IBM IC25N040ATCS04, IC25N030ATCS04, Travelstar 60GH, IC25N020ATCS04, IC25N010ATCS04 Specifications

Hard disk drive specifications
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN
2.5 inch ATA/IDE hard disk drive
IC25T060ATCS05Models: IC25N040ATCS04 IC25N030ATCS04 IC25N020ATCS04 IC25N010ATCS04
Revision 3.0 22 January 2002
S07N-7681-09 Publication # 1540
Hard disk drive specifications
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN
2.5 inch ATA/IDE hard disk drive
IC25T060ATCS05Models: IC25N040ATCS04 IC25N030ATCS04 IC25N020ATCS04 IC25N010ATCS04
Revision 3.0 22 January 2002
S07N-7681-09 Publication # 1540
1st Edition (Revision 0.1) S07N-7681-00 (19 September 2001) Preliminary 2nd Edition (Revision 0.2) S07N-7681-01 (23 October 2001) Preliminary 3rd Edition (Revision 0.3) S07N-7681-02 (25 October 2001) Preliminary 4th Edition (Revision 0.4) S07N-7681-03 (29 October 2001) Preliminary 5th Edition (Revision 0.5) S07N-7681-04 (1 November 2001) Preliminary 6th Edition (Revision 0.6) S07N-7681-05 (2 November 2001) Preliminary 7th Edition (Revision 0.7) S07N-7681-06 (5 November 2001) Preliminary 8th Edition (Revision 1.0) S07N-7681-07 (16 November 2001) 9th Edition (Revision 2.0) S07N-7681-08 (4 December 2001) 10th Edition (Revision 3.0) S07N-7681-09 (22 January 2002)
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Table of contents
Part 1. Functional specification
11.0 General
11.1 Abbreviations
31.2 References
31.3 General caution
31.4 Drive handling precautions
52.0 General features
93.0 Fixed disk subsystem description
93.1 Control Electronics
93.2 Head disk assembly data
114.0 Fixed disk characteristics
114.1 Formatted capacity by model number
124.2 Data sheet
124.3 Cylinder allocation by model number
144.4 Performance characteristics
144.4.1 Command overhead
154.4.2 Mechanical positioning
174.4.3 Operating modes
195.0 Data integrity
195.1 Data loss on power off
195.2 Write Cache
195.3 Equipment status
205.4 WRITE safety
205.5 Data buffer test
205.6 Error recovery
205.7 Automatic reallocation
205.7.1 Nonrecovered write errors
205.7.2 Nonrecoverable read error
205.7.3 Recovered read errors
215.8 ECC
236.0 Specification
236.1 Environment
236.1.1 Temperature and humidity
246.1.2 Radiation noise
246.1.3 Conductive noise
246.1.4 Magnetic fields
256.2 DC power requirements
266.2.1 Power consumption efficiency
266.3 Start up Current
286.4 Reliability
286.4.1 Data reliability
286.4.2 Failure prediction (S.M.A.R.T.)
286.4.3 Cable noise interference
286.4.4 Service life and usage condition
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
296.4.5 Preventive maintenance
296.4.6 Load/unload
316.5 Mechanical specifications
316.5.1 Physical dimensions and weight
316.5.2 Mounting hole locations
326.5.3 Connector and jumper description
326.5.4 Mounting orientation
336.5.5 Load/unload mechanism
346.6 Vibration and shock
346.6.1 Operating vibration
356.6.2 Nonoperating vibration
356.6.3 Operating shock
366.6.4 Nonoperating shock
376.7 Acoustics
376.7.1 Sound power level
386.7.2 Discrete tone penalty
396.8 Identification labels
396.9 Electromagnetic compatibility
396.9.1 CE Mark
396.9.2 C-Tick Mark
406.10 Safety
406.10.1 UL and CSA approval
406.10.2 IEC compliance
406.10.3 German Safety Mark
406.10.4 Flammability
406.10.5 Secondary circuit protection
406.11 Packaging
417.0 Electrical interface specifications
417.1 Cabling
417.2 Interface connector
427.3 Signal definitions
447.4 Signal descriptions
477.5 Interface logic signal levels
477.6 Reset timings
487.7 PIO timings
497.8 Multiword DMA timings
507.9 Ultra DMA timings
507.9.1 Initiating Read DMA
517.9.2 Host Pausing Read DMA
527.9.3 Host Terminating Read DMA
537.9.4 Device Terminating Read DMA
547.9.5 Initiating Write DMA
557.9.6 Device Pausing Write DMA
567.9.7 Device Terminating Write DMA
577.9.8 Host Terminating Write DMA
587.10 Drive address setting
587.10.1 Drive default address setting
597.11 Addressing of HDD registers
Part 2. Interface specification
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
638.0 General
638.1 Introduction
638.2 Terminology
659.0 Deviations from standard
6710.0 Registers
6810.1 Alternate Status Register
6810.2 Command Register
6810.3 Cylinder High Register
6810.4 Cylinder Low Register
6910.5 Data Register
6910.6 Device Control Register
7010.7 Drive Address Register
7010.8 Device/Head Register
7110.9 Error Register
7110.10 Features Register
7110.11 Sector Count Register
7210.12 Sector Number Register
7210.13 Status Register
7311.0 General operation descriptions
7311.1 Reset response
7511.2 Register initialization
7611.3 Diagnostic and Reset considerations
7711.4 Power-off considerations
7711.4.1 Load/Unload
7711.4.2 Emergency unload
7811.4.3 Required power-off sequence
7811.5 Sector Addressing Mode
7811.5.1 Logical CHS addressing mode
7911.5.2 LBA addressing mode
8011.6 Power management features
8011.6.1 Power Mode
8011.6.2 Power management commands
8011.6.3 Standby/Sleep command completion timing
8111.6.4 Standby timer
8111.6.5 Status
8111.6.6 Interface Capability for Power Modes
8111.6.7 Initial Power Mode at Power On
8211.7 Advanced Power Management (ABLE-3) feature
8211.7.1 Performance Idle Mode
8211.7.2 Active Idle Mode
8211.7.3 Low Power Idle Mode
8211.7.4 Transition Time
8411.8 S.M.A.R.T. Function
8411.8.1 Attributes
8411.8.2 Attribute values
8411.8.3 Attribute thresholds
8411.8.4 Threshold exceeded condition
8411.8.5 S.M.A.R.T. commands
8511.8.6 S.M.A.R.T. operation with power management modes
8611.9 Security Mode Feature Set
8611.9.1 Security Mode
8611.9.2 Security level
8611.9.3 Password
8711.9.4 Master Password Revision Code
8711.9.5 Operation example
9011.9.6 Command table
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
9211.10 Protected Area Function
9211.10.1 Example for operation (In LBA Mode)
9311.10.2 Set Max security extension commands
9511.11 Address Offset Feature (vendor specific)
9511.11.1 Enable/Disable Address Offset Mode
9611.11.2 Identify Device Data
9611.11.3 Exceptions in Address Offset Mode
9711.12 Seek Overlap
9811.13 Write Cache function
9811.14 Delayed Write function (vendor specific)
9811.14.1 Enable/Disable Delayed Write command
9911.15 Reassign Function
9911.15.1 Auto Reassign Function
10112.0 Command protocol
10112.1 Data In commands
10312.2 Data Out commands
10512.3 Nondata commands
10612.4 DMA Data Transfer commands
10713.0 Command descriptions
11113.1 Check Power Mode (E5h/98h)
11213.2 Device Configuration Overlay (B1h)
11213.2.1 DEVICE CONFIGURATION RESTORE (subcommand C0h)
11313.2.3 DEVICE CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY (subcommand C2h)
11313.2.4 DEVICE CONFIGURATION SET (subcommand C3h)
11613.3 Enable/Disable Delayed Write (FAh: vendor specific)
11713.4 Execute Device Diagnostic (90h)
11813.5 Flush Cache (E7h)
11913.6 Format Track (50h: vendor specific)
12013.7 Format Unit (F7h: vendor specific)
12213.8 Identify Device (ECh)
13113.9 Idle (E3h/97h)
13213.10 Idle Immediate (E1h/95h)
13313.11 Initialize Device Parameters (91h)
13413.12 Read Buffer (E4h)
13513.13 Read DMA (C8h/C9h)
13713.14 Read Long (22h/23h)
13913.15 Read Multiple (C4h)
14113.16 Read Native Max ADDRESS (F8h)
14313.17 Read Sectors (20h/21h)
14513.18 Read Verify Sectors (40h/41h)
14713.19 Recalibrate (1xh)
14813.20 Security Disable Password (F6h)
14913.21 Security Erase Prepare (F3h)
15013.22 Security Erase Unit (F4h)
15213.23 Security Freeze Lock (F5h)
15313.24 Security Set Password (F1h)
15513.25 Security Unlock (F2h)
15713.26 Seek (7xh)
15813.27 Sense Condition (F0h: vendor specific)
15913.28 Set Features (EFh)
16113.29 Set Max ADDRESS (F9h)
16313.30 Set Multiple (C6h)
16413.31 Sleep (E6h/99h)
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
16513.32 S.M.A.R.T. Function Set (B0h)
16613.32.1 S.M.A.R.T. Function Subcommands
17013.32.2 Device Attributes Data Structure
17513.32.3 Device Attribute Thresholds data structure
17713.32.4 S.M.A.R.T. error log sector
18013.32.5 Self-test log data structure
18113.32.6 Error reporting
18213.33 Standby (E2h/96h)
18313.34 Standby Immediate (E0h/94h)
18413.35 Write Buffer (E8h)
18513.36 Write DMA (CAh/CBh)
18713.37 Write Long (32h/33h)
18913.38 Write Multiple (C5h)
19113.39 Write Sectors (30h/31h)
19313.40 Write Verify (3Ch: vendor specific)
19514.0 Time-out values
19715.0 Appendix
19715.1 Commands Support Coverage
19915.2 SET FEATURES Command Support Coverage
20015.3 Changes from Travelstar 48GH, 30GN & 15GN 201Index
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
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3Figure 1. Handling Precaution 1
3Figure 2. Handling Precaution 2 11Figure 3. Formatted capacity by model number. 12Figure 4. Data sheet 12Figure 5. Cylinder allocation of 60 GB model 13Figure 6. Cylinder allocation — all models except 60 GB (high TPI format) 13Figure 7. Cylinder allocation — all models except 60 GB (low TPI format) 14Figure 8. Performance characteristics 15Figure 9. Mechanical positioning performance 15Figure 10. Full stroke seek time 16Figure 11. Single track seek time 16Figure 12. Latency time 16Figure 13. Drive ready time 17Figure 14. Operating mode 17Figure 15. Drive ready time 21Figure 16. Examples of error cases. 23Figure 17. Environmental condition 23Figure 18. Limits of temperature and humidity 24Figure 19. Magnetic flux density limits 25Figure 20. DC Power requirements 26Figure 21. Power consumption efficiency 26Figure 22. Typical current wave form at start up of 60 GB model 27Figure 23. Typical current wave form at start up of 40 GB model 27Figure 24. Typical current wave form at start up of 20 GB model) 31Figure 25. Physical dimensions and weight 31Figure 26. Mounting hole locations of the 60 GB model. 32Figure 27. Mounting hole locations of all models except 60 GB model. 34Figure 28. Random vibration PSD profile breakpoints (operating) 34Figure 29. Swept sine vibration 35Figure 30. Random Vibration PSD Profile Breakpoints (nonoperating) 35Figure 31. Operating shock 36Figure 32. Nonoperating shock 37Figure 33. Weighted sound power 41Figure 34. Interface connector pin assignments 42Figure 35. Signal definition 43Figure 36. Special signal definitions for Ultra DMA 47Figure 37. System reset timings 48Figure 38. PIO cycle timings 49Figure 39. Multiword DMA cycle timings 50Figure 40. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Initiating Read) 51Figure 41. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Host Pausing Read) 52Figure 42. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Host Terminating Read) 53Figure 43. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Device Terminating Read) 54Figure 44. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Initiating Write) 55Figure 45. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Device Pausing Write) 56Figure 46. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Device Terminating Write) 57Figure 47. Ultra DMA cycle timings (Host Terminating Write) 58Figure 48. Drive address setting 59Figure 49. I/O address map
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
67Figure 50. Register Set 68Figure 51. Alternate Status Register 69Figure 52. Device Control Register 70Figure 53. Drive Address Register 70Figure 54. Device/Head Register 71Figure 55. Error Register 72Figure 56. Status Register 74Figure 57. Reset response table 75Figure 58. Default Register Values 75Figure 59. Diagnostic Codes 76Figure 60. Reset error register values 77Figure 61. Device behavior by ATA commands. 81Figure 62. Power conditions 87Figure 63. Initial setting 88Figure 64. Usual operation for POR 89Figure 65. Password lost 90Figure 66. Command table for device lock operation (1 of 2) 91Figure 67. Command table for device lock operation (2 of 2) 93Figure 68. Set Max SET PASSWORD data content 94Figure 69. Set Max security mode transition 95Figure 70. Device address map before and after Set Feature
97Figure 71. Seek overlap 107Figure 72. Command set (1 of 2) 108Figure 73. Command set (2 of 2) 109Figure 74. Command Set (Subcommand) 111Figure 75. Check Power Mode command (E5h/98h) 112Figure 76. Check Power Mode Command (E5h/98h) 112Figure 77. Device Configuration Overlay Features register values 114Figure 78. Device Configuration Overlay Data structure 115Figure 79. DCO error information definition 116Figure 80. Enable/Disable Delayed Write command (FAh) 117Figure 81. Execute Device Diagnostic command (90h) 118Figure 82. Flush Cache command (E7h) 119Figure 83. Format Track command (50h) 120Figure 84. Format Unit command (F7h) 122Figure 85. Identify Device command (ECh) 123Figure 86. Identify device information. (Part 1 of 7) 124Figure 87. Identify device information. (Part 2 of 7) 125Figure 88. Identify device information. (Part 3 of 7) 126Figure 89. Identify device information. (Part 4 of 7) 127Figure 90. Identify device information. (Part 5 of 7) 128Figure 91. Identify device information. (Part 6 of 7) 129Figure 92. Identify device information. (Part 7 of 7) 130Figure 93. Number of cylinders/heads/sectors by model. 131Figure 94. Idle command (E3h/97h) 132Figure 95. Idle Immediate command (E1h/95h) 133Figure 96. Initialize Device Parameters command (91h) 134Figure 97. Read Buffer command (E4h) 135Figure 98. Read DMA command (C8h/C9h) 137Figure 99. Read Long command (22h/23h) 139Figure 100. Read Multiple command (C4h) 141Figure 101. Read Native Max ADDRESS (F8h) 143Figure 102. Read Sectors command (20h/21h) 145Figure 103. Read Verify Sectors command (40h/41h)
147Figure 104. Recalibrate command (1xh) 148Figure 105. Security Disable Password command (F6h) 148Figure 106. Password Information for Security Disable Password command 149Figure 107. Security Erase Prepare command (F3h) 150Figure 108. Security Erase Unit command (F4h) 150Figure 109. Erase Unit information 152Figure 110. Security Freeze Lock command (F5h) 153Figure 111. Security Set Password command (F1h) 154Figure 112. Security Set Password information 155Figure 113. Security Unlock command (F2h) 156Figure 114. Security Unlock information 157Figure 115. Seek command (7xh) 158Figure 116. Sense Condition Command (F0h) 159Figure 117. Set Features command (EFh) 161Figure 118. Set Max ADDRESS (F9h) 163Figure 119. Set Multiple command (C6h) 164Figure 120. Sleep command (E6h/99h) 165Figure 121. S.M.A.R.T. Function Set command (B0h) 167Figure 122. Log sector addresses 170Figure 123. Device Attribute Data Structure 171Figure 124. Individual Attribute Data Structure 172Figure 125. Status Flag definitions 175Figure 126. Device Attribute Thresholds Data Structure 176Figure 127. Individual Threshold Data Structure 177Figure 128. S.M.A.R.T. error log sector 177Figure 129. Error log data structure 178Figure 130. Command data structure 179Figure 131. Error data structure 180Figure 132. Self-test log data structure 181Figure 133. S.M.A.R.T. Error Codes 182Figure 134. Standby command (E2h/96h) 183Figure 135. Standby Immediate command (E0h/94h) 184Figure 136. Write Buffer command (E8h) 185Figure 137. Write DMA command (CAh/CBh) 187Figure 138. Write Long command (32h/33h) 189Figure 139. Write Multiple command (C5h) 191Figure 140. Write Sectors command (30h/31h) 195Figure 141. Time-out values 197Figure 142. Command coverage (1 of 2) 198Figure 143. Command coverage (2 of 2) 199Figure 144. SET FEATURES command coverage
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
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1.0 General
This document describes the specifications of the IBM Travelstar 60GH & 40GN, a 2.5-inch hard disk drive with ATA/IDE interface:
Rotation speed (rpm)Height (mm)Capacity (GB)Model NumberDrive name
5,40012.560IC25T060ATCS05Travelstar 60GH 4,2009.540IC25N040ATCS04Travelstar 40GN 4,2009.530IC25N030ATCS04Travelstar 40GN 4,2009.520IC25N020ATCS04Travelstar 40GN 4,2009.510IC25N010ATCS04Travelstar 40GN
Part 1 of this document beginning on page 7 defines the hardware functional specification. Part 2 of this document beginning on page 61 defines the interface specification
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
1.1 Abbreviations
32 x 1024 bytes32 KB 64 x 1024 bytes64 KB inch" ampA alternating currentAC Advanced TechnologyAT Advanced Technology AttachmentATA unit of sound powerBels Basic Input/Output SystemBIOS degrees Celsius°C Canadian Standards AssociationCSA Canadian-Underwriters LaboratoryC-UL cylinderCyl direct currentDC Drive Fitness TestDFT Direct Memory AccessDMA error correction codeECC European Economic CommunityEEC electromagnetic compatibilityEMC Error Recovery ProcedureERP electrostatic dischargeESD Federal Communications CommissionFCC field replacement unitFRU gravity, a unit of forceG 1 000 000 000 bitsGb 1 000 000 000 bytesGB
1 000 000 000 bits per square inchGb/ (32 ft/sec) groundGND hexadecimalh hard disk driveHDD
per HertzG
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
us, µs
hertzHz InputI integrated lead suspensionILS impedanceimped Input/OutputI/O International Standards OrganizationISO 1,000 bytesKB 1,000 Bit Per InchKbpi kilogram (force)-centimeterkgf-cm kilohertzKHz logical block addressingLBA unit of A-weighted sound powerLw meterm maximummax. or Max. 1,000,000 bytesMB 1,000,000 Bit per secondMbps 1,000,000 Bit per secondMb/sec 1,000,000 bytes per secondMB/sec 1,000 ,00 bits per square inchMb/ megahertzMHz Machine Level ControlMLC millimetermm millisecondms microsecond numberNo. or # oscillations per minuteoct/min OutputO Open Drain Programmed Input/OutputOD
power on hoursPOH populationPop. part numberP/N peak-to-peakp-p power spectral densityPSD radiated electromagnetic susceptibilityRES radio frequency interferenceRFI relative humidityRH per cent relative humidity% RH root mean squareRMS revolutions per minuteRPM resetRST read/writeR/W secondsec sectors per trackSect/Trk secondary low voltageSELV Self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technologyS.M.A.R.T tracks per inchTPI trackTrk. transistor-transistor logicTTL Underwriters LaboratoryUL voltV Verband Deutscher ElectrotechnikerVDE wattW transistor-transistor tristate logic3-state
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
1.2 References
ATA/ATAPI-5 (T13/1321D Revision 3)
1.3 General caution
! Do not apply force to the top cover (See figure below).
! Do not cover the breathing hole on the top cover (See figure below).
! Do not touch the interface connector pins or the surface of the printed circuit board.
! The drive can be damaged by shock or ESD (Electric Static Discharge). Any damages incurred to
the drive after removing it from the shipping package and the ESD protective bag are the responsi­bility of the user
1.4 Drive handling precautions
Do not press on the drive cover during handling.
Figure 2. Handling Precaution 2
. Handling Precaution 1
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
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2.0 General features
" 2.5-inch, 12.5- and 9.5-mm Height MCC
" Formatted capacities of 60 GB, 40 GB, 30
" 512 bytes/sector
Interface (Enhanced
" Integrated controller
" No-ID recording format
" Coding : 96/104 MTR
" Multi zone recording
" Enhanced
# 40 bytes 3 way Interleaved Reed Solomon Code # 5 bytes per interleave On-The-Fly correction
" Segmented Buffer with write cache
# 2 MB - Upper 280 KB is used for firmware
" Fast data transfer rate (up to 100 MB/s)
" Media data transfer rate (max):
# 60-GB model - 261 Mb/s # all other models - 245 Mb/s
" Average seek time: 12 ms for read
) conforming to ATA/ATAPI-5
and 10 GB
" Closed-loop actuator servo (Embedded Sector Servo)
" Rotary voice coil motor actuator
" Load/Unload mechanism
" Mechanical latch
" Adaptive power save control
# 60-GB model - 0.9 Watts at idle state # all other models - 0.65 Watts at idle state
" Power on to ready
# 60-GB model - 5.0 sec # all other models - 3.0 sec
" Operating shock
# 60-GB model - 150 G/2ms # all other models - 200 G/2ms
" Nonoperating shock
# 60-GB model - 700 G/1ms # all other models - 800 G/1ms
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
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Part 1. Functional specification
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
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3.0 Fixed disk subsystem description
3.1 Control Electronics
The control electronics works with the following functions:
! AT Interface Protocol
! Embedded Sector Servo
! No-ID (TM) formatting
! Multizone recording
! Code: 96/104 MTR
! ECC On-The-Fly
! Enhanced Adaptive Battery Life Extender
3.2 Head disk assembly data
The following technologies are used in the drive:
! Pico Slider
! Smooth glass disk
! GMR head
! Integrated lead suspension (ILS)
! Load/unload mechanism
! Mechanical latch
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
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4.0 Fixed disk characteristics
4.1 Formatted capacity by model number
Physical Layout
Sectors per Track low TPI format high TPI format
Logical Layout
Physical Layout
Sectors per Track low TPI format high TPI format
Logical Layout
360–672 336–648
360–672 336–648
512512512Bytes per Sector
360–672 336–648
348Number of Heads 224Number of Disks
161616Number of Heads 636363Number of Sectors/ Track
16,38316,38316,383Number of Cylinders
58,605,12078,140,160117,210,240Number of Sectors
30,005,821,44040,007,761,92060,011,642,880Total Logical Data Bytes
512512Bytes per Sector
360–672 336–648
12Number of Heads 11Number of Disks
1616Number of Heads 6363Number of Sectors/ Track
16,38316,383Number of Cylinders
19,640,88039,070,080Number of Sectors
10,056,130,56020,003,880,960Total Logical Data Bytes
Figure 3. Formatted capacity by model number.
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
4.2 Data sheet
60-GB model
146–262 Data transfer rates (buffer to/from media) (Mbps)
Data transfer rates (Mbyte/sec) ULTRA DMA 100
459Recording density (Kbpi) (Max)
60.4Track density (Ktpi)
Figure 4. Data sheet
4.3 Cylinder allocation by model number
60-GB model
No. of Sectors/TrkCylinderZone
556 0–10230 5441024–20471 5282048–46072 5124608–69113 4996912–92154 4809216–130555 46013056–156156 44815616–174077 43217408–202238 41620224–222719 40322272–2431910 38424320–2739111 36427392–2918312 35229184–3097513 33630976–3353514 30733536–3507115
All other
4,2005,400Rotational Speed (RPM)
130–245 125–241
528 509
3428Areal density (Gb/ Max)
1616Number of zones
Figure 5. Cylinder allocation of 60 GB model
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
All other models - high TPI format
No. of Sectors/TrkCylinderZone
648 0–5110 640512–25591 6242560–48632 6004864–92153 5769216–115194 56011520–138235 54013824–168956 52016896–199677 50419968–215038 48021504–248319 45024832–2713510 44027136–2867111 42028672–3123112 40031232–3379113 36033792–3763114 33637632–3993515
Figure 6. Cylinder allocation — all models except 60 GB (high TPI format)
All other models - low TPI format
No. of Sectors/TrkCylinderZone
672 0–7670 660768–33271 6403328–66552 6246656–87033 6008704–122874 57612288–153595 56015360–171516 54017152–199677 52019968–220158 50422016–232959 48023296–2534310 48025344–2687911 45026880–2815912 42028160–3174313 38431744–3532714 36035328–3814315
Figure 7. Cylinder allocation — all models except 60 GB (low TPI format)
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
4.4 Performance characteristics
Drive performance is characterized by the following parameters:
! Command Overhead
! Mechanical Positioning
# Seek Time
# Latency
! Data Transfer Speed
! Buffering Operation (Look ahead/Write Cache)
Note: All the above parameters contribute to drive performance. There are other parameters which contri­bute to the performance of the actual system. This specification defines the essential characteristics of the drive. This specification does not include the system throughput as this is dependent upon the system and the application.
The following table gives a typical value for each parameter. The detailed descriptions are found in section 5.0.
All other models60-GBFunction
1212Average Random Seek Time - Read (ms)
1414Average Random Seek Time - Write (ms)
42005400Rotational Speed (RPM)
3.05.0Power-on-to-ready (sec)
1.01.0Command overhead (ms)
146-261Disk-buffer data transfer (Mb/s)
Figure 8. Performance characteristics
130-245 125-241
100100Buffer-host data transfer (MB/s)
4.4.1 Command overhead
Command overhead time is defined as the interval from the time that a drive receives a command to the time that the actuator starts its motion.
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
4.4.2 Mechanical positioning Average seek time (including settling)
Max. (ms)Typical (ms)Command Type
1612Read 1714Write
Figure 9. Mechanical positioning performance
Typical and Max. are defined throughout the performance specification as follows:
Average of the drive population tested at nominal environmental and voltage conditions.Typical
The seek time is measured from the start of motion of the actuator to the start of a reliable read or write operation. A reliable read or write operation implies that error correction/recovery is not employed to cor­rect arrival problems. The Average Seek Time is measured as the weighted average of all possible seek combinations.
Weighted Average = ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Maximum value measured on any one drive over the full range of the environmental and voltage conditions. (See section 6.1, "Environment" on page 23 and section 6.2, "DC power requirements" on page 25)
Σ (max. + 1 – n)(Tn
+ Tn
(max. + 1)(max)
Where: max. = maximum seek length n = seek length (1-to-max.) Tn Tn
= inward measured seek time for an n-track seek
= outward measured seek time for an n-track seek
out Full stroke seek
Max. (ms)Typical (ms)Command Type
Figure 10. Full stroke seek time
Full stroke seek time in milliseconds is the average time of 1000 full stroke seeks.
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
15 Single track seek time (without command overhead, including settling)
Maximum (ms)Typical (ms)Command Type
Figure 11. Single track seek time
Single track seek is measured as the average of one (1) single track seek from every track in both directions (inward and outward). Average latency
Figure 12. Latency time Drive ready time
Figure 13. Drive ready time
The condition in which the drive is able to perform a media access command (for example—read, write) immediately.
This includes the time required for the internal self diagnostics.Power On To Ready
Rotational Speed
Time for one revolutio
Average Latency
5.511.1540060-GB model
7.114.34200All other models
Max. (sec)Typical (sec)ModelCondition
9.55.060-GB modelPower On To Ready
9.53.0All other modelsPower On To Ready
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
4.4.3 Operating modes
Operating mode Description
Spin-Up Start up time period from spindle stop or power down.
Seek Seek operation mode
Write Write operation mode
Read Read operation mode
Performance The device is capable of responding immediately to idle media access requests.
All electronic components remain powered and the full frequency servo remains operational.
Active idle The device is capable of responding immediately to media access requests.
Some circuitry—including servo system and R/W electronics—is in power saving mode. The head is parked near the mid-diameter the disk without servoing. A device in Active idle mode may take longer to complete the execution of a command because it must activate that circuitry.
Low power idle The head is unloaded onto the ramp position.
The spindle motor is rotating at full speed.
Standby The device interface is capable of accepting commands.
The spindle motor is stopped. All circuitry but the host interface is in power saving mode. The execution of commands is delayed until the spindle becomes ready.
Sleep The device requires a soft reset or a hard reset to be activated.
All electronics, including spindle motor and host interface, are shut off.
Figure 14. Operating mode Mode transition time
Time (max.)
9.54.5IdleStandby60-GB model
9.52.0IdleStandby 40-GB, 30-GB models
9.51.8IdleStandby20-GB, 10-GB models
Figure 15. Drive ready time
Transition Time (typ) Operating mode at power on
The device goes into Idle mode after power on or hard reset as an initial state. Initial state may be changed to Standby mode using pin C on the interface connector. Refer to section 7.10 on page 58, "Drive address setting" for details. Adaptive power save control
The transient timing from Performance Idle mode to Active Idle mode and Active Idle mode to Low Power Idle mode is controlled adaptively according to the access pattern of the host system. The transient timing from Low Power Idle mode to Standby mode is also controlled adaptively, if it is allowed by Set Features Enable Advanced Power Management subcommand.
Travelstar 60GH & 40GN hard disk drive specifications
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