implementation of any of these techniques is the customer’s responsibility and depends on the customer’s
ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer’s operational environment. While each item has
been reviewed by IBM for accuracy in a specific situation, there is no guarantee that the same or similar
results will be obtained elsewhere. Customers attempting to adapt these techniques to their own
environment do so at their own risk.
In this document, any references made to an IBM licensed program are not intended to state or imply that
only IBM’s licensed program may be used; any functionally equivalent program may be used.
This publication was produced in the United States. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features
discussed in this document in other countries, and the information is subject to change without notice.
Consult your local IBMrepresentative for information on products and services available in your area.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this document in whole or in part, provided the copyright notice
as printed above is set forth in full text on the title page of each item reproduced.
U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure is
subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM, the IBM ~ logo, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, and xSeries are trademarks or registered
trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
The following terms used in this publication are trademarks of other companies as follows: TPC
Benchmark,TPC-H, QppH QthH and QphH are trademarks of Transaction Processing Performance
Council; Intel and Xeon aretrademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation; Linux is a registered
trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or
service names, which may be denoted by two asterisks (**), may be trademarks or service marks of others.
1 GHz only measures microprocessor internal clock speed, not application performance. Many factors affect
application performance.
2 When referring to hard disk capacity, one GB equals one billion bytes. Total user-accessible capacity may
Total System Cost Composite Query-per-hour Metric Price/Performance
per QphH@3000GB
$ 32
Database Size Database Manager Operating System Availability Date
3000GB IBM DB2 UDB 8.2
SuSE Linux
Enterprise Server 9
Aug 15, 2005
Database Load Time: 2:23:35
RAID (Base Table): Y RAID (Base Tables and
System Configuration:
Load Included Backup: N Total Data Storage /
Database Size: 8.75
Auxiliary Data Structures): Y
64 IBM ~ x346 servers, each server with:
Processor: 1 x 3.6GHz Intel Xeon with 2MB cache
on 1 processor, 1 core, 2 threads
Memory: Eight (8) 512MB PC-3200 ECC SDRAM RDIMMs
Cluster Interconnect: One Voltaire HCA400 Dual-Port InfiniBand Host Channel Adapter
Disk Controllers: One ServeRAID-7k Ultra320 SCSI controller
Disk Drives:
Total Disk Storage:
Six (6) 73.4GB 15K Ultra320 SCSI disk drives
26,249 GB
IBM® ~™ x346
with IBM DB2
UDB 8.2
TPC-H Revision 2.1.0
Report Date:
18, 2005
IBM®~™ x346
with IBM DB2
Measurement Results:
Database Scale Factor 3000
Total Data Storage/Database Size 8.75
Start of Database Load 15:05:38
End of Database Load 17:29:13
Database Load Time 2:23:35
Query Streams for Throughput Test 8
TPC-H Power 90,854.7
TPC-H Throughput 32,651.4
TPC-H Composite Query-per-Hour (QphH@3000GB) 54,465.9
Total System Price over 3 Years $1,761,686
TPC-H Price/Performance Metric ($/QphH@3000GB) $32
Measurement Interval:
Measurement Interval in Throughput Test (Ts) = 58215 seconds
Duration of Stream Execution:
UDB 8.2
TPC-H Revision 2.1.0
Report Date: May 18, 2005
TPC-H Timing Intervals (in seconds):
IBM® ~™ x346
with IBM DB2
UDB 8.2
TPC-H Revision 2.1.0
Report Date:
18, 2005
Benchmark Sponsor: Haider Rizvi
Mgr., DB2 Data Warehouse Performance
IBM Canada Ltd;
8200 Warden Avenue
Markham, Ontario L6G 1C7
May 16, 2005
I verified the TPC Benchmark™ H performance of the following configuration:
Platform: IBM
^ eServer xSeries 346, 64-node cluster
Database Manager: IBM DB2 UDB 8.2
Operating System: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
The results were:
CPU (Speed) Memory Disks
Sixty-four (64) IBM ^ eServer xSeries 346 (each with)
1 x Intel Xeon
(3.6 GHz)
2 MB L2 Cache
4 GB Main
6 x 73.4 GB uSCSI
In my opinion, this performance result was produced in compliance with the TPC’s requirements
for the benchmark. The following verification items were given special attention:
• The database records were defined with the proper layout and size
• The database population was generated using DBGEN
• The database was properly scaled to 3,000GB and populated accordingly
• The compliance of the database auxiliary data structures was verified
• The database load time was correctly measured and reported
• The required ACID properties were verified and met
1373 North Franklin Street • Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2527 • Office: 719/473-7555 • Fax: 719/473-7554
• The query input variables were generated by QGEN
• The query text was produced using minor modifications and an approved query variant
• The execution of the queries against the SF1 database produced compliant answers
• A compliant implementation specific layer was used to drive the tests
• The throughput tests involved 8 query streams
• The ratio between the longest and the shortest query was such that no query timing was
• The execution times for queries and refresh functions were correctly measured and reported
• The repeatability of the measured results was verified
• The required amount of database log was configured
• The system pricing was verified for major components and maintenance
• The major pages from the FDR were verified for accuracy
Additional Audit Notes:
Respectfully Yours,
François Raab
1373 North Franklin Street • Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2527 • Office: 719/473-7555 • Fax: 719/473-7554
Table of Contents
1 General Items
1.1 Benchmark Sponsor 14
1.2 Parameter Settings 14
1.3 Configuration Diagrams 14
1.3.1 Measured and Priced Configurations 15
2 Clause 1: Logical Database Design Related Items
2.1 Database Table Definitions 16
2.2 Database Organization 16
2.3 Horizontal Partitioning 16
2.4 Replication 16
3 Clause 2: Queries and Update Functions Related Items
3.1 Query Language 17
3.2 Random Number Generation 17
3.3 Substitution Parameters Generation 17
3.4 Query Text and Output Data from Database 17
3.5 Query Substitution Parameters and Seeds Used 17
3.6 Query Isolation Level 17
3.7 Refresh Function Implementation 18
4 Clause 3: Database System Properties Related Items
TPC Benchmark H Standard Specification was developed by the Transaction Processing Performance
Council (TPC). It was released on February 26, 1999, and most recently revised (Revision 2.1.0) August
14, 2003. This is the full disclosure report for benchmark testing of IBM
TPC Benchmark H Standard Specification.
The TPC Benchmark H is a decision support benchmark. It consists of a suite of business-oriented ad hoc
queries and concurrent data modificati ons. The q ueries and the data populating the database have been
chosen to have broad industry-wide relevance while maintaining a sufficient degree of ease of
implementation. This benchmark illustrates decision support systems that:
v Examine large volumes of data;
v Execute queries with a high degree of complexity;
v Give answers to critical business questions.
TPC-H evaluates the performance of various decision support systems by the execution of set of queries
against a standard database under controlled conditions. The TPC-H queries:
v Give answers to real-world business questions;
v Simulate generated ad-hoc queries (e.g., via a point-and-click GUI interface);
v Are far more complex than most OLTP transactions;
v Include a rich breadth of operators and selectivity constraints;
v Generate intensive activity on the part of the database server component of the system under test;
v Are executed against a database complying with specific population and scaling requirements;
v Are implemented with constraints derived from staying closely synchronized with an on-line production
The TPC-H operations are modeled as follows:
v The database is continuously available 24 hours a day, 7 day s a week, for ad- h oc queries from multiple
end users and data modifications against all tables, except possibly during infrequent (e.g., once a
month) maintenance sessions.
v The TPC-H database tracks, possibly with some delay, the state of the OLTP database through ongoing
refresh functions, which batch together a number of modifications impacting some part of the decision
support database.
v Due to the worldwide nature of the business data stored in the TPC-H database, the queries and the
refresh functions may be executed against the database at any time, especially in relation to each other.
In addition, this mix of queries and refresh functions is subject to specific ACIDity requirements, since
queries and refresh functions may execute concurrently.
v To achieve the optimal compromise between performance and operational requirements, the database
administrator can set, once and for all, the locking levels and the concurrent scheduling rules for queries
and refresh functions.
The minimum database required to run the benchmark holds business data from 10,000 suppliers. It
contains almost 10 million rows representing a raw storage capacity of about 1 gigabyte. Compliant
benchmark implementations may also use one of the larger permissible database populations (e.g., 100
gigabytes), as defined in Clause 4.1.3).
The performance metrics reported by TPC-H is called the TPC-H Composite Query-per-Hour Performance
Metric (QphH@Size), and reflects multiple aspects of the capability of the system to process queries. These
aspects include the selected database size against which the queries are executed, the query processing
power when queries are submitted by a single stream , and the query throughput when queries are
submitted by multiple concurrent users. The TPC-H Price/Performance metric is expressed as
$/QphH@Size. To be compliant with the TPC-H standard, all references to TPC-H results for a given
configuration must include all required reporting components (see Clause 5.4.6). The TPC believes that
comparisons of TPC-H results measured against different database sizes are misleading and discourages
such comparisons.
The TPC-H database must be implemented using a commercially available database management system
(DBMS), and the queries executed via an interface using dynamic SQL. The specification provides for
variants of SQL, as implementers are not required to have implemented a specific SQL standard in full.
Benchmarks results are highly dependent upon workload, specific applicatio n requirements, and systems
design and implementation. Relative system performance will vary as a result of these and other factors.
Therefore, TPC-H should not be used as a substitute for specific customer application benchmarking when
critical capacity planning and/or product evaluation decisions are contemplated.
A statement identifying the benchmark sponsor(s) and other participating companies must be provided.
IBM Corporation sponsored this TPC-H benchmark.
1.2 Parameter Settings
Settings must be provided for all customer-tunable parameters and options that have been changed from
the defaults found in actual products, including but not limited to:
Configuration parameters and options for any other software component incorporated into the pricing
Compiler optimization options.
Appendix A, “Tunable Parameters,” contains a list of all DB2 parameters and operating system parameters.
Session initialization parameters can be set during or immediately after establishing the connection to the
database within the tpcdbatch program documented in Appendix D, “Driver Source Code.” This result uses
the default session initialization parameters established during preprocessing/binding of the tpcdbatch
1.3 Configuration Diagrams
Diagrams of both measured and price d con f i gurations must be provided, accompanie d by a descript i o n of
the differences. This includes, but is not limited to:
Number and type of processors
Size of allocated memory and any specific mapping/partitioning of memory unique to the test and type
of disk units (and controllers, if applicable)
Number and type of disk units (and controllers, if applicable)
Number of channels or bus connections to disk units, including their protocol type
Number of LAN (e.g., Ethernet) connections, including routers, workstations, terminals, etc., that were
physically used in the test or are incorporated into the pricing structure
Type and run-time execution location of software components (e.g., DBMS, query processing
Listings must be provided for all table definiti on st at ements and all other statements used to set up the test
and qualification databases. (
Appendix B contains the scripts that were used to set up the TPC-H test and qualification databases.
2.2 Database Organization
The physical organization of tables and indexes within the test and qualification databases must be
disclosed. If the column ordering of any table is different from that specified in Clause 1.4, it must be noted.
Appendix B contains the scripts that were used to create the indexes on the test and qualification databases.
2.3 Horizontal Partitioning
Horizontal partitioning of tables and rows in the test and qualification databases must be disclosed (see
Clause 1.5.4).
Horizontal partitioning was used for all tables except for the nation and region tables. See Appendix B,
“Database Build Scripts.”
2.4 Replication
Any replication of physical objects must be disclosed and must conform to the requirements of Clause
3 Clause 2: Queries and Update Functions Related Items
3.1 Query Language
The query language used to implement the queries must be identified.
SQL was the query language used.
3.2 Random Number Generation
The method of verification for the random number generation must be described unless the supplied
DBGEN and QGEN were used.
The TPC-supplied DBGEN version 1.3.0 and QGEN version 1.3.0 were used to generate all database
3.3 Substitution Parameters Generation
The method used to generate values for substitution parameters must be disclosed. If QGEN is not used for
this purpose, then the source code of any non-commercial tool used must be di scl ose d. If QGEN is used, the
version number, release number, modification number and patch level of QGEN must be disclosed.
The supplied QGEN version 1.3.0 was used to generate the substitution parameters.
3.4 Query Text and Output Data from Database
The executable query text used for query validation must be disclosed along with the corresponding output
data generated during the execution of the query text against the qualification database. If minor
modifications (see Clause 2.2.3) have been applied to any functional query definitions or approved variants
in order to obtain executable query text, these modifications must be disclosed and justified. The
justification for a particular minor query modification can apply collectively to all queries for which it has
been used. The output data for the power and throughput tests must be made available electronically upon
Appendix C.1, “Qualification Queries,” contains the output for each of the queries. The functional query
definitions and variants used in this disclosure use the following minor query modifications:
v Table names and view names are fully qualified. For example, the nation table is referred to as
v The standard IBM SQL date syntax is used for date arithmetic. For example, DATE(‘1996-01-01’)+3
v The semicolon (;) is used as a command delimiter.
3.5 Query Substitution Parameters and Seeds Used
All query substitution parameters used for all performance tests must be disclosed in tabular format, along
with the seeds used to generate these parameters.
Appendix C contains the seed and query substitution parameters used.
3.6 Query Isolation Level
The isolation level used to run the queries must be disclosed. If the isolation level does not map closely to
one of the isolation levels defined in Clause 3.4, additional descriptive detail must be provided.
The isolation level used to run the queries was “repeatable read.”
4 Clause 3: Database System Properties Related Items
The results of the ACID tests must be disclosed, along with a description of how the ACID requirements
were met. This includes disclosing the code written to implement the ACID Transaction and Query.
All ACID tests were conducted according to specifications. The Atomicity, Isolation, Consistency and
Durability tests were performed on the IBM
source code.
4.1 Atomicity Requirements
The system under test must guarantee that transactions are atomic; the system will either perform all
individual operations on the data, or will assure that no partially completed operations leave any effects on
the data.
4.1.1 Atomicity of Completed Transactions
Perform the ACID transactions for a randomly selected set of input data and verify that the appropriate
rows have been changed in the ORDER, LINEITEM and HISTORY tables.
The following steps were performed to verify the Atomicity of completed transactions.
1. The total price from the ORDER table and the extended price from the LINEITEM table were
retrieved for a randomly selected order key. The number of records in the HISTORY table was
also retrieved.
2. The ACID Transaction T1 was executed for the order key used in step 1.
3. The total price and extended price were retrieved for the same order key used in step 1 and step 2.
It was verified that:
the number of records in the History table had increased by 1.
4.1.2 Atomiciy of Aborted Transactions
~ x346. Appendix E contains the ACID transaction
Perform the ACID transactions for a randomly selected set of input data, and verify that the appropriate
rows have been changed in the ORDER, LINEITEM and HISTORY tables.
The following steps were performed to verify the Atomicity of the aborted ACID transaction:
1. The ACID application is passed a parameter to execute a rollback of the transaction instead of
performing the commit.
2. The total price from the ORDER table and the extended price from the LINEITEM table were
retrieved for a random order key. The number of records in the HISTORY table was also
3. The ACID transaction was executed for the orderkey used in step 2. The transaction was rolled
4. The total price and the extended price were retrieved for the same orderkey used in step 2 and step
3. It was verified that the extended price and the total price were the same as in step 2.
4.2 Consistency Requirements
Consistency is the property of the application that requires any execution of transactions to take the
database from one consistent state to another.
4.2.1 Consistency Condition
A consistent state for the TPC-H database is defined to exist when:
for each ORDER and LINEITEM defined by (O_ORDERKEY=L_ORDERKEY)
The following queries were executed before and after a measurement to show that the database was always
in a consistent state both initially and after a measurement.
4.2.2 Consistency Tests
Verify that the ORDER and LINEITEM tables are initially consistent as defined in Clause, based on
a random sample of at least 10 distinct values of O_ORDERKEY.
The queries defined in 4.2.1, “Consistency Condition,” were run after initial database build and pr ior to
executing the ACID transaction. The queries showed that the database was in a consistent condition.
After executing 9 streams of 100 ACID transactions each, the queries defined in 4.2.1, “Consistency
Condition,” were run again. The queries showed that the database was still in a consistent state.
4.3 Isolation Requirements
4.3.1 Isolation Test 1
This test demonstrates isolation for the read-write conflict of a read-write transaction and a read-on ly
transaction when the read-write transaction is committed.
The following steps were performed to satisfy the test of isolation for a read-only and a read-write
committed transaction:
1. First session: Start an ACID transaction with a randomly selected O_KEY,L_KEY and DELTA.
The transaction is delayed for 60 seconds just prior to the Commit.
2. Second session: Start an ACID query for the same O_KEY as in the ACID transaction.
3. Second session: The ACID query attempts to read the file but is locked out by the ACID
transaction waiting to complete.
4. First session: The ACID transaction is released and the Commit is executed releasing the record.
With the LINEITEM record now released, the ACID query can now complete.
5. Second session: Verify that the ACID query delays for approximately 60 seconds and that the
results displayed for the ACID query match the input for the ACID transaction.
4.3.2 Isolation Test 2
This test demonstrates isolation for the read-write conflict of read-write transaction and read-only
transaction when the read-write transaction is rolled back.
The following steps were performed to satisfy the test of isolation for read-only and a rolled back readwrite transaction:
1. First session: Perform the ACID transaction for a random O_KEY, L_KEY and DELTA. The
transaction is delayed for 60 seconds just prior to the Rollback.
2. Second session: Start an ACID query for the same O_KEY as in the ACID transaction. The ACID
query attempts to read the LINEITEM table but is locked out by the ACID transaction.
3. First session: The ACID transaction is released and the Rollback is executed, releasing the read.
4. Second session: With the LINEITEM record now released, the ACID query completes.
4.3.3 Isolation Test 3
This test demonstrates isolation for the write-write conflict of two refresh transactions when the first
transaction is committed.
The following steps were performed to verify isolation of two refresh transactions:
1. First session: Start an ACID transaction T1 for a randomly selected O_KEY, L_KEY and
DELTA. The transaction is delayed for 60 seconds just prior to the COMMIT.
2. Second session: Start a second ACID transaction T2 for the same O_KEY, L_KEY, and for a
randomly selected DELTA2. This transaction is forced to wait while the 1st session holds a lock
on the LINEITEM record requested by the second session.
3. First session: The ACID transaction T1 is released and the Commit is executed, releasing the
record. With the LINEITEM record now released, the ACID transaction T2 can now complete.
This test demonstrates that the continuous submission of arbitrary (read-only) queries against one or more
tables of the database does not indefinitely delay refresh transactions affecting those tables from making
1. First session: A transaction T1, which executes modified TPC-H query 1 wi t h DELT A = 0, was
2. Second session: Before T1 completed, an ACID transaction T2, with randomly selected values of
O_KEY, L_KEY and DELTA, was started.
3. Third session: Before T1 completed, a transaction T3, which executes modified TPC-H query 1
with a randomly selected value of DELTA (not equal to 0), was started.
4. T1 completed.
5. T2 completed.
6. T3 completed.
7. It was verified that the appropriate rows in the ORDERS, LINEITEM and HISTORY tables were
4.4 Durability Requirements
The SUT must guarantee durability: the ability to preserve the effects of committed transactions and ensure
database consistency after recovery from any one of the failures listed in Clause 3.5.3.
4.4.1 Failure of Durable Medium Containing Recovery Log Data, and Loss of System
Guarantee the database and committed updates are preserved across a permanent irrecoverable failure of
any single durable medium containing TPC-H database tables or recovery log tables.
The database log was stored on RAID-5 protected storage. The tables for the database were stored on
RAID-5 protected storage. The tests were conducted on the qualification database. The steps performed are
shown below.
1. The consistency test described in section 4.2.1 was verified.
2. The current count of the total number of records in the HISTORY table was determined giving
3. A test to run 200 ACID transactions on each of 9 execution streams was started such that each
stream executes a different set of transactions.
4. One of the disks containing the DB2 transaction log recovery data and DB2 database tables was
powered off after at least 30 ACID transactions had completed from each of the execution
5. Because the disks were in RAID 5 configuration the applications continued running the ACID
6. The system was shutdown by switching off circuit breakers on the power rail connected to all
system component cabinets, after at least a total of 100 transactions had completed for each
7. The system was powered back on and rebooted.
8. All volumes were re-established and RAID5 volumes were synchronized.
9. Step 2 was performed giving hist2. It was verified that hist2 - hist1 was greater than or eq ual to the
number of records in the success file.
10. Consistency condition described in 4.2.1 was verified.
5 Clause 4: Scaling and Database Population Related Items
5.1 Cardinality of Tables
The cardinality (e.g., the number of rows) of each table of the test database, as it existed at the completion
of the database load (see Clause 4.2.5), must be disclosed.
Table NameRows
Order 4,500,000,000
Lineitem 18,000,048,306
Customer 450,000,000
Part 600,000,000
Supplier 30,000,000
Partsupp 2,400,000,000
Nation 25
Region 5
5.2 Distribution of Tables and Logs
The distribution of tables and logs across all media must be explicitly described.
Controller Drives Logical Partition Size Use
Internal 3 disk-73.4GB /dev/sda1 50GB OS root filesystem
Serve-RAID 7k RAID5 /dev/sda2 8GB Swap
/dev/sda5 18GB Temp Tables
/dev/sda6 40GB DB Data
/dev/sda7 25GB Temp Tables
/dev/sda8 1.5GB Logs
The mapping of database partitions/replications must be explicitly described.
The database was not replicated. The database was logically partitioned into 128 logical nodes, 2 nodes on
each physical server.
5.4 RAID Implementation
Implementations may use some form of RAID to ensure high availability. If used for data, auxiliary storage
(e.g., indexes) or temporary space, the level of RAID must be disclosed for each device.
RAID level 5 was used across all database tables, indexes, and recovery logs.
5.5 DBGEN Modifications
Any modifications to the DBGEN (see Clause 4.2.1) source code must be disclosed. In the event that a
program other than DBGEN was used to populate the database, it must be disclosed in its entirety.
The standard distribution DBGEN version 1.3.0 was used for database population. No modi fi cat i ons were
5.6 Database Load Time
The database load time for the test database (see Clause 4.3) must be disclosed.
See the Executive Summary at the beginning of this report.
5.7 Data Storage Ratio
The data storage ratio must be disclosed. It is computed as the ratio between the total amount of priced
disk space and the chosen test database size as defined in Clause 4.1.3.
The calculation of the data storage ratio is shown in the following table.
Disk Type Number of
73.4GB 15K Ultra160 SCSI
The data storage ratio is 8.75, derived by dividing 26,249.856GB by the database size of 3000GB.
384 68.359 GB 26,249.856 GB
Formatted Space
per Disk
Total Disk Space Scale Factor Storage Ratio
26,249.856 GB 3000 8.75
5.8 Database Load Mechanism Details and Illustration
The details of the database load must be disclosed, including a block diagram illustrating the overall
process. Disclosure of the load procedure includes all steps. scripts, input and configuration files required
to completely reproduce the test and qualification databases.
Flat files for each of the tables were created using DBGEN.
The NATION and REGION tables were created on node 0 and then loaded from dbgen output. The other
tables were loaded on 128 logical nodes.
The tables were loaded as depicted in Figure 4-1.
6 Clause 5: Performance Metrics and Execution Rules Related Items
6.1 System Activity between Load and Performance Tests
Any system activity on the SUT that takes place between the conclusion of the load test and the beginning of
the performance test must be fully disclosed.
The auditor requested that queries be run against the database to verify the correctness of the database load.
6.2 Steps in the Power Test
The details of the steps followed to implement the power test (e.g., system reboot, database restart) must be
The following steps were used to implement the power test:
1. RF1 Refresh Transaction
2. Stream 00 Execution
3. RF2 Refresh Transaction
6.3 Timing Intervals for Each Query and Refresh Function
The timing intervals for each query of the measured set and for both update functions must be reported for
the power test.
See the Numerical Quantities Summary in the Executive Summary at the beginning of this report.
6.4 Number of Streams for the Throughput Test
The number of execution streams used for the throughput test must be disclosed.
Eight streams were used for the throughput test.
6.5 Start and End Date/Times for Each Query Stream
The start time and finish time for each query execution stream must be reported for the throughput test.
See the Numerical Quantities Summary in the Executive Summary at the beginning of this report.
6.6 Total Elapsed Time for the Measurement Interval
The total elapsed time for the measurement interval must be reported for the throughput test.
See the Numerical Quantities Summary in the Executive Summary at the beginning of this report..
6.7 Refresh Function Start Date/Time and Finish Date/Time
The start time and finish time for each update function in the update stream must be reported for the
throughput test.
See the Numerical Quantities Summary in the Executive Summary at the beginning of this report.