Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in
Appendix F, “Special Notices” on page 163.
First Edition (March 1997)
This edition applies to current models of IBM PC Servers for use with Windows NT Server 4.0
Comments may be addressed to:
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When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in any
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Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997. All rights reserved.
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C.1.1 I nst alling the Service Pack
C.2 Emergency Repair Disk (ERD)
C.3 Adding New Components to the System
Appendix D. Tips on Windows NT and IBM Hardware
D.1 IBM SCSI-2 Streaming RAID Adapter/A
D.2 IBM Auto ISA Token-Ring Adapter
D.3 Micro Channel Network Adapters
..................... 151
.............. 153
........................ 153
......................... 154
................... 154
............. 155
................... 155
...................... 155
....................... 155
D.4 IBM 100/10 PCI Ethernet Adapter Hangs with IBM Server 320/520
D.5 Micro Channel LANStreamer Adapter
D.6 PCI LANStreamer Adapter Hangs When Shutting Down
.................... 156
......... 156
D.7 Problems Associated with Third Party OEM Network Driver Diskettes
D.8 Token-Ring Adapters
Appendix E. The Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
E.1 Upgrading the HAL for Multiprocessor Use
E.1.1 Resolving Problems with the UPTOMP.EXE Utility
E.2 Reinstalling Windows NT to Upgrade the HAL
This redbook will help you implement Windows NT Server 4.0 on an IBM PC
Server and to understand how to configure for the best performance. It explores
the tools necessary to configure the server hardware, presents topics that should
be considered before installing Windows NT, and details the options and process
of installing the code onto your IBM PC Server.
Performance monitoring is also covered in detail complete with example uses of
Performance Monitor and TME 10 NetFinity to determine what performance
bottlenecks may exist in your configuration.
Some knowledge of PC servers and Windows NT is assumed.
This redbook is a follow-on from
, SG24-4578-00.
The Team That Wrote This Redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the Systems Management and Networking ITSO Center, Raleigh.
David Watts is an Advisory ITSO Specialist for PC Servers at the ITSO Center in
Raleigh. He conducts residencies and writes redbooks on IBM PC Servers and
network operating systems. His most recent publications include the
Selection Guide
recently as a server specialist for the IBM PC Company in Australia. He has a
Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of Queensland and had
worked for IBM Australia for nine years.
Tim Kearby is an Advisory ITSO Specialist for PC Servers at the ITSO Center in
Raleigh. He conducts residencies and writes redbooks on IBM PC Servers and
network operating systems. Tim has held various positions in his IBM career
including assignments in product development, systems engineering, and
consulting. He holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical Engineering
from Purdue University.
Pieter Joubert is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer at the Network Station
Management Center, Johannesburg South Africa He writes extensively and
serves as a field consultant for IBM in all areas of the Microsoft Networking
Products. Before joining the IBM, Pieter worked in the Network Consulting
Division of EDS South Africa.
. He has been working with PCs for the past 14 years, most
IBM PC Server and Windows NT Integration
PC Server
Michael Ringel is a Senior Consultant for IBM PC Servers at the IBM PC Server
Competence Center in Frankfurt, Germany. Michael has held various positions
in his IBM career including assignments in education, PC product management,
marketing support, and consulting. In addition he worked at the ITSO Center in
Austin as international assignee, conducting residencies and writing numerous
best-selling redbooks in the area of OS/2 LAN Server and NetWare from IBM.
His most recent publications include the redbook
Configuration and Sizing
This redbook is a follow-on from
, SG24-4578-00. The authors of this publication were:
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 vii
IBM PC Server and Windows NT Integration
IBM PC Server Disk Subsystem
Tim Kearby
Angelo Rimoldi
Wuilbert Martinez Zamora
Jean-Paul Simoen
Thanks to the following people for their invaluable contributions to this project:
Gail Wojton, Melinda Allen
Systems Management and Networking ITSO Center, Raleigh.
Marc Shelley, Dave Laubscher
IBM PC Server Technology Center, Research Triangle Park
Pat Gibney
NT Systems Manager, Research Triangle Park
Peter Hedges, Alan Waite
IBM PC Institute, Australia
Comments Welcome
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Your comments are important to us!
We want our redbooks to be as helpful as possible. Please send us your
comments about this or other redbooks in one of the following ways:
Fax the evaluation form found in “ITSO Redbook Evaluation” on page 173 to
the fax number shown on the form.
Use the electronic evaluation form found on the Redbooks Home Pages at
the following URLs:
For Internet users
For IBM Intranet users
Send us a note at the following address:
viiiPC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
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Chapter 1.Introduction
Windows NT Server 4.0 is one of the major network operating systems available
on the market today, and is continuing to gain market acceptance. At the time of
publishing, previews are being shown of what may appear in version 5.0 of the
product. This demonstrates the fact the product is being developed and refined
to meet market demand.
Some features that set NT 4.0 apart from NT 3.51 include the following:
Revamped Windows 95 look and feel.
Integral DNS service.
Internet Server 2.0.
Front Page, a new Web publishing tool.
Several refinements to the system, with some major sections of code
rewritten to run faster.
In this redbook, we aim to demonstrate how easy and quickly NT 4.0 can be
installed on the range of IBM PC servers from the IBM PC Server 310 right up to
the IBM PC Server 704 and Server 720.
This book is not designed to teach you how to use Windows NT - it is assumed
that you are already familiar with the operating system. Rather, this book is
designed to aid you in installing and tuning NT 4.0 on your new IBM PC Server.
We have tested the installations on a variety of current and recent servers and
adapters so as to provide as much insight as possible into using the hardware
that you, the readers, are likely to have.
1.1 Where Windows NT is Heading
Naturally, Microsoft is continuing to enhance the operating system and is already
in beta test for the next version of the product, Version 5.0.
A press release dated November 4, 1996 announcing a preview of the Windows
NT Server 5.0 was shown to developers at Microsoft′s Professional Developer′s
Conference. It stated a number of enhancements to the product, including:
Active Directory
Active Server
Management Console
The full text of the press release can be found at URL:
IBM continues to consider Windows NT to be one of the major network operating
systems of choice for its PC Server customers. To this end, IBM has committed
a large amount of resources to ensure that Windows NT runs at its best on IBM
The Kirkland Programming Center is one of IBM′s major interfaces to Microsoft.
Located in Kirkland, Washington, the facility is five miles from Microsoft′s
Redmond campus, allowing quick access to the Microsoft team.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 1
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
The mission at the Kirkland Center is to adapt Microsoft′s products to IBM
hardware to satisfy customer requirements. This requires early involvement in
the design cycle, timely adaptation and porting, development of complimentary
software and drivers, extensive testing, and performance monitoring. The close
working relationship to Microsoft, both physical and personal, allows this to
happen. Kirkland has direct, high-speed data links to Microsoft that allow for
instant access to key databases residing on Microsoft Servers.
The center′s development and test teams are responsible for the porting efforts,
as well as developing and testing new software, drivers, and HALs (hardware
abstraction layers). The Kirkland technical support people help IBM′s marketing
and sales teams, and our defect support team provides Level 3 support to IBM′s
Help Centers around the world.
IBM has been a certified Microsoft Solution Provider since 1994, and was actively
involved in the early development of Windows NT Server 4.0. IBM is also
formalizing technical management and hardware compatibility arrangements
with Microsoft to speed the development of open solutions.
IBM became a certified Microsoft Compatibility Laboratory site for Windows NT
in April, 1996. Because we can perform our own Windows-logo certifications, we
can bring products to market sooner - and with far fewer system compatibility
problems. IBM is also one of eight companies world-wide to participate in the
Microsoft OEM Technical Management Program.
IBM PC Company is enhancing its use of Windows NT on its complete product
line. As well as PC servers, IBM desktop PCs are also certified for Windows NT.
The ThinkPad family provides simply the best mobile support for Windows NT in
the industry. The Aptiva family is anticipating Windows NT by moving device
drivers to the Windows Driver Model, to ensure portability between Windows 95
and Windows NT.
IBM software is also being written for or ported to Windows NT across the board.
Some software, such as the ServeRAID SCSI RAID adapter online management
tool runs on Windows NT and Windows 95. Most of IBM software development
teams that write code for the PC platform have or have plans for running their
applications and server code to run on Windows NT. This shows the
commitment IBM has to the operating system.
1.3 IBM PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
This redbook should help you install NT 4.0 on your IBM PC Server and provide
assistance with the monitoring of its performance in your production
environment and tune it to maximize the potential of your IT investment.
The following chapter discusses the configuration of the hardware itself, though
the use of SCSI and RAID utilities, CMOS setups and reference partitions.
Chapter 3 through Chapter 5 describe the process of installing Windows NT
Server 4.0 both with ServerGuide 3.0 and without.
Finally, Windows NT′s Performance Monitor and TME 10 NetFinity are then
discussed. We describe how to use them to monitor and tune the performance
of your server.
2PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Chapter 2.Hardware Configuration
This chapter focuses on the setup and configuration of your IBM PC Server
hardware. The most common tasks are presented here. For more information
about these tasks, please see the user guides that came with your system.
The different technologies used to implement the PC Server family require
different methods for configuration. Unfortunately, there is no one common
configuration program that can be run on a machine to completely configure it.
In most cases, multiple programs will need to run in order to complete this
This chapter gives instructions on using the various configuration programs and
when to use each one. There are some model dependencies, however. If you
see differences between what you see on your machine and what is documented
here, consult the user guides that comes with the system.
The configuration programs and a brief explanation of each are listed below:
BIOS setup
This program is used to configure system options on PCI/EISA/ISA machines.
The system options include such things as diskette and hard disk options,
video subsystem, and system memory.
EISA configuration utility
This utility is used to configure I/O adapters on machines with an EISA bus.
SCSISelect Utility
This utility allows you to configure the SCSI subsystem on PCI/EISA/ISA
machines. RAID subsystems are usually handled separately.
System Partition programs
These programs allow you to configure system options, I/O adapters, and the
SCSI subsystem on Micro Channel machines. They are either on the
reference partition of the server′s hard disk, or on a reference diskette, or a
combination of both.
RAID utility
This utility allows you to configure the RAID subsystem on machines
equipped with a RAID adapter.
These configuration programs are updated from time to time. The latest
versions can be found on IBM PC Company′s web site. Refer to Appendix A,
“Sources of Drivers and Information” on page 147 for more information.
2.1 The BIOS Setup Program
The setup program is used to configure system options on ISA and EISA
machines. The system options include such things as diskette and hard disk
options, video subsystem, and system memory. These parameters are
controlled by system BIOS and, hence, need to be modified before the operating
system boots.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 3
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
For this redbook, we have used the PC Server 330 for the screen shots and
descriptions. The BIOS in this machine is indicative of the current range of PC
Servers from IBM.
To access the setup program:
1. Turn on the server and watch the screen for the blue IBM logo to appear.
2. When prompted, press the F1 key
3. Follow the instructions on the panel to view or change the configuration as
described below.
4. To exit the setup program, select Exit Setup from the main menu.
When you successfully enter the BIOS setup program, the main menu appears,
shown in Figure 1 for the PC Server 330:
IBM SurePath Setup - (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996
│ Configuration/Setup Utility │
│ • System Summary│
│ • System Information│
│ • Devices and I/O Ports│
│ • Date and Time│
│ • Alarm/Wakeup Settings│
│ • System Security│
│ • Start Options│
│ • Advanced Setup│
│ Save Settings│
│ Restore Settings│
│ Load Default Settings│
│ Exit Setup│
<F1> Help<><> Move
Figure 1. BIOS Setup Program - Main Menu (PC Server 330)
<Esc> Exit<Enter> Select
Each menu option is described below. System Summary
Selecting this option shows you a read-only summary of your server. Some of
these line items are changeable using other main menu options.
On our test server, we see it is a Server 330 (machine type/model 8640-ESS) with
a serial number 23LG592, and a BIOS level RAET27AUS dated 11/18/96. This
information is required by IBM Service if you need to place a service call on
your machine. The machine type/model and serial number should match the
numbers printed on the bottom of the front of your server.
Selecting PCI Routing shows you the following information.
│PCI Routing│
│Planar SCSI INT_Ais Routed to IRQ11 │
│Planar Ethernet INT_A is Routed to IRQ10 ││
│PCI Slot 1 INT_Ais not Routed││
│PCI Slot 1 INT_Bis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 1 INT_Cis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 1 INT_Dis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 2 INT_Ais not Routed││
│PCI Slot 2 INT_Bis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 2 INT_Cis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 2 INT_Dis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 3 INT_Ais not Routed││
│PCI Slot 3 INT_Bis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 3 INT_Cis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 3 INT_Dis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 4 INT_Ais not Routed││
│PCI Slot 4 INT_Bis not Routed││
│PCI Slot 4 INT_Cis not Routed│
This window indicates the IRQs to which the PCI interrupts are routed to. It is a
scrollable window. Devices and I/O Ports
This option from the main menu gives you the ability to change the details of
your ports and diskette drives.
Chapter 2. Hardware Configuration5
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
│Devices and I/O Ports│
│ Serial Port A Address[3F8h-IRQ 4]│
│ Serial Port B Address[2F8h-IRQ 3]│
│ Infrared[Disabled]│
│ Infrared DMA[Disabled]│
│ Parallel Port[3BCh-IRQ 7]│
│ Parallel Port Mode[Standard]│
│ Parallel Port Extended Mode []│
│ Mouse[Installed] │
│ Diskette Drive A:[1.44 MB 3.5″ ] │
│ Diskette Drive B:[Not installed] │
You can specify the I/O address and IRQ for the two COM: ports on your server,
the I/O address of the Infrared port (if your PC Server has one, like the Server
330) and the address and type of parallel port (standard, bidirectional, EPP/ECP). Alarm/Wakeup Settings
With this option, you can configure your server to automatically start at a set
time up to one month in advance.
│Alarm/Wakeup Settings│
│If you enable a choice on this menu and save│
│the settings, the server will be halted and│
│must be powered off. The Wakeup choices are│
│disabled when the server is restarted.│
│Wakeup Timer[Disabled] │
│Wakeup Date[10]│
│Wakeup Time[00:00:00]│
│Wakeup on Ring[Disabled]│
Note: This setting is to start the server one time only. You cannot use it to start
multiple times. Once you set this option, you must power off the server. If you
manually power the server back on, the wakeup options will be disabled, and
you will need to reset them. System Security
From here, you can specify a power-on password (POP) and an administrator
Selecting Power-on Password lets you set change or delete the POP. You can
also specify if a prompt for the POP (if it is set) will appear at boot time.
If the POP is set and you specify On for Password Prompt, the server will not
boot until you enter the password. If you specify Off, the system will boot with
the keyboard locked and user input will be ignored until the POP is entered.
You can specify the state of NumLock at boot time, and the repeat rate of the
keyboard. You can also specify whether the server can be started with or
without a keyboard.
This window also lets you specify the order in which devices in your system are
checked for bootable media. You can specify diskette drives, hard drives or
network adapter (some systems also allow the CD-ROM to be bootable).
You can also specify if built-in virus detection is enabled at boot time, and if you
want Quick or Enhanced POST.
Chapter 2. Hardware Configuration7
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only. Advanced Setup
Selecting this menu choice shows you this window:
│Advanced Setup│
│Items on the following menus control advanced hardware features. │
│If they are configured incorrectly, the system might│
│ • Cache Control│
│ • ROM Shadowing│
│ • PCI Bus Control│
Figure 2. BIOS Advanced Setup
Selecting Cache Control gives you the following window:
Here, you can enable or disable the L2 cache, specify whether the cache is
write-back or write-through, and view the amount of cache that is installed in
your server.
You can also specify if Video BIOS (C0000h - C7000h), Video Buffer (B0000h BFFFFh) is cached into main memory. You can also enable whether you can to
cache (shadow) ROM areas. If you enable this, you can specify which
components of ROM you wish to shadow in ROM Shadowing on the Advanced
Setup menu (Figure 2). Doing so enhances system performance.
The ROM Shadowing option gives you the following choices:
Here, you can specify which components of ROM you wish to cache in main
Note: If the address range is used for an adapter card buffer, do not enable
Selecting PCI Bus Control shows you the following panel.
8PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
│PCI Bus Control│
│PCI Data Parity NMI[Enabled ] │
│CPU-PCI Write Buffers [Disabled] │
│SCSI ROM Address[C8000] │
│PCI Primary Bus MLT[30h]│
│PCI Secondary Bus MLT [90h]│
│ • PCI Interrupt Requests│
PCI Data Parity NMI enables the generation of a non-maskable interrupt when a
PCI data parity error occurs. CPU-PCI Write Buffers enables the CPU to PCI
write posting. SCSI ROM Address lets you specify the I/O address of the
server′s imbedded SCSI controller. The PCI Master Latency Timer values can
be set for both the primary and secondary buses.
2.1.2 BI OS Updates
The BIOS of PCI/EISA servers are located in a flash ROM on the motherboard. If
necessary, it can be updated with a new version that can be obtained from the
For more information on how to obtain BIOS updates, please refer to
Appendix A, “Sources of Drivers and Information” on page 147.
2.2 EISA Configuration Utility
This utility is used when you add or remove an ISA or EISA adapter. We use an
example to illustrate the process. In our example, we add an Auto Token-Ring
16/4 ISA adapter in slot 3 of a PC Server 320. The steps to complete the process
are as follows:
1. Boot with the EISA configuration utility diskette.
2. Answer Y to the following question:
Do you want to configure your system now [Y,N]?
3. The welcome panel will appear. Press Enter to continue. A panel similar to
the one in Figure 3 on page 10 will then appear.
Chapter 2. Hardware Configuration9
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Steps in configuring your computer
Step 1 : Important EISA configuration information
Step 2 : Add or remove boards
Step 3 : View or edit details
Step 4 : Examine switches or print report
Step 5 : Save and Exit
Figure 3. EISA Configuration Utility - Steps
EISA Configuration UtilityHelp=F1
If you are not familiar with the ISA and EISA cards, you can read the
information in step 1; otherwise, you can skip to step 2.
A panel similar to the one in Figure 4 will appear.
Listed are the boards and options detected in your computer.
. Press INSERT to add the boards or options which could not
be detected or which you plan to install
. Press DEL to remove the highlighted board from your configuration
. Press F7 to move the highlighted board to another slot
. Press F10 when you have completed the step
System IBM Dual Pentium PCI EISA System Board
Slot 1IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter
Slot 2(Empty)
Slot 3(Empty)
Slot 4(Empty)
Slot 5(Empty)
Slot 6(Empty)
EmbeddedPCI SCSI Controller
EISA Configuration UtilityHelp=F1
Figure 4. EISA Configuration Utility - Adding or Removing Boards
10PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
EISA Configuration Diskettes
EISA adapters are shipped with a diskette that contains a configuration
file (a .CFG file) that the EISA configuration utility needs so that it knows
what parameters are available for the adapter. This .CFG file should be
copied to the EISA configuration diskette. If the file has been copied to
the diskette, the EISA adapter is added automatically.
If you have not copied the .CFG file, you will be prompted to insert the
adapter′s configuration diskette into the diskette drive during this process
and the .CFG file will be copied to your diskette.
Our token-ring adapter is recognized but not in the correct slot. This is
because it is not possible for EISA systems to determine what slot ISA
adapters are in. So we must tell the system what slot it is in by
adapter to the correct slot.
4. To move the ISA adapter to the correct slot:
a. With the arrow key, select the desired adapter.
b. Press F7. A Move Confirmation panel appears:
┌─────────────────── Move Confirmation ────────────────┐
│ Board Name:IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter │
│ OK=ENTER<Cancel=ESC>│
c. Select OK.
d. With the arrow key, select the destination slot and press Enter.
e. Press F10 to return to the EISA Configuration menu.
5. View or edit details
After adding EISA or ISA adapters, you will often need to view and/or edit the
settings for the adapter. To view or edit an adapter′s details:
a. From the Main menu, select Step 3: View or edit details with the arrow
b. Press Enter to view configuration details. You will see a panel similar to
that shown in Figure 5.
┌───────────────────── Step 3: View or edit details ──────────────────────┐
│ Press Enter to edit the functions of the highlighted item.│
│ Press F6 to edit its resources (IRQs, DMAs, I/O ports, or memory).│
│ Press F10 when you have finished this step.│
│ System - IBM Dual Pentium PCI-EISA System Board│
│System Base Memory................... 640K Base Memory│
│Total System Memory.................. 16MB Total Memory│
│Memory Gap between 15-16Megs......... Memory Gap Enabled│
│ System Board I/O Resource allocation│
│Serial Port A........................ COM1 or COM3 - Enabled│
│Serial Port B........................ COM2 or COM4 - Enabled│
│Parallel Port........................ Parallel Port LPT1 - Enabled│
Use the Edit Resources option to change interrupt request levels, I/O
addresses and other parameters whose settings may need to be changed to
avoid conflicts with other devices.
Sometimes changing a setting during this step requires you to change a
switch or jumper setting on the system board or on an adapter.
When finished, press F10 to exit and return to the EISA Configuration menu.
6. Examine switches or print report
You can use this option to display the correct switch and jumper settings for
the installed devices that have switches and jumpers. You can also choose
to print a system configuration report. To do this:
a. Use the arrow key to select Step 4 and press Enter.
b. Select the board(s) marked with an arrow and press Enter.
c. The necessary switch/jumpers settings are displayed in a panel similar
d. Press F7 if you want to print configuration settings. You can print:
Settings for selected board or option
Settings for selected board or option to a file
All configuration settings
All configuration settings to a file
e. When finished, press F10 to return to the Configuration menu.
7. Select Step 5 and press Enter to save your configuration.
2.3 SCSISelect Utility Program
This utility is used on PCI/EISA models of the IBM PC Server line and lets you
configure the non-RAID SCSI controller. For instruction on how to configure the
RAID controller see 2.5, “RAID Adapter Utilities” on page 36.
Specifically, SCSISelect allows you to do the following:
View and modify parameters for the SCSI controller
View and modify parameters of SCSI devices
Perform low-level formatting of attached SCSI hard disks
To access the SCSISelect Utility Program, do the following:
12PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
1. Turn on the server and watch the screen.
2. When the message
A panel similar to the one in Figure 7 will appear.
┌────────── Adapter AIC-7880 Ultra/Ultra W at Bus:Device 01:04h ──────────────┐
│Would you like to configure the host adapter, or run the│
│SCSI disk utilities? Select the option and press <Enter>│
│Press <F5> to switch between color and monochrome modes│
│┌───────────── Options ────────────────┐│
││ Configure/View Host Adapter Settings ││
││SCSI Disk Utilities││
Figure 7. IBM PC Server SCSISelect Utility Program - Main Menu
Press <Ctrl><A> appears, press Ctrl and A
Press Enter to go to the Configure/View Host Adapter Settings option.
A panel similar to the one in Figure 8 will appear.
Figure 8. IBM PC Server SCSISelect Utility Program - Host Adapter Settings
The fields on this panel are described as follows:
1 SCSI Parity Checking
Select this option to enable or disable SCSI Parity Checking on the host
adapter. If enabled, the host adapter will check parity when reading from
the SCSI bus to verify the correct transmission of data from your SCSI
devices. SCSI Parity Checking should be disabled if any attached SCSI
device does not support SCSI parity. Most currently available SCSI devices
do support SCSI parity.
Chapter 2. Hardware Configuration13
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
2 Host Adapter SCSI Termination
All SCSI interfaces use daisy-chained cabling. The cable starts at the
adapter and goes to the first device, and then out of that device to the next
device and so on until it reaches the last device in the chain. The last
device has an incoming cable and a
absorb potential signal reflections on the SCSI bus that would cause
interference. The last device on the bus must always be terminated.
The SCSI-2 Fast/Wide PCI adapter that came with the PCI/EISA server has
three connectors that can be the starting points for a daisy-chained cable:
one 8-bit, 50-pin (SCSI-I) internal connector, one 16-bit, 68-pin (SCSI-II Wide)
internal cable connector, plus another 16-bit, 68-pin external connector. The
adapter has built-in terminators on these connectors.
The setting for the Host Adapter SCSI termination needs to be configured
depending on which connectors are used. This option is comprised of two
entries, a low and a high. You can think of them as software jumpers. Each
entry, low and high, can take on either an on or off value, thereby giving four
possible different combinations of the two entries. The chart below shows
the proper values of these entries depending upon which connectors have
been used.
. The terminators are used to
Only two of the three connectors can be used, either the two internal or
one internal and one external.
Table 1. Host Adapter SCSI Termination Parameter
16-bit (68-pin)
internal connector
8-bit (50-pin)
internal connector
16-bit (68-pin)
After configuring the host adapter, you need to configure the SCSI devices. To
do this, from the panel shown in Figure 8 on page 13:
Use the arrow keys to select SCSI Device Configuration.
Press Enter.
A panel similar to the one in Figure 9 on page 15 will appear.
14PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
┌──────────────────── SCSI Device Configuration ──────────────────────┐
│ SCSI Device ID#0#1#2#3#4#5#6#7│
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ Initiate Sync Negotiation 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes │
│ Max Sync Transfer Rate2 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 │
│ Enable disconnection3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes │
│ Initiate Wide negotiation 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes │
│ ──── Options listed below have NO EFFECT if the BIOS is disabled ──── │
│ Send start unit command5 NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo│
│ Include in BIOS Scan6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes │
│ SCSI Device ID#8#9#10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 │
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ Initiate Sync NegotiationYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes │
│ Max Sync Transfer Rate10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 │
│ Enable disconnectionYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes │
│ Initiate Wide negotiationYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes │
│ ──── Options listed below have NO EFFECT if the BIOS is disabled ──── │
│ Send start unit commandNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo│
│ Include in BIOS ScanYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes │
Figure 9. PC Server 320 SCSISelect Utility Program - SCSI Device Configuration
To modify settings on this panel:
Use the arrow keys to select the parameter to modify.
Press Enter to edit the value.
Use the arrow keys to select the new value or press Esc to quit.
Press Enter to validate the new value.
The fields in this panel are described below:
1 Initiate Sync Negotiation
The host adapter always responds to synchronous negotiation if the SCSI
device initiates it. However, when this field is set to Yes, the host adapter
will initiate synchronous negotiation with the SCSI device.
Some older SCSI-1 devices do not support synchronous negotiation. Set
Initiate Sync Negotiation for these devices to avoid malfunction.
2 Maximum Sync Transfer Rate
The default value is 10.0 MBps for SCSI-II Fast devices. If you are using
SCSI-II Fast/Wide devices, the effective maximum transfer rate is 20.0 MBps.
Older SCSI-1 devices do not support fast data transfer rates. If the transfer
rate is set too high, this may cause your server to operate erratically or
even hang. Select 5.0 Mbps for any SCSI-I devices.
3 Enable Disconnection
This option determines whether the host adapter allows a SCSI device to
disconnect from the SCSI bus (also known as the Disconnect/Reconnect
You should leave the option set to Yes if two or more SCSI devices are
connected to optimize bus performance. If only one SCSI device is
connected, set Enable Disconnection to No to achieve better performance.
4 Send Start Unit Command
Enabling this option reduces the load on your server′s power supply by
allowing the SCSI devices to power-up one at a time when you boot the
server. Otherwise, the devices all power-up at the same time.
Chapter 2. Hardware Configuration15
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
The SCSI-2 Fast and Wide Adapters issue the start unit command to each
drive one at a time. The SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Streaming RAID adapter issues
the start unit command to two drives at a time.
In order to take advantage of this option, verify that the autostart jumpers
have been removed on hard drives. Otherwise, the drives will spin up
twice: once at Power on Reset (POR) time and again when the adapter
sends the start unit command.
5 Include in BIOS SCAN
This option determines whether the host adapter BIOS supports devices
attached to the SCSI bus without the need for device driver software. When
set to Yes, the host adapter BIOS controls the SCSI device. When set to No,
the host adapter BIOS does not search the SCSI ID.
1. The Send start unit and Include in BIOS Scan options have no effect if BIOS
is disabled in the Advanced Configuration Options panel (see Figure 10).
2. Disabling the host adapter BIOS frees up 8-10 KB memory address space
and can shorten boot-up time, but you should only disable this option if the
peripherals on the SCSI bus are all controlled by device drivers and do not
need the BIOS (for example, a CD-ROM).
After completing the device configuration, there are a few more parameters that
need to be configured. To do this:
Press ESC to quit the SCSI Device Configuration menu.
Use the arrow keys to select the Advanced Configuration Options menu.
Press Enter.
A panel similar to the one in Figure 10 will appear.
┌───────────────────── Advanced Configuration Options ────────────────────────┐
│ Reset SCSI Bus at IC InitializationEnabled│
│─── Options listed below have NO EFFECT if the BIOS is disabled──────────────│
│ Host Adapter BIOS (configuration utility reserves BIOS space)Enabled│
│ Support Removable disks under BIOS as Fixed DisksBoot only │
│ Extended BIOS translation for DOS drives > 1 GByteEnabled│
│ Display <Ctrl-A> message during BIOS initializationEnabled│
│ Multiple LUN supportDisabled│
│ BIOS support for bootable CD-ROMEnabled│
│ BIOS support for Int13 ExtensionsEnabled│
│ Support for Ultra SCSI speedEnabled│
Figure 10. PC Server 320 SCSISelect Utility Program - Advanced Configuration
To modify the settings on this panel:
16PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
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Use the arrow keys to select the parameter to modify.
Press Enter to edit the parameter.
Use the arrow keys to select the new value or press Esc to quit.
Press Enter to validate the new value.
When finished:
Press Esc to quit the SCSI Advanced Configuration options menu.
Press Esc to quit the Configuration menu.
Use the arrow keys to select the SCSI Disk Utilities.
Press Enter.
A panel similar to the one in Figure 11 will appear.
┌──────────────── Select SCSI ID Disk and Press <Enter> ──────────────┐
│ SCSI ID #0 : IBMDPES-31080│
│ SCSI ID #1 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #2 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #3 : IBMCDRM 00203│
│ SCSI ID #4 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #5 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #6 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #7 : AHA-2940/AHA-2940W│
│ SCSI ID #8 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #9 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #10 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #11 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #12 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #13 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #14 : No device│
│ SCSI ID #15 : No device│
Figure 11. PC Server 320 SCSISelect Utility Program - DASD Information
This panel shows the devices that are attached to the adapter and their SCSI
IDs. I t will also allow you to perform a low-level format of the disk or to scan it
for media defects if desired. To do this:
Use the arrow keys to select the DASD to format.
Follow the directions on the panel.
When finished:
Press Esc to quit the SCSI disk utility.
Select Yes to confirm.
You have now completed the SCSI subsystem configuration.
Don′t forget to save changes before you exit.
2.4 System Partition Programs
If you have a PCI/MCA machine, you will run the system programs. The system
programs are a set of utility programs you can use to configure the SCSI
subsystem, system options, and I/O adapters. Also, you can use them to set
passwords, change the date and time, and test the server. In effect, they are the
equivalent of Setup, EISA Configuration and SCSISelect for a PCI/EISA machine.
Chapter 2. Hardware Configuration17
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
These programs are obtainable in several ways:
Shipped with the server on two diskettes called the reference diskette and
the diagnostic diskette.
Created from images for these diskettes on the ServerGuide CD-ROM that is
shipped with the system.
On the system partition of the machine.
Non-array systems are shipped with the system programs already installed
in a protected area of the hard disk called the system partition. The system
partition is protected against operating-system read, write, and format
operations to guard against accidental erasure or modification. Disk-array
systems do not have a system partition.
You can start the system programs in one of two ways:
1. Boot using the system partition.
2. Boot using reference diskette.
The system partition should be used if available. The reference diskette is
normally used to:
Configure and test disk-array models (since there is no system partition).
Test non-array models if you cannot start the system programs from the
system partition.
Reconstruct the programs on the system partition of a non-array model when
you replace the hard disk drive or if the programs are damaged.
To install the DOS keyboard-password program and other stand-alone utility
programs. Starting from the System Partition
To start the system programs from the system partition:
1. Turn off the server.
2. Remove all media (diskettes, CD-ROMs, or tapes) from all drives.
3. Turn on the server. The IBM logo appears on the panel.
4. When the F1 prompt appears, press F1. A second IBM logo panel appears,
followed by the system programs Main Menu. The Main Menu is shown in
Figure 12 on page 19.
To select an option:
1. Use the up arrow key or down arrow key to highlight a choice.
2. Press Enter. Starting from the Reference Diskette
To start the system programs from the reference diskette:
1. Turn off the server.
2. Insert the reference diskette into your diskette drive.
3. Turn on the system.
After a few moments, the system programs Main Menu appears. It will look
similar to the one in Figure 12 on page 19.
To select an option:
18PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
1. Use the up arrow key or down arrow key to highlight a choice.
2. Press Enter. Main Menu Options
Regardless of whether you started the system programs by booting from the
system partition or from the reference diskette, the main menu similar to
Figure 12 will be displayed.
Select one:
1. Start Operating System1
2. Backup/Restore system programs 2
3. Update system programs3
4. Set configuration4
5. Set Features5
6. Copy an option diskette6
7. Test the computer7
8. More utilities8
Figure 12. System Programs - Main Menu
Main Menu
The following are the options available on the Main Menu:
1 Start Operating System
Exits from the system programs and loads the operating system.
2 Backup/Restore system programs
Makes a backup copy of the system programs from the hard disk to diskette
or restores the system programs from the diskette to hard disk.
3 Update system programs
Periodically, updated versions of the reference diskette and diagnostic
diskette are made available. This option copies a new version of the system
programs to the system partition. This option does not apply to disk-array
This utility will only install system programs that are a later version than
the ones already installed on the system partition.
Chapter 2. Hardware Configuration19
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
4 Set configuration
This option contains programs used to view, change, back up, or restore the
configuration information. It also contains the Automatic Configuration
The configuration information consists of:
Installed system options
Memory size
Adapter locations and assignments
SCSI subsystem parameters
5 Set Features
This option allows you to set system parameters such as date and time, type
of console, startup sequence, fast startup mode, and passwords.
6 Copy an options diskette
Micro Channel machines use configuration files called adapter descriptor
files (.ADF files) in order to know what parameters and values are available
for the adapter. This option copies configuration and diagnostic files from
an option diskette to the system partition or to the backup copy of the
system programs diskettes. The server needs these files to make the new
options operational.
This utility will prompt you for both the reference diskette and the
diagnostic diskette so that the proper programs can be copied from the
adapter option diskette to these diskettes. Make sure that you have
copies of both diskettes before you select this utility. These diskettes
can be obtained from Diskette Factory on the ServerGuide CD.
7 Test the computer
Run diagnostics on the system hardware. These tests show if the hardware
is working properly. If a hardware problem is detected, an error message
appears explaining the cause of the problem and the action to take.
8 More utilities
This option is a set of utilities that displays information which is helpful when
service is required. Revision levels and the system error log are some of
the utilities available in this option. Backup/Restore System Programs Menu
When you select this option from the Main Menu, a panel like the one in
Figure 13 on page 21 will appear.
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