ..................99
Causing Interactive Commands to Prompt the User ..........100
Invoking Another Exec as a Command...............100
Issuing Other Types of Commands from an Exec ............101
What is a Host Command Environment? ..............101
Changing the Host Command Environment .............106
Chapter 9. Diagnosing Problems Within an Exec ...........111
Debugging Execs .......................111
Tracing Commands with the TRACE Instruction ...........111
Using REXX Special Variables RC and SIGL ............112
Tracing with the Interactive Debug Facility .............113
Chapter 10. Using TSO/E External Functions ............119
TSO/E External Functions ....................119
Using the GETMSG Function ..................120
Using the LISTDSI Function ..................120
Using the MSG Function ....................122
Using the MVSVAR Function ..................123
Using the OUTTRAP Function ..................123
Using the PROMPT Function ..................124
Using the SETLANG Function ..................125
Using the STORAGE Function..................126
Using the SYSCPUS Function ..................126
Using the SYSDSN Function ..................126
Using the SYSVAR Function ..................127
Additional Examples ......................130
Function Packages .......................133
Search Order for Functions ...................134
Chapter 11. Storing Information in the Data Stack ..........135
What is a Data Stack? .....................135
Manipulating the Data Stack ...................136
Adding Elements to the Data Stack ................136
Removing Elements from the Stack ................137
Determining the Number of Elements on the Stack ..........137
Processing of the Data Stack ...................139
Using the Data Stack ......................140
Passing Information Between a Routine and the Main Exec .......140
Passing Information to Interactive Commands ............142
Issuing Subcommands of TSO/E Commands ............142
Contents v
Creating a Buffer on the Data Stack.................142
Creating a Buffer with the MAKEBUF Command ...........143
Dropping a Buffer with the DROPBUF Command ...........144
Finding the Number of Buffers with the QBUF Command ........144
Finding the Number of Elements In a Buffer .............145
Protecting Elements in the Data Stack ................147
Creating a New Data Stack with the NEWSTACK Command ......148
Deleting a Private Stack with the DELSTACK Command ........149
Finding the Number of Stacks ..................149
Chapter 12. Processing Data and Input/Output Processing .......153
Types of Processing ......................153
Dynamic Modification of a Single REXX Expression ...........153
Using the INTERPRET Instruction ................153
Using EXECIO to Process Information to and from Data Sets .......154
When to Use the EXECIO Command ...............154
Using the EXECIO Command ..................154
Return Codes from EXECIO ..................159
When to Use the EXECIO Command ...............159
Chapter 13. Using REXX in TSO/E and Other MVS Address Spaces ...171
Services Available to REXX Execs .................171
Running Execs in a TSO/E Address Space ..............173
Running an Exec in the Foreground................173
Running an Exec in the Background ...............176
Running Execs in a Non-TSO/E Address Space ............177
Using an Exec Processing Routine to Invoke an Exec from a Program 177
Using IRXJCL to Run an Exec in MVS Batch ............178
Using the Data Stack in TSO/E Background and MVS Batch ......180
Summary of TSO/E Background and MVS Batch ............180
CAPABILITIES .......................180
REQUIREMENTS ......................181
Defining Language Processor Environments .............181
What is a Language Processor Environment? ............181
Customizing a Language Processor Environment ...........182
Part 3. Appendixes .............................183
Appendix A. Allocating Data Sets .................185
What is Allocation? .......................185
Where to Begin ........................186
Preliminary Checklist ......................186
Checklist #1: Creating and Editing a Data Set Using ISPF/PDF ......187
Checklist #2: Creating a Data Set with the ALLOCATE Command......190
Checklist #3: Writing an Exec that Sets up Allocation to SYSEXEC .....191
Checklist #4: Writing an Exec that Sets up Allocation to SYSPROC .....192
Appendix B. Specifying Alternate Libraries with the ALTLIB Command 195
Specifying Alternative Exec Libraries with the ALTLIB Command ......195
Using the ALTLIB Command ..................195
Stacking ALTLIB Requests ...................196
Using ALTLIB with ISPF ....................196
Examples of the ALTLIB Command .................196
Appendix C. Comparisons Between CLIST and REXX .........197
Accessing System Information ...................198
vi z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide
Controlling Program Flow ....................199
Debugging ..........................200
Execution ..........................200
Interactive Communication ....................201
Passing Information.......................201
Performing File I/O .......................202
Syntax ...........................202
Using Functions ........................203
Using Variables ........................203
Appendix D. Notices ......................205
Programming Interface Information .................207
Bibliography .........................209
TSO/E Publications .......................209
Related Publications ......................209
Index ............................211
Contents vii
viii z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide


1. EXECIO Example 1 .............................164
2. EXECIO Example 2 .............................164
3. EXECIO Example 3 .............................165
4. EXECIO Example 4 .............................165
5. EXECIO Example 5 .............................166
6. EXECIO Example 5 (continued) .........................167
7. EXECIO Example 6 .............................168
8. EXECIO Example 6 (continued) .........................169
9. EXECIO Example 6 (continued) .........................170
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2001 ix
x z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide


1. Language Codes for SETLANG Function That Replace the Function Call .........125
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2001 xi
xii z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide

About This Book

This book describes how to use the TSO/E Procedures Language MVS/REXX processor (called the language processor) and the REstructured eXtended eXecutor (REXX) language. Together, the language processor and the REXX language are known as TSO/E REXX. TSO/E REXX is the implementation of the Systems Application Architecture (SAA) Procedures Language on the MVS system.

Who Should Use This Book

This book is intended for anyone who wants to learn how to write REXX programs. More specifically, the audience is programmers who may range from the inexperienced to those with extensive programming experience, particularly in writing CLISTs for TSO/E. Because of the broad range of experience in readers, this book is divided into two parts.
v Part 1. Learning the REXX Language is for inexperienced programmers who are
somewhat familiar with TSO/E commands and have used the Interactive System
Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility (ISPF/PDF) in TSO/E.
Programmers unfamiliar with TSO/E should first read the z/OS TSO/E Primer.
Experienced programmers new to REXX can also read this section to learn the
basics of the REXX language. v Part 2. Using REXX is for programmers already familiar with the REXX language
and experienced with the workings of TSO/E. It describes more complex aspects
of the REXX language and how they work in TSO/E as well as in other MVS
address spaces.
If you are a new programmer, you might want to concentrate on the first part. If you are an experienced TSO/E programmer, you might want to read the first part and concentrate on the second part.

How This Book Is Organized

In addition to the two parts described in the preceding paragraphs, there are three appendixes at the end of the book.
v “Appendix A. Allocating Data Setson page 185 contains checklists for the tasks
of creating and editing a data set and for allocating a data set to a system file. v “Appendix B. Specifying Alternate Libraries with the ALTLIB Commandon
page 195 describes using the ALTLIB command. v “Appendix C. Comparisons Between CLIST and REXXon page 197 contains
tables that compare the CLIST language with the REXX language.


Throughout this book a REXX program is called an exec to differentiate it from other programs you might write, such as CLISTs. The command to run an exec in TSO/E is the EXEC command. To avoid confusion between the two, this book uses lowercase and uppercase to distinguish between the two uses of the term "exec". References to the REXX program appear as exec and references to the TSO/E command appear as EXEC.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2001 xiii

Purpose of Each Chapter

At the beginning of each chapter is a statement about the purpose of the chapter. Following that are headings and page numbers where you can find specific information.


Throughout the book, you will find examples that you can try as you read. If the example is a REXX keyword instruction, the REXX keyword is in uppercase. Information that you can provide is in lowercase. The following REXX keyword instruction contains the REXX keyword SAY, which is fixed, and a phrase, which can vary.
SAY 'This is an example of an instruction.'
Similarly, if the example is a TSO/E command, the command name and keyword operands, which are fixed, are in uppercase. Information that can vary, such as a data set name, is in lowercase. The following ALLOCATE command and its operands are in uppercase and the data set and file name are in lowercase.
This use of uppercase and lowercase is intended to make a distinction between words that are fixed and words that can vary. It does not mean that you must type REXX instructions and TSO/E commands with certain words in uppercase and others in lowercase.


Periodically, you will find sections with exercises you can do to test your understanding of the information. Answers to the exercises are included when appropriate.

Where to Find More Information

Please see z/OS Information Roadmap for an overview of the documentation associated with z/OS, including the documentation available for z/OS TSO/E.

Accessing Licensed Books on the Web

z/OS licensed documentation in PDF format is available on the Internet at the IBM Resource Link Web site at:
Licensed books are available only to customers with a z/OS license. Access to these books requires an IBM Resource Link Web userid and password, and a key code. With your z/OS order you received a memo that includes this key code.
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xiv z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide
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Using LookAt to Look Up Message Explanations

LookAt is an online facility that allows you to look up explanations for z/OS messages and system abends.
Using LookAt to find information is faster than a conventional search because LookAt goes directly to the explanation.
LookAt can be accessed from the Internet or from a TSO command line.
You can use LookAt on the Internet at:
To use LookAt as a TSO command, LookAt must be installed on your host system. You can obtain the LookAt code for TSO from the LookAt Web site by clicking on News and Help or from the z/OS Collection, SK3T-4269 .
To find a message explanation from a TSO command line, simply enter: lookat message-id as in the following example:
lookat iec192i
This results in direct access to the message explanation for message IEC192I.
To find a message explanation from the LookAt Web site, simply enter the message ID. You can select the release if needed.
Note: Some messages have information in more than one book. For example,
IEC192I has routing and descriptor codes listed in z/OS MVS Routing and Descriptor Codes. For such messages, LookAt prompts you to choose which book to open.
About This Book xv
xvi z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide

Part 1. Learning the REXX Language

The REXX language is a versatile general-purpose programming language that can be used by new and experienced programmers. This part of the book is for programmers who want to learn the REXX language. The chapters in this part cover the following topics.
v “Chapter 1. Introductionon page 3 The REXX language has many features
that make it a powerful programming tool. v “Chapter 2. Writing and Running a REXX Execon page 7 Execs are easy to
write and have few syntax rules. v “Chapter 3. Using Variables and Expressionson page 25 Variables,
expressions, and operators are essential when writing execs that do arithmetic
and comparisons. v “Chapter 4. Controlling the Flow Within an Execon page 41 You can use
instructions to branch, loop, or interrupt the flow of an exec. v “Chapter 5. Using Functionson page 61 A function is a sequence of
instructions that can perform a specific task and must return a value. v “Chapter 6. Writing Subroutines and Functionson page 69 You can write
internal and external routines that are called by an exec. v “Chapter 7. Manipulating Dataon page 85 Compound variables and parsing
are two ways to manipulate data.
Note: Although you can write a REXX exec to run in a non-TSO/E address space
in MVS, the chapters and examples in this part assume the exec will run in a TSO/E address space. If you want to write execs that run outside of a TSO/E address space, keep in mind the following exceptions to information in Part 1:
v An exec that runs outside of TSO/E cannot include TSO/E commands,
unless you use the TSO/E environment service (see note).
v In TSO/E, several REXX instructions either display information on the
terminal or retrieve information that the user enters at the terminal. In a non-TSO/E address space, these instructions get information from the input stream and write information to the output stream. – SAY this instruction sends information to the output DD whose
default is SYSTSPRT.
– PULL this instruction gets information from the input DD whose
default is SYSTSIN.
– TRACE this instruction sends information to the output DD whose
default is SYSTSPRT.
– PARSE EXTERNAL this instruction gets information from the input
DD whose default is SYSTSIN.
v The USERID built-in function, instead of returning a user identifier, might
return a stepname or jobname.
Note: You can use the TSO/E environment service, IKJTSOEV, to create a TSO/E
environment in a non-TSO/E address space. If you run a REXX exec in the TSO/E environment you created, the exec can contain TSO/E commands, external functions, and services that an exec running in a TSO/E address space can use. That is, the TSO host command environment (ADDRESS TSO) is available to the exec. For more information about the TSO/E environment service and the different considerations for running REXX execs within the environment, see z/OS TSO/E Programming Services.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2001 1
2 z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide

Chapter 1. Introduction

What is REXX? .........................3
Features of REXX ........................3
Ease of use .........................3
Free format .........................3
Convenient built-in functions ...................4
Debugging capabilities .....................4
Interpreted language ......................4
Extensive parsing capabilities ...................4
Components of REXX.......................4
The SAA Solution ........................4
Benefits of Using a Compiler ....................5
Improved Performance .....................5
Reduced System Load .....................5
Protection for Source Code and Programs ..............6
Improved Productivity and Quality .................6
Portability of Compiled Programs..................6
SAA Compliance Checking ....................6
This chapter describes the REXX programming language and some of its features.

What is REXX?

REXX is a programming language that is extremely versatile. Aspects such as common programming structure, readability, and free format make it a good language for beginners and general users. Yet because the REXX language can be intermixed with commands to different host environments, provides powerful functions and has extensive mathematical capabilities, it is also suitable for more experienced computer professionals.
The TSO/E implementation of the REXX language allows REXX execs to run in any MVS address space. You can write a REXX exec that includes TSO/E services and run it in a TSO/E address space, or you can write an application in REXX to run outside of a TSO/E address space. For more information, see Chapter 13. Using REXX in TSO/E and Other MVS Address Spaceson page 171.

Features of REXX

In addition to its versatility, REXX has many other features, some of which are:

Ease of use

The REXX language is easy to read and write because many instructions are meaningful English words. Unlike some lower-level programming languages that use abbreviations, REXX instructions are common words, such as SAY, PULL, IF... THEN... ELSE..., DO... END, and EXIT.

Free format

There are few rules about REXX format. You need not start an instruction in a particular column, you can skip spaces in a line or skip entire lines, you can have an instruction span many lines or have multiple instructions on one line, variables
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2001 3
Features of REXX
do not need to be predefined, and you can type instructions in upper, lower, or mixed case. The few rules about REXX format are covered in Syntax of REXX Instructionson page 9.

Convenient built-in functions

REXX supplies built-in functions that perform various processing, searching, and comparison operations for both text and numbers. Other built-in functions provide formatting capabilities and arithmetic calculations.

Debugging capabilities

When a REXX exec running in TSO/E encounters an error, messages describing the error are displayed on the screen. In addition, you can use the REXX TRACE instruction and the interactive debug facility to locate errors in execs.

Interpreted language

TSO/E implements the REXX language as an interpreted language. When a REXX exec runs, the language processor directly processes each language statement. Languages that are not interpreted must be compiled into machine language and possibly link-edited before they are run. You can use the IBM licensed product, IBM Compiler and Library for REXX/370, to provide this function.

Extensive parsing capabilities

REXX includes extensive parsing capabilities for character manipulation. This parsing capability allows you to set up a pattern to separate characters, numbers, and mixed input.

Components of REXX

The various components of REXX are what make it a powerful tool for programmers. REXX is made up of:
v Instructions There are five types of instructions. All but commands are
processed by the language processor.
KeywordAssignmentLabelNullCommand (both TSO/E REXX commands and host commands)
v Built-in functions These functions are built into the language processor and
provide convenient processing options.
v TSO/E external functions These functions are provided by TSO/E and interact
with the system to do specific tasks for REXX.
v Data stack functions A data stack can store data for I/O and other types of

The SAA Solution

The SAA solution is based on a set of software interfaces, conventions, and protocols that provide a framework for designing and developing applications.
The SAA Procedures Language has been defined as a subset of the REXX language. Its purpose is to define a common subset of the language that can be used in several environments. TSO/E REXX is the implementation of the SAA Procedures Language on the MVS system.
z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide
The SAA Solution
The SAA solution: v Defines a common programming interface you can use to develop applications
that can be integrated with each other and transported to run in multiple SAA
environments. v Defines common communications support that you can use to connect
applications, systems, networks, and devices. v Defines a common user access that you can use to achieve consistency in
panel layout and user interaction techniques. v Offers some applications and application development tools written by IBM.
Several combinations of IBM hardware and software have been selected as SAA environments. These are environments in which IBM will manage the availability of support for applicable SAA elements, and the conformance of those elements to SAA specifications. The SAA environments are the following:
v VM CMS v Operating System/400 (OS/400) v Operating System/2 (OS/2)

Benefits of Using a Compiler

The IBM Compiler for REXX/370 (Program Number 5695-013) and the IBM Library for REXX/370 (Program Number 5695-014) provide significant benefits for programmers during program development and for users when a program is run. The benefits are:
v Improved performance v Reduced system load v Protection for source code and programs v Improved productivity and quality v Portability of compiled programs v Checking for compliance to SAA

Improved Performance

The performance improvements that you can expect when you run compiled REXX programs depend on the type of program. A program that performs large numbers of arithmetic operations of default precision shows the greatest improvement. A program that mainly enters commands to the host shows minimal improvement because REXX cannot decrease the time taken by the host to process the commands.

Reduced System Load

Compiled REXX programs run faster than interpreted programs. Because a program has to be compiled only once, system load is reduced and response time is improved when the program is run frequently.
For example, a REXX program that performs many arithmetic operations might take 12 seconds to run interpreted. If the program is run 60 times, it uses about 12 minutes of processor time. The same program when compiled might run six times faster, using only about 2 minutes of processor time.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
Benefits of Using a Compiler

Protection for Source Code and Programs

Your REXX programs and algorithms are assets that you want to protect.
The Compiler produces object code, which helps you protect these assets by discouraging people from making unauthorized changes to your programs. You can distribute your REXX programs in object code only.
Load modules can be further protected by using a security server, such as RACF.

Improved Productivity and Quality

The Compiler can produce source listings, cross-reference listings, and messages, which help you more easily develop and maintain your REXX programs.
The Compiler identifies syntax errors in a program before you start testing it. You can then focus on correcting errors in logic during testing with the REXX interpreter.

Portability of Compiled Programs

A REXX program compiled under MVS/ESA can run under CMS. Similarly, a REXX program compiled under CMS can run under MVS/ESA.

SAA Compliance Checking

The Systems Application Architecture (SAA) definitions of software interfaces, conventions, and protocols provide a framework for designing and developing applications that are consistent within and across several operating systems.
The SAA Procedures Language is a subset of the REXX language supported by the interpreter under TSO/E, and can be used in this operating environment.
To help you write programs for use in all SAA environments, the Compiler can optionally check for SAA compliance. With this option in effect, a warning message is issued for each non-SAA item found in a program.
For more information, see IBM Compiler and Library for REXX/370; Introducing the Next Step in REXX Programming.
z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide

Chapter 2. Writing and Running a REXX Exec

Before You Begin ........................7
What is a REXX Exec? ......................8
Syntax of REXX Instructions ....................9
The Character Type of REXX Instructions ..............9
Using Quotation Marks in an Instruction ..............9
The Format of REXX Instructions .................10
Beginning an instruction ...................10
Continuing an instruction ...................10
Continuing a literal string without adding a space ..........11
Ending an instruction.....................11
Types of REXX Instructions ...................12
Keyword .........................13
Assignment ........................13
Label ..........................14
Null ...........................14
Execs Using Double-Byte Character Set Names ............14
Running an Exec ........................16
Running an Exec Explicitly ...................16
Running an Exec Implicitly ...................17
Allocating a PDS to a System File ................17
Exercises - Running the Example Execs .............18
Interpreting Error Messages ....................19
Preventing Translation to Uppercase .................20
From Within an Exec......................20
As Input to an Exec ......................20
Exercises - Running and Modifying the Example Execs ........21
Passing Information to an Exec ...................21
Using Terminal Interaction ....................21
Specifying Values when Invoking an Exec ..............22
Specifying Too Few Values ..................22
Specifying Too Many Values ..................22
Preventing Translation of Input to Uppercase .............23
Exercises - Using the ARG Instruction ..............23
Passing Arguments ......................24
Passing Arguments Using the CALL Instruction or REXX Function Call 24
Passing Arguments Using the EXEC Command ...........24
This chapter introduces execs and their syntax, describes the steps involved in writing and running an exec, and explains concepts you need to understand to avoid common problems.

Before You Begin

Before you can write a REXX program, called an exec, you need to create a data set to contain the exec. The data set can be either sequential or partitioned, but if you plan to create more than one exec, it is easier to create a REXX library as a partitioned data set (PDS) with execs as members.
To create a PDS, allocate a data set with your prefix (usually your user ID) as the first qualifier, any name as the second qualifier, and preferably "exec" as the third qualifier. You can allocate the PDS with the Utilities option in ISPF/PDF or with the
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2001 7
Before You Begin
TSO/E ALLOCATE command. For specific information about allocating a data set for an exec, see Appendix A. Allocating Data Setson page 185.

What is a REXX Exec?

A REXX exec consists of REXX language instructions that are interpreted directly by the REXX interpreter or compiled directly by a REXX language compiler and executed by a Compiler Runtime Processor. An exec can also contain commands that are executed by the host environment.
An advantage of the REXX language is its similarity to ordinary English. This similarity makes it easy to read and write a REXX exec. For example, an exec to display a sentence on the screen uses the REXX instruction SAY followed by the sentence to be displayed.
Example of a Simple Exec
/**************************** REXX *********************************/
SAY 'This is a REXX exec.'
Note that this simple exec starts with a comment line to identify the program as a REXX exec. A comment begins with /* and ends with */. To prevent
incompatibilities with CLISTs, IBM recommends that all REXX execs start with a comment that includes the characters “REXX” within the first line (line 1) of the exec. Failure to do so can lead to unexpected or unintended results in your REXX exec. More about comments and why you might need a REXX exec
identifier appears later 14.
When you run the exec, you see on your screen the sentence:
This is a REXX exec.
Even in a longer exec, the instructions flow like ordinary English and are easy to understand.
Example of a Longer Exec
/**************************** REXX *********************************/ /* This exec adds two numbers and displays their sum. */ /*******************************************************************/
SAY 'Please enter a number.' PULL number1 SAY 'Now enter a number to add to the first number.' PULL number2 sum = number1 + number2 SAY 'The sum of the two numbers is' sum'.'
When you run the example, the exec interacts with you at the terminal. First you see on your screen:
Please enter a number.
z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide
When you type a number, for example 42, and press the Enter key, the variable
number1 is assigned the value 42. You then see another sentence on the screen.
Now enter a number to add to the first number.
When you enter another number, for example 21, the variable number2 is assigned the value 21. Then the values in number1 and number2 are added and the total is assigned to sum. You see a final sentence on the screen displaying the sum.
The sum of the two numbers is 63.
Before you actually try these examples, please read the next two sections:
v Syntax of REXX Instructions v Running an Execon page 16

Syntax of REXX Instructions

Some programming languages have rigid rules about how and where characters are entered on each line. For example, CLIST statements must be entered in uppercase, and assembler statements must begin in a particular column. REXX, on the other hand, has simple syntax rules. There is no restriction on how characters are entered and generally one line is an instruction regardless of where it begins or where it ends.
What is a REXX Exec?

The Character Type of REXX Instructions

You can enter a REXX instruction in lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case. However, alphabetic characters are changed to uppercase, unless you enclose them in single or double quotation marks.
Using Quotation Marks in an Instruction
A series of characters enclosed in matching quotation marks is called a literal string. The following examples both contain literal strings.
SAY 'This is a REXX literal string.' /* Using single quotes */
SAY "This is a REXX literal string." /* Using double quotes */
You cannot enclose a literal string with one each of the two types of quotation marks. The following is not a correct example of an enclosed literal string.
SAY 'This is a REXX literal string." /* Using mismatched quotes */
When you omit the quotation marks from a SAY instruction as follows:
SAY This is a REXX string.
you see the statement in uppercase on your screen.
Note: If any word in the statement is the name of a variable that has already been
assigned a value, REXX substitutes the value. For information about variables, see Using Variableson page 25.
Chapter 2. Writing and Running a REXX Exec 9
Syntax of REXX Instructions
If a string contains an apostrophe, you can enclose the literal string in double quotation marks.
SAY "This isn't a CLIST instruction."
You can also use two single quotation marks in place of the apostrophe, because a pair of single quotation marks is processed as one.
SAY 'This isn't a CLIST instruction.'
Either way, the outcome is the same.
This isn't a CLIST instruction.

The Format of REXX Instructions

The REXX language uses a free format. This means you can insert extra spaces between words and blank lines freely throughout the exec without causing an error. A line usually contains one instruction except when it ends with a comma (,) or contains a semicolon (;). A comma is the continuation character and indicates that the instruction continues to the next line. The comma, when used in this manner, also adds a space when the lines are concatenated. A semicolon indicates the end of the instruction and is used to separate multiple instructions on one line.
Beginning an instruction
An instruction can begin in any column on any line. The following are all valid instructions.
SAY 'This is a literal string.'
SAY 'This is a literal string.'
SAY 'This is a literal string.'
This example appears on the screen as follows:
This is a literal string. This is a literal string. This is a literal string.
Continuing an instruction
A comma indicates that the instruction continues to the next line. Note that a space is added between extendedand REXXwhen it appears on the screen.
SAY 'This is an extended',
'REXX literal string.'
This example appears on the screen as one line.
This is an extended REXX literal string.
Also note that the following two instructions are identical and yield the same result when displayed on the screen:
SAY 'This is',
'a string.'
is functionally identical to:
SAY 'This is' 'a string.'
These examples appear on the screen as:
z/OS V1R1.0 TSO/E REXX Users Guide
Syntax of REXX Instructions
This is a string.
In the first example, the comma at the end of line 1 adds a space when the two lines are concatenated for display. In the second example, the space between the two separate strings is preserved when the line is displayed.
Continuing a literal string without adding a space
If you need to continue an instruction to a second or more lines but do not want REXX to add spaces when the line appears on the screen, use the concatenation operand (two single OR bars, ||).
SAY 'This is an extended literal string that is bro'||,
'ken in an awkward place.'
This example appears on the screen as one line without adding a space within the word broken.
This is an extended literal string that is broken in an awkward place.
Also note that the following two instructions are identical and yield the same result when displayed on the screen:
SAY 'This is' ||,
'a string.'
is functionally identical to:
SAY 'This is' || 'a string.'
These examples appear on the screen as:
This isa string.
In the first example, the concatenation operator at the end of line 1 causes the deletion of any spaces when the two lines are concatenated for display. In the second example, the concatenation operator also concatenates the two strings without space when the line is displayed.
Ending an instruction
The end of the line or a semicolon indicates the end of an instruction. If you put more than one instruction on a line, you must separate each instruction with a semicolon. If you put one instruction on a line, it is best to let the end of the line delineate the end of the instruction.
SAY 'Hi!'; say 'Hi again!'; say 'Hi for the last time!'
This example appears on the screen as three lines.
Hi! Hi again! Hi for the last time!
The following example demonstrates the free format of REXX.
Chapter 2. Writing and Running a REXX Exec 11
Syntax of REXX Instructions
Example of Free Format
/************************* REXX ************************************/ SAY 'This is a REXX literal string.' SAY 'This is a REXX literal string.'
SAY 'This is a REXX literal string.' SAY, 'This', 'is', 'a', 'REXX', 'literal', 'string.'
SAY'This is a REXX literal string.';SAY'This is a REXX literal string.' SAY ' This is a REXX literal string.'
When the example runs, you see six lines of identical output on your screen followed by one indented line.
This is a REXX literal string. This is a REXX literal string. This is a REXX literal string. This is a REXX literal string. This is a REXX literal string. This is a REXX literal string.
This is a REXX literal string.
Thus you can begin an instruction anywhere on a line, you can insert blank lines, and you can insert extra spaces between words in an instruction because the language processor ignores blank lines and spaces that are greater than one. This flexibility of format allows you to insert blank lines and spaces to make an exec easier to read.
Only when words are parsed do blanks and spaces take on significance. More about parsing is covered in Parsing Dataon page 87.

Types of REXX Instructions

There are five types of REXX instructions: keyword, assignment, label, null, and command. The following example is an ISPF/PDF Edit panel that shows an exec with various types of instructions. A description of each type of instruction appears after the example. In most of the descriptions, you will see an edit line number (without the prefixed zeroes) to help you locate the instruction in the example.
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