IBM TotalStorage SAN140M Installation And Service Manual

IBM TotalStorage SAN140M Director
Installation an d Service Manual
Service information: 2027 / 140
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IBM TotalStorage SAN140M Director
Installation an d Service Manual
Service information: 2027 / 140
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in the Notices section.
Fifth Edition (March 2006)
This fifth edition replaces all previous versions. This edition includes information about RoHS compliance and part numbers.
The following paragraph does not apply to any country (or region) where such provisions are inconsistent with local law.
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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2006. All rights reserved.
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Chapter 1 General i nformation
Director description.............................................................................1
Field-replaceable units........................................................................4
Power/system LED assembly.....................................................6
CTP card.........................................................................................6
UPM card.......................................................................................7
XPM card........................................................................................9
SFP and XFP transceivers..........................................................10
Power supply ..............................................................................11
AC module...................................................................................11
Fan module..................................................................................12
SBAR assembly ...........................................................................12
Error-detection, reporting, and serviceability features ................13
Element Manager status indicators.................................................14
Tools and test equipment..................................................................15
Tools supplied with the director...............................................15
Tools supplied by service personnel........................................17
Director management........................................................................18
Ordering the lift tool..........................................................................19
World Trade locations................................................................19
United States locations...............................................................20
Chapter 2 Installation tasks
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006
Factory defaults..................................................................................23
Installation task summary ................................................................24
Task 1: Verify installation requirements .........................................26
Task 2: Unpack, inspect, and install the Ethernet hub (optional)26
Unpack and inspect the Ethernet hub .....................................27
Desktop installation....................................................................27
Rack-mount installation.............................................................29
Task 3: Unpack, inspect, and install the director...........................30
Rack-mount installation.............................................................31
Task 4: Configure director at the EFCM Basic Edition interface
Configure director identification .............................................34
Configure date and time............................................................35
Configure parameters................................................................36
Configure fabric parameters.....................................................38
Configure network information...............................................39
Configure basic port information.............................................41
Configure port BB_Credit .........................................................42
Configure port NPIV..................................................................42
Configure SNMP ........................................................................43
Enable CLI ...................................................................................44
Enable or disable host control...................................................45
Configure SSL encryption.........................................................46
Install PFE keys (optional) ........................................................47
Configure security......................................................................49
Configure interswitch links.......................................................50
Task 5: Configure director network information (optional)........51
Task 6: Configure server password and network addresses....... 55
Configure password...................................................................55
Configure private LAN addresses...........................................56
Configure public LAN addresses (optional) ..........................56
Task 7: Configure management server information.....................57
Access the management server desktop .................................57
Configure management server names ....................................58
Configure gateway and DNS server addresses .....................59
Task 8: Configure Windows operating system users....................61
Change default administrator password................................61
Add a new user...........................................................................61
Change user properties..............................................................62
Task 9: Set management server date and time ..............................63
Task 10: Configure the call-home feature (optional).....................65
Task 11: Assign user names and passwords ..................................66
Task 12: Configure the director to the management application 67
Task 13: Record or verify server restore information...................68
Task 14: Verify director-to-server communication........................69
Task 15: Configure PFE key (optional) ...........................................70
Task 16: Configure management server (optional).......................72
Task 17: Set director date and time..................................................73
Task 18: Configure the Element Manager application .................74
Configure director identification .............................................75
Configure director parameters.................................................75
Configure fabric parameters.....................................................77
Configure ports...........................................................................79
Configure SNMP ........................................................................80
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
Configure threshold alerts.........................................................81
Enable EFCM Basic Edition and Telnet access .......................84
Configure, enable, and test e-mail notification.......................84
Configure and enable Ethernet events.....................................86
Configure, enable, and test call-home event notification......86
Configure security ......................................................................87
Configure interswitch links.......................................................88
Task 19: Back up configuration data................................................89
Task 20: Cable Fibre Channel ports .................................................91
Task 21: Configure Zoning (Optional) ............................................92
Task 22: Connect director to a fabric element (optional) ..............92
Chapter 3 Maintenance analysis procedures (MAPS)
Factory defaults..................................................................................95
Quick start...........................................................................................95
MAP 0000: Start MAP......................................................................102
MAP 0100: Power distribution analysis........................................107
MAP 0200: POST failure analysis ..................................................110
MAP 0300: Loss of server communication ...................................114
MAP 0400: FRU failure analysis.....................................................124
MAP 0500: Port failure or link incident analysis.........................128
MAP 0600: Fabric or ISL problem analysis...................................141
Chapter 4 Repair information
Factory defaults.........................................................................156
Procedural notes........................................................................156
Obtaining log information..............................................................157
SAN management logs.............................................................157
Element Manager logs..............................................................159
EFCM Basic Edition logs..........................................................162
Obtaining port diagnostic information.........................................165
Port LED diagnostics................................................................165
Element Manager application diagnostics ............................166
EFCM Basic Edition diagnostics.............................................172
Performing loopback tests ..............................................................175
Internal loopback test (Element Manager application).......175
External loopback test (Element Manager application) ......177
Internal loopback test (EFCM Basic Edition) ........................178
External loopback test (EFCM Basic Edition).......................180
Blocking and unblocking ports ......................................................181
Block or unblock a port or port card (Element Manager appli-
Block or unblock a port (EFCM Basic Edition).....................182
Swapping ports................................................................................183
Performing channel wrap tests (FICON) .....................................185
Collecting maintenance data..........................................................186
Collecting maintenance data (Element Management applica-
Collecting maintenance data (EFCM Basic Edit ion) ...........187
Powering the director on or off......................................................188
Power-on procedure ................................................................188
Power-off procedure................................................................189
Setting the director online or offline .............................................190
Set online or offline (Element M anager application) ..........190
Set online or offline (EFCM Basic Edition) ...........................191
IML, IPL, or reset the director........................................................192
IML the director (CTP front panel)........................................192
IPL the director (Element Manager application).................193
Reset the director (CTP front panel).....................................193
Cleaning fiber-optic components..................................................194
Download and install firmware ....................................................195
Download and install firmware to director (Element Manag-
er application) ...........................................................................196
Download and install firmware to director (EFCM Basic Edi-
Install or upgrade software............................................................199
Managing configuration data ........................................................202
Back up configuration (Element M anager application)...... 202
Restore configuration (Element Manager application)....... 202
Reset configuration data (Element Manager application)..203
Back up configuration (EFCM Basic Edition).......................205
Restore configuration (EFCM Basic Edition)........................206
Reset configuration data (EFCM Basic Edition)...................206
Chapter 5 Removal and replacement procedures (RRPs)
RRP: CTP card..................................................................................213
RRP: Port module card (UPM and XPM).....................................218
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
Factory defaults ........................................................................209
Procedural notes.......................................................................209
Removing and replacing FRUs...............................................210
ESD information.......................................................................210
Concurrent FRUs......................................................................212
Nonconcurrent FRU.................................................................212
RRP: Optical transceiver (SFP and XFP).......................................223
RRP: Filler panel (UPM and XPM)................................................227
RRP: Power supply ..........................................................................229
RRP: AC module ..............................................................................232
RRP: Fan module..............................................................................235
RRP: Power/system error LED assembly ....................................239
RRP: SBAR assembly.......................................................................241
RRP: Backplane.................................................................................244
Chapter 6 Illustrated parts breakdown
RoHS Information.....................................................................251
Front-accessible FRUs......................................................................253
Rear-accessible FRUs.......................................................................255
Miscellaneous parts .........................................................................258
Power cords and receptacles ..........................................................259
Appendix A Event code tables
System events (000 through 199) ...................................................265
Power supply events (200 through 299) .......................................288
Fan module events (300 through 399) ..........................................292
CTP card events (400 through 499) ...............................................300
Port card (UPM and XPM) events (500 through 599) ................311
SBAR events (600 through 699) .....................................................323
Thermal events (800 through 899) ................................................329
Appendix B Director specifications
Physical characteristics.............................................................335
Power requirements ................................................................335
Heat dissipation .......................................................................335
Cooling airflow clearances (director chassis).....................336
Acoustical noise........................................................................336
Shipping and storage environment........................................336
Operating environment............................................................336
SANC40M equipment cabinet service clearances ......................337
Appendix C Management server and Ethernet hub
Management server description ....................................................339
Ethernet hub description.................................................................339
Appendix D Restore management server
Requirements ...................................................................................341
Restore management server procedure .......................................342
Notices .........................................................................................................................373
Electronic emission notices.............................................................375
Laser Compliance Statement ..................................................375
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Class A State-
Industry Canada Class A Emission Compliance Statement ....
376 Avis de conformité à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada... 376 European Union (EU) Electromagnetic Compatibility Direc-
tive ..............................................................................................376
Germany Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive............377
People’s Republic of China Class A Electronic Emission
Korean Class A Electronic Emission Statement...................378
Japan VCCI Class A ITE Electronic Emission Statement.... 378
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
1 Cabinet-mounted SAN140M directors and management server .............. 3
2 Director FRUs (front access) ........................................................................... 4
3 Director FRUs (rear access) ............................................................................. 5
4 UPM card LEDs and connectors .................................................................... 8
5 XPM card ........................................................................................................... 9
6 Small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver .......................................... 10
7 Ten Gbps form-factor pluggable (XFP) transceiver .................................. 11
8 Torque tool and hex adapter ........................................................................ 16
9 Door key .......................................................................................................... 16
10 Loopback plug ................................................................................................ 16
11 Fiber-optic protective plug ........................................................................... 17
12 Null modem cable .......................................................................................... 17
13 Patch cable and MDI selector configuration .............................................. 28
14 Mounting bracket installation (Ethernet hub) ........................................... 29
15 AC power connections (director) ................................................................. 32
16 Identification view ......................................................................................... 35
17 Date time view ................................................................................................ 36
18 Parameters view ............................................................................................. 36
19 Fabric parameters view ................................................................................. 38
20 Netw ork view ................................................................................................. 40
21 Basic information view .................................................................................. 42
22 SNMP view ..................................................................................................... 43
23 CLI view .......................................................................................................... 45
24 O SMS view ...................................................................................................... 45
25 SSL view .......................................................................................................... 47
26 Maintenance feature installation view ........................................................ 49
27 Co nnection description dialog box .............................................................. 53
28 Identification changes dialog box ................................................................ 59
29 Internet protocol (TCP/IP) properties dialog bo x ..................................... 60
30 Add new user wizard .................................................................................... 62
31 Pro perties dialog box (General tab) ............................................................. 63
32 Date/time properties dialog box (Time Zone tab) .................................... 64
33 Date/time properties dialog box (Date & Time tab) ................................. 65
34 Add user dialog box ....................................................................................... 66
35 Address properties dialog box (IP Address page) .................................... 68
36 New feature key dialog box .......................................................................... 72
37 Co nfigure date and time dialog box ............................................................ 73
38 Configure identification dialog box ............................................................. 75
39 Co nfigure switch parameters dialog box .................................................... 76
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006
40 Configure fabric parameters dialog box ..................................................... 77
41 Configure ports dialog box ........................................................................... 79
42 Configure SNMP dialog box ........................................................................ 81
43 New threshold alert dialog box (Screen 1) ................................................. 82
44 New threshold alert dialog box (Screen 2) ................................................. 83
45 New threshold alert dialog box (Screen 3) ................................................. 84
46 Email event notification setup dialog box .................................................. 85
47 InCD icon (unformatted CD) ........................................................................ 90
48 Daisy-chained Ethernet hubs ..................................................................... 117
49 UPM (or XPM) card diagram (front) ......................................................... 137
50 UPM (or XPM) card diagram (rear) .......................................................... 138
51 Port list view ................................................................................................. 167
52 Port properties dialog box .......................................................................... 169
53 Port technology dialog box ......................................................................... 171
54 Port list view ................................................................................................. 172
55 Port diagnostics dialog box ........................................................................ 176
56 Diagnostics view .......................................................................................... 179
57 Basic information view ................................................................................ 182
58 Swap ports dialog box ................................................................................. 184
59 Save data collection dialog box .................................................................. 186
60 System files view .......................................................................................... 187
61 Switch view ................................................................................................... 191
62 Clean fiber-optic components .................................................................... 195
63 Firmware library dialog box ....................................................................... 196
64 Firmware upgrade view .............................................................................. 198
65 InstallShield wi zard dialog box ................................................................. 200
66 Address properties dialog box ................................................................... 204
67 Backup configuration view ......................................................................... 205
68 Restore configuration view ......................................................................... 206
69 ESD grounding points ................................................................................. 211
70 CTP card removal and replacement .......................................................... 215
71 UPM (shown) or XPM card removal and replacement .......................... 220
72 SFP (shown) or XFP optical transceiver removal and replacement ..... 225
73 UPM or XPM filler panel removal and replacement ............................. 228
74 Powe r supply removal and replacement .................................................. 230
75 AC module removal and replacement ...................................................... 233
76 Fan module removal and replacement ..................................................... 237
77 Power/System error LED assembly removal and replacement ........... 240
78 SBAR ass embly removal and replacement ............................................... 242
79 Backplane removal and replacement ........................................................ 246
80 Front-accessible FRUs .................................................................................. 253
81 Rear-accessible FRUs (part 1) ..................................................................... 255
82 Rear-accessible FRUs (part 2) ..................................................................... 257
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
83 Miscell aneous parts ...................................................................................... 258
84 Power cords and receptacles ....................................................................... 259
85 24-Port Ethernet hub .................................................................................... 340
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
1 IBM products and SAN management documentation ........................... xvi
2 Element Manager alert symbols, messages, and status ........................... 15
3 Factory-set defaults (director) ...................................................................... 23
4 Installation Task summary ........................................................................... 24
5 Operational states and symbols ................................................................... 70
6 Factory-set defaults ........................................................................................ 95
7 MAP summary ............................................................................................... 95
8 Event codes versus maintenance action ...................................................... 96
9 MAP 100 event codes ................................................................................... 107
10 MAP 200 event codes ................................................................................... 110
11 MAP 200: byte 0 FRU codes ........................................................................ 110
12 MAP 300 error messages ............................................................................. 116
13 MAP 400: Event codes ................................................................................. 124
14 MAP 500: Event codes ................................................................................. 128
15 Lin k incident messages ................................................................................ 129
16 In valid a ttachment reasons and actions .................................................... 130
17 In active port reasons and actions ............................................................... 135
18 MAP 600 event codes ................................................................................... 141
19 E_Port segmentation reasons and actions ................................................ 143
20 Po rt fence codes and actions ....................................................................... 148
21 Fabric merge failure reasons and actions ................................................. 151
22 Facto ry-set defaults ...................................................................................... 156
23 Po rt operational states ................................................................................. 165
24 Facto ry-set defaults ...................................................................................... 209
25 Co ncurrent FRUs .......................................................................................... 212
26 No nconcurrent FRU ..................................................................................... 212
27 Fro nt-accessible FRU parts list ................................................................... 254
28 Rear-accessible FRU parts list (part 1) ....................................................... 256
29 Rear-accessible FRU parts list (part 2) ....................................................... 257
30 Miscellaneous parts ...................................................................................... 258
31 Po wer cord and receptacle list ................................................................... 260
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
This publication is part of a documentation suite that supports the IBM TotalStorage SAN140M director.
Who should use this manual
This publication is intended for use by installation and service representatives experienced with the director, storage area network (SAN) technology , and Fibre Channel technology.
The IBM TotalStorage SAN140M director is to be installed and serviced by qualified IBM service representatives only. The director contains no customer-serviceable parts that require internal access to the product during normal operation or prescribed maintenance conditions.
Related publications
Other publications that provide additional information about the director include:
IBM TotalStorage Products in a SAN Environment Planning Manual, GC26-7675.
EFC Manager Software Release 9.0 User Manual, 620-000170.
Element Manager User Manual, 620-000153.
EFCM Basic Edition User Manual, 620-000240.
SNMP Support Manual, 620-000131.
E/OS Command Line Interface User Manual, 620-000134.
IBM TotalStorage SANC40M Cabinet Installation andService Manual, GC26-7746.
IBM eServer Safety Notices, G229-9054.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006
IBM and McDATA publications
Some of the documentation that is applicable to IBM TotalStorage products is provided by McDATA Corporation. The documents often are identified by a McDATA product name that corresponds to the IBM product name. Table 1 lists the IBM product name, the corresponding McDATA product name, the applicable software, and the documentation that is relevant to the product.
Table 1 IBM products and SAN management documentation
IBM TotalStorage productname, and machine type and model
SAN12M-1 Switch
2026-12E SAN24M-1 Switch
SAN32M-1 Switch
McDATA product name
Sphereon 4300 Switch
Sphereon 4500 Switch
Sphereon 3232 Switch
Related firmware and SAN management product
•EFCMBasic Edition
Element Manager
•EFCMBasic Edition
Element Manager
•EFCMBasic Edition
Relevant documentation
EFCM Basic Edition User Manual
E/OS SNMP Support Manual
E/OS Command Line Interface User Manual
EFC Manager Software Release 9.0 User Manual,
Sphereon 4500 Switch Element Manager User Manual
EFCM Basic Edition User Manual
E/OS SNMP Support Manual
E/OS Command Line Interface User Manual
EFC Manager Software Release 9.0 User Manual,
Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switch Element Manager User Manual
EFCM Basic Edition User Manual
E/OS SNMP Support Manual
E/OS Command Line Interface User Manual
SAN16M-2 Switch
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
Sphereon 4400 Switch
Manager Edition
EFC Manager Software Release 9.0 User Manual,
Sphereon 4400 Switch Element Manager User Manual
EFCM Basic Edition User Manual
E/OS SNMP Support Manual
E/OS Command Line Interface User Manual
Table 1 IBM products and SAN management documentation (Continued)
IBM TotalStorage product name, and machine type and model
SAN32M-2 Switch
SAN140M director
McDATA product name
Sphereon 4700 Switch
Intrepid 6140 director
Related firmware and SAN management product
Element Manager
•EFCMBasic Edition
Element Manager
•EFCMBasic Edition
Ordering printed manuals
Relevant documentation
EFC Manager Software Release 9.0 User Manual,
Sphereon 4700 Switch Element Manager User Manual
EFCM Basic Edition User Manual
E/OS SNMP Support Manual
E/OS Command Line Interface User Manual
EFC Manager Software Release 9.0 User Manual,
Intrepid 6140 and 6064 Directors Element Manager User Manual
EFCM Basic Edition User Manual
E/OS SNMP Support Manual
E/OS Command Line Interface User Manual
Where to g et help
To order a printed copy of this publication, contact your IBM Branch office or you can locate (and purchase) books online at: in/pbi.cgi?.
To contact IBM for technical support, which includes hardware support, all product repairs, and ordering of spare parts, go to:
You can also contact IBM within the United States at 1-800-IBMSERV (1-800-426-7378). For support outside the United States, you can find the appropriate service number at
How to send your comments
Your feedback is important in helpin g us provide the most accurate and high-quality information. If you have comments or suggestions for improving this document, you can send us comments electronically by using the following addresses:
IBMLink™ from U.S.A.: STARPUBS at SJEVM5
IBMLink from Canada: STARPUBS at TORIBM
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When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
Safety and environmental notices
ATTENTION ! The IBM Total Storage SAN140M director is not designed to be installed and serviced by customers. Installationand servicing of the director should be performed only by qualified service representatives.
Safety notices and labels
When using this product, observe the danger, caution, and attention notices contained in this guide. The notices are accompanied by symbols that represent the severity of the safety condition. The danger and caution notices are listed in numerical order based on theirIDs,whicharedisplayedinparentheses,forexample(D004),at the end of each notice. Use this ID to locate the translations of these danger and caution notices in the IBM eServer Safety Notices (G229-9054) publication, which is on the CD-ROM that accompanies this product.
The following notices andstatements are used inthis document. They are listed below in order of increasing severity of potential hazards. Follow the links for more detailed descriptions and examples of the danger, caution, and attention notices in the sections that follow.
Note: These notices provide im portant tips, guidance, or advice.
Attention notices: These notices indicate potential damage to
programs, devices, or data.
Caution notices: These statements indicate situations that can be
potentially hazardous to you.
Danger notices: These statements indicate situations that can be
potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to you. Safety labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these situations.
Danger notices A danger notice calls attention to a situation that is potentially lethal
or extremely hazardous to people. A lightning bolt symbol accompanies a danger notice to represent a dangerous electrical condition. Read and comply with the following danger notices before installing or servicing this device.
To prevent a possibleshock from touching twosurfaces with different protective ground (earth), use one hand, when possible, to connect or disconnect signal cables. (D001)
Overloading a branch circuit is potentially a fire hazard and a shock hazard under certain conditions. To avoid these hazards, ensure that your system electrical requirements do not exceed branch circuit protection requirements. Refer to the information that is provided with your device or the power rating label for electrical specifications. (D002)
If the receptacle has a metal shell, do not touch the shell until you have completed the voltage and grounding checks. Improper wiring or grounding could place dangerous voltage on the metal shell. If any of the conditions are not as described, STOP. Ensure the improper voltage or impedance conditions are corrected before proceeding. (D003)
An electrical outlet that is not correctly wired could place hazardous voltage on metal parts of the system or the devices that attach to the system. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the outlet is correctly wired and grounded to prevent an electrical shock. (D004)
A comprehensive danger notice provides instructions on how to avoid shock hazards when servicing equipment. Unless instructed otherwise, follow the procedures in the following danger notice.
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
Electrical voltage and current from power, telephone, and communication cables are hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard:
Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet. Ensure outlet supplies proper voltage and phase rotation according to the system rating plate.
Connect any equipment that will be attached to this product to properly wired outlets.
When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables.
Never turnon anyequipment when there isevidence offire, water, or structural damage.
Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems, networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
Connect and disconnect cables as described below when installing, moving, or opening covers on this product or attached devices.
To Disconnect:
1. Turn everything OFF (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Remove power cords from the outlet.
3. Remove signal cables from con necto rs.
4. Remove all cables from devices.
To Connect:
1. Turn everything OFF (unless instructed otherwise).
2. Attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach signal cables to connectors.
4. Attach power cords to outlet.
5. Turn device ON.
Labels As an added precaution, safety labels are often installed directly on
products or product components to warn of potential hazards. These
canbeeitherdangerorcautionnotices,dependinguponthelevelof the hazard.
The actual product safety labels may differ from these sample safety labels:
Hazardous voltage, current, or energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached. (L001)
Rack-mounted devices are not to be used as a shelf or work space. (L002)
Multiple power cords (L003)
Caution notices A caution notice calls attention to a situation that is potentially
hazardous to people because of some existing condition. A caution notice can be accompanied by different symbols, as in the examples below:
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
If the symbol is... It means....
A hazardous electrical condition with less severity than electrical danger.
A generally hazardous condition not represented by other safety symbols.
A specification of product weight that requires safe lifting practices. The weight range of the product is listed below the graphic, and thewording of the caution varies,depending on the weight of the device.
>18 kg (39.7 lb)
A hazardous condition due to the use of a laser in the product. Laser symbols are always accompanied by the classification of the laser as defined by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (forexample, Class I, Class II, and so forth).
Read and comply with the following caution notices before installing or servicing this device.
CAUTION The weightof this part or unitis more than 55kg (121.2 lb.). It takes
specially-trained persons and/or a lifting device to safely lift this part or unit. (C011)
ATTENTION ! Safe installation of the directorrequires the use of a lift tool,
PN 09P2481, and a 24-inch load plate, PN11P4369. S ee Ordering the lift tool on page 19.
CAUTION The doors and covers to the product are to be closed at all times
except for service by trained service personnel. All covers must be replaced and doors locked at the conclusion of the service operation. (C013)
CAUTION The system contains circuit cards and/or assemblies that contain
lead solder. To avoidthe release of lead (Pb) into the environment, do not burn. Discard the circuit card as instructed by local regulations. (C014)
CAUTION Ensure the building power circuit breakers are turned off BEFORE
you connect the power cord(s) to the building power. (C023)
CAUTION This assembly contains mechanical moving parts. Use care when
servicing this assembly. (C025)
CAUTION Servicing of this product or unit is to be performed by trained
service personnel only. (C032)
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
Rack-mount safety
Always lower the leveling pads on the rack cabinet.
Always install stabilizer brackets on the rack cabinet.
To avoid hazardous conditions due to uneven mechanical loading, always install the heaviest devices in the bottom of the rack cabinet. Always install servers and optional devices starting from the bottom of the rack cabinet.
Rack-mounted devices are not to beused as a shelf or workspace. Do not place any object on top of rack-mounted devices.
Each rack cabinet might have more than one power cord. Be sure to disconnect all power cords in the rack cabinet before servicing any device in the rack cabinet.
Connect all devices installed in a rack cabinet to power devices installed in the same rack cabinet. Do not plug a power cord from a device installed in one rack cabinet into a power device installed in a different rack cabinet.
An electrical outlet that is not correctly wired could place hazardous voltage on the metal parts of the system or the devices that attach to the system. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the outlet is correctly wired and grounded to prevent an electrical shock.
Do not install a unit in a rack where the internal rack ambient temperatures will exceed the manufacturer’s recommended ambient temperature for all your rack-mounted devices.
Do not install a unit in a rack where the air flow is compromised. Ensure that air flow is not blocked or reduced on any side, front, or back of a unit used for air flow through the unit
Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit so that overloading of the circuits does not compromise the supply wiring or overcurrent protection. To provide the correct power connection to a rack, refer to the rating labels located on the equipment in the rack to determine the total power requirement of the supply circuit.
(For sliding drawers.) Do not pull out or install any drawer or feature if the rack stabilizer brackets are not attached to the rack. Do not pull out more than one drawer at a time. The rack may become unstable if you pull out more than one drawer at a time.
(For fixed drawers.) This drawer is a fixed drawer and should not be moved for servicing unless specified by manufacturer. Attempting to move the drawer partially or completely out of the rack may cause the rack to become unstable or cause the drawer to fall out of the rack.
Removing components from the upper positions in the rack cabinet improves rack stability during relocation. Follow these general guidelines whenever you relocate a populated rack cabinet within a room or building:
Reduce the weight of the rack cabinet by removing equipment starting at the top of the rack cabinet. When possible, restore the rack cabinet to the configuration of the rack cabin e t as you received it.
If this configuration is not known, you must do the following:
• Remove all devices in the 32U position and above.
• Ensure that the heaviest devices are installed in the bottom of the rack cabinet.
• Ensure that there are no empty U-levels between devices installed in the rack cabinet below the 32U level.
If the rack cabinet you are relocating is part of a suite of rack cabinets, detach the rack cabinet from the suite.
Inspect the route that you plan to take to eliminate potential hazards.
Verify that the route that you choose can support the weight of the loaded rack cabinet. Refer to the documentation that comes with your rack cabinet for the weight of a loaded rack cabinet.
Verify that all door openings are at least 760 x 230 mm (30 x 80 in.).
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
Ensure that all devices, shelves, drawers, doors, and cables are secure.
Ensure that the four leveling pads are raised to their highest position.
Ensure that there is no stabilizer bracket installed on the rack cabinet during movement.
Attention notices An attention notice indicates the possibility of damage to a program,
device, or system, or to data. An exclamation point symbol may accompany an attention notice, but is not required. A sample attention notice follows:
ATTENTION! Do not bend afibre cable to a radius lessthan 5cm (2 in.); you candamagethecable.Tiewrapsarenotrecommendedforopticalcables because they can be easily overtightened, causing damage to the cable.
Laser safety This equipment contains Class 1 laser products, and complies with
FDA radiation Performance Standards, 21 CFR Subchapter J and the international laser safety standard IEC 60825.
CAUTION This product may contain one or more of the following: CD-ROM,
DVD-ROM, DVD-RAM, or laser module, which are Class 1 laser products. Please note the following:
Do not removethe covers. Removing the covers of the laser product could result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the device.
Use of the controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
CAUTION Data processing environments can contain equipmenttransmitting
on system links with laser modules that operate at greater than Class 1 power levels. For this reason, never look into the end of an optical fiber cable or open receptacle. (C027)
Environmental notices
Use the environmental statements and warning in this section to guide you when using this product and in properly disposing of the product and its components.
Product recycling
and disposal
This unit must be recycled or discarded according to applicable local and national regulations. IBM encourages owners of information technology (IT) equipment to responsibly recycle their equipment when it is no longer needed. IBM offers a variety of product return programs and services in several countries to assist equipment owners in recycling their IT products. Information on IBM product recycling offerings can be found on IBM’s Internet site at
Note: This mark applies only to countries within the European Union (EU) and Norway.
Appliances are labeled in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EC concerning waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The Directive determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the European Union. This label is applied to various products to indicate that the product is not to be thrown away, but rather reclaimed upon end of life per this Directive.
SAN140M Installation and Service Manual
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