IBM TS7650G User Manual

IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
User's Guide for FSI Systems
Before you use this information and the product it supports, read the information in the Safety and Environmental Notices publication, EC M13648 PN 00MG879, and "Notices" sections of this publication.
Edition notices
This edition applies to IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER®and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2012, 2016.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Figures .............. vii
Tables ............... ix
Homologation Statement ....... xi
About this document ........ xiii
Who should read this document ....... xiii
Terminology .............. xiii
Getting information, help, and service ..... xvi
Web sites .............. xviii
Related IBM publications ......... xix
How to send your comments ........ xix
Part 1. Preparing to work with
ProtecTIER ............. 1
Chapter 1. Introduction ........ 3
HyperFactor .............. 3
ProtecTIER Virtual Tape .......... 3
ProtecTIER File System Interface (FSI) ...... 4
ProtecTIER Manager ............ 4
Configuration .............. 4
Native replication............. 7
Chapter 2. Completing the ProtecTIER system setup for new installations ... 9
Accessing the ProtecTIER Service menu ..... 9
Customizing the ProtecTIER server ....... 9
Configuring the application IP interfaces..... 11
Configuring static routes .......... 14
Setting the timezone ........... 17
Setting the date and time .......... 19
Managing users ............. 33
Adding user accounts .......... 33
Changing the user account password ..... 34
Changing the Support System settings ..... 35
Saving and printing data .......... 35
Refreshing ProtecTIER Manager ....... 35
Running operations in the background ..... 36
Chapter 6. Managing nodes ...... 37
Adding and removing nodes from ProtecTIER
Manager ............... 37
Adding nodes ............ 37
Adding node subnetworks ........ 38
Removing nodes............ 38
Customizing the network configuration of a node 38 Logging in and out of the ProtecTIER Manager
application .............. 40
Chapter 7. Managing repositories ... 41
Enabling replication ........... 41
Expanding repositories .......... 42
Defragmentation on a repository ....... 49
Deleting repositories ........... 49
Chapter 8. Managing and monitoring
ProtecTIER through the CLI...... 51
Understanding the syntax diagrams ...... 51
ptcli ................. 52
Creating a profile ........... 53
Processing options ............ 53
Server options ............. 54
Commands .............. 54
ProtecTIER repository commands ...... 55
ProtecTIER FSI commands ........ 56
Chapter 3. Configuring replication ... 21
Before you begin ............ 21
Accessing the ProtecTIER Service Menu ..... 21
Configuring ProtecTIER Replication Manager ... 22
Chapter 4. Installing ProtecTIER
Manager .............. 25
Prerequisites for the ProtecTIER Manager
workstation .............. 25
Installing the ProtecTIER Manager software ... 25 Uninstalling the ProtecTIER Manager software .. 28 Checking the ProtecTIER 3958 DD6 Firmware
version ................ 29
Updating the ProtecTIER 3958 DD6 Firmware ... 30
Part 2. Working with ProtecTIER FSI 69
Chapter 9. Working with ProtecTIER for
FSI ................ 71
FSI network configuration for the ProtecTIER
backup server ............. 71
Terms and abbreviations ......... 71
Bonding and teaming .......... 72
Setting up the network with ProtecTIER .... 72
Chapter 10. Working with file systems
in FSI ............... 75
Creating a file system ........... 75
Modifying properties of a file system ...... 75
Deleting a file system ........... 76
Chapter 5. Getting started with
ProtecTIER Manager ......... 33
Running the ProtecTIER Manager ....... 33
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 iii
Chapter 11. About CIFS ....... 77
Setting CIFS authentication ......... 77
Defining a Workgroup.......... 78
Defining the Active directory ....... 79
User's management for CIFS workgroups .... 80
Adding a CIFS user .......... 81
Changing a user password ........ 81
Changing a user ID........... 81
Activating or deactivating CIFS user access... 82
Working with CIFS path sharing ....... 82
Creating a CIFS share on ProtecTIER ..... 82
Modifying a CIFS share on ProtecTIER .... 84
Removing a CIFS share from ProtecTIER ... 85
Connecting to a CIFS share ......... 86
Migrating between Workgroup and Active Directory
authentication ............. 86
Modifying user access to the share ..... 88
Migrating from Active Directory to Workgroup
authentication ............ 88
Chapter 12. About NFS ........ 91
Working with NFS exports ......... 91
Creating an NFS export on ProtecTIER .... 91
Modifying an NFS export on ProtecTIER ... 93
Removing an NFS export from ProtecTIER ... 94
Mounting an NFS file system on a host ..... 95
Mounting an NFS file system on Linux .... 96
Mounting an NFS file system on AIX ..... 96
Mounting an NFS file system on Solaris .... 97
Controlling replication traffic in FSI ...... 121
Suspending replication activity ...... 121
Blocking replication activity ....... 122
Stopping activities running in FSI ...... 122
Chapter 14. Monitoring ProtecTIER
FSI ................ 125
Monitoring ProtecTIER systems ....... 125
Monitoring the ProtecTIER FSI system ..... 126
Capacity .............. 127
Repository configuration ........ 128
Total utilization............ 128
Replication information ......... 128
Monitoring ProtecTIER FSI performance statistics 129
Repository statistics .......... 129
Backup statistics ........... 130
Replication statistics .......... 132
Monitoring FSI activities.......... 133
Monitoring the file system ......... 135
Viewing the space utilization of a file system
through a CIFS user .......... 136
Monitoring FSI replication policies ...... 136
Monitoring a file system.......... 137
Monitoring file system properties...... 137
Monitoring a CIFS share configuration .... 137
Monitoring an NFS export configuration ... 138
Chapter 13. Native replication
management (for FSI) ........ 99
Working with ProtecTIER Replication Manager .. 99
Managing the replication grid ........ 100
Working with repositories in a replication grid .. 101
Adding a repository to a replication grid ... 101
Removing a repository from a grid ..... 102
Updating the replication IP address of a grid
member .............. 102
Working with replication groups in FSI..... 103
Creating a Replication Group for FSI .... 103
Adding a single node repository to a replication
group ............... 104
Modifying a Replication Group for FSI .... 105
Working with replication policies in FSI .... 106
Creating replication policies for FSI ..... 106
Modifying FSI replication policies ..... 108
Deleting FSI replication policies ...... 110
Running a replication policy in FSI ..... 111
Disabling FSI replication policies ...... 112
Enabling FSI replication policies ...... 113
Creating a replication directory ...... 113
Deleting a replication directory ...... 114
Setting the weekly replication timeframe .... 115
Setting the centralized time frame ...... 116
Setting the replication rate limit ....... 116
Limiting the network interface bandwidth .... 118
Restoring backup data from a policy replication
directory ............... 119
Taking ownership of a replication destination
directory .............. 120
Cloning an FSI replication directory ..... 120
Part 3. Performance optimization, reporting and troubleshooting... 141
Chapter 15. Optimization ...... 143
Changing the CRC setting ......... 143
Chapter 16. Reporting........ 145
Using SNMP traps ........... 145
Using the ProtecTIER Manager Configuration
menu ................ 148
Accessing the Configuration menu ..... 149
Entering registration details ....... 149
Configure SNMP Traps ......... 150
Generating a ProtecTIER service report ..... 154
Generating a service report using the ProtecTIER
Service menu ............. 156
Creating a long-term statistics report ..... 158
Creating a performance analysis report ..... 161
Understanding the ProtecTIER Performance
Analysis .............. 162
Creating a system activities statistics report ... 163 Viewing machine reported product data (MRPD) 165 Monitoring backup and deduplication activities 165
Using the analyze_sessions utility ..... 165
Chapter 17. Troubleshooting ..... 169
Common troubleshooting tasks ....... 169
Viewing the alerts and events log windows ... 172
Wizard error messages .......... 172
Checking and repairing errors........ 173
Running fsck online .......... 175
Running fsck ............ 176
iv IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems
Checking and repairing with ProtecTIER
Manager .............. 177
Part 4. System recovery
procedures............ 181
Chapter 18. ProtecTIER system
recovery procedures ........ 183
Preparing to reload a node ......... 183
Recovering the configuration of a replaced server 188 Activating, analyzing and restoring ProtecTIER
Replication Manager ........... 191
Backing up the configuration files ..... 192
Activating ProtecTIER Replication Manager ... 192 Restoring the ProtecTIER Replication Manager .. 194
The File tab ............. 194
The IP Address tab .......... 195
Forcing a repository to leave a grid ...... 195
Part 5. Appendixes ........ 197
Appendix A. Remote support through
Call Home ............. 199
Electronic emission notices ......... 217
Federal Communications Commission statement 217
Industry Canada compliance statement.... 218
European Union Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive .............. 218
Australia and New Zealand Class A Statement 218 Germany Electromagnetic compatibility
directive .............. 218
People's Republic of China Class A Electronic
Emission statement .......... 220
Taiwan Class A compliance statement .... 220
Taiwan contact information........ 220
Japan Voluntary Control Council for Interference
(VCCI) Class A Statement ........ 220
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) Statement (less
than or equal to 20 A per phase) ...... 221
Korean Communications Commission (KCC)
Class A Statement ........... 221
Russia Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Class
A Statement ............. 221
Index ............... 223
Appendix B. Worldwide time zone
codes............... 201
Accessibility............ 213
Notices .............. 215
Trademarks .............. 216
Contents v
vi IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems


1. Tape library emulation ......... 4
2. One node system ........... 5
3. Two node system ........... 6
4. Cluster setup ............ 7
5. Date, Time, Timezone & Timeserver(s)
configuration menu .......... 18
6. Sample of US time zones ........ 18
7. Manage Users dialog ......... 34
8. ProtecTIER Manager ......... 36
9. Configure IP interfaces window ...... 39
10. Repository resources dialog ....... 49
11. Authentication setup wizard ....... 78
12. Create a CIFS share window ....... 83
13. Create a CIFS share Users window..... 84
14. Create an NFS export window ...... 92
15. Adding a host user .......... 93
16. Show removed repositories window .... 101
17. Create policy source directories ..... 107
18. Create policy - Add source directory browse
window ............. 107
19. Modify policy source directories ..... 109
20. Set replication time frame window .... 115
21. Limit network interface bandwidth window 119
22. All systems view .......... 125
23. Monitoring the FSI system ....... 127
24. Nominal data size graph ........ 129
25. HyperFactor ratio over time graph .... 130
26. Utilization graph .......... 130
27. Backup read graph.......... 131
28. Marginal HyperFactor ratio graph .... 131
29. Backup write graph ......... 131
30. Incoming replication graph ....... 132
31. Outgoing replication graph ....... 133
32. Backlog replication graph ....... 133
33. Activities view in FSI ......... 134
34. Additional activities information in FSI 135
35. SNMP trap report .......... 148
36. Registration ............ 149
37. Physical space threshold alerts configuration
options ............. 151
38. Nominal space threshold alerts configuration 152
39. Set backlog threshold for repository .... 153
40. Set threshold for file system usage .... 154
41. Create service report window ...... 155
42. Create long term statistics report window 159
43. Performance analysis chart ....... 163
44. View product data (MRPD) window .... 165
45. Set trace levels window ........ 171
46. Alerts log ............. 172
47. Message area ........... 173
48. Check and recover dialog ....... 178
49. NCNR information status dialog ..... 180
50. Red Hat Linux Installation Progress Screen 186
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 vii
viii IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems


1. IBM Web sites for help, services, and
information ............ xvi
2. Default usernames and passwords ..... 40
3. Processing options .......... 53
4. Server options ........... 54
5. CreateRepository Command ....... 55
6. RaidConfigurations Command ...... 55
7. RepositoryStatistics Command ...... 56
8. ServerVersion Command ........ 56
9. CreateFsiFileSystem command ...... 56
10. ModifyFsiFileSystem command ...... 57
11. ListFileSystems command ........ 57
12. DeleteFsiFileSystem command ...... 58
13. DeleteFsiDirectory command....... 58
14. ListReplicationDestinationDirectoryStatistics
command ............. 58
15. AddSambaUser command ....... 59
16. ChangeSambaUserEnablement command 59
17. ChangeSambaUserId command ...... 60
18. ListSambaUsers command ....... 60
19. CreateSharedPath command ....... 60
20. ModifySharedPath command ...... 62
21. ListSharedPaths command ....... 63
22. RemoveSharedPath command ...... 63
23. CreateExportPath command ....... 63
24. ModifyExportPath command....... 64
25. ListExportPaths command ....... 65
26. RemoveExportPath command ...... 66
27. CreateFsiPolicy command ........ 66
28. ReplicationStatistics command ...... 67
29. ReplicationStatistics output parameters 67
30. CloneDirectory command ........ 68
31. Bonding methods supported by the ProtecTIER
server .............. 73
32. Combined replication rate limits ..... 117
33. Individual replication rate limits ..... 117
34. All systems view description ...... 125
35. Repository information ........ 128
36. Total utilization information ...... 128
37. File system properties......... 135
38. File system properties......... 137
39. CIFS Share configuration........ 137
40. CIFS Share details .......... 138
41. NFS Export configuration ....... 138
42. NFS Export details.......... 139
43. Performance analysis report sections .... 162
44. Recent backup session and deduplication
statistics ............. 168
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 ix
x IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems

Homologation Statement

Attention: This product may not be certified in your country for connection by any means whatsoever to interfaces of public telecommunications networks. Further certification may be required by law prior to making any such connection. Contact an IBM representative or reseller if you have any questions.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 xi
xii IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems

About this document

This document provides information for using the IBM®TS7600 ProtecTIER Deduplication Solutions, V3.4.1.

Who should read this document

This publication is intended for storage administrators, system programmers, and performance capacity analysts.


IBM offers two virtualization solutions:
When used alone, this term signifies IBM's family of virtualization solutions that operate on the ProtecTIER platform.
TS7650G or Gateway
These are terms for IBM's virtualization solution from the TS7650 family that does not include a disk storage repository, allowing the customer to choose from a variety of storage options. The TS7650G consists of the following:
Server There are five types of server that have been used in the Gateway.
The following are the currently supported servers:
3958 DD6
This is a higher performance server available in March
2016. The enclosure, or chassis, has space for two controller nodes in the rear, which accommodates a cluster configuration in a 2u platform and eliminates the external cluster connection kit. In the front, the 3958 DD6 contains 24 SAS drive slots (only 2 of which actually contain SAS drives). The 3958 DD6 also includes edundant power supplies in the rear of the unit.
3958 DD5
This server, which first shipped in May 2012, is based on the IBM System xy7143 model. When used as a server in the TS7650G, its machine type and model are 3958 DD5. Use this machine type and model for service purposes.
3958 DD4
This server became available in December 2010 and is based on the IBM System x3850 X5 Type 7145-PBR. When used as a server in the TS7650G, its machine type and model are 3958 DD4. Use this machine type and model for service purposes.
System console
The system console is a TS3000 System Console (TSSC). This document uses the terms system console and TSSC interchangeably. The TSSC is not available (and does not work with) the 3958 DD6.
Under IBM best practices, the TS7650G also contains the following:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 xiii
Disk controller
Disk expansion unit
IBM Tivoli Assist On-site (AOS)
A process that transfers logical objects like cartridges from one ProtecTIER repository to another. The replication function allows ProtecTIER deployment to be distributed across sites. Each site has a single or clustered ProtecTIER environment. Each ProtecTIER environment has at least one ProtecTIER server. The ProtecTIER server that is a part of the replication grid has one or two dedicated replication ports that are used for replication. Replication ports are connected to the customer's WAN and are configured on two subnets as default.
The customer must choose the disk controller for use with the TS7650G. A list of compatible controllers is located at the IBM Tape Systems Resource Library website in the TS7650/TS7650G ISV and interoperability matrix document.
The customer must choose the disk expansion unit for use with the TS7650G. A list of compatible expansion units is located at the IBM Tape Systems Resource Library website in the TS7650/TS7650G ISV and interoperability matrix document.
IBM Tivoli Assist On-site (AOS) is a web-based tool that enables a remote support representative in IBM to view or control the management node desktop. More information is located at the Tivoli AOS website.
replication grid
A set of repositories that share a common ID and can potentially transmit and receive logical objects through replication. A replication grid defines a set of ProtecTIER repositories and actions between them. It is configured by using the ProtecTIER Replication Manager. The ProtecTIER Replication Manager is a software component installed on a ProtecTIER server or a dedicated host. The ProtecTIER Replication Manager should be able to recognize all of the members of the entire network that it handles on both replication subnets. The ProtecTIER Replication Manager manages the configuration of multiple replication grids in an organization. An agent on every node in each ProtecTIER server interacts with the server and maintains a table of its grid members.
Note: Customers must license the Replication features on all ProtecTIER systems participating in the replication grid whether the system is sending or receiving data (or both).
replication grid ID
A number from 0 to 63 that identifies a replication grid within an organization.
replication grid member
A repository that is a member in a replication grid.
replication pairs
Two repositories within a replication grid that replicate from one to another.
replication policy
A policy made up of rules that define a set of objects (for example, VTL cartridges) from a source repository to be replicated to a target repository.
xiv IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems
repository unique ID (RID)
A number that uniquely identifies the repository. The RID is created from the replication grid ID and the repository internal ID in the grid.
replication timeframe
A scheduled period of time for replication to take place for all policies.
shelf A container of VTL cartridges within a ProtecTIER repository. virtual tape library (VTL)
The ProtecTIER virtual tape library (VTL) service emulates traditional tape libraries. By emulating tape libraries, ProtecTIER VTL allows you to switch to disk backup without replacing your entire backup environment. Your existing backup application can access virtual robots to move virtual cartridges between virtual slots and drives. The backup application perceives that the data is being stored on cartridges while ProtecTIER actually stores data on a deduplicated disk repository.
visibility switching
The automated process that transfers the visibility of a VTL cartridge from its master to its replica and vice versa. The visibility switching process is triggered by moving a cartridge to the source library Import/Export (I/E) slot. The cartridge will then disappear from the I/E slot and appear at the destination library's I/E slot. To move the cartridge back to the source library, the cartridge must be ejected to the shelf from the destination library. The cartridge will then disappear from the destination library and reappear at the source I/E slot.
ACL – Access Control List
A list of permissions attached to an object (file, directory, etc). An ACL specifies which users are allowed to access an object and which operations are allowed on the object.
AD – Windows Active Directory
Windows-based software that manages user and group authentication and authorization between multiple servers.
The process of presenting credentials (username/password) to a service and having that service validate you.
The process of granting access to resources on a server that is in the network.
CIFS – Common Internet File System
The Microsoft file sharing protocol that supports remote mounts over TCP/IP using the SAMBA server message block (SMB) protocol.
DNS – Domain name server
Used to lookup and translate host names and IP addresses.
FSI – File System Interface
This refers to the overall ProtecTIER File System Interface implementation. When used in this document without any qualifiers it will refer to the initial release supporting the CIFS interface.
A computer network authentication protocol that allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. When used in this document this term will generally refer to the authentication protocol.
About this document xv
NAS - Network attached storage
Storage that may be accessed over IP networks using a variety of different protocols such as CIFS, NFS, and HTTP.
NFS - Networked File system
A file sharing protocol that supports remote mounts over TCP/IP.
An open source package that provides a CIFS interface on a Linux server. When used in this document this term will generally refer to the CIFS interface.
Once a connection has been established, the data flowing between a file within the CIFS exported filesystem and a Windows (host) application is referred to as a stream. Both a connection and a file can support multiple streams according to the ProtecTIER FSI implementation.
User file system
Pertaining to the ProtecTIER file system created by the user and presented as a CIFS share.

Getting information, help, and service

IBM provides several options for obtaining help, service, and information about the TS7600 ProtecTIER Deduplication Solutions, V3.4.1.
If you need help, service, technical assistance, or want more information about IBM products, a wide variety of IBM sources are available to assist you. Available services, telephone numbers, and Web links are subject to change without notice.
IBM maintains pages on the World Wide Web that contain information about its products and services.
IBM maintains pages on the World Wide Web where you can get information about IBM products and services and find the latest technical information. For more information refer to Table 1.
Table 1. IBM Web sites for help, services, and information
Description Web address (URL)
IBM home page Directory of worldwide contacts
xvi IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems
Table 1. IBM Web sites for help, services, and information (continued)
Description Web address (URL)
Support for IBM System Storage®and TotalStorage products
The IBM Support Portal page displays. Do the following:
1. In the Product Lookup field, begin
typing TS76. As you type, a list of matching products drops down below the input field.
2. Select your product from the drop down
list. The product you select appears below the Search field in the Search supports and downloads section. Items specific to the product you selected appear in the five areas below the Search field. You can search for specific information, or select one of the links in the Downloads, Product support
content, Tools and resources, Featured links, or Common support links.
3. To view a list of available fixes for your
product, for example, click on Downloads (drivers, firmware, PTFs).
Alternatively, you can use the Browse for a product link.
1. Click Browse for a product.
2. Expand System Storage.
3. Expand Tape systems.
4. Expand Tape virtualization. The page
shows a list of products.
5. Select your product from the list. The
product you select appears below the Search field in the Search supports and downloads section.
Help and service
When you call for service, you must provide certain identifying information.
You can call 1 (800) IBM SERV (1-800-426-7378) for help and service if you are in the U.S. or Canada. You must choose the software or hardware option when calling for assistance.
Choose the software option if you are uncertain if the problem involves TS7650 software or TS7650 hardware. Choose the hardware option only if you are certain the problem solely involves the TS7650 hardware.
When calling IBM for service regarding the TS7650, follow these guidelines for the software and hardware options:
Software option
Identify the TS7650 as your product and supply your customer number as proof of purchase. The customer number is a seven-digit numeric (0000000
About this document xvii

Web sites

- 9999999) assigned by IBM when the PID is purchased. It is located on the customer information worksheet or on the invoice from the software purchase.
Note: If asked for an operating system, say "Storage".
Hardware option
Provide the serial number and appropriate four-digit Machine Type for the hardware component that displays a problem (for example: 3958 DD4, 3958 DD5, or 3958).
Note: Cache modules and cache controllers are supported separately within the TS7650G. If the problem is in the IBM attached storage component, select the hardware option. Enter the appropriate Machine Type and S/N (serial number) for the component. If the attached storage is not IBM branded, contact the appropriate service provider for the component.
The most up-to-date information about your product, including documentation and the most recent downloads, can be found at the following Web sites:
v The translated publications for this product are included with the product. These
documents and product specification sheets are also available from the following Web site:
v You can order publications through the IBM Publications Ordering System at the
following Web site:
v Access the IBM System Storage ProtecTIER TS7650 Customer Information Center
v Access installation and technical support information via the Web at:
v The IBM Web site for Independent Software Vendor (ISV) support is:
v The IBM System Storage TS7600 Interoperability Matrix Web site can be found
v For the latest information about SAN switches and directors, go to the following
Web site:
v For the latest information about IBM xSeries products, services, and support, go
to the following Web site:
v For the latest information about operating system and HBA support, clustering
support, SAN fabric support, and Storage Manager feature support, see the DS4000®Interoperability Matrix at the following Web site:
v For product firmware and software downloads, as well as associated driver
code, go to the following Web site:
xviii IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems
v For accessibility information, go to the following Web site:
v For the latest information about product recycling programs, go to the following
Web site:

Related IBM publications

The following documents provide information about the IBM System Storage TS7600 with ProtecTIER gateway and appliance server(s) and recommended additional hardware components.
TS7650G Server (x3958 DD4/DD5/DD6) publications
The following publications provide additional documentation about the TS7650G Server:
v IBM System x3850 M2 (Type 7141, 7144), System x3950 M2 (Type 7141) User's
v IBM Safety Information
The server might have features that are not described in the documentation that you received with the server. The documentation might be updated occasionally to include information about those features, or technical updates might be available to provide additional information that is not included in the server documentation. These updates are available from the IBM Web site. Complete the following steps to check for updated documentation and technical updates:
1. In a Web browser, navigate to
2. Click Information Centers > Systems > xSeries>.
3. Click Product information > Servers > xSeries.
4. From the Product family list, select System x3850.
5. From the Type list, select System 7141.
6. Click Go.
7. On the Software and device drivers page, click the Documentation link.
8. On the Support for System x3850 page, click the link for the document you
want to view.
Integrated Management Module (IMM) publications
The following publications provide additional documentation about the IMM:
v Integrated Management Module User's Guide

How to send your comments

Your feedback is important to help us provide the highest quality information. If you have any comments about this information or other documentation about the IBM System Storage TS7650 ProtecTIER Deduplication Appliance or Gateway, you can submit them in the following ways:
E-mail Send your comments electronically to Be sure to
include the title, and if applicable, the location or navigation path of the topic on which are you are commenting.
About this document xix
Mail Download, complete, and return this Readers' Comment Form.
xx IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems

Part 1. Preparing to work with ProtecTIER

This section of the guide describes the steps for completing the ProtecTIER system setup for new installations and upgrading ProtecTIER servers.
In addition, this part describes how to install and configure the ProtecTIER Manager software and how to manage repositories.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 1
2 IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems

Chapter 1. Introduction

The TS7600 ProtecTIER Deduplication Solutions, V3.4.1 are advanced disk-based storage systems.
ProtecTIER is a disk-based data storage system. It uses data deduplication technology to store data to disk arrays. The ProtecTIER VTL service emulates traditional automated tape libraries.
Before you use ProtecTIER and this document, ensure that you complete the planning, preparation, and installation tasks. These tasks are described in the IBM TS7650G ProtecTIER Deduplication Gateway Installation Roadmap Guide, GA32-0921 publication.


This topic describes IBM data factoring technology, known as HyperFactor®.
ProtecTIER is the first virtual tape product to contain patented data deduplication technology that IBM calls HyperFactor. This technology detects recurring data in multiple backups. The common data is merged into a single instance store, saving disk space needed to store multiple backups without sacrificing performance or the availability of backups.
HyperFactor is a breakthrough on several fronts:
v It is scalable up to 1024 TB. v The algorithm used to find the common data between backups does not affect
the backup performance of the virtual tape engine.
v Data integrity is not compromised, not even statistically. v Merged data is stored in a format that preserves restore performance.
HyperFactor saves space by taking advantage of the fact that only a small percentage of data actually changes from backup to backup. Incremental backups include all files with modification dates that have changed since the last full or incremental backup. Full backups store all the data, changed or not.
The amount of space saved depends on many factors, mostly of the backup policies and retention periods and the variance of the data between them. The more full backups retained on ProtecTIER, and the more intervening incremental backups, the more overall space saved.

ProtecTIER Virtual Tape

The ProtecTIER Virtual Tape service acts like a traditional tape drive.
The ProtecTIER Virtual Tape (VT) service emulates traditional tape libraries. Because ProtecTIER VT emulates tape libraries, you can switch to disk backup without replacing your entire backup environment. Your existing backup application can access virtual robots to move virtual cartridges between virtual slots and drives. The backup application perceives that the data is being stored on cartridges while ProtecTIER stores data on a deduplicated disk repository on the storage fabric.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 3
Backup Application
Virtual TapeDrives
Virtual Robot
Figure 1. Tape library emulation

ProtecTIER File System Interface (FSI)

This topic provides an overview of the ProtecTIER File System Interface (FSI).
With FSI, ProtecTIER emulates a network attached storage (NAS) backup target capable of using HyperFactor, as well as ProtecTIER Native Replication bandwidth reduction techniques for storing and replicating deduplicated data. ProtecTIER FSI enables backup servers running backup applications to connect over IP networks to ProtecTIER, without the use of FC connectivity and allows customers to use their existing tools and capabilities to integrate a ProtecTIER NAS-based backup target into your environment.

ProtecTIER Manager

This topic provides an overview of the ProtecTIER Manager software.
The ProtecTIER Manager application can be installed on one or more workstations, enabling you to monitor the status of nodes and clusters in your ProtecTIER system along with the accompanying repositories and services. ProtecTIER Manager is used to initially configure your ProtecTIER system and to change the configuration.


This topic provides an overview of ProtecTIER system configuration.
ProtecTIER systems can be set up with either one node or two nodes arranged in a cluster. Each cluster operates independently, but you can manage them all from ProtecTIER Manager.
Note: FSI only supports one node configurations, therefore cluster configurations are only available in a VTL system set up. Attention: To meet electromagnetic immunity requirements, shielded Ethernet cables are required when attaching to a 1 GbE PCIe Ethernet adapter card.
4 IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems
A one node system uses one server to transfer data from the backup server to the
Backup Servers
Disk Arrays
Storage Fabric
Storage Fabric
Server (Node) 1
storage fabric, as illustrated in the following figure:
Figure 2. One node system
A two node system uses two servers in an active-active cluster and enables you to build a more sophisticated system, as illustrated in the following figure:
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
Backup Servers
Storage Fabric
Server (Node) 1
Disk Arrays
Server (Node) 2
Storage Fabric
Cluster Internal
Network Switch 1
Cluster Internal
Network Switch 2
Figure 3. Two node system
Using a two node system provides the following benefits: v Higher-Availability clustered configuration available to provide hardware
redundancy in the event of a node failure.
v Increased Performance if there are sufficient disk resources, the two servers can
share the backup load, and increase the performance of ProtecTIER.
The following diagram illustrates the details of the ProtecTIER cluster setup:
6 IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems
ProtecTIER Manager
FC Port
FC Port
Node 1 Node 2
Eth 0
Eth 1
Eth 4
Eth 0
Eth 1
Eth 4
Bond 0 Bond 0
FC Port
FC Port
Cluster Internal
Figure 4. Cluster setup
Each node connects through front-end Fibre Channel ports to the backup server, and through back-end Fibre Channel ports to disk arrays. The network interface cards enable the nodes to connect to each other and to the ProtecTIER Manager workstation.

Native replication

Native replication lets you replicate between repositories connected to a wide area network (WAN) with TCP/IP protocol.
Replication enables you to set rules (depending on your required replication needs) for replicating data objects across ProtecTIER repositories. The ProtecTIER repositories can be different in size as well as physical layout. Since ProtecTIER deduplicates data before storing it, only the changes are transferred to the remote site. You define the rules for replicating data objects in replication policies on a repository.
A replication grid is a logical set of repositories that can replicate from one to the other. The ProtecTIER Replication Manager is a server that remotely manages the configuration of the grid (for example, grid creation or deletion, repository membership in the grid, and so on). In most cases, the ProtecTIER Replication Manager resides on one of the ProtecTIER nodes.
Chapter 1. Introduction 7
Before defining replication policies, however, you must first create connections between the repositories. To create connections, you define replication groups. Depending on your environment, you create replication groups in either "many-to-one" or "many-to-many" topologies.
In a "many-to-one" topology, you create replication groups in which source repositories can receive local backups and replicate to a single destination. The destination repository can then act as a Disaster Recovery site for any number of the source repositories, and still allow local backups, as well as replication, from the active source repositories.
In a "many-to-many" topology, you create replication groups where multiple repositories can replicate to each other. You can define a many-to-many replication group where each repository assumes the responsibility of a destination repository and can receive local backups, replicate data to remote repositories, and receive replicated data from remote repositories.
8 IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems

Chapter 2. Completing the ProtecTIER system setup for new installations

This chapter details the prerequisites for completing the ProtecTIER system setup for new installations. Configuring the node is described in the IBM TS7650G ProtecTIER Deduplication Gateway Installation Roadmap Guide, GA32-0921.
If you are upgrading the ProtecTIER system, refer to the IBM TS7650 ProtecTIER Software Upgrade Guide, SC27-3643.
Use the ProtecTIER Service menu to complete the ProtecTIER configuration process that was started in manufacturing. If you are working on a TS7650G, some or all of these configurations may have already been done during the node configuration.
Note: Throughout this chapter the terms server and node are used interchangeably, depending upon the task being performed.

Accessing the ProtecTIER Service menu

Complete this task to access the ProtecTIER Service menu.
1. If you are in a single node configuration, connect the USB keyboard and
graphics-capable monitor to the server.
2. Verify that the server is running:
3. At the localhost Login prompt, type ptconfig and press Enter.
4. At the Password prompt, type ptconfig and press Enter.
The ProtecTIER Service Menu opens:
---------------------------------------------------------------------­ProtecTIER Service Menu running on rasddx
1) ProtecTIER Configuration (...)
2) Manage ProtecTIER services (...)
3) Health Monitoring (...)
4) Problem Alerting (...)
5) Version Information (...)
6) Generate a service report
7) Generate a system view
8) Update ProtecTIER code
9) ProtecTIER analysis (...)
E) Exit
>>> Your choice?
5. Go on to “Customizing the ProtecTIER server”

Customizing the ProtecTIER server

Complete this task to customize the ProtecTIER server.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 9
About this task
Perform the following steps to configure the server by using the ProtecTIER Service menu:
1. On the server, if it is not already displayed, access the ProtecTIER Service
menu. See “Accessing the ProtecTIER Service menu” on page 9.
2. Select the ProtecTIER Configuration (...) option. Type the corresponding
number and press Enter. The ProtecTIER Configuration (...) menu appears.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------­ProtecTIER Service Menu running on rassmx
1) Configure ProtecTIER node
2) Recover Configuration for a replaced server
3) Configure machine serial number for a replaced server
4) Configure RAS
5) Update Time, Date, Timezone & Timeserver(s)
6) Scan storage interconnections
7) File systems Management (...)
8) Configure replication (...)
9) IP Network configuration (...)
10) Update Firmware (...)
11) Update the systems name
12) Validate configuration
13) Single Node - code upgrade
14) OS images Management (...)
15) Replace SAS drive
B) Back E) Exit
>>> Your choice?
ProtecTIER Configuration (...)
3. Select the IP Network configuration (...) option. Type the corresponding
number and press Enter. The IP Network configuration (...) menu appears.
ProtecTIER Service Menu running on rasddx ProtecTIER Configuration (...) IP Network Configuration (...)
1) Configure hostname
2) Configure ProtecTIERs IP interfaces
3) Configure Static Routes
4) Configure Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) IP
5) Configure RAS switch
B) Back E) Exit
>>> Your choice?
4. Select the option Configure ProtecTIER's IP interfaces to configure external.
Type the corresponding number and press Enter. If asked if you would like to stop the vtfd service, type yes and press Enter. The following status message displays as the system initiates shutdown:
Stopping VTFD [/] The shutdown process may take a few minutes to complete.
When shutdown completes, the following status message appears:
Stopping RAS [ Done ] Stopping VTFD [ Done ]
10 IBM TS7650G Deduplication Gateway for ProtecTIER
: User's Guide for FSI Systems
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