Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read “Safety Information” on page xi and the general
information under Appendix G, “Notices” on page 173.
Third Edition (September 2000)
This edition applies to IBM SureMark Printers, models TI5, TG5,, TF7 and TM7. This edition replaces publication
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Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement ........173
Industry Canada Class A Emission Compliance Statement .......173
Avis de conformité aux normes d’Industrie Canada ..........173
European Union (EU) Mark of Conformity Statement.........174
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement175
updated March 18, 2002
Korean Communications Statement ................175
Chinese Class A warning statement ................175
Taiwanese Class A Warning Statement..............175
Australia / New Zealand Compliance Statement ...........176
Index ............................177
viiiSureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
This manual assists you with installing, testing, and performing problem
determination for models TI5, TF7, and TM7 of the IBM SureMark Printer.
Who Should Read This Manual
This manual is intended for use by persons who are installing, testing, or
programming a Model TI5, TF7 or TM7 IBM SureMark Printer. The manual should
also be used for problem determination on the printer.
How This Manual Is Organized
Part 1 contains information that applies to SureMark printers in general:
v Chapter 1, “Introduction” provides an overview of the features and options of the
SureMark printers.
v Chapter 2, “Installation Instructions”–provides information on installing the
SureMark printers.
v Chapter 3, “SureMark Installation, Service, and Utility Software”–provides
information about using SureMark utilities to setup or modify your system
Part 2 contains information that is specific to the thermal/impact SureMark printer,
Models TI5 and TG5:
v Chapter 4, “Operation (Models TI5 and TG5)”–provides information about the
controls and indicators. Ribbon loading and paper loading instructions are also
v Chapter 5, “Testing and Problem Analysis – Models TI5 and TG5”–provides
information on testing and on problem determination.
Part 3 contains information that is specific to the single-station SureMark printers,
models TF7 and TM7:
v Chapter 6, “Operation (Models TF7 and TM7)”–provides information on the
controls and indicators. Paper loading instructions are also included.
v Chapter 7, “Testing and Problem Analysis – Models TF7 and TM7”–provides
information on testing and on problem determination.
The appendixes contain the following information:
v Appendix A, “Consumable Supplies”–information about consumable supplies.
v Appendix B, “Technical Information”–information about technical specifications.
v Appendix C, “RS-232 Programming Information”–information about RS-232
programming commands.
v Appendix D, “Uploading Electronic Journal Data”–information about uploading
electronic journal data while the SureMark is in Model 4 emulation mode.
v Appendix E, “Proportional Fonts”–information about creating and using
proportional fonts.
v Appendix F, “Emulation Support for Epson Single-Station Printer”–expanded
information about Epson emulation mode.
v Appendix G, “Notices”–information about trademarks and electronic emission
v IBM SureMark Printers: DBCS Hardware Service Manual, GY27-0397
v IBM SureMark Printers: DBCS Installation Utilities Diskette
v IBM 4693 Point-of-Sale Terminals Reference Diskette
v IBM 4694/4695 Point-of-Sale Terminals Service Diskette
v IBM Safety Information – Read This First, GA27-4004
v IBM SurePOS 700 Series: System Reference, SA27-4220
v IBM SurePOS 500 Series: System Reference, SA27-4255
v POSS Programming Reference and User’s Guide, SC30-3560
The diskettes are only available by download from the Internet. See “Resources on
the Internet” on page 43 for more information.
For information about ordering IBM publications that are not shipped with the
SureMark printers, contact your IBM representative or your place of purchase.
Where to Find More Information
A CD-ROM is available that contains books that are part of the IBM Retail Store
Solutions Library Collection, SK2T-0331.
updated March 18, 2002
Current versions of Retail Store Solutions documentation and downloadable
diskettes are available on the IBM Retail Store Solutions Web site. See “Resources
on the Internet” on page 43 for information about accessing the site.
Tell Us What You Think
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and high-quality
information. Please take a few moments to tell us what you think about this book.
The only way for us to know if you are satisfied with our books, or how we might
improve their quality, is through feedback from customers like you. If you have any
comments about this book, there is a comment form at the back of this book. You
can also get a copy of the form from the PDF version of the book on the Web.
To access a PDF version of this book, visit the Retail Store Solutions Web site at:
From there, select Support at the left, then select Publications.
After you have filled out the form, return it by mail, by fax, or by giving it to an IBM
representative. If applicable, include a reference to the specific location of the text
on which you are commenting. For instance, include the page or table number.
Between major revisions of this manual we may make minor technical updates. The
latest softcopy version of this manual is available under Publications on the IBM
Retail Store Solutions Web site.
xSureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
Safety Information
Before you begin to install this product, read the safety information in IBM
Safety Information - Read This First, GA27-4004. This booklet describes safe
procedures for cabling and plugging in electrical equipment.
Voordat u begint met de installatie van dit produkt, moet u eerst de
veiligheidsinstructies lezen in de brochure Veiligheidsinstructies—Lees diteerst, GA27-4004. Hierin wordt beschreven hoe u electrische apparatuur op
een veilige manier moet bekabelen en aansluiten.
updated March 18, 2002
Antes de começar a instalar este produto, leia as informações de segurança
contidas em Informações Sobre Seguranaça—Leia Isto Primeiro, GA27-4004.
Esse folheto descreve procedimentos de segurança para a instalaçãode
cabos e conexões em equipamentos elétricos.
Før du installerer dette produkt, skal du lse sikkerhedsforskrifterne i
Sikkerhedsforskrifter—Lœs dette fø rst GA27-4004. Vejledningen beskriver
den fremgangsmåde, du skal bruge ved tilslutning af kabler og udstyr.
Voordat u begint met het installeren van dit produkt, dient u eerst de
veiligheidsrichtlijnen te lezen die zijn vermeld in de publikatie IBM SafetyInformation - Read This First, GA27-4004. In dit boekje vindt u veilige
procedures voor het aansluiten van elektrische appratuur.
Ennen kuin aloitat tämän tuotteen asennuksen, lue julkaisussa
Turvaohjeet—Luetämä ensin, GA27-4004, olevat turvaohjeet. Tässä kirjasessa
on ohjeet siitä, miten sä hkölaitteet kaapeloidaan ja kytketään turvallisesti.
xiiSureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
Avant d’installer le présent produit, consultez le livret Informations pour la
sécurité–Lisez-moi d’ abord, GA27-4004, qui dé crit les procédures à
respecter pour effectuer les opérations de câ blage et brancher les
équipements électriques en toute sécurité.
Bevor mit der Installation des Produktes begonnen wird, die
Sicherheitshinweise in Sicherheitsinformationen—Bitte zuerst lesen, IBM Form
GA27-4004. Diese Veröffentlichung beschreibt die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für
das Verkabeln und Anschlieβen elektrischer Geräte.
Mielôtt megkezdi a berendezés üzembe helyezését, olvassa el a IBM Safety
Information — Read This First, GA27–4004 kö nyvecskében leírt biztonsági
informá ciókat. Ez a kö nyv leírja, milyen biztonsági intézkedéseket kell
megtenni az elektromos berendezés huzalozásakor illetve csatlakoztatásakor.
prima di iniziare l’installazione di questo prodotto, leggere le informazioni
relative alla sicurezza riportate nell’opuscolo Informazioni di sicurezza—Primeinformazioni da leggere in cui sono descritte le procedure per il cablaggio ed il
collegamento di apparecchiature elettriche.
updated March 18, 2002
Før du begynner å installere dette produktet, må du lese
sikkerhetsinformasjonen i Sikkerhetsinformasjon—Les dette fø rst, GA27–4004
som beskriver sikkerhetsrutinene for kabling og tilkobling av elektrisk utstyr.
Antes de iniciar a instalação deste produto, leia as informações de segurança
Informações de Segurança—Leia Primeiro, GA27–4004. Este documento
descreve como efectuar, de um modo seguro, as ligações eléctricas dos
Antes de empezar a instalar este producto, lea la información de seguridad en
Información de Seguridad—Lea Esto Primero, GA27–4004. Este documento
describe los procedimientos de sequridad para cablear y enchufar equipos
xivSureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
Innan du börjar installera den här produkten börduläsa sä
kerhetsinformationen i dikumentet Säkerhetsföreskrifter—Läs detta fö rst,
GA27–4004. Där beskrivs hur du på ett säkert sätt ansluter elektrisk
updated March 18, 2002
xviSureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
updated March 18, 2002
xviiiSureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
Summary of Changes
This section summarizes the changes included in the latest editions of this manual.
Web-only Update for GA27-4256-01 (March 2002)
This update contains updates to the paper loading procedure for models TM6 and
TF6. See “Paper Loading” on page 63.
Web-only Update for GA27-4256-01 (June 2001)
This edition includes the updates for the TG5 model.
This edition includes information for the support of a USB logic card.
Information that was added includes:
v “USB Connector Pin Assignments” on page 81.
v USB information has been added to “Voltage Conversion Circuitry” on page 79
and “Hardware Requirements” on page 8.
v The part number for the available USB cables has been added to “Features
Used with the SureMark Printers” on page 5.
v Information about your responsibilities when using USB communications has
been added to “Planning Information” on page 5.
v The data rate for USB communications has been added to “Communication
Interfaces” on page 6.
v Information about installing the SureMark printer for use with USB
communications has been added to “Installing for USB Communication” on
page 15.
v Information about installing fillers for the SureMark printer when using USB
communications has been added to “Installing Fillers for USB Printers” on
page 21.
v Communication mode information for USB has been added to “USB
Communication Mode” on page 25.
v Relevant information for performing problem determination with USB has been
added to Table 6 on page 59.
This edition includes information for the support of the new single-station SureMark
printers, which are models TF7 and TM7, and also information about new functions
and commands for Model TI5. Changed or new information is indicated by a
revision bar (|) in the left margin. (There are no revision bars in the margin of
figures. Refer to “Figures” on page xxi for revision bars that show which figures
have been changed.)
Changes for this edition include:
v Because there are important differences between models TF7 and TM7, which
are single-station SureMark printers, and the Model TI5 thermal/impact SureMark
printer, the book has been reorganized into three parts.
– Part 1, “General Information” on page 1 contains information that is similar for
all SureMark models. Information about the new single-station printers has
been added throughout this part.
– Part 2, “Models TI5 and TG5” on page 45 contains information that is specific
to the Model TI5 thermal/impact SureMark printer.
– Part 3, “Models TF7 and TM7” on page 61 contains information that is specific
to the new single-station SureMark printers – models TF7 and TM7.
v A new thermal font has been added. See “Set Print Mode” on page 125 and
“Thermal Printing Font” on page 93.
v Support for emulation of an Epson single-station printer has been added.
(Emulation is only available when the SureMark is in SBCS mode.) See
“Emulating an Epson Single-Station Printer (Single-Station SureMark Only)” on
page 41 for information about how to enable emulation and an overview of the
limitations to using emulation mode. See Appendix F, “Emulation Support for
Epson Single-Station Printer” on page 169 for detailed information about what
Epson commands are supported in emulation mode.
v A font conversion utility has been added as part of the support for proportional
fonts. See “Proportional Font Conversion Utility” on page 43.
v Information about uploading electronic journal data while the printer is emulating
a Model 4 printer has been added. See Appendix D, “Uploading Electronic
Journal Data” on page 163.
v The following commands have been added:
–“Proportional Font” on page 114
–“Select Color Printing” on page 132
– n=09 (Align Column Right) for “Align Positions” on page 134
–“Enable or Disable Upside-Down Printing” on page 139
–“Select Character Size for Scalable Fonts” on page 140
–“Fix Font Matrix” on page 141
–“Print Logo Inline” on page 141
–“Enable or Disable Two-Color Printing” on page 141
– n=09 (Code 128A, 128B, and 128C) for “Print Bar Code” on page 142
v The following command, which is supported only on models TF7 and TM7, has
been added:
–“Enable or Disable the Beeper (Models TF7 and TM7 Only)” on page 138
xxSureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
1. IBM SureMark Printers .............................3
2. SureMark Printer Dimensions – Models TI5 and TG5 ..................7
3. SureMark Printer Dimensions – Models TF7 and TM7.................8
4. Cable Connectors and RS-232 Settings Switch for Thermal/Impact SureMark Printers .....12
5. Cable Connectors for Single-Station SureMark Printers .................13
6. RS-232 Mode Switches for Single-Station SureMark Printers...............13
7. RS-232 and RS-485 Cable Routing for Single-Station SureMark Printers ..........14
8. USB Ports for Thermal/Impact SureMark Printers (View is from the bottom rear of the printer)15
9. USB Ports for Single-Station SureMark Printers...................16
10. USB Cable Routing for Single-Station SureMark Printers ................16
11. Mounting a Single-Station SureMark on a Wall ....................18
12. Installing the Fillers for RS-232/RS-485 Systems ...................20
13. Installing the Fillers for USB Systems .......................22
14. Adjustment and Alignment Printouts ........................30
15. Switch for Epson Emulation ...........................42
16. SureMark Printer - Indicators, Controls, and Printing Stations (Models TI5 and TG5) ......47
Note: IOR 24x7 is IBM onsite repair 24 hours times seven days per week. 9x5 is
nine hours per day for five days per week.
2SureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
Chapter 1. Introduction
Printer Overview .........................3
Description of Models .......................4
Features Used with the SureMark Printers ..............5
Planning Information .......................5
Your Responsibilities ......................5
Limitations ..........................6
Communication Interfaces ....................6
Temperature and Humidity Limits..................7
Physical Dimensions ......................7
Models TI5 and TG5 .....................7
Models TF7 and TM7 .....................7
Power Requirements ......................8
Hardware Requirements .....................8
Software Requirements .....................9
Operating System Requirements .................9
Application Requirements ...................9
Single-Byte Character Set (SBCS) Code Pages ............9
Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) Code Pages ...........10
Bar Codes.........................10
Printer Overview
Figure 1. IBM SureMark Printers
The IBM SureMark printers are high-performance, high-function printers. The
SureMark is available in several models:
v Models TI5 and TG5 feature a thermal customer receipt station and an impact
v Models TF7 and TM7 are single-station thermal printers. They contain no
document insert station. The dual printheads enable quiet, fast printing at the
customer receipt station while providing the capability to print and frank checks
and to print multipart forms through the document insert station.
document insert station. These models cost less, weigh less, and have a smaller
footprint than the Models TI5 and TG5 printer. Models TF7 and TM7 have been
designed for wall mounting, if desired by the retailer.
v Fast, quiet receipt printing
v Easy paper loading
v 2-MB flash memory for storing messages, logos, code pages, and double-byte
character sets
v Bar code generation
v Downloadable fonts and code pages
v Downloadable microcode
v Small footprint
v Support for RS-232 (EIA 232) and RS-485 (EIA 485) interfaces
The single-station SureMark printers, and also SureMark Models TI5 and TG5
printers that have been updated with the latest firmware, support the following in the
thermal station:
v Proportional fonts (SBCS only)
v Scalable fonts
v Color printing – black plus one accent on two-color thermal paper (thermal
station only)
v Upside-down printing
Additional features of some SureMark models include:
v Support for USB interface (models TI5, TG5, and TM7)
v Easy-to-load ribbon cartridge (Models TI5 and TG5)
v Epson emulation (models TF7 and TM7, SBCS only)
Description of Models
SureMark printers are available in the following models that can operate in either
single-byte character set (SBCS) mode or double-byte character set (DBCS) mode:
Models TI5 and TG5
Models TF7 and TM7
When any of these printers operates in DBCS mode, you can use one of the
following character sets (characters must be downloaded to the printer from the
Utility Diskette or using POSS for Windows):
v Japanese
v Korean
v Traditional Chinese
v Simplified Chinese
Standard models that supports receipt and document printing. Model TG5 is
equivalent to Model TI5 but with iron gray covers to match the IBM 4840
system units.
Smaller models that contain only a thermal customer receipt station.
Because there is no document insert station, these models do not support
document printing.
Models TF7 and TM7 have an audible alarm, a spill-resistant design, and
an optional wall mount.
For Food Service customers, the covers on Model TF7 match the IBM
SurePOS 500 Series systems. For Retail customers, the covers on Model
TM7 match the IBM 4694 systems if the RS-232/RS-485 interface is
ordered, and match the IBM SurePOS 700 Series systems if the USB
interface is ordered.
4SureMark DBCS User’s Guide
updated March 18, 2002
Note: IOR 24x7 is IBM onsite repair 24 hours times seven days per week. 9x5 is
nine hours per day for five days per week.
Features Used with the SureMark Printers
All models support the following features:
v Integration Panel
v 40-Character VFD Post Extension
v Distributed Printer Cable (RS-485)
v Integrated Cable (RS-485)
v Short RS-232 Communications Cable, 2 m (about 6.6 ft), P/N 86H2192
v Long RS-232 Communications Cable, 4 m (about 13.1 ft), P/N 86H2195
v Power Supply (RS-232 and USB), P/N 42H1176
v Power Cords (country-specific)
v RS-232/RS-485 Interface Card
Models TI5, TG5, and TM7 support the following features:
v USB Cable — Powered, 0.5 m (about 1.6 ft), P/N 01L1646
v USB Cable — Powered, 3.8 m (about 12.5 ft), P/N 01L647
v USB Cable — Standard, 5.0 m (about 16.4 ft), P/N 08L2014
v USB Interface Card
Because a cash drawer can attach directly to the SureMark, all models also support
the following features:
v Compact Cash Drawer - Vertical Till
v Compact Cash Drawer - Horizontal Till
v Full-size Cash Drawer - Adjustable Till
v Full-size Cash Drawer - Fixed Till Insert
v Short Cash Drawer Cable, P/N 72H3802
v Long Cash Drawer Cable, P/N 72H3803
Planning Information
Your Responsibilities
You are responsible for replenishing consumable supplies, including roll paper for
the thermal (customer receipt station) printer, and, depending on your model, forms
and ribbon cartridges for the impact (document insert) station. (See Appendix A,
“Consumable Supplies”.)
The customer must load the appropriate DBCS fonts in the printer.
If you plan to use RS-232 communications, you are responsible for ordering a 24 V
dc power supply with a power cord. You are also responsible for ordering the
RS-232 cable.
Note: If a 3-wire RS-232 cable is to be used, the printer must be set to XON/XOFF
mode. (See “RS-232 Communications Protocol Selection” on page 23.)
It is the customers responsibilities to update printer firmware as needed prior to
installing printers and as desired during the printer’s life.
Chapter 1. Introduction5
updated March 18, 2002
If you plan to use RS-485 communications, you are responsible for ordering the
RS-485 cable.
If you plan to use USB communications, you are responsible for ordering one of the
v A powered USB cable, P/N 08L2014.
v A standard USB cable with a Type B connector for the printer, and a power brick.
The 3.8-m USB cable for a distributed configuration is P/N 01L1647 and the
0.5-m USB cable for an integrated configuration is P/N 01L1646.
SureMark printers have no physical journal station. You must use an
electronic journaling application instead. Electronic journaling eliminates the
need to store paper journal tapes and the time-consuming task of searching papers
should the need arise.
SureMark printers have a safety feature that slows printing if excessive duty cycles
are used. This feature protects the printer hardware from potential damage and
should not be noticeable during normal operation.
Communication Interfaces
All SureMark printers can support the RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces. Models TI5,
TG5, and TM7 can also support the USB interface. For SureMark models that can
support the USB interface, you can upgrade installed printers from RS-232/RS-485
to USB by ordering a USB interface card.
RS-232 supports 9600 and 19 200 baud rates. RS-485 operates at a 187.5K baud
rate. USB supports data rates up to 12 Mbps.
6SureMark DBCS User’s Guide
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