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Figures.......................... xi
Trademarks ........................ xv
About this book.......................xvii
How this book is organized ...................xvii
Conventions ........................xvii
Tell us what you think .....................xviii
Part 1. Introducing TeamConnection.................. 1
Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection............ 3
47. TeamConnection components on separate machines .........137
48. Create Builder window ...................148
49. Modify Part Properties window................156
50. Modify Part Properties window................157
51. Create Builder window ...................160
52. A JCL fragment for an MVS compile..............168
53. A JCL fragment converted to a build script............170
54. Create Parser window ...................176
55. Modify Part Properties window................178
56. Modify Part Properties window................180
57. Sample build tree .....................182
58. Sample build object model for msgcat.exe.............183
59. Create Parts window....................185
60. Create Parts window....................186
61. Modify Part Properties window................187
62. Connect Parts window ...................188
63. The build tree display...................189
64. Build Parts window ....................190
65. The build tree for robot.dll ..................195
66. The build tree for
67. Part of the build tree for ...............202
68. Adding the gather step to the build tree.............204
xiiUser’s Guide
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xviUser’s Guide
About this book
This book is part of the documentation library supporting the IBM TeamConnection
licensed programs. It is a guide for client users.
For additional information when performing TeamConnection tasks, refer to the
Commands Reference
graphical user interface (GUI).
when entering commands or online help when using the
Getting Started with the TeamConnection Clients
client user.
This book is available in PDF format. Because production time for printed manuals is
longer than production time for PDF files, the PDF files may contain more up-to-date
information. The PDF files are located in directory path nls\doc\enu (Intel) or
softpubs/en_US (UNIX). To view these files, you need a PDF reader such as Acrobat.
How this book is organized
“Part 1. Introducing TeamConnection” on page 1, gives all users an overview of the
concepts of TeamConnection and introduces the terminology that is used throughout
this book.
“Part 2. Developing a product using TeamConnection” on page 15, describes the
different interfaces and basic TeamConnection tasks. It uses scenarios to explain
how to do many tasks.
This part is for everyone using TeamConnection to do daily work. The information is
meant for both the person who uses the command line interface and the person
who uses the GUI, as instructions for both are provided.
“Part 4. Using TeamConnection to build applications” on page 127, tells how to use
the TeamConnection build function. For information in installing and administering
the build function, refer to the
“Part 5. Using TeamConnection to package products” on page 199, tells how
TeamConnection helps you automate the packaging and distribution of your
“Part 6. Appendixes” on page 225, contains various pieces of information that you
can refer to as you plan for and use TeamConnection.
Information on customer service, a bibliography, and a glossary are included at the
back of this book.
contains basic information for the
Administrator’s Guide
This book uses the following highlighting conventions:
are used to indicate the first occurrence of a word or phrase that is defined in
the glossary. They are also used for information that you must replace.
v Bold is used to indicate items on the GUI.
v Monospace font is used to indicate exactly how you type the information.
v File names follow Intel conventions: mydir\myfile.txt. AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris users
should render this file name mydir/myfile.txt.
Tips or platform specific information is marked in this book as follows:
Shortcut techniques and other tips
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for OS/2
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for Windows/NT
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for Windows 95
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for AIX
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for HP-UX
IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server for Solaris
Tell us what you think
In the back of this book is a comment form. Please take a few moments to tell us what
you think about this book. The only way for us to know if you are satisfied with our
books or if we can improve their quality is through feedback from customers like you.
xviiiUser’s Guide
Part 1. Introducing TeamConnection
Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection............ 3
This section presents an overview of the TeamConnection product. The information in
this section should be read and understood by everyone who is going to work with
Additional conceptual information is provided in Parts 3, 4, 5, and 6.
TeamConnection provides an environment and tools to make software development run
smoothly, whether your development team is small or large. Using TeamConnection,
you can communicate with and share data among team members to keep up with the
many tasks in the development life cycle, from planning through maintenance.
What does TeamConnection do for you? It takes care of the following:
Configuration management
controlling software modules as they change over time. This includes controlling
access to your software modules and providing notification to team members as
software modules change.
Release management
application. The release provides a logical view of objects that must be built, tested,
and distributed together. Releases are versioned, built, and packaged.
Version control
that make up an application. Version control enables you to build your product using
stable levels of code, even if the code is constantly changing. It provides control over
which changes are available to everyone and, optionally, allows more than one
developer at a time to update a part.
Change control
TeamConnection. TeamConnection keeps track of any part changes you make and
the reasons you make them. Your development team can build releases with
accuracy and efficiency, even as the parts evolve. The product ensures that the
change process is followed and that the changes are authorized. After changes are
made, it allows you to integrate the changes and build the application.
TeamConnection tracks all changes to the parts across multiple products and
change control process
change control should be, from loose to very tight. You can also adjust the level of
control as you move through a development cycle.
Build support
and then to create it within TeamConnection from your input parts. Independent steps
in a build can run in parallel on different servers, thus reducing your build time. You
can build applications for platforms in addition to the one TeamConnection runs
on—currently, you can use TeamConnection to build applications on AIX, HP-UX,
OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 95, Solaris, MVS, and MVS OpenEdition.
Packaging support
other users.
This chapter defines the basic terms and concepts you need to make the most of
TeamConnection. Read this chapter first; then decide which information you need next:
: the tracking of relationships among the versions of the various parts
: the controlling of changes to parts that are stored in
: the function that enables you to define the structure of your application
: the preparation of your application for electronic distribution to
: the process of identifying, organizing, managing, and
: the logical organization of objects that are related to an
is configurable. Your team can decide how strict the
v Getting familiar with the interfaces
v The basics of using TeamConnection
v More about
v Following TeamConnection processes
Using TeamConnection to build applications:
v Build concepts
v Installing build agents and processors
v Working with build scripts and builders
v Working with
v Building an application
Packaging applications:
v Using the packaging function
v Using the Gather utility
v Using the NVBridge utility
TeamConnection definitions
The following definitions are in logical order rather than alphabetical. provides additional
information about these terms.
TeamConnection’s client/server architecture
“Chapter 16. Using
TeamConnection to
package a product” on
page 201
4User’s Guide
Figure 1 on page 5 is an example of a network of TeamConnection clients and servers.
Figure 1. A sample TeamConnection client/server network
Data stored in a family server’s database includes:
v Text objects, such as source code and product documentation
v Binary objects, such as compiled code
v Modeled objects that are stored in the information model by tools such as VisualAge
v Other TeamConnection objects that are metadata about the other objects
A TeamConnection
and parts stored on the database server.
TeamConnection database
TeamConnection is built on IBM’s DB2 Universal Database. Please refer to the DB2
documentation referenced in this document’s “Bibliography” on page 309 for detailed
information on DB2 database configuration, administration, and utilities.
TeamConnection provides the following interfaces that you can use to access data:
v A graphical user interface based on industry standards.
v A command line interface that lets you type TeamConnection commands from a
prompt or from within TeamConnection
v A web client that you access through your web browser.
family servers
gives team members access to the development information
control all data within the TeamConnection environment.
Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection5
You can use any interface to do your TeamConnection work, or you can switch among
them. This book usually gives instructions for using both interfaces.
For more information, see “Chapter 2. Getting familiar with the TeamConnection client
interfaces” on page 17.
represents a complete and self-contained collection of TeamConnection users
and development data. Data within a family is completely isolated from data in all other
families. One family cannot share data with another.
Refer to the
Users and host lists
Users are given access to the TeamConnection development data in a specific family
through their
access to the family. The superuser gives other users the
might in turn be able to grant some equal or lesser level of authority to other users.
However, the ability to grant authority for some actions is reserved to the superuser.
There are no actions which the superuser cannot perform.
For host-based authentication, each user ID is associated with a
of client machine addresses from which the user can access TeamConnection when
using that ID.
A single user can access TeamConnection from multiple systems or logins. Likewise, a
single system login can act on behalf of multiple users. The set of authorized logins for
a TeamConnection user ID makes up the user’s host list.
It is also possible to authenticate users through the use of passwords, either in place of
host lists, or as an alternative form of authentication.
Refer to the
Administrator’s Guide
user IDs
on particular data. Depending on the authority granted to a user, that user
. Each family has at least one
Administrator’s Guide
for more information about families.
, who has privileged
to perform some set
host list
for more information.
, which is a list
6User’s Guide
include text objects, binary objects, and modeled objects. These parts can be stored by
the user or the tool, or they can be generated from other parts, such as when a linker
generates an executable file. Parts can also be groupings of other TeamConnection
objects for building and distribution, or simply for convenient reference. Common part
actions include the following:
Create To store a part from your workstation on the server; from that time on,
TeamConnection keeps track of all changes made to the part. Or, to create a
part to use as a place holder to store the output of a build.
are objects that users and tools store in TeamConnection. They
Check out
To get a copy of a part so that you can make changes to it.
Check in
To put the changed part back into TeamConnection.
Extract To get a copy of the part
EditTo change a part from within TeamConnection using a specified editor.
BuildTo construct an output part from parts that you have defined to
TeamConnection as input to the output part.
These are simplified definitions of part actions; there is more about the actions you can
perform against parts in “Chapter 3. The basics of using TeamConnection” on page 25.
The current version of each part is stored in the TeamConnection database, along with
previous versions of each part. You can return to previous versions if you need to.
making changes to the
current version
Within each family, development data is organized into groups called
component hierarchy of each family includes a single top component, called
child can have multiple parents.
The following figure depicts a component hierarchy.
Figure 2. Sample of a component hierarchy
TeamConnection uses components to organize development data, control access to the
data, and notify users when certain actions occur. Descendant components inherit
access and notification information from ancestor components. Information about the
components is stored in the database, including:
v The component’s position in its family hierarchy.
v The user who owns the component. The component
managing data related to it, including defects or features.
of that root. Each
child component
has at least one parent component; a
is responsible for
. The
, and
Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection7
v The users who have access to the component and the level of access each user
has. This information makes up the component’s
v The users who are to be notified about changes to the component. This set of users
is called the
v The
An application is likely to contain parts from more than one component. Because you
probably want to use some of the same parts in more than one application, or in more
than one version of an application, TeamConnection also groups parts into
release is a logical organization of all parts that are related to an application; that is, all
parts that must be built, tested, and distributed together. Each time a release is
changed, a new version of the release is created. Each version of the release points to
the correct version of each part in the release.
Each part in TeamConnection is managed by at least one component and contained in
at least one release. One release can contain parts from many components; a
component can span several releases. Figure 3 shows the relationships between parts,
the releases that contain them, and the components that manage them.
notification list
by which the component handles defects and features.
access list
Work areas
8User’s Guide
Figure 3. Parts, releases, and components
Each time a new development cycle begins, you can define a separate release. Each
subsequent release of an application can share many of the same parts as its
predecessor. Thus maintenance of an older release can progress at the same time as
development of a newer one. Each release follows a process by which defects and
features are handled.
A release contains the latest ″official″ version of each of its parts. As users check parts
out of the releases, update them, and then check them back in, TeamConnection keeps
track of all of these changes, even when more than one user updates the same part at
the same time. To make this possible, TeamConnection uses something called a
A work area is a logical temporary work space that enables you to isolate your work on
the parts in a release from the official versions of the parts. You can check parts out to
a work area, update them, and build them without affecting the official version of the
parts in the release. After you are certain that your changes work, you
work area with the release (or
you are using the driver subprocess). The integration makes the parts from your work
area the new official parts in the release.
You can do the following with work areas:
v Check out parts from a release
v Update any or all of the checked-out parts
v Get the latest copies of the parts in the release, including any changes integrated by
other users
v Get the latest copies of the parts in another work area
instant in case you need to return to it later
v Build the parts in the work area
v Move all parts back into the release by integrating the work area
For more information, see “Using work areas” on page 28.
the work area, making a snapshot of the parts as they exist at a particular
the driver that the work area is a member of, if
A driver is a collector for work areas. You create drivers associated with specific
releases so that you can exercise greater control over which work areas are integrated
into the release and commit the changes from multiple work areas simultaneously.
When a work area is added to a driver, it is called a
can be a member of more than one driver. By making a work area part of a driver, you
associate the parts changed in relation to that work area with the specified driver.
These parts must be members of the release associated with the driver.
Drivers enable you to place the following controls over work area integrations:
v Define and monitor prerequisite and corequisite work areas to ensure that mutually
dependent changes are integrated in proper order.
v Monitor and resolve conflicting changes to the same part (if you use concurrent
v Restrict access to driver members so that they can be changed only by users with
proper authority.
Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection9
driver member.
A single work area
Defects and features
A defect is a record of a problem to be fixed. A feature is a record of a request for a
functional addition or enhancement. Both may be associated with a work area, and both
follow the processes defined for the component and release that are associated with
the work area. TeamConnection tracks both objects through their life cycles as
developers change and commit parts.
You can use defects and features to record problems and design changes for things
other than the products you are developing under TeamConnection control. For
example, you can use defects to record information about personnel problems,
hardware problems, or process problems. You can use features to record proposals for
process improvements and hardware design changes.
For more information, see “Working with defects and features” on page 38.
An application changes over time as developers add features or correct defects.
TeamConnection controls these changes according to the
your application’s components and releases. A process enforces a specific level of
control to part changes and ensures that actions occur in a specified order.
Two separate types of processes are defined: component processes, which can be
different for each component within a family, and release processes, which apply to all
activities associated with a given release. Component or release processes are built
from a number of lower-level processes, or
TeamConnection product.
, that are included with the
you choose for
10User’s Guide
A defect or feature written against a component moves through successive
during its life cycle. The TeamConnection actions that you can perform against it
depend on its current state. The component processes define these actions. You can
require users to do some, all, or none of the following for tracking defects and features:
Design, size, and review changes to be made for features
Verify that the features have been implemented correctly
Design, size, and review fixes to be made for defects
Verify that the fixes work
At the release level you can require some, all, or none of the following subprocesses:
trackThis subprocess is TeamConnection’s way of relating all part changes to a
specific defect or feature and a specific release. Each work area gathers all
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