IBM TPF Systems User Manual

Technical Newsletter
Volume 7 Number 4Fourth Quarter 2000
In this issue
What Is on Program Update Tape (PUT) 13? ...................3
TCP/IP Congress Ratifies the Balanced Budget
“We are definitely living in the age
of information overload where
TCP/IP Update ..................................................................9
TPF DECB Support ...........................................................12
TPFCS Recoup Changes, but Stays the Same ................18
Another Monumental Home Run for Sammy OSA............ 21
How Do I Find Information about ______? .......................25
The TPFDF Product Gets SET..........................................26
BookManager Hints and Tips: Searching..........................27
The Collection Connection................................................36
TPF Family Libraries Web Page----We’re Growing! ..........42
Letters, We Get Letters . . . Usually C and C++................ 43
Logical Record Caching....................................................47
Recoup - Warp Factor 9 - Engaged .................................. 53
IIOP Connect for TPF---Keeping Current .......................... 58
there is an infinite amount of
information at our disposal every
day. With the onslaught of more
and more information, it has
become crucial that we find the
information we want when we
want it and as quickly as possible.”
How Do I Find Information about ______?
Fay Casatuta, IBM TPF ID Core Team
2001 TPF Holiday Schedule ............................................. 59
TPF Systems Technical Newsletter Vol. 7 No. 4
Managing Editors:
Thomas Brocker Jennifer Wirsch
Frank DiGiandomenico
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Al Brajnikoff The TPF Systems Technical Newsletter is a
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Fourth Quarter 2000
What Is on Program Update Tape (PUT) 13?
Ellen Smyth, IBM TPF ID Core Team
The following summarizes PUT 13 support:
• Use either Domain Name System (DNS) server support or the enhancements to DNS client support (APAR PJ27268), or both, to do the following:
- Enable the TPF 4.1 system to process incoming DNS requests, thereby enabling load balancing of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) connections in a loosely coupled complex (referred to as the DNS server portion)
- Customize the load balancing algorithms by using the UDNS user exit
- Enhance DNS client performance of your TPF 4.1 system by providing a cache to store information received from remote DNS servers (referred to as the client cache portion).
• The following enhancements are included in TPF Support for VisualAge Client (APAR PJ27383):
- Macro breakpoints entered in either the TPF C Debugger for VisualAge Client or the TPF Assembler Debugger for VisualAge Client are in effect for both C and assembler programs.
- Deferred line breakpoints for the TPF Assembler Debugger for V isualAge Client are saved between debugging sessions so that you need to set them only once, and they are available during any debugging sessions that follow.
- Enter/back support for the TPF Performance Trace Execution Analyzer for VisualAge Client means that when a transaction is run through the performance analyzer, the analyzer will record information for assembler segments as well as C and C++ programs.
- PRINT NOGEN support addresses the ability to generate assembler debugger ADATA files, which allow macro expansions to be suppressed.
• FIFO special file support (APAR PJ27214) builds on the infrastructure provided previously with TPF Internet server support (APARs PJ25589 and PJ25703) and open systems infrastructure (APAR PJ26188). Enhancements to the infrastructure ease porting efforts and encourage development of new applications for the TPF system. FIFO special file support provides the following:
- Support for FIFO special files. A FIFO special file is a file that is typically used to send data from one process to another so that the receiving process reads the data as first-in-first-out (FIFO) format. A FIFO special file is also known as a named pipe. This support provides a method for independent processes to communicate with each other by using TPF file system functions such as the read and write functions.
- Enhancements to the select function to allow the use of file descriptors for named pipes.
- A syslog daemon to provide a message logging facility for all application and system processes. Internet server applications and components use the syslog daemon for logging purposes and can also send trace information to the syslog daemon. Messages can be logged to file or to tape. Remote syslog daemons can also log messages to the local syslog daemon through remote sockets.
• File system tools (APAR PJ27277) enhances the file system by making it easier to port or create new applications and scripting languages on the TPF 4.1 system. File system tools allows you to do the following:
- Activate scripts and TPF segments from the command line using the ZFILE functional message
TPF Systems Technical Newsletter
- Pass data from the standard output (stdout) of one ZFILE functional message to another as standard input (stdin) by using a vertical bar (|) as a pipe
- Use the expanded family of ZFILE functional messages to support Web hosting and scripting
- Emulate the execl, execp, execv, and execvp Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments (POSIX) functions to process file system files with more than one level of redirection
- Preserve the meaning of special characters by using a quoting mechanism in the ZFILE functional messages.
Many of these enhancements are made possible through updates to the tpf_fork function. This function has been enhanced as follows to allow you to specify how to pass data:
- Application-defined environment variables can now be passed to the child process.
- Data can be passed as arguments through the argv parameter to the main function of the child process.
• Infrastructure for 32-way loosely coupled processor support (AP AR PJ27387) provides structural changes needed to support the future growth of application workload beyond the maximum of 8 loosely coupled processors. This support includes:
- Enhancements to the internal event facility (IEF) so that application processors can track communication responses from as many as 32 loosely coupled processors
- Changes to the communication control record structure and content so that you can add as many as 32 loosely coupled processors to future configurations without requiring the reorganization of communication control record structures
- Enhancements to the processor resource ownership table (PROT) and E-type loaders to accommodate additional loosely coupled processors.
Note: PUT 13 does not remove the constraint of a maximum of 8 loosely coupled processors. Additional functions are required to complete 32-way loosely coupled processor support.
• Integrated online pool maintenance and recoup support (APAR PJ27469) enhances the recoup, pool directory update (PDU), pool generation, pool allocation, and pool deactivation utilities in a TPF 4.1 system environment by doing the following:
- Eliminating most offline processing
- Eliminating recoup and pool general files
- Increasing performance and data integrity
- Allowing all phases of recoup to be run in NORM state
- Providing multiprocessor and multi-I-stream capability
- Providing online historical data
- Providing recoup and PDU fallback capability.
• The loaders enhancement for the TPF Assembler Debugger for VisualAge Client (APAR PJ27422) offers the ability to load ADATA files used by the assembler debugger rather than using T rivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) to transfer ADATA files to the online TPF 4.1 system. The loaders enhancement for the TPF Assembler Debugger provides the following benefits:
- Eliminates the need to remember and specify the path and name of the ADATA file in the hierarchical file system (HFS). The assembler debugger finds and uses the ADATA file that is loaded by the TPF loader.
- E-type loader (OLDR) support for ADATA files allows the assembler debugger to automatically use the correct ADATA file for any version of a program.
Fourth Quarter 2000
- Provides a foundation for changes to the assembler debugger that enable tracing in a multiple database function (MDBF) environment by loading ADATA files to a specific subsystem.
• Logical record cache and coupling facility (CF) cache support (APAR PJ27083) further exploits CF support and CF record lock support, which were provided on PUT 9 and PUT 11 respectively. Logical record cache support provides the ability to maintain data consistency as well as the ability to keep track of data that resides in the local cache and in permanent storage. The caches can be processor shared or processor unique.
• Open Systems Adapter (OSA)-Express support is now enabled on the TPF 4.1 system. An Open Systems Adapter is integrated hardware (the OSA-Express card) that combines the functions of an IBM System/390 (S/390) I/O channel with the functions of a network port to provide direct connectivity between IBM S/390 applications and remote Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) applications on the attached networks. OSA­Express is the third generation of OSA and provides the following enhancements:
- You can dynamically configure an OSA-Express card by using the ZOSAE functional message to manage OSA-Express connections.
- The queued direct I/O (QDIO) protocol is used to communicate between the TPF 4.1 system and an OSA­Express card by sharing memory and eliminating the need for real I/O operations (channel programs) for data transfer between them. The load on your I/O processor is reduced, path lengths in the TPF 4.1 system are reduced, and throughput is increased.
- OSA-Express support enables the TPF 4.1 system to connect to high-bandwidth TCP/IP networks such as the Gigabit Ethernet (GbE or GENET) network.
- OSA-Express support provides virtual IP address (VIPA) support to eliminate single points of failure in a TCP/ IP network.
- Movable virtual IP address (VIP A) support provides the ability to balance TCP/IP workloads across processors in the same loosely coupled complex using the ZVIPA functional message.
• Before TPF data event control block (DECB) support (AP AR PJ27393), the TPF 4.1 system restricted the number of entry control block (ECB) data levels (D0 - DF) that were available for use to 16 (the number of data levels defined in the ECB). With TPF DECB support, that restriction has been removed. TPF DECB support also provides the following:
- 8-byte file addressing in 4x4 format, which provides standard 4-byte file addresses (FARF3, F ARF4, or F ARF5) to be stored in an 8-byte field
- New interfaces to allow TPF programs to access file records with a DECB instead of a data level in an ECB
- New macros for managing DECBs
- The ability to associate symbolic names with each DECB; this allows different components of a program to easily pass information in core blocks attached to a DECB.
• TPF MQSeries enhancements (APARs PJ27230, PJ27231, PJ27351, and PJ27431) include the following:
- MQSeries TCP/IP support (APAR PJ27230) allows the TPF system to connect to MQSeries server platforms that do not support the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) protocol.
- MQSeries user exit support (APAR PJ27231) adds the TPF MQSeries start queue manager user exit, CUIA, which allows you to start your MQSeries applications immediately after the start or restart of the queue manager, and moves other TPF MQSeries user exits from dynamic link library (DLL) CMQS to DLL CMQU, allowing you to load CMQS without modifying the DLL.
TPF Systems Technical Newsletter
- MQSeries slow queue sweeper and move support (APARs PJ27351 and PJ27431) creates the slow queue sweeper mechanism and the ZMQSC MOVEMSGS functional message. The slow queue sweeper mechanism moves messages on a queue to a TPF collection support (TPFCS) persistent collection if the number of messages on the queue is increasing. This prevents memory resources from becoming depleted. The ZMQSC MOVEMSGS functional message allows you to move messages from a processor unique normal local queue when that processor is deactivated.
• The system initialization program (SIP) enhancement for the TPF Database Facility (TPFDF) (APAR PJ27328) includes the TPFDF product in the TPF 4.1 system SIP process. This enhancement creates all the JCL that is required to build the TPFDF product during the TPF SIP process. It is easier to install the TPFDF product because the required segments are assembled, compiled, and link-edited as part of the TPF SIP process. Before this enhancement, this occurred after the TPF SIP process, making any installation errors dif ficult to detect and time­consuming to correct.
TCP/IP Congress Ratifies the Balanced Budget Amendment
Mark Gambino, IBM TPF Development
You have a TCP/IP server application that resides on all TPF processors in a loosely coupled complex, or the application resides on a single TPF processor that has multiple network interfaces (IP addresses). The problem becomes how to balance the workload across the different processors and interfaces. To make the situation even more challenging, the server environment is not static, meaning TPF processors are periodically added or removed from the complex. Processors in the complex can have different capacity, and the amount of available cycles on a given processor can change when certain utilities are run. Another way of saying all of this is that the characteristics of the server environment change throughout the day and the load balancing mechanisms must be able to react to the changes. TPF provides two TCP/IP load balancing functions on PUT 13: movable virtual IP address (VIPA) support and Domain Name System (DNS) server support.
Movable VIPA Motor Homes
TPF supports VIP As across OSA-Express connections with PUT 13 APAR PJ27333. Traditionally , VIP As are used to eliminate single points of failure in the IP network because the physical network through which a VIP A is mapped can change. TPF has extended the concept of a VIPA where it can be moved from one TPF processor to another in the loosely coupled complex. This support is included in AP AR PJ27333. During a planned or unplanned outage of a TPF processor, movable VIPAs currently owned by that processor are moved to another processor. The result is that all movable VIPAs are always active (except, of course, in the case of a total complex outage). This is an important concept because a given remote client always connects to the same TPF VIPA. Which TPF processor the client connection goes to is based on which processor currently owns the VIP A. However, all that the client cares about is whether or not a connection can be established. Because the movable VIPA is always active somewhere in the complex, the client is able to connect to TPF.
When you move a VIPA to another TPF processor, connections to that VIPA will fail, causing remote clients to reconnect. When they reconnect, the new connections will end up on the new TPF processor . Therefore, moving a VIPA moves a percentage of the workload from one TPF processor to another. The following are situations where you would want to move VIPAs:
• A TPF processor is taken out of the complex (planned or unplanned).
• A TPF processor is added to the complex.
• The workload in the complex is not balanced.
Fourth Quarter 2000
A VIPA can be moved manually at any time using the ZVIPA MOVE operator command. In addition, new user exit UVIP allows you to automatically move VIPAs that are owned by a TPF processor when that TPF processor is deactivated. Various displays have been included to help you determine and react to unbalanced workloads. For example, you can use the ZVIPA SUMMARY command to display the distribution of TCP/IP traffic across all the processors in the complex and to see how busy each processor is. You can then use the ZVIPA DISPLA Y command to identify which movable VIPAs are on the overloaded processors and use the ZVIPA MOVE command to move some of those VIPAs to the processors that have available cycles. In the case of a planned outage on processor TPFA, you can gradually move the VIPAs off TPFA and then deactivate that processor . When new processor TPFB is added to the complex, you can gradually move work to TPFB by moving VIPAs to TPFB one at a time.
What Is the Matrix?
A TCP/IP client application uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to translate the host name of a server application to the IP address of the server. The client application issues a gethostbyname() call causing the client node, which is acting as the DNS client, to send the request to its local DNS server. If the local DNS server cannot resolve the server host name, the local DNS server communicates with remote DNS servers in the hierarchy until the request is resolved. The reply sent back to the client node contains the IP address of the server. In the case of a single server node with a single network interface, there is only one possible server IP address to use. However , in the case of a server farm, cluster, or complex, the server has multiple IP addresses. Because of this, the reply sent to the DNS client node can contain multiple server IP addresses. If so, it is implementation-dependent how the client node selects the IP address to use from the reply . The reply can also indicate that the local DNS server and the client node can cache the reply information. Caching the information in the client node allows subsequent gethostbyname() requests issued on that node for the same server host name to be resolved internally without having to go to its local DNS server . Caching the information in the local DNS server means that the local DNS server can resolve requests for that server host name if the request is issued by any node using this DNS server.
Assume you have 50 business partners, each with 100 clients, that connect to your server. Each business partner has its own local DNS server. In the single server node, single network interface environment, there is only one server IP address; therefore, allowing the 50 local DNS servers and 5000 client nodes to cache the server information is not a problem. If, instead, you had multiple server nodes and network interfaces, load balancing becomes an issue. If you allow the client nodes or local DNS servers of the client to select the server IP addresses, you have no control over the load balancing. The situation becomes even worse if the server environment changes, meaning server nodes are added and removed throughout the day. For example, assume there is a maximum of 32 server nodes (each with only one IP address to keep things simple). If the cached information of the remote client DNS servers includes all 32 server IP addresses, but only 16 of the server nodes are active, there is a 50% chance that the client DNS server will select an IP address of an inactive server node. If so, depending on the client node’s implementation, the client application could fail or it has to use trial and error until an IP address is selected that goes to an active server node, neither of which is a desirable outcome. Rather than pass back all possible server IP addresses, assume the server node’s DNS server is smart enough to only include active IP addresses in the DNS reply sent back to your business partners. If the client nodes cache the fact that there are 16 active server IP addresses and then you activate more server nodes, there is no easy way to get connections to the new server nodes because none of the client caches know about the IP addresses of the new server nodes.
By now it should be obvious that allowing the client node or client DNS server to select the server IP address cannot achieve load balancing in a multiple server node environment. To find out the best server IP address to use for a new remote client connection, you need to ask the question to the server complex. This is why the DNS server function is now part of the TPF system. PUT 13 APAR PJ27268 provides this function. If a remote client wants to start a connection with a TPF server application, the DNS request to resolve the TPF host name will now flow into the TPF system. The TPF DNS server application will look up the host name in the user-created TPF host name file (/etc/host.txt) to find the IP addresses that are allowed to be used by this server application. Because the DNS
TPF Systems Technical Newsletter
server function is now in the TPF system, it knows all the IP addresses that are active and on which processors in the complex. The list of IP addresses from the TPF host name file is then trimmed down so that only active IP addresses remain. One IP address is selected from this list. User exit UDNS allows you to select the IP address or you can let the TPF DNS server select the IP address. The DNS reply sent back to the remote client contains only one server IP address; therefore, that is the IP address the client will use to connect to TPF. The other important factor is that the DNS reply indicates that the information is not allowed to be cached. Not allowing the client nodes or client DNS servers to cache information forces all DNS requests for TPF host names to flow into TPF. This centralizes the load balancing in one place (TPF) and allows you to assign new client connections to processors based on current conditions in the server complex.
As an added bonus, APAR PJ27268 also contains enhancements to TPF DNS client support, which shipped on PUT 8 and enabled TPF client applications to issue gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() calls. These requests were always sent to an external DNS server for processing. APAR PJ27268 adds DNS client cache functionality to TPF, meaning information learned from external DNS servers in replies is cached in TPF if the reply indicates that the information is allowed to be cached. Now, when a TPF client application requests a DNS function, TPF first looks in its local cache to try to resolve the request. If the information is not in the cache, the request is sent to an external DNS server. If the request cannot be resolved by an external DNS server, TPF will now look in the user-created external host name file (/etc/hosts) to see if the request can be resolved.
Déjà Vu
If the concepts of these TCP/IP load balancing solutions sound familiar , they should. If you replace the term TCP/IP with SNA, you would have similar load balancing concepts, just different names. For example, when an SNA LU-LU session is started, information flows on a control session (CDRM-CDRM or CP-CP) to select the path for the LU-LU session to use. Putting the DNS server function in TPF emulates the SNA control session concept. The TPF SNA Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) and TPF TCP/IP DNS server environments are very similar in concept now. When a remote client wants to connect to TPF, a control message is sent to TPF, TPF selects the path for the session with a user exit allowing you to customize the path selection algorithm, the reply with the selected path is sent to the remote client, and then the remote client starts the connection across the selected path. Movable VIPA support for TCP/IP is similar to how generic LU works for SNA networks. In both cases, a server interface (VIPA or LU name) can be moved from one server node to another in the complex.
Why the Votes Were Unanimous
Movable VIPA and DNS server support both have attractive features for the TPF environment:
• Solutions are based on proven concepts in other networking environments.
• All the load balancing is centralized in one place (TPF).
• No special hardware or software is required in the network or remote client nodes.
• They use standard protocols (RIP for movable VIPA and standard DNS flows for DNS server).
• Solutions are network-independent, meaning the underlying physical network can change without affecting how the load balancing is done.
• Solutions are scalable, meaning there are no architectural limits to the number of remote client connections.
High-end TCP/IP connectivity and load balancing solutions for TPF . . . they’re here!
Fourth Quarter 2000
TCP/IP Update
Dan Yee, IBM TPF Development
Program update tape (PUT) 13 contains a large number of enhancements and fixes to TPF Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) support in various areas. Some of the enhancements are addressed in other TPF newsletter articles in this issue. This article briefly mentions those enhancements and discusses TCP/IP enhancements and fixes that are not explained in the other articles.
DNS Server Support on APAR PJ27268
APAR PJ27268 contains Domain Name System (DNS) server support to enable you to load balance TCP/IP traffic that comes into a TPF loosely coupled complex. The server code will only work with TCP/IP native stack support and will not work with TCP/IP offload support.
The main features of the server code include the following:
• Support for a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) server that accepts DNS queries on port 53 through the Internet daemon
• Support for a /etc/host.txt file that enables you to define TPF host names and IP addresses to be associated with each host name
• Support for a UDNS user exit that enables you to customize the TCP/IP load balancing to suit your particular loosely coupled environment.
The DNS server code also supports a new flag for the recvfrom() socket API function. The flag is called MSG_RTN_LOCAL_IP_ADDR and returns the local socket address associated with an incoming message. This flag is unique to the TPF environment because it enables the TPF DNS server code to run multithreaded without using routing tables when sending responses to DNS queries; that is, the server code is able to respond to multiple DNS query requests at the same time by creating a raw socket, binding to the local IP address returned by recvfrom(), and sending the response on that socket for each DNS query it receives. As a result, the performance of the TPF DNS server is enhanced because it does not have to process one DNS query at a time. See “TCP/IP Congress Ratifies the Balanced Budget Amendment” in this issue for more information about the DNS server code.
DNS Client Support on APAR PJ27268
The majority of the code for DNS support on APAR PJ27268 will only work with TCP/IP native stack support. However, the DNS client cache support in APAR PJ27268 will work with offload support, native stack support, or both. As a prerequisite, you need to install A PAR PJ27083, which added logical record cache support to the system on PUT 13. The client cache portion of the APAR applies to the DNS client code in the system that processes the gethostbyaddr() and gethostbyname() functions. Data that is retrieved from the remote DNS server is saved in the gethostbyaddr() cache if a gethostbyaddr() function was issued, and is saved in the gethostbyname() cache if a gethostbyname() function was issued. As a result, host names or IP addresses that you query on a regular basis from your TCP/IP applications are not retrieved from the remote server each time, and are obtained from one of the two new client caches. Because TPF does not have to go to the remote server each time, the performance of your applications is improved.
AP AR PJ27268 also contains support for a /etc/hosts file similar to a file you may use on other TCP/IP platforms, such as UNIX. The /etc/hosts file, which is optional, must contain a list of IP addresses and host names to be used by the gethostbyname() function to resolve a host name provided by the application. The gethostbyname() code only searches this file if the host name cannot be resolved by either the primary or secondary remote DNS server or if the host name cannot be retrieved from the gethostbyname() cache. Although the format of this file is similar to /etc/hosts files you may use on other TCP/IP platforms, the host name must precede the IP address in
TPF Systems Technical Newsletter
the file, and any aliases in the file are ignored by TPF. We chose this format so that it would be similar to the format of the /etc/host.txt file we are now supporting for the new DNS server support contained in APAR PJ27268. Despite the similarity in format, there are several differences in characteristics between the TPF /etc/hosts and the /etc/host.txt file:
• Y ou can enter more than one IP address per host name in the /etc/host.txt file. You cannot enter more than one IP address per host name in the /etc/hosts file.
• The /etc/host.txt file contains host names and IP addresses local to TPF. The /etc/hosts file contains host names and IP addresses that are remote to TPF; for example, or
• The /etc/host.txt file is only supported if TCP/IP native stack support has been installed. The /etc/hosts file is supported for native stack and offload environments.
OSA-Express and VIPA Support (APAR PJ27333)
TCP/IP native stack support (APAR PJ26683) enables the TPF system to directly connect to IP networks through a channel data link control (CDLC) link with a 374x IP router. With Open Systems Adapter (OSA)-Express support in APAR PJ27333, TPF can connect to IP networks through a Queued Direct I/O (QDIO) link with an OSA-Express card. An OSA-Express card is a third generation OSA card that is available on IBM G5 processors and later models. The OSA-Express card enables TPF to connect to IP networks directly without the need for front-end channel­attached routers. The three features of OSA-Express that make it highly desirable in a TPF environment are as follows:
• It connects to high-bandwidth TCP/IP networks through the Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) adapter. This adapter type is currently the only one supported by TPF.
• It uses the QDIO link layer to communicate between the host and the OSA-Express card. Older OSA cards use standard channel programs to exchange data between the host and the card. The QDIO link layer enables the host and OSA-Express card to share memory , so there is no need for the channel programs to transfer the data. As a result, throughput and performance are improved.
• The OSA-Express card can be configured by the host. Older OSA cards require the OSA/SF feature to configure the card.
APAR PJ27333 also contains support for virtual IP addresses (VIPAs), which can be used in an OSA-Express environment to eliminate single points of failure. In an OSA-Express environment, each OSA-Express connection has an associated real IP address as well, but it is to your advantage to use VIPAs instead of real IP addresses in your socket applications. One advantage to using VIPAs instead of real IP addresses is that VIPAs automatically swing from a primary OSA-Express connection to an alternate primary OSA-Express connection if the primary connection fails. When that swing occurs, the sockets using those VIPAs remain open. If a real IP address is used and the associated OSA-Express connection fails, sockets using the real IP address fail as well. Another advantage to using VIPAs instead of real IP addresses is that the ZVIPA functional message can be used to move them from one processor to another to balance TCP/IP traffic. For more information about APAR PJ27333, see “Another Monumental Home Run for Sammy OSA” in this issue.
Offload Support
There are a few APARs on PUT 13 relating to offload support that you need to be aware of. Customers have experienced CTL-571, -572, or -573 system errors occurring when dump processing and Common Link Access to Workstation (CLAW) protocol are running at the same time. Program-controlled interruptions (PCIs) from offload devices may occur during dump processing and cause an I-stream to attempt to lock the CLAW adapter block when another I-stream is holding the lock. Because the I-stream is still holding the lock as a result of the dump, the various CTL-571, -572, and -573 dumps will occur in that case. As it turns out, the OSA-Express support code cannot allow PCIs during dump processing, so the fix to prevent PCIs from being processed during dump processing has been
Fourth Quarter 2000
included in the OSA-Express support APAR (PJ27333). A few customers have run into resource problems when writing CLAW trace output to the real-time tape. DASD and
tape queues build because the CLAW trace program retrieves keypoint A from DASD and issues a TOUTC macro instead of a TOURC macro when writing to tape. The TOUTC macro causes the program to wait before the data is written to tape, so ECBs, SWBs, and 4-K frames may become depleted as the trace program is reentered numerous times to write 4-K buffers to tape. APAR PJ27288 solves these problems in the following ways:
• A LODIC macro has been added to check system resources before CLAW trace data is written to tape. If there are not enough resources, the writing of the CLAW trace data to tape is stopped.
• The TOUTC macro has been replaced by a TOURC macro, which does not require the CLAW trace program to wait before the data is written to tape.
• Keypoint A is no longer retrieved from DASD.
If the LODIC macro determines that there are not enough resources to write the CLAW trace data to tape, error message CLAW0082I (ZCLAW TAPE TRACE INTERNALLY INACTIVATED) will now be issued and TPF stops writing the data to tape. If this condition occurs, the operator needs to enter the ZSYSL functional message to adjust the shutdown values associated with the IBMHI priority class for ECBs, 4-KB frames, and SWBs. Once the operator adjusts the shutdown values with the ZSYSL functional message, the operator can reenter ZCLA W TRACE START TAPE to enable the CLAW trace to be written to tape again.
If you have installed INETD support or your applications contain select() API function calls, you may have noticed that your CLAW trace output is usually filled with traces of select() API function calls that have timed out. APAR PJ26995 is designed to reduce the amount of trace output that is produced by timed-out select() API function calls. If you install this APAR, timed-out select() API function calls are not traced and responses for all other select() API function calls are traced. As a result, you may notice that your CLA W trace output will be significantly reduced after you apply this APAR.
Native Stack Support
APAR PJ27204 corrects a problem in which a channel data link control (CDLC) link cannot be activated after a ZTTCP INACT functional message is entered. What happens is that the 3746 sends an asynchronous interrupt to TPF after the link is deactivated indicating that it is now ready to start an exchange ID (XID). TPF responds by sending a prenegotiation write XID that contains control vector X’22' (XID error control vector) with a sense code of X’08010000' (resource not available). The problem is that this write XID leaves the CDLC link in an inoperable state, so TPF cannot activate the link with a ZTTCP ACT functional message unless the 3746 is reinitialized. APAR PJ27204 fixes the problem by ignoring the asynchronous interrupt sent by the 3746 during link deactivation so that control vector X’22' is not sent to the 3746.
Internet Daemon Support
The ZINET functional message has been enhanced by AP AR PJ27255 to display the socket number in both decimal and hexadecimal format. The reason for this change is that ZDTCP NETSTAT displays the socket number in hexadecimal for sockets created by native stack support, and the ZINET functional message previously displayed the socket number in decimal only. APAR PJ27255 adds consistency to the two messages.
APARs PJ27363 and PJ27474 correct timing problems associated with child processes created by the various Internet daemon models. APAR PJ27363 eliminates a CTL-4 system error that occurs when the Internet daemon attempts to address system heap storage that has been released during system cycle-down. AP AR PJ27474 corrects a CTL-C problem that can occur when the daemon model is run and a loadset is activated or deactivated. If you have installed APAR PJ26848 on PUT 12, you need to install both of these APARs to correct these problems.
TPF Systems Technical Newsletter
TPF DECB Support
Michele Dalbo, IBM TPF ID Core Team, and Jason Keenaghan and Mike Wang, IBM TPF Development
What Is a DECB?
A data event control block (DECB) can logically be thought of as another data level in an entry control block (ECB). A DECB can be used in place of an ECB data level for FIND/FILE-type I/O requests by applications. Although a DECB does not physically reside in an ECB, it contains the same information as standard ECB data levels: a core block reference word (CBRW), a file address reference word (F ARW), file address extension words (FAXWs), and a detailed error indicator (SUD).
Before TPF DECB support, the TPF 4.1 system restricted the number of ECB data levels (D0–DF) that were available for use to 16 (the number of data levels defined in the ECB). DECBs can be acquired dynamically by a single ECB (through the use of the tpf_decb_create C++ function or the DECBC assembler macro), with no preset limit on the number of DECBs that a single ECB can create.
How Is a DECB Different from an ECB Data Level?
An ECB data level is simply a series of doubleword reference or control fields (CBRWs, FARWs, and FAXWs) for data blocks that can be used however the application requirements dictate. A DECB is basically the same except the file address field in the FARW has been expanded to allow for 8-byte file addresses as compared to 4 bytes in an ECB data level FARW. Because there is no room for that expansion in an ECB FARW without changing the entire layout of the ECB, a DECB is the logical place for 8-byte file addresses to be stored.
In addition, using TPF DECB support instead of ECB data levels allows you to associate symbolic names with each DECB. This feature allows different components of a program to easily pass information in core blocks attached to a DECB. Each component only needs to know the name of the DECB where the information is located to access it.
What Are the DECB Fields?
The following figure shows the DECB application area and the fields inside the DECB.
Core Block Type Len
RID File Address
Ext. File Address
User Data
The DECB fields are used as follows: IDECNAM Contains the name of the DECB.
IDECCRW Corresponds to an ECB core block level.
IDECDAD (Core block)
Contains the address of a core block.
IDECCT0 (Type)
Contains the core block type indicator or X’0001' to indicate there is no core block attached.
Contains the data length.
IDECFRW Corresponds to an ECB FARW.
Contains the record ID for a FIND/FILE request.
Contains the record code check (RCC) value for a FIND/FILE request.
IDECFA (File Address)
Contains the file address for a FIND/FILE request.
Fourth Quarter 2000
IDECSUD When the FIND/FILE request is completed, this field will be set to the SUD error value, or zero if
there is no error. IDECDET Contains the number of core blocks currently detached from this DECB. IDECFX0 Contains the FAXW information. IDECUSR Contains the user data.
What Is 4x4 Format?
The IDECFA field, which contains the file address, is 8 bytes in the DECB. This allows 8-byte file addressing in 4x4 format, which provides for standard 4-byte file addresses (FARF3, FARF4, and FARF5) to be stored in an 8-byte field. This is done by having the file address reside in the low-order 4 bytes of the field. The high-order 4 bytes of the field contain an indicator (a fullword of zeros) that classifies it as a valid 4x4 format address. When there is file activity, the FARW will be used for the record identification (2 bytes), record code check (1 byte), and the symbolic file address (8 bytes); 1 byte is unused. The following example shows the layout of a 4x4 format file address:
E5 C3 00 00 07 D0 88 4000 00 00 00
IDECFA: 8-byte symbolic file address not used: 1-byte IDECRCC: 1-byte record code check, an unsigned character IDECRID: 2-byte file record identification, an unsigned short integer
How Do I Create and Release DECBs?
TPF programs can dynamically create and release DECBs by using the tpf_decb_create and tpf_decb_release C++ functions or the DECBC assembler macro. The storage, which will hold the DECB comes from the 1-MB ECB private area (EPA). Therefore, the number of DECBs that the ECB is restricted to is limited only by the amount of
TPF Systems Technical Newsletter
storage in the private area that is dedicated to DECBs. When the first DECB creation request is received by the TPF system, a 4-K frame is obtained from the EPA. This
frame, which will act as a DECB frame, is attached to page 2 of the ECB at field CE2DECBPT. The DECB frame itself contains a header section to help manage the DECBs. The remainder of the frame is then carved into the individual DECBs themselves; therefore, a single DECB frame contains several individual DECBs (currently a single frame can hold 31 DECBs). If more DECB creation requests are received than can fit in a single DECB frame, another 4-K frame is obtained and forward chained to the previous DECB frame.
Individual DECBs are dispensed sequentially using a first-in-first-out (FIFO) approach. The address of the next DECB to be dispensed is maintained in the header of the DECB frame. When dispensing the DECB, the contents are first cleared and the DECB is marked as not holding a core block. The DECB is then marked as in-use (that is, allocated) and the name of the DECB, if one was supplied at creation time, is assigned. Finally, the DECB frame header is updated to indicate the address of the next DECB that will be dispensed.
When a DECB is released by the application, the DECB is simply marked as not in use. The DECB is not cleared until it is later redistributed, nor is the DECB frame header updated to indicate the address of the next DECB to be dispensed. Once released, this DECB will not be redistributed until all other DECBs in this frame have been dispensed at least one time (FIFO approach). No DECB frames will be detached from the ECB until ECB exit time, even if all DECBs are currently marked as not in use. This is done to speed processing if another DECB creation request is received by the TPF system.
The following figure shows the relationship between DECBs and the ECB.
DECB Frame
How Do I Access File Records with a DECB?
All types of applications can use DECBs. Application programming interfaces (APIs) have been added or updated to allow TPF programs to access file records with a DECB instead of an ECB data level. However , only a subset of the existing macros and C functions that currently reference ECB data levels accept a DECB in place of an ECB data level. Macros and C functions that use a file address will first verify that it is a valid address in 4x4 format. If the address is not valid, a system error will occur.
Fourth Quarter 2000
How Does a DECB Handle Errors?
With TPF DECB support, each DECB has a detailed error indicator byte (IDECSUD). The existing CE1SUG byte will include any errors that occur on a DECB-related I/O operation. In addition, the IN1DUD bit in the CE1IN1 byte of the ECB will be set to indicate that an error occurred on a DECB.
What Other Areas of TPF Will Be Affected by the Introduction of DECBs?
The following areas in the TPF system have been changed to best make use of TPF DECB support:
• The ZFECB functional message has been modified to display DECBs attached to a given ECB.
• The real-time trace (RTT) utility has been modified to save and display information about DECBs for specific
types of macros that are called by a particular ECB.
• ECB macro trace has been modified to handle DECBs as macro parameters instead of ECB data levels as well
as to correctly handle 8-byte file addresses.
• Because of the increased size of each macro trace entry, the number of macro trace entries for each ECB has
been reduced from 66 to 55 when tracing without registers, and from 25 to 23 when tracing with registers.
• System error processing has been updated to gather information about DECBs attached to an ECB when an
error occurs. Additionally, system error processing now searches for any core blocks attached to or detached from DECBs; this will also be reported in a system dump.
• The interface to the Dump Data user exit (segment CPSU) has been updated to pass along information about
DECBs to the user if an error occurs.
• ECB exit processing has been modified to release any memory resources associated with the DECB before
stopping an ECB.
Why Must I Use the C++ Compiler Instead of the C Compiler When Using DECBs?
When creating the new C language functions that would support DECBs and, in some cases, 8-byte file addresses without DECBs, several different approaches were examined. The primary goal was to create functions that could be quickly learned by experienced TPF programmers. In other words, if a new C function was going to be created to release a core block on a DECB, it should look very similar to the existing function to release a core block on an ECB data level (relcc).
Note: In the remainder of this article, relcc is used as an example of the functions updated for TPF DECB support. The first approach would have been to change the existing function to accept a pointer to a DECB (TPF_DECB *) in
addition to an ECB data level (enum t_lvl). However, this would have forced all existing applications to be recoded and recompiled to account for the additional parameter that was added. This is obviously an unacceptable solution.
A second approach would have been to create completely new functions with new names and new parameters to handle similar functions with DECBs instead of ECB data levels. This approach becomes cumbersome to a TPF application programmer who would have to recognize that when using ECB data levels, the correct function to call would be relcc; however, when using DECBs, the correct function to call would be something like tpf_relcc_decb (to follow TPF naming conventions).
The final approach, and the one that has been implemented for TPF DECB support, is to create functions with the same name (relcc), but have the function take a pointer to a DECB instead of an ECB data level as a parameter.
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