IBM T50, 31P6260, 9511-AGC, 31P6259, 9511, 9511-AWC User Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual Page 1 Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:33 PM
First Edition (Sep/2001)
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Hardware Requirements
This monitor requires a computer with a suitable on-board sub-system or
Video Adapter card that can support XGA 1024 × 768, SVGA 800 x 600, or
VGA 640 x 480 at 60 Hz.
Handling Instructions
Do not support the monitor
within the screen area. The
Liquid Crystal Display is
glass and can be damaged
by rough handling or
excessive pressure.
1.Lift the monitor by placing your hands where indicated below.
2.Before using your monitor for the first time, remove the clear protective
Workplace Preparation
This section gives advice
on what you should
consider before you set up your
The monitor should be positioned so that the top of the screen is slightly
below your eye level when you sit at your workstation.
film from the front of the screen.
Choose a position that gives the least reflection from lights and windows,
usually at a right angle to any windows. The monitor should be positioned
directly in front of you so that you do not have to twist your body to use it. Tilt
the monitor to a comfortable viewing angle.
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Adjusting the Monitor Position
Viewing Angle
You can tilt the screen backward and forward as shown below.
advice on how you can
work comfortably and reduce
Take regular breaks. Vary your posture, stand up and stretch occasionally as
prolonged use of computer workstations can be tiring.
You should sit back in your chair and use the backrest.
Adjust the seat height so that your forearms are approximately horizontal and
your wrists are straight when using the keyboard. Your upper arms should be
relaxed with your elbows near your body.
Use a light touch on the keyboard, keeping your hands and fingers relaxed.
Allow a space in front of the keyboard to rest your wrists when not typing.
Consider using a wristpad.
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Working with monitors, in common with any prolonged close work, can be
visually demanding. Look away from the screen periodically and have your
eyesight checked regularly.
Screen settings
Set the screen brightness and contrast to a comfortable level. You may have
to adjust this as the lighting changes during the day. Many application
programs let you select color combinations which can help you to view in
comfort. See the User con trols section for more information.
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Be sure to read the ‘Monitor
Safety and Warranty
Information’ book before
carrying out this procedure.
The AC adapter and signal
cable are connected to
your monitor. If you wish to
change these or to fit a different
stand, see Further help se ction .
1.Turn off your PC and all attached devices.
2.Connect the signal cable to the video port on the back of your computer.
This port might be directly attached to your computer (figure A), or it
might be part of a video adapter card (figure B). The video port on your
computer or video adapter card may be colored blue to match the blue
connector on your monitor’s video cable.
3.Connect the power cord to the power adapter first, then insert the plug
into a properly grounded electrical outlet.
Switching on your Monitor
1.Switch on the power source and your computer.
2.Switch on your monitor by pushing and releasing the power switch
marked .
To switch off your monitor, push and release the power switch again.
3.Turn on the monitor and then the computer.
monitor section.
by following the instructions in the Configuring your
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Configuring your Monitor
Setup Diskette for Windows 95 or Windows 98
This section must be
completed before
continuing with the
Windows 95 or Windows 98
Auto Setup.
On LCD monitors,
unlike CRTs, a faster
refresh rate does not
improve display quality.
IBM recommends using
either 1024 x 768 at a refresh
rate of 60Hz.
To use the Plug and Play feature in Windows 95 or Windows 98, files should
be loaded from the IBM Flat Panel Monitor Installation diskette:
1.Turn off the computer and all attached devices.
2.Ensure that the monitor is connected correctly.
3.Turn on the monitor and then the system unit. Allow the system to boot
into Windows 95 or Windows 98.
Your computer’s Plug and Play code may warn you that your system
hardware has changed. This probably means that it has detected your
new monitor for the first time.
4.Open the
5.Select the
window by clicking on
and then double clicking on the
• In case of Windows 95:
6.-1. Select the Change Display Type button.
2. Select the Change Monitor Type button.
• In case of Windows 98:
6. -1. Select the ADVANCED BUTTON.
2. Select the MONITOR tab.
3. Open the UPGRADE DEVICE WIZARD windows by clicking on
Change button and then select the NEXT button.
If the UPGRADE DEVICE WIZARD is open go step 6-3. if not
continue to step 4.
4. Select the “Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that
I can choose a specific driver” and then select the NEXT button.
7.Insert the Setup diskette into drive A: and select the
monitor and select OK. The files will be copied from the
diskette to your hard drive.
10. Close all open windows and remove the diskette.
11. Reboot the system.
The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and
corresponding Color Matching Profiles.
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