IBM SC41-5420-04 User Manual

TCP/IP Configuration and Reference
Version 5
TCP/IP Configuration and Reference
Version 5
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in “Notices” on page 93.
This edition replaces SC41-5420-03. This edition applies only to reduced instruction set computer (RISC) systems.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997, 2001. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


About TCP/IP Configuration and
Reference (SC41-5420) ........v
Prerequisite and related information . . vii
How to send your comments .....ix
Summary of changes .........xi
Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP .....1
What you need to know before you can configure
TCP/IP ................1
Planning for TCP/IP Installation and Configuration . 2
Gathering Information About your Network . . . 2
TCP/IP Planning Checklists .........3
Line Description Parameters Checklist .....3
Local TCP/IP Host Information Checklist....4
Installing the TCP/IP Application Programs ....5
Using the TCP/IP Administration Menu .....6
Using the Configure TCP/IP Menu .......7
Configuring TCP/IP using the EZ-Setup Wizard . . 9 Configuring TCP/IP using the Command Line
Interface ................9
Step 1Configuring a Line Description ....10
Step 2Configuring a TCP/IP Interface ....10
Step 3Configuring TCP/IP Routes .....12
Step 4Configuring TCP/IP attributes ....16
Step 5Configuring TCP/IP Remote System
Step 6Configuring TCP/IP Host Table Entries 18
Adding an Entry to the Host Table ....18
Work with TCP/IP Host Table Display . . . 19
AnyNet/400: APPC over TCP/IP .....22
Step 7Configuring the Local Domain and Host
Domain Name System (DNS) Server ....23
Step 8Starting TCP/IP and TCP/IP Servers . . 24
TCP/IP Jobs ............25
End TCP/IP (ENDTCP) .......26
Step 9Verifying the TCP/IP Connection . . . 26 Verifying Additional TCP/IP Connections . . . 27
Verifying TCP/IP Connections with Host
Verifying TCP/IP Connections with Internet
AddressExample ..........30
Step 10Saving Your TCP/IP Configuration . . 30
Chapter 2. TCP/IP: Operation, Management, and Advanced Topics . . 33
Work with TCP/IP Network Status Menu . . . 33
Work with TCP/IP Interface Status .....34
Starting TCP/IP Interfaces .......35
Ending TCP/IP Interfaces .......36
Route-to-Interface Binding ......36
Display TCP/IP Route Information .....37
Work with TCP/IP Connection Status ....38
Ending TCP/IP Connections.......40
Displaying TCP/IP Network Status Information 42
Display Multicast Groups........42
Displaying TCP/IP Interfaces ......43
Displaying Route Details Option .....45
Displaying TCP/IP Route Information . . . 46
Displaying TCP/IP Connections .....48
Displaying Connection Totals ......49
TCP/IP Host Tables ...........50
Managing TCP/IP Host Tables ........51
Host Table Information with *AIX Files . . . 51
Host Table Information with *NIC Files . . . 51
Host Table Information with *AS400 Files . . 52
Merging TCP/IP Host Tables .......52
Example: Successful Host Table Merge . . . 53
Example: Partly Successful Host Table Merge 53 Managing the Host Table from a Central Site . . 53
Step 1Create the Host Table on Your Central
System ..............53
Step 2Start FTP to a Remote System . . . 53
Step 3Tell FTP to Send the Host File to the
Remote System ...........53
Step 4MergetheFile ........54
IP Routing and Internet Control Message Protocol
(ICMP) Redirecting ............54
Dead Gateway Processing .........55
Negative Advice from TCP or the Data Link
Layer ...............55
How IP Responds to Negative Advice ....56
Multihoming Function...........56
Example: A Single Host on a Network over a
Example: Multiple Hosts on the Same Network
Example: Multiple Hosts on the Same Network
over Multiple Communications Lines.....57
Example: Multiple Hosts on Different Networks
Example: Multiple Hosts on Different Networks
over Multiple Communications Lines.....58
Example: The Multihoming function ......59
TOS Example ............61
Multiple Routes ............61
TCP/IP Port Restriction ..........62
Configuring TCP/IP Port Restrictions ....63
Using X.25 PVC instead of SVC .......67
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001 iii
IP Multicasting .............68
Multicast Application Programming Information 68
Multicast Restrictions ..........68
Chapter 3. TCP/IP Performance ....71
*BASE Pool Size .............71
TCP/IP Jobs ..............71
TCP/IP Protocol Support Provided by IOP ....71
Merge Host Table Performance ........73
Running TCP/IP Only: Performance Considerations 73
Appendix A. Configuring a Physical
Line for TCP/IP Communication ....75
ConfigurationSteps ...........76
Creating the Line Description .......76
Line Description Name ........76
Source Service Access Point .......76
Setting the Maximum Transmission Unit . . . 77 Determining the Maximum Size of Datagrams. . 77
Appendix B. TCP/IP Application Exit
Points and Programs ........79
TCP/IP Exit Points and Exit Programs .....79
OS/400 Registration Facility .........80
TCP/IP Application Exit Points........80
Adding Your Exit Program to the Registration
Facility ...............81
Step 1. Select your exit point ......82
Step 2: Select the Add Exit Program option . . 83
Step 3: Add your exit program ......83
Exit Point Interfaces for TCP/IP Application Exit
TCP/IP Application Request Validation Exit
Point Interface ............85
Required Parameter Group .......85
Remote Execution Server Command Processing
Selection Exit Point ...........89
|| || ||
Required Parameter Group .......89
Notices ..............93
Programming Interface Information ......94
Index ...............97
OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1

About TCP/IP Configuration and Reference (SC41-5420)

This book contains information about configuring Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and operating and managing your network. Most topics have been moved to the Information Center.
Note: This book contains links to various topics within the Information Center and
to references outside the Information Center. The URL addresses for these links are current for V5R1.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001 v
vi OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1

Prerequisite and related information

Use the iSeries Information Center as your starting point for looking up iSeries and AS/400e technical information. You can access the Information Center two ways:
v From the following Web site:
v From CD-ROMs that ship with your Operating System/400 order:
iSeries Information Center, SK3T-4091-00. This package also includes the PDF versions of iSeries manuals, iSeries Information Center: Supplemental Manuals, SK3T-4092-00, which replaces the Softcopy Library CD-ROM.
The iSeries Information Center contains advisors and important topics such as CL commands, system application programming interfaces (APIs), logical partitions, clustering, Java links to related IBM the Technical Studio and the IBM home page.
With every new hardware order, you receive the following CD-ROM information:
v iSeries 400 Installation and Service Library, SK3T-4096-00. This CD-ROM contains
PDF manuals needed for installation and system maintenance of an IBM ~ iSeries 400 server.
v iSeries 400 Setup and Operations CD-ROM, SK3T-4098-00. This CD-ROM contains
IBM iSeries Client Access Express for Windows and the EZ-Setup wizard. Client Access connecting PCs to iSeries servers. The EZ-Setup wizard automates many of the iSeries setup tasks.
, TCP/IP, Web serving, and secured networks. It also includes
Redbooks and Internet links to other IBM Web sites such as
Express offers a powerful set of client and server capabilities for

Operations Navigator

IBM iSeries Operations Navigator is a powerful graphical interface for managing your iSeries and AS/400e servers. Operations Navigator functionality includes system navigation, configuration, planning capabilities, and online help to guide you through your tasks. Operations Navigator makes operation and administration of the server easier and more productive and is the only user interface to the new, advanced features of the OS/400 operating system. It also includes Management Central for managing multiple servers from a central server.
For more information on Operations Navigator, see the iSeries Information Center.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001 vii
viii OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1

How to send your comments

Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and high-quality information. If you have any comments about this book or any other iSeries documentation, fill out the readerscomment form at the back of this book.
v If you prefer to send comments by mail, use the readerscomment form with the
address that is printed on the back. If you are mailing a readerscomment form from a country other than the United States, you can give the form to the local IBM branch office or IBM representative for postage-paid mailing.
v If you prefer to send comments by FAX, use either of the following numbers:
United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico: 1-800-937-3430
Other countries: 1-507-253-5192
v If you prefer to send comments electronically, use one of these e-mail addresses:
– Comments on books:
– Comments on the iSeries Information Center:
Be sure to include the following:
v The name of the book or iSeries Information Center topic.
v The publication number of a book.
v The page number or topic of a book to which your comment applies.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001 ix
x OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1

Summary of changes

This is the fifth edition of TCP/IP Configuration and Reference.
Most topics from the fourth edition of TCP/IP Configuration and Reference have been moved to the iSeries Information Center. See the iSeries Information Center for information on the following relocated topics:
v Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
v Domain Name Server (DNS)
v Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
v File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
v Line Printer Daemon (LPD)
v Line Printer Requester (LPR)
v Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
v Post Office Protocol (POP)
v Remote Execution (REXEC)
v Route Daemon (RouteD)
v Telnet
v Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
v Troubleshooting
v Workstation Gateway Server (WSG)
This edition of TCP/IP Configuration and Reference retains basic information on configuring Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and operating and managing the network.
New features in this edition include the EZ Setup Wizard as the preferred method for configuring TCP/IP on the iSeries and the addition of links to supplementary information in the iSeries Information Center and on the World Wide Web.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001 xi
xii OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1

Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP

This chapter explains how to configure an iSeries 400®server for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). If this is the first time that you have configured TCP/IP on an iSeries, you should read the entire chapter before performing any of the configuration tasks.
If you are unfamiliar with TCP/IP, see TCP/IP ( rzahgictcp2.htm) in the Information Center, refer to the Manuals and Redbooks topic, and select IBM redbook TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview as a resource. For a complete formal description of TCP/IP, you can read the Request for Comments (RFC). Or, refer to any of the TCP/IP references that are listed on the RFC Editor Site (

What you need to know before you can configure TCP/IP

Before you start configuring TCP/IP, you must ensure that the TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for AS/400
Installing the TCP/IP Application Programson page 5 for more information.
The iSeries has many commands and menus available to help you configure TCP/IP on the server. Before you begin this task, take time to review the TCP/IP Administration (TCPADM) menu, Figure 1 on page 6, and the Configure TCP/IP (CGFTCP) menu, Figure 2 on page 8.
The initial displays and menus that are shown when you configure TCP/IP on your system may not contain any entries. The sample command line interface displays in this chapter may already contain data, which was entered for the purpose of example in previous configuration steps.
Performing configuration tasks on a single network or even a simple multiple network requires that you do some planning before configuring TCP/IP on any system in that network, including an iSeries. To help you get started with setting up TCP/IP, this chapter includes complete planning details and checklists.
Once you have designed a plan, follow the step-by-step process that is outlined for you in this chapter. Each step guides you through TCP/IP installation and configuration on your system, defines various terms, and describes how these terms relate to TCP/IP.
Using the Operations Navigator interface: After initial setup and configuration, you can customize your TCP/IP through Operations Navigator. Information related to Operations Navigator is located in the online help and on the Operations Navigator ( Web page. See the online help in Operations Navigator for information about the following TCP/IP functions:
v Configuring TCP/IP, including basic functions such as starting and stopping
v Creating a new Ethernet line
v Creating a new token-ring line
v Working with TCP/IP interfaces, including configuring a TCP/IP route
licensed program (LP) is installed on your system. See
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001 1
v Working with TCP/IP host tables, including configuring a TCP/IP host name
and domain name
v Verifying a TCP/IP connection (PING)

Planning for TCP/IP Installation and Configuration

If you are in charge of configuring an iSeries server for TCP/IP communications you will, in most cases, include your server in an existing TCP/IP network. Before you are able to start configuring, you will need to collect all of the required information. Use Table 1 on page 3 and Table 2 on page 4 as checklists to record this information.

Gathering Information About your Network

After collecting the preliminary information about your network, plan the installation and configuration of TCP/IP by using the steps that are listed below:
1. Draw a diagram of your network: A diagram will help you decide how you
want to attach your iSeries server to the other systems in the network. Include data that relates to your network, such as:
v Line description information
v Internet Protocol addresses and domain names
v The number of route entries that are required
Refer to Table 1 on page 3.
2. Identify the names of the systems in your network: For example, do either of
the following:
v Build a local host table.
v Identify a Domain Name System (DNS) server for maintaining host table
3. Install the appropriate hardware and software: You must install the
appropriate hardware adapters in your server if you are going to connect to the following networks:
v X.25 packet-switching
v Frame relay
v Token-ring
v Ethernet
v Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI)
v Shielded twisted pair distributed data interface (SDDI)
v Wireless local area network (LAN)
v Synchronous or asynchronous communications line
v Twinaxial data link support (TDLC)
You also need to make sure that the appropriate software is installed on all the systems. On the iSeries server, the OS/400 licensed program and the TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for iSeries licensed program must be installed.
4. Assign names and Internet addresses: If you are attaching to an existing
network, you need to know the Internet addresses and names used by the other systems.
Depending on the size of your network and its complexities, determine whether a host table or a DNS server is the preferred method for maintaining and updating host name and IP address associations. In this chapter, refer to
2 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1
Step 6Configuring TCP/IP Host Table Entrieson page 18. For information about configuring and using a DNS server, see DNS( rzakkkickoff.htm) in the Information Center. If you are using the Supplemental Manuals CD, then switch to the iSeries Information Center CD to access this information.
5. Obtain X.25 network addresses: If you plan to use TCP/IP on an X.25 private
or public data network, you need to know whether you will be using a switched virtual circuit (SVC) or permanent virtual circuit (PVC).
v To use an SVC, you need to know the network address of each remote
system in the network with which you want to communicate.
v To use a PVC, you need to know the related logical channel identifier. You
can have a network address or a permanent virtual circuit, but not both, for a remote system information entry.
If a remote system is an iSeries, you can determine its network address by using the Display Line Description (DSPLIND) command on that remote system.
6. Familiarize yourself with the TCP/IP Administration Menu: The TCP/IP
Administration menu (Figure 1 on page 6) provides easy access to common functions associated with administering TCP/IP.
To get to this menu, enter the GO TCPADM command from the iSeries Main Menu.
7. Familiarize yourself with the Configure TCP/IP Menu: The Configure TCP/IP
menu (Figure 2 on page 8) guides you through all the tasks for configuring your server to communicate with other systems in a TCP/IP network.
You can reach this menu in two ways:
v Select option 1 on the TCPADM menu.
v Enter the Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP) command.

TCP/IP Planning Checklists

The following checklists (Table 1 and Table 2 on page 4) can help you prepare for the installation and configuration of TCP/IP on your network
v Line description parameters
v Local TCP/IP host information

Line Description Parameters Checklist

Table 1. Line Description Parameters
Resource name R R R R R R R
Local adapter address O O O O
Speed O OOOO O O
SSAP (session services access point)
Maximumframesize O O OOOO O O
Local manager mode O
Attached non-switched NWI name
Data link connection ID R
Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP 3
Table 1. Line Description Parameters (continued)
Network controller R
Connection type R
Logical channel identifier
Logical channel type R
PVC (permanent virtual circuit) controller
Local network address R
Physical interface type O
Packet size O
Window size O
Attached workstation controller
R means the parameter is required
O means OS/400 suggests a default value

Local TCP/IP Host Information Checklist

Table 2. Local TCP/IP Host Information
Interfaces to Local TCP/IP Networks
Interface #1 Interface #2 Interface #3
Internet address
Line description name
Subnet mask
Interface MTU
Local host name
Local domain name
Domain name server (Internet address)
Default route/next hop (Internet address)
IP datagram forwarding (yes or no)
Explicit Routes to Remote TCP/IP Networks
Route #1 Route #2 Route #3
Internet address
Subnet mask
Next hop (Internet address)
MTU size
Local Host Table Entries: Remote TCP/IP Hosts
Internet address Host Name #1 Host Name #2 Host Name #3
4 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1
Table 2. Local TCP/IP Host Information (continued)
X.25 / Remote System Information
Host #1 Host #2 Host #3
Internet address
X.25 network address
PVC channel ID
Packet or window size
Once you have documented configuration information, you are ready to install the TCP/IP program on your server. The information in the section that follows will help you do that. See Installing the TCP/IP Application Programs.

Installing the TCP/IP Application Programs

To determine whether the TCP/IP LP is already installed, enter GO LICPGM (Go Licensed Program) on the command line and then select Option 10 to display the installed licensed programs. If the TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities LP is not installed on your system, continue by following the instructions in this section to perform the installation.
Installing TCP/IP on your iSeries server allows you to connect an iSeries to a network.
Perform the following steps to install TCP/IP on your server:
1. Insert your installation media for TCP/IP into your server. If your installation
media is a CD-ROM, insert it into your optical device. If your installation media is a tape, insert it into your tape drive.
2. Type GO LICPGM at the command prompt and press Enter to access the Work with Licensed Programs display.
3. Select option 11 (Install licensed programs) on the Work with Licensed Programs display to see a list of licensed programs and optional parts of
licensed programs.
4. Type 1 in the option column next to 5769TC1 TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for AS/400 licensed program. The Confirm Licensed Programs to Install display
shows the licensed program you selected to install. Press Enter to confirm.
5. Fill in the following choices on the Install Options display:
v Installation Device
Type OPT01, if installing from a CD drive.
Type TAP01, if installing from a tape drive.
v Objects to Install
The Objects to Install option allows you to install both programs and language objects, only programs, or only language objects.
Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP 5
v Automatic IPL
The Automatic IPL option determines whether the system automatically starts when the installation process has completed successfully.
When TCP/IP successfully installs, either the Work with Licensed Programs menu or the Sign On display appears.
6. Select option 50 (Display log for messages) to verify that you have installed the
licensed program successfully. If an error occurs, you will see the message Work with licensed program function not complete on the bottom of the Work with Licensed Programs display.
To use TCP/IP, you must configure it after you have completed the installation. See Configuring TCP/IP using the EZ-Setup Wizardon page 9.

Using the TCP/IP Administration Menu

The TCP/IP Administration menu (Figure 1) is a starting point for the configuration tasks. To display the menu, enter GO TCPADM from the iSeries Main Menu.
TCPADM TCP/IP Administration
Select one of the following:
1. Configure TCP/IP
2. Configure TCP/IP applications
3. Start TCP/IP
4. End TCP/IP
5. Start TCP/IP servers
6. End TCP/IP servers
7. Work with TCP/IP network status
8. Verify TCP/IP connection
9. Start TCP/IP FTP session
10. Start TCP/IP TELNET session
11. Send TCP/IP spooled file
20. Work with TCP/IP jobs in QSYSWRK subsystem
Selection or command ===>
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
Figure 1. TCP/IP Administration Menu
System: RC
Following are descriptions of the menu options.
v Option 1. Configure TCP/IP: Displays the Configure TCP/IP menu. Use the
options on this menu to configure your local server to communicate with other systems in a TCP/IP network.
v Option 2. Configure TCP/IP applications: Displays the Configure TCP/IP
Applications menu. Use the options on this menu to configure the TCP/IP licensed program (5769-TC1) applications installed on your system.
v Option 3. Start TCP/IP: Select this option to issue the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP)
command. This command initializes and activates TCP/IP processing, starts the TCP/IP interfaces, and starts the TCP/IP server jobs.
v Option 4. End TCP/IP: Select this option to issue the End TCP/IP (ENDTCP)
command. This command is used to end all TCP/IP processing on this system.
6 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1
v Option 5. Start TCP/IP servers: Select this option to issue the Start TCP/IP
Server (STRTCPSVR) command. This command is used to start the TCP/IP application servers that are shipped with OS/400
or the TCP/IP licensed program (5769-TC1). This command starts the TCP/IP application server jobs in the QSYSWRK subsystem.
v Option 6. End TCP/IP servers: Select this option to issue the End TCP/IP Server
(ENDTCPSVR) command. This command is used to end the TCP/IP application servers that are shipped with OS/400 or the TCP/IP licensed program (5769-TC1). This command ends the TCP/IP application server jobs in the QSYSWRK subsystem.
v Option 7. Work with TCP/IP network status: Select this option to issue the
Work with TCP/IP Network Status (WRKTCPSTS) command. This command is used to view and manage the status information of your TCP/IP and IP over Systems Network Architecture (SNA) interfaces, routes, and connections. This command is the iSeries version of the TCP/IP NETSTAT (Network Status) command. NETSTAT is also shipped as an iSeries command.
v Option 8. Verify TCP/IP connection: Select this option to issue the Verify
TCP/IP Connection (VFYTCPCNN) command. This command tests the TCP/IP connection between your system and a remote system. The VFYTCPCNN command is the iSeries version of the TCP/IP PING (Packet InterNet Groper) command. PING is also shipped as an iSeries command.
v Option 9. Start TCP/IP FTP session: Select this option to issue the Start TCP/IP
FTP (STRTCPFTP) command. This command is used to start a file transfer using TCP/IP. This command is the iSeries version of the TCP/IP FTP (File Transfer Protocol) command. FTP is also shipped as an iSeries command.
v Option 10. Start TCP/IP TELNET session: Select this option to issue the Start
TCP/IP TELNET (STRTCPTELN) command. This command is used to start a TELNET client session with a remote system. This command is the iSeries version of the TCP/IP TELNET command. TELNET is also shipped as an iSeries command.
v Option 11. Send TCP/IP spooled file: Select this option to issue the Send
TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) command. This command sends a spooled file to be printed on a remote system. The remote system must be running TCP/IP. The SNDTCPSPLF command is the iSeries version of the TCP/IP LPR (line printer requester) command. LPR is also shipped as an iSeries command.
v Option 20. Work with TCP/IP jobs in QSYSWRK subsystem: Select this option
to work with the status and performance information for the active TCP/IP jobs in the QSYSWRK subsystem. This option issues the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command with these parameters:

Using the Configure TCP/IP Menu

The Configure TCP/IP menu is shown here (Figure 2 on page 8) so that you are familiar with all of the options available during configuration of the TCP/IP network. To get to this menu, select option 1 on the TCPADM menu or enter the Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP) command.
Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP 7
Select one of the following:
1. Work with TCP/IP interfaces
2. Work with TCP/IP routes
3. Change TCP/IP attributes
4. Work with TCP/IP port restrictions
5. Work with TCP/IP remote system information
10. Work with TCP/IP host table entries
11. Merge TCP/IP host table
12. Change TCP/IP domain information
20. Configure TCP/IP applications
21. Configure related tables
22. Configure point-to-point TCP/IP
Selection or command ===>
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
Figure 2. Configure TCP/IP Menu
System: SYSNAM890
Following are descriptions of the Configure TCP/IP menu options.
v Option 1. Work with TCP/IP interfaces: Select this option to add TCP/IP
interface information to the list of current interfaces or to display, change, print, or remove TCP/IP interface information that you have already added. Select this option to start or end a TCP/IP interface.
v Option 2. Work with TCP/IP routes: Select this option to add route information
or to display, change, print, or remove route information that you have already added.
v Option 3. Change TCP/IP attributes: Select this option to run the Change
TCP/IP Attributes (CHGTCPA) command.
With this option you can change User Datagram Protocol (UDP) checksum processing, IP datagram forwarding, IP time-to-live values, and other attributes that relate to the TCP/IP protocol stack.
v Option 4. Work with TCP/IP port restrictions: Select this option to add port
restrictions or to display, remove, or print port restrictions that you have already added.
v Option 5. Work with TCP/IP remote system information: Select this option to
add or remove X.25 data network addresses or to print the list.
v Option 10. Work with TCP/IP host table entries: Select this option to add host
IP addresses and their associated host names to the host table or to display, change, print, rename, or remove items that you have already added.
v Option 11. Merge TCP/IP host table: Select this option to merge or replace a
local host table by using the Merge TCP/IP Host Table (MRGTCPHT) command.
v Option 12. Change TCP/IP domain information: Select this option to change
TCP/IP domain information.
Note: Prior to Version 4 Release 2, the Configure TCP/IP menu contained both
an option 12 and an option 13. In Version 4 Release 2, the functions of options 12 and 13 were combined, and option 13 (Change Remote name
8 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1
server) was removed from the menu. Option 12, formerly Change local domain and host names, was renamed to Change TCP/IP domain information.
v Option 20. Configure TCP/IP applications: Select this option to configure the
TCP/IP applications that are installed on your system. The list of applications varies depending on whether the TCP/IP licensed program is installed on your system. If the TCP/IP licensed program is not installed on your system, you can configure only the following server applications:
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server
Route Daemon (RouteD)
If the TCP/IP licensed program is installed on your system, you can configure the following server applications:
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), TELNET
Post Office Protocol (POP) Version 3 mail server
Line Printer Daemon (LPD)
Remote Execution (REXEC) server
Workstation gateway applications
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
v Option 21. Configure related tables: Select this option to configure the tables
related to TCP/IP. These tables are:
Protocol table
Contains a list of protocols used in the Internet.
Services table
Contains a list of services and the specific port and protocol a service uses.
Network table
Contains a list of networks and the corresponding IP addresses for that network.
v Option 22. Configure point-to-point TCP/IP: Select this option to define,
change, or display your TCP/IP point-to-point (SLIP) configuration.

Configuring TCP/IP using the EZ-Setup Wizard

If you are setting up a new iSeries, use the EZ-Setup Wizard to establish a connection and to configure TCP/IP for the first time. The CD-ROM containing the EZ-Setup Wizard is packaged with your new iSeries. The wizard steps you through a process that will get your iSeries up and running.
Note: If you are unable to use the EZ-Setup Wizard, you may use the command
line interface to configure TCP/IP. See the next section for these instructions.

Configuring TCP/IP using the Command Line Interface

The following steps using the command line interface will guide you through configuring TCP/IP on your iSeries server:
1. Configuring line descriptions
2. Configuring TCP/IP interfaces
Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP 9
3. Configuring TCP/IP routes
4. Configuring TCP/IP attributes
5. Configuring remote system information (X.25)
6. Configuring host table entries
7. Configuring local domain and host name
8. Starting TCP/IP
9. Verifying TCP/IP connection
10. Saving the TCP/IP configuration
Important Note:
To perform the configuration steps discussed throughout this chapter, you need the special authority of *IOSYSCFG defined in your user profile.

Step 1—Configuring a Line Description

iSeries TCP/IP supports various local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) connection types: Ethernet, token-ring, SDDI and FDDI, wireless LAN, X.25 SVC, and permanent virtual circuit (PVC), Async (for SLIP), Point-to-Point (PPP) and frame relay. Refer to Appendix A. Configuring a Physical Line for TCP/IP Communication for information about how to configure an Ethernet line for TCP/IP communications.
These are the important parameters for configuring a line description:
v Line description name
v Resource name
v Local adapter address
v Ethernet standard
v Source service access point (SSAP) list.
The SSAP X'AA' required for an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet is automatically allocated if you use the *SYSGEN special value.
When TCP/IP starts an interface, the line, controller, and device descriptions are varied on automatically. If the controller and device descriptions for a line do not exist, TCP/IP creates them automatically when it attempts to start an interface using that line. This happens at TCP/IP startup time if the TCP/IP interface that is associated with the newly configured line is set to AUTOSTART *YES.

Step 2—Configuring a TCP/IP Interface

In an iSeries server, each line that connects to a TCP/IP network must be assigned to at least one Internet address. You do this by configuring, or adding a TCP/IP interface. The additional interfaces are logical interfaces, not physical ones. These logical interfaces are associated with a line description.
An interface identifies a direct connection to a network using TCP/IP and a physical medium (communications line). You must consider the following when defining an interface:
Internet address
A 32-bit address assigned to hosts using TCP/IP. It is associated with the line description.
10 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1
Subnet mask
Defines which part of an Internet address forms the subnet (subnetwork) field of an Internet address. An example of a single-network subnet mask is:
Line description
Contains information describing a communications line that is attached to the iSeries server, as defined previously in Step 1Configuring a Line Descriptionon page 10.
To find the names of the currently defined line descriptions, use the Work with Line Descriptions (WRKLIND) command.
Associated local interface
Allows the network to which this interface is attached appear to be part of the same network that the associated local interface is attached to. This is referred to as transparent subnetting.
Transparent subnetting allows TCP/IP traffic to flow between the two physical networks without defining additional routing. This is only valid for broadcast-capable networks. This also requires the Internet address for Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC) to be configured in the same network as the associated local interface. An additional requirement is for the subnet mask that is defined for the associated local interface.
Automatic start
Refers to whether the TCP/IP interface is started automatically whenever TCP/IP is started. The default setting is *YES. If you choose *NO, you must start the interface yourself by using the STRTCPIFC command or by selecting option 9 (Start) on the Work with TCP/IP Interfaces display, as shown in Figure 4 on page 12.
To add a TCP/IP interface, do the following:
1. Enter GO TCPADM to get the TCP/IP Administration menu.
2. Select option 1 to get to the Configure TCP/IP menu.
3. Select option 1 on the Configure TCP/IP menu.
The Work with TCP/IP Interfaces display is shown in Figure 4 on page 12.
4. Type option 1 (Add) at the input-capable top list entry on this display
to go to the Add TCP/IP Interfaces (ADDTCPIFC) display, as shown in Figure 3 on page 12.
(You can go directly to this display by typing ADDTCPIFC command on any command line and pressing F4.)
iSeries TCP/IP supports multihoming, which allows you to specify multiple interfaces for each line description. See Multihoming Functionon page 56 for further information.
Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP 11
Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC)
Type choices, press Enter.
Internet address........
Line description........ Name, *LOOPBACK, *VIRTUALIP
Subnet mask ..........
Associated local interface... *NONE
Type of service ........ *NORMAL *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT...
Maximum transmission unit . . . *LIND 576-16388, *LIND
Autostart ........... *YES *YES, *NO
PVC logical channel identifier 001-FFF
X.25 idle circuit timeout . . . 60 1-600 X.25 maximum virtual circuits . 64 0-64
X.25 DDN interface....... *NO *YES, *NO
TRLAN bit sequencing...... *MSB *MSB, *LSB
+ for more values
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More key
Figure 3. Add TCP/IP Interfaces Display
When you are finished adding entries, the Work with TCP/IP Interfaces display looks like Figure 4.
Work with TCP/IP Interfaces
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display 9=Start 10=End
Internet Subnet Line Line
Opt Address Mask Description Type
Figure 4. Work with TCP/IP Interfaces Display
System: SYSNAM890
Note: Any change to the TCP/IP interfaces configuration, except for the automatic
start parameter, takes effect immediately.

Step 3Configuring TCP/IP Routes

Do you need to add routes at all?
If you have several individual networks to which the server is not directly attached, you must add routing entries to allow the server to reach these remote networks.
If your server is attached to a single network and if there are no IP routers in your network, you do not need to add routes.
To reach remote networks, at least one routing entry is required. If no routing entries are manually added, your server cannot reach systems that are not on the
12 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1
same network that the server is attached to. You must also add routing entries to allow TCP/IP clients that are attempting to reach your server from a remote network to function correctly.
For example, suppose that someone using a PC is using the TELNET application to start a remote terminal session on your server. The application on the PC must know the route or path to reach the server. Your server must also be able to determine the route back to the PC. If the PC and your server are not on the same network, a routing entry must exist on the PC and on your server.
Note: You should plan to have the routing table defined so that there is always an
entry for at least one default route (*DFTROUTE). If there is no match on any other entry in the routing table, data is sent to the IP router specified by the first available default route entry. The only exception to this is if you intend to dial out over a SLIP link to an Internet Service Provider or another remote host.
Before adding routing entries, familiarize yourself with the following terms:
Route destination
The network ID portion of an Internet address. The network ID portion is composed of the first byte, the first two bytes, or the first three bytes of the Internet address (depending on the network class). The remaining bytes define the host ID portion of the Internet address.
If subnetting is used, route destination includes the subnet part as well. In other words, the route destination equals the address of a TCP/IP
network to be reached.
Subnet mask
A bit mask that defines which part of an Internet address forms the network and the subnetwork.
The technique known as subnet addressing, subnet routing,orsubnetting allows a single network ID to be used on multiple physical networks. This technique lets you define separate routes to different sets of Internet addresses within a specific network.
Next hop
The Internet address of the first system in the route between your system and the destination network. The next hop value is always an Internet address. Next hops need to be hosts on a directly connected TCP/IP network defined by the TCP/IP interfaces.
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size
The maximum size (in bytes) of IP datagrams sent on a route. If you specify *IFC, the size is calculated for you based on values found in the server line description. The maximum size specified for a particular route must not be larger than the smallest MTU supported by any router or bridge in that route. If you specify a larger size, some datagrams may be lost.
In addition, the MTU specified for a particular route should not be larger than the smallest MTU supported by any system used as an IP router for that route. If you specify a larger size, performance may degrade as systems attempt to divide the IP datagrams into smaller fragments.
For additional information about setting the MTU, see Appendix A. Configuring a Physical Line for TCP/IP Communication.
Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP 13
Preferred binding interface
The preferred binding interface allows administrators to choose which of the TCP/IP interfaces that they prefer the route to be bound to or on. This provides the administrator with more flexibility to route traffic over a specific interface. The interface is preferred because the route is bound to the indicated interface if the interface is active. If the indicated interface is not active, then a best-match-first algorithm is used in determining which interface the route is bound.
In Figure 5, a preferred binding interface of *NONE has been defined. By using this definition, the user allows the TCP/IP protocol stack to choose an interface to bind this route to, using a best-match-first algorithm.
Adding TCP/IP routes
You must define routes for any TCP/IP network, including subnetworks, with which you want to communicate. You do not need to define routes for the TCP/IP network that your server is directly attached to when you are using an iSeries adapter.
Manual configuration of the routes that tell TCP/IP how to reach the local networks is not required. iSeries TCP/IP generates these routes automatically from the configuration information for the interfaces every time TCP/IP is started. In other words, the direct route to the network, which has an interface attached, is automatically created when you add the interface.
To display all routing entries, including direct routes, use the Network Status (NETSTAT) command after starting TCP/IP.
To add a route, type option 2 on the Configure TCP/IP menu. The Work with TCP/IP Routes display (Figure 5) is shown.
Work with TCP/IP Routes
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display
Route Subnet Next Preferred
Opt Destination Mask Hop Interface
_ ________________ _______________ _______________ _ *DFTROUTE *NONE *NONE
Figure 5. Work with TCP/IP Routes Display
System: SYSNAM890
Type option 1 (Add) at the input-capable top list entry on that display to go to the Add TCP/IP Route (ADDTCPRTE) display, as shown in Figure 6
on page 15.
(To go directly to this display, type the ADDTCPRTE command on any command line and press F4.)
14 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1
Type choices, press Enter.
Route destination .......> ''
Subnet mask ..........> ''
Type of service ........ *NORMAL *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT...
Next hop............> ''
Preferred binding interface . . *NONE Maximum transmission unit . . . 576 576-16388, *IFC
Route metric.......... 1 1-16
Route redistribution...... *NO *NO, *YES
Duplicate route priority.... 5 1-10
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More keys
Figure 6. Add TCP/IP Routes Display
Note: Any changes that you make to the routing information take effect
Work with TCP/IP Routes
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display
Route Subnet Next Preferred
Opt Destination Mask Hop Interface
_ ________________ _______________ _______________ _ *DFTROUTE *NONE *NONE _
Figure 7. Work with TCP/IP Routes Display
Multiple Default Routes
Default routes are used to route data that is being addressed to a remote destination and that does not have a specific route defined. Default routes are based on the availability of the next hop router and the type of service (TOS). If no specific TOS is requested, the first available default route with TOS of *NORMAL is used.
If a default route is not defined, only the networks explicitly defined by any non-default routes appear as though TCP/IP can reach them, and datagrams bound for any undefined networks are not sent.
Note: A default route cannot have a subnetwork; therefore, you must leave
the subnet mask at the default value of *NONE.
Consult Multiple Routeson page 61 for further information about multiple default routes and the type of service (TOS) parameter.
Chapter 1. Configuring TCP/IP 15

Step 4Configuring TCP/IP attributes

To configure the TCP/IP attributes, type option 3 on the Configure TCP/IP menu. The Change TCP/IP Attributes (CHGTCPA) display is shown (Figure 8).
Change TCP/IP Attributes (CHGTCPA)
Type choices, press Enter.
TCP keep alive......... 120 1-40320, *SAME, *DFT
TCP urgent pointer....... *BSD *SAME, *BSD, *RFC
TCP receive buffer size .... 8192 512-8388608, *SAME, *DFT
TCP send buffer size...... 8192 512-8388608, *SAME, *DFT
UDP checksum.......... *YES *SAME, *YES, *NO
IP datagram forwarding..... *YES *SAME, *YES, *NO
IP source routing ....... *YES *SAME, *YES, *NO
IP reassembly time-out..... 10 5-120, *SAME, *DFT
IP time to live ........ 64 1-255, *SAME, *DFT
ARP cache timeout ....... 5 1-1440, *SAME, *DFT
Log protocol errors ...... *YES *SAME, *YES, *NO
Figure 8. Change TCP/IP Attributes Display
For information about the various parameters for this command, see the online help. In this step only the IP Datagram Forwarding (IPDTGFWD) parameter is discussed.
IP Datagram Forwarding
Specifies whether your system should forward datagrams destined for other networks. The default value is *NO.

Step 5Configuring TCP/IP Remote System Information (X.25)

Note: If you are not using X.25, then proceed to Step 6Configuring TCP/IP
Host Table Entrieson page 18.
If you use an X.25 connection to reach TCP/IP hosts with a public or private packet switched data network (PSDN), you need to add remote system information for each remote TCP/IP host. You must define the X.25 network address of each system if you use a switched virtual circuit (SVC). If a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) is set up by the network connecting your system with your remote TCP/IP partner, you need to know the local logical channel identifier of this PVC.
Adding Remote System Information (X.25)
To add an X.25 remote system address, type option 5 on the Configure TCP/IP menu. The Work with the TCP/IP Remote System Information display appears, as shown in Figure 9 on page 17.
16 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V5R1
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